Should people improve their appearance through plastic surgery
Good morning, everyone.we are the negative part.I am debater 1…...I am debater 2 zhangzhiming.I am debater 3 zhangwenyu.I am debater 4 zhulei.Today we are stand on the point “people should not improve their appearance through plastic surgery”.正方一辩陈述观点 反方一辩陈述
The most beautiful of people is soul, not appearance.Who would afford a beautiful
appearance and inner ugly people? We should not satisfy with the beauty of appearance, instead we should improve the beauty of inner.It is not worth to spend too time and money on appearance.If cosmetic surgery can make people beauty, then everyone is beautiful, and there is no a beauty on the earth.The result of cosmetic surgery is
unpredictable, and it can make you beauty and also can make you ugly.Cosmetic surgery may trigger infection, so we are against cosmetic surgery.That’s all, thank you.反方二辩向对方二、三辩提问题
反:Plastic surgery is harmful, and there are many sequels.These are inevitable, why do you want to facelift? Those people who have failure plastic, they will not be resuming, and will leave an indelible psychological shadow in their heart.It is not necessary to hurt your body in order to be beauty.Do you think so? Thank you.正:We cannot give up the technical study just because it has some harmful sides, because it will bring more benefits than harm.Facts speak louder than words.Good appearance will give a better imagination to other people.And cosmetic surgery can make us become more beautiful.Isn’t it good? Thank you.反:Please note that to a person not only impressed with the beautiful appearance, and other things like temperament.This shows that appearance is not very important.So there is not necessary to do cosmetic surgery.Thank you.正:A love of beauty is a part of human’s nature.People like to see beautiful scenery, flowers, and animals.It is not strange that they also want to look at good-looking human and improve the way they look themselves.So we think we can understand that why people improve their appearance through plastic surgery!
反:Natual beauty is beautiful!We can't decide out innate face as we got from our parents ,.Also,inner charecter is more important than the only appearance when you are undering a interview.This shows that appearance is not the most important.So there is no necessary to do cosmetic surgery.Thank you.正方提问一、三辩
Plastic surgery offers a world of possibilities for the young, old and those unhappy with their appearance.However, despite its potential to improve our life, plastic surgery is not a good choice in many cases.Firstly ,beauty is only skin-deep,virtue is moreimportant than appearance.As an old saying gose:Don’t judge a person by appearance.Secondly, success and good job relie on one’s abilities instead of appearance.What’s worse,the result of plastic surgery is unpredictable.it can make you charming and also can make you ugly.people have to bear the risks of an unsuccessful surgery which will be a lifelong pain.All in all, we are against cosmetic surgery.That’s all, thank you.正方二辩小结
正:We cannot give up the technical study just because it has some harmful sides, because it will bring more benefits than harm.Facts speak louder than words.Good appearance will give a better imagination to other people.And plastic surgery can make us become more beautiful.Isn’t it good? Thank you.反:Plastic surgery is harmful, and there are many side effects which are inevitable(不可避免的), why do you want to facelift ? It is not necessary to hurt your body in order to be beauty.Do you think so?Thank you.正:If all people around you are ugly, will you have a happy life?
反Is no one around us who is born beautiful? Every people have their characteristics.It is their real beauty.Moreover, over the past several thousand years no one can do cosmetic surgery, but you can say they do not have happy lives?
正:It is because they do not have the technology nowadays, how did you know that they do not want to make themselves beautiful?
反:Do you means that there’s no one born beautiful around us?Every people have their characteristics.It is their real beauty.Moreover, in the past several
thousand years no one can do plastic surgery, then you dare to say they do not have a happy life? Do you think so ?thank you.正:It is because they do not have the technology nowadays, how did you know that they do not want to make themselves beautiful? And, how can you be hardhearted enough to ignor the situation that peop who are accident victims and be born-defected.Surely that they will have a better life after they take a plastic surgery.反: People like beautiful things which are nature.But we should not attempt to change our physical appearance by man-made.双方四辩总结陈词
反方:Friends on the other side have acknowledged the debate that the cosmetic surgery is dangerous.Light infected, worse the death.Why do you go to risk for appearance? The body and the skin are given by parents, not your personal property.You should consider about the feeling of your parents.Feet in short, a director-inch such deficiencies in other circumstances are probably the advantage.There is ugly, so exist beautiful.So we also should treasure ugly.We are against cosmetic surgery.Thank you.正方:In the current level of technology, cosmetic surgery indeed has risks.One thing can not be rejected just because it has temporary risk.On the contrary, we should see its potential and the great benefit to the people.Cosmetic surgery can help people with physical defects find the self-confidence back.So they are no longer concerned about their physiological defects, and spent more efforts on work and life.If one kind of drug can make people beauty and who will not want to eat? Why do we not pursue the dual appearance and beautiful soul? So we support for the cosmetic surgery.Thank you.
