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一方料重: 8T
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专 辑 介 绍
露伊丝(Luise Walker, 1910-1998),1910年出生于奥地利维也纳,为20世纪吉他乐史上最具代表性的女性演奏家之一。她在八岁时开始学习吉他,不久后就展现出惊人的天赋。14岁举行生平第一次的独奏会,观众为之疯狂,随即很快在欧洲名声大振,并开始以职业演奏家的身份应邀到欧美各国演出。《小罗曼史》是露伊丝的作品之一,也是深受许多学生喜爱的吉他小品。以往曾经有文章介绍说此曲是讲述一个失恋少女的故事,其故事虽然缠绵悱恻,其真实性却有待推敲。全曲分为A,B,C三个段落,每一段落均有反复,后面有一段再现(A)
段的尾奏(coda),所以可以称为是单纯的三段体曲式。乐曲一开始的A段(6/8拍子),这是一段酷似维拉罗伯士(H.Villa Lobos)<<第一号前奏曲>>的主题,过去就曾见到有学生在音乐会上将这两首作品“混为一弹”,确实令人有些啼笑皆非。在这一段中,主题以“模仿大提琴”的效果在5、6弦上缓缓的唱出略微感伤的旋律,谱上德文写 Getragen Mitviel Ausdrucksvoll,其意就是“非常有感情地 ”。乐曲进入B段后,节奏转为4/4拍子,乐谱上提示出Lebhaft(活泼生动)的演奏要求,所以这一段的情绪明显地要比A段来得轻松、活泼许多,使人感受到盎然的蓬勃朝气。而在接下来的C段,节奏仍然维持在4/4拍子,这是一段全部为三连音分解和弦作成的主题,其中所运用的和声及旋律,又与《爱的罗曼史》一曲有着几分神似,充分地表达出吉他无穷的魅力。乐曲最后的尾奏短暂地再现了 A段的主题,随后以四个中止式的和弦简洁有力地结束全曲,整首作品优雅细致、极具抒情色彩。
西班牙吉他演奏家安东尼";卡诺(Antoni Cano,1811-1897)生于洛尔卡。卡诺早年学医,取得外科医生资格后回故乡行医数年。同时学习音乐。此后,曾在宫廷演奏并任职。1813年索尔由于政治原因离开祖国,流亡巴黎。在巴黎他得到凯鲁比尼(Linsi Cherabini,1760-1842),梅于尔(Etienne-Nicolas Aehul,1763-1817),贝尔东(Henri Montan Berton,1767-1844)等好友的热烈支持。于是这位失意的军人,又在诸友的劝慰下,再度重返艺术家的生涯。
塔雷加在演奏技法上,尤其在弹弦上塔雷加别开生面。他还使泛音奏法尤其是八度的泛音奏法成为吉他常用的一种演奏技法而丰富了吉他在音色方面的表现性能。塔雷加创作的吉他曲约八十首,其中*《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》,*《阿拉 伯风格随想曲》,*《前奏曲集》已成为吉他音乐的古典名作。此外抒情而高度发挥了吉他乐器独特的表现性能的《晨歌》,《泪》,《阿德丽塔(玛祖卡)》等吉他音乐小品也成为经常演奏大保留曲目。
古琴:Qin, also known as Yao Qin, Yu-Qin, a lyre, for the Chinese one of the oldest plucked instruments, the qin is already prevalent in the Confucian period instruments, there are words to consider the history of thousand years, according to “Historical Records” contains, The emergence of Qin period no later than Yao and Shun.The beginning of this century, only for the distinction of Western instruments in the “piano” added in front of a word “historic”, called “Qin.” Still ringing in his study so far, the ancient musical instruments on stage.巴乌Bau, is a bamboo reed instruments copper, spring for the tongue.The Yi, Hani, Dai, Wa, Blang, Miao and other ethnic wind instruments.Yi called the local “and Fei Limo”, Hani called “Meiba.” Bau is popular in southwest China Yi, Miao, Hani and other single-reed wind instrument family, Bau is made with bamboo, has eight finger holes(seven before the latter), disposed in the mouthpiece of a brass reed tongue tip, blowing across the top of playing, vibrating reed sound.Bau smaller volume, but the sound