
时间:2019-05-13 22:32:30下载本文作者:会员上传



新华网北京1月11日电 中国人民外交学会高级顾问唐家璇11日在北京举行的第四届“中日关系研讨会”开幕式上发表讲话。讲话全文如下:











































Tang Jiaxuan’s Speech At the Opening Ceremony of the 13th Annual Workshop Of the Framework on Regional Cooperation for the Promotion And Protection of Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region

联合国人权高专路易丝·阿博尔女士,Ms.Louise Arbour, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,各位代表,各位使节,女士们,先生们:

Distinguished Representatives and Diplomatic Envoys, Ladies and Gentlemen, 首先,我代表中国政府,对第13届亚太人权研讨会的召开表示诚挚的祝贺。

On behalf of the Chinese Government, let me begin by offering our sincere congratulations on the opening of the 13th Annual Workshop of the Framework on Regional Cooperation for the

Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region.借此机会,我也对联合国人权高专阿博尔女士和亚太各国政府、政府间国际组织、国家人权机构及非政府组织的代表来京与会表示热烈的欢迎。

Let me also take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to you, Ms.Louise Arbour and all the representatives from the governments of the Asia-Pacific countries, inter-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions and NGOs who have come to Beijing for the event.亚太人权研讨会在联合国支持下于1990年正式启动,已经成为亚太国家促进人权领域合作的重要平台。

Since its official launch in 1990 supported by the United Nations, the Asia-Pacific Human Rights Workshop has become a major platform for cooperation in this area among the countries in the region.15年来,亚太各国积极探索建立区域人权机制,明确提出区域人权合作四大重点,在建立国家人权机构,制定人权行动计划,开展人权教育和促进经济、社会、文化权利及发展权等方面作出了积极努力,取得了显著成绩。

Over the past 15 years, the Asia-Pacific countries, endeavoring to establish a regional human rights mechanism, have clearly defined and worked on four priority areas for regional human rights cooperation and achieved remarkable progress in setting up national human rights institutions, formulating human rights action plans, carrying out human rights education and promoting economic, social, cultural rights and the right to development.实践证明,只要我们牢牢把握促进和保护人权的正确方向,同时立足于亚太区域的具体情况,亚太地区的人权事业将会不断发展,亚太各国的人权合作将会稳步推进。

It has been proved that as long as we stick to the correct direction in promoting and protecting human rights and take into consideration the actualities of our region, we will continue to make headway in our cooperation and the cause of promoting human rights in our region.亚太地区人权事业的进步与本地区的和平、安全环境和经济、社会发展息息相关,密不可分。The progress of the human rights cause in the Asia-Pacific region is closely interrelated with peace, security environment and economic-social development in our region.纵观当今亚太地区,谋和平、求发展、促合作日益深入人心。

Today, peace, development and cooperation have taken root in the heart of our people.各国政治互信增强,经济一体化进程加快,对话、合作已成为地区关系的主旋律。

With increasing mutual political trust and accelerating economic integration, dialogue and

cooperation have become the dominant theme in our region.亚太地区已经成为全球经济增长最快、发展潜力最大的地区。

The dynamic Asia-Pacific region has become one of the fastest-growing and most promising economies in today's world.以亚太经合组织、阿拉伯国家联盟、东南亚国家联盟、南亚区域合作联盟、太平洋岛国论坛等区域组织为代表,各种形式的区域、次区域合作保持着良好势头。Various forms of regional and sub-regional cooperation, as represented by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the League of Arab States, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the Pacific Islands Forum, has maintained a good momentum.这一切已经并将继续为亚太地区人权事业的发展创造有利的环境。

All of these have created and will continue to create a favorable environment for the development of the human rights cause in our part of the world.亚太地区的发展正处于关键的历史时期,亚太地区的人权事业面临着重要机遇。

As the Asia-Pacific region is at a crucial historic juncture of its development, its human rights cause is faced with major opportunities.亚太地区人口占世界人口一半以上。

