
时间:2019-05-13 04:22:18下载本文作者:会员上传


Leave ____ sp ____ weekdays ____ weekends

______a meeting/class/lesson Tour(人)

_____ book(我的)=the book is _______ 花钱sthSb

日本/ Befamous ______ Historya._____ the airport Attractiona.Hope _______(do)

_____ island(一个)

Safev.adv.n.Friend a.______be _______ to n.友谊

everything ____ ready ______ office(book)Agency(人)

A ticket ____ spa ticket _____sth A ______trip(四日)

A ___________ hotel(三星级)到达上海 3个

_______ time(arrive)Far away ______ 获二等奖 Die a.n.去伦敦的一次学习旅游 At last= ______________ 工作日上课 =_____________周末观光 一个接一个 Visit sp提问 把我唤醒 乘飞机去某地(3个)Have already finished(否定)乘观光车旅行 Finish ________(do)乘飞机(提问)、咬了一口 持续多久提问 立刻,马上(4个)问钱 cry(过去式)包括什么提问 碰巧做 系动词+_______

Ibegan to learn English 3 years ago.= I _______________English _______ 3 years.The film began ten minutes ago.= The film ________________ ________ _______ ten minutes.The old man died last week.= The old man _______ _______________________ a week.I borrowed the book yesterday.= I ______________ the book _______ a day.I bought the book yesterday.= I ______________ the book _______ a day.I left Shanghai in 2010.=I _____________________________ Shanghai ______ 2010.I came here an hour ago.=I _______________ here _____ an hour.I joined the Army last month.= I _______ ______ ______the Army ______ last month.I worked as a teacher in 2000.=I _____________ ________ ________teacher ________ 2000.1---20基数词序数词1-12个月7天美国,英国法国澳大利亚德国

如此美丽的一个女孩 如此精彩的书 决定做某事 寓言 侦探小说 科幻小说

________ 3 o’clock_______ 3days(since,for)Powera.Child(复)(童年)小说 大众科学 Movea.作者 可怕的 Hardadv.Trueadvn.一个真实的故事 Enemy(复)偷东西

Manage(人)设法成功做某事 救命

With a friend of _____(我的)

My plan is---,what’s _____(you)Have a nice holiday!(回答)Return =/

Book the tour _____two Have sb ______(do)Make sb ______(do)Let sb ______(do)

否则_____ 选择_____ 和________但是_______ 占地面积 提问面积 期待做 问人口 此外

反意疑问:There is ,______ There are, _______

The masters of the house are,______ The weather there is,_______ He has eaten,_______

The students of Dongfang Middle School have been to,________ Ask/want/invite/tell sb ________(do)发现房间干净整洁



过着幸福的生活(2个)看上去死了 对。。生气 面带微笑

已在上海呆一段时间了 已经去了 去过 还没有

一个有魔法的很酷的男孩 比任何一种书更喜欢儿童故事 你觉得。。怎么样?(3种)哈利。波特的作者 比任何一个男孩都高

One of + _______+_______ than ______ ______+________




Mr.Jenkins liked all kinds of _1___________(美味的)food.As an important officer, he was often asked to dinner.The shopkeepers tried their best to fawn on(巴结)him.They knew it was good for their business.Now the officer got much _2________(胖)than before.He could _3________(几乎不)go upstairs at home and had to sleep downstairs.He often felt tired if he walked or did some housework.He was _4________(焦急的)about it and had to go to a doctor.“Stop _5________(吃)much meat with fat(脂肪)and sugar, Mr.Jenkins,” said the doctor.“Or(否则)it will be worse for your _6________(健康)!” It was difficult for the officer to do it.He wouldn’t do as the doctor said.He found something was wrong with his _7_______(心脏)a few months later.Now he thought the doctor was _8_________(正确的).And he had to be in hospital.“You must lose weight(减肥)_9__________(如果不)you want to die soon, sir,” said the doctor.“Could you tell me a way to lose weight, please?” asked Mr Jenkins.“You must do some exercise first.” “Which exercise?” “To move your head from side(边)to side when you are _10__________(被邀请)to dinner!”