soft, southwest China's people call it a talking instrument.Bau popular in the Red River in Yunnan Province, Wenshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Lincang, Dehong, meltwater Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guizhou Province, Guizhou and South Guizhou and other places.Dizi(笛子): The dizi is a bamboo flute.It has been suggested thatthe instrument originated in Southern orCentral Asia over 2000 yearsago.It is a unique solo instrument and isalso used extensively inensembles and orchestras.These flutes have 6open holes and a lovelybright sound.笛子是由竹子做成的乐器,据说在2000年前最早出现于南亚和中亚。笛子是一种独特的单人弹奏乐器,但也在合唱团和管弦乐队里被频繁弹奏。笛子有6个吹气孔,奏出的声音响亮清脆。Sheng(笙);The sheng, also called the “Chinese mouthorgan,” isone of the most ancient of Chinese instruments.The sheng istheinstrument that inspired the invention of the accordion andharmonica.It has a wonderful blowing sound.Bob Dylan should strap oneof theseon and blow in the wind for a while.笙,也被称为“中国口琴”,是中国最古老的乐器之一。笙为手风琴和口琴的诞生带来了灵感。笙吹奏出来的声音非常空灵美妙。鲍勃·迪伦应该在风中吹奏一曲笙。
Pipa(琵琶): The pipa is a “Chinese lute” and goes back more than2000 years.The pipa is the most popular of China'smany pluckedstringed instruments.Playing techniques vary widely.It isusedcommonly as a solo and orchestral instrument, both in China andabroad.Pipa players are almost always female.琵琶被称为“中国笛子”,最早可追溯到2000多年前。琵琶是中国许多弹拨弦乐器中最受人欢迎的一种。弹奏琵琶的手法多种多样。无论是在中国还是外国,最常见的是琵琶独奏和在管弦乐队中弹奏。琵琶的另一个特色是弹奏者几乎都是女演奏家。
erhu(二胡): The erhu(English and Chinese name are the same)is thegrandfather of the violin clan.Itstwo string resonates thick sadsounds, which often motivate tears anddeep thoughts.It is stillcommon to find real snake skin bases, but thecat-gut strings have beenreplaced with steel ones.The popular band,Tang Dynasty, haseffectively integrated the erhu's classic sound intotheir modern rocksound.二胡(英文名与中文名一样)是小提琴家族的祖父级。二胡的两根弦弹奏出浓郁悲伤的曲调,经常让人听之落泪,发人深思。现在仍然可以经常看到真正的以蛇皮为底的二胡,但是过去用猫皮做的弦却逐渐被钢丝取代。流行摇滚乐队“唐朝”就是有效地把二胡的古典音响完美地结合进他们的现代摇滚节奏中去。
Chinese Gongs(锣): Gongs are round percussioninstruments made ofbrass.You hit them, then a wave of sound floatsout.Big gongs areplayed with a hammer which is wrapped in cloth,whereas small gongs areplayed with bamboo or wooden sticks.Theinstrument is commonly used intraditional operas, folk music, and yoga class.The waves of sound dowonders in helping people relax, especially after exercise.Try it!