The population of our region accounts for over half of the world's total.在促进本地区和平稳定和发展繁荣的基础上,加强区域人权合作,不断提高本地区人民享受各项人权与基本自由的水平,既符合本地区人民的根本利益,也对世界人权事业具有重要意义。

By strengthening human rights cooperation and constantly enhancing people's human rights and other fundamental freedoms in our region on the basis of peace, stability, development and prosperity, we will both serve the fundamental interests of our people and contribute significantly to the human rights cause of the whole world.我愿就此提出四点看法:

Let me share with you four observations in this connection:


First, human rights cooperation in the Asia-Pacific should conform to the principle of equality and mutual respect.亚太几十个国家的文化传统和现实状况千差万别,在开展区域合作过程中,应象中国古代先哲孔子说的那样,做到“君子和而不同”。

Given the vastly different cultural heritages and conditions of dozens of Asia-Pacific countries, the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius' advice that “Gentlemen should live in harmony without uniformity” could serve as a guide in our regional cooperation.一方面,我们要根据《联合国宪章》和国际人权文书的宗旨和原则,一切从人民的根本利益出发,坚定不移地促进和保护人权。

On the one hand, we should uphold the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter and international human rights instruments and unswervingly promote and protect human rights to meet the fundamental interests of the people.另一方面,各国应根据国情选择适合自己的促进和保护人权方式。

On the other hand, every country should choose its own way to promote and protect human rights in line with its national conditions.无论是制定国家人权行动计划,设立国家人权机构,还是开展人权教育,各国都不可能千篇一律。There is no uniform standard with regard to national human rights action plans, national human rights institutions or human rights education.我们倡导区域合作,目的在于加强相互学习和借鉴,促进交流与合作,从而实现共同发展和共同进步。

The purpose of regional cooperation is to facilitate emulation, exchanges and cooperation so as to achieve common development and progress.第二,开展亚太人权合作,应把促进经济、社会、文化权利和发展权放在优先地位。

Second, the priority of this cooperation should be the promotion of economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development.亚太地区多为发展中国家,全球三分之二的贫困人口聚集在这里。

The bulk of Asia-Pacific countries are still in the process of development.More than two thirds of the world’s poor populations live in our region.许多亚太国家在经济建设和社会发展方面取得了非凡成就,但也面临地区冲突、恐怖主义、金融危机、自然灾害、环境保护、重大传染病等方面的严峻挑战,人民的基本人权仍面临严重威胁。Despite the indisputable achievements of many Asia-Pacific countries in economic-social development, recurring regional conflicts, terrorism, financial crises, natural disasters, environmental degradation and major outbreaks of infectious diseases are still posing serious challenges to the realization of fundamental human rights.对于本地区许多国家人民而言,贫困落后是充分享受各项人权的最主要障碍。

For the people of many countries in our region, poverty and backwardness remain the biggest hurdle to surmount before they can enjoy human rights fully.面对这一形势,我们别无选择,只有把实现发展权和促进经济、社会、文化权利作为最紧迫的任务,一心一意谋发展,坚持用发展促进人权,在发展进程中解决人权领域面临的困难和问题,提高人民享受各项基本人权的水平。

Under such circumstances, we have no other choice but to make the realization of the right to development and the promotion of economic, social and cultural rights our most pressing task and to focus on development, using it as a way to promote human rights and address relevant difficulties and problems in this process so that our people will be able to enjoy fundamental human rights at a higher level.第三,开展亚太人权合作,应坚持本地区优秀文化传统和价值观,同时借鉴其他地区的有益经验。Third, an important aspect of our cooperation is to uphold the precious cultural heritages and values of our region and at the same time draw on the useful experience of other regions.作为世界几大古老文明的发源地,亚太地区人文思想博大精深。

As the cradle of several of the world's ancient civilizations, cultures and philosophies in the Asia-Pacific are rich and profound.宽容仁爱、自律自强、珍视人性、和谐有序,是我们宝贵的精神财富。