Tim is a 16-year-old boy who studies in a high school.His parents tell him to study hard and they do _1_______(一切/每件事)for him.They wake him up at 6:00 am, and after breakfast his father takes him to school by car.As soon as the young man comes home from school, the supper is ready.Of course, he never does _2__________(家务杂务).Once, Tim’s father would go to London on business for a year.Before _3________(离开), he told his wife to look after_4________(他们的)son well.The woman had to get up earlier and did all what her husband did before.Two months later, she was so tired that she was ill.The young man got into _5________(麻烦/困境)at once.He couldn't do housework._6__________(甚至)he didn't know where to get on the bus.Yesterday Tim's mother found his shoes were worn out and told him to buy a new pair.But he didn't know how to choose _7________(合适的)shoes.The woman had a sigh(叹息), gave him a shoe pattern(鞋样)and told him to buy shoes by _8__________(他自己).With a policeman’s help, he found a shop.The shopkeeper brought some shoes and asked him to choose.When he was trying on pair, _9________(突然)he remembered something and took them off.The man was surprised and asked,“What's the matter?” "I'm sorry.I've _10________(忘/遗留)my shoe pattern at home.”

A young American doctor was in bed when suddenly his doorbell _1________(开始)to ring.It was already _2________(午夜/半夜), but what could the doctor do?He had to get up, put on his coat and go downstairs.When he opened the door, he saw a man_3_________(站)with a hat in his hand.“How do you do?” said the man,“Can you come at once to a place out of town?It’s quite far but you have a car and I can show you the1


“Certainly,” said the doctor,“I’m quite _5_________(准备好的).I can come at once.” After a few minutes the car was standing at the front door, the man got into the doctor’s car, and they drove off.They _6__________(驾驶)on for a long time.Then the man said,“Here we are.This is my home.Now I can pay you and you can go _7________(回)to town.”

“I must see the patient(病人).How can I go back without _8_________(看)the patient?”

“There is no patient,” _9___________(解释)the man.“_10__________(没有人)is ill.I live here, you see, and one must get home from a town, mustn’t he? There are no taxis this time of the night, but a doctor often makes night calls, so excuse me.Here is money.Thank you, doctor.Good night.”

One day a _1________(平穷的)farmer was taking a bag of rice to town.Suddenly the bag fell off his horse on the road.He didn’t know what to do about it because it was too _2_________(重)for him to raise by himself.He only hoped that_3__________(某人/有人)would soon pass by and help him._4_________(正好)at this moment a man riding a horse came up to him.But the farmer was very disappointed(失望)when he saw who he was.It was the great man living nearby.The farmer had hoped to ask _5___________(另外的)farmer or a poor man like him.But to his_6__________(惊讶), the great man got off his horse as soon as he came near.He said to the farmer, “I see you need help, friend.How good it is that I’m here just at the right time.” Then he took one end of the bag, the farmer took the other.They __7__________(一起)lifted and put it on the horse.“Sir,” asked the farmer, “how can I pay you?”

“It’s quite easy,” the great man __8_________(回答)with a smile, “_9_________(无论哪儿)you see anyone else in trouble, do the _10__________(同样/相同的)for him.”



自古以来 天下奇观 一年一度 若隐若现 人山人海 昂首东望 人声鼎沸 风平浪静 水天相接 齐头并进 浩浩荡荡 山崩地裂 风号浪吼 漫天卷地 横贯江面 汹涌澎湃 壮丽奇观 不容置疑 一争高下 郁郁苍苍 云遮雾涌 神秘莫测 滔滔江水 千姿百态 直入云霄 神来之笔 人迹罕至 涓涓细流 帘帘飞瀑 不可计数 应接不暇 一模一样 恍恍惚惚 峭壁深渊 怪石云海 风雨雷电 花鸟虫鱼 千鸟竞飞 百鸟齐鸣 山重水复 柳暗花明 引人注意 毫不可惜 随遇而安 洁白宁静 性格豪放 静谧舒适 坐卧不安 消磨时光 不可思议 精神大振 浩如烟海 飞渡重洋 枉费心机 胸有成竹 绿树成荫 鲜果飘香 狂风大作 雪花飞舞 草翠花开 家喻户晓 妇孺皆知 枯枝败叶 勤勤恳恳 蹦蹦跳跳 龇牙咧嘴 嘟嘟囔囔 可怜巴巴 引人入胜 妙笔生花 栩栩如生 丰富多彩 美不胜收 千丝万缕 风起云涌 潮涨潮落 奇花异木 高山深谷 困惑不解 左顾右盼 厉声呵斥 引吭高歌 一日三餐 一丝不苟 从容不迫 不胜其烦 局促不安 大模大样 空空如也 供养不周 架子十足 扬长而去 慢条斯理 不慌不忙 一动不动 引人注目 无忧无虑 自由自在 耀武扬威 偷偷摸摸 咕咕噜噜 长短不同 变化多端 温柔可亲 生气勃勃 枝折花落 屏息凝视 颤颤巍巍 如怨如诉 趁其不备 崇山峻岭 蜿蜒盘旋 气魄雄伟 金碧辉煌 姿态不一 神清气爽 隐隐约约 震撼人心 举世无双 享誉世界 南征北战 所向披靡 规模宏大 神态自若 久经沙场 整装待发 跃跃欲试 若有所思 殊死搏斗 秦兵马俑 惟妙惟肖 身材魁梧 历史悠久 亭台楼榭 通幽曲径 山洪暴发 协调有序 清波漾漾 人影绰绰 理所当然平安无事 骨肉同胞 谈何容易 血脉亲情 突如其来 号啕大哭 目不转睛 恍然大悟 杏林春满 疑惑不解 衣衫褴褛 得意扬扬 铿锵有力 风和日丽 灯红酒绿 热闹非凡 振兴中华 帝国主义 模模糊糊 意义非凡 筋疲力尽 电话号码 年少气盛 受益匪浅 年逾古稀 形单影只 和睦相处 患难与共 呼风唤雨 出乎意料 腾云驾雾 归根到底 毫不相干 五彩斑斓 凌空翱翔 欣喜若狂 形态各异 茹毛饮血 毋庸置疑 生根发芽 千家万户 美味佳肴 用武之地


