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凡高 Van Gogh: 艺术类文章里引用,如arts and critics, greatness总是超前时代的所以只能由后人评判, history强调individual(因为在艺术历史领域只能强调individual),还有percive world with different eyes也可以引用这个例子.此人的另类抽象painting风格和当时的审美标准不符,故遭排挤,而几百年后的critics才发现他的价值.哥白尼 Copernicus:引用题目有:greatness超前时代,挑战权威(当时是church),history强调individual(因为在科学研究领域只能强调individual).此人是日心说,当时宗教教育说是地心说,死前才公布自已的论断(因为怕早死).莫扎特 Mozart: greatness只能由后人判断的反面例子.此人音乐才华在世时就被教皇看重,给以了很多赞助,使其.......毕加索 Picasso: greatness只能由后人判断的反面例子,arts反映hidden ideas的反面例子.此人是20世纪最伟大的画家,其画风格为cubism,很多人说他的画只反映个人的ideocyncratic,而没有反映社会的hidden ideas,此人在世时就被判为greatness了.林肯 Abraham Lincoln: history关注individuals,effective leader要随机应变,justand unjust laws.此人南北战争,解放黑奴,没有他,可能就没有今天这样的美国了.据说他在南北战争前是不支持解放黑奴的,而之后又支持了.马丁路德金 Martin Luther King: leaders要有很高的moral and ethical standards, history关注individuals的重要性,just and unjust laws,学习历史的重要性.此人为黑人获得与白人相同的权利发起了黑奴运动,他的“I have a dream”演讲教育了一代一代人.他的moral and ethical standards是不用说的,没有这个individual,美国黑人现在可能还要坐在汽车后面的座位.莎士比亚 Shakespeare: greatness由后人评判的反面例子,survive and arts里强调arts可以培养人什么的.此人的介绍我就不多说了.贝多芬 Beethoven: arts的重要性,arts and critics.此人为著名作曲家,'命运'激励了多少人,当时的critics也批斗过他,因为standards很rigid and stale.希特勒 Hitler:

不能迷信权威啊,学习历史的重要性啊(不重蹈覆辙),history强调individual啊.此人是著名战争狂,由于全国人都迷信他的言论才能坐上首相位置,学习他的例子可以使现在的社会不重蹈他的覆辙,他这个individual也反映当时common people/multitude的普遍value:战争主义,chauvinism.加利略 Galileo:不迷信权威,history强调individual(因为在科学研究领域只能强调individual),beginner and expert.当时的expert和authority就是Aristotle,认为物体越重下降越快.而此人证明了其实都是一样快的.亚力士多德 Aristotle: 和加利略一起举例.爱因斯坦 Einstein: 不迷信权威.greatness由后人判断的反面例子.beginner andexpert中expert的劣势.此人证明了权威牛顿三大定律只能在宏观世界有效,而不适于微观世界.其greatness在其在世时就确立了,他曾说过,自从他成名后,就没能找出一段完整属于自己的时间来深入思考这个世界了.牛顿 Newton.不迷信权威,greatness由后人判断.此人是个权威,被爱因斯坦挑战见爱因斯坦那条.华盛顿 George Washington: history研究individual的重要性.leaders 要有moralstandards.此人为美国开国总统,没有他开了连续任两届总统就得下台的先河,可能美国在他之后好久都是专制国家,因为当时有人要他当皇帝.凯萨 Caesar.history研究individual的重要性.此人即是亚利山大大帝,所建立的亚力山大帝国地跨三大陆.研究那个帝国如果研究他,只研究multitude怎么能研究得下去?

