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课文背诵段落 Unit 5

These reflections have occurred to me because I read in this morning’s paper that Edward Hyde Burton had died at Kobe.He was a merchant and he had been in business in Japan for many years.I knew him very little, but he interested me because once he gave me a great surprise.Unless I heard the story from his own lips, I should never have believed that he was capable of such an action.It was more startling because both in appearance and manner he suggested a very definite type.Here if ever was a man all of piece.He was a tiny little fellow, not much more than five feet four in height, and very slender, with white hair, a red face much wrinkled, and blue eyes.I suppose he was about sixty when I knew him.He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station.Unit 6

Once upon a time, technology, we thought, would make our live easier.Machines were expected to do our work for us, leaving us with ever-increasing quantities of time to waste away on idleness and pleasure.But instead of liberating us, technology has enslaved us.Innovations are occurring at a bewildering rate: as many now arrive in a year as once arrived in a millennium.And as each invention arrives, it eats further into our time.The motorcar, for example, promised unimaginable levels of personal mobility.But now, traffic in cities moves more slowly than it did in the days of the horse-drawn carriage, and we waste our lives stuck in traffic jams.Unit 7

Long before the Boeing brought down the towers, poet Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote “grief return with the revolving year.” So it is with New York.The time it took the Earth to circle the sun was time enough to clear the wreckage, but not enough to fade the memory of what happened there.It was time enough to plan memorials, but not enough to fill the gaping wound in lower Manhattan.For what is a year but a thin sliver of history, a beat of a hummingbird’s wing?


You see that young man swimming out at sea? He’s trying to swim out to the beacon and back.He must be insane to have committed himself to such a ting.The current is far too strong.To be candid, I wouldn’t attempt it.I dare say few swimmers are capable of such a feat.I met him on the beach before he set out.I don’t mind what he was going to do, because he didn’t look in good condition at all.Far from it.He may have had a good constitution once, but he had clearly let himself go all to pieces.However, it seems like he had no choice.He told me that he had gone broke, not a penny left, and that old Burton would only find him a vacancy in his firm if he did the swim.That was another surprise.Burton seems such a mild-mannered man, kind to everybody.Perhaps he thought the young man would not have the courage, that he would funk it.Then, again, perhaps Burton knew he was sending the young man to his death, but was too cold-blooded to care.It only goes to show how deceptive appearances can be.Can you switch off form the cares of life and relax? Many people cannot.They feel instead that they are obliged to be on the go all the time.The pace of life seems to grow ever faster.As the result, feelings of stress are common as people struggle to cope with what they see as a shortage of time.Such widespread feelings are in part caused by the large quantity if information that comes pouring in on us.“All man,” said Aristotle,” “by the nature desire to know.” But it is no longer possible, as it was in the past, for an individual to master the whole range of human knowledge.Instead, any individual, no matter how smart he is, can only command a fraction of total knowledge available.It may be argued that it is futile to even attempt to do so.We should learn to set more realistic goals for ourselves if we are to hope to escape from the tyranny of time.Corky Siemaszko’s snapshots provide us with an insight into the mood of the American people following in the tragic events of 9/11.they start with two pieces written in the immediate of aftermath of the attack.These clearly reveal the state of chaos into which New Yorkers felt they had been plunged by the toppling of the twin towers.Balancing widespread feelings of shock came the welling up of a strong sense of solidarity with each other in the face of a common enemy.Together with this came a natural desire to take revenge on those responsible.A year later the snapshots reveal a city and a nation thinking back on the fateful events of 9/11 while mourning those who perished in the attacks.Vocabulary

In a way refer shopping online because it is more convenient and saves time.The success of mechanics in discovering reliable and useful laws of nature suggested to Galileo that all nature is designed in accordance with mechanical laws.A vacancy exists for a sales manager at our Paris office.If you’re interested in it, please send us an application letter and your resume at once.If you are over 18 and in good condition, it’s completely safe to do the job.Plastics can be made hard as stone, strong as steel, transparent as glass, and light as wood.Coat the shoes with polish, the hitherto hard with a soft cloth to give a shine.It was probably just a spicy joke to them, but it wasn’t funny to me at all.Michael’s praise for my wife opened my eyes and taught me to show gratitude for her day-to-day heroism, which I had hitherto taken for granted.The waitress did bring us clean plates eventually, but with a bad grace.Some scientists believe that human beings are born with an instinct for using their arms and legs to stay afloat, which however, disappears within a few months after birth.In order to pay the bills, Linda pawned her grandfather’s gold watch in secret.Fish instinctively fight their way upstream against the current, and many water birds and animals have the ability to travel long distances.Streamline by nature comparative decorate distribution bewilder convention famine fax multiply prosperity appliance toil point the way to sth cope a large quantity of