Tolerance, benevolence, self-discipline, self-strengthening and the value on humanity, harmony and order are our precious assets.我们有理由感到自豪,也有责任予以弘扬。

We have reasons to be proud of our heritages and the responsibility to carry them forward.我们应充分发挥亚太地区的这一优势,把传统人权思想与现代人权理念有机地结合起来,构建符合亚太区域特点的促进和保护人权体系,塑造出具有“亚太特色”的人权合作模式。

We should make the most of this special advantage of ours and combine traditional thinking with modern concepts to create a system and a model with “Asia-Pacific characteristics” for promotion and protection of human rights as well as cooperation in this area.同时,亚太国家也要本着开放的态度,充分借鉴欧洲、美洲和非洲区域人权机制的有益经验,取长补短,共同进步。

At the same time, Asia-Pacific countries should be ready to learn with an open mind from the experiences of the human rights mechanisms of Europe, Americas and Africa so that progress can be made in all regions.这既有利于本地区人权事业的发展,也符合经济全球化时代的国际合作潮流。

This is not only conducive to the development of human rights cause in our region, but serves international cooperation in the age of economic globalization as well.第四,开展亚太人权合作,应采取循序渐进、协商一致的方式。

Fourth, human rights cooperation in the Asia-Pacific should be carried out gradually and by consensus.亚太地区地域辽阔,人口众多,各国和次区域间差异明显。

In this large and populous area, there exist obvious disparities among the countries and sub-regions.近年来,阿拉伯国家联盟、东南亚国家联盟、南亚区域合作联盟以及太平洋岛国论坛等框架下的次区域人权合作初具规模,跨次区域的交流与合作逐步发展。

Over the years, sub-regional human rights cooperation within the frameworks of the League of Arab States, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the Pacific Islands Forum has been unfolding, and exchanges and cooperation between sub-regions are also growing.这些有益尝试,无疑为各国间进一步扩大合作领域、提高合作层次创造了良好条件。

These useful experiments have undoubtedly created favorable conditions for the countries to further expand the scope and raise the level of their cooperation.我们应充分利用亚太人权研讨会这一交流平台,继续总结经验,加强协调,整合资源,最大限度寻求利益汇合点,探索可为各国共同接受的合作思路、途径和模式。

We should take full advantage of the exchange platform provided by the Asia-Pacific Human Rights Workshop and continue to draw on the successful experiences, strengthen coordination, integrate resources, seek the largest common interests and explore cooperation plans, channels and models that are acceptable to all countries.我相信,只要各国坚持从共同利益出发,妥善处理分歧,照顾彼此关切,我们完全有理由对最终建立统一的区域人权合作机制目标充满信心。

I believe, as long as every country can proceed from our common interests, address the differences properly and take into account other's concerns, we have reasons to have confidence about the establishment of a regional human rights cooperation mechanism.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen, 中华民族历来崇尚人的尊严和价值。

The Chinese nation has a tradition of cherishing human dignity and values.从几千年前的“民为贵”到今天的“执政为民”,中国的人权理念也在不断与时俱进,日趋成熟。From the earlier precept of “putting people first” several millenniums ago to today's idea of “governing the country for the people”, human rights concepts in China have been evolving with the times and progressing towards maturity.改革开放近27年来,中国人民的生活实现了从贫困到温饱和从温饱到小康的两次历史性跨越。Thanks to nearly 27 years of reform and opening up, the Chinese people have experienced two historic leaps from a state of destitution to adequate livelihood and then to moderate prosperity.与此同时,中国全面落实依法治国基本方略,积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革,不断完善民主法制建设。

Meanwhile, putting into practice the basic principle of rule of law in all fields, China has

advanced the reform of its political structure vigorously yet steadfastly, and persisted in improving the country's democracy and legal system.去年3月,中国全国人大将“国家尊重和保障人权”写入宪法,进一步确立了人权在国家发展战略中的突出地位。