The hulusi(traditional: 葫芦丝;simplified: 葫芦丝;pinyin: húlúsī)is a free reed wind instrument from China.It is held vertically and has three bamboo pipes which pass through a gourd wind chest;one pipe has finger holes and the other two are drone pipes.The hulusi was originally used primarily in the Yunnan province by the Dai and other non-Han ethnic groups but is now played throughout China, and hulusi are manufactured in such northern cities as Tianjin.Like the related free reed pipe called bawu, the hulusi has a very pure, clarinet-like sound.Although the hulusi is still predominantly performed in China, it has in recent years been adopted by European composers and performers.Rohan Leach from England;Rapheal De Cock from Belgium and Herman Witkam from the Netherlands have all taken the instrument in new directions.A similar instrument called hulusheng is a mouth organ with a gourd wind chest. 编钟,又叫歌钟,是我国古代的重要乐器。用青铜铸成,依钟的大小而有次序地挂在木制钟架上,音色清脆、悠扬,穿透力强。历代的编钟形制不一,枚数也有异。古代用于宫廷雅乐,每逢征战、宴享、朝聘和祭祀都要演奏编钟。它可以用于独奏、合奏或为歌唱、舞蹈伴奏。如今编钟多用于民族管弦乐队,是色彩性很强的旋律乐器。
Bells known songs bell is an important instrument in ancient China.With cast bronze, in accordance with the size of the order of minutes to hang on the shelves of wooden bell, colors and clear, resonant, penetrating power.The bells different shapes history, there are several different pieces.Ancient Music for Gagaku during wars feast, worship and Circumstance should play bells.It can be used for solo or ensemble singing, dance accompaniment.Today, many of those for national orchestra, color is a strong melody instrument.The bell chimes who was oval, much like two tiles together and on the small track, the next track, longitudinal diameter smaller diameter, I do not cut risk Qi Zhong, 16.20 downward, pointed shape.The head of a stalk to the top of the bell brought Niu Niu for the bell.The bell has a specific name of the site, known as moving the upper and the lower part is called the drum bell mouth 16.20 for milling, bell on the lips say, Name-minute dance.Department bell in the dark, casting a beautiful patterns, the Ministry of moving the bell or a decoration called for Fragrance, Each had 36 minutes of the Ministry of moving the Lombau processes, known as silt or gold.1978 Leigutaizhongdong Hubei Suixian county suburbs Pier B-designate has unearthed the tomb of the Warring States initially believed, a total of 65 pieces.Ancient China was known as “the king of bells.” Zeng B bells are engraved with the wrong body every minute of the Zhuanti birds, a positive moment “when Belcher had designate B”(B-designate has made).Jin Chung Pui credited with Chu and other countries laws were written correspondence, legal music on the beach with a total of more than 2,800 characters of birds, Records of many musical terminology, concepts in science has shown considerable degree of precision, show a high level of musical culture in ancient China, showed early in the fifth century BC, had been used twelve tone scale.Europe earlier than 1800.
1.Introduction of lion forest--geographical location, origin of name, history of construction