Eat into cling to stand out wear away set about switch off turn loose pour in

Turn up stick to bring back go about driving at put away turn away take back

Shatter denounce farewell grief hijack memorial take revenge on mourn perish revolve sacred nerve solidarity pick at coat divine

Drop off apply for go off be gaining on bring down blotted out think back on picking at



1.As a result of a downsizing initiative and amajorbankmerger, myusually well-ordered life became fraught with changes.由于一次裁员行动和一次重大的银行合并,我一贯有条不紊的生活变得充满了变化。

2.Although I am a rather reticent individual by nature, I made the most of the oral presentations in class.And soon my confidence level soared.尽管我生性沉默寡言,但我充分利用了课堂上做口头陈述的机会,这使我不久就信倍增。

3.Much to the amazement of his friends and relatives, the young man gave up his secure future, stepped out of his comfort zone and rejoined the “rat race.”


4.No matter what life throws our way, having a positive attitude makes room for the future.无论在我们的人生道路上遇到什么坎坷,拥有积极的态度才能为未来打开空间。

5.Of course, having a fulfilling career is a personal goal I long to achieve.However, working towards materialistic things and personal glorification has never been my first priority.当然,事业有成是我渴望实现的一个个人目标,但为了物质的东西和个人的荣誉而工作却从来不是我最优先考虑的东西。

6.Having lost his job, he returned to college and ended up acquiring a diploma.失去了工作之后,他重回大学,并最终获得了一份毕业证书。


1.The new agreement is based on the original United Nations proposal.新协议是以原来的联合国建议为基础的。

2.I’ll take this English test even if it takes weeks or months of preparation.即使要花费数周或数月的时间准备,我也要参加这次英语考试。

3.In order to sell anybody anything in five minutes or less, you have to find common ground on which you and your client can stand together.为了能在5分钟或更少的时间里把任何东西卖给任何人,你必须找到你和你的顾客能站在一起的共同基础。

4.Yes, you must work harder in your studies.But it does not mean that you have to sacrifice your health for better grades.是的,你一定要在学习上更加努力,但这并不意味着你必须牺牲你的健康去得到更好的成绩。

5.We’re not here to talk about what divides us.We’re here to find the things that bind us together.我们到这儿来不是为了谈论使我们产生分歧的东西。我们到这儿来是为了找到把我们结合在一起的东西。

6.In some cases you have to stoop to conquer.But does it mean that you have to sacrifice your integrity? Certainly not.在有些情况下,你不得不屈尊忍辱以达到目的。但这是否意味着你必须牺牲自己的诚实正直呢?当然不是。


1.While attending Columbia, Li Ming became good friends with Wang Ying, a

twenty-year-old girl from Hong Kong.在哥伦比亚大学就读期间,李明与一个来自香港的20岁女孩王颖成了好朋友。

2.Encouraged by his instructor, John decided to make medicine his life's career.在导师的鼓励下,约翰决定把医学作为自己的终生职业。

3.Less than a month after he came to McGill University, Dr.Johnson submitted to the president a detailed plan for setting up a new laboratory in the biology department.约翰逊博士来到麦吉尔大学后不到一个月,就向校长提交了一份在生物系建立一个新实验室的详尽计划。

4.After receiving the urgent cablegram from his former instructor, Dr.Drew immediately set to work and organized the “Blood for Britain” campaign.在收到从前的导师发来的急电后,德鲁博士立即开始工作,组织了“为英国献血”的运动。

5.At the beginning of the following year, thousands of American soldiers were killed or injured on the battlefield.在第二年之初,数以千计的美国士兵在战场上阵亡或受伤。

6.In a series of experiments, Dr.Drew discovered that plasma could be given to any patient regardless of blood type.在一系列的实验中,德鲁博士发现,不管什么血型的病人都能接受血浆。


1.The restaurant caters to bothlocal people and foreign guests because it providescustomers with all kinds of food to choose from.这家餐馆符合当地人和外宾的口味,因为它为顾客提供各种各样可供选择的食物。

2.In addition to the Monument to the People’s Heroes, there are many other places for sightseeing at Tiananmen Square.除了人民英雄纪念碑,天安门广场还有许多其他观光场所。

3.The museums in Paris attract a lot of tourists from all over the world, whether they are historians, artists or ordinary people.巴黎的博物馆吸引着许多来自全世界的游客, 无论他们是历史学家、艺术家或普通人。

4.Apart from my daily work, I need to set aside a few hours each day to write my book on tourism.除了日常工作,我每天都需要留出几个小时来写我的旅游专著。

5.The Great Wall is one of the majortourist destinations in Beijing.Its principal attraction lies in its magnificent scenery and rich historical significance.长城是北京的一个主要旅游目的地。它的主要吸引力在于壮观的景色和丰富的历史意义。

6.I can’t afford the time to go traveling with you.I have to make arrangements for my art exhibition next week.我没有时间跟你去旅游。我必须为下星期自己的艺术展作安排。

