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Have you been a university student ?

In recent days, there is a fierce debate about whether it is worth to be a college student ? To our surprise, most of the people under investigation hold the view that it is unworthy.But in my opinion, I believe it is a wise decision to be a university student.Firstly, the establishment of an effective web of classmates.We can make good teachers and helpful friends in the university who could help us effectively improve the learning and occupation growth efficiency and they will be our precious wealth in our life.Secondly, implementation of the platform.Our university can provide us with enough information, and we could do what we want to do.University collects people of many places and of all aspects being the collection center which has value.In the University, we understand ourselves gradually closer to the truth and we are no longer proud of ourselves and improperly belittle ourselves, so we become mature gradually.Third, promoting the change of individual temperament.Changing from a rural children to city occupation person which will be shown in speech, dress and communication training, University serves as the role of institutions of good training and cultivate.Fourth, to develop the ability to think independently.In the university we have time and capacity to think about our own thinking about society.We will not repeat word for word what others say and have the ability of thinking independently and we could judge right and wrong.We have understood the complexity and diversity of society and human nature, and we will be more rational.All in all, the university is a kind of investment, profit and loss depends on yourself.We college students should make use of existing resources to improve ourselves.大学生了没?



Attention left-behind children

With the development of the city, more and more migrant workers into the city in search of work, although their livelihood is resolved, but there is a problem of Left-behind children.There are many reasons for this phenomenon, of which the most important are the followings:firstly, migrant workers in order to maintain the family life, had to leave home;

secondly, the guardian's own factors are lacking, such as their sense of responsibility is not strong, the responsibility of guardianship is not clear;thirdly, complex social factors.Such as the phenomenon that some cities discriminate against children of migrant workers.The left-behind children appeared, and we should take the initiative to care for them.On the one hand, a volunteer and one or two left-behind children twinning, volunteers do the minds of children grow up guardian.On the other hand, we should organize family assistance activity, in a family with one or two left-behind children.Finally, we appeal to the government to also love left-behind children, so that they can meet certain conditions to enjoy different rights to education.关注留守儿童





The Analysis of Chinese Countryside Leftover Children’s

Education Problems

Written by: Wang Tao Supervised by: Gu Faliang

English Department School of Foreign Studies Anhui Normal University

March 2012


I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.A special acknowledgment should be shown to Professor Gu Faliang, from whose lectures I benefited greatly.I am particularly indebted to the headmaster, Qian Yelu, and the teachers in Xinhu Primary School, in the town of Guanqian, Chizhou, Anhui Province.Before I started my thesis, I taught in the primary school as a volunteer for three months.During that period, Mr.Qian and all the teachers gave me a great help to make an investigation about the situation and information of the leftover children in the school.With their help, I got lots of detailed data to prepare for the thesis.I The Analysis of Chinese Countryside Leftover Children’s

Education Problems


This paper, by the way of on-the-spot investigation research, surveys the present education situation of a group of special countryside children called the Leftover Children whose parents are not at home.Based on the two aspects of society and family, an initial exploration and an analysis are done to find the influential elements of this problem.The education problem of these leftover children is a special reflection which happened in the process of the social transition in rural areas.The direct cause is that the rural labor works outside as migrant workers, which leads to the lack of family education.However, the root of these problems is that China’s long-standing policies of the urban and rural economic development are uneven, and there exists the extreme imbalance of the development between urban and rural areas.It also leads to the overall quality of the basic education in countryside falling quite behind.These children’s education problems are just a part of the specific performance of the unbalanced development.Based on these children’s education problems, the paper finally concludes with a series of practical solution strategies.Key Words: countryside;leftover children;education problem

II 中国农村留守儿童教育问题的分析研究






Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………..…I Abstract …..……..…………………………………………………….……………..II 摘要……….……………………..…………….………………….……………….…III Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………………………………....1

1.1 The Concept of the Leftover Children………………………………...1 1.2 The Basic Information of the Leftover Children in China…………….1 Chapter 2 The Investigation Result of the Countryside Leftover Children’s Education Problems…………………………………………………...3 2.1 The General Situation of the Leftover Children in Xinhu Primary School………………………………………………………………….3 2.2 The Problems of the Local Leftover Children Suffering from………...3 Chapter 3 The Influential Factors in the Countryside Leftover Children’s Education Problems……………………...……………………………...5