Lion forest, the world cultural heritage, the national aaaa level scenic spots, national key cultural relics protection units, one of the most famous four gardens in suzhou(the four classical gardens in suzhou as follows: built in the song dynasty in the surging wave pavilion, lion grove, built in the yuan dynasty was built in the Ming dynasty in the humble administrator's garden, lingering garden built in the qing dynasty).Located in the northeast corner of suzhou, it covers an area of about 14 mu.The lion forest is a garden which is represented by the ancient false mountain group, which fully embodies the integration of zen and Confucianism.In the southeast of the park, there are a list of peaks, corridors, the northwest, the water, the light of green waves;The western wall of rock wall, leaning on the hillside, more waterfalls and babbling water, unique in the garden art.It has the cultural landscape of suzhou classical garden pavilions, pavilions, pavilions, halls, halls, pavilions, halls and pavilions.It is also known as “the kingdom of rockery” and has a reputation for its profound and profound reputation.The lion forest has more than 660 years of history, is a typical “zen” garden.In the first two years of the yuan dynasty(1342), the disciple of the buddhist monk, zen master wei, paid for the purchase of the land and the house.Because of the garden, “there are bamboo, the stones are many, like the” lion “;And because b d t 27 call way in lionrock, for ”is the source of its giving-receiving“, and take the Buddha in buddhist scriptures as saying ”the lion roar“, it says ”Leo“ meaning, named ”lion forest“.According to the history, in 1534, the temple was separated from the garden, and the garden gradually became a private garden.The Ming dynasty painter ni yunlin used to be a lion forest map, hence the fame of the garden.In the qing dynasty, the father of huang xi and the governor of hengzhou huang xingren bought the lion forest and named it ”the garden“.Qianlong, 36 years(1771), huang xi senior high school scholar, refined the mansion, reorganized the courtyard, named ”five pine garden“.In the middle of the qing dynasty, huang's family was in decline, and the garden had been poured, but the mountain still remained.Emperor kangxi visited the lion forest in 17XX and gave the ”lion Lin temple“ plaque.Emperor qianlong had six lions in the forest, 10 poems and three tablets, among which the ”real interest“ plaque was hanging in the garden.Also in Beijing yuanmingyuan, chengde summer resort built two lion forest.Pigment company in 1917, Shanghai BeiRunSheng(world the construction master pei family great-uncle)from civil administration chief Li Zhongyu purchased lion grove, 800000 silver, for nearly seven years of time to repair, rebuild hall, build YanYu hall, nine lions, scenic spots, such as peak and dubbed ”the lion“ Lin old name, lion forest canopy Sioux city at one time.Mr Berlusconi was prepared to open up, but the outbreak of resistance was unsuccessful.After the disease died in 1945, the lion forest was managed by sun beihuan.After the liberation, the bayesian descendants donated the garden to the country.After the renovation of the suzhou garden management office, it was opened to the public in 1954.2.Hall(the hall)yan yu tang