以英语系系主任徐达方的名义为王大雷出具一份工作证明。王大雷于2000年3月1日至2005年12月31日在肖山学院英语系工作,其中2000年3月1日至2001年2月28日为兼职英语教师;2001年3月1日至2003年9月30日为全职英语教师,助教;2003年10月1日至2005年12月31日为讲师。徐达方的联系电话为 022-34788765。

December 31, 2005

To Whom It May Concern,This is to certify that Mr.Wang Dalei servedthe English Department of Xiao-shan

College in the following positions from March 2003 to December 2005.1.Part-time English instructor, 1st March, 2000 – 28th February, 2001.2.Full-time Teaching Assistant in English, 1st March, 200131st December, 2005.Please contact me at 022-3478-8765 if you have any questions or need more information about him.Yours sincerely,Xu Dafang

Professor, Dean


Dear Mr.Hill,As required by my employment contract, I hereby give two weeks’ notice of my intention to leave my position as an accountant.As you know, I have been very unwell for some time now and as a consequence, I feel that I am unable to work for B & A Company any longer.My plan is to focus exclusively on my health in the next year.This was not an easy decision and took a lot of consideration.However, please be assured that I will do all I can to assist in the smooth transfer of my responsibilities before leaving.I wish both you and B & A Company every success and would like to thank you for having had me as part of your team.Yours sincerely,Zhang Jin

Zhang Jin



1.According to many historians,the true pioneers of the modern digital computer are Charles Babbage and Augusta Ada Byron.2.A digital computer is generally made up of five distinct elements: a central proccessing unit, input devices, memory storage devices, output devices,and a bus.3.The microprocessor is a central processing unit on a single chip.It was made possible in the mid-1970s with the introduction of the LSI circuit and the VLSI circuit.4.According to the text, modern digital computer can be divided into four major categories on the basis of cost and performance.They are microcomputers, workstations , minicomputers,and mainframes.5.The first electronic computers, such as Colossus and ENIAC created in Britain and the United States respectively,used vacuum tubes, which later gave place to transistors.6.A program is a sequence of instructions that can be executed by a computer.It can either be built be built into the hardware or exist independently in the form of software.7.The smallest unit of information handled by a computer is bit, which is the abbreviation of binary digit , A group of eight bits makes up a(n)byte.8.One of the trends in computer development is microminiaturization ,the effort to computer more circuit elements into smaller and smaller chip space.第二章

1.The function of computer hardware is typically divided into there main categories.They are input;, output ,and storage.2.The software that controls the interaction between the input and output hardware is called BIOS, which stands for Basic Input/Output System.3.The two most common types of scanners are flatbed scanners and hand-held scanners.4.Video displays commonly task one of two forms, they are CRT-based screens and LCD-based screens.5 In the text,the author mentions thess of the most commonly uesd types of printers.They are_dot-matrix printers_,laser printer,and__inkjet printers _.6

According to the text,the two main types of

storage devices are_disk drives_and_memory _.7 It can be said that having a steady power source is important for a computer because RAM is_volatile_memory.8 A(n)_serial_connection transfers only one piece of data at a time while a(n)_parallel_connection transfers blocks of information at the same time.第八章

1、According to the geographical area covered ,a computer network is often classified as either a LAN , a(n)MAN ,or a WAN.2、A net work can also be classified as either a(n)open network or a(n)closed network according to whether its internal operation is based on designs in the public domain or on innovation owned and controlled by a particular entity.3、A network can also be classified according to its topology.Among the most popular topologies are the bus topology , ring topology, and star topology.4、A popular protocol in networks based on the ring topology is the token ring protocol developed by IBM in the 1970s.5、In a(n)Ethernet system ,the right to transmit messages is controlled by the protocol know as CSMA/CD.6、The client / server model for interprocess communication defines the basic roles played by the processes as either a client or a server.7、The peer-to-peer model involves two processes communicating as equals and usually executing on a(n)temporary basis.8、Althought it is often used , the term peer-to-peer network is not very appropriate.第十一章 The year 2000 was a turning point in electronic commerce.It maked the end of the “dot-com__boom ___”.2 Most people use the terms “electeonic commerce”

and “electronic__business_interchangeably.3 Based

on the types of participating_entities_electronic commerce can be classified into five categories:B2B, B2B, business processes , C2C, and _B2G__.4

The three most commonly used categories of eletronic commerce and B2C , _B2B__,and business processes.5 In C2C trnasactions, one party is selling, and thus as a business, so they are sometimes treated as part of _B2C_electronic commerce.6

