专业英语期末考试 3(5篇模版)

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第一篇:专业英语期末考试 3




学号:P11201440Translate the following paragraphs into English.(50 points)


本文首先对风力发电的现状以及前景展望作了简要的介绍,并对风力发电并网方式作了详细的分析,总结了直驱式风电系统的优越性。然后,介绍了直驱式各种变流电路及其优缺点,并对永磁同步直驱型风电系统做出了详细的分析。在比较各种变流电路并考虑现有的开关器件的功率水平的基础上,研究了适合直驱并网要求的变流电路的拓扑结构,即采用三相不控整流、三个并联的Boost升压电路以及两个并联的三相SPWM(Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation)逆变器的拓扑结构,并描述了永磁直驱式风力发电系统的数学模型。其次,对变流电路的结构进行了说明,并对变流电路的各个部分的工作原理进行了分析。在升压斩波环节中,对采用三个并联的升压斩波器的工作原理以及最优的控制方法进行了研究。在逆变环节中,对采用两个并联的电压源SPWM逆变器的工作原理以及可以使用的直接电流和间接电流两种控制方法进行了详细的分析,针对其优缺点以及对环流和谐波的抑制能力进行了详细的比较,得出适合本文研究的逆变器的控制方法。最后,参考已有的变流器的数学模型和所计算的数据,借助MATLAB7.0/ Simulink环境,对直接电流控制的变流电路进行仿真分析。



In terms of energy use, high power grid connected wind power is currently the main way of wind energy utilization efficiency.The grid connected wind power generation system is the role of the changing wind energy by wind turbines into mechanical energy, and then convert mechanical energy into electrical energy by a generator, and finally into the grid.Because of constant speed constant frequency

wind turbine with a gearbox has the disadvantages of low efficiency, noise and mechanical loss, has not been able to meet the needs of the times.Therefore, capable of tracking the maximal power point of wind power at rated wind speed direct driven grid connected wind power technology has become one of the hot spots in the present study.Based on the above reasons, this paper studied the topology of converter circuit direct driven grid and control method.Firstly, the status of wind power and prospect are briefly introduced, and the wind power grid connected mode has made the detailed analysis, summarizes the advantages of direct drive wind power system.Then, introduces the converter and the advantages and disadvantages of direct drive type, and the direct driven permanent magnet synchronous wind power system is analyzed in detail.In comparing the various converter circuit and power switching devices based on the existing research, the suitable topology circuit of grid connected direct drive requirements change, namely the three-phase uncontrolled rectifier, Boost boost circuit of three parallel and the two parallel three-phase SPWM(Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation)topology inverter, and describes the mathematical model of permanent magnetic direct drive wind power system.Secondly, the structure of variable flow circuit are described, and the working principle of each part of the circuit is analyzed.In the boost chopper in the link, the working principle of boost chopper on the three parallel and optimal control method are studied.In the inverter, the working principle of voltage source SPWM inverter based on two parallel and direct current can be used and the indirect current control method of two were analyzed in detail, and compares their advantages and disadvantages as well as the circulation and harmonic suppression and compares the inverter, control method for the research the.Finally, reference of the existing converter mathematical model and the calculated data, with the help of MATLAB7.0/ Simulink, direct current control of the converter circuit simulation analysis.From the safety, the reliability of the system point of view, the possible problems in the process of grid for research.From the simulation results can be seen, the direct current control method is not only the harmony in the circulation dynamic response, anti-interference ability and which appears in the inhibition of parallel inverter on the wave problems have obvious advantages.The direct current control method can realize the variable flow scheme, is the best method of control.The grid connected wind power generation system in the converter circuit and the control method has a good research value, is worthy of further research and application.Writing(50 points)

Directions: For this part, you are asked to write an abstract entitled with Study on Wind Energy.You should write at least 120 words and you should base your abstract on the outline below:

1.The characteristics of wind energy

2.Analyze wind power system.Discussion about wind power generationIn the 21st century, people most pay attention to environmental protection.Because people abuse the earth's resources, caused the natural disasters in the world, so humans began to recycle, to protect the ecological environment.The wind is a kind of new energy with great potential, in the eighteenth century, a strong wind swept through England and France, destroyed many houses and trees.The wind in a few seconds sent a ten million-horsepower power.By some estimates, the earth can be used to power about 10 billion kilowatt wind resources, is now almost 10 times of the world's hydropower generation.The world energy gained by the burning of coal each year, only the wind energy provided by a third in a year.Therefore, paid great attention at home and abroad to use wind to generate electricity, the development of new sources of energy.Wind energy resources are rich, the other is field area need to reach a certain scale, in order to have enough venue layout fan.Wind power, of course, also has many shortcomings.Power generation will produce noise and visual pollution, affect the surrounding residents normal rest;Also take up large areas of land;And is not stable, controllable;Now cost is still high;Finally affect birds flying.As a new energy in the 21st century, has been a large number of development of wind power at home and abroad.Despite the high cost of wind power generation, but people in order to environmental protection, the use of

clean energy.It seems that wind power is how environmental protection!



一.Referring to the terms listed in the left column,place the appropriate letter next to the corresponding description.(12')

a.Assets1.inflows of assets

b.Owners’Equity2.net income

c.Revenues3.probable future benefits

d.Liabilities4.outflows of assets

e.Expenses5.net assets

f.Net Earnings6.probable future sacrifices

二.Choose the Best Answer for Each Item Below(15')

1.Which of the following concepts belongs to accounting assumption?

a.Conservatismb.Consistencyc.Materialityd.Money measurement

2.Which of the following groups uses accounting information for planning a company’s profitability and liquidity?


3.A credit is on the right-hand side of_______.a.an assets account only

b.a liability account only

c.an owner’s equity account only

d.all accounts

4.A purchase of office equipment on credit requires a credit to _________.a.Plant and Equipmentb.Cashc.Equipment Expensed.Account Payable

5.A sale is made on June 1 for $200 on terms of 2/10,n/30 on which a sale return of $50 is granted on June 7.The dollar amount received for payment in full on June 9 is ________.a.$200b.$150c.$147d.$144

三.Translate the Following English into Chinese(25’)

1.Assets are economic resources, which are owned by a business and are expected to benefit future operations.Assets may have definite physical form such as buildings, machinery, or merchandise.On the other hand, some assets exist not in physical or rights;examples are amounts due from customers, investments in government bonds, and patent rights.(10’)

2.The individuals most dependent upon and most involved with end products of accounting are those who are charged with the responsibility for directing the

operations of enterprises.(7’)

3.The principal statements, together with supplementary statements and schedules, present much of the basic information needed to make sound economic decisions regarding business enterprises.(8’)

四.Translate the Following Chinese into English(32’)








五、Complete the sentences.(16’)

1.An ________is the basic storage unit for data in a counting.2.The book or file, which contains all or groups of the company’s accounts, is called a ________.3.When someone invests in his or her own company, the amount of the investment is recorded in a _______ account.4.The balance of an_____ can be found in the general ledger.


学期期末印刷专业英语科目08 级第 三


考试专业:/ 图文信息处理年级/班级: 08级 印刷技术

出题教师: 海泽洫出题时间:年月20106 1日 做答教师: 海泽洫做答时间:年 6月2010 1日 一.


