
时间:2019-05-14 20:10:24下载本文作者:会员上传


这就是天才的负担The burden of genius-他来了-宴会这么多时间真不够用-There he is-So many supplicants and so little time

-苏先生您好-您好-Mr Sol-How are you sir?

-宾达-很高兴看到你-Bender-Nice to see you

谢谢Thank you

再给我一杯I'll take another

什么?Excuse me?

真抱歉我以为你是服务生A thousand pardons I simply assumed you were the waiter 汉森给他留点面子Play nice Hansen

他才不会替人留面子Nice is not Hansen's strong suit

我真的是无心之过Honest mistake

想必你就是马丁·汉森Well Martin Hansen

你是马丁吧?It is Martin isn't it?

没错我就是Why yes John it is

我猜你对误估已习以为常I imagine you're getting quite used to miscalculation

我读过你的初稿I've read your pre-prints

两份都读过Both of them

一份是纳粹党的密码文件The one on Nazi ciphers 另一份是非线性方程式and the other one on non-linear equations

我确信and I am supremely confident

不管是哪一份that there is not a single seminal

都不具有发展和创新性or innovative idea in either one of them

好好享受你的水果酒Enjoy your punch

各位这位就是约翰·纳什Gentlemen meet John Nash

西弗吉尼亚州的神秘天才the mysterious [miˈstiəriəs] West Virginia /və(:)ˈdʒinjə/genius

也是另一位著名的卡内基奖学金得主The other winner of the distinguished Carnegie Scholarship

宾达当然了Bender Of course


我就是你的浪子室友The prodigal [ˈprɑdɪɡəl]roommate arrives


天呀饶了我吧!God no

你知道所谓的宿醉Did you know that having a hangover is

就是体内没有足够的水份is not having enough water in your body

去执行克雷布斯循环to run your Krebs cycles?

这和因渴至死的情况Which is exactly what happens to you when you're dying of thirst

如此说来因渴至死的感觉So dying of thirst

可能和宿醉的感觉一样would probably feel pretty much like the hangover

反正最后仍逃不过一死that finally bloody kills you

你是约翰·纳什吗?John Nash?


我叫查尔斯·赫曼Charles Herman

很高兴认识你Pleased to meet you 正式宣布Well it's official

我已经恢复正常了I'm almost human again

警官我看见撞到我的驾驶人Officer I saw the driver who hit me

他的名字是“约翰走路”His name was Johnny Walker

昨晚我去参加Well I got in last night in time for

鸡尾酒会English department cocktails

我当然是那只雄纠纠的鸡Cock was mine

至于那个美丽可爱的女孩the tail belonged to a particularly lovely young thing with a passion for DH

你居然不怕被打扰DH Lawrence.You're not easily distracted are you?

我是来工作的I'm here to work

哎呀那当然Hmmm are you? Right

我明白了I see Crikey![ˈkraiki]

你真是个无趣的家伙Is my roommate a dick?

既然打不破我们之间的冰山Listen If we can't break the ice

干脆大醉一场如何?How about we drown it? 告诉我你的故事So what's your story?

一个从没出过家门的穷小孩You the poor kid that never got to go to Exeter or Andover? 虽然我从小接受高等教育Despite my privileged upbringing

但身心却很平衡I'm actually quite well-balanced

我的弱点是人际关系I have a chip on both shoulders

人与事比较起来Maybe you're just better

你恐怕比较会应付事with the old integers than you are with people

我的小学老师说过My first grade teacher she told me

我有两个脑袋that I was born with two helpings of brain

却只有半颗心but only half a helping of heart


哇她似乎挺可爱的Wow!She sounds lovely!

其实The truth is that I

我并不喜欢人们I don't like people much

他们也不喜欢我And they don't much like me

怎么可能?But why

你既风趣又有魅力with all your obvious wit and charm?

说真的Seriously John


它永远不能领导你找到更高的真理Mathematics is never going to lead you to a higher truth

想知道原因吗?And you know why?

因为它太枯燥无味了Because it's boring It's really boring

你知道半数以上的学生已经发表了他们的论文You know half these schoolboys are already published?

我不能在课堂上I cannot waste time with these classes

和书本上再浪费时间and these books

去记住那些毫无说服力的假设吧!Memorizing the weaker assumptions of lesser mortals!我必须要为博弈论I need to look through

有所突破to the governing dynamics

找出它的原创理论来Find a truly original idea

那是唯一能让我出头的方法That's the only way I'll ever distinguish myself

是唯一使我能成为It's the only way that I'll ever



下一个是谁?All right who's next?

