
时间:2019-05-14 14:21:28下载本文作者:会员上传



Unit 1

请根据下列所给的信息提示, 以 “ How to keep healthy” 为题写一篇70个词左右的短文.提示: 1.No sports, no life.生命在于运动.2.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生远离我3.famous proverb 名言

How to keep healthy?

No sports, no life.Do you hear of that? That is to say, we should take more exercise every day.We can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games.An apple a day keeps doctors away.It’s also a famous proverb.That means we should have good eating habits.Try to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, eat less meat or junk food.Have enough sleep every night.If you do these, I think you can keep healthy.Unit 2


a.toothacheb.stressed outc.have a cold

d.tirede.have a sore throat

Lily is my friend.She never exercises.She is always stressed out.She should exercise every day.She should sleep eight hours every night.She shouldn’t just stay at home or school.She should go out with her friends.She should eat some healthy food.She shouldn’t eat too much junk food.I think it’s important to stay healthy.Unit

3根据下列表格内容写一篇短文,介绍你的周末计划, 不少于60词。


Saturday morning go bike riding

afternoon go fishing

evening go to movies

Sunday all the daygo sightseeing

evening rest

I am going to have fun this weekends.On Saturday morning I’m going bike riding with my best friend.In the afternoon I’m going fishing with my father.I like fishing very much.And in the evening, I’m going to the movies with my family.We’re going to watch a comedy.I think it’s very interesting.Then on Sunday , I am going sightseeing in our city all the day.Maybe it can help me know much about our city.And on Sunday evening I’m going to have a rest,Unit4

根据下列上海普陀中学八年级(1)班学生上学方式的调查表,用英语写一篇短文。不少于70 个单词。

上学方式 Bus Bike Car Walking Subway

学生人数 15 13 0 10 1

2There are fifty students in Class 1, Grade 8 at Yuying Middle School.Every day they go to school in different ways.Fifteen students take buses because they live far from the school.Ten students walk.They think walking is good for their health and they live near the school.Twenty-five students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes are not very far from the school.No one goes to school by car.Unit5

根据提示写一封60-80字的信。Tom 邀请Li Ping 参加他这周日的生日宴会,但Li Ping的父母出差要到下个月回来,奶奶又卧病在床,需要人照顾。再说英语考试即将来临,因此,无法前去参加生日宴会。Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好写信辞谢。

Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I'd love to go but I can't.My parents…

Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I'd love to go,but I can't.My parents are out on business.They are coming back next month.And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed.And I also need to study for my coming English exam.I'm very sorry but I can't go to your party.Thank you for asking me.I hope you can have a good time.From Li Ping


请以“My best friend”为题写一篇介绍你的朋友的短文。短文要运用课文所学的有关句式,把你的朋友和你的长相(包括身高、头发、眼睛等)、体格(包括强壮强度等)、性格(开朗、文静等)、学习情况等方面进行比较。词数70左右。

My best friend

My best friend is Li Ming.We are in the same class..He is as old as me, but he is taller and stronger than me.Both of us have black eyes and black hair, but his hair is shorter than mine.Li Ming likes sports.He often exercises after school.He is more outgoing and more athletic than me.But I think I’m smarter than him.Most of my subjects are better than his.Unit 7


three bananas, three apples,a watermelon,a bowl,honey,yogurt.How to make fruit salad?

First cut up three bananas three apples and a watermelon.Next put the fruit in a bowl.Then put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup ofyogurt.Finally mix them all up.And you can enjoy the delicious fruit salad.Unit 8

上个星期六学生们去西山进行了一次野餐, 请参考所给词语, 描述此次活动.go to West Hill, by bike, a short rest, after, the foot of , sing, dance, climb, see, hear, happy

Our class had a picnic last Saturday.We went to West Hill by bike.We had a short rest after we got to the foot of West Hill.First we had our picnic lunch.After lunch we sang and danced happily.Then we began to climb the hill.We saw many beautiful flowers.We heard the birds singing and got a lot of wild fruits.We had a wonderful time.I felt very tired when I got home, but I was very happy.Unit 9