AA:嘻嘻 呵呵 _______ _______ _______ _______ ABB:笑盈盈 红彤彤 _______ _______ _______ _______ AABB:浩浩荡荡 郁郁苍苍 _______ _______ _______ _______ AABC:涓涓细流 帘帘飞瀑 _______ _______ _______ _______ ABAC:人山人海 不慌不忙 _______ _______ _______ _______ ABCC:人影绰绰 得意扬扬 _______ _______ _______ _______ 物体颜色:葡萄灰 茄子紫 _______ _______ _______ _______ 打比方的成语:细雨如丝 月光如水 _______ _______ _______ _______ 十二生肖的成语:龙腾虎跃 _______ _______ _______ _______ 带有数字的成语:一窍不通 _______ _______ _______ _______ 带有反义词的成语:小题大做 _______ _______ _______ _______ 带有近义词的成语:眼疾手快 _______ _______ _______ _______ 关于读书学习的成语:勤学苦练 _______ _______ _______ _______ 关于人物品质的成语:乐于助人 _______ _______ _______ _______ 描写花草树木的成语:桃红柳绿 _______ _______ _______ _______ 描写人间情意的成语:手足情深 _______ _______ _______ _______ 描写心情的成语:心花怒放 _______ _______ _______ _______ 描写天气的成语:艳阳高照 _______ _______ _______ ______ 描写神态(表情)的成语:神采奕奕 _______ _______ _______ _______ 描写四季的成语:

春:春意盎然 _______ _______ _______ _______ 夏:骄阳似火 _______ _______ _______ _______ 秋:秋高气爽 _______ _______ _______ _______ 冬:冰天雪地 _______ _______ _______ _______















































2、水奔流不息,是____________,它好像____。水没有一定的形状,______,_______,________,它好像____,水____,_____,_____它好像____。万物入水,________,它好像______„„由此年看来,水是真君子啊!请续写:______________。《练习7》 __________,不亦说乎!三人行,__________。学而不思则罔,__________。______,______,不知老之将至云尔。_______,可以为师矣。_______,_______。举一隅不以三隅反,则不复也。


笔试 75% 一.选择题 15%()1.If it ________tomorrow, we __________go to the park.A.rains, won’t

B.will rain, won’t

C.rains, don’t

D.rains, don’t go

()2.Could you lend me your bike?

Of course.________

A.You could

B.Give you

C.That’s all right D.With pleasure()3.I’m _______at reading than listening




D.best()4.He didn’t go there.I diden’t go there _________




D.neither()5.You shouldn’t argue ________ your parents




D.at()6.They will be back ___________

A.for an hour

B.after an hour

C.an hour ago

D.in an hiur()7.Would you mind doing the dishes?



B.Sorry, I won’t

C.Ok, I will do them

D.Please don’t()8.What ________ you ?

A, annoy

B annoys

C.is annoyed

D.annoies()9.How about _________a scarf?




D.to buy()10 Why _______ go to the park?




D.didn’t()11.Have you ever _________ an aquarium?


B.gone to

C.been to

D.been()12 I don’t like cats.__________does he




D.Also()13.Tom is ready for the party, ____________?

A.is he

B.isn’t Tom

C.isn’t he

D.is Tom()14_________ have you been swimming?

Two hours



C.How long

D How many()15.Could you make _________ for me?