我下够了今天不玩了No I've played enough “go” for one day thank you

-来嘛-我不喜欢围棋-Come on-I I hate this game

你们都是胆小鬼Cowards all of you!

没人敢向我挑战None of you rise to meet my challenge?

宾达别这样嘛Come on Bender

谁赢阿苏就替他洗一学期的衣服Whoever winsso does his laundry all semester 你们不觉得这很不公平吗?Does that seem unfair to anyone else?

不觉得Not at all

-你们看他-纳什-Look at him-Nash!

在研究反组织理论吗?Taking a reverse constitutional?

我想找出一个演算法I'm hoping to extract an algorithm

好替它们的活动下定义to define their movement


你一直没去上课Hey Nash I thought you dropped out

我以为你退学了You ever going to go to class or

上课会使你的脑筋迟钝Classes will dull your mind

也会破坏创造的潜能Destroy the potential for authentic creativity

这我倒不知道 oh I didn't know that

有一天纳什的才华会惊倒大家Nash is going to stun us all with his genius

但这也可能是Which is another way of saying

他不敢和我比赛的藉口he doesn't have the nerve to compete

怕了吗?You scared?

我被你吓呆了Terrified 惊呆了窘呆了Mortified Petrified

而且是目瞪口呆Stupefied by you

咱们就一战定英雄No starch Pressed and folded

我能不能问你一件事Let me ask you something John

尽管问Be my guest Martin

宾达和阿苏已经完全无误的Bender and Sol here correctly completed

证明出艾伦的推论Allen's proof of Peyrot's Conjecture

尚差强人意啦Adequate work

可惜没有创新without innovation

谢谢夸奖你呢?我很感动你呢? I'm flattered You flattered?

感动Flattered 而我有两样武器纲要And I've got two weapons briefs

正由国防部审查中under security review by the DOD

真叫我垂涎不已Derivative drivel

而纳什的成就却是零But Nash achievements zero

我有耐心I'm a patient man Martin

你到底想问什么?Is there an actual question coming? 假若你永远找不出原创理论What if you never come up with your original idea? 最后惠勒研究室选择了我How will it feel when I'm chosen for Wheeler

你会有什么感觉?and you're not? 输是什么感觉?What if you lose?

你不应该赢You should not have won

是我先走的每一步都很完美I had the first move my play was perfect 这就是所谓的骄兵必败The hubris of the defeated

这个游戏有缺点The game is flawed

这就是伟大的约翰·纳什Gentlemen the great John Nash

你呆在这里已经两天了You've been in here for two days

汉森又发表了一篇报告You know Hansen's just published another paper?

而我连博士论文的主题都没有I can't even find a topic for my doctorate

可是你却发明了橱窗艺术Well on the bright side you've invented window art 这是美式橄榄球队的比赛This is a group playing touch football 这是一群鸽子在争夺面包屑This is a cluster of pigeons fighting over bread crumbs 而这是一个女人And this here is a woman

在追逐偷她皮包的男人who is chasing a man who stole her purse

你居然目击抢劫案John you watched a mugging

真不可思议That's weird 在竞争的状态下总有人会输In competitive behavior someone always loses

这点连我的小侄女都懂Well my niece knows that John

而她只有这么点大and she's about this high

如果我能找出一种均衡See if I could derive an equilibrium

在优势可逆的情况下where prevalence is a non-singular event

就会出现双赢的局面where nobody loses

你想这在有冲突的情况下会有多大的影响can you imagine the effect that would have 像武器协商on conflict scenarios and arms negotiations

你什么时候吃过东西?When did you last eat?

你什么时候吃的饭?When did you last eat? 像货币交换Currency exchange?

吃东西You know food

你一点也不尊重幻想You have no respect for cognitive reverie

你知道吗?you know that?


但是说到比萨饼But pizza

我对它可是满腔的尊重Now pizza I have enormous respect for

当然还有啤酒And of course beer

我敬重啤酒I have respect for beer

我非常敬重啤酒I have respect for beer!

-晚安尼尔森-嗨纳什-Good evening Neils-Hey Nash

谁赢这个你还是另一个你Who's winning? You or you?

-晚安纳什-你们好-Evening Nash-Hey guys

纳什你好Hey Nash

他在看你He's looking at you

你确定?Are you sure?