A famous pingpong player.Zhang yining is a famous ping-pong player.She was born in Beijing on October 5 1982.She is 1.68 meters tall.She

started to play ping-pong when she was 6 years old.In 1991 she joined the Beijin table tennis team.At the age of 11, she joined the national table tennis team,.At the age of 16, she became a ping-pong champion.In 2004, she took part in the 28th Olympic Games in Athens and won two gold medals.Unit 10

根据汉语提示及要求,以“My Dream Job”为题用英语写一篇短文。

提示: 1.想成为一名记者。




要求: 1.条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范;



My Dream Job

When I grow up, I'm going to be a journalist.Next year, I'm going to write articles for magazines and newspapers.I'm going to a university in Beijing after high school.Maybe I'm going to find a part-time job and save some money.Next, I'm going to work for a TV station as a journalist.Then I'm going to travel all over the world.Unit 11


Good morning!Now let me report the discussion work in our group.Wu Jun cleans his room at weekends.Jia Wei likes cooking dinner with his mother.Wang Ping sometimes does the dishes.She thinks it’s relaxing.As for me I make my bed every morning.In my opinion, it is necessary for our students to do some housework.By doing it, we can help our parents and understand them better.We will also learn to take care of ourselves.Unit 12.以“My subjects”为题,谈一谈你所学习的课程。






My Subjects

I’m a middle school student.I’m learning many subjects in school.They are Chinese, English, history, geography, math, music and P.E.My favourite is English.I think English is the most interesting of all.I don’t like history or geography.They are the most boring subjects.I like math, too, though it is the most difficult.I think Chinese is the most useful subject and P.E is the most important to our health.









































1.作文根据下面内容,以My Vacation to Beijing 为题,写一篇约50词的短文。

Place:Beijing Time: Sunday With whom: my parents Weather: warm sunny Things I do: visit the Palace Museum(故宫),the Great Wall(长城),Tianan’men Square, Beijing Hutong,....Feelings: happy, exciting, tired,....Wednesday, August 20thToday the weather was hot and sunny.I went to Beijing with my parents.Idid a lots of things there.We visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall.We also went to Tianan’men Square.There were many people there.Then we went to Beijing Hutong.It was beautiful.We took some photos.I liked this place because it was interesting.For dinner we had Beijing duck.It was delicious.In the evening, I felt really tired but very happy..2.本文为写自己日常生活中的好习惯与坏习惯。

I have lots of good habits.I exercise every day.I always read books.I eat fruit every day.I drink milk twice a week.I never stay up late.But I have some bad habits, too.I always watch TV for two hours a day.I use the Internet twice a week.I hardly ever help with housework.I never go to the dentist.3.你和你朋友在外貌和性格方面有什么异同呢?请以“My best friend and I”为题,运用比较级写一篇英语文章.Should friends be the same or different? For me ,It’s not necessary to be the same.My name is David.My best friend Jeff is quiet different from me.He is shorter and quieter than me.We both like sports ,but he plays baseball better than me ,so he always wins.Jeff works harder and always get good grades.We can talk and share everything.I

think my best friend helps to bring out the best in me.We’ll be good friends forever.4.你叫张鹏,林涛来信向你询问怎样才能学好英语。请根据下面的要点给他回封 信。无论遇到什么困难,都不要放弃。每天都花时间学习英语。多记忆单词并且尽量使用它们。尽可能多地阅读英文书报等。听或唱英语歌能使你对英语更感兴趣。

Dear Lin Tao,I am glad to receive your last letter(或hear from you).You want to know how to learn English well.Here is my advice: You mustn’t give up(或drop)whatever you meet any difficulties that you meet.Every day you should spend some time in learning English.Remember as many English words as possible and try your best to use them.Read English books , magazines or newspapers as often as you can.It is useful and important for you to improve your English.I think listening or singing English songs can make you more interested in English learning.Hope you make great progress in your English learning.Yours, ZhangPeng 5.请根据下列表格内容写一篇他们各自的爱好情况字数在60词左右

