七年级下册英语复习model 1

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第一篇:七年级下册英语复习model 1


I.根据汉语提示填空.1.He often ______(邀请)his friends to his house.2.Can I ______(说)with Mrs.Smith, please? 3.When did Jenny _____(出发)for Beijing? 4.Thanks for you__________(邀请).5.I want to help _______(他们).6.She said she would give me a ____(电话).7.We work five days a ____(周).8.Let’s make a _____(计划)for our holiday.9.Lucy likes _____(购物)in that shop on Sunday.10.Don’t forget to _____________(给家人写信).11.How do you __(认为)going shopping with me 12.This is a picture of ____(我们的)school.13.I’m ________(整理)my suitcase.14.Pants and T-shirts are ____(衣服).15.The flowers need _____(更多的)water.16.My school is _____(在……附近)a park.17.What are you doing____(现在)?

18.How many_____(双)of shoes do you need? 19.A taxi is _____(快)than a bus.20.I want four ____(票)from Baoding to Beijing.21.It doesn’t ______(花费)much.22.I’m ______(激动的).Trains are so fun.23.I want to ________________(制订一个计划)for our trip.24.We are all working ____(努力)now.25.One thousand ______(千米)is a long way.26._____(谢谢)for your help.II.根据所给单词的正确形式填空

1.She______________(not know)how to do it.2.She wants to go on___(she)trip to Shanghai.3.She buys a cat for ____(he).4.A train is ____(slow)than a plane.5.Look!The cat is ______(sit)on your chair.6.Lily often ____(have)breadfast at 6:00 a.m.7.Look at the picture.I’m_____(eat)an apple.8.This bag is________(cheap)than that one.III.单项选择

()1.Let’s go ___.A.market B.store C.shopping

()2.My grandpa is_ old_ see the picture clearly.A.so , to B.so , not C.too, to D.so can’t()3.A train is__ than ___ bus.A.fast, a B.faster, the C.faster , a D.fast, the()4.My bag is ___ than yours.A.big B.biggerC.bigerD.biggest()5.Let’s talk __ the picture.A.to B.inC.fromD.about()6.Thanks __ your help.A.toB.atC.on D.for()7.I want them__to our house.A.come B.coming C.comes D.to come()8.--When do you leave__Beijing?--Tonight.A.toB.forC.inD.at

()9.Do you___home and ___Beijing?

A.leave ,arrive atB.leave for, arrive atC.leave, arrive inD.leave for, arrive in()10.Sue is a teacher and __ in a middle school.A.works B.working C.worked D.to work()11.I’m packing my bag___the books.A.byB.in C.withD.through()12.I’m going to buy a gift __ my mother.A.to B.ofC.atD.for

()13.__does the meeting begin?At 2:00 p.m.A.WhereB.WhenC.WhatD.Who()14.It is an __ news, I am so___.A.exciting, exciting B.excited , exciting

C.exciting, excitedD.excited, excited()15.Jenny and Danny are ___ the train station.A.onB.atC.ofD.under

()16.--___do you go on your trip? – By plane.A.What B.WhoC.HowD.How much()17.—What __ on Monday? –I write home.A.you doB.do you do C.are you doingD.you are doing()18.--Let’s go there _ taxi!

--No, I want to _ a bus.A.take, byB.by, takeC.in , onD.with ,in

()19.I want Jim ___ on our trip to Hangzhou.A.come B.go C.to come d.comes()20.Canada is ___ China.A.farB.near from C.near D.far from()21.They leave Shanghai ___ May 1.A.onB.inC.atD.for

IV.根据汉语完成句子 1.我想去北京旅行

I want to ___ ___ ___ ___ to Beijing.2.中国的首都在哪儿?