嗨纳什Hey Nash

尼尔森要你过去Neils is trying to get your attention

-你一定在开玩笑呢-不是吧-You're joking-Oh no

勇敢的去Go with God 一定要失身哟Come back a man

幸运与勇者同在Fortune favors the brave

炸他个屁滚尿流Bombs away

各位让我提醒你们Gentlemen might I remind you that my odds of success

每试一次就会增加我一分胜算dramatically improve with each attempt?

保证绝对精彩This is going to be classic

你是不是要请我喝杯酒Maybe you want to buy me a drink

为了想让你和我上床I don't exactly know what I'm required to say

我实在不知道该说些什么in order for you to have intercourse with me

你干脆就当我把该说的都说过了but could we assume that I said all that?

反正我们所谈的是有关液体交流的事Essentially we're talking about fluid exchange right? 所以何不立刻切入性交的主题So could we just go straight to the sex?

你可真鲜 that was sweet

再见啦你这个混蛋Have a nice night asshole!

小姐们等一下Ladies wait!

我最喜欢液体交流那一段I I especially liked the bit about fluid exchange

It was really charming


Thank you.I have always believed in numbers and the equations and logics that lead to reason, but after a lifetime of such pursuits, i ask, What truly is logic? Who decides reason? My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional and back, And i have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life, it is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found.I am only here tonight because of you, You are the reason i am, You are all my reasons.Thank you.我一直都相信数学,还有那些引导推论的。。方程式和逻辑。但是在一生的追求后,我就问我自己,什么才是真正的逻辑?谁来决定原因? 我的追求带领我穿过了物理,形而上学,幻觉。。。又带了回来 同时我做了生涯里最重要的发现。我生命中最重要的发现,这只有在神秘的爱的等式里。。才能发现任何逻辑上的原因。我今晚在这里是因为你。你就是我存在的原因,你是我的全部,看电影学英语 A Beautiful Mind 《美丽心灵》

-Professor: Mathematicians won the war.Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes, and built the A-bomb.mathematician: 数学家 break: 破译(密码)code: 密码 a-bomb: 原子弹 是数学家赢得了二次大战。是数学家破解了日本的密码,建造了原子炸弹。Mathematicians...like you.The stated goal of the Soviets is global Communism stated: 陈述的,说明的,决定了的 goal: 目标 Soviet: 苏联 global: 全球的,全世界的 communism: 共产主义

就是„„像你们这样的数学家。苏联所定的目标是让共产党布遍全球。In medicine or economics, in technology or space, battle lines are being drawn.medicine: 医学,医药 economics: 经济学 technology: 科技 space: 宇宙,太空 battle: 战争 line: 线 drawn: draw的过去分词,描写,刻画

无论在医药还是经济上,在科技或太空技术上,战线已经分明了。To triumph, we need results-publishable, applicable results.triumph: 得胜,成功 result: 结果,成绩 publishable: 可发表的,可出版的 applicable: 可应用的,实用的

想要胜利,我们就需要有成果—可以发表,实用的成果。Now who among you will be the next Morse? The next Einstein? Morse: 莫尔斯,美国人,1844年发明莫尔斯密码,由点(.)、划(-)两种符号组成 Einstein: 爱因斯坦 你们当中谁会成为第二个Morse?第二个Einstein?

Who among you will be the vanguard of democracy, freedom, and discovery? vanguard: 先锋,先驱 democracy: 民主 freedom: 自由 discovery: 探索 你们当中谁会成为民主、自由和探索的先锋?

Today, we bequeath America's future into your able hands.Welcome to Princeton, gentlemen.bequeath: 留下;传下 Princeton: 普林斯顿大学 gentleman: 绅士

今天,我们将美国的未来交于你们的手中。各位,欢迎来到普林斯顿大学。-Neilson: It's not enough Hansen won the Carnegie Scholarship.Carnegie: 卡耐基 scholarship: 奖学金 Hansen得了卡内基奖学金还不满足。-Bender: No, he has to have it all for himself.是的,他想要所有奖学金都归他所有。

It's the first time the Carnegie Prize has been split.Hansen's all bent.prize: 奖金,奖品 split:平分 bent: 有强烈意向的,执意要的 这可是第一次将卡内基奖学金平分。Hansen早已做好了决定。

-Neilson: Rumor is he's got his sights set on Wheeler Lab, the new military think tank at M.I.T.rumor: 谣言 sight: 眼光,视野 set on: 决心;倾心于 lab: 实验室 military think tank: 军事智库 military: 军事的 tank:大容器;箱 M.I.T:(美)麻省理工大学