3.1 Family Factors…………………………………………………………5

3.1.1 The Different Styles of Custody………………………………....5

3.1.2 The Lack of Family Education…………………………………..6

3.1.3 Low Degree of the Custodians’ Education………………………7

3.2 Social Factors………………………………………………………….7

3.2.1 The Gap between Urban and Rural Education………………….7

3.2.2 The Unbalanced Economy Development between the Urban and Rural Areas……………………………………………………...8 Chapter 4 The Solution Strategies of the Countryside Children’s Education Problems………………………...………………………………………9

4.1 Making the Family Education Work…………………………………..9

4.2 Making Full Use of the Function of School…………………………...9

4.3 Paying More Attention to the Leftover Children……………………..10

4.4 Narrowing the Gap between Urban and Rural Economy Development……………………………………………………………11 Chapter 5 Conclusion……………………………………………………………….12

IV Notes…………………………………………………………………………………13 Works Cited………………………………………………………………………....1

4V The Analysis of Chinese Countryside Leftover Children’s

Education Problems

Chapter 1 Introduction

In the past 30 years, China’s reform and opening-up play a very important role in this country’s economic development.With the development of industrialization and urbanization, Chinese cities need a large number of labors to develop their economy, and the group of cheap village labor forces is able to satisfy the cities’ needs well.However, because of various reasons, the migrant workers can’t take their children to the cities where they are working.Therefore, there come into being a special minors group-----the Leftover Children.Although the leftover children are in their key period of growth, because of the lack of family education, the slow development of village school education, and the complex influence from the surrounding society, the children are facing with striking problems on life, study, and psychological health, which will make a negative influence on their value system.Chinese countryside leftover children’s education problem has been an important issue of Chinese rural education.This problem will affect the harmonious development of the society and the future of Chinese education, which has aroused the attention of the whole society.1.1 The Concept of the Leftover Children

The Leftover Children, means the children, at the stage of compulsory education, one or both of whose parents go out to be migrant workers, are left alone at home to be brought up by their grandparents or relatives.They are always at the age of 6 to 18.1.2 The Basic Information of the Leftover Children in China

According to the statistics of the All China Women's Federation, the number of the leftover children all around China is about 58 million, and more than 40 million leftover children are under the age of 14.Nowadays, the leftover children account for 28.29% of the total number of Chinese rural children, which means there will be one leftover child among every 4 rural children1.According to the pertinent data of the State Statistics Bureau, in 2003, the migrant labors take 23 percents of the total number of the rural labor forces.The number of the migrant workers who leave home to work with all the family members is about 24.30 million.The number of the migrant children, at the age of 6 to 14, is about 6.43 million.The leftover children left alone at home takes about 37.4 percents of the total number of the students in countryside primary and high schools2.Chapter 2 The Investigation Result of the Countryside Leftover

Children’s Education Problems

In order to research Chinese countryside leftover children’s education problem concretely, I had made an investigation in Xinhu Primary School in Chizhou, Anhui Province.2.1 The General Situation of the Leftover Children in Xinhu Primary School

As an important minors group in the rural areas, the leftover children always suffer from a series of issues, such as daily life problems, education problems, emotional problems, and psychological problems.For solving these issues, it is necessary to analysis the special living environment and educational environment in rural areas.In the investigation, as the respondents, the students’ ages are between 6 and 12.There are 147 students totally in the school.The number of the leftover children is 77, which takes about 54.4 percents, including 32 boys.Among these leftover children, 53.2 percents of them live without parents.And those whose parent working far away from home occupy a percentage of 46.8.And about 69.6 percents of their parents work in other cities far away from home.2.2 The Problems of the Local Leftover Children Suffering from