Where is the ______ _____ of China.3.她在学校很忙

She is _____ _____ school.4.北京离上海很远

Beijing is ____ _____ Shanghai.5.李明在学校里学习很努力 Li Ming______ _____ at school.6.他和我们一起停留了两周。

He_____ _______ us _____ two weeks.7.我们必须改变计划.We must ______ ______ _____.8.每个人都去火车站买票

Everyone ___ __ the train station ___buy tickets.9.旅行愉快。

______ ____ _______ ______.V.用适当介词填空

1.Danny and Jenny want to come ___ China.2.Li Ming lives ___ China.3.They arrived there __ June first.4.We arrived ___the small farm __ 2:00 __ in the afternoon.5.We arrived _____ Beijing yesterday.6.We are busy _____ school.7.We go to school ____ Monday __ Friday.VI.句型转化


_______ ________ do you live in Hainan.2.How far is it from Zhengzhou to Hubei?(根据提示回答)


对画线部分提问)_____ _____ pairs of socks _____ Lynn ____? 4.Danny stands up on the train.(改为否定句)Danny ______ _______ up on the train.对画线部分提问)______ ______ are _______ shoes? 6.I want a soft seat.(改为一般疑问句)

_____________________________________ 7.I need对画线部分提问)_____ _____ books _____ you need?

8.The girl is short, she can’t reach the table.(改为同义句).The girl is ___ short _____reach the table.9.My home is near school.(改为同义句).My home is not ____ ____ school.10.It’home.(对画线部分提问)

_____ ____ is it from your home to her home? 对画线部分提问)____ ____ ____ go to school.对画线部分提问)

________ ________ they arrive?

13.I go to Beijing at 8:00 in the moring.(同义句)I ______ _______ Beijing at 8:00 in the moring.VII.完形填空

Today is Saturday.I want to shopping,and my mom says, ―Okay, we may go to supermarket().‖farmy house.It’s about 6 kilometres.So weto the bus station and take a bus.We leave supermarket 8:00, and we arrive there at 8:30.I buy a new shirt.It’s forty yuan, and I buy some books want to buy a jacket, but my mom syas,‖It’s not very cold.You need it now.‖ We go homethe afternoon.We have a good time today.()1.A.going B.wentC.goD.goes

()2.A.excited B.excite C.excitingD.sad()3.A.toB.with C.fromD.for()4.A.with B.toC.forD.at()5.A.takeB.on C.with D.by()6.A.at B.for C.inD.with()7.A.onB.inC.at.D.with()8.A.to B.tooC.eitherD.same()9.A.doesn’tB.noC.notD.don’t()10.A.inB.onC.atD.for




第4课时 Unit10—Unit 12





二、自主学习(教师寄语:Many hands make light work.)




Task1: 练习重点句型。(Unit10—Unit 12)

Task2: 完成复习资料上的知识点归纳及记忆。

四、巩固达标(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)



五、本节课学会了什么 ?(课后反思)


Unit 7 what does he look like?


1、Is that your friend? No, it isn’t.那是你的朋友吗?不,不是的。

2、What does she look like?她长什么样?

3、I think I know her.我想我认识她(I don’t think I know her.)我认为我不认识她。

4、Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team.王林是篮球队的队长。

5、She’s a little bit quiet.她有点文静。

6、Xu Qian loves to tell jokes.徐倩喜欢讲笑话。

7、She never stops talking.她总是说个没完。

8、She likes reading and playing chess.她喜欢阅读和下象棋。

9、I don’t think he’s so great.我认为他没有那么好。

10、I can go shopping and nobody knows me.我能够去购物,而且没人认识我。

11、Now he has a new look.现在他有一副新面目。


1、What does/ do +主语 + look like? 询问某人的外貌特征,看上去什么样? 如: What does your friend look like?你朋友长什么样?

