His Excellency Premier Wen Jiabo, Excellency, Heads of state, Heads of government, Other distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,We are here today celebrating the golden age of ASEAN-China relations.All the leaders of ASEAN are visiting China to celebrate the 15 year of China’s Dialogue Partnership with ASEAN.As the chair of ASEAN this year, I am particularly proud of the role that ASEAN has played in helping China integrate its economy and become a powerhouse in the region and the world.The relationship between China and ASEAN has helped ASEAN as a region.Our trade is surging with China;we are seeing more Chinese in ASEAN.We hope to see more.The ASEAN-China partnership remains one of the most dynamic and progressive in the East Asia region.When ASEAN and China first began relations in 1991, the focus was on cooperation in economic and trade relations.Over the past 15 years, the relationship has evolved to include cooperation on political security, development, and other regional issues.Going forward, we should continue to strengthen the ASEAN-China partnership by promoting confidence-building measures, intensifying interactions, and allocating adequate resources to steer the relations and cooperation for mutual benefit.This China-ASEAN Expo is a good example of what we should be doing.It is with great enthusiasm that we participating in the China-ASEAN Expo.Our businessmen are looking not only for products to bring home but also for industries where Chinese and ASEAN manufacturing can collaborate to produce for our own domestic markets and for the rest of the world.Our businessmen have come to Nanning looking for products as candidates for integration trade with China.I am confident our search will bear fruit in the field of shared prosperity both for China and ASEAN.Thank you.th
1.第一届中国—东盟博览会 共注合作之水 首届中国—东盟博览会开幕式采掬11**亲河之水,汇成合作之泉,演绎博览会“友谊、合作、发展、繁荣”的主题。此届开幕式上,中国与东盟贵宾跨入友谊之门,共注合作之水,绽放繁荣之花,启动时代之钟,揭开了中国与东盟合作的历史新篇章。
2.第二届中国—东盟博览会 聚流成河 10+1﹥11 2005年的开幕式上,中国和东盟10国商协会会长共盖象征合作的巨型印章。它寓意着中国—东盟博览会作为大型国际性经贸盛会,商贾云集、商机不断,为各国搭建了一个优势互补的合作平台,促进了繁荣和发展。
3.第三届中国—东盟博览会 珠联璧合
4.第四届中国—东盟博览会 同舟共进 扬帆远航 2007年,第四届中国—东盟博览会开幕式以“同舟共进,扬帆远航”为创意,结合本届“港口合作”的重点主题,形象地把中国与东盟睦邻友好、通商贸易的历史展示出来。剪彩嘉宾在如同巨轮的主席台上推动加速器,巨浪翻腾,巨帆升起,彩带飘舞,身着水手服的少年随着节拍,整齐地打出“同舟共进,扬帆远航”的旗语,寓意着中国与东盟的合作巨轮在新的时期扬帆远航。
5.第五届中国—东盟博览会 金桥飞架 五载同心 2008年,第五届中国—东盟博览会开幕式以“桥”的勾通、连接作用为创意,结合本届“信息通信”的重点主题,11国贵宾合力搭建友谊合作长桥,生动体现了五届博览会促进了中国—东盟的友谊合作繁荣发展的作用,昭示在中国—东盟博览会的推动下,中国—东盟自由贸易区繁荣美好的未来。
6.第六届中国—东盟博览会 合作化危为机 信心照亮航程
7.第七届中国—东盟博览会 水润花开 共享硕果 2010年,第七届中国—东盟博览会开幕式以“象征成果和希望的向日葵”为创意,剪彩嘉宾手捧象征中国—东盟自由贸易区成果的果汁,共同倾入主席台前的“成果之杯”,寓意中国和东盟11国共享中国—东盟自由贸易区成果、共庆中国—东盟自由贸易区丰收的喜悦。金色的花瓣在主席台周围伸展开来,一朵巨大的向日葵在舞台上盛情绽放,与大厅环廊上的数万朵向日葵交相辉映,预示着博览会和中国—东盟自由贸易区的明天将更加灿烂、更加辉煌。
现在有请中国—东盟博览会组委会中方主任、中国商务部部长***先生主持开幕仪式。(2006-10-31 09:05:30)Now may I have the honor to invite His Excellency Bo Xi-lai, co-chair of the organizing committee of the China-ASEAN Expo, and the Minister of Commerce of China.[***]:
尊敬的东盟各国领导人,尊敬的温家宝总理,朋友们,大家上午好!三年前,温家宝总理和东盟10国的领导人共同决定每年在中国广西南宁举办中国—东盟博览会,三年来,11国同舟共济,博览会越办越好,生意也越做越多。今年,将有三万多名客商参会,在此,我代表博览会组委会对各位嘉宾表示热烈地欢迎!现在,我们请博览会东道主广西壮族自治区主席陆兵致辞,有请!(2006-10-31 09:05:49)Honorable leaders of ASEAN countries, Honorable Premier Wen Jiabao, Distinguished friends: Good morning!Three years ago, Premier Wen Jiabao and leaders of the ten ASEAN countries jointly decided to hold the China-ASEAN Expo annually in Nanning city.Over the past three years, the eleven countries have crossed the river in the same boat, pulling together to over come difficulties while the Expo has kept getting bigger, better and generating more business.There will be more than 30,000 participants attending the Expo this year.On behalf of the Expo organizing committee, I would like to extend my warm welcome to the distinguished guests present here.Now I would like to give the floor to Mr.Lu Bin, Governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the host of the Expo.[陆兵]:
Honorable Premier Wen Jiabao of the People’s Republic of China, honorable state leaders of ASEAN countries, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning!It gives us great pleasure to have state leaders of China and 10 ASEAN countries as well as all the representatives from business and other sectors in the green city of Nanning to attend the commemorative summit, marking the 15th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations, the 3rd china-ASEAN Expo and the 3rd China-ASEAN business anniversary summit.The 3rd China-ASEAN business anniversary summit has just drawn its curtains yesterday, and we’ve got to witness the opening of the 3rd China-ASEAN Expo here today.I’d like to extend, on behalf of the people’s government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and more than 49 million people of all ethnic groups in Guangxi, our warm welcome and sincere thanks to all the state leaders as well as all the dear friends home and abroad present here today.[陆兵]: 时代呼唤和平,人民渴望发展,办好博览会符合各国人民的共同利益,广西将与各方真诚合作,完善办会机制,丰富办会内容,共同办好博览会,共同推进中国—东盟自贸区建设,共同参与泛北部湾经济合作区域建设,共同谱写互利共赢新篇章。衷心祝愿本届博览会圆满成功!谢谢大家!
The human society couldn’t have developed without peace and security.People in all the countries are keen for development and prosperity.It serves the common interests of peoples in each country to stage a successful and fruitful China-ASEAN Expo.Guangxi will work closely together with all parties to improve the mechanism and expand the China-ASEAN Expo programs, to create a favorable environment for all the business people home and abroad and push forward the process of the China-ASEAN free trade area and the Pan-Beibu gulf economic cooperation zone.Let’s work together to open another new chapter for our mutually beneficial cooperation.In conclusion, I wish a full success of the 3rd China-ASEAN Expo.Thank you!
尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们,值此第三届中国与东盟博览会开幕之际,我对各位朋友的到来表示热烈欢迎!中国和东盟10国政府共同主办中国东盟博览会,体现了双方抓住机遇、深化合作的真诚愿望,搭建了互利共赢合作发展的平台,推动了中国与东盟在贸易、投资、旅游等领域的实质性合作。(2006-10-31 09:27:25)Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, on the occasion of opening of the 3rd China-ASEAN Expo, I’d like to extend my warm welcome to all of you.Jointly hosted by the government of China and 10 ASEAN countries, the China-ASEAN Expo demonstrates the sincere desire of the two sides to seize opportunities and deepen cooperation.It serves as a platform for mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation and it’s conducive to substantive cooperation between China and ASEAN in trade, investment and tourism.[温家宝]:
今年是中国与东盟建立对话关系15周年。15年来,中国与东盟经贸关系取得了巨大发展,双边贸易额增长了15倍,2005年达到1300亿美元,双向投资不断扩大,东盟在华实际投资达到400亿美元,中国企业对东盟投资也在快速增长,自贸区的建设步伐加快,次区域合作稳步推进,“早期收获计划”已顺利实施,中国与东盟经贸合作潜力巨大,前景广阔,我们要紧紧抓住机遇,积极进取,努力实现到2010年双边贸易额超过2000亿美元的目标,把双边经贸合作提高到一个新的水平。(2006-10-31 09:28:48)This year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of China-ASEAN dialogue relations.In the past 15 years, the economic relations and trade between two the sides has made tremendous progress, two-way trade has grown 15 fold, reaching $130.4 billion in 2005.Mutual investment has also expanded.ASEAN has now made accumulative total of actual investment of $40 billion in China.Investment in ASEAN countries by Chinese Entrepreneurs has also started to peak up.The development of China-ASEAN free trade area has accelerated and sub-regional cooperation is making steady progress.The early harvest program has been put into smooth implementation.I see a big potential and broad prospect in further developing the economic cooperation and trade between China and ASEAN countries.We should firmly grasp the opportunity and work together to realize the objective of raising China-ASEAN trade to more than $200 billion by 2010, thus further lifting our economic cooperation and trade onto a newer and higher level.