Based on the investigation, because of the parents’ absence, a part of the leftover children are facing with many striking issues.First, it is the leftover children’s daily life problem.In the countryside primary school, all the students’ homes are far away from their school, so they don’t go back home for lunch.If the family conditions permit, one of the children’s parents or grandparents will bring the lunch to school at noon.However, the survey suggests that about 26 percents of the children have to bring their lunch with a vacuum bottle in the morning.Usually, when the lunch time comes, their meals have cooled down.Because of the lack of parents’ care, 12 percents of the leftover children are under nourished with bad physical health.Second, it is the leftover children’s education problems.According to the investigation, more than 70% of the students feel difficult in study.Only about 12% of them can study well.About 46% of the children spend more than three fourths of their free time watching TV, or playing with friends.Third, it is the leftover children’s psychological problems.The major causes include the lack of family care, the absence of social education and the ineffectiveness of school security system.The leftover children are short of the care from emotion and psychology widely.They have no good listeners to hear their troubles or difficulties.Therefore, few of people can help them well.Some of the leftover children refuse or dislike communicating with others.Even some of them show quite negative individual mental characters, such as intrapsychical self-isolation, flattening of affect, autistic behaviors and so on.Disproportional character flaws and psychological disorder are their big problems.Fourth, it is the leftover children’s moral issues.Because of the lack of family education, the leftover children live without proper moral constraints, so that some of them haven’t developed a healthy lifestyle and a good moral character.Fifth, it is the leftover children’s security problems.Since children’s adaptive capacity and their capacity of self-protection are quite weak, and their custodian’s are always old with relatively low culture level, it is impossible for them to set up the sense of security in children’s mind.Chapter 3 The Influential Factors of the Countryside Leftover

Children’s Education Problems

3.1 Family Factors

3.1.1 The Different Styles of Custody

The first style of custody is that children under their grandparents’ custody.This style of custody refers to the children brought by their grandparents.According to the investigation, 84.85 percents of the leftover children belong to this case in Xinhu Primary School.Most of these children’s grandparents are very old and in bad health.Even some of them still need to do heavy housework.Generally speaking, there is a generation gap between the children and their grandparents.Because of the differences of the circumstances, views and values of different generations must be different and thus generation gap appears.Because of the lack of knowledge about the children, some grandparents tend to project their wishful ideas on their grandchildren, thus widening the general gap.The gap usually makes the young and their grandparents often fail to communicate with each other.Even sometimes although the children listen to their grandparents’ words, they do not put them into heart.By doing this, they send false messages to each other.In a word, the grandparents often fail to understand their grandchildren.However, another circumstance would be that the grandparents spoil their grandchildren overly without moral and spiritual guidance, so that they cannot educate children successfully.The second one is that children under their relatives’ custody.This style of custody refers to the children brought up by their relatives or their parents’ peers, such as aunts and uncles.However, children are more sensitive.It is easy for them to feel the sense of depending on others or being discriminated.They will become more withdrawn and more dissociable, which will make a negative influence on their study.In this case, the children’s custodians are changeable, so that they cannot learn in a steady environment.According to the investigation, 9.96 percents of the leftover children belong to this situation in Xinhu Primary School.The last one is that children under their teachers’ custody.This situation just appears in the recent several years.Some rich families entrust their children to their teachers or their head teachers.In Xinhu Primary School, 5.19 percents of the leftover children belong to this situation.According to the investigation, a teacher would take care of five or six leftover children.The disadvantage of this style of custody is that the teachers have no enough time to look after these leftover children, because the number of the children which the teacher need to take care is big, and the teachers are always busy with their own work and daily life.3.1.2 The Lack of Family Education

According to the result of the investigation, in the local leftover children’s families, 63.2 percents of their parents return home three to four times a year, and 30.6 percents of them only go back home once or twice a year.Unfortunately, most of them cannot stay at home for a longer time.Low frequency of returning home and little communication with the leftover children will result in the lack of family education, which can also make children suffer from a variety of psychological problems.First of all, the leftover children’s world views, outlook on life and value system are influenced by materials deeply without proper education and guidance.Since their parents always work far away from home for a long time, there is little communication between parents and children.Therefore, they often use money to keep the relationship with their children.This situation will make children develop the worship of golden calf, which may weaken the links between parents and children.When the children suffer from troubles or difficulties, they don’t want to communicate with parents, or talk with their teachers in school, so that they often abandon themselves, and live with pessimistic feelings.And they will feel the sense of loneliness, because of the lack of trust and the sense of security.Second, in their emotion life, the leftover children are short of complete care and communication.It is easy for them to suffer from psychological disorder.The long-time separation with parents makes the leftover children can not feel their parents’ love in the daily life.And it makes them cannot receive the spiritual support from parents when they fall in trouble.Their mistakes also can not be guided or corrected in time.As time passes, they will come into being obvious psychological troubles.For instance, they own inferiority mentality universally.They are bad at communication with others.They have great pressure on their mind.They have a strong sense of self-preservation and even have acute behaviors.3.1.3 Low Degree of the Guardian's Education

