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To:email接收者邮箱地址;From:email发送者邮箱地址;CC:抄送;Subject:主题,即这份email的主要内容是什么。每一项都必须保证完全正确,Subject简单明了地写清楚是什么事即可,比如:pricing policy meeting(定价政策会议);letter of application(申请信).2.明确邮件目的一般来讲,商务电子邮件分为以下几种:表达感谢(Thanking)、答复消息(Responding)、表达歉意(Apologizing)、通知(Announcing)、提醒(Reminding)、确认信息(Making Confirmation)、提出要求(Requesting)、询问原因(Inquiring)、提出建议(Making suggestions)等。


表达感谢可以用Thank you for v+ing/ your reply.开头;询问原因时,可以用Could you tell me...? Would it be possible for you to let me know...? I wonder if you could explain...等句型。对于英语基础不是特别扎实的同学来说,适当积累一些常用句型,对提高商务邮件书写能力及工作效率是很有帮助的。在平时多积累的基础上也可以阅读一些书籍参考,比如《商务英语周末课堂—电子邮件英语》。


商务邮件不需要过多的寒暄,恰当的称呼和招呼之后就可直接进入主题。第一句说明邮件的目的,比如:I'd like to discuss the meeting preparation with you.表明邮件的目的是商讨会议准备,接下去再展开具体内容。商务邮件也不宜过长,阐述清楚即可,不需要过多修饰。


除了英语不出错,说话的语气和措辞也要格外注意。同级之间、较为熟悉的工作伙伴之间可以采用非正式(informal)表达,而和上司汇报工作、和客户沟通则需要用正式(formal)用语。比如提出建议时,非正式场合可以说How is...for you? Is...ok for you? 正式用语则要说成When would be convenient for you?




╭════════════════╮║¤╭⌒╮╭⌒╮欢迎光临║║╱◥██◣╭╭⌒派派txt文学║╭═══════┤︱田︱田田| ╰--------------├═══════╮║║╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬║║║║http://www.xiexiebang.com║║║║http://www.xiexiebang.com║║║╰════════════════╯║║zzZ^﹋﹏║╱◥█◣^^╪携起手来,共创美好未来●-○-║︱田︱田︱/█∨█║--------我们会做得更好!∏∏║║EMAIL:keaideala@gmail.com║║║║║║电子E书,经典原创,另你回味无穷,祝你天天好心情!║║║║╔┯╗╔┯╗╔┯╗╔┯╗^^╔┯╗╔┯╗╔┯╗╔┯╗║The following sample needs some revising job.Try on it.╰════┠精┨┠典┨┠小┨┠说┨︱┠欢┨┠乐┨┠无┨┠限To: Mr.R.Harrison Date: 5 April, 2008┨═══╯╚┷╝╚┷╝╚┷╝╚┷╝/╚┷╝╚┷╝╚┷╝╚┷╝From: Tina Sub: The transferring of the Photocopy RoomMemoOwing to the present furnishing projection carried out in the 100000多套小说随你下载。complex, it is of necessity that photocopy room be transferred 小说合集(全本TXT)下载目录索引地址:http://www.xiexiebang.combefore this Friday.The furnishing is to finish in four weeds.=======Please be kind enough to let me know which premises you ======= think to be the proper temporal location for the photocopy room 附:【派派txt文学论坛作品版权及免责声明】by 8:30 tomorrow morning.本作品由派派txt文学论坛“某某”整理收藏。欢迎光临派派论坛http://www.xiexiebang.comWe also need some curtains for the will-be-furnished offices.I1、凡加入派派txt文学论坛的作者均享有在本站发布作品的相关版权,’d 任何媒体需转载时请注明原作者及其作品来源派派txt文学论坛。否则,like to ask you to get this job arranged----purchasing and 本站作者及派派文学论坛保留追究相关人员及其媒体法律责任的权利。installing.Don’txtt forget to send me a budge of it before next

2、凡派派txt文学论坛的作者及其作品,如若有违反我国国家相关法律Wednesday as we can discuss about it at the meeting which is 或发表过激言论,均由相关作者负担相关责任。其作品及其观点只代表作者本人,与派派txt文学论坛无关。Scheduled to be held every Wednesday.3、如果您认为派派txt文学论坛的某位作者或作品侵犯了您的相关公民权利(例:著作侵权、肖像侵权等),希望您及时与本站站长联系。我们经过认真核实无误后,本站会及时撤掉相关信息。



Reference To: Mr.R.Harrison Date: 5 April, 2008From: Tina Sub: The transferring of the Photocopy RoomBecause the complex is being decorated, the photocopy room needs moving to some other building before this Friday for a four-week period of time.Please let me know where you think to be a properly temporal site for it by 8:30 tomorrow morning.To: Sally Date:4 May, 2008From: Jim Sub: the meetingThe monthly sales staff meeting is to be held at 9:30 Thursday(7 May).Mr.Scott is making a presentation at the meeting.Please see to that the overhead projector and computer are ready in the meeting room before the meeting starts.If you have any problem in your arrangement, plslet me know.To: Mr.Braun Date:3 March, 2008From: JesicaSub: New system is working.The Training Dept.is collecting the feedback of he operation of the new system.Plssend them the report on:1.How long the system has been working in your Dept.2.What jobs it is used for.3.How it is working.The report is expected by 4 p.m.this Friday(7 March).

