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医学论文英文摘要常用句型2007-11-27 20:51:33 阅读106 评论1 字号:大中小








A 第三人称主动态

①This paper(article,report)describes…本文叙述…

②This paper(article)reports…本文报告…

③This report(paper,article)presents…本文介绍…

④This paper(article,report)discusses…本文讨论…


B 第一人称主动态

⑤We report(on)…我们报告…

⑥We describe a case of… 我们描述1例…

⑦In this paper,we present… 本文介绍…

⑧In this paper,we report… 本文报告…

主语除we之外,还可用the authors(作者)等。C 一般现在时被动语态 ⑨A case is reported in which… 本文报告1例… ⑩A study of…is reported本文报告…的研究

⑧…is(are)described. 本文描述…

⑥In this paper.…is(are)presented. 本文介绍…


A 一般过去时、被动语态

①The purpose(aim,objective)of this study was to… 本研究旨在…

②The goal(aim)of this investigation was to… 本研究旨在…

③This study was designed to… 本研究旨在…

④This study was undertaken to… 本研究旨在…

⑤This prospective study was performed to… 本前瞻性研究的目的是…

⑥A study to…was carried out(during)(在…期间)所作研究的目的是…

⑦An attempt has been made to… 为了…而作试验

B 动词不定式短语

To evaluate,report,investigate,study,analyze…

C 一般过去时、主动语态

⑧We(the authors)conducted a study to… 为了…我们进行了研究

⑨To determine…,we studied… 为了确定…,我们研究了…

⑩In an attempt to…,in an effort to…或in order to…,we carried out a pilot study… 为了…,我们进行了…的初步研究



A 方法

表达研究类型 Prospective, Retrospective, Cohort,Case-control,in vivo, in vitro

①Using…(technique),we studied… 我们用…(技术)研究了…

②Using…,it was found that…(我们)用…发现了…

③…was(were)measured using…(我们)用…测定了…


⑤…was(were)treated with…(我们)用…治疗了…

⑥…measurements were made of… 测定了…


B 分组(主语通常为patients,subjects,animals)

⑦…were randomly divided(grouped)into…groups …被随机分成…组

⑧…were separated into…groups based on… 根据…,将…分成…组

⑨The groups were as follows: 分组如下:

C 治疗或检查方法

⑩… was performed(used)in(on)…patients 我们对…患者施行(应用)了…


Surgical procedures, assay(immunohistochemistry, molecular biology…)手术方法,测试方法…

C 统计学方法

Statistical methods: Student’s t test, χ2 … was used for


A 一般句型

①The results showed(demonstrated)that…结果表明…

②It was found that…(我们)发现…

③It was observed that…(我们)观察到…

第②和③句也可改为第一人称:We found that…和We observed that…。

B 增加或减少

④…decreased by(40%)…降低(40%)…

⑤…(a 70%)reduction in…was observed …观察到…降低(70%)

⑥There was a(15%)elevation in……增高(15%)

⑦…resulted in(a marked)increase in… …导致…(明显)增高

⑧…was lowered from…to… …从…下降到…

表达增加或减少的常用动词还有rise,raise,decline,drop,fall,lower等。可用by表示是净增减的数或倍数,例如“…increase by 40%”,表示“增加40%”;而to表示增加或减少到某个具体数值。

C 相关与差别

⑨There was a significant linear correlation between…and… …与…有显著的线性相关性⑩…showed no strong correlation between…and… …显示…与…无密切相关性

⑩…correlated positively with… …与…呈正相关

⑥A negative correlation was found between…and… 发现…与…呈负相关

⑩There was(were)(no)significant difference(s)or(No)significant difference(s)was found(observed)between…and… …与…之间…(无)有显著差别

P value P值(需写出具体数字)