84.85 percents of the leftover children are under their grandparents' custody.According to the investigation, more than 82.6 percents of the grandparents haven't accepted any education, and even some of them can not write down their names.Therefore, it is impossible for them to help the children’s' study after school.3.2 Social Factors

3.2.1 The Gap between Urban and Rural Education

The gap between urban and rural education is an important factor which motivates the appearance of the leftover children.Education has remained top priority during Chinese modernization development.In China, the number of rural school students is very large and about three fourths of the whole students who are receiving the basic education are in the rural schools.In order to improve the rural schools' teaching conditions, our country have invested large sums of money to help countryside school build teaching buildings.Popularization of compulsory nine-year schooling is the key goal of China's elementary education program.Nowadays, much achievement has been made.Nine-year compulsory education almost is carried out all over our country to make children enjoy free education.However, the countryside schools always pay little attention to the importance of solving the leftover children's psychological issues.In fact, the confusion and problems developing in the leftover children's mind need schools to find and help to guide or correct timely.Unfortunately, because of poor general conditions, countryside schools cannot afford psychologists to give children necessary physical education and psychological education.Therefore, it will lead to the leftover children's lack of moral consciousness and incorrect learning attitude, even playing truant and making troubles.3.2.2 The Unbalanced Economy Development between the Urban and Rural

Areas With the development of Chinese modernization, China will suffer from terrible gap between rich and poor, and the gap between urban and rural areas, which motivates the appearance of the phenomenon of leftover children.Because of the influence of different historical circumstances, natural conditions and series of other factors, the income gap between the urban and rural areas has widened greatly in China.Therefore, it is impossible to only depend on improving the yield of land to improve peasants' income.Therefore, in order to improve their own income and the living standard, the peasants have to go outside to look for a temporary job when the slack farming season is coming.At the same time, the gap between the rural and urban areas causes that the primary industry, the secondary industry, the culture industry and the education industry are concentrated in cities.Since rural areas have no enough economic power to promote the development of industry and to release the culture industry's potential,peasants have to go out for jobs to relieve their families' economic burden when they grow up to adults.It can be seen that the urban-rural divide during the process of Chinese modernization development is the main factor that results in the phenomenon of the countryside leftover children.Chapter 4 The Solution Strategies of the Countryside Leftover

Children's Education Problems

The countryside leftover children's situation has been a serious social issue.With the process that more and more countryside surplus rural labors work in urban areas or economically developed areas, the countryside leftover children's negative problems become more and more serious, such as poor academic performance, dropout of school and so on.Even some of them enjoy assault, theft, gambling, participating in cult activities.It will have a negative influence on the healthy development of the countryside basic education directly.Therefore, parents, schools, government and other social groups should pay close attention to the leftover children's education problems.To solve the countryside leftover children's education problems, we should try best from the following aspects.4.1 Making the Family Education Work

First of all, before entrusting the custodians, the parents should deliberate carefully if the custodians own enough guard capability, such as their physical condition, financial position, ethical and moral situation.Secondly, the parents should make good use of different ways or approaches to communicate with children, children's teachers or custodians for their learning situation, living conditions, mental condition and some other aspects, in order to give the children necessary and right education guidance.At last, if the condition permission, parents should take their children with them as far as possible, to avoid making the kids be the leftover children.We should make our children accept positive family education.4.2 Making full use of the Function of School