辩论本来是一种探求真理的手段。在古代欧亚大陆,那些雄辩家几乎都是名噪一时的思想家,他们的思想火花直接闪现在他们的唇枪舌剑中,几乎不必思考什么战术,一切似乎是信手拈来,自然而然。但是,现在辩论成了比赛,它的目的不再是说服对手或者把某种信念传诸天下,而是争胜,为了取得胜利,有些辩论队甚至采取了下九流的手段,这里我不举例了,总之,这些手段不属于战术范畴。那么什么才是辩论赛的战术呢?它是能够在许多不同的辩论赛中应用的具有同样效果的技巧方法,当然,首先是不能违反规则。这些战术之所以得到广泛的应用,是因为辩论赛固有的特点,那就是评委对辩题没有深入的了解,不可能要求评委象辩手们一样去分析辩题,查找资料,这种情况在校内还好一点,多次充当评委的老师对辩论本身还有所了解,而在校际比赛中,许多社会贤达在坐上评判席前,甚至不知辩论为何物,往往是那边热闹就评那边赢。所以,很多根本不能说明论点,哗众取宠的东西也成为战术的一部分,在这方面,复旦大学带了一个头。作为一个有着两年多辩龄,居然已经可以卖卖老的辩论队员,这篇文章我早就想动笔了,可是惯有的惰性使我每每难以提起兴趣,随着时间的流逝,那些曾经激发过我创作冲动的素材,也开始渐渐遗忘了,终于痛下决心给管院辩坛后来者留下点东西,希望有所裨益,但顺便奉劝一句,如想靠此从庸手成为高手,除非奇迹出现。规范发言的战术 规范发言是一场辩论赛的基础,没有规范发言,自由辩论无从展开,辩手的演讲水平、形象风度也能在规范发言中得以充分体现,当然,最重要的还是要把本方的逻辑说清楚,使本方处于一个进可攻,退可守的位置。
1. 正方一辩的发言时间控制 正方一辩是整场辩论的第一个发言者,他没有驳斥的对象,要做的只是把事先准备好的稿子认认真真地念好。不过,如果能在念出最后一个字时,恰恰时间结束的铃声响起,可收到先声夺人之效。这一点极难,在我看过的几十场辩论赛中,只有两人能做到,而且也纯属运气,所以不必强求。正方一辩还有一些战术,如在发言结尾向对方提出好几个问题,以图扰乱对方一辩发言,但对方如稍有经验,一般是避而不答,于是反而容易暴露本方的进攻点。一辩还常在结尾时说:“关于***将由我方二辩、三辩作进一步的阐述。”这种做法优点是在配合上显得连贯,缺点是可能会破坏一辩的整体气势。如果时间已到而稿子还未念完,可以把论点重复一遍,然后坐下。
2. 控制驳论的的比例 除正方一辩外,其余辩论队员都面临着如何在发言中处理驳论与立论的关系,初学者易犯的毛病:一是明明听到对方漏洞百出,却不知从何下手,好象武学中的全是空门,竟然成了没有空门;二是知道应该驳斥哪一点,一站起来就面红耳赤,恨不得一棍子把对方打死,但是由于无法有效地组织语言,说起来吞吞吐吐,观众看了都替他着急。驳论应该注意的问题是: ①事先有所准备,对方可能从哪点进攻,做到心中有数,可以把想到的驳论分点写在卡片上,对方谈到哪一点,就抽出哪张卡片放在稿子开头; ②首先驳斥对方的常识性错误及口误,如对方背错了某句诗词或在某句话中漏掉了一些关键字而导致意思截然相反,都应该抓住机会予以痛击; 临场驳斥要注意对方发言中的开头一段,因为时间有限,如果驳斥其结尾,往往来不及组织语言; ③反驳的对象不要太过分散,不超过3点; ④最好是针对前一个发言者进行驳斥,如果中间已经隔了几轮发言,驳斥的效果会减弱。当然,对方的重大漏洞或关键的论点、论据例外; ⑤确实觉得反驳有困难可以只立论。
3. 语言通俗化、口语化 初看辩论的人可能会觉得那些辩论稿满篇都是听不懂的新名词的辩手才是高手,其实恰恰相反。前面已经说过,辩手经过准备之后,对辩题的理解往往比评委深刻,这时,既要深得入,又要浅得出,发言时要避免使用专用术语,即使用也要作说明,此外,要多使用比喻、举例、排比等手法。如果能在发言中以幽默的语言或大义凛然的陈词引起观众的笑声和掌声,对评委会产生较大影响,这一点也同样适用于自由辩论。
4. 概念的模糊和清晰 其实不光是概念,很多场合都需要模糊的语言让对方找不到靶子,这似乎和第3点有点矛盾,但第3点指的是一般情况,而这里指的却是特殊情况。举个例子:在“法治能消除腐败”的训练赛中,我持正方立场,这时我方面临的一个难题是怎样给消除下一个定义,消除的权威定义是使不存在,如果同意这个定义,显然不利;如果不同意,这个定义又实在太难驳倒,甚至很难防守。最后我方采用了这样的定义:法治能消除腐败,指的是法治的惩治、防范、监督、教育几种功能相互作用的动态过程。实战效果颇佳,对方没有什么好办法指出我方这个定义错在何处,结果在枝节问题上作了大量的纠缠。可以看出,概念模糊化目的是为了防守,这种概念的本意对已方是不利的又或者无法定义精确。相反,概念的清晰是为了进攻,如上例中反方当然要旗帜鲜明地提出消除就是使不存在,使腐败现象为零,这样才能加强进攻的力度。
5. 煽情 煽情是辩论中的常用战术,自由辩论中也应用颇多,但由于自由辩论中个人发言时间很短,使这种战术的应用受到限制。大规模煽情一般出现的规范发言中。煽情时首先要投入感情,可谓慷慨激昂之时,声嘶力竭;沉痛哀伤之处,气若游丝。但也要注意不可过火,以不影响自己发言为度,切不可泣不成声,拍桌子等等,煽情内容也要注意有逻辑性,比如“法治能消除腐败”中,反方在对腐败问题痛心疾首之后,说“腐败如此严重,单靠法治独木难支”是有效的。而在“应该鼓励购买私人小汽车”中,反方大谈农村失学严重,去煽希望工程的情,就有点风马牛不相及了。
6. 豹尾 以往发言稿结尾都比较平淡,往往是把本方论点重复一遍,自从《狮城舌战》出版之后,很多辩手模仿复旦四辩在结尾以一句气势宏大的名言、俗语、诗词来结尾,这值得一试,但要注意这句话必须和论点密切相关,而且一般由一辩和四辩来说。
自由辩论的战术 自由辩论是整场辩论赛中最重要的一个阶段,大多数评委是根据自由辩论的胜负来决定比赛的胜负的。正因为有了自由辩论,辩论和演讲也才有着质的区别,这么说是毫不过份的。在两支势均力敌的辩论队之间,自由辩论的随机应变成分很高,常常会让人觉得事先准备的东西全用不上,而且,由于气氛紧张激烈,即使是高手有时也难免气急败坏,于是打到哪里算哪里,双方都死钻牛角尖,过多纠缠细节问题,把战略战术忘个精光。因此,一方面要注重平时的自我训练;一方面要尽力在赛场上保持冷静,以求成功地运用战术。一.配合
1. 划分战场 在我的印象中,南京大学是这种战术的首创者。基本的作法是把一系列关系紧密的问题作为一个战场,并由场上的一名队员提出其中的第一问题,其他队员立即跟上,直到问完这一系列问题,取得了满意战果后,转入下一战场。这种战术的优点是:火力集中,进攻显得有章法,有层次。缺点是:有时过于死板,为了贯彻连续提问,对对手临场暴露的弱点只能作简单攻击,而对对手的有力反驳又不能由最恰当的队员来防守,这和自由辩论随机应变的特点是相背离的。结论:仍然可以适当决定几个战场,但不用强求连续提问,让队员自己控制提问的时机。
2.两次发言 在自由辨论中,一个队员发言后,不要立即把话筒传给其他队员,而在对方发言后,由其自己决定是否作第二次发言。这种战术的目的是保持发言的连贯性,在队员相互之间很不了解,配合很生疏时应用。
3.相互保护 由于种种原因,往往会出现某个队员口误,或者偏离立论等等对本方不利的情况,这时候,别的队员应该弥补其错误。弥补的方法有以下几种: ① 抵赖。如果本方犯错误,对方隔了相当长时间后才攻击,又或者犯错误的这句话本身含意就很模糊,可以死不认帐地说:“我方没有这样说过。”但是,这种战术如果被评委识破,会非常不利,一般不要采用。②别解。对本方犯错误的话作另外一种解释。例:正:大家听到没有,对方同学竟然说共产主义不能实现,看来帝国主义亡我之心不死,和平演变真是越来越严重了。反:在相当长一段时间内,由于条件不具备,共产主义当然不能马上实现…… 这里反方就运用了别解这种战术,一定程度上扭转了不利局面。这种战术运用得比较多,常用的句式是“我方的意思是说:……” ③调整底线。这是一种迫不得已的作法,所犯的错误既不是口误,又明显背离本方原来的立论,只好将错就错。例:“法治能消除腐败”一题中 反:对方同学刚才还说法治能消除腐败的根源,可现在又说法治对腐败的根源——贪欲只是遏制,这不是自相矛盾吗? 正:对方同学怎么忘了腐败还有一个根源;不受制约的权力。法治能消除的,正是不受制约的权力这个根源。当时我持正方立场,原来准备的立论是法治既能消除贪欲,又能消除不受制约的权力,但由于准备仓促,场上我方一辩明确说出法治对贪欲只是遏制,我只好在场上临时作了调整,于是对方又转到另外的问题上去了。④对于明显的口误,可以大胆承认“我方刚才出现了口误。”