Today ,I asked my family about movies.Some of their answers are very interesting.Here are their likes and dislikes.My sister likes cartoons very much, but she can’t stand action movies.My mother can’t stand action movies either.She likes comedies.My father dislikes sitcoms ,but he likes action movies.My brother likes action movies ,too.He can’t stand cartoons.6.新学期要到了,写一篇关于学期的计划,讲述一下自己打算在新的学期要做些什么?提示:可以写自己在学习,健身,娱乐,培养业余爱好等方面的计划或打算.New Year’s Resolutions

New year is coming, I’m going to do a lot of things next year.First, I want to improve my Chinese, so I’m going to practice it very often and have many conversations with my Chinese friends.Next, I want to be more healthy, so I’m going to do sports every day such as swimming, running and so on.At the same time, I’m going to eat less junk food.Finally, I want to join the dancing club, so I’m going to practice dancing twice a week.I hope my resolutions can come true in the coming year.7.以My life in ten years 为题写篇短文,要求描写生动,语言流畅。60词左右.In ten years, I think I'll be a reporter.As a reporter, I think I'll meet lots of interesting people.And I will also travel all over the world.I'll live in Beijing because I went to there last year and fell in love with it.And I will keep a pet pig, because I like it very much.I will live in apartment with my parents.This is my life in ten years, I think I will be very happy in the future.8.假如你的好友邀请你去参加生日聚会,但因为你下周的日程已经排满,不能前往。请根据提示给她回信婉言谢绝,并表达你的谢意。

Hi Ann,Thank you for your invition.I am sorry I can't come to your birthday party this week.I am really busy.On Monday, I am going to the movies with my friends.On Tuesday, I am going to visit my aunt.On Wednesday, I have to help my mother.On Thursday, I am going to my sister's birthday party.On Friday, I am going to Ning Bo on vacation with my parents.Please call me after the vacation.Yours , Candy 9.你以后可能会有很多钱,想一想,如果你有了钱,你会用它做什么?以If I have a lot of money为题写一篇60词左右的短文.If we I have a lot of money I'll travel round the world and I'll stay at the best hotels.If I have a lot of money , I will buy a big house with a beautiful garden for my parents , I want them to live a happy life.Also, I will buy a sports car for my father and give my mother many fashion clothes.If I have a lot of money , I will give some money to charities and help the poor students.So they can go to school and get a good education again.I am sure, one day, my dream will come true.

第四篇:八年级英语上册 unit5教案 人教新目标版

Unit 5 Can you come to my party?

Teaching aims: 1.Learn how to make, accept, decline invitation.2.Talk about obligations with “have to” 3.Talk about the schedule.Sentence structure 1.Can you come to my party? Sure, I’d love to.I’d like to.Sorry, I can’t.I have to 2.What’s the day? What day is it today? What’s the date today? Vocabulary can, have to, have a piano lesson, help, invite, another, weekend, too much, join, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, play tennis, on Friday evening, go to the mall, this evening, really, busy, study for the test, whole & all, come over Procedures

Period 1 Step 1 Lead in 1.Can you help me? Hello, everyone!Yesterday I received an invitation letter from my dear friend;she invites me to go to her Halloween party.But I have something important to do.I’m studying for a test.I don’t know what to do.What should I say? Can you help me? 2.Repeat the words above in Chinese.Tell them my obligations in Chinese so that the students can use target phrase “have to”.昨天,我收到了一封我用心



同学寄来的邀请函,她请我参加她的万圣节聚会,但是我有些重要事情要做,我不得不为考试学习,我不知道该怎么跟她说?如果你们是我,你们会怎么回答呢? 3.Ask one student to answer my question.“Julia, can you come to my party?” 4.Introduce the topic of this unit.Step 2 1a~1c 1.Tell students to look at the book and find talk about the obligations.(Section A, 1a)Look at the pictures and learn the phrases.have a piano lesson上一节钢琴课 lesson与class give sb.a lesson上课,teach sb.a lesson教训 help my parents 与 help sb.with something 2.1b Listen and check the answers.3.Learn some language points while listening on the Saturday afternoon, how about„, next time 4.Groupwork.Divide the students into groups of four and make conversations.Ask one group to act it out.Step3 1.Listen to the tape and finish 2a, 2b 2.Pairwork.Read the passage and learn the language points too much, this weekend, another time, thank for Step4 grammar(3 minutes)1.Can you„?情态动词can在这里起征求对方意见的作用。2.肯定回答。3.否定回答。