First of all, the countryside schools should set up the document system of the leftover children.The files should completely reflect the basic information of the leftover children in all aspects, including the leftover children's name, age, moral character, behavioral foible, hobby, level of intelligence, traits of character, learning motivation and attitude, learning capacity and method, the situation of getting along with their custodians, the situation of communication with their parents and so on;including the basic information of the custodians, such as name, age, degree of education, traits of character, the way they discipline the children and so on;including the basic information of the leftover children's parents, such as name, age, the degree of education, job category, economic income, requirement to their children, the situation that communication with their children and so on.Secondly, schools and teachers should pay more attention to the leftover children and give them more encouragement and help.Love is the cornerstone of education.For those children who live alone for a long time, they are short of the love from their parents.Love is the premise of education and it should be put in the center.Teachers should make friends with the leftover children to care for them, cherish them and understand them.On security, we should remind them frequently.In life, we should give them help as far as possible.Psychologically, we should look after them and multi-communicate with them.In their study, we should often offer them guidance.We need to encourage them join in the group of all the classmates, in order to reduce the sense of loneliness in their mind, which is to help them keep an optimistic attitude of study and living.4.3 Paying More Attention to the Leftover Children

To solve the leftover children's education problems, it needs the whole society to work together.First of all, we need to strengthen the general control of the government, and increase the support from society.The government should increase the investment to the educational facilities in the urban areas where the migrant workers concentrating.The schooling admission charges of the workers' children and the conditions of schooling should be reduced.We also should improve the learning conditions of the migrant workers' children step by step.The government should gradually establish social regulatory system and break the urban-rural dual economic system, to give the migrant workers and their children practical treatment of the public.And the government should open up the green channel to solve the schooling problem of the workers' children, to make them enjoy the high level of education as same as the urban children.This is the fundamental way to solve the countryside leftover children's education problems.Secondly, we should step up publicity efforts and make full use of the role of the media, especially the internet media.We need to increase the news propaganda to arouse the concern and attention of various sectors of the community towards the leftover children.And we need mobilize all the social forces to seek ways and methods to solve the leftover children's problems together.4.4 Narrowing the Gap between Urban and Rural Economy Development

The government should formulate policies to promote the economic development in rural areas and increase the rural surplus labor force's employment opportunities in the nearby areas, and encourage the migrant workers return to their hometowns to establish their own business.In this way, the number of the leftover children will be reduced as far as possible.The government should properly adjust macroeconomic policies to fully support the economic development of rural and backward areas through the financial resources, human resources and other aspects, to accelerate the improvement of the rural infrastructure construction, to improve the investment environment of the small towns, and to increase the rural surplus labor force's employment opportunities in the nearby areas.The government should treat the rural labor force's employment as an important part of the new socialist countryside construction, vigorously develop the county economy, and improve the investment environment of the small towns.Furthermore the employment opportunities in the rural areas should be increased to make a part of the migrant workers can work locally and to shorten the migrant workers' cycle of returning home.Chapter 5 Conclusion

With the rapid development of China’s economy, more and more young rural people go to cities for works, which result in a phenomenon that a special group of children come into being who are called “the leftover children”.The leftover children are a group of children who need help, care, concern and love.They do not live in a rich life and are not in a satisfying environment.They lack too much than those children who have a normal life.So they need to be paid attention by others.Now left-behind children have attracted lots of attention.Hope and believe their life can be lit better and soon.In a word, the leftover children's education problem is a quite complex social issue.The problem is a new challenge the education work facing with.It is not only related to the healthy growth of the leftover children, but also to the stable relationship between the economic and social development of the vast rural areas, and it's also related to the healthy development of the rural basic education.Therefore, we should cooperate with and mobilize the school, family and society forces to collectively concern and effectively solve the leftover children's education problems, which will promote a better harmonious development of our society.Notes



Works Cited

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A Study on the Education of Rural

Left-behind Children


Since China carried out the reform and opening-up policy, the national economy has grown rapidly.Simultaneously, people’s demand on material and cultural life is higher.In order to send children to school, build houses and improve family conditions, a large number of surplus rural labors have warmed into cities.Although the parents have settled down in cities, they don't have the abilities to bring their kids and support them.Hence, they have to leave their children behind in the country and ask others to take care of them.As a result, the phenomenon of families living separately appears.Rural left-behind children, as minors in a special group, need to be attached great importance to.Due to weak family education, lagging school management and imperfect social and educational system, left-children now face problems, such as learning lag,psychological unbalance,behavior anomie,and their worrying safety.Therefore, we need to focus on this issue and find out some solutions for them.II.The education problems and analysis of the essence