18.色彩校正 19.分色 20.排版工 21.反差 22.控制条 23.费用支出 24.裁切 25.润湿系统 26.密度计 27.设计 28.显影剂 29.模切 30.数字印刷 31.网点增大 32.干燥系统 33.编辑 34.静电复印

35.估价 36.丝网处理 37.文档格式 38.胶片 39.负片 40.正片 41.滤色片 42.压凸 43.折页 44.水斗溶液 45.配页 46.重影 47.印刷工业 48.凹版 49.灰平衡 50.灰梯尺

1.活化剂 2.加色 3.画家 4.定位 5.平衡 6.基本重量 7.表格 8.装订 9.橡皮布 10.滚筒 11.亮度 12.压光 13.照相机 14.连续调 15.印版,图像载体 16.字符 17.上光

二. 中文单词翻译

18.Lamination 19.Laser 20.Layout 21.Letter form 22.Letterpress 23.Light source 24.Line copy

25.Lithographic process 26.Management 27.Market analysis 28.Mass 29.Mesh count 30.Middle-tone 31.Modifier 32.Negative 33.Non-image area 34.Off color

35.Offset 36.Overlays 37.Paper 38.Papermaking 39.Newsprint 40.Percent dot size 41.Paleographic printing 42.Postscript 43.Printing system 44.Processing 45.Proof

46.Reflection copy 47.Separation 48.Strike-through 49.Substrate 50.Subtractive



1.halftone screen 2.hard copy3.hardware 4.highlight 5.illumination 6.illustration 7.blanket cylinder 8.impression cylinder 9.perfecting press 10.plate cylinder 11.ink 12.drying 13.inking 14.intaglio printing 15.job planning 16.Kelvin 17.Keyboard 三.










1.Paleographic printing is based on the principle that grease and water do not mix.The process

works this way.First, a greasy image is place on a flat plate.The image may be drawn directly on the plate with a grease pencil.Next, water is applied to the plate.The water will cover the non-image area of the plate.Tater will be repelled from the image area because water and grease do not mix.The entire plate is then coated with ink.Ink is a greasy substance and adheres to the greasy image.Ink is repelled from the wet areas of the plate because water and grease do not mix.2.Writing is an essential part of graphic communications.It enabled our ancestors to communicate

with others without the need for direct contact.Writing allowed them to record their history, their art, their science, their knowledge and their skills.It allowed our ancestors to communicate with future generations.To advance the communications process, limitations had to be overcome.Ways had to be found for reproducing several copies of a message without having to rewrite tht message each time.Writing and printing materials, such as inks, had to be invented and developed.3.With the advent of digital workflow in prepress and graphic communications industry, all the

associated devices are undergoing a rapid evolution.And although much has been written about the impact that this has had on the output side of the process, dramatic changes are occurring on the input side as well.Digital cameras and scanners have become the popular image input devices and will completely replace those of old generation very soon.4.A beam of white light passed through a glass results in a rainbow of color.This is because white

light is really a mixture of all the colors of light.Each color refracts or bends differently as it enters and leaves the prism.Three colors of light, red, blue, and green, can be used to reproduce white light.Where all three colors of light overlap, white is produced.Red, blue, and green are called additive primary colors because added together they form white light.5.Most printing inks consist of pigments, vehicles, and modifiers.Pigment is the ingredient that

provides the color of the ink.Many pigment colors are produced from rocks and clays.Others can be traced to plants, sea life, or even insects.Several pigments may be blended together to obtain a desired color ink.


An energy source(a primary or secondary cell, a generator, and the like)convertschemical mechanical,thermal or some other form of energy into electric energy.An energy

converter, also called load(such as a lamp, heating appliance, or electric motor), converts electric energy into light,heat mechanical work,and so on.电源(如原生电池、再生电池和发电机等)将化学能、热能或其他形式的能量转换城电能。能量转换器(也称作负载,比如灯泡、取暖器及发电机等)将电能转换成光、热和机械等能量

AC.circuit analysis involves the addition of harmonic time functions having the same

frequencies but different peak values and epoch angles.Direct addition of such functions.Would call for unwieldy trigonometric transformations.Simpler approaches are provided bythe Argand diagram(graphical solution)and by the method of complex numbers(analytical solution)