4.连续进攻 场上要保持头脑冷静,当注意到对方对本方某个问题避而不答或回答不力时,应连续攻击,哪怕把问题再重复一遍也好。往往易犯的毛病的是自己急于说出某句“精妙”的话,根本不去注意队友问了什么问题以及对方是如何回答的,这种个人主义应该避免。二. 逻辑战术(这类战术多牵涉形式逻辑)
5.破除双难境地 辩论中难免会碰到一些选择疑问句,对方逼着问你“是A还是B?”不管是A是B对本方都是不利的,对这类问题有两种回答的方法:①(既不是A,也不是B)是C②既是A,又是B 例:“爱滋病是医学问题,还是社会问题”一题 反:……对方同学认为是病就是医学问题,那么我请问,相思病是看内科还是看外科啊? 正:相思病也要看心理医生…… 这就是第一类回答,有一定难度,但效果甚佳 例:“抓住老鼠的猫才是好猫”一题 正:如果一只猫长得可爱,但是不会抓老鼠,而另外一只猫长得很丑,却是抓老鼠能手,对方同学你会挑哪一只呢? 反:两只我都要,一只用来观赏,一只用来抓老鼠……这是第二类回答,让对方无法攻到实处。
6.破类比 类比手法是辩论中经常运用的,但类比不可能做到绝对的精确,类比物与被类比物总是会有一些区别,这就为反驳提供了突破口。例:“爱滋病是医学问题,还是社会问题” 正:千千万万人得爱滋病就是社会问题吗?千千万万人还得心脏病呢,这也是社会问题吗? 反:一个人打喷嚏不是社会问题,难道我们全场人都打一个喷嚏还不是社会问题吗? 正:对方同学还是没有听清楚我说的,难道千千万万人得心脏病也是社会问题吗? 反:问一个简单的问题,治疗一个爱滋病人要多少钱? 看得出反方有左右支绌之感,其实这个问题可以这样回答。反:心脏病会传染吗?心脏病和同性恋有关吗? 传染和同性恋都是爱滋病具有的特征,而类比物心脏病则无此特征,所以事先找出一些重要概念的特征后,可以用来攻击对方不准确的类比。
7.循环论证及对待办法 循环论证常常是在立论中就已准备好的,这种论辩手法会有出乎意料的效果。当不管从哪个角度进攻,对方总是能自圆其说时,很可能就是在运用这种手法。复旦大学在“人性本善”一题中曾经设置过一个循环论证(实战中他们抽到的是“人性本恶”),基本立论是:人有人性和兽性,人所以有善行,是因为有人性,人所以有恶行,是因为有兽性。现在我假设一段自由辩论: 正:泰丽莎修女的善行,英国小男孩为了救自己的妹妹不惜献出自己的生命,这不是人性的光辉吗? 反:但是我们也看到二次世界大战夺去了几千万人的生命,而巴尔干半岛现在仍然战火熊熊,面对人类这些恶行,对方同学还能说人性本善吗? 正:当我们谈起这些恶行时,总是说“兽性大发”,又怎么能让人性来承受这不白之冤呢? 其实正方为了论证人性是善的,他的论据是:恶的都是兽性。这是一种典型的循环论证,对付的办法是直接予以揭破。反:恶的就是兽性,善的就是人性,所以人性是善的,对方同学这不是在循环论证吗?…… 如果循环论证能设置得比较隐蔽,对方是无法攻破的,值得在立论中采用。
8.归谬及对付方法 所谓归谬就是先假设对方的逻辑是正确的,然后推导出荒谬的结论,以此证明对方的错误。这是辩论中常用的有力武器,很多看来难以攻击的诡辩,一经归谬,会有“柳暗花明又一村”之感。例:“外资是推动广东经济飞速发展的主要动力” 反:马克思早已指出:劳动决定价值,所以,廉价的劳动力才是推动广东经济飞速发展的主要动力。正:劳动决定价值适用于任何国家、任何地区,如果按照对方这种逻辑,世界上任何国家、任何地区的经济飞速发展的主要动力都是廉价劳动力喽? 对反方看似吓人的论据,正方以归谬给予有力一击,再看一个比较高级的归谬。例:“法治能消除腐败” 反:请对方举个例子,哪怕是一个例子,世界上有哪个国家哪个地区用法治消除了腐败? 正:过去没有消除,现在没有消除,就等于将来一定不能消除吗?那我们还谈什么共产主义必然实现,共产主义以前也从来没实现过嘛!正方对反方的这个要害问题如果避而不答,那就要丢分了,而以归谬驳斥对方提问中隐含的逻辑,却化险为夷。使用归谬是不容易的,但防守也很难,大概有以下两种防守方式: ① 正本清源 例:“法治能消除腐败” 反:腐败有减少的趋势就能说明腐败能消除吗?一个人小时候一天能吃一斤饭,成人后一天能吃二斤米饭,这也是饭量不断增长的趋势啊?是不是说到了老年他就能吃100斤大米饭呢?那不成了饭桶了吗? 正:吃饭是饭量不断增长,消除腐败却是腐败在不断减少,这两者怎么能混为一谈呢? 正方用这种反驳方式指出反方所“按照的”根本不是正方的“逻辑”,所以导出的荒谬结论是无效的。② 顺水推舟 例:正方“人性本善”,反方“人性本恶” 正:我想先请问对方同学,您的教育能够使你一辈子不流露本性吗?如果您不小心流露本性,那我们大家可要遭殃了。(前面反方说过教育使本恶的人性向善)反:所以我要不断地注意修身自己呀!曾子为什么说:“吾日三省吾身”呢?…… 这种反驳方式是指出对方所导出的结论与本方观点并不矛盾,在①例中,如果用顺水推舟法,似乎可以这样说: 正:所以我们才要考察法治是否有消除腐败的内在能力啊!而腐败不断减少的趋势恰恰提供了一个证明。比较一下,哪种方法更好呢?我个人认为后一种方法更能体现“避其锋芒,击其惰归”之兵家要义。
9.各执一词 在同一个论据上,双方各自强调对自己有利的一面。例:“当前妨碍大学生走向社会主要是自身素质问题,还是社会环境问题” 反:现在是“孔雀东南飞,飞到广东来”,不就是因为广东水草丰美,环境优雅吗? 正:可也要是孔雀才能东南飞啊!反:东南有梧桐,方有孔雀来。现在的问题是梧桐太少。临场利用对方的论据时,会用到这种战术。10.特殊情况 先举一个例子:“发展旅游业利大于弊” 正:……对方同学怎么能把色情业、赌博业的弊端强加到旅游业的头上呢?这不是张三犯罪,李四坐牢吗? 反:如果李四是帮凶,当然也要坐牢。旅游业不是对色情业、赌博业起到了推波助澜的作用吗? 本来张三犯罪,不该李四坐牢,可在李四是帮凶的特殊情况下,就不奇怪了。又例: 正:……这不等于是把一个不会游泳的人推到水里去吗? 反:如果不下水又怎么能学会游泳呢? 能否成功地运用这种战术,关键是辩手自身的素质。在这种战术中,常用的句式是“如果……,那么……” 11.攻击小前提 例:正:毛驴没有污染,可是能走上高速公路吗? 反:毛驴就真的没有污染吗? 当对方第一句话是判断句,第二句话是反问句时,本方应该先注意这句判断句是否成立,这在辩论中属于“盲点”,容易忽略。这种战术在许多情况下属于诡辩,就象对方指着一个正方形说正方形与圆形是不同的,而本方攻击说他指的根本不是一个标准的正方形。所以上一例中正方可以这样反驳。正:当然世界上没有绝对不造成污染的东西,但毛驴难道是因为有污染才不能走上高速公路吗? 这种战术要慎用。三.转换提问权
12.回避 在水平相当的辩论赛中,只有符合以下条件才能回避: a)对方的问题无法回答; b)对方的问题回答后对本方很不利; c)对方的问题与辩题无关。我不赞成复旦大学说的,只在回答能引起轰动效应时才回答,否则就抛出事先准备的东西。除非在双方差距太大时,复旦大学这种观点才有几分道理,否则会给评委留下心虚的印象。回避的方法有以下几种: ① 就好象没有听到对方的问题,直接提出本方问题。这种回避可以用,但痕迹过于明显。② 以一句话作为过渡。例:“爱滋病是医学问题,还是社会问题” 正:对方已说明,我们应该加强教育,但我想问对方,教育是用什么教育?是不是用医学的方法来教育呢? 反:“知之为知之,不知为不知。”请问对方,你们判断是医学问题还是社会问题的标准是什么? 正:今天晚上的辩题我想对方已经有所误解了,你们已经忽视了你们所应该辩的爱滋病不是医学问题…… 划线部分就是过渡句,当评委和观众把注意力集中在这句话中,就容易忘记本方已在脚底抹油了。③ 暗含讽刺的回避 当对方的提问不甚合理时,用这种战术效果较好。例:“法治能消除腐败” 正:请问,孟德斯鸠关于法治的两套标准是什么? 反:还是让我们回到中国的现实来吧…… 这里反方暗含讽刺对方教条主义。又例:“烟草业对社会利大于弊” 正:请问对方同学,吸一支烟能缩短人的多少寿命? 反:一条烟多少钱?一条命多少钱? 正方提这个问题的目的是想证明一支烟只能缩短几秒钟人的寿命(假材料),反方的回击是讽刺正方脱离现实。这类回答在特殊的语境下才有效,不要生搬硬套。