The decision by China's National People's Congress in March 2004 to incorporate the provision that the “State respects and protects human rights” into the Constitution has further highlighted the prominent position of human rights in China's national development strategy.目前,中国政府正在认真贯彻人权保护的宪法原则,落实以人为本、全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观,努力构建民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序的和谐社会。

At present, the Chinese Government is making earnest efforts to implement the constitutional principle of human rights protection and the human-centered scientific concept of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development with a view to building a harmonious and dynamic society based on democracy and rule of law in which there are social justice, good faith and public order.要合作不要对抗,已经成为国际社会的广泛共识。

Cooperation instead of confrontation has become the general consensus of the international community.中国政府本着开放、务实的态度,同许多国家开展了双边人权对话与交流,积极推动区域和国际人权合作。

With an open and pragmatic approach, the Chinese Government has conducted

bilateral human rights dialogues and exchanges with many countries and worked hard to promote regional and international human rights cooperation.继2000年中国主办第八届亚太人权研讨会之后,我们很高兴再次与联合国人权高专办公室合作,举办此次亚太人权研讨会。

Having hosted the 8th Asia-Pacific human rights workshop in 2000, we are delighted

to have another opportunity to host this Workshop in cooperation with the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.我相信,在与会各国政府、政府间国际组织、国家人权机构和非政府组织代表的共同努力下,本次研讨会一定能为加强亚太区域人权合作作出新的贡献。

I am confident that, through the joint efforts of the participants from the governments, inter-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions and NGOs, this Workshop will give new impetus to human rights cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.最后,预祝研讨会取得圆满成功。

Before I conclude, let me wish the Workshop a great success!谢谢大家。Thank you.



Speech by State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan at the Opening Ceremony

of the Symposium on “China and the United Nations”



Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,60年前的今天,《联合国宪章》正式生效,联合国正式成立。爱好和平的各国人民在赢得世界反法西斯战争伟大胜利后,把建设一个和平、发展、合作的美好世界的愿望寄托于联合国。这是人类历史上具有划时代意义的创举。

Sixty years ago today, the Charter of the United Nations entered into force, proclaiming the birth of the United Nations.In the wake of their great victory in the worldwide war against Fascism, peace-loving nations across the globe placed on the United Nations their hopes for a better world of peace, development and cooperation.The creation of the UN is an epoch-making event in human history.60年来,《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则已成为指导国际关系的基本准则。联合国也走过了一条不平凡的发展道路,不断面临严峻考验,不断迎来风雨过后的彩虹,为维护世界和平、促进共同发展发挥了不可替代的重要作用。

During the past 60 years, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter have evolved into the basic norms governing international relations.The United Nations, for its part, has also traversed an extraordinary path, withstood severe tests, and overcome hardships with flying colors.Indeed, the world body has played an irreplaceable role in maintaining peace and promoting common development of the world.当前,世界多极化和经济全球化两大趋势不断发展,我们既迎来前所未有的机遇,也面临层出不穷的全球性威胁和挑战。坚持多边主义,采取集体行动,加强联合国作用已成为国际社会的共同愿望和普遍要求。这是历史发展的客观规律,是不可阻挡的时代潮流。

Multi-polarization and economic globalization are moving forward steadily as two major trends in today's world, presenting before us unprecedented opportunities as well as formidable threats and challenges of a global nature.Embracing multi-lateralism, taking collective actions and strengthening the role of the United Nations have become the common aspiration and pursuit of the international community.This is the objective law of the development of history and an irresistible trend of our times.各位来宾,Distinguished Guests,今年9月,联合国历史上最大规模的首脑会议在纽约成功举行。会议通过了成果文件,各国领导人重申对联合国的信心和对《联合国宪章》的承诺,同意进一步加强多边机制和联合国的中心作用,并就发展、安全、人权与法制、联合国改革等一系列重大问题做出重要决定。这是指导联合国今后工作和发展方向的纲领性文件。

