
时间:2019-05-13 02:52:36下载本文作者:会员上传


Could you be harming your relationship without realising it? Here are ten habits that could lead to a break-up lest you keep them in check.有没有可能在你没有意识到的情况下,你已经在伤害你们的感情?下面是可能导致分手的10大习惯,来看看你有么:

9.Checking up on him


Snooping his Facebook or email account, checking his phone for illicit texts and constantly worrying that his female friends are more than just platonic will drive you seriously nuts.You just can’t live your life in a state of constant fear that he’s hooking up with someone else.担心他与女性朋友有越轨行为,不是偷窥他的Facebook、电子邮箱帐号,就是查看他的电话,检查是否有不正常信息,无休止的担心会让你发疯。你不能因担心他会勾搭别人而生活在持续的恐惧中。

If he’s cheated on you in the past you need to ask yourself if you truly trust him to be faithful or end things.If you’re just insecure talk to him about how you feel and he should be able to reassure you.Snooping is not the way to solve this problem.如果他有前科,那你就该好好想想,他是否真的忠实可靠,是否诚心悔改。如果你不放心,那就告诉他你的感受,让他向你保证。监视解决不了问题。


Could you be harming your relationship without realising it? Here are ten habits that could lead to a break-up lest you keep them in check.有没有可能在你没有意识到的情况下,你已经在伤害你们的感情?下面是可能导致分手的10大习惯,来看看你有么:

3.Avoiding conflict


Never fighting or failing to bring up issues that are bothering you is a

relationship time bomb.When you’re concerned about something it won’t just go away if you ignore it – just like a bump in the carpet it will pop up somewhere else.Remember, it’s normal and healthy for couples to disagree from time to time.As long as you argue constructively and are able to compromise and move ahead, it’s actually good for your relationship.回避令你闹心的问题,就等于埋下了一枚定时炸弹。当你为某事忧虑时,不去想它不等于它不存在——就像地毯下的硬物,不是在这儿鼓出来,就是在那儿鼓出来。记住,两人之间偶尔意见不合很正常,而且在某种程度上还有益关系和睦。只要你持积极态度去讨论问题,并能得饶人处且饶人,实际上,分歧促进了关系和谐。


Could you be harming your relationship without realising it? Here are ten habits that could lead to a break-up lest you keep them in check.有没有可能在你没有意识到的情况下,你已经在伤害你们的感情?下面是可能导致分手的10大习惯,来看看你有么:

10.Trying to make him jealous


If you were content in your relationship, flirting with other guys to make your man jealous wouldn’t even cross your mind.So if you find yourself making eyes at the bartender just to make him sit up and notice you, ask yourself why? If it’s because he’s acting non-committal or not paying you enough attention tell him how you feel.Flirting sets a bad precedent – if you can that means he can too.And that’s no use to either of you.如果你对感情状况还满意,那与男人调情让他吃醋就实在是个馊主意。如果你和酒吧服务员在他眼前眉来眼去,只会让他提防你,为什么要这样做呢?若是因为他缺乏责任感或对你不够关注,直接把想法告诉他。你调情只能为他起到表率作用——你能,他也能。这对双方都不好。


Could you be harming your relationship without realising it? Here are ten habits that could lead to a break-up lest you keep them in check.有没有可能在你没有意识到的情况下,你已经在伤害你们的感情?下面是可能导致分手的10大习惯,来看看你有么:

4.Playing the drama queen


Losing your temper, crying or storming out every time something doesn’t go your way will soon wear thin with your man.Instead of throwing a strop and flouncing out, sit down and talk through your problems.It takes far less energy than slamming doors and throwing tantrums.一不顺心就火冒三丈、大呼小叫、要么夺门而出,他不会忍你太久。坐下来谈谈,看看问题的症结在哪里,不要动不动就龙颜大怒。摔门、发脾气是体力活儿,还是说话来得轻松。


Could you be harming your relationship without realising it? Here are ten habits that could lead to a break-up lest you keep them in check.有没有可能在你没有意识到的情况下,你已经在伤害你们的感情?下面是可能导致分手的10大习惯,来看看你有么:

2.Nag, nag nagging


Yes, he always forgets to take the rubbish and it really gets your goat, but nagging him isn’t going to make things any better.Men tune out the sound of women’s voices when they start to irritate them so it becomes a vicious cycle – you ask him to do something, he zones out, you get frustrated and ask him again and again and infinitum causing a build up of resentment and anger on both sides.他总是忘记带走垃圾,这的确很烦人,但是唠叨不是上策。男人被激怒的时候,会对女人的婆婆妈妈置若罔闻,这样,恶性循环就开始了——你要求他做什么,他不听,你生气并反复说,结果呢,双方都满腹怨气,甚至开始仇视对方。

Instead of demanding he do things in a nagging tone, try a more positive approach.Give him a cuddle, smile, look him in the eye and ask if he’d mind taking the rubbish out later.You’re much more likely to get what you want with a warm approach and he won’t resent you for asking.用聪明的办法代替烦人的唠叨。开口前拥抱一下、给个笑脸或用期待地眼光注视他,然后再问他是否可以顺便把垃圾带走。这种以柔克刚的方法更有利于你达到目的,而他也会乐意效劳。



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