13.回答问题后再提问 在大多数情况下都应该回答问题,回答后提出本方问题。但是,如果回击很有力,可以不再提问,以免削弱攻击的威力。四.小技巧
14.运用假材料 无论在规范发言还是在自由辩论中,都需要运用大量材料,可是合适的材料不容易找到,往往只能编一些假材料,包括数据、实例等。运用时要注意两点:一是材料要尽可能编得合情合理;二是不可心虚,要理直气壮地用。另外,在校际比赛中,应禁用假材料。
15.妙语脱困 如果时间充裕,应事先准备好一些在很多情况下都能使用的妙语。在自由辩论中,不要急急忙忙把这些妙语抛出去,而应该用在本方最困难的时候。例:“温饱是谈道德的必要条件” 正:对方一直回避这样的问题,超道德行为到底是不是道德行为?请对方回答。反:超道德当然不是道德。但如果按照对方的逻辑,那么裴多斐的《自由与爱情》诗大概就得改成:“爱情诚可爱,自由价更高,若为温饱故,二者皆可抛”了。(笑声、掌声)正方前面已充分论述了超道德不是道德,反方在回应一句以后,如果转入其他问题,总是有气弱之感,这时抛出事先准备的妙语(这句妙语几乎在自由辩论的任何时候都可以用),占了上风。这里还有另一个战术,超道德本来是一个伪概念,但反方并不去论述超道德其实也是道德,而是大胆承认了对方的观点,这是因为承认后对反方的论点并没有什么影响,相反,如果硬着头皮去说清楚,就要费太多的口舌了。再举一个大胆承认的例子。例:“烟草业对社会利大于弊” 反:对方老是说烟草业能上缴多少利税,能创造多少经济利益,难道要等到我国经济发达后,才来取缔烟草业吗? 正:当然如此。(停顿)反:那你们将千千万万中国人的生命置于何地。正:我再提醒对方,吸烟只是会对人的身体健康造成一定影响,而这是经济发展过程中,不得不付出的代价。在这个例子中,正方成功地运用大胆承认的战术,打乱了反方的阵脚,相当得分。
16.连续提问 第4个战术叫连续进攻,主要是指临场与队友的配合。而这里的连续提问可以在事先准备好。例:“烟草业对社会利大于弊” 反:对方同学承不承认,烟草业是社会失灵的产物?(停顿)正:对方还没有告诉我们,你们的利弊标准是什么? 反:这一点我方早已论述,我再请问对方,你们究竟承不承认烟草业是市场失灵的产物? 正:事实胜于雄辩,如果烟草业对社会是弊大于利的话,那为什么我国还要嘉奖云南玉溪卷烟厂,难道是表扬他们多杀人吗? 反:看来对方同学没办法回答我方的问题,那我再问一个更简单的问题,烟草业是不是一个外部不经济的行业? 明知对方不太了解经济学方面的知识,有意提出这类问题,连提两次后,对方仍然回避,如果重复第三次,好象显得本方只有这么一个问题,这时候转向一个类似的问题,巧妙。要注意两点,不能提问过多别人听不懂的问题,偶尔一次是战术,多了会被人误认为在破坏辩论。对关键性的,不能由别的问题代替的提问,可以重复多次。(这种情况不多,一般总能找到几个类似的问题)
17.攻击对方过激行为 在辩论中对对手要保持一种尊重客气的态度,不可出现人身攻击的语言,也不能与队友大声谈笑,拍桌子,踢腿等等。如果对方有人身攻击的语言,可以这样说:“对对方同学刚才的措词,我方表示遗憾……”,如果对方有很不礼貌的行为,可以这样说:“在严肃的辩论场上,对方**同学刚才却很不严肃地(拍桌子……),我方对此表示遗憾”。切不可针尖对麦芒,把辩论场变成吵架场。18.听不清楚对方发言的对策 对策有二: 一是客气地请对方重复一遍。这种做法优点是显得有风度,缺点是如果再听不清楚就不好办了,重复后如果听清楚了又很难回避对方的问题。二是攻击说:“对方说得不清不楚,我实在听不懂。”优点是掌握主动,缺点是显得不留情面。五.用时
19.合理用时 自由辩论的时间是很宝贵的,每次发言都应该简短有力,不允许象规范发言一样“一、二、三”点的展开。在《狮城舌战》中,自由辩论双方各用时4分钟,台大发言33次,复旦发言32次,平均每次发言7秒多。一般说来,每次发言在十五秒以内,绝不能超过半分钟。一定要半分钟以上才能说清楚的,不如让队友来回答,或者干脆回避。如果本方发言完了,对方却还剩下一、二分钟,那比赛等于是输了一半。20.利用多余时间 对方发言时间用完后,如果本方还有多余,可以让4名队员挨次站起发言,这样显得颇有气势。一般情况下,每个队员发言都是完整的一句话。华东师大有所创新,4名队员的话加起来才是一句完整的话,而且他常主动要求结束自由辩论,以显示气度。这种创新我没有实践过,不敢妄评,可能缺点是不能充分利用时间。终于写完了,真是辛苦,本来还想修改一下,但太长了,就这样吧。希望以后有人修正并补充。注: 1按高级别比赛惯例称四名队员为一辩、二辩、三辩、四辩; 2所举例子有些引自原文,有些是凭记忆和想象。
二、活动宗旨:活跃文化生活,锻炼口才和反应能力。提高同学们的综合能力。三、四、五、六、参赛对象:艺术学院全体学生 主办单位:艺术学院学生会外联部 活动地点和时间: 参赛要求:
Positive side: Internet does more good than harm Negative side: Internet does more harm than good
一、陈述观点阶段 正方一辩 Respected chairman each leader comrades and friends from the opposite side Good morningIn todays information age the Internet is more and more strongly involved in our lives more and more close to everyone of us.We firmly believe that the Internet does more good than harm First of all the Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information.It makes the global sharing of information resources any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet.People from all works are storing maintaining and updating the information in internet every day.We can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that we are looking for.Secondly the Internet brings great convenience to our lives.Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking job seeking purchasing tickets for your favorite movies guidance services on array of topics engulfing the every aspect of life and hotel reservations.Often these services are not available off-line and can cost you more.Thirdly the Internet has greatly improved work efficiency.Not only education and learning but also trade conference can be conducted online.The companies in different areas can hold online meetings through the internet to bargain important issues of business.Internet cuts out a series of complex processes saves a lot of manpower and material resources and