Step5 homework Make some conversations.Period2 Procedures: 2c~3b Step1




Procedures: Step1 1.Read the e-mail message.2.Analyze the e-mail and fill in the blanks thanks→apology→giving reasons→obligations→invitation 3.Language points: Thank you for„(为„„表示感谢)Thank you for helping me.Thank you for your invitation.busy: be busy with sth Kate is busy with her homework.be busy doing sth jack is busy practicing for the school concert.training训练 不可数 go to the movies make a movie the movies=cinema Let’s go to the movies Step 2(3b)1.Review the grammar.Use present progressive to present future.2.Ask the students to fill in the blanks in 3b.3.language point: call sb=call sb up Step 3(3d)1.Read the conversation in the box together.2.Write down everything you have to do next week.(for social practice)Step 4(Self check 1)1.Let the students to fill in the blanks with the words given.2.Learn the language points: on weekdays, Step 7(Self check 2)1.Language points: go to the mall, geography, culture club, whole & all(the whole day, all day), come over, free

take a piano lesson




5-have a math lesson lesson与class一节课我们上午有五节课。






our country has a large area of forest.however,not until recently did the goverment begin to realize the importance of protecting the forest.as we may know from various sources,the government recently adopted a policy called “restore the farmland to the forest”(退耕还林)。this has brought much hope to the forest of our country as well as the sustainable development of our country

On My Way to School

Today I got up very early in the morning.After I finished

breakfast, I went to school.On my way to school I saw something lying on the ground.I picked it up and found it was a mobile phone.I was afraid I would be late for school.I had no time to wait for the owner.So I gave it to the policeman.Shortly after I reached my school, the headmaster came to my class and praised me in front of the class.How could he knew all about it? I guess it must be the policeman who told him what I did.I am very happy that I have done a good job.假设你叫王明,昨天收到了笔友David的e-mail,得知他不久要到北京来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail,介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望。

Dear David,I''m glad you''ll come to Beijing to learn Chinese.Chinese is very useful,and many foreigners are learning it now.It''s difficult for you because it''s quite different from English.You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible.It''s also important to do some reading and writing.You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening.Do your best to talk with people in Chinese.You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you.If you have any questions, please ask me.I''m sure you''ll learn Chinesee wll.Hope to see you soon in Beijing.Yours,Wang Ming

My Happiest Day

Today is Friday.It is my thirteenth birthday.I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily.My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents.I went to school earlier than before.I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.Evening came at last.Many of my classmate came to my home.they bought me lots of beautiful presents.they all said,“Happy birthday to you!” We sang birthday songs happily.then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, “We love you for ever.Happy birthday!”

At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food.How happy I was!

My School

My school is in the east end of the city.It takes me half an hour to get to school on foot.I usually ride a bike to school.There are over one hundred and fifty teachers and about two thousand students in our school.We have two classroom buildings.The office building is three storeys high.On weekdays our teachers often take us to the laboratories to do experiments.Sometimes we have English lesson in the language lab.We have a very large playground.After school we take part in various activities, such as ball games, painting, singing and dancing.I like to play football with my classmates.I love my teachers.I love my school.Fresh Air

没有空气我们就不能活,......请以Fresh Air为话题,写一篇短文。

提示词:villagers,more healthy,than,towns,air,fresh,all day in the fields,breathing fresh clean air,cities,full of smoke,dust,disease

Poeple in villages are healthier than people in towns.That is because the air in villages is very fresh.Farmers are working all day in the fields, breathing fresh clean air.But there are too many factories in cities.They produce more and more harmful gases.At last, cities are full of smoke.And there's many dust in cities,too.It may cause a disease.So fresh air is very important to the people in cities.We need fresh air.So please don't pollute the air!



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