⑩…was closely related to… …与…密切相关


D 表示改善或保持

⑩…demonstrated a significant improvement in… …方面呈明显改善

⑩…values returned to(preoperative)levels …值恢复到(手术前)水平

⑩…remained at a mean of… …保持在…平均值水平


A 常用提示句型

①These results suggest that…结果提示…

②These findings indicate that… 这些发现表明…

③The data(study)show the need for… 数据(研究)表明需要…

④The results support the concept that… 结果支持…的概念

⑤Our observations confirm that… 我们的观察证实…


B 做出结论或建议

⑥We conclude that… 我们的结论是…

⑦We suggest that…我们建议…

⑧We believe that… 我们认为…

⑨We postulate that…我们设想… ⑩It is concluded that… 结论是… ⑩It is suggested(proposed)that… 结果提示…,建议…(虚拟语气)⑥It is recommended that… 建议…

⑩It is estimated that… 估计…


…propose …as

C 表示一致性

⑩These results accord with… 结果与…一致

⑩The results are concordant with…结果与…一致

⑧The results agree well with…结果与…一致

be consistent with,in accordance with(…与…一致)

to parallel(与…相平行)

D 结果转向结论

⑥Thus,therefore,hence …因此,…

⑥In conclusion.…最后,…

⑩From this study,we conclude that…根据本项研究,我们的结论是…

⑧These findings,coupled with the observation that…,suggest that…这些发现连同对…的观察结果一起,提示…

⑨In the light of this experience we therefore conclude that… 根据这个经验,我们得出…的结论

E 表达今后方向

The mechanisms by which…remain to be investigated关于…的机制仍需研究

Further studies are necessary to(evaluate)… 有必要进一步研究,以(评价)…



1.我叫Johnathan,請叫我John.I’m Johnathan, please call me John.2.你媽媽是哪裏人?

Where is your mother from?

3.她來自紐約.She’s from NewYrok.4.你姓什麽?

What is your last name?

5.你老板姓陳.Your boss’ last name is Chen.6.Tom現在住在哪個城市?

Which city does Tom live?

7.他們住在紐約.They live in NewYrok.8.你的老師是單身麽?是的Is your teacher single? Yes, she is.9.瑪麗今天怎麽樣?她很忙

How is Mary today? She is very busy.10.你丈夫在哪裏工作?

Where does your husband work?

11.他們在TPR學校上班.They work at the TPR School.12.我父親是一名消防員.My father is a fireman.13.瑪麗和珍妮在一家公司上班.Mary and Jenny work in the same company.14.他的工作怎麽樣?很無聊

How is his job? It is too boring.15.他們幾點上班?

What time do they go to work?

16.他們9點上班.They work at 9:00AM

17.我真的很累.I am very tired.18.現在才下午1點.It is only 1:00PM.19.冰箱裏有吃的嗎?

Is there any food in the fridge?


My cell phone doesn’t work.21.電腦旁邊有一本書嗎?

Is there a book next to the computer?

22.桌子下面有一只狗.There is a dog under the table.23.明早早餐你想吃什麽?

What would you like for breakfast tomorrow?

What would you like to have for breakfast tomorrow?

24.我想吃油煎雞蛋.I want to eat fired egg.25.一年有多少個月?

How many mouths are there in a year?


How many hours are there in a day?


What are you doing?


What is your wife doing?

29.他們在看電視.They are watching TV.30.Tom在跑步,聽音樂

Tom is running and listening to music.31.Lily正走進超市.Lily is walking into the supermarket.32.你會游泳嗎?