The first wave of eletronic commerce was dominated by_ U.S.或American_companies.7

In the first wave, there was an over-emphasis on creating new large enterprises to exploit eletronic commerce opportunities because of the easy access to start-up_capital.8 The increase in_broadband_connections in homes is a key element in the second wave of electronic commerce.第十二章 1 Accoring to the text, the largest category of computer criminals is _employees_.2 People who gain unauthorized access to a computer system for fun and challenge are called _hackers _.3 People who gain unauthorized access to a computer system for malicious purposes are called _crackers_.4 Computer crime can take the form of damage_theft, and manipulation _.5 A(n)_worm_is a destructive promgram that fills a computer system with self-replicating information, clogging the system so that its operations are siowed or sopped.6 Software piracy_is the unauthorized

copying of programs for

personal gaim.7 Secuity measures for computer system consist of encryption, restricting_access__,anticipating disasters, and making_backup_copies.8 Secret words or numbers that must be key into a computer system to gain access are called_passwords_.英汉互译 第一章

1.artificial intelligence人工智能 2.paper-tape reader纸带阅读器 3.optical computer光计算机 4.neural network神经网络

5.instruction set指令集 6.parallel processing并行处理

7.difference engine差分机 8.versatile logical element通用逻辑元件 9.silicon substrate硅衬底 10.vacuum tube真空管 11.数据的存储与处理 the storage and handling of data 12.超大规模集成电路 very large-scale integrated circuit 13.中央处理器 central processing unit 14.个人计算机 personal computer 15.模拟计算机 analogue computer 16.数字计算机 digital computer 17.通用计算机 general-purpose computer 18.处理器芯片 processor chip 19.操作指令 operating instructions 20.输入设备 input device 第二章

1.function key功能键,操作键 2.voice recognition module语音识别模块 3.touch-sensitive region触敏区 4.address bus地址总线

5.flatbed scanner平板扫描仪 6.dot-matrix printer点阵打印机(针式打印机)7.parallel connection并行连接 8.cathode ray tube阴极射线管

9.video game电子游戏 10.audio signal音频信号

11.操作系统 operating system 12.液晶显示(器)LCD(liquid crystal display)13.喷墨打印机 inkjet printer 14.数据总线 data bus 15.串行连接 serial connection 16.易失性存储器 volatile memory 17.激光打印机 laser printer 18.磁盘驱动器 disk drive 19.基本输入/输出系统 BIOS(Basic Input/Output System)20.视频显示器 video display 第八章

1.file server文件服务器 2.carrier sense载波检测,载波监听 3.protocol suite协议组,协议集 4.peer-to-peer model对等模型 5.bus topology network总线拓扑网络

6.inter-machine cooperation机器间合作,计算机间合作

7.Ethernet protocol collection以太网协议集 8.proprietary network专有网络 9.utility package实用软件包,公用程序包 10.star network星形网络 11.局域网 local area network(LAN)12.令牌环 token ring 13.无线网络 wireless network 14.封闭式网络 closed network 15.环形拓扑结构 ring topology 16.客户机/服务器模型 client/server model 17.网络应用程序 network application 18.进程间通信 interprocess communication 19.打印服务器 print server 20.广域网 wide area network(WAN)第十一章

1.customized marketing strategy定制的营销策略 2.B2G transaction企业对政府交易 3.mobile telephone移动电话 4.dot-com bust网络不景气 5.smart card智能卡,灵巧卡 6.digital piracy数字盗版

7.dot-com boom网络繁荣 8.C2C transaction消费者对消费者交易 9.Web auction site拍卖网站 10.fingerprint reader指纹读取器 11.射频识别装置 radio-frequency identification(RFID)device 12.电子数据交换 electronic data interchange(EDI)13.库存管理技术 inventory management technology 14.知识产权 intellectual property 15.条形码 bar code 16.货币兑换 currency conversion 17.电子图书 electronic book 18.视网膜扫描仪 retina scanner 19.个人数字助理 personal digital assistant(PDA)20.企业对企业电子商务 B2B electronic commerce 第十二章

1.encryption program加密程序 2.deletion command删除命令 3.authorized user授权的用户 4.backup copy备份

5.voltage surge电压浪涌 6.circuit breaker断路器

7.electronic component电子元件(或部件)8.data-entry error数据输入错误 9.electronic break-in电子入侵 10.power line电力线,输电线 11.检测程序 detection program 12.电源 power source 13.破坏性计算机程序 destructive computer program 14.计算机病毒 computer virus 15.软件侵权 software piracy 16.硬盘驱动器 hard-disk drive 17.病毒检查程序 virus checker 18.主存储器 primary storage 19.电子公告板 electronic bulletin board 20.浪涌电压保护器 surge protector 翻译

A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions or program and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by manipulating other forms of information.计算机是一种电子设备,它能接收一套指令或一个程序,然后通过对数值数据进行运算或者对其他形式的信息进行处理来执行该程序。

A program is a sequence of instructions that tells the hardware of a computer what operations to perform on data.Programs can be built into the hardware itself, or they may exist independently in a form known as software.一个程序就是一系列指令,告诉计算机硬件对数据执行什么样的操作。程序可以内嵌在硬件本身里,或以软件的形式独立存在。