Last September, the UN Summit, the largest of its kind in history, was successfully held in New York.It concluded with the adoption of the Outcome Document, in which leaders reiterated their confidence in the UN and their commitment to the UN Charter.They agreed to strengthen multilateral mechanism and the pivotal role of the United Nations.They also made important decisions on a host of major issues such as development, security, human rights, rule of law and the UN reform.This Outcome Document is a programmatic plan providing guidelines and orientation for the future work and development of the world body.胡锦涛主席出席了联合国首脑会议,在会议上郑重倡导建立一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界,并提出中国对加强国际集体安全机制、推动全球发展合作、改革和加强联合国的重大看法和主张。胡主席还重申中国将一如既往遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,积极参与国际事务,履行国际义务。这开启了中国与联合国合作的新篇章。在这里,我愿强调以下三点:

President Hu Jintao attended the UN Summit.He solemnly advocated, at the Summit, for a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity, and put forward important views and propositions of China on enhancing international collective security mechanism, promoting global cooperation and development, and reforming and strengthening the United Nations.In addition, President Hu reiterated that China will, as always, continue to abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, take an active part in international affairs,and fulfill its international obligations.This has opened up a new chapter in the annals of cooperation between China and the United Nations.Hereby, I wish to emphasize the following three points:


First, China stands ready to work together with the international community for a United Nations that adheres to multi-lateralism and strives for common security.和平是发展的前提。联合国应该促进建立新的安全共识,积极创造互信、互利、平等、协作的国际安全环境,推动各国以对话谈判解决分歧,通过集体行动共同应对威胁和挑战。

Peace is prerequisite to development.The UN should help develop new consensus on security, and work vigorously to create an international security environment featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination.It should encourage nations to settle their differences through dialogue and negotiations, and stand up to threats and challenges through collective measures.联合国需要增强斡旋、调解、维和和冲突后重建能力,更好地协调国际反恐、防扩散努力,不断完善集体安全战略和手段。联合国也需要更加注重预防冲突和消除冲突产生的根源,建立确保持久和平的长效机制。在这个方面,设立建设和平委员会是积极和重要的举措。中方愿推动磋商进程,确保委员会于年内成立。

The UN needs to strengthen its capability of good offices, mediation, peace keeping and post-conflict reconstruction.It needs to better coordinate international efforts in anti-terrorism and non-proliferation, and steadily improve strategies and tactics of collective security.It also needs to pay more attention to the

prevention of conflicts and the eradication of their root causes, and the establishment of a long-term effective mechanism to ensure lasting peace.Within this context, it is a positive and important move to create a UN peace-building commission.China is ready to promote the consultation process to ensure the birth of the commission within this year.第二,中国愿与国际社会一道,推动联合国坚持互利合作,实现共同繁荣。

Second, China stands ready to work with the international community for a United Nations that advocates mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity.没有普遍发展,世界难享太平;没有和谐进步,发展成果不能持久。联合国首脑会议决定为如期实现“千年发展目标”采取进一步措施,这具有重要意义,但关键还是要落到实处。

Without common development, there will be no peace in the world.Without harmony and progress, no development will sustain.It is of important significance that the UN Summit has decided to take further steps to realize Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)as originally scheduled.What is vital, however, is the enforcement of these measures in the real sense of the term.我们希望发达国家为实现全球普遍、协调、均衡发展承担更多责任,进一步对发展中国家特别是非洲国家开放市场,转让技术,增加援助,减免债务,为发展中国家的发展创造良好的外部环境。

We hope that developed countries will shoulder greater responsibility in achieving common, coordinated and balanced development across the globe.It is imperative that they further open up their market, transfer technology, increase aids, and grant debt relief and reduction to developing countries, especially countries in Africa, so as to create a favorable external environment for the development of developing countries.中国还是一个中低收入的发展中国家,但愿尽己所能,推动全球发展合作,向其他发展中国家伸出援助之手。胡锦涛主席在联合国首脑会议上宣布了中国将在关税、债务、优惠贷款、公共卫生、人力资源开发方面采取的五项重大举措。中国的援助是真心实意的,不附带任何条件,并将努力如期兑现。