To: J.FegusDate:3 April, 2008From: B.SchneiderSub: If the textbook is free for the trainee.The part time oral English course is starting soon and the list of the trainees has been collected.Before distributing the textbooks to the trainees, I’d like to check on matter: if the textbook is free for the trainees.Please let me know about this as soon as possible.To: Fred Date:May 6From: Peggy Sub: I’m having a meeting at HQ during Wednesday and Thursday and back to the office on Friday, so you have to:1.)pick up Ms.Homyat the airport at 5:10 pm(her flight number is CJ 473)on Thursday, and take her to the Grand Hotel where a single room has been reserved for her;2.)tell Ms.Homythat I’m sorry not to be able to pick her personally as planned, but I am meeting her in the office at 10:30 on Friday.Thank you a lot.Try to write a memo1.Suppose you are to send a memo for the Personnel manager to all staff on the May Day holiday, which starts at 4:30 pm on the 30th April and ends at 9:00 am on the third May.2.Send a memo, in the tone of a librarian, to one of your colleagues Jesica,to remind him that the book System Analysisby J.Harding, borrowed from the company’s library 8 weeks ago, has met the returning date on 5 November.Reference 1To: all the staff From: Personnel ManagerDate: April 25 Sub: May Day holidayThe May Day holiday starts at 4:30 pm on April 30 and ends at 9:00 am on May 3.it will be very much appreciated if your desks could be cleared up before your leave.Have fun.Reference 2To: JesicaFrom: Mary from the library Date: 1,November Sub: The book needs renewingI am sending the memo to remind you that the book, System Analysisby J.Harding, borrowed from our library 8 weeks ago is due to be returned by the date on 5 November.If you do need to keep it for another more days, you are expected to get it renewed by the deadline or, regretfully, you’ll have to pay the fine after the 5th November.3.Send a memo to one of your assistants Jimmy as to ask him collect data for your attendance of the coming conference on the latest promotion.Youmay need to know about how much money you spent on the promotion, what were the mainmeans of the promotion and what was the result(or the sales)like.Set up a deadline for the data collection so that you can be sure to obtain thatbefore you go for the meeting.Reference 3To: Jimmy From: MaryDate:27, May Sub: Data on last promotion needed.As at the company conference on the third of June I’m presenting our last promotion for solar water-heater, I’d like to ask you to collect the data on:1.when it was prepared and the length of its operation2.how much it was budgeted and how much exactly it cost finally.3.what the turnovers were like.4.what was supposed to be the strength and weakness.Please send me the data by the first of June.Thanks a lot.John Lathenis General Manager at West Garden Supplies of CreschentRoad.Ipwich.John Lathensays to you today:“I’d like you to write a memo for me to our van and lorry drivers, please.They must report to Leslie Parker, the Transport Manager, as soon as possible.Leslie wants to tell them about some new one-way streets and no-parking zones which have just been made in Ipswich.There have also been a few changes of garages where we get out petrol for our transport at cheap rates, which they should know about.That reminds me---I must see Leslie about old Tom Jones who was stopped by the police for speeding yesterday.Remind them that they should see Leslie about having their vehicles serviced next month.Oh yes, on no account should they exceed speed limits wherever they drive on business.If they are convicted for speeding , they pay the fine themselves.To: All van and lorry drivers From: Mr.John Lathen, General Manager Sub: Reporting to Transport ManagerDate: 5 April, 2008Please report to Mr.Leslie Parker, the Transport Manager, as soon as possible.He has some important information for you about some new one-way streets and no-parking zones in Ipswich.He will also tell you which garages you can use for petrol at cheap rates.You should also make it a point to arrange with Leslie t have your vehicles serviced next month.I would like you to remember not to exceed speed limits, as it is company policy not to pay speeding fines.2.Send a memo to inform your upper management of the fact that some of your staff are not quite for the idea of installing an air-conditioner in your office, as some don’t like the unfreshair in a conditioned room and some complain that air conditioned working place makes their skin feel dry and back ache.To: From: Date:Sub: The disagreement on the air-conditionerGetting an air-conditioner installed in our office turns out to be an idea that results in disagreement.About four of the whole staff, which takes up almost 50% of the team, are not for the idea.Their disagreement mainly covers:1)The air in an air-conditioned room is not fresh and since so many people are stuffed in the office, it is likely to make diseases such as flu catching on quickly.2)the dry air in an air-conditioned room is a nuisance and caused skin bothered problem.It seems if there is to be an conditioner in our office, a moisture maker should be installed at the same time and another small office is needed for at least two staff of us.Reference