Lion grove of vestibular sits, nearly 20 meters, the width of the general door, threshold of up to 94 cm, in ancient times, the threshold of what and who the family economic income, status is directly proportional to the height.The hallways are lined with drums, lions and bangs.On the top of the gate hung the redwaterfall pavilion(listening to tao ting)double xiangxian pavilionwentianxiang poetry pavilionthe pavilion of the pavilion
The name of this building comes from the famous sentence: the shadows of the horizontal and oblique water, the light of the night.MeiGui thin your Angle, avoid avoid is straight, thin shadow of mei extremely reflected on the surface of QingJian, nightfall on the month, the topmost have fragrant, the quiet and tastefully laid out and intoxicating environment, really enjoy 梅咏梅 better place.The building is built on the lake, one floor is the passageway, upstairs to the south can see the red plum trees, the eaves in the trees are to ask mei pavilion.A few steps from the south line of the shadow building, visible waterfall pavilion.Waterfall and pavilions built beside the waterfall, square, shed from the top of the mountain, booth in west screen door, top engraved with the waterfall and pavilion ”, under carved reliefs “almond shaped spring, tea net of tori color beautiful, mountain home omen” four.In the pavilion, there are stone tables and four stone drum blocks, sitting in the pavilion, flowing water, such as the sound of the river, so the pavilion is known as the “listening tao pavilion”, which is reflected in the “waterfall” of the lake pavilion.The name of meige is from the zen public case.It is the central scene of the western garden, built on top of the mountain, and the plum trees are planted before the pavilion.The window grain of the cabinet, the furniture decorates the ground pattern is carved into the plum flower shape, the book and painting on the screen also takes the plum flower.Here is the highest point in the west, overlooking the mountains, the lake in the lake pavilion winding bridge, the landscape of the garden.What we are seeing now is the double xiangxian pavilion, the rectangular single eaves, the roof and the porch are Shared, the three sides are surrounded by the wooden railings, the pavilion is equipped with a white marble platform.The so-called “double scent” refers to the aroma of may.There are plum blossoms near the pavilion.There is a lotus pond under the hill.In winter, the plum blossom is floating in the dark.Here can enjoy these two kinds of fragrance, like the home of the immortal.The scent of lotus and plum is pure, giving the viewer a noble enjoyment and purifying the soul.The pavilion at the corner is called a fan pavilion.Fan moon hole, fan wu wang, fan-shaped stone platform.Place yourself in it and enjoy the landscape.The highest point of the corridor is the wentianxiang poem pavilion.Wen tianxiang poem pavilion is also known as the zhengqi pavilion.The inscriptions in the pavilion are the calligraphy of “plum blossom poems” by wen tianxiang.Who is the spring color to remember, plum flower socket bottle.In the east half pavilion of the pavilion, the first visit to the lion forest was made by emperor qianlong's second southern