improves our work efficiency greatly.Finally the internet can open our minds.Today we are in an information society internet is an encyclopedic world with extremely rich information.We can timely understand current events access to the latest knowledge and information through the internet.Just like an old saying: Xiucai knows everything under the Heaven though he needn’t to leave his home.Therefore we firmly believe that the internet does more good than harm Thank you 反方一辩 Internet plays a very important role in modern life.It has revolutionized our lives in many ways as the affirmative side described.However it is the innovative change of the Internet era that Pandora’s box is opened at the same time.a virtual world Internet provides in which persons surfing on the Internet don’t know each other they just identify others’ identification through online login account so that it is lack of basic trust relationship because all you know is only his/her e-mail or QQ number and you should not blindly believe in the Internet.While more and more people lose themselves in online games which is not only waste of money but also waste of time.some feel lost without the internet like a man without a soul a slave to the internet.others even have an addiction problem to the internet to the extent of medical treatment.In addition long-term online all day to autism and indulge in fantasy from reality leads to the state when they really face society and the crowd because of distance and imagine the problems are not normal shrinking communicating with people Moreover parents nowadays have been worried about what their kids read and see on-line because of pornography or violent scene being full of Internet and these teenage will go out in real life and function.Consequently Internet is gradually eroded their physical and mental health.Even worse some bad gangs make use of the Internet to steal others’ privacy information damage and control other people’s computer system to launch malicious attack suck as DoS Trojan horse and so on.All of the above statements prove that Internet has done more harm than good to society.二、自由辩论阶段 正方1Our viewpoint is “Internet does more advantages than harm”.The spreading speed of traditional books newspapers and magazines is so slow.With the developing of the Internet people can get plenty of information from the networks quickly and conveniently and they feel the world become much smaller.For example we knew the exact news from Internet about the earthquake in WenChuan several minutes after its happening.And the popular word “earth village” can support our opinion too.反方1Excuse me I can’t agree with you.I think Internet do more harm than good.Although we can get information quickly on Internet.But it also brings new problems.For example many Publishing Company went bankrupt and Many people lost their jobs.At the same time the copyright status is very bad in China.There is a joke: a young man to Microsoft interview he answer the interviewer a question and he was driven out.because the interviewer asked him Do you know the price of Microsoft operate system in China The young man asked: 5 yuan.Is this good to you 正方2Although the Internet makes some industries closed down but it has also produced some new industries.The defenders only see the Internet makes some people lose jobs but do not see the Internet gives more people new jobs so the defenders point of view is one-sided.With the development of Internet the communication between people is more easily we can communicate with others through a lot of ways provided by the Internet such as QQ EMAIL chat room and so on.