2、形容头发时,可按照先长短,后曲直,最后说颜色的顺序说。如: She has long curly black hair.她留着长长的黑色的卷发。

3、不定代词做主语时,谓语动词要用“单三”形式。修饰不定代词的形容词,应该放在它的后面.如: Everyone is here.大家都在这里。

4.He is „(通常为形容词,包括身高、体形等)He has„(通常为形容词修饰的名词,包括头发、五官)

He wears„(穿、戴、留。可以是衣服、帽子、鞋子等,也可以是眼镜、手表、胡须)注意:在描述某人的外貌特征时,要区be动词和have/has,名词前用have/has,形容词前用be动词。5.a little bit +形容词 一点儿

Today , it's a little bit cold.今天有点儿冷。6.love to do sth 喜爱做某事

Do you love to play basketball? 你爱打篮球吗? 7.stop doing sth 停止做某事(此事正在进行)Stop to do sth 停下来开始做某事(此事还未做)

Please stop talking to write.请停止讲话,开始书写。

8.请比较下列句子,注意 have /has 与 with 的区别:have/has作谓语动词,而with一般作定语,对前面的名词进行解释说明。

She is short with long hair.她个子很矮,留着长发。He has long hair.他留着长发。

Do you know that man with glasses?你认识那个戴着眼镜的男人吗? 9.do /does/did 经常用来代替前面所说过的动作,使句子避免重复。--Who cleaned the room yesterday?昨天谁打扫了房间?--LiLei did.李雷打扫了。

10.一些动词加上 er 或or 构成名词

teach----teacher 教师 sing----singer 歌手 write---writer 作家 visit---visitor参观者 report---reporter记者 wait----waiter 侍者 work----worker工人 drive---driver司机 11.I don’t think„的用法,表达否定的看法(主语为第一人称,宾语从句表示否定意义时,否定词需前移。即移到think之前。)

I don’t think she is good-looking.我认为她不好看。

Unit 8 I’ d like some noodles


1.-What kind of vegetables/meat/drink/food would you like?

-I’d like „

2.What kind of noodles would you like?你想要哪种面条?

I’d like beef noodles.我想要份牛肉面条。3.What size bowl of noodles would you like? 你想要多大碗的面条?

I’d like a large /medium/small bowl noodles.我想要一份大碗/中碗/小碗的面条。4.What size sweater would you like?你想要多大的毛衣? I would like a medium sweater.我想要件中码的毛衣。


1.would like 想要(表示一种委婉的语气)=want.would like + 名词

would like an apple(=want an apple)would like to do sth 如:He would like to play soccer.他想去踢足球。-Would you like to see the dolphins?你想去看海豚吗?-Yes, I’d like to.是的,我很乐意去。

(1)would 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,可与人称代词缩写为’d, 与其它情态动词一样可帮助完成疑问句和否定句。(你能举出例子吗?)

I’d like some beef.我想要些牛肉。

(2)Would you like sth.? 是提建议的一种句型,如需用一些,用some而不用any.肯定回答是: Yes, please./ All right./ Yes./OK.其否定回答是:No, thanks.2.多数情况下,名词做定语时(即名词修饰名词),定语不用复数。an apple tree--five apple trees beef and tomato noodles 但是,当第一个名词变复数为不规则变化时(如woman,man,sport)例外: a woman teacher--two women teachers(前后两个名词都变复数)a man doctor--three men doctors a pair of sports shoes一双运动鞋 3.What kind of noodles would you like? kind 在此句中作“种类”讲,a kind of “一种”,all kinds of “各种各样的”。kind of “有几分” A cat is a kind of animal.猫是一种动物。There are all kinds of animals in the zoo.动物园里有很多种动物。The cat is kind of smart.那只猫有几分机灵。4.-Can I help you?你要买什么?

肯定-Yes, please.I would like „„ 否定-No, thanks.Unit9 How was your weekend?& Unit 10Where did you go on vacation?