tour(1757).The later huang-shi stone tablet stone monument to the emperor's visit to the honor, to be remembered for one of the gardens.During the cultural revolution, the monument was destroyed, and the inscription is a reengraving of the original stone tablet after the cultural revolution, and the epitaph is the old thing.We walked out of the corridor and arrived at the winter courtyard.It is a small, elegant courtyard.Lixue hall was used as the hall of the forest of lions, and the sky was taught by the zen master in lixue hall.The name comes from the buddhist “hui can see dharma” allusions, huike snow broken arm to aspire to visit dharma as a teacher.In the song dynasty, there was also a story: Yang and he went to visit the famous neo-confucianist cheng yi.Cheng yi was keeping his eyes closed, and when Yang was sitting there, he stood respectfully and waited for a long time.Cheng yi woke up, and the snow was deep.Later generations will use “chengmen lixue” as an example of respect.Now, the title of “li xue”, meaning to be a respected teacher, the spirit of learning, to inspire future generations.On the two sides of the hall, there are the old tang bohu in the Ming dynasty: “the emperor is a good customer, and the clear moon is the old man.” Now, we are reworking for deng yun township.In the courtyard, there is a good mountain of stone, resulting in the shape of the lion rock.The lake stone is also made of cow, crab, lion and frog, which forms the “lion watch cow eat crab” landscape.Look, a bull-head is sticking up north of the courtyard, toward the ground.The crab;The crab is angry with a pair of chelate, fierce and fierce against the cow head.A lion in the south-eastern corner of the courtyard, with its tail on its tail and its mouth open, looks like it's waiting for a moment to attack.This group modelling, have “praying mantis to catch cicadas, huang sparrow behind” artistic conception.
常用塑料的密度(g/cm3)序号 材料 1 PP 2 PP-T10 3 PP-T20 4 PP-T30 5 PP-T40 6 PP-GF20 7 PP-GF30 8 PP-GF40 9 PP-LGF20 10 PP-LGF30 11 PP-LGF40 12 GMT-20 13 GMT-30 14 GMT-40 15 PP-EPDM 16 PP-EPDM-T10 17 PP-EPDM-T15 18 PP-EPDM-T20 19 PP-EPDM-T25 20 PP-EPDM-T30 21 LDPE 22 HDPE 23 POM 24 PPO 25 PPO+PA 26 PBT 27 PBT+GF10 28 PBT+GF20 29 PBT+GF30 30 PBT/PET-T20 31 PET-GF20 32 PET-GF30 33 PET-GF40 34 PA6 35 PA6-GF15 36 ABS
密度 0.89~0.93 0.95~0.99 1.03~1.07 1.10~1.14 1.19~1.25 1.10~1.14 1.12~1.18 1.19~1.25 1.02~1.06 1.10~1.14 1.19~1.25 1.02~1.08 1.07~1.17 1.17~1.27 0.86~1.92 0.94~1.00 1.00~1.04 1.03~1.07 1.07~1.11 1.10~1.16 0.91~0.94 0.93~0.97 1.40~1.44 1.03~1.07 1.06~1.10 1.30~1.35 1.40~1.45 1.45~1.50 1.50~1.55 1.47~1.53 1.47~1.53 1.54~1.62 1.63~1.73 1.12~1.15 1.20~1.26 1.04~1.08
序号 材料 52 PA6-GF20 53 PA6-GF30 54 PA6-GF35 55 PA6-GF40 56 PA6-GF50 57 PA6-(GF10+M20)58 PA6-(GF15+M25)
PA6-M30 60 PA66 61 PA66-GF15 62 PA66-GF20 63 PA66-GF30 64 PA66-GF35 65 PA66-GF40 66 PA66-GF45 67 PA66-GF50 68 PA66-GF55 69 PA66-GF60 70 PA66-M40 71 PA11 72 PA12 73 PA46 74 PA46-GF30 75 PA46-GF40 76 PA612 77 PA6/6T 78 PA6/6T-GF30 79 PA66/6T 80 PA66/6T-GF30 81 PA66/6T-M30 82 PA-MXDD6(PAA)-GF30
PMMA 84 PC 85 PC-HT 86 PAR 87