反方2Please note you confuse a basic concept the distance between people is to rely on people themselves to decide ever not the network.The network is changing people s way of communication.In the absence of the Internet era we still can narrow the distance between people therefore it cannot be said that the Internet has shortened the distance between people.On the contrary people put too much effort and emotion in the Internet reduced face-to-face communication with the family friends colleagues so that the distance between two hearts increased it makes people become distant.正方3In addition to the front view of our partners I think the Internet has created a new way of life.Chat online checking information online learning online or even work online people can complete many things remain indoors which is impossible previously.SOHO is now a very popular word it means Small Office and Home Office.This makes it reality for people to choose the way of life and work according to their own interest and hobbies without limitation of time and place.反方3I’m sorry I don’t agree with you.I feel the Internet can help us to do many thing at the same time people become more and more lazy more and more weaker even lost the joy of living.Please look me my weight is 130 pounds 2 years ago now I spend much time on Internet so I am overweight and become weak.正方4Mr.Yan I have to say your point of view is very creative But I think the weight problems are not necessarily lined with the popularity of the network One of the biggest benefits of the Internet is accelerating the flow of information and spreading education to all corners of the globe.Now there are a lot of searching engines on the Internet such as Google and Baidu we can get whatever information we want within only several seconds.Just like an old saying: Xiucai knows everything under the Heaven though he needs not to leave his home.反方4The other debater please note you only see the benefits of the Internet and ignored the existence of a large number of bad information on the Internet the information has a very bad influence on people especially teenagers and even cause them to crime.According to statistics more than 80 of the minor crime is related to exposure of bad information in the network some minor to indulge in violence pornographic games the game scenes to life by the game of seduction and lead to crime.正方5I must remind the other side debaters.It is because of the high speed developing of networks that the adults pay more attention to the young criminals quickly and adopt efficient measures.Is it not the advantage of the Internet Let’s think about the invention and using of knife it has an analogy to the Internet.反方5Excuse me I oppose you change the focus.I think There is a More severe problem.Please note the remarks of Anti-social and Pseudo-science on Internet.not only young man but also adults are affected.It is very dangerous to all and to our country.Do you can talk the advantage of Internet standing here 正方6When we were young parents and teacher often told us: Pick up the good and throw away the bad.But now you are not only staring at the bad but also exaggerating it It’s wrong Very wrong I would also say Internet is just like a bridge of communicating between people.It’s a great way to meet up with people of similar interest and discuss common issues saving both money and time.