第四篇:马 飚在第九届中国-东盟博览会开幕式上的致辞
马 飚在第九届中国-东盟博览会开幕式上的致辞
广西壮族自治区主席 马 飚(2012年9月21日)
广西日报 2012-09-22
As strategic partners for peace and prosperity, China and ASEAN have engaged in exchanges and cooperation in wide-ranging areas and at a level unseen in the past, and we have formed a community of common destiny sharing a common stake.The tremendous achievements made by China and ASEAN have contributed significantly to improving people’s wellbeing in the region and the lofty cause of peace and development, and produced far-reaching impact on the progress of Asia and the world at large.今天,中国与东盟作为致力于和平与繁荣的战略伙伴,在前所未有的广泛领域和高水平上开展交流与合作,成为休戚相关、荣辱与共的命运共同体。中国与东盟共同取得的辉煌成就,为增进本地区人民福祉,促进和平与发展的崇高事业作出了突出贡献,对亚洲乃至世界的进步产生了深远的积极影响 各位同事,Dear Colleagues,世界正处于深刻复杂的变化之中。国际金融危机进入第四个年头,全球经济金融形势依然不容乐观。一些发达国家经济复苏乏力,出现严重的金融和债务危机。新兴国家和发展中国家的地位在上升,但整体实力仍不够强大。西亚北非地区发生社会动荡。全球性粮食、能源、环境问题日益威胁着人类的可持续发展。世界经济前景的不确定性、不稳定性有可能长期存在。
The world is undergoing profound and complex changes.The international financial crisis has entered its fourth year, and the current global economic and financial scene still gives no reason for optimism.Economic recovery in some developed countries lacks momentum, and those countries are plagued by serious financial and debt crises.Emerging and developing countries are ascending on the world stage, but taken as a whole, they are still not strong enough.Social turbulence has erupted in west Asia and north Africa.Global food, energy and environment challenges pose a growing threat to the sustainable development of mankind.The global economy may experience uncertainty and instability for a long time to come.当前,东亚保持经济较快增长和社会稳定,是全球最富有活力和潜力的地区,东盟和中国为此作出了重要贡献,赢得国际社会广泛认可和高度关注。必须看到,在全球化深入发展的时代,任何地区和国家不可能独善其身。严峻的外部环境势必对东亚带来不利影响,中国和东盟自身的薄弱环节和问题也会制约竞争力的进一步提升。我们既要充满信心,又要保持清醒,关键是抓住机遇,加强合作,共迎挑战,把命运牢牢掌握在自己手中,不松懈,不动摇,朝着既定的方向和目标继续迈进。关于中国与东盟关系未来发展方向,我谈几点原则意见:
With sustained and rapid economic growth and social stability, East Asia is the most dynamic region in the world with the greatest potential for development, and ASEAN and China have won wide international recognition and attracted much attention for their important contribution.On the other hand, we should be keenly aware that in the era of deepening globalization, no region or country can prosper on its own and be immune to external shocks, and the severe external environment is bound to exert a negative impact on East Asia.At the same time, the weak links and problems in China and ASEAN will hinder our efforts to enhance our competitiveness.We should be both confident and sober-minded, seize opportunities to enhance cooperation and jointly tackle challenges.And we should keep our destiny firmly in our own hands and do not slacken pace or waver in our advance in the direction we have set for ourselves to pursue our goal.To promote the future growth of China-ASEAN relations, it is important that we observe the following principles:
First, we should enhance strategic consultation and mutual trust.China will never seek hegemony and is opposed to all hegemonic acts.We are committed to a policy of building good-neighborly relations and partnership with our neighboring countries, and we abide by the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia.The disputes over the South China Sea between the relevant countries in the region have existed for many years.They should be settled through friendly consultation and negotiation between the sovereign states directly concerned.Outside forces should not get involved under any excuse.In 2002, China and ASEAN countries signed the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and agreed to advance practical cooperation and work for the final conclusion of a code of conduct.This is the common desire of ASEAN countries and China.We stand ready to work actively with ASEAN countries to fully implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, enhance practical cooperation and begin discussions on a code of conduct in the South China Sea.第二,把促进经济发展和社会进步作为第一要务。中国和东盟国家都处于发展的关键时期,我们要把双方发展战略和各自优势更好地结合起来,在更广领域和更高水平上开展合作,增强内生活力和动力,加快发展经济,改善民生,推进现代化建设,实现东亚的全面振兴。