一、重点句型和语法 1.一般过去时

表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,通常与过去的时间状语连用: yesterday(昨天),last week(month, year)(上个星期、上个月、去年)

(1)系动词be的过去时: am(is)→was, are →were

陈述句:He was at home yesterday.否定句:He wasn’t at home yesterday.一般疑问句:-Was he at home yesterday?yearmonth-old baby 一个五个月大的婴儿 5.enjoy(v.喜爱,享受)enjoy后面接名词、代词或动名词,注意与like/ love用法的区别。like/ love还可以接动词不定式(to do)。

I enjoy the soap operas.我喜爱肥皂剧。

I enjoy watching the soap operas.我喜爱看肥皂剧。

但我们不能说:I enjoy to watch the soap operas.只能说:I like / love to watch the soap operas.6.mind 表示“介意,反对”的意思时,通常用在疑问句、否定句中。He doesn't mind the cold weather at all.他一点都不在乎寒冷的天气。多用于以下句型:(表示请求或征求意见)后接动名词/名词/代词。Would you mind sb(doing)...?Do you mind sb(doing)...? 如:Do you mind me opening the door?你介意我把门打开吗? 7.stand 表示忍受(多用于否定句、疑问句)

He can't stand the hot weather.他受不了炎热的天气。Can you stand the bad words?你忍受得了难听的话吗?

9.What do you think of...? 你认为...怎么样?(谈论对某事物的喜好程度)可选择的回答有:(1)I like it.(2)I don't mind it.(3)I don't like it.(4)I can't stand it.(5)I like it very much.(6)I love it.(7)It's beautiful.(8)They're fantastic

Unit 12 Don’t eat in class.一、重点句型

1.Don’t arrive late for school.=Don’t be late for school.上学不准迟到。2.Don’t fight.不准打架。

3.Don’t listen to music in the classroom.在教室里不准听音乐。4.Don’t run in the hallways.不准在走廊上乱跑。

5.Don’t smoke.It’s bad for your health.禁止抽烟。抽烟有害健康。6.Don’t play cards in school.不准在学校打牌。7.Don’t talk in class.上课不准说话。

8.Don’t watch TV on school nights.在上学的晚上不准看电视。9.Don’t sleep in class.上课不准睡觉。

10.Don’t play sports in the classrooms.不准在教室里进行体育活动。11.Don’t sing songs at night.晚上不准唱歌。12.Don’t talk when you eat.吃饭时不要说话。13.Don’t wear hats in class.上课不准戴帽子。

14.Do homework by 10:00.在10点之前要做好家庭作业。

15.Clean your house!请将你的房子打扫干净!16.Make the bed.铺好床!17.Can we „„? Yes ,we can.No, we can’t.如: Can we arrive late for class ?上课我们可以迟到吗?

No, we can’t.We can’t arrive late for class.不,不行。我们上课不准迟到!18.Do you have to wash your clothes?你得洗衣服吗? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.是的。我必须。/不,不需要。


1.情态动词have to 的用法,意思是“必须、不得不”,它侧重于客观上的必要和外界的权威。(1)结构:主语+have to+动词原形+其他

(一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用has to;句子是过去时,用had to.)如:We have to wear sports shoes for gym class.在体育课上,我们必须穿运动鞋。

Tom has to practice the guitar every day.汤姆每天必须练习弹吉它。I had to get up at 5:00 am last Monday.上周一,我不得不早上5点起床。

(2)否定形式:主语+don't have to+动词原形+其他

(一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用doesn't have to.句子是过去时,用didn't have to)如:Nick doesn't have to wear a uniform.尼克不必穿制服。

We didn't have to do our homework at once.我们不必马上完成作业。(3)疑问句:Do(Does或Did)+主语+have to +动词原形+其他

如:Do you have to stay at home on weekends? 周末你必须呆在家里吗?Yes, I do./ No, I don't.是的,我必须。不,我不必。

Did he have to go to bed by 11:00 last night? 昨晚,他不得不11点前上床睡觉吗? 2.情态动词can的用法


Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉它吗?Judy can speak a little Chinese.朱蒂会说一点中文。I can dance and sing.我能唱歌又能跳舞。

(2)表示允许、许可,“可以”、“能”(在这一课中新学的词义)Can the students run in the hallways? 学生们可以在走廊上跑吗? We can eat outside.我们可以在外面吃东西。Can I come in? 我能进来吗?