反方6Please note we have already explained this will only increase the distance between people.In the real world interpersonal relations become weak.After all the Internet is only a small part of human life people are to be living in the real world the weak relationships people feel more and more lonely because friends only exist on the Internet in real life there is no real friends.正方7This is just a social problem not the wrong of Internet itself.So we dont need to discuss it.I want to describe another big advantage of the Internet.It is that the Internet makes the electronic commerce vigorous developed.Now more and more shops run online and more and more people like online shopping it brings great convenience to us.For example Ive just bought a pair of leather shoes from the Internet last week it is 30 cheaper than the same products in entity stores besides it also saves a large amount of shopping time for me.反方7The Internet is convenient But please note the Internet is unsafe.hacker computer virus Trojan network fishing and so on It will make the Internet become very terrible.we may have cheated lost money even lost privacy.A newspaper report: A company with millions of assets went backrupt because a young man used the leak of the network.And I believe you remember the movie star CHEN Guan Xi his personal photos were for all to see.The Internet is too unsafe.正方8Although there are secure problems on Internet but we can adopt many technique methods to solve them.Another benefit the Internet brings is entertainment.You can find many ways to amuse yourself.Watching online movies playing online games and talking in chat room can help you relax.Furthermore you can make friends with many fun and kind people all over the world.反方8Yes now the entertainment network is very developed leads to more problems.More and more young people indulging in online entertainment the network has great dependence even morbid.The Internet makes young people confuse the virtual world and the real world influences the young people moral standard of judgment.At the same time the network game had a bad influence to young peoples mental health learning life make them fat decreased performance decreased visual acuity even cant write with a pen.正方9Please pay attention once again what you talked about is not the wrong of Internet itself it is the problem of its users.And it is just the development of online entertainment that have enriched our life and made large contribution to the state GDP.反方9I’m sorry I also please you note.The violent and pornographic scene are often appear in the online games.It constantly hurt the soul of young people make them become depressed.We all know The young people are enthusiastic Dynamic and Positive they are main power of develop of country.thus It is not only the problem of family but also the problem of the society.So let’s far away from the Internet and make the children become well make the society become civilized.正方10I found a very interesting phenomenon.We have list many benefits internet bring to us but you refute all of these through the problems of people not the problems of internet itself.So we still firmly hold that the benefits of the internet are much greater than the negative impacts.反方10Excuse me you ignore the harm of the Internet.It is very dangerous