A.Problem of learning lag According to some researches, the grades of left-behind children are generally lower than the average of other children.Most left-behind children cannot concentrate in the class, usually with their mind wandering.Even when they are called by the teacher to answer questions, they don’t know what is happening and just say “I don’t know”.It is common that left-behind children fail to finish homework, skip school and even drop out of school.On the one hand, it is due to the absence of family education.Most left-behind children are adopted by grandparents or relatives, most of which have lower education background, outdated thoughts and ides.They can’t give effective family education, which is also a very important part of children’s education.On the other hand, school doesn’t pay enough attention to left-behind children.Left-behind children is a vulnerable group, hence, they need help and concern from teachers and classmates.However, the school considers less about their specificity and don’t take corresponding measures to help them.B.Problem of psychological unbalance A research on the left-behind children and non left-behind children, taking the form of questionnaire, finds that the left-behind children are more extreme and suspicious.They more tend to feel lonely and upset, become introverted, and lack confidence.Their self-consciousness is inferior to others’.As we all know, parents have direct impact on the children's behavior, mental health and personality development.Separating with parents, left-behind children can’t get emotional comfort and care, and they often feel tense, depressed and worried.They may also have interpersonal communication problems.Because of long-term separation with parents, they tend to become introverted, contemptuous, pessimistic and lonely.C.Problem of behavior anomie With parents far way from home, left-behind children cannot feel the emotional love and care of parents.Thus, they lack proper guidance in terms of values, ethics and behaviors.What’s more, left-children are often brought up by their grandparents.There are many potential problems in inter-generation education such as dotage, highlighting material and ignorance of moral norms.Left-behind children are apt to make negative changes.According to a survey, 13% left-behind children have the habit of lying;25% of them have the experience of stealing money, smoking, drinking, destroying public property.Left-behind children are now in the critical period to establish the ideal and cognize the world.If they can not get the help from their parents on the ideological understanding and the values, they are susceptible to the outlook on life, values, or even on the path of crime, they are prone to deviate from correct view on life and values, and may even commit a crime.D.Problem of safety At present, for lacking of supervision from school, family and community, the safety protection for left-behind children is badly needed.The potential safety problems of rural left-behind children are mainly reflected in:(1)school safety education is deficient , and security measures become a mere formality;(2)the crisis consciousness of accidental injury and even death events is absent among guardians;(3)left-behind children are indifferent with the legal concept , so they may do some illegal and criminal things;(4)the self-protection consciousness of left-behind children is weak, thus they is prone to get sexual assault, abducted and other abuses.III.Possible solutions

Family, school, and society are three crucial factors in the process of children’ s learning and growth.Thus, to solve these problems, they all need to make some improvements.Firstly, when parents go out to work, they should carry their children with them as far as possible.They can send children to the school which is located near their workplace.If not, they should keep close contact with children through telephones and letters.They also need to change their mind that it is the responsibility of school and teacher to take care of children’ s education.Besides, guardians should guide children to actively contact and respond to their parents, talking about their study and life.What’s more, parents should take the opportunity of vacation to return home and see their children.Secondly, school is the main place children receive their education, therefore it is rather important for school to focus on left-behind children.School should improve the teacher’s quality and their teaching quality.They should establish a system of regular contact with guardians of left-behind children in order to learn the condition when children are at home and help guardians to fulfill their duties of guardianship.Teacher need often to talk with them and comfort them.The school curriculum should also be adjusted.The curriculum on survival, safety and legislation education and mental health education should be set up, so that they can develop comprehensively.Last but not least, society should also focus on this issue.For one thing, the principle of choosing school according to domicile place should be altered.Governments should provide guarantee mechanism and legal support for children of rural migrant workers, accelerate the reform of household registration and education system, abolish all unreasonable fees and make migrant children enjoy the same treatment with urban children in terms of education.For another thing, the construction of boarding schools should also be strengthened.Governments should expand the scale of boarding, improve accommodation conditions, provide residential facilities for rural left-behind children, and enable them unconditionally to apply for boarding, making boarding school a left-behind children paradise.