注意: 同样是情态动词,can 和have to 的用法是有区别的,和大部分情态动词一样,can在否定句中,直接在can后加上not,在疑问句中,把can放到主语前面,并且没有人称和数的变化。3.be in bed “在床上、卧床”in 和bed之间不能用冠词,bed也不用复数。He is in bed for 10 years.他卧床10年了。

Dave has to be in bed early every night.大卫每晚必须很早睡觉。

4.arrive late for 与be late for 意思相近,“迟到”Don't arrive /be late for school.上学别迟到。I arrived/was late for the meeting yesterday.我昨天开会迟到了。

5.No talking!“禁止交谈!”no后面加上名词或动名词(doing)也表示不要做某事。与don't +do的用法相似。No wet umbrellas!/ Don't put wet umbrellas here!禁止放湿雨伞!

No food!/ Don't eat food here!禁止吃食物!No smoking!/ Don't smoke here!禁止吸烟!7.Too many “太多” +可数名词复数形式 He has too many dogs.他养了太多的狗。Too much“太多”+不可数名词

We have too much homework everyday.我们每天有太多的家庭作业。8.语法(祈使句)

祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召或者劝告等的句子,这类句子的主语常是第二人称you,也就是听话者,因而you常省去了。祈使句的开头是动词原形。如:Look out!小心!Wait here for me!在这等我!Be sure to come here on time!务必准时来到这里!

祈使句的否定形式多以do not(常缩写成don't)开头,再加上动词原形。Don't arrive late for school.上学别迟到。Don't fight!别打架!Don't look out of the window.不要向窗外看。

Unit 7 What dose he look like?



卷/短/直发_______________ 中等身高的/身材的_______________

一点儿„_______________ 一位流行歌手_______________

停止做某事_______________ 停下来去做某事_______________

戴眼镜_______________ 有一个新的外表_______________

去购物_______________ 篮球队队长_______________

喜欢阅读和下象棋_______________ 喜欢讲笑话_______________




________________________________________________________________________ 2.我的弟弟又高又瘦。

________________________________________________________________________ 3.她中等身高,有着一头漂亮的黑色长发。

________________________________________________________________________ 4.她有点重。她从不停止讲话。

________________________________________________________________________ 5.他们长的什么样子?他们中等身材。

________________________________________________________________________ 6.没有人认识我。

______________________________________________________________________ 7.他很受年轻人的欢迎。

________________________________________________________________________ 8.我认为他没有那么棒了。但我妈妈却认为他很棒。


Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.1.词组


大碗/中碗/小碗_______________ 什么尺寸_______________

桔汁_______________ 绿茶_______________

电话号码_______________ „种类的_______________

一种„_______________ 许多种„_______________

一碗米饭_______________ 多大的…_______________

一大碗牛肉西红柿面_______________ 一中碗鸡肉卷心菜面_______________

饺子馆_______________ 点心屋_______________

特色菜1_______________ 制作一份菜单_______________



________________________________________________________________________ 2.她想要多大碗的粥?一小碗。

________________________________________________________________________ 3.我喜欢饺子,但是我不喜欢洋葱。

________________________________________________________________________ 4.我能为你做什么吗?我想要一碗鱼汤。

________________________________________________________________________ 5.你想要冰激凌吗?好的。

________________________________________________________________________ 6.你想和我一起去看电影吗?当然乐意。


Unit 9 How was yu weekend?