托马斯.杰佛森 Thomas Jefferson: 这个有点想不起来用在哪里了.此人说过all men are created

equal->the declaration of independence:

甘地 Gandhi: greatness的文章,leaders and moral standards的文章.此人是印度的建国祖师,坐过很多牢,stoic,情操很高,结果可以只demenstration来和平解放印度.拿破仑 Napoleon: individual的重要性.此人是著名战争狂,他的发起的战争虽然很荒唐,但却被法国中场阶认为很浪漫,他的individual反映当时的普遍价值观.肯尼迪 Kennedy: scandals,leaders should have moral standards.此人在位时很大程度缓解了苏美关系.却有marital scandals.所以scandals会distract us from

people's real responsibility.罗斯福 Roosevelt(FDR): individual的重要性,领导要听取群众意见,随机应变.此人有两大贡献:发动反德战争,带美国走出Depression.没有他的发动战争宣言,可能WWII不会这么快结束.据说一位英国著名经济学家曾写信给他说要他采取苏联模式来政府介入自由经济,操控经济,才使他在1930年代出台各种政府措施来改善经济,使得经济复苏(大国崛起里说的).成吉斯汗 Genghis Khan: 领导要听取群众意思,而不是有强硬持久的原则和目标: 这个也不用介绍了.斯大林 Stalin: 同成吉斯汗.达尔文 Darwin: 挑战权威.进化论的祖师爷,写过'the origin of species'.挑战当时普遍的神创论.孟德尔 Mendel: expert and beginner,data的重要性.因为是expert,因为做了十年研究积累了大量data,才由统计学原理发现了law of Inheritance.瓦特 Watt James: 很多都适用,如creativity很重要啊,兴趣很重要而不是老去考虑对社会会有什么贡献啊.此人发明了蒸汽机,从小喜欢机械,并一直研究.里根 Reagon: 投资类题目适用.他发起了星球计划.为将来的太空军备竞赛作准备.结果由于工程浩大而放弃,浪费了很多钱,所以投资都应该用在对社会有实在好处上.居里 Mary Curie: 学习历史人物的重要性,失败是成功之母.此女人经过十年才找到radium这种元素,并把提取方法毫无保留地与全世界共享,获得了若贝尔奖.其坚持不懈的品质值得学习,其十年失败,终成功的例子说明了失败是成功之母.克里克 Crick: imagination and knowledge.此人很变态,发现DNA结构是由于做梦!

麦克斯维 Maxwell: imagination and knowledge,greatness由后人判断.此人是著名物理学家,他大胆推测出电磁场理论electromagnetism并给予理论证明,但当时很多人不能相信,在他死后就有人从实验室证明了他的理论.








上述就是有关新GRE作文例子使用的问题解答,此外,例子其实不能展得太开。一个观点段,大概只有6-8句话。那么例子差不多也就2句话。有些例子可能只有一句话,或者只有一个such as blablabla.一定要精练,才能真正的助力GRE作文高分。



Galileo was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution.A biography by Galileo's pupil Vincenzo Viviani stated that Galileo had dropped balls of the same material, but different masses, from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that their time of descent was independent of their mass.This was contrary to what Aristotle had taught: that heavy objects fall faster than lighter ones, in direct proportion to weight.While this story has been retold in popular accounts, there is no account by Galileo himself of such an experiment, and it is generally accepted by historians that it was at most a thought experiment which did not actually take place.Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist who established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection.He published his theory with compelling evidence for evolution in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species.Journey of the Beagle贝格尔号旅程


The term labor movement or labor movement is a broad term for the development of a collective organization of working people, to campaign in their own interest for better treatment from their employers and governments, in particular through the implementation of specific laws governing labour relations.Martin Luther King, Jr.(January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968)was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African American civil rights movement.His main legacy is securing progress on civil rights in the United States.Because of this work, he has become a human rights icon.In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means.“I Have a Dream” is the famous name given to the sixteen minute public speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., in which he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination.伊斯兰教妇女The study of women in Islam investigates the role status of women within the religion of Islam.The complex relationship between women and Islam is defined by both Islamic texts and the history and culture of the Muslim world.Sharia(Islamic law)provides for differences between women's and men's roles, rights, and obligations.Majority Muslim countries give women varying degrees of rights with regards to marriage, divorce, civil rights, legal status, dress code, and education based on different

interpretations.Scholars and other commentators vary as to whether they are just and whether they are a correct interpretation of religious imperatives.Conservatives argue that differences between men and women are due to different status and), p.278 while liberal Muslims, Muslim

feminists, and others argue in favor of other interpretations.Some women have achieved high political office in Muslim majority states.Sartorial hijab(头盖), and the veil(面纱)in particular, has often been viewed by Westerners as a sign of oppression of Muslim women.婚礼Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes.Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of wedding vows by the couple, presentation of a gift(offering, ring(s), symbolic item, flowers, money), and a public proclamation of marriage by an authority figure or leader.Special wedding garments are often worn, and the ceremony is followed by a wedding reception.Chinese wedding customs