听说他已经盯上了Wheeler实验室,那个在麻省理工的新军事技术中心。They're only taking one this year.Hansen's used to being picked first.used to: 过去常常 pick: 挑选


-Bender: Oh, yeah, he's wasted on math.He should be running for president.waste: 浪费

run for: 竞选 president: 总统


-Nash: There could be a mathematical explanation for how bad your tie is.mathematical: 数学的 explanation: 解释 tie: 领带 那一定有一个数学上的解释来证明你的领带有多差。-Neilson: Thank you.Neilson, symbol cryptography.symbol: 符号 cryptography: 密码术,密码系统 谢了。Neilson,符号密码学。

-Bender: Neils here broke a Jap code, helped rid the world of fascism.At least that's what he tells the girls, eh, Neils? rid: 消灭,驱走 fascism: 法西斯主义 at least: 至少


The name's Bender.Atomic physics, and you are? atomic: 原子的 physics: 物理学

我是Bender。主修原子物理学。而你是„?-Richard: Am I late? 我迟到了吗?

-Bender: Yes, Mr.Sol.Oh, good.嗯?是的,Sol先生。哦。-Sol: Uh, hi.Sol.Richard.嗯,嗨。Sol Richard。

-Neilson: The burden of genius.burden: 重任 genius: 天才 天才的重任。

-Bender: There He is.他来了。

-Neilson: So many supplicants, and so little time.Mr.Sol.How are you, sir? supplicant: 祈求者,恳求者

这么多的恳求者,却只有这么点时间。Sol先生。先生,你好吗?-Sol: Ah, Bender.Nice to see you.Congratulations, Mr.Hansen.congratulation: 祝贺;庆贺

啊,Bender。见到你很高兴。祝贺你啊,Hansen先生。-Hansen: Ah, thank you.I'll take another.啊,谢谢。再给我来一杯。-Nash: Excuse me? 你刚说什么?

-Hansen: A thousand pardons.I simply assumed you were the waiter.pardon: 原谅,宽恕 simply: 仅仅,只不过 assume: 设想,想当然 waiter: 服务生 一万个对不起。我还以为你是服务生。-Bender: Play nice, Hansen.友善点,Hansen。

-Neilson: Nice is not Hansen's strong suit.strong suit: 专长,特长 友善不是Hansen的长处。-Hansen: Honest mistake.honest: 诚实的 mistake: 错误 我真的是搞错了。

-Nash: Well, Martin Hansen.It is Martin, isn't it? 嗯,Martin Hansen。是Martin,没错吧?-Hansen: Why, yes, John, it is.是的,没错,John。为什么问这个?

-Nash: I imagine you're getting quite used to miscalculation.I've read your pre-prints-both of them.imagine: 想象 get used to:习惯于 miscalculation: 错误估计,犯错 pre-print: 预印的稿子 我估计你对出错已经习以为常了。我读过你的论文稿——两篇都读过。The one on Nazi ciphers, and the other one on non-linear equations, cipher: 密码 non-linear: 非线性的 equation: 方程式,等式 一份关于纳粹密码,和另一份关于非线性等式,And I am supremely confident that there is not a single seminal or innovative idea in either one of them.Enjoy your punch.supremely: 极度地,非常地 confident: 确信的,自信的 single: 一个的,单个的 seminal: 有创造力的;重大的 innovation: 创新,革新 punch: 酒、水、糖等制成的鸡尾酒 而我是非常的肯定你两篇里没有一篇有重大或者是创新的想法。慢用酒水。-Hansen: Gentlemen, meet John Nash, the mysterious West Virginia genius, mysterious: 神秘的 Virginia: 弗吉利亚(州)genius: 天才 先生们,见过John Nash,那个神秘的西维吉尼亚天才。the other winner of the distinguished Carnegie Scholarship.winner: 优胜者;得奖者 distinguished: 卓越的,杰出的 也就是著名的卡内基奖学金的另一位得主。-Bender: Oh, okay.噢,原来如此。-Sol: Oh, yeah? 喔,是吗?

-Bender: Of course.当然了。

-Charles: Oh, Christ.The prodigal roommate arrives.Christ: 天啊 prodigal: 浪子 roommate: 室友 噢,天啊。你的浪子室友抵达了。-Nash: Roommate? 室友?