踢足球_______________ 下棋_______________

弹吉他_______________ 去看电影_______________

阅读_______________ 准备(数学)考试_______________

呆在家里_______________ 去夏令营_______________

去爬山_______________ 拜访某人_______________

去购物_______________ 上个月_______________

昨天_______________ 寻找_______________

散步_______________ 在早上/在下午/在晚上_______________

玩电脑游戏_______________ 该…的时候了_______________


stay—________help—_______visit-_______like—_______live—_______ dance-_______ stop—________ plan—________study—________ worry—________am/is—_______ are—______have-________go—________find—________do—_______see-________ write-________say-________sit-________spend-________read-________



__________________________________________________________________ 2.他上个周末干了什么事?他去看望了他的叔叔。

_________________________________________________________________ 3.你的周末过得如何?很好,我去了沙滩,________________________________________________________________________ 4.孩子们怎么样度过周末的? ________________________________________________________________________ 5.我的阿姨为我做了晚饭。

________________________________________________________________________ 6.该回家的时候了。

________________________________________________________________________ 7.他坐下并看着旺旺和一只黑猫一起玩。

________________________________________________________________________ 8.他既没有也没有猫。


Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?



相当好;不错_______________ 公交车旅行_______________

整天_______________ 做某事很高兴_______________

发现某人正在做某事_______________ 在角落_______________

有点无聊_______________ 迷路_______________

帮助某人做某事_______________ 使某人做某事_______________

感到高兴_______________ 很有趣_______________

在度假_______________ 中央公园_______________

长城_______________ 故宫_______________




________________________________________________________________________ 2.食物怎么样?很难吃/好吃。

________________________________________________________________________ 3.那儿的人们怎么样?他们很不友好。

________________________________________________________________________ 4.我们在水里玩得很开心。

________________________________________________________________________ 5.我帮助他找到了他的爸爸。________________________________________________________________________ 6.我没有钱打的了,所以我走路返回旅馆。

________________________________________________________________________ 7.我们晚饭吃了川菜。

________________________________________________________________________ 8.商店里太拥挤了。我一点都不喜欢。


Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?

一、词组 谈话节目


体育节目_______________ 比赛节目_______________

中国饮食_______________ 认为„怎么样?___________=___________

事实上_______________ 一个十三岁的男孩_______________



钥匙链_______________ 校杂志社_______________

不能忍受_______________ 不介意/无所谓/不在乎______________




___________________________________________________________ 2.他认为游戏节目如何?他不介意。(how提问)

___________________________________________________________________ 3.他们认为谈话节目如何?他们无法忍受。

________________________________________________________________________ 4.我问了一些学生关于时尚的问题。

________________________________________________________________________ 5.我不介意人们怎么看待我的。

________________________________________________________________________ 6.这里是他们喜欢的和讨厌的。


Unit 12 Don’t eat in class.一、词组


家庭规章制度_______________ 在过道_______________

在音乐教室里_______________ 在餐厅_______________

运动鞋_______________ 体育课_______________

放学后_______________ 不得不做_______________

太多_______________ 十点之前_______________

做饭_______________ 少年宫_______________



________________________________________________________________________ 2.我们不能在教室里吃东西,但是我们可以在食堂里吃东西。

________________________________________________________________________ 3.你们在学校里可以听音乐吗?不能。

________________________________________________________________________ 4.你们还必须做什么?我们还必须打扫教室。

________________________________________________________________________ 5.你们在学校必须要穿校服吗?是的。

________________________________________________________________________ 6.禁止谈话。____________________________________________________________


七年级下册英语作文复习试卷 – by陈颖欣

(一)假设你有一位笔友广州,请把他介绍给你的同学。(姓名`年龄`国籍`语言`学校`爱好`家庭等)I have a pen pal in Guangzhou, China.He is Andrew King.He is 15 years old and his birthday is on October 19.He lives in Guangzhou.He thinks China is a very interesting country.He can speak Chinese and a little English.He studies in No.5 Middle School.He likes playing ping-pong very much.He often plays ping-pong with his classmates.His favorite subjects in school are English and art.Because he thinks they are very relaxing.He has a happy family.And he usually reads with his brother, Sam and a sister, Jenny.They often help the old people,too.This is my pen pal.We are very friendly.Would you like to make a friend with him?