Computer hardware is the equipment involved in the function of a computer and consists of the components that can be physically handled.计算机硬件是计算机运行所需要的设备,由可被物理操纵的部件组成。

The need to share information and resources among different computers has led to linked computer systems, called networks, in which computers are connected so that data can be transferred from machine to machine.在不同计算机之间共享信息和资源的需要,导致了相互连接的计算机系统的产生。这种 相互连接的计算机系统被称为网络。

A computer crime is an illegal action in which the perpetrator uses special knowledge of computer technology.计算机犯罪是犯罪者使用专门的计算机技术知识做出的非法行为。Viruses are programs that “migrate” through networks and operating systems and attach themselves to different programs and databases.病毒是一种程序,在网络和操作系统中“迁移”,并附加到不同的程序和数据库上。

A variant on the virus is the worm.this destructive program fills a computer system with self-replicating information, clogging the system so that its operations are slowed or stopped.病毒的一个变种是蠕虫病毒。这种破坏性程序用自我复制的信息填满计算机系统,以阻 塞系统,使系统的运行减慢或停止。


IC 集成电路 LSI 大规模集成 VLSI 超大规模集成 I/O 输入/输出

BIOS 基本输入/输出系统 AI 人工智能 B2B 企业对企业 B2C 企业对消费者

B2G 企业对政府 C2C 消费者对消费者 P2P 对等的 CD-ROM 只读光盘

RAM 随机存储器 ROM 制度存储器 OS 操作系统 www.xiexiebang.computer(数字计算机)又称 Electronic computer(电子计算机)第一代计算机:vacuum tube(真空管);第二代计算机:transistor(晶体管)第三代计算机:integrated circuit或RC(集成电路)

第四代计算机:Large integrated circuit(超大集成电路)计算机最小单位:bit(位),一个字节等于8位。计算机分四种:Palmtop(掌上型计算机),workstation(工作站),microcomputer(小型计算机),mainframe(大型机)。

计算机的5个组成部分:(1)a central processing unit;(2)input devices;(3)memory storage devices;(4)output devices;and(5)a communications network.(1)中央处理器;(2)输入设备;(3)存储设备;(4)输出设备;以及(5)被称作总线的通信网络。第二章:

Input Hardware(输入硬件): light pen(光笔),mouse(鼠标),oystick(操纵杆),keyboard(键盘),scanner(描仪仪),microphone(麦克风),modulator-demodulator(调制器―解调器)。

output Hardware(输出硬件): display(显示器),printer(打印机),speakers(音箱)。Storage Hardware(存储硬件):

Hard(硬盘), floppy(软盘), magneto-optical(磁光盘),compact(光盘)。扫描仪:flatbed scanner(平板式扫描仪),hand-held scanner(手持式扫描仪)。显示器:cathode ray tube(CRT)(阴极射线管视频屏幕),liquid crystal display(LCD)(液晶显示视频屏幕)。

Inkjet printer(喷墨打印机),disk drive(磁盘驱动器),volatile memory(易失性存储器),nonvolatile memory(非易失性存储器)。

总线:address bus(地址总线),data bus(数据总线)。

总线连接方式:serial connection(串行连接)parallel connection(并行连接)。

鼠标定义:A mouse is a pointing device designed to be gripped by one hand.(鼠标是为一只手抓握而设计的指示设备。)

键盘定义:A keyboard is a typewriter-like device that allows the user to type in text and commands to the computer.(键盘是一个像打字机的设备,它使用户得以向计算机键入文本和命令。)

麦克风定义:A microphone is a device for converting sound into signals that can then be stored, manipulated, and played back by the computer.(麦克风是将声音转换成可被计算机存储、处理和回放的信号的设备。)

调制解调器定义:A modem, which stands for modulator-demodulator, is a device that connects a computer to a telephone line and allows information to be transmitted to or received from another computer.(调制解调器代表调制器―解调器,是将计算机与电话线连接、允许信息传给或接自另一台计算机的设备。)

总线定义: A bus provides a common interconnected system composed of a group of wires or circuitry that coordinates and moves information between the internal parts of a computer.(总线提供了一种常见的互连系统,它由一组导线或电路组成,在计算机的内部组成部分之间协调和移动信息。)


网络覆盖范围:LAN(局域网),MAN(城域网),WAN(广域网)网络开放:Open network(开网络),closed network(封闭式网络)网络拓扑结构:Bus topology(总线拓扑结构),Ring topology(环形拓扑结构),Star topology(星形拓扑结构)。

网络协议:Tcp/IP(传输控制协议和网际协议),Token ring protocol(令牌环协议)用于ring topology(环形拓扑结构)

Client/server model c/s(客户机/服务器模型)Peer-to-peer(对等模型)CSMA/CD(用于以太网络)