The entire system of Boolean algebra can be built up using combinations of only three

basic functions, the logic AND,the logic OR,and the logic NOT(or negation).Any Boolean equation can be realized by some combination of these three basic functions.These three

bsic functions will be discussed in detail below.布尔代数的整个系统都可以由三个基本函数逻辑‘与’‘或‘‘非’组合构成。任何一个布尔等式可由这三个基本函数中的一部分组合而成,以下将详细讨论这三个基本函数。Many types of automatic control systems have appeared during the twentieth century,based on electronic mechanical, hydraulic and fluidic principles.In each case the design techniques have been similar because each component of the system usually contributes a single well defined function to the system behaviors

在20世纪,出现了许多种基于电子、机械、液压和流体原理的自动控制系统。由于系统中的每一元件通常对系统的运转状态只起单一 确定的功能,各种类型系统的设计技术是相似的 The first advantage has already been mentioned;the large scale integration of

electronic systems has reduced the number of components which are used, leading to an increasein the overall reliabilityof the system and a reduction in assembly costs.The decreasein size which results from largescale integration means that the equipment based onmicrocomputers is usually much smaller, lighter, and more robust than that using older technologies.第一个优点已经提到过了,就是电子系统的大规模集成已经降低了所用的元件数量,促使系统的总体可靠性的提高和装配费用的降低。由于大规模集成引起的尺寸减小意味着基于微计算机的设备功能通常要小得多,轻得多,并且比用旧技术制成的设备要更为强大Electronic systems are used forihandling information in the most general sense;This

information may be the telephone conversation, the instrument reading or ‘the company’saccounts, but in each case the same main types of operation are involved;the processing, the storage and the transmission of information.In conventional electronic design,Theseoperations are combined at the function level;for example, a counter, Whether electronicor mechanical, stores the current count and increments it by one as required.A systemsuch as an electronic clock which employs counters has its storage and processing capabilities spread throughout the system because each counter is able to store and process numbers.广义的说,电子系统是用于处理信息的,这种信息可以是电话交谈、仪器读数或企业账户,但是各种情况下都涉及相同的主要操作:信息处理、储存和传送。在常规的电子设计中,这些操作都是以功能平台方式组合起来的,列如计算器,无论是电子还是机械的,都要储存当前值,并按要求将该值增1.诸如采用计数器的电子钟之类的任一系统要使其存储和处理能力遍布整个系统,因为每个计数器都能存储和处理一些数字。

Microcomputers use RAM(Random Access Memory), into which data can be written

and from which data can be read again when needed.This data can be read back from

thememory in any sequence desired, and not necessarily the same order in which it was written, hence the expression ‘ random’ access memory.Another type of memory ROM(Read

Qnty Memory)is used to hold fixed patterns of information which cannot be affected by

the microprocessor;these patterns are not lost when power is removed and are normally

used to hold the program which defines the behavior of a microprocessor based system.ROMs can be read like RAMs, but unlike RAMs they cannot be used to store variable information.Some ROMs have their data patterns put in during manufacture, while othersare programmable by the user by means of special equipment and are called programmableROMs.The widely used programmable ROMs are erasable by means of special ultravioletlamps and are referred to as EPROMs, short for Erasable Programmable Read Only Memories.Other new types of device can be erased electrically without the need for ultravioletlight, which are called Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memories, EEPROMs


To employ feedback control, we must first measure the condition we wish to maintain at the desired standard.The condition(variable)may be temperature, pressure, flow,level ,conductivity , pH, moisture content, or the like.要应用反馈控制,我们首先必须测出所要维持的某个期望标准的对应状态。这状态(变量)可是温度、压力、流量、物位、电导体、pH值、湿度或类似。

System models can be developed by two distinct methods.Analytical modeling consists of a systematic application of basic physical laws to system components and the interconnection of these components.Experimental modeling, or modeling by synthesis, is the

selection of mathematical relationship which seems to fit observed input-output data.系统的模型可以通过两类截然不同的方法来建立。解析模型是将物理学基本定律系统性地应用于系统各组成部分及其相互之间的关联关系进而获取结果的方法。经验建模,或叫综合建模,是一种通过寻找数学关系而建立模型的方法,这种数学关系应该能够与输入-输出观测数据相配合。