I know you are arriving next Sunday.Let me tell you the way to my house.Take a taxi from the airport.You pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street.You go through Six Avenue, Seven Avenue, and Eight Avenue.When you see a big supermarket, turn left.Then go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park.Go down Center Street and my house is on your right.I hope you have a good trip.(三)描写你最喜欢的动物,从以下方面描述:姓名、年龄、国籍(from)、喜好、性格特征等。My favorite animal are dogs.I have one at home.His name is Tom.He is two years old.He is from China.He is white.He is very cute and clever.He often plays with me and brings the shoes to me.He likes to eat brones and run around me.He is lazy, too.He often sleeps and relaxes 10 hours every day.He doesn’t like vegetables, but he likes sweet food.What a lovely dog!I love him very much.Do you like him?


When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.Because I think being a teacher is very interesting.IfI am a teacher, I can teach children math.And I can teach them how to write, how to read books, how to speak other languages.It’s really a great job.But I will be very busy.I will have no time to play.But I can talk with children when they are sad.Then they will be happy.What a good job!I want to be a teacher, so I must study hard.I think it’s not difficult for me and I will try my best.I hope I can be a teacher one day.(五)介绍一些关于你的照片,谈论那时你在干什么。

Let me show you some photos.Here is a photo of our village.Isn’t it beautiful? Our village is between two hills and near a river.There’s a small bridge over the river.Here are some photos of my family.In the first photo, my parents are talking a walk in the village.My father is talking to my mother.They like to take a walk after dinner.In the second photo, I’m swimming.That’s my favorite sport in summer.In the last photo, my sister Nancy is writing a story.She’s a reporter and works for a magazine.She says she likes her work because it’s really interesting.I like the village.It has clean water, fresh air and friendly people.Come and visit it for yourself.(六)描写你最喜欢的季节,你为什么喜欢它?在那个季节你经常干什么?(spring、summer、autumn、winter)

My favorite season

Summer is my favorite season.It’s an exciting season, so I like it very much.In summer, sometimes it’s sunny and hot, but sometimes it’s raining.When it’s sunny, I usually go swimming with my friends.I like swimming, and it’s my favorite sport.When it’s raining.I usually stay at home and watch TV.It’s very relaxing.I enjoy myself in summer.I love summer!


Now I want to tell you about the four seasons in Australia.Spring in Australia is from September to November.I love the spring here.The trees in the street have lots of small white flowers and the weather is nice.At the beginning of spring, it’s cool and sometimes rains.At the end of spring, the weather is warm.It’s often very hot in summer.Sometimes we have four or five days at 45℃!Our summer holiday is from the beginning of December to the beginning of February.I go swimming every day.We usually go to the beach for a week in January.It’s windy there and the water is very cool.In autumn, the trees are all orange and brown.Our autumn is March, April and May.In winter, it snows in some places.We go skiing in the snowy mountains every winter in June, July or August.Sometimes it rains but it’s usually very cold.Often the sky is very blue, and you never see any clouds.It’s my favorite season.What’s your favorite season?


Hello, everyone!My name is Wang Yue.I’m a Chinese girl.I’m twelve years old.My birthday is August 12th.I’m from Beijing.Now I live with my parents on Heping Street, My house is between Mengxin Restaurant and a post office.My favorite subject at school is English.I think it’s very interesting.I like koalas because they are very quiet and cute.Do you want to be my pen pal?


There are four people in my family.My father is a policeman.His work is kind of dangerous.He’s very busy.He often has meals outside.Sometimes we can’t see him all day.My mother is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a reporter.She says her job is boring and being a reporter is interesting, because she can meet many interesting people.My brother is a waiter.He likes his job, because he thinks he can meet many new friends when he works.I’m a middle school student.I study hard because I want to be a teacher.I think it’s not difficult for me.We love each other, and I have a happy family.(十)描写一个人的外貌。(头发、五官、服饰等)

Johnny Dean’s New Look!

Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? Well, now he has a new look.He doesn’t have long curly hair.He has short straight hair.And doesn’t wear glasses any more.But some people don’t like his new look.“ I don’t think he’s so great,” says Ruth from New York.“But my mom does.”



Unit 6Iamwatching TV

Section A(1a-1c)


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