密度 1.22~1.28 1.33~1.40 1.38~1.44 1.40~1.46 1.54~1.60 1.33~1.41 1.40~1.52 1.30~1.44 1.12~1.16 1.20~1.26 1.24~1.30 1.33~1.39 1.36~1.44 1.43~1.51 1.45~1.55 1.51~1.61 1.59~1.69 1.67~1.77 1.46~1.54 1.03~1.06 1.00~1.06 1.16~1.20 1.38~1.44 1.47~1.53 1.05~1.07 1.13~1.19 1.33~1.41 1.12~1.18 1.44~1.52 1.44~1.49 1.39~1.47 1.17~1.20 1.18~1.22 1.12~1.20 1.20~1.26 1.90~2.01 37 AES 38 ASA 39 PC+ABS 40 PC+ASA 41 PC+PBT 42 PS 43 PA+ABS 44 TPS 45 TPO 46 TPV 47 TPU 48 TPC 49 TPA 50 PPS 51 PPS-GF40 常用材料密度
序号 材料名称 1 空气(20℃)2 软木 3 泡沫塑料 4 泥煤 5 工业用毛毡6 木炭 7 焦炭 8 烟煤粉 9 木材 10 皮革 序号 材料名称 11 石墨(粉)12 石棉线 13 熟石灰(粉)14 胶合板 15 褐煤 16 高炉渣 17 干煤灰 18 汽油 19 煤灰 20 无烟煤 序号 材料名称 21 锌烟尘
1.02~1.06 1.06~1.09 1.10~1.16 1.12~1.18 1.18~1.23 1.03~1.07 1.04~1.10 0.9~1.2 0.9~1.05 0.95~1.0 1.05~1.25 1.15~1.4 1.0~1.15 1.33~1.39 1.62~1.70
密度 0.0012 0.1-0.4 0.2 0.29-0.5 0.3 0.3-0.5 0.36-0.53 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.75 0.4-1.2 密度 0.45 0.45-0.55
0.5 0.56 0.6-0.8 0.6-1 0.64-0.72 0.66-0.75
0.7 0.7-1.0 密度 0.7-1.5
PSU 89 PSU-GF30 90 LCP-GF30 91 LCP-M30 92 PES 93 PES-GF30 94 PEI 95 PI 96 PEEK 97 PEEK-GF30 98 PEEK-CF30 99 PTFE
序号 材料名称 41 尼龙1010 42 聚苯醚 43 生石灰(块)44 尼龙6/66 45 有机玻璃 46 盐酸 47 生石灰(粉)48 水泥(粉)
电石 50 熟石灰 序号 材料名称 51 电木
石灰石(中小块)53 白云石(块)
褐铁矿 55 聚砜 56 纤维纸板/纤维板57 胶木/胶木板 58 酚醛层压板 59 锌精矿 60 工业橡胶 序号 材料名称 61
1.21~1.27 1.48~1.56 1.58~1.66 1.59~1.67 1.34~1.40 1.50~1.56 1.24~1.30 1.35~1.41 1.27~1.33 1.46~1.54 1.37~1.43 2.12~2.17
密度 1.04-1.15 1.06-1.07
1.1 1.13-1.15 1.18-1.19
1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 密度 1.2-1.4 1.2-1.5 1.2-2 1.2-2.1 1.24 1.3-1.4 1.3-1.4 1.3-1.45 1.3-1.7 1.3-1.8 密度 1.3-1.8
粘土(块)煤油 24 酒精 25 烟煤 26 橡胶夹布传动带 造型砂 28 石油(原油)29 无烟煤粉 30 竹材 序号 材料名称 31 石蜡 32 软钢纸板 33 机油 34 聚丙烯 35 沥青 36 聚苯乙烯 37 聚乙烯 38 纯橡胶 39 水(4℃)40 ABS树脂 序号 材料名称
镁 82 镁合金 83 磷酸 84 硫酸(87%)85 碎白云石 86 硅质耐火砖 87 褐铁矿 88 细砂(湿)89 混凝土 90 砌砖 序号 材料名称 91 铅精矿 92 银 93 石棉板 94 铅/铅板 95 汞
硬质合金(钨钴)97 金 98 石棉布制动带
0.7-1.5 0.78-0.82
0.8 0.8-1 0.8-1.2 0.8-1.3 0.82 0.84-0.89
0.9 密度 0.9 0.9 0.9-0.9 0.9-0.91 0.9-1.5 0.91-1.07 0.92-0.95 0.93 1 1.02-1.08 密度 1.74 1.74-1.81 1.78 1.8 1.8-1.9 1.8-1.9 1.8-2.1 1.8-2.1 1.8-2.45 1.9-2.3 密度 1.9-2.4 10.5 1-1.3 11.37 13.55 14.4-14.9 19.32 2
铅锌精矿 63 碎石 64 聚氯乙烯 65 赛璐珞 66 细砂(干)67 粗砂(干)68 聚甲醛 69 玻璃钢 70 电玉 序号 材料名称 71 砾石 72 橡胶石棉板
硝酸 74平胶板 75平炉渣 76 石灰石(大块)77 粘土砖 78 锰矿 79 铁烧结块 80 铜矿 序号 材料名称 121 铝镍合金 122 云母 123 石墨 124 碳化硅 125 角闪石石棉 126 金刚石 127 普通刚玉 128 白刚玉 129 金刚砂 130 锌铝合金 序号 材料名称 131 灰铸铁 132 轧锌 133 锡 134 可锻铸铁 135 锌板 136 锡基轴承合金 137 白口铸铁 138
1.3-2.4 1.32-2 1.35-1.4 1.35-1.4 1.4-1.65 1.4-1.9 1.41-1.43 1.4-2.1 1.45-1.55 密度 1.5-1.9 1.5-2 1.54 1.6-1.8 1.6-1.85 1.6-2.0 1.7 1.7-1.9 1.7-2.0 1.7-2.1 密度 2.7 2.7-3.1 2-2.2 3.1 3.2-3.3 3.5-3.6 3.85-3.9 3.9 4 6.3-6.9 密度 7 7.1 7.29 7.3 7.3 7.34-7.75 7.55 7.55-7.8
赤铁矿 100 粘土耐火砖 序号 材料名称 101 粘土耐火砖 102 镁砂粉 103 聚四氟乙烯 104 硅藻土 105 石英玻璃 106 碳化钙(电石)
石膏 108 纤维蛇纹石石棉 109 镁砂(块)110 高铬质耐火砖 序号 材料名称 111 耐高温玻璃
陶瓷 113 石灰石 114 实验器皿玻璃 115平板玻璃 116 磁铁矿 117 镁铬质耐火砖
大理石 119 花岗岩
2.0-2.8 2.1 密度 2.1 2.1-2.2 2.1-2.3 2.2 2.2 2.22 2.2-2.4 2.2-2.4 2.2-2.5 2.2-2.5 密度 2.23 2.3-2.45 2.4-2.6 2.45 2.5 2.5-3.5 2.6 2.6-2.7 2.6-3.0 2.7
无锡青铜 140 铸钢 序号 材料名称 141 碳钢 142 钢材 143 工业纯铁 144 合金钢/镍铬钢
黄铜 148 铸造黄铜 149 锡青铜 150 镍铜合金 序号 材料名称 151 轧制磷青铜 152 冷拉青铜 153 纯铜(紫铜)
154 镍 155 锡基轴承合金 156 硬质合金(钨钴钛)
7.5-8.2 7.8 密度 7.85 7.85 7.87 7.9 7.9 8.3-8.7 8.4-8.85 8.62 8.7-8.9 8.8 密度 8.8 8.8 8.9 8.9 9.33-10.68 9.5-12.4