楼宇自动化安防系统the security system of building automation总线 bus

分布式控制系统Distributed control system工作原理the operational principle

网络构成the network configuration硬件功能the hardware function

The research is carried out for the safety system of building automation in the paper.A distributed control mode based on LonWorks bus is proposed.The performing principle of the system,the configuration of the network, the function of hardware and the realization of communication are introduced.老师翻译The security system of building automation is studied.ALonWorks bus based distributed control system is proposed.The system operational principle, network configuration, hardware function and realization of communication are discussed.A temperature control system was proposed employing proportional valve in order to retain the constant oil temperature in a large hydraulic system.The mathematic model of temperature was conducted based on laws of thermodynamics.Fuzzy PID strategy was employed in the real system.Results show that the fuzzy PID controller can reach control accuracy of 45±1 ℃.Compared with conventional PID controller, the fuzzy PID controller can achieve higher control accuracy, faster response and stronger robustness in oil temperature controloflarge hydraulic system


We consider the problem of automatically recognizing human faces from frontal views with varying expression and illumination, as well as occlusion and disguise.We cast the recognition problem as one of classifying among multiple linear regression models and argue that new theory from sparse signal representation offers the key to addressing this problem.This new framework provides new insights into two crucial issues in face recognition: feature extraction and robustness to occlusion.We conduct extensive experiments on publicly available databases to verify the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.我们考虑的问题从正面视图自动识别人脸不同表达和照明,以及阻塞和伪装。



A disturbance observer based BP-PID controller was designed in order to enhance

thecontrol precision of furnace temperature.An equivalent compensation was introduced in the input of the BP-PID controller to form a new controller…

The controller can automatically adapt to each kind of working condition and maintains very high precision at stable state.The controller can strongly inhibit from the large range of payload disturbances.设计了一个基于扰动观测器的BP-PID控制器以提高炉温的控制精度。






As much as possible in order to reduce the influence of the unstable characteristic points on recognition rate, and to study the optimum extraction was proposed based on image sequences stable feature points of iris recognition algorithm.The proposed algorithm

First 2 d Gabor filter of serial iris images was used to extract feature encoding, then the characteristics of the sequence coding for intersection stable to extract feature points, and using the stable

Indications point to establish the iris feature template library, finally by computing the similarity, to obtain recognition results.Acquisition sequence of iris gallery in the laboratory, when such fault rate is 0.3017%,Classification threshold is 0.6402, the correct recognition rate can reach 99.73%.Experiments prove that the algorithm is effective and feasible, and better improve the classification precision of the iris and improved the iris recognition performance.重要句型

We consider the problem of ……•我们考虑的问题……

This paper presents …, an algorithm that…•一个算法,提出了……

In this paper, we provide two different solutions to the problem of……


We propose an …based algorithm.•我们提出一个基于…算法。

Based on……, we propose a general algorithm for…基于…我们提出一个通用的算法 This framework can handle errors due to……这个框架能够处理错误由于

We first simplify this system by…and then solve the system by two alternative techniques.The first one is based on…and the second one on…

我们首先简化该系统由两个可选…然后解决系统技术。第一个是基于…和第二个… a key issue is…

A new … is proposed for…提出了一个新的…

We demonstrate that our solutions are efficient, robust, and practical by experiments on synthetic and real data.我们证明我们的解决方案是有效的,健壮的,和实际实验合成和真实的数据。

Experimental results demonstrate the advantages and limitations of the algorithm on both simulated and real-world data.实验结果证明该算法的优点和局限性对模拟和实际数据

We conduct extensive experiments ……to verify…我们进行广泛的实验…来验证…

Results from simulations and experiments show the improved performance of the proposed仿真和实验结果表明提出的改进的性能

algorithm when compared with that of…算法相比与…

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