协议定义:For a network to function reliably, it is important to establish rules by which network activities are conducted.Such rules are called protocols.(为了网络可靠运行,确立进行网络活动所遵循的规则很重要。这类规则称为协议)。


Word Wide Web(世界万维网)

宽带:The increase in broadband connections in homes is a key element in the second wave.(家里宽带连接的增加是第二次浪潮的一个关键要素)。


四种计算机安全手段:1.Encrypting Messages(给信息加密),2.Restricting Access(限制访问),3.Anticipating Disasters(预防灾难),4.Backing up Data(备份数据)。

Unit1 1,A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions or program and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by manipulating other forms of information.计算机是一种电子设备,它能接收一套指令或一个程序,然后通过对数值数据进行运算或者对其他形式的信息进行处理来执行该程序。2,A group of eight bits is called a byte, 8个位为一组,称为一个字节

3,(1)a central processing unit;(2)input devices;(3)memory storage devices;(4)output devices;and(5)a communications network, called a bus, 它是由5个不同的要素组成的系统:(1)中央处理器;(2)输入设备;(3)存储设备;(4)输出设备;以及(5)被称作总线的通信网络,4,A program is a sequence of instructions that tells the hardware of a computer what operations to perform on data.一个程序就是一系列指令,告诉计算机硬件对数据执行什么样的操作。unit2 1, Computer hardware is the equipment involved in the function of a computer and consists of the components that can be physically handled.计算机硬件是计算机运行所需要的设备,由可进行物理处理的元件组成。

2, A mouse is a pointing device designed to be gripped by one hand.鼠标是为一只手抓握而设计的指示设备。

3, A keyboard is a typewriter-like device that allows the user to type in text and commands to the computer.键盘是一个像打字机的设备,它使用户得以向计算机键入文本和命令。

4, A modem, which stands for modulator-demodulator, is a device that connects a computer to a telephone line and allows information to be transmitted to or received from another computer.调制解调器代表调制器―解调器,是将计算机与电话线连接、允许信息传给或接自另一台计算机的设备。

5, Displays commonly take one of two forms: a video screen with a cathode ray tube(CRT)or a video screen with a liquid crystal display(LCD).显示器一般有两种形式:阴极射线管视频屏幕和液晶显示视频屏幕。

6, This type of connection transfers only one piece of data at a time, and is therefore slow.这种连接一次只能传送一段数据,因此很慢。

Unit8 1, The need to share information and resources among different computers has led to linked computer systems, called networks, in which computers are connected so that data can be transferred from machine to machine.在不同计算机之间共享信息和资源的需要,导致了相互连接的计算机系统的产生。这种相互连接的计算机系统被称为网络。

2, For a network to function reliably, it is important to establish rules by which network activities are conducted.Such rules are called protocols.为了网络可靠运行,确立进行网络活动所遵循的规则很重要。这类规则称为协议。3, A popular convention used for interprocess communication is the client/server model.进程间通信使用的一种流行规约是客户机/服务器模型。Unit11,Consumer shopping on the Web, often called business-to-consumer(or B2C)最常用的3种类型是:

(1)消费者在网上购物,常称为企业对消费者(或B2C)电子商务.(2)Transactions conducted between businesses on the Web, oftencalled business-to-business(or B2B)企业之间在网上进行的交易,常称为企业对企业(或B2B)电子商务.(3)Transactions and business processes that companies, governments, and other organizations undertake on the Internet to support selling and purchasing activities.公司、政府及其他机构为支持买卖活动而在因特网上采取的交易与商业过程 Unit12 1, A computer crime is an illegal action in which the perpetrator uses special knowledge of computer technology.计算机犯罪是犯罪者使用专门的计算机技术知识做出的非法行为。

2, Viruses are programs that “migrate” through networks and operating systems and attach themselves to different programs and databases.病毒是一种程序,在网络和操作系统中“迁移”,并附加到不同的程序和数据库上。3, A variant on the virus is the worm.This destructive program fills a computer system with self-replicating information, clogging the system so that its operations are slowed or stopped.病毒的一个变种是蠕虫病毒。这种破坏性程序用自我复制的信息填满计算机系统,以阻塞系统,使系统的运行减慢或停止。

4, Security measures consist of encryption, restricting access, anticipating disasters, and making backup copies.安全措施包括加密、限制访问、预防灾难和制作备份。

5, Passwords are secret words or numbers that must be keyed into a computer system to gain access.口令是秘密的单词或数字,人们必须将其键入一个计算机系统才能对该系统进行访问。


Do you think our fate is linked to our attitude rather than pre-determined?