-Charles: Oh, God, no.Ugh.噢,天那,不要。啊。

Did you know that having a hangover is-is not having enough water in your body to run your Krebs cycles, hangover: 宿醉 Krebs: 克雷布斯循环,三羧酸循环(指机体糖代谢的一系列生化反应)cycle: 循环


which is exactly what happens to you when you're dying of thirst? exactly: 恰好地,完全地 die of: 死于 thirst: 口渴 这就和你快要渴死时所发生的情况是一样的。

So, dying of thirst would probably feel pretty much like the hangover that finally bloody kills you.John Nash? probably: 很可能 pretty much: 几乎 bloody: 血腥的,出血的

所以,渴死也就很可能和醉酒后血腥而死的感觉差不多。John Nash?-Nash: Hello.你好。

-Charles: Charles Herman.Pleased to meet you.pleased: 高兴的

Charles Herman。很高兴认识你。-Athlete: All right, well done.好,做的好。

-Charles: Well, it's official.I'm almost human again.Officer, I saw the driver who hit me.His name was Johnny Walker.official: 正式的 hit: 撞

啊,正式的讲,我差不多完全恢复成正常人了。警官,我看见了那个撞我的那个司机。他的名字是Jonny Walker。

Whew.Well, I got in last night in time for English department cocktails.Cock was mine, in time: 及时 department: 系,部门 cocktail: 鸡尾酒 cock: 公鸡 唷。我昨晚刚好赶到英文部的鸡尾酒会。公鸡是我的,the tail belonged to a particularly lovely young thing with a passion for D.H.Lawrence.You're not easily distracted, are you? tail: 尾巴 belong to: 属于 particularly: 特别地 lovely: 可爱的 passion: 激情 distracted: 分心的,注意力分散的


-Nash: I'm here to work.我是来学习的。

-Charles: Hmmm, are you? Right.I see.Crikey!Is my roommate a dick? Hmm? Listen.crikey: 哎呀 roommate: 室友 dick:(讳,口)屌

喔,是吗?好吧。哎呀!我明白了。我的室友是不是特别贱?是不是?听着。If we can't break the ice, how about we drown it? break: 打破 ice: 冰,比喻沉默的场景 drown: 溺死,浸没 如果我们无法打破这沉默,那我们把它喝完怎么样?

So what's your story? You the poor kid that never got to go to Exeter or Andover? kid: 小孩

讲讲你的来历吧?你就是那个从来没去过埃克塞特或安多佛(美国私立中学)的穷孩子?-Nash: Despite my privileged upbringing, I'm actually quite well-balanced.I have a chip on both shoulders.despite: 尽管,不管 privileged: 享有特权的 upbringing: 教养,成长 actually: 事实上 well-balanced: 行为端正的 chip: 微笑的东西,无价值的东西 shoulder: 肩膀 尽管我的成长很特别,但我的生活是十分和谐的。我是很有钱的。

-Charles: Maybe you're just better with the old integers than you are with people.integer: 整数,数字


-Nash: My first grade teacher, she told me that I was born with two helpings of brain, but only half a helping of heart.be born with: 天生具有 brain: 大脑 helping:(食物的)一份,一客

我一年将的老师曾经告诉我,我天生就具有两个有用的大脑,但却只有半个有用的心。-Charles: Really? 真的?

-Nash: Really.真的

-Charles: Wow!She sounds lovely!哇!她听起来很可爱!

-Nash: The truth is that I-I don't like people much.And they don't much like me.实际上,我—我不喜欢与人交往,他们同样也不喜欢我。

-Charles: But why, with all your obvious wit and charm? Seriously, John.obvious: 明显的 wit: 智力,才智 charm: 魅力 seriously: 认真地


Mathematics-Mathematics is never going to lead you to a higher truth.And you know why? 'Cause it's boring.It's really boring.mathematics: 数学 lead: 引领 boring: 无聊的,令人厌烦的 数学吗„数学永远不会让你领会更高的真理。而你知道是为什么吗?因为它很无聊。真是无聊透顶。

-Nash: You know half these schoolboys are already published? I cannot waste time with these classes and these books.schoolboy: 男学生 publish: 发表


Memorizing the weaker assumptions of lesser mortals!I need to look through-to the governing dynamics.memorize: 熟记;背熟 assumption: 假设 lesser: 次要的 mortal: [口语]人 look through: 看穿 governing: 管理 dynamics: 动力学


Find a truly original idea.That's the only way I'll ever distinguish myself.It's the only way that I'll ever-truly: 真正地 original: 原创的 distinguish: 使表现突出

找到真正的原创想法。这是唯一能够使我永远与众不同的办法。这也是唯一我能永远„-Charles: Matter.至关重要。-Nash: Yes.是的。

-Hansen: All right, who's next? 好了,下一个是谁?