Main articles: Chinese marriage and Southern Chinese wedding

Traditional Chinese marriage is a ceremonial ritual within Chinese societies that involve a

marriage established by pre-arrangement between families.Within Chinese culture, romantic love was allowed, and monogamy was the norm for most ordinary citizens.A band of musicians with gongs and flute-like instruments accompanies the bride parade to groom's home.Similar music is also played at the wedding banquet.Depending on the region that the bride hails from, Chinese weddings will have different traditions such as Tea Ceremony or the use of a wedding emcee.Also in modern times, Chinese couples will often go to photo studios to take “glamour shots” posing in multiple gowns and various backgrounds.Most regional Chinese wedding rituals follow the main Chinese wedding traditions, although some rituals are particular to the peoples of the southern China region.In most southern Chinese wedding, the bride price is based on the groom's economic status.The idea of “selling the daughter” or bride isn't a phrase that is used often therefore the price of the bride isn't too

demanding.Most of the time the bride price is in the form of gold jewelry, fine fabric, or money, even a roast pig which symbolizes the bride to be a virgin.Wedding presents are given by the elderly couples or couples that are older than the newlyweds and tea is served by the younger family members.A number of cultures have adopted the traditional Western custom of the white wedding, in which a bride wears a white dress and veil.This tradition was popularized through the wedding of Queen Victoria.Some say Victoria's choice of a white gown may have simply been a sign of

extravagance, but may have also been influenced by the values she held which emphasized sexual purity.Within the modern 'white wedding' tradition, a white dress and veil are unusual choices for a woman's second or subsequent wedding.The notion that a white gown might symbolize sexual purity has been long abandoned, and is criticized by etiquette writers like Judith Martin as distasteful.The use of a wedding ring has long been part of religious weddings in Europe and America, but the origin of the tradition is unclear.Historians like Vicky Howard point out that belief in the

“ancient” quality of the practice are most likely a modern invention.“Double ring” ceremonies are also a modern practice, a groom's wedding band not appearing in the United States until the early 20th Century.The wedding is often followed by a reception, in which the rituals may include toasting the newlyweds, their first dance as spouses, and the cutting of a wedding cake.


Great Souls

Ø Nelson Mandela

Mandela, the South African black political leader and former president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to antiracism and antiapartheid.Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country.Since his triumphant release in 1990 from more than a quarter-century of imprisonment, Mandela has been at the centre of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world.As president of the African National Congress and head of South Africa's antiapartheid movement, he was instrumental in moving the nation toward multiracial

government and majority rule.He is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality.(138)

Ø Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement.He was the pioneer of the resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon total non-violence—which led India to independence and has inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.He is officially honored in India as the Father of the Nation.After assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921, Gandhi led nationwide campaigns to ease poverty, expand women's rights, build religious and ethnic amity, and increase economic self-reliance.Above all, he aimed to achieve the

independence of India from foreign domination.Later he campaigned against the British to Quit India.Gandhi spent a number of years in jail in both South Africa and India.(128)

Additionally, Gandhi influenced important leaders and political movements.Leaders of the civil rights movement in the United States, including Martin Luther King and James Lawson, drew from the writings of Gandhi in the development of their own theories about non-violence.Anti-apartheid activist and former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, was inspired by Gandhi.Prior to becoming President of the United States, then-Senator Barack Obama noted that: Throughout my life, I have always looked to Mahatma Gandhi as an inspiration, because he embodies the kind of transformational change that can be made when ordinary people come together to do extraordinary things.That is why his portrait hangs in my Senate office: to remind me that real results will come not just from Washington – they will come from the people.(129)