Although China itself remains a developing country with a relatively low income, we are willing to do what we can to promote global cooperation for development, and lend a helping hand to other developing countries.Among other things, President Hu Jintao, at the UN Summit, set forth five important measures that China will take regarding tariffs, debts, concessional loans, public health and human resources development.China is sincere in helping other developing countries, without attaching any strings to our aids, and we will work to fulfill our commitment on time.第三,中国愿与国际社会一道,推动联合国与时俱进,革故鼎新。

Third, China stands ready to work together with the international community for a United Nations that advances with the times and keeps improving through reforms.面对新形势和新要求,联合国应该进行全方位和多领域的改革,以更好地履行《宪章》赋予的崇高使命。

In face of the new situation and new requirements, the United Nations should undergo all-round reforms in many areas, so as to better accomplish the sacred mission entrusted to it by the UN Charter.改革的目的是缔造一个更加强有力的联合国。世界在发展变化,我们需要一个不断加大在发展领域的投入,推动实现“千年发展目标”的联合国。我们需要一个重视发展中国家关切,照顾发展中国家利益的联合国;我们也需要一个效率更高、更具行动能力、广大发展中国家特别是非洲国家有足够代表性的安理会。

The purpose of the reform is to bring about a stronger United Nations.As the world evolves, we need a United Nations that constantly increases input in development and endeavours for the realization of the MDGs.We need a United Nations that attaches importance to the concerns of developing countries and takes care of their interests.We also need a UN Security Council that has higher efficiency, greater capacity for action, and adequate representation of developing countries, especially African countries.联合国改革必须在《宪章》精神指导下,在广大会员国的充分参与下,在达成广泛共识的基础上,积极稳妥地推进。中国不赞成任何导致会员国不团结或分裂的做法,不赞成强行推动尚有重大分歧的改革方案。

The UN reform must proceed in an active and prudent manner, under the guidance of the spirit of the UN Charter, with the full participation of the vast number of the member states, and on the basis of broad consensus.China does not agree to any practice that causes disunity or split among member states, nor does it agree to any move to force through highly controversial reform plans.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,60年来,中国同联合国一道,经历了沧桑巨变。特别是近20多年来,联合国不仅是中国改革开放的见证者,也是重要的合作伙伴。目前,联合国驻华机构已达15个,对华援助资金和项目涵盖农业、工业、环境、医疗卫生、社会福利等诸多领域,为中国的改革开放和现代化建设发挥了独特作用。我愿借此机会,感谢联合国为中国发展所做的积极贡献,感谢联合国驻华机构的卓越工作。

Over the past 60 years, both China and the United Nations have experienced many vicissitudes of the

world.In the past 20-odd years in particular, the UN has been not only a witness to China's reform and opening up process, but also an important cooperation partner.Today, there are 15 UN agencies in China.UN aid funds and UN-assisted programs in China cover a host of areas such as agriculture, industry, environment, medicine, public health and social welfare, playing a unique role in China's reform and opening up and modernization drive.I would like to take this opportunity to thank the United Nations for its contributions to China's development, and thank the UN agencies for their outstanding job in China.展望未来,联合国在推动全球和平、发展、合作方面任重道远。在这项伟大的事业中,中国始终是联合国坚定的支持者和密切合作的伙伴。我们对联合国充满信心!对中国与联合国的合作充满信心!

As we look into the future, the United Nations has an arduous task to promote peace, development and cooperation around the world.In the pursuit of this great goal, China will always be a strong supporter and a close partner of the United Nations.We have every confidence in the United Nations.And we have every confidence in cooperation between China and the United Nations!


In conclusion, I wish the symposium on “China and the United Nations” a complete success.谢谢。

Thank you.























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