Second, we should pursue economic development and social progress as a top priority.Both China and ASEAN countries are in a crucial stage of development.We should better coordinate development strategies, draw on mutual strengths and promote cooperation in more fields and at a higher level.We should enhance self-generating dynamism to speed up economic development, make life better for our peoples and advance the modernization drive to achieve full prosperity in East Asia.第三,坚持由东盟主导东亚合作进程。中国支持东盟一体化和共同体建设,乐见东盟实力和影响力不断提升,相信东盟完全有能力继续主导东亚合作。中国将于明年设立常驻东盟使团。中国将一如既往地支持和配合东盟工作,坚持以10+1为基础,10+3为主体,东亚峰会为重要补充,推进东亚合作。
Third, we should adhere to ASEAN centrality in promoting East Asian cooperation.China supports ASEAN integration and community building and welcomes a stronger and more influential ASEAN.We are confident that ASEAN is fully capable of leading East Asian cooperation.China will open a permanent mission to ASEAN next year.We will continue to support ASEAN and work with it, and we will continue to take 10+1 as the foundation, 10+3 as the main vehicle and the East Asia Summit as an important supplement in pursuing East Asian cooperation.第四,在多边领域维护共同利益。作为同一地区的发展中国家,我们在许多重大问题上有着相似的立场和看法,面临相同的处境和挑战,有着一致的目标和追求。中国和东盟都是促进和平与发展的战略力量,双方要密切协调配合,为推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序而努力。
Fourth, we should uphold our common interests in the multilateral field.As developing countries in the same region, we hold similar positions and views, face the same situations and challenges, and pursue the same goals on many key issues.China and ASEAN are both strategic forces for peace and development.We need to closely coordinate our positions and work to build a fair and equitable new international political and economic order.中国与东盟的务实合作拥有扎实基础,潜力巨大,具备向更高目标迈进的有利条件。我们要根据形势发展变化,加强统筹规划,建立健全合作机制,深化重点领域的合作,开拓新的合作领域,努力取得更加丰硕的成果。为此,我提出以下具体倡议和建议:
There is a solid foundation and huge potential for China-ASEAN practical cooperation, and we are well placed to achieve more ambitious goals.We should follow closely new developments, enhance coordination, establish and improve cooperation mechanisms, deepen cooperation in priority areas and open new areas of cooperation to achieve greater success.To this end, I propose that we take the following steps:
First, expand cooperation in trade and investment.We should fully implement all the agreements on the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area(CAFTA)and improve the FTA to create more benefits to the peoples and businesses of the two sides.China will continue to send trade and investment promotion missions to ASEAN countries and open an exhibition center for ASEAN products in Nanning, Guangxi to promote sustained and balanced growth of our trade.China will increase investment in ASEAN countries, step up efforts to transfer advanced and applicable technologies to them and work with ASEAN countries to enhance our economic competitiveness.第二,把互联互通等基础设施建设放在突出位置。为使这一重点领域的合作更为顺畅、高效,倡议成立中国-东盟互联互通合作委员会,力争尽快实现中国与东盟有关国家陆路运输通道互联互通的目标。中方高度重视与东盟国家构筑海上互联互通网络,愿采取有力举措与东盟国家发展冷藏船、滚装船以及集装箱班轮直线,推进海上旅客和货物运输便利化。中国政府在2009年承诺向东盟国家提供的150亿美元信贷共支持了50多个基础设施等建设项目,涉及几乎所有东盟国家。我宣布,中方将追加100亿美元信贷,其中包括40亿美元优惠性质贷款。
Second, give high priority to connectivity and other infrastructural development.To promote smooth and efficient cooperation in this priority area, China proposes the establishment of a China-ASEAN committee on connectivity cooperation, with the goal of realizing land transport connectivity between China and the ASEAN countries concerned at an early date.China attaches great importance to building a network of maritime connectivity with ASEAN countries.We are ready to take active steps to open shipping routes of freezer vessels, ro/ro and container liners with ASEAN countries and facilitate passenger and cargo transport by sea.The US$15 billion credit committed by the Chinese government in 2009 has supported over 50 infrastructure projects covering almost all ASEAN countries.Here, I wish to announce that China will provide an additional US$10 billion credit, including US$4 billion preferential loans.第三,深化金融领域合作。中方愿与东盟国家加强央行合作和金融人才交流;通过互设金融分支机构等形式,推动金融市场开放;加强监管领域的对话合作;扩大本币互换规模,推动人民币与东盟国家货币在双方银行间外汇市场挂牌交易;逐步建立银行间本币清算合作机制,推进双边本币结算业务发展;发挥“中国-东盟银联体”作用,为双方企业提供多样化金融服务;双方要共同推动完善清迈倡议多边化等区域货币互换机制,全面提升东亚金融危机救助水平,维护区域内金融稳定。