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King, Jr.was an American clergyman, activist and prominent leader in the

African-American civil right movement.His main legacy was to secure progress on civil rights in the United States and he is frequently referenced as a human rights icon today.King led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its first president.King's efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.There, he raised public

consciousness of the civil rights movement and established himself as one of the greatest orators in U.S.history.By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and opposing the VietnamWar, both from a religious perspective.In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end

racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means.He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004;Martin Luther King, Jr.Day was established as a U.S.national

holiday in 1986.(192)

Ø Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was an Albanian Roman Catholic nun with Indian citizenship who founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India in 1950.For over 45 years she ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, while guiding the Missionaries of Charity‗s expansion.Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity continued to expand, and at the time of her death it was operating 610 missions in 123 countries, including hospices and homes for people with HIV/AIDS,leprosy and tuberculosis, children's and family counseling programs, and schools.By the 1970s she was internationally famed as a humanitarian and advocated for the poor and helpless.She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and India's highest civilian honor, the Bharat Ratna in 1980 for her humanitarian work.(122)


Ø Susan B.Anthony

Although I am not a feminist, I admire Susan B.Anthony for her daring to hold on to her view even being mocked cruelly by her contemporaries.A tireless civil rights worker, Anthony devoted her life to the work which has guaranteed women‘s basic right, including suffrage and equal protections under law.She believed that men and women are created equal and persevered unremittingly in opening doors and expanding acceptable modes of behavior for women.In the patriarchy society of her time, people considered her unladylike and ridiculous.However, 19th Amendment to the Constitution gives women‘s rights to vote, which established Susan B.Anthony as a bold revolutionary feminist in history.(111)

Margaret Sanger

Margaret Sanger sparked the birth control movement with the publication of The Woman Rebel, in which she encourages women to view conception as a choice rather than an obligation.In 1923, her tireless efforts resulted in the establishment of America's first legal birth control clinic, which served as a contraceptive dispensary and research facility under the auspices of the American Birth Control League(one of the groups that eventually morphed into Planned Parenthood).The birth control movement has had far-reaching, worldwide implications, from women's rights to population control to the sexual revolution.(92)

l Bright Minds

Ø Newton

Newton‘s aim at Cambridge was a law degree.Instruction at Cambridge was dominated by the philosophy of Aristotle but some freedom of study was allowed in the third year of the course.Newton had a golden opportunity to study an abundance of great minds: the philosophy of Descartes, Gassendi, Hobbes, and in particular Boyle.The mechanics of the Copernican

astronomy of Galileo attracted him and he also studied Kepler‘s Optics.It is a fascinating account of how Newton‘s ideas were formed.He collected all these thoughts and developed his own system by which he successfully explained a wide range of previously unrelated phenomena: the eccentric orbits of comets, the procession of the Earth‘s axis, and motion of the Moon as perturbed by the gravity of the Sun, as well as the three laws of motion that made him an international leader in scientific research and the greatest pilot in human‘s civilization.(157)

Ø Darwin’s Origin of Species

The theory of evolution is one of the great intellectual revolutions of human history.Hundreds of years ago, people were confused with the complexity of different species of the world, and believed that species were created by the mysterious God.However, Darwin did not believe so.After several years' study, he eventually demonstrated that species, however complex seemingly, all evolved by natural selection from simple and preliminary conditions.When Darwin published his famous research results on the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, the book encountered lots of controversies.Members of the religious community, as well as some

scientific peers, were outraged and protested.However, Darwin's idea of evolution eventually defeated the traditional belief and was accepted and acknowledged by some insightful scientists and finally by the society.It is now reverenced as one of the greatest intellectual revolutions of human history.(144)

Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish mathematician and astronomer who proposed that the sun was stationary in the center of the universe and the earth revolved around it.Disturbed by the failure of Ptolemy's geocentric model of the universe to follow Aristotle's requirement for the uniform circular motion of all celestial bodies, Copernicus decided that he could achieve his goal only through a heliocentric model.He thereby created a concept of a universe in which the distances of the planets from the sun bore a direct relationship to the size of their orbits.At the time