Can you swim? 33.我跳舞跳得很好.I can dance very well.34.今晚有空嗎? Are you free tonight? / Do you have time tonight? 35.我想籃球對我來說太難了.I think basketball is too difficult for me.36.他們喜歡徒步旅行.They like hiking.37.我不喜歡上網.I don’t like going on the internet.38.我的老師喜歡抽煙.My teacher likes smoking.39.我很喜歡這個裙子,我能試一下嗎? I like this dress.May I try it on? 40.我喜歡這雙鞋子,我能試一下嗎? I like these shoes.May I try them on? 41.這個風衣不是很合適,我穿小碼的.This coat doesn’t fit me.My size is small.42.我現在去逛街,你要和我一起來嗎? I am going to go shopping.Do you want to come? 43.這個T恤太大了 This T-shirt is too large.44.這個連衣裙很適合她.This dress fit her very well.45.這條裙子是什麽尺碼的? What size is this skirt? 46.我覺得藍色那件可能會好一點.I think the blue one would be better.47.我不這麽認為.I don’t think so.48.你想喝點什麽?給我一杯牛奶.What would you like to drink? Give me a cup of milk.49.我在哪裏可以取錢? Where can I withdraw some money? 50.我想過一個激情的夜晚,應該去哪裏? I want to have a exciting night.Where should I go? 51.沿著這條街有很多家酒吧.There are several bars along this street.52.你的新手機是什麽樣子的? What does your new cell phone look like? 53.你是長頭發還是短頭發? Do you have long hair or short hair? 54.你能到醫院去接一下她嗎? Can you pick up her at the hospital? 55.不要遲到!Don’t be late.56.請把空調打開.Please turn on the air conditioner.57.我上課遲到了.I am late for school.58.拱北的TPR在哪裏? Where is the TPR School in GongBei? 59.你平時怎麽去上課,坐公車嗎? How do you go to school? Take a bus? 60.你好,我找一下Jenny.(正在通電話)Hello, may I speak to Jenny.Please? 61.我每周135上英語課.I go to school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week.62.這個周六你做什麽?我和我媽媽去看電影.What are you going to do on this Saturday?I am going to see a movie with my mother.63.請轉告Jeff我今晚不能和他吃晚餐了.Please tell Jeff that I can’t have dinner with him.

















a)表示研究目的,常用在摘要之首In order to……This paper describes…, …The purpose of this study is……

b)表示研究的对象与方法The [curative effect/sensitivity/function] of certain [drug/kit/organ….] was [observed/detected/studied…]

c)表示研究的结果:[The result showed/It proved/The authors found] that……

d)表示结论、观点或建议:The authors [suggest/conclude/consider] that…

2)尽量采用-ing 分词和-ed 分词作定语,少用关系代词 which , who 等引导的定语从句。由于摘要的时态多采用一般过去时,使用关系代词引导的定语从句不但会使句式变的复杂,而且容易造成时态混乱(因为定语和它所修饰的主语、宾语之间有时存在一定的“时间差”,而过去完成时、过去将来时等往往难以准确判定)。采用-ing 分词和-ed 分词作定语,在简化语句的同时,还可以减少时态判定的失误。





本文首先介绍了课题研究的背景和意义,并分析了当前温度测量技术和可编程片上系统PSoC的研究现状。以可编程片上系统芯片CY8C5868AXI-LP032作为系统核心,设计了硬件电路整体结构,系统分为四个子模块,温度采集模块、放大模块、A/D转换模块、通信模块。选取铂电阻Pt1000作为温度传感器,铂电阻采用三线制接法。温度信号输入电路采用独特的电桥电路测量技术,具有没有引线电阻影响,抗干扰能力强,电桥电路与测量电路完全隔离等优点。电桥电路中输出的模拟电压经过放大后,输入至AD转换器中变为数字信号,再由处理器换算出相应温度,在硬件电路设计中对各部分子电路进行了原理和功能的介绍,其中在对Δ-ΣADC配置时,根据系统要求对其分辨率、采样率进行相关参数配置。在系统硬件设计平台的基础上,使用PSoC Creator2.0集成开发环境进行了系统软件的设计,其中包括温度信号采集、AD值与温度值的转换、温度补偿、Modbus通信协议和信息帧格式等。设计中主要针对的是实际温度值获取、温度误差补偿的设计,其中采用的主要方法是分段线性化和线性标度变换相结合的方

法。为满足PSoC与计算机的通信加入了基于Modbus的通信协议,采用RS485接口标准来完成两者之间的数据发送和接收,在PSoC内部配置了全双工通信UART的各个参数,采用CRC循环冗余的校验方式。最后对系统进行调试,以测试工程的运行情况,首先使用PSoC的专用下载工具PSoC MiniProg对系统进行下载烧写接口调试,通过Visual Basic进行通信测试,然后通过电阻箱模拟铂电阻温度测试。最后对本文的的工作进行了总结,同时对其作出进一步展望。