Below is a report on the changes in turnover for three kinds of outlet,owed by one company, over a three-year period.The charts below shows sth given by customers in sth

Performance Report 2011-2012


The aim of this report is to describe the company’s performance in the years 2011-2012

This report outlines the development of profits in three plants, in London… and describe the staffing situation in each plant.Article

The highest overall sth of number pounds was obtained/reached , on the other hand, the smallest turnover was made in sth.注意按顺序写,否则就是没逻辑

Plummeted to about 1000 in 2012

Almost maintain this position throughout /remained almost unchanged Turnover rose steadily from 2000

-reaching it’s peak in 2012 with 1000(reach a low at 7.5 million)(peaked in the second quarter with earning exceeding the 4 million level.)

A slight increase of 100 in 2012

In conclusion, 把前面的总结一遍



Said something negative/positive 想不出就用这个

结构上要变换: asked about… looking into… sth is… people say that总之不能一样 否则就是BAND2 OR BAND3

连续下降不需要写所有数据 Bristol employed 600 people and reached profits of 12 million in the first quarter.The profits plummeted steadily to 9 million in the last quarter.Are likely to maintain


TV sets, on the other hand

Increase during the time from xx to xx.再次上升soar once again to xx during xx.有波动: are likely to fluctuate starting off at 5000, sakes will increase to 10000 during the time, only to decrease to 5000 during the time.比例: ratio is xx to xx in a time, the first representing the number of women and the latter-men.In the group 44 to 49 the split is slight(29 male to 28 female)

The difference reaches 20 in range 50 to 59, with 39 male directors and 19 female.women hold the position in comparison to 21 men.Ending at 最后一个数据

背诵 higher4 test3

Regarding the passenger revenue during 2005 it started around 280 in the first quarter, and increased slowly to around 300 in the third quarter.Then it fell to around 290 at the end of the year.In 2006 the revenue increased steadily to 330 during the second quarter before falling rapidly to around 230 in the 3rd quarter ending at 225 at the end of the year.The percentage of trains arriving on time stayed stable at around 88% during the 1st and 2nd quarter in 2005 and then decreased to 85% in the 3rd quarter before recovering at around 87% at the end of 2005.Till the 2nd quarter in 2006 the percentage decreased steadily to 85% before falling rapidly to 68%(3rd quarter)and recovering to 75% at the end of 2006.Conclusion

It was concluded that sth will be the company’s core product area in the following year.




An application has been filed by [name of applicant] for a [variance,exception,special use permit] to permit [purpose for zoning request] at[address]in the City of[city],County of [county],State of[state]

The property in question is presently zoned for[zoning],and the adjacent property is


As property owners in the area,the undersigned do hereby request that the pending application mentioned herein be denied by the [name of commission]on the following grounds:

[grounds for petition]



1.November 13

Dear Ms Goddard

With reference to your letter of November 3, I am writing to thank you for your kind invitation.I would be very pleased to accept your invitation to visit Oxford and see Trackplus’ production facilities.I would also be interested in meeting your colleagues at Head office, the design team in particular.I should also be delighted to accept your offer of arranging for me to see a play in the West End.Unfortunately, due to a business trip abroad, I am unable to come to England at the end of November as you suggested.However, as I feel it is important that we meet before Christmas I would be grateful if you could tell me if the second week of December would be suitable for you?

I look forward to hearing from you again.Yours sincerely

Paolo Fellini


To: All members of staff, Northern Branch

From: K.J.L

Date: 5 December 2004

Subject: Personal Computers

The board urgently requires feedback on our experience with PCs in Northern Branch.I need to know, for our report:

1.What you personally use your PC for and your reasons for doing this.If you are doing work that was formerly done by other staff, please justify this.2.What software you use.Please name the programs.3.How many hours per day you spend actually using it.4.How your PC has not come up to your expectations.5.What unanticipated uses you have found for your PC, that others may want to share.Pleas fax this information directly to me by 5 p.m.on Wednesday, 7 December.If you have any queries, please contact my assistant, Jane Simmonds, who will be visiting you on Tuesday, 6 December.Thank you for your help.



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