
时间:2019-05-14 18:22:05下载本文作者:会员上传





























2、尊重、关爱每一位学生学生。每一位学生都渴望得到老师的理解和尊重。我们要与学生平等相待,不能把学生当下级随便呵斥。只有我们把学生看重了,学生得到老师的尊重了,他们才会尊重老师,愿意学习这个老师所传授的各种知识。用师爱铸就崇高的师魂,在教育中要做到严中有爱、爱中有严,如果我们把学生当成天使,那么我们就生活在天堂,相反,我们就会觉得自己生活在地狱。努力进取。作为传道授业的老师,只有不断的更新自己的知识,不断提高自身素质,不断的完善自己,才能教好学生。如果自身散漫,怎能要求学生认真。要提高我们的自身素质,这就要求我们年轻教师多听取学生和老教师的各种意见。并且自身不断的学习,积极学习,不断开辟新教法。努力使课堂教学实现朴实、高 效、生动、独特。在教学中我们要做到有效地备课,体现教师教学的智慧,常规教学做到扎实有效。


4、刻苦钻研业务。精通教学业务是教师之所以成为教师的关键。[莲山课~件 ]只有精通业务,才能将科学文化知识准确地传授给学生,而不至于误人子弟。如果学生提出的问题教师总是不能准确地解答,教师在学生心中的威信就会逐步丧失,学生对教师也没有信心可言,对教师任教的学科也不可能有学习兴趣,当然也不可能学好这门课程,提高教育教学质量也将成为一句空话,教师要提高教学业务水平,就必须自觉坚持学习和参加业务培训,并在教学实践中锻炼和提高。我们一定要与时俱进,孜孜不倦的学习,积极进取,开辟新教法,并且要做到严谨治学,诲人不倦、精益求精。





Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen:

Kipling said:“ East is east, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet!” But now, a century later, they have met.They have met in business.They have met in education.They have met in the arts.Some would argue that these meetings leave us with a choice between East and West ,but I believe the best future lies in the creative combination of both worlds.We can make Western ideas, customs and technology our own, and adapt them to our use.We can enjoy the best of all worlds, because our tradition is, above all, one of selecting the best and making it our own.But, do Western styles and values threaten our identity?

History makes it easy for us to think so-perhaps too easy.Some people seem to think that adopting Western customs, such as a bride wearing white-which has long been a color of mourning in China, instead of the traditional Chinese red for her wedding, is another submission to foreign intervention,--a betrayal of our heritage, they say.They fear that as we become “globalized”, we will no longer be Chinese.I do not agree.History teaches that a strong and confident nation is at ease in learning from the outside world.The wedding of Eastern and Western cultures, whether in white gowns or red, brings us variety.It is a rich banquet of special foods from all over the world.As an amateur gourmet of Chinese cuisine, our superb flavours delight me.But my Chinese taste appreciates good food from any land.I even allow the convenience of McDonald's a place in my life without giving up my good taste.My grandfather taught me to hum tunes of Beijing opera from the time I was very young;they are deep in my spirit, part of my soul.I love Beijing opera, because it always reminds me of who I am.But I am also a fan of modern pop music, the No.1 fan of Spice Girls on campus.of course, it goes far beyond food, music and dance.It goes into values and ways of thinking about the world.Once upon a time, or so my teacher told me, a Chinese boy and an American girl had a squabble.Both wanted to keep a bunny rabbit they had found in the garden.Surely you've seen a rabbit sunning himself in the grass.Nothing is more lovable, nothing more natural.No wonder they wanted him.The Chinese boy played his er-hu.Happiness and joy, longing and passion, filled the air.The little rabbit swayed gently and began to move his ears in the direction of the music.He liked what he heard.The girl then took out her violin and played it to produce beautiful melodies of her own.The rabbit began to bounce in her direction.So intent were the children on their own music that neither paid the other any attention.The competing melodies confused the little rabbit and he did not know which way to turn.Unable to attract the little creature, both children gave up;they walked away, in different directions, leaving the rabbit...alone.But, what if they listened ,what if they really heard each other's music, instead of always playing their own tunes?

When I hear the music of a violin ,rich with the joys of men and women who came together and sang and danced...I hear echoes of the music of the grass lands, of the hills, of the rivers...of my own native land.Is music mine and yours, or is it ours?

What I want to hear is the er-hu and the violin played together, in rhythm and in tune.Together, we can produce new and beautiful music, rich with textures and sounds that can only be made in the harmony.The rabbit sits in the grass in the ever-warming sun.Waiting for us to play, waiting for the symphony to begin.Will he have to wait forever? The choice is ours.Thank you.问Thank you, contestant number 10.Now you're going to compare street markets and supermarkets.答Well, thank you very much.Um as a man who suffered from male chauvinism, I used to think that shopping is a privilege of women.I seldom do shopping until I have to.But three years ago, something happened and it changed my view.I remember it was the first day I went to college.After I had put down my luggage, I went out of the school to have a look around.It was a romantic rainy day.And guess what, I found the street market, right beside the school.And I saw lots of middle-aged men and women talking with the sellers of fruit, clothes and soft drinks and it seems to me that they were intimate friends.And then I said to myself, why not have a try.So I walked to the seller of pineapple and talked to him.And then i bought a pineapple and bargain with him and then i will eat the pineapple while wandering around the street market and enjoy the simple things of life.Thank you.问You mentioned in your first speech the importance of variety even though the east and west are converging.But many people think that one of the problems of modern life is the lack of variety.This hotel looks like every other hotel in the world and the whole world is becoming an airport.Hong Kong looks like Singapore and so on.Do you think that we may be in danger of losing the very variety that you think is so important?