Third, deepen financial cooperation.China is ready to take the following steps to intensify cooperation with ASEAN countries: increase cooperation between our central banks and exchanges among financial experts;increase access to each other’s financial markets through mutual opening of branches of financial institutions;step up dialogue and cooperation between regulatory authorities;increase local currency swap and encourage the quoting of RMB and ASEAN currencies in each other’s inter-bank foreign exchange markets;phase in a cooperation mechanism on inter-bank local currency clearing and promote bilateral local currency settlement;enhance the role of the China-ASEAN Inter-Bank Association to provide diversified financial services to Chinese and ASEAN businesses;and jointly improve the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization and other regional currency swap mechanisms to fully enhance East Asia’s ability to conduct financial crisis rescue and ensure regional financial stability.第四,开拓海上务实合作。中方将设立30亿元人民币的中国-东盟海上合作基金,从海洋科研与环保、互联互通、航行安全与搜救、打击跨国犯罪等领域做起,逐步将合作延伸扩大到其他领域,形成中国-东盟多层次、全方位的海上合作格局。建议双方成立相应机制对此加以研究,制定合作规划。
Fourth, expand practical maritime cooperation.China will establish a three billion yuan China-ASEAN maritime cooperation fund.Our cooperation in this area may start with marine research and environmental protection, connectivity, navigation safety, search and rescue, and combating transnational crimes, and gradually expand into other fields, with the goal of developing multi-tiered and all-round maritime cooperation between China and ASEAN.China proposes that the two sides set up a mechanism to study the initiative and work out a plan for cooperation.第五,深化科技和可持续发展领域的合作。倡议明年作为“中国-东盟科技合作年”,在中国举办首届中国-东盟科技部长会议。双方要尽快签署《中国-东盟科技合作协定》,启动科技伙伴计划。中方愿与东盟推进在绿色经济、节能环保、新能源、可再生能源等领域的交流与合作。
Fifth, advance cooperation in science, technology and sustainable development.China proposes that 2012 be designated the year of China-ASEAN science and technology cooperation and offers to host the first 10+1 science ministers’ meeting in China.The two sides should move quickly to sign the China-ASEAN Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation and launch partnership program in science and technology.China will work to advance exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN in green economy, energy conservation, environmental protection, new energy and renewable energy.第六,更加重视社会和民生领域的合作。中方愿意设立10个职业教育培训中心,为东盟国家经济社会发展提供所需的人力资源;建议双方在灾害管理和人道主义救援方面建立机制化联系,交流信息和技术,探讨建立中国-东盟救灾物资储备库;倡议设立中国-东盟传统医药交流合作中心;中方愿与东盟建立文化部长会议机制,建议明年举行首次正式会议,探讨制订中国-东盟文化合作行动计划。
Sixth, work harder to promote cooperation in social areas and areas important to people’s livelihood.China is ready to set up ten vocational education and training centers to help ASEAN countries develop human resources needed in economic and social development.China proposes that the two sides establish a contact mechanism for disaster management and humanitarian assistance, share information and technology, and explore the possibility of setting up a China-ASEAN reserve center for disaster relief supplies.We also propose the opening of a China-ASEAN research center on traditional medicine.China is ready to set up a cultural ministers meeting mechanism with ASEAN.We propose that its first meeting be held next year to discuss an action plan on China-ASEAN cultural cooperation.今天,中国-东盟中心正式成立。双方要积极支持中心开展工作,为促进友好交流与合作提供服务。
Today, the China-ASEAN Center is officially inaugurated.Both sides should give full support to the center so that it can facilitate the friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN.中国和东盟各国高度评价20年来中国-东盟关系发展取得的成就,对未来合作方向和重点提出了重要的建设性意见。中国-东盟关系的基础是牢固的,潜力是巨大的,前景是广阔的。中国愿与东盟永做好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴,密切协调与配合,努力推动落实达成的各项共识,更多造福人民,为地区和平与繁荣作出更大贡献。
China and ASEAN countries speak highly of the progress made in the growth of China-ASEAN relations in the past 20 years, and we have put forward important and constructive proposals on the direction and priority areas for our future cooperation.China-ASEAN relationship is solidly-based and has great potential and a promising future.China will forever be a good neighbor, good friend and good partner of ASEAN.We will work closely with you to implement all the agreements we have reached to bring more benefit to our people and make greater contribution to peace and prosperity in our region.