三、总结陈词阶段 反方四辩 Generally speaking the internet is a double-edged sword.Like a coin have two side the good side and the bad side yes it really improvement our life in some aspect but isn’t all.The internet brought a lot of bother with negative thing.And we don’t have the method for solve.Such as the network deceive divulge privacy too much bad information and so on.and the most important We can’t be 100 to eliminate those problems at least not yet.So the internet is not Perfect world We should not expect too much on the Internet.As we all know the birth of the Internet causes not used to enrich peoples lives but to service the military field so I think it is very suitable for the application in the military enterprises companies departments and other areas like that.Although it can be applied to the daily life of ordinary people it still has limitations.As the nuclear weapon action is huge but people must find a way to control it or just opened a Pandoras box the devil will be released.So the most important is how we using the Internet in our life rather than the Internet itself.if we know what we need clearly and how to take advantage of internet responsibly.I am sure it will affect our modern life in a positive way and make our life more wonderful and splendid.正方四辩 Ladies and Gentlemen Good morning We are so happy and lucky for we live inthe information age with rapidly developed technology.And the Internet is a sign of the times.We are sure that the Internet must do more good than harm First of all the Internethas brought us great benefits.As our partners have said the Internet can accelerate the information query narrow the world and make the communication of people more convenient.Despite of shopping online learning onlineand message delivery even the debate today we’ve collected a lot of information on Internet.The Internethas opened for us a convenient way enriched our life andacceleratedthe progress of our society.Secondly everything has two sides so does the Internet.As the defenders stated The Internet has some drawbacks while it brings us convenience.But the harm of Internet strictly speaking is the wrong of people.Some people usethe benefits of Internet to commit a crime spread the bad information while other people use the net unhealthily indulging in Internet game wasting too much time in Internet.But all of these are not wrong for Internet itself but for the people who use it.And It is just like a knife initially created in order to solve some problems in life but someone use it to murder while the knife is not wrong in itself.Thirdly the good of Internet must be more thanitsharm.If not perhaps the Internet has died out in its development.If Internet does more harm than goodit must be disgusted by people.Could the number of people in our country using Internet will be more than one hundred million If Internetcan do more harm than good sosmart as the United States will it vote heavily in the construction of theInternet Finally the harm of the Internetcan be completely avoided.As long as we strengthen the network protection many security problems can be avoidedand if dont loss prevention and alert for some small profits in the Internetwe can reducethe chance of being deceived.At the same time we have to control the time of being online to keep health the relevant departments should also strengthen the management of the Internet control the spreading of harmful information so that the Internetruns in a healthy environment.As Lu Xun had said when the windows openIn not only the fresh air but also the flies and mosquitoes.Lets expand the good of Internet reduce its harm and make the Internet be our good teacher and friend Thank you