答The variety.Of course I do not think so.I don't think we are losing variety.Instead ,we are, I think we are getting more varieties.Well nowadays, as i had mentioned in my speech, we have a combination of eastern and western music, food and lifestyles.Actually I, I think I read an article in Vienna and many western critic and composers feel that a western music which has traditionally emphasized on the harmony between different instruments now is becoming increasingly, it increasingly reflects eastern music style.However, the eastern music style brought them a completely new sense of music.So I don't think we are losing variety.I think we are having more varieties.And also in our daily life, I think we have more choice.It's not actually a choice between the east and west.Actually I think the choice is a combination of the two.And this doesn't necessarily mean we are losing our variety.We are updating what variety is.Thank you.问In your second speech just now about street markets.You said that you enjoyed going to the street markets.It's a peaceful life and eating pineapples.Could you say something more comparing street markets and supermarkets as regards prices and quality and choice of products, things like that.答Yes.Of course I prefer street market to super market.And actually I think ,nowadays the prices in the supermarket are becoming lower and lower to meet the demands of the people.But somehow I think people, not only Chinese people, but people from all over the world, will enjoy street markets much better.Because even though going to the supermarket will help you to get rid of a lot of the trouble of bargaining ,but somehow you lose the fun of talking with people and communicating with each other, and i think the super market just reflects one of the problems of modern society.I mean the alienation of people and their fellow man.And so I think that street market is secure to these disease or illnesses in modern society.Thank you.


East and West have met

Kipling said:“ East is east, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet!” But now, a century later, they have met.They have met in business.They have met in education.They have met in the arts.Some would argue that these meetings leave us with a choice between East and West, but I believe the best future lies in the creative combination of both worlds.We can make Western ideas, customs and technology our own, and adapt them to our own use.We can enjoy the best of all worlds, because our tradition is, above all, one of selecting the best and making it our own.But, do Western styles and values threaten our identity?

History makes it easy for us to think so-perhaps too easy.Some people seem to think that adopting Western customs, such as a bride wearing white-which has long been a color of mourning in China, instead of the traditional Chinese red for her wedding, is another submission to foreign intervention,--a betrayal of our heritage, they say.They fear that as we become “globalized”, we will no longer be Chinese.I do not agree.History teachers that a strong and confident nation is at ease in hearing from the outside world.The wedding of Eastern and Western cultures, whether in white gowns or red, brings us variety.It is a rich banquet of special foods from all over the world.As an amateur gourmet of Chinese cuisine, our superb flavours delight me.But my Chinese taste appreciates food from any land.I even allow the convenience of McDonald's a place in my life without giving up my good taste.My grandfather taught me to hum tunes of Beijing opera from the time I was very young;they are deep in my spirit, part of my soul.I love Beijing opera, because it always reminds me of who I am.But I am also a fan of modern pop music, the No.1 fan of Spice Girls on campus.of course, it goes far beyond food, music and dance.It goes into values and ways of thinking about the world.Once upon a time, or so my teacher told me, a Chinese boy and an American girl had a squabble.Both wanted to keep a bunny rabbit they had found in the garden.Surely you've seen a rabbit sunning himself in the grass.Nothing is more lovable, nothing more natural.No wonder they wanted him.The Chinese boy played his er-hu.Happiness and joy, longing and passion, filled the air.The little rabbit swayed gently and began to move his ears in the direction of the music.He liked what he heard.The girl then took out her violin and played it to produce beautiful melodies of her own.The rabbit began to bounce in her direction.So intent were the children on their own music that neither paid the other any attention.The competing melodies confused the little rabbit and he did not know which way to turn.Unable to attract the little creature, both children gave up;they walked away, in different directions, leaving the rabbit...alone.But, what if they listened, what if they really heard each other's music, instead of always playing their own tunes?

When I hear the music of a violin, rich with the joys of men and women who came together and sang and danced...I hear echoes of the music of the grass lands, of the hills, of the rivers...of my own native land.Is music mine and yours, or is it ours?

What I want to hear is the er-hu and the violin played together, in rhythm and in tune.Together, we can produce new and beautiful music, rich with textures and sounds that can only be made in harmony.The rabbit sits in the grass in the ever-warming sun.Waiting for us to play, waiting for the symphony to begin.Will he have to wait forever? The choice is ours.Thank you.



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