A, room



D.a space 二.阅读部分 30% Many people sleep late on Sunday morning, but others don’t.However(然而), almost everyone reads the Sunday paper.

The Sunday paper is usually very thick.It has many advertisements(广告)and many different parts.The parents in the family like the front page, and the world news page.Many men also read the sports page.

Most men don’t read the women’s pages, but the mother of the family usually does.The women’s pages have the news about parties, food, health and clothes.Most Sunday papers have interesting stories.Children enjoy them.Old people read the death notices(讣告).They tell about people who have died during the week.(128)根据下面短文内容判断正误,在正确句子前面的括号内打“√”,在错误句子前面的括号内打“×”。

()1.The parents in the family like sports page.

()2.The father of the family usually read the women's pages.()3.Only old women read the death notices.

()4.Almost everyone likes reading the Sunday paper.

()5.This passage is about the Sunday paper. C

There was once a man who kept ten monkeys as pets as he was very fond of them.Every morning the monkeys would climb up and down the trees or swing from one branch(树枝)to another in his backyard.After that,he would feed them bananas.

One morning the man said to the monkeys,“We have very few bananas left today.For breakfast I shall give each of you two bananas and four for dinner.” When the monkeys heard this,they looked very unhappy.They refused(拒绝)to take the bananas that the man was handing out to them.

“Very well,then.You shall have four bananas in the morning and two for dinner,”the man said.

The monkeys looked at one another.Then they jumped up and down happily,nodding their heads.They took the big,yellow bananas from the man and started eating.

Choose the best answer.

21.The man kept the monkeys because he _________ .

A.liked them B.sold monkeys as pets C.wanted them to work for him

D.had many banana trees in his backyard 22.The man fed the monkeys _________ .

A.twice a day B.in the afternoon C.only when they were hungry

D.before they climbed up and down the trees

23.At first the man wanted to give the monkeys _________ bananas for dinner.

A.one B.two C.three D.four

24.The monkeys were unhappy and they _________ .

A.ran away B.nodded their heads C. didn't take the bananas from the man D. jumped up and down 25.Finally,the monkeys ate _________ bananas for the whole day.

A.less B.more

C.five D.the same number of D Walt Disney was born in 1901.The Mickey Mouse created(被创作)in 1927 made him very famous.He died in 1966, but his work and his dreams did not die.Now people all over the world enjoy his Mickey Mouse and other cartoons.Walt Disney was a man who did not give up easily.One summer, Walt Disney wanted a job in a post office, but they told him that he was too young.He went home, drew some lines on his face.And put on his father’s suit and hat.Then he went back to the same office and told them he was 18.He got the job finally.Later in his life, Mr Disney had a dream, that is, to build a new kind of amusement park.It would be clean and beautiful.There would be rides for children and nice hotels for adults.It would be fun for people of all ages.Mr Disney drew a plan for this park.It was called Disneyland.Engineers told him it was an impossible dream.His family and friends thought he was mad.But Mr Disney did not give up his idea.In 1955, Disneyland opened to the public and became the most successful amusement park in the USA.Walt Disney’s dream come true.1.When Walt Disney create Mickey Mouse? ____________________________________________________

2.What is Walt Disney’s dream.Did it come true?

_____________________________________________________ 3.Was Walt Disney 18 years old when he got the job in the post office? _____________________________________________________ 4.Where is the first Disneyland? _____________________________________________________ 5.What’s the meaning of give up?



9% 现在学生进网吧(get on-line)成风, 某班主任下周开班会时将讨论有关问题.假如你是班主任,请根据内容写一篇演讲稿.益处 1.学会使用现代设备(modern machine)---电脑.2.学习更多的知识(knowledge.).3.玩优秀, 使人更聪明.弊端 1.过于沉迷游戏(spend too much time in playing games).2.网上交友,通信频繁,学习越来越差.建议 1.在校学习时,不上网.2.寒` 暑假时可适当去._____________________________________________________ Keys: 听力题:




IV.1.seven thirty 2.the No 18 bus 3.a scarf 4.two years


选择题:1—5 ADCCA 6—10 DBBBA 11-15 CCCCA 阅读题A : ×××√√ B: C A B D C C: A A DC D D: 1.He created the Mickey Mouse in 1927.2.His dream is to build a new kind of amusement park.Yes, it did.3.No, he wasn’t.4.It’s in the USA.5.The meaning of give up is 放弃.看图写句子

1.Would you mind not playing the guitar too loud./ Would you mind turning down the music? 2.A goldfish is good for people because it’s easy to take care of.3.Kate has ever been to amusement park since 2 days ago.



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