To begin with, I would like to greet the chairperson and my fellow debaters.I am debater 1;this is debater 2, 3, 4.We think that attitude is the major factor that influences our fate.With the growth of age, I am increasingly aware of the powerful influence of attitude to life.As an old saying goes “Attitude determines fate.” It means that no matter what happens, attitude decides everything and the attitude can influent our fate.Moreover, the key to solve problem is our attitude.Only we have a positive attitude towards our problem can we have the courage to overcome these problems and do it much better.For example, Helen Keller, who is blind when she was young, becomes a famous writer and educator because she chooses a positive attitude towards her fate and it helps her overcome the blindness.So we stand on the point of “our fate is linked to our attitude rather than pre-determined.”


Good morning, everyone.I am debater 1;this is debater 2, 3, 4.Today we are stand on the part of “our fate is linked to pre-determine rather than attitude”.Reasons are as follows.Firstly, destiny now is called fate because it is an objective fact and cannot be changed, if fate can be changed, it is also called the “fate”? Visible, change “fate” is a kind of stultify oneself.No matter what you do, you are guided by a series of rules to do that.Secondly, a person's innate features can determine his work, the NBA no one height is low, and the Olympic champion, their talents are very good.And every scientist was born very clever.All of these are pre-determined rather than attitude.Lastly, a good pre-determined fate plays a important role in their success.Of course, we cannot deny that some people make success on their own.But we also cannot deny that many people get success easily because their fathers are very rich so as to they have a good fate.So, we say that our fate is linked to pre-determine.正方二辩向反方一辩提问:If fate is pre-determined, why we need to work hard? We needn’t do anything because everything is determined.反方一辩答: The opposite debaters may not understand the meaning of “fate”.The fate is so uncertain that we cannot know all the vicissitudes of our fortunes and what we can do is change now.So we have to work hard for a living or change family life.正方二辩向反方三辩提问:As is known to all, there are many people achieve success because they have a positive attitude in the world but they are from a poor family.How to explain this situation? 反方三辩答:This situation just shows that fate is unpredictable and has nothing to do with attitude.No matter we have a good or bad fate, we cannot know until it happens.And we also don’t know whether they would be successful until they achieve success or die.反方二辩向正方一辩提问:The opposite debaters say that fate is linked to attitude, that is to say if you have a positive attitude, you will have a bright fate? 正方一辩答:We never say a positive attitude must give people a good fate but no one can deny that having a good fate need a positive attitude.反方二辩向正方三辩提问:In Britain, they have the Prince and Princess.What do you think of the prince and princess;they are born with good fate, aren’t they? 正方三辩答:They just have a good birth, but not a good fate.In ancient China, a lot of prince even kings have a bad fate.反方二辩小结:

At this part, the opposite debaters state that a positive attitude can lead to a good fate but now we argue about the relationship between the fate and attitude or pro-determine.We must understand truly what the fate mean.It is not controlled by people and full of variables.Nothing can influent fate include people’s attitudes whether positive or not.So we still believe that our fate is link to pro-determine.正方二辩小结: First, a positive attitude promotes a good fate and a negative promotes a bad.It shows the relationship between fate and attitude.Second, the human development is the objective course of changing fate from the “history” to “future”.No matter you have a good birth or not, the fate is in your hand and it is determined your attitude.二、自由辩论

正方二辩问: As is well known, Beethoven is deaf but he also creates many famous songs because he clutches at the throat of fate through his positive attitude.What do you think of it? 反方三辩答: It just shows Beethoven have an ear for music and it is pre-determined so as to he can become a famous musician.正方三辩问:Can he achieve success only by having gift? 反方二辩答:Of course not but talent is the most important.As Edison said that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration, but the more important is the one percent.反方三辩问:How do you think of genius? Isn’t their fate linked to pre-determine.正方四辩答:Genius has a good talent but they may not have a good fate.Many people performance well in their childhood but they don’t have a good future when they grow into adult.反方四辩问:But their good performance when they are young is the reflection of our opinion, isn’t it? After all, children don't know what is attitude.正方三辩答:So what? It is just a piece of life and their future is doubtful.There is no doubt that their fate is linked to their attitude.三、总结


As a wise man says “Life is a difficult journey which we cannot choose the beginning but can choose the ending”.We must believe that we change our fate when we have a positive attitude towards it.No matter you are from rich or poor, you can achieve success in any fields just as Fleming and Churchill, a poor chemist and a wealthy politician.Furthermore, attitude makes a difference in problem even illness.Previous research has shown that a positive attitude help to cure illness even slow death, which means it change our fate.All in all, we think the fate is linked to attitude.反方四辩:

First of all, fate is pre-determined and irreversible.We cannot know what will happen in future.Secondly, there is no doubt that people who have good background achieve success easily compared with the poor.It is pre-determined and no one can change it.Last but not least, many jobs need people’s talent such as sport.A good talent can make it easier to get job and this is also pre-determined.So we support for fate is pre-determined.