“百善孝为先”。作为留守孩子,我们更加懂得——-感恩!是父母十月怀胎生育了我们,是父母强忍别离的痛苦外出艰难谋生养育了我们。尽管他们没有太高的文化水平和专业技能,但就是因为有了他们在外面的千辛万苦,有了他们在外面的勤耙苦做,才有了我现有的生活条件和学习环境。只有我们的父母,才是追值得敬佩的,也是最具榜样力量!在这里,我要对亲爱的爸爸妈妈说:“无论你们是贫是富,我都永远感激你们!我知道我手中的一书一本,身上的一丝一缕都浸润着你们的血汗,我会以我更加的刻苦和勤奋来报答你们!” “自古雄才多磨难,从来纨绔少伟男”。作为留守孩子,我们更加应该感到——-自豪!我们自豪,因为我们拥有同龄孩子最顽强的品格。我们不需要父母的关怀和呵护,照样生活得很好很好。虽然过早地承担了分别的痛苦,但是,对父母少一份依赖,就多了一份在困境中的磨炼。这正是一个锻炼自己的好机会。让我们一起宣誓:“草是生命最顽强的象征。既然特殊的时代、特殊的家庭环境给予了我们草一样顽强的种子和生命,那么,我们就要像草一样地顽强,草一样地团结,草一样把根扎进深深的土壤,像草一样永远充满绿色的希望,以蓬勃的姿势向上生长!”


亲爱的爸爸妈妈: 你们好!

















你能再次和蔼的拉起我的手吗?妈妈 你掌心原本残留的热量 已被寒冷的溪水冲走 余下的只有刺骨冰凉 妈妈!

能再次与你慈祥的目光交融吗?妈妈 我那曾经充满阳光勇敢的目光 已被无助恐惧的眼神代替 多么渴望再次被你的爱照耀 让目光重新聚焦在前进的方向 妈妈!

能不能再次被你拥抱?妈妈 我的羽翼尚不丰满 你怀抱遗留下的温度 早已被寒风吹尽




爸爸妈妈: 你们好!最近的工作是不是很顺利,身体是不是很健康? 爸爸妈妈,最近我的身体可健康了,没有生过一次病,个子也长高了。在学校里,我的学习成绩也越来越好,有一次还进入了班级前五名呢,而且,我也交了许多好朋友。爸爸妈妈,您知道吗,我是多么的期望您可以留在我的身边,每当我看见同学们依偎在父母的怀抱里,我是多么渴望我也能与同学们一样依偎在您的怀抱里。


爸爸妈妈,虽然你们不在我的身边,但我生活的也很幸福。在家有爷爷奶奶的疼爱,在学校里有老师和同学的关心与帮助。虽然我的成绩还不太理想,但我对学习充满了信心。在学习上,老师经常问我有没有不懂的地方,如果我有不懂的地方,老师会不厌其烦的给我讲解,直到懂了为止。老师不光在学习上关心我,在生活上也很关爱我。老师知道我们生活条件不好,就为我申请了贫困生名额。有老师无微不至的关爱,爸爸妈妈你们就放心吧!我不光有老师的关爱,还经常得到同学们的帮助。有一次,我有一道题课上没听懂。下课了,有几个同学自告奋勇当老师,当同学们讲完几遍时,我才完全懂了,同学们放弃了休息的时间来教我学习,我当时真的很感动。现在,我生活在这样的一个大家庭里,大家都很关心我,如果我不好好学习,我岂不是辜负了大家对我期望,于是我学习更努力了,成绩也一点点的提高了。是集体给了我奋进的力量,我一定要努力学习,争取更大的进步.用成绩来回报所有关爱我的人.爸爸妈妈,时间也不早了,我明天还要早起上课呢,就写到这儿吧!祝爸爸妈妈身体健康、工作顺利、万事如意!此致 敬礼!



关塘小学六(4)班 施兆贵






























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