Copernicus's heliocentric idea was very controversial;nevertheless, it was the start of a change in the way the world was viewed, and Copernicus came to be seen as the initiator of the Scientific Revolution.(129)

Ø Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution.His achievements include improvements to the

telescope and consequent astronomical observations, and support for Copernicanism.Galileo's observations about four satellites of Jupiter with his new telescope convinced him of the truth of Copernicus's sun-centered or heliocentric theory.Galileo has been called the “father of modern observational astronomy,” the “father of modern physics,” and “the Father of Modern Science.” Stephen Hawking says, “Galileo, perhaps more than any other single person, was responsible for the birth of modern science.”(96)

Ø Christopher Columbus

In 1485, Columbus presented his plans to John II, King of Portugal.He requested he be made “Great Admiral of the Ocean”, appointed governor of any and all lands he discovered, and given

one-tenth of all revenue from those lands.The king submitted the proposal to his experts and rejected it.In 1488 Columbus appealed to the court of Portugal once again, and once again it also proved unsuccessful.Then, Columbus travelled from Portugal to both Genoa and Venice, but he received encouragement from neither.In1486, Columbus presented his plans to Queen Isabella.After the passing of much time, these savants of Spain, like their counterparts in Portugal, pronounced the idea impractical, and advised their Royal Highnesses to pass on the proposed venture.But after endless attempts at establishing a settlement of Hispanism, Catholic Monarchs finally gave him an annual allowance of 12,000 maravedis and furnished him with a letter ordering all cities and towns under their domain to provide him food and lodging with which Columbus successfully initiated widespread contact between Europeans and indigenous Americans and carved out the cross-continental trade market.(183)

Ø John Nash

Before 1950, Adam Smith was respected as ―the father of Game Theory‖, he wrote a famous book named The Wealth of Nations and demonstrated ―perfect competition‖ which was

commonly accepted by people.There is a sentence from the book ―Individual ambition serious the common good‖ which means when each individual pursue his own interests, the benefits of the group will be improved most effectively.However, John Nash, a normal mathematician in Princeton University, created a theory ―Nash Equilibrium‖ which laid the foundation of Game Theory in 1950.He doubted the statement from Adam Smith, and he succeeded.John Nash wrote a 28 pages dissertation to argue a new theory.Due to the fact that personal benefits

conflict each other, the interest of a group will be harmed.To ensure the interests of whole group, individuals should find equilibrium between the personal and group interests.Consequently, John Nash received the Nobel Prize in economics and fundamentally reformed the arena of economics.(160)


Alfred Bernhard Nobel-1

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite.To be able to detonate the dynamite rods he also invented a detonator which could be ignited by lighting a fuse.The market for dynamite and detonating caps grew very rapidly and Alfred Nobel also proved himself to be a very skillful entrepreneur and businessman.He later produced ballistite, one of the first smokeless powders.At the time of his death, his will provide his enormous fortune of the major portion of $9 million estate to

institute the Nobel Prize, a yearly prize for merit in physics, chemistry, medicine and physiology, literature, and world peace.The synthetic element nobelium was named after him.(119)

Ø Thomas Edison

In 19th century, people could only get light from candles, but it suffered from several

disadvantages, including exorbitantly high price and in adequate lightness.Thomas Edison, one of the most prominent inventors in the 20th century, overcame 1500 failure and suitable filament for electric light bulb which were affordable for all people to buy and use.He tried numerous

materials such as iron, copper, aluminum, silver, hair, even his colleague‘s brown beard, but he fails all times.Nevertheless he did not give up and dedicated himself in finding the best material.The belief held by him was that ―we will make the electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn

candles.‖ He had the first successful experiment in 1879, finding that carbon filament can last over 40 hours, but he and his team were not satisfied for that.Through hundreds of tough trying, they finally found carbonized bamboo filament which could last over 1200 hours.Furthermore, the light bulbs invented by Edison with the most suitable filament have not only lighted up the world, but influenced people‘s lives all over the world until now.(185)



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