Translation U1 六年前,作者经历了一场惊险的旅程。这次经历让他印象深刻,因为他在这场紧急的事故中找到了真正的英雄。一个周五的早上,航班前往亚特兰大。飞机起飞不久,飞行员向乘客通报紧急情况:一个引擎失控了,液压系统已经失灵了。更糟糕的是,他们都将会坠机。忽然间,机舱里一片恐慌。许多乘客脸色苍白,四周都在哭喊。在混乱中,一把温柔冷静的妇女声音传来,她正在安慰自己的女儿。母亲似乎没有被四周的悲伤和恐惧影响。即使面对死亡,她依然坚定的告诉女儿她有多么爱她,她把女儿包裹在怀里,尽可能的保护她。幸运的是,飞机安全着陆。母亲对女儿的那份爱向人们展示了什么是真正的勇气。

The author went through a breathtaking travel six years ago and the experience impressed him deeply because he found a real hero in that emergency.On one Friday morning, a flight headed for Atlanta.Soon after the plane took off, the pilot announced the urgent crisis that one engine was broken and the hydraulic system had failed.Worse still, they might be about to crash.Suddenly, panic spread all over the crowd.Many passengers lookgrim and pale.All around, people cried and screamed.In the chaos, there was a soft and calm voice from a woman who was trying to comfort her daughter.The mother seemed undisturbed by the sounds of grief and fear around her.Even when facing death, the mother still told her daughter firmly about how much she loved her, and put her body over her daughter, trying to protect her as much as she could.Fortunately, the plane landed safely.No one was hurt in the emergency.However, the mother’s love for her daughter showed people what real courage was.U2 我告诉他,我绊倒在地时听到了撕裂声。然而我的丈夫,不但不理会我说的,而且声称,一定是我的鞋带问题。所以,即便我的脚肿的像个气球,但我们并不知道我的脚崴了,因为他没有送我去看医生。在去机场的12个小时的飞行中,他把我一个人扔在借来的轮椅上,完全没有注意到我要去洗手间的手势。

I told him that I heard a snapping sound when I stumble and fell.But he, my husband, not only dismissed what I said but also contended that it must have been the strap on my shoes snapping.Therefore, we didn’t know my foot was broken because he didn’t send me to a doctor even though my foot was swollen like a balloon.During the 12-hour flight to the airport, he left me alone in the borrowed wheelchair and pretended that he didn’t notice my gestures indicating the need of going to the bathroom.U3 你可以找到缓解压力的方法,并很快重新掌握自己的身体。你也可以学会如何先使身体放松,随之带动精神放松。你也可以学看如何放松精神进而掌控自己的工作状态。一旦压力消退,人们就会很快解决工作中出现的问题。

You can find relief from stress and regain control fairly quickly.You can learn how to relax your body, and then your mind will follow.You can also learn to relax your mind and take control of your work situations.Once the stress is gone they tend to solve their work problems very quickly.U4 当天,我走进教室,听到了一些议论声。议论的是一个来自中国的大一女生,这引起了我的关注。我想见下这位神秘的女孩,我确实见了。助理院长让我带这个女孩去安排下午的事情,我们的旅程开始了。第一站是她的宿舍,房间的一半非常干净,以至于难以说清这是否有人住,房间的另一半则是一片狼藉。当然,干净整洁的这半边是中国女孩的。

This day, as I entered my class, some gossip came into my ears.It was about a new freshmangirl from China, who aroused my curiosity.I wanted to meet the mysterious figure and I did.The Assistant Dean called me over to take the girl to her afternoon activity.So we started our journey.The first stop was her dorm.Half of the room was so tidy that it was hard to tell whether there was existence of human beings.The other half was totally a mess.Of course, the neat half belonged to the Chinese girl.U5 我们所拥有的资产会快速贬值的原因是一旦我们已经拥有了,就会对之失去兴趣。在这种情况下,我们就可以用这些物品进行合作消费。相关研究人员告诉我们传统的分享已经变身为租赁业务,并将在未来十年中蓬勃发展。考虑到人口的快速增长,集体消费将完全符合“资源共享,以物易物,贸易,租赁”这一新的趋势。在进行合作消费时,如何理顺合作关系将成为最具挑战的问题:在同一时间,人们都需要同一件物品怎么办?在这个资源越来越少的世界,我们别无选择,只能与他人,甚至陌生人一起分享财富,这未尝不是一个明智的选择。The reason why the value of the assets we possess depreciates quickly is that we already have the ownership and we may lose interest in them.Under this circumstance, these items can be used for collaborative consumption.The relevant shows us that traditional sharing already transformed into rental business which will thrive in the following decade.Considering the growth of population, collaborative consumption conforms to the trend– sharing, bartering, trading and renting.The biggest challenge of collaborative consumption is streamlining operations because people may need or want the same item at the same time.In this on-going world with resources which are declining in amount, we have no choice but to collaborate with others, even strangers to spread the wealth.



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