;通信PT1000 Modbus


Temperature is a common and important physical parameter in the production process.In daily life and industrial production, people have become increasingly demanding of temperature measurement, mainly performances in the measurement accuracy, reliability, stability and so on.Temperature measurement is directly related to the major technical indicators such as product quality, production efficiency production safety.In the meanwhile, more and more attention is paid to the cost and portability of the temperature measurement system.In Conventional temperature measuring system, the unit of temperature measurement is composed of analog temperature sensor, a high performance amplifier, A/D converter and controlled by the Single-Chip Microcomputer, Therefore, it not only needs more peripheral device, but also the hardware cost is expensive.PSoC programmable system on a chip have integrated so many analog and digital blocks that plenty of control tasks can be completed in the chip, and the capability of programming configured dynamically make it more flexible, because of controlled easily and relatively low production costs, so it is widely used in industrial production control.This paper designs a temperature measurement system with PSoC programmable system on chip as the core, which use Pt1000 as temperature sensor, make use of the analog and digital IP core resources and communication with the host computer adopting the modbus protocol.The design uses the collector temperature produced by their company, integrated as a measurement collector system of high density.It aims at a high density and high precision monitor, and can be applied to the condition with a number of thermal resistors.First, this paper introduces the background and significance of the research, and analyzes the research status of the temperature measurement technology and the PSoC programmable system on chip.The hardware which uses the programmable system on chip-CY8C5868AXI-LP032 as the core of the system designs of the entire circuit configuration.There are four subsystems, including temperature acquisition module,amplifier module, A/D converter module, communication module.Select the Pt1000 platinum resistance using three-wire connection as temperature sensors.The signal input uses a unique bridge circuit as measurement technology which has its advantages in anti-jamming capability, the impact of lead resistance, the bridge and measuring circuit isolated completely.Analog voltage from the bridge circuit is amplified and converted into digital signal, then acquire corresponding temperature through the processor, and introduce the principle and function of each subsystem in the design of hardware circuit.According to system requirements, Δ-ΣADC is configured the relevant parameters, such as resolution, sampling rate.On the basis of the system hardware design platform, using PSoC Creator2.0 integrated software development environment for the design of the system, including the temperature signal acquisition, AD value and temperature value, temperature compensation, Modbus communication protocol and message frame format.Design is mainly aimed at the actual temperature acquisition, temperature error compensation, the main method of which combines the piecewise and linear scale transformation.To meet the communication with the computer, the communication protocol based on Modbus is joined in PSoC, adapting RS485 interface standards to complete the sending and receiving data between the two, and configuring each parameter of UART of full-duplex communication inside the PSoC, using CRC cyclic redundancy check.Finally, the system is tested to check the operation of the project.Firstly, using the special download tools, PSoC MiniProg to debug the download programming interfaces, visual basic is for communication test, then the resistance box simulate platinum resistance temperature test.Finally, summarizing the work of this paper, at the same time, the further prospects are made.Keywords: Temperature measure;PT1000;PSoC;Modbus communication



With the rapid development of market economy in China, China's capital market has undergone tremendous changes.The number of listed companies is increasing, more and more large scale of capital, the demand is also growing, so how to obtain the capital, that is how to determine the company's financing of listed companies has become the primary problem to be considered, the capital is a company's survival foundation, therefore, how to minimize the cost of access to enterprise required capital and does not influence the enterprise own development will not bring any negative influence to become a difficult problem to solve.Along with our country market economy system 's development and perfection, but also will have more enterprises through listing financing, therefore, in-depth study of China's listed companies financing structure, to understand how to minimize the cost of establishing the best capital structure in order to achieve the maximization of enterprise value, to achieve the objectives of financial management has important theoretical and practical significance.This article takes the modern capital theory as theoretical background, analysis western listed companies financing preference and the present condition of listed companies, the China's listed companies financing tendency to exist, from the factors of the cost of capital, corporate governance, capital market and other aspects of verification, the financing structure of Chinese listed companies and financing cost exist issues discussed and put forward the corresponding suggestions.随着我国市场经济体制的发展与完善,还将有更多的企业通过上市来融资,因此,深入研究我国上市公司的融资结构,了解如何以最小的代价建立最佳资本结构以便达到企业价值最大化,实现财务管理的目标具有重要的理论和现实意义。




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