-Sol: No, I've played enough “Go” for one day, thank you.不,我今天已经把围棋下够了。谢谢。-Hansen: Come on.得了吧。

-Sol: I-I hate this game.我-我讨厌这棋。

-Hansen: Cowards, all of you!None of you rise to meet my challenge? coward: 懦夫 rise to: 对„做出热烈反应 rise: 上升 challenge: 挑战


Come on, Bender.Whoever wins, Sol does his laundry all semester.laundry: 要洗的服 semester: 学期

快来吧,Bender。不管谁赢,这学期的洗衣活都归Sol的了。-Sol: Does that seem unfair to anyone else? seem: 似乎

unfair: 不公平的 你们不觉得这很不公平吗?-Neilson: Not at all.不觉得。

-Bender: Look at him.看他

-Neilson: Nash!Taking a reverse constitutional? reverse: 相反的 constitutional:(有益于健康的)散步,锻炼 Nash!倒着走合法吗?

-Nash: I'm hoping to extract an algorithm to define their movement.extract: 推断出(原理等),推导出 algorithm: 算法 define: 定义,解释

movement: 运动


-Sol: Oh.Psycho.Hey, Nash, I thought you dropped out.You ever going to go to class or-psycho: 精神病患者 drop out: 退学

哦。精神病。嘿,Nash,我记得你已经退学了。你还会去上课吗?或者„-Nash: Classes will dull your mind.Destroy the potential for authentic creativity.dull: 使麻木,使迟钝 destroy: 毁灭 potential: 潜能 authentic: 真正的 creativity: 创造力,创造性

上课会使你大脑变迟钝,消灭富有重大创造性的潜能。-Sol: Oh, oh, I didn't know that.哦,这我就不知道了。

-Hansen: Nash is going to stun us all with his genius, which is another way of saying he doesn't have the nerve to compete.You scared? stun: 使惊吓 genius: 才华 nerve: 胆量 compete: 竞争,较量 scared: 害怕的 Nash会用他的才华吓到我们所有人。意思也就是他没有胆量来较量。你害怕吗?-Nash: Terrified.Mortified.Petrified.Stupefied...by you.No starch.Pressed and folded.terrified: 害怕的 mortified: 受辱的,羞愧的 petrified: 使惊呆的 stupefied: 使愣住的 starch: 勇气 pressed: 紧迫的 folded: 折叠的

恐吓、恐惧、恐慑、恐慌„都是被你弄的。不要光说。抓紧时间开始。-Hansen: Let me ask you something, John.John,让我问问你。

-Nash: Be my guest, Martin.be my guest: [美国俚语、讽刺语]悉听尊便 guest: 客人 请讲,Martin。

-Hansen: Bender and Sol here correctly completed Allen's proof of Peyrot's Conjecture.correctly: 正确地 complete: 完成 proof: 证明 conjecture: 推测 Bender和Sol已经成功的完成了Peyrot推论的Allen证明法。-Nash: Adequate work without innovation.adequate: 足够的 innovation: 创新 做的不错,就是缺少创新。

-Sol: Oh.I'm flattered.You flattered? flatter: 奉承,谄媚

噢,我受宠若惊。你觉得呢?-Bender: Flattered.我也受宠若惊。

-Hansen: And I've got two weapons briefs under security review by the D.O.D.weapon: 武器 brief: 摘要 security: 安全 review: 评审,检查 D.O.D.: Department of Defense(of the United States)(美国)国防部

我有两篇武器纲要已经经过国防部的安全审查。-Nash: Derivative drivel.derivative: 衍生出的,被诱导的 drivel: 口水


-Hansen: But Nash achievements: zero.achievement: 成就


-Nash: I'm a patient man, Martin.Is there an actual question coming? patient: 有耐心的 actual: 实际的,真实的


-Hansen: What if you never come up with your original idea? Huh? How will it feel when I'm chosen for Wheeler,come up with: 提出,想出 original: 原创的 choose for: 选为

如果你永远都想不出你的原创理论怎么办?嗯?当我被选进Wheeler实验室,and you're not? What if you lose? 而你没有的时候,你会怎么想?你要是输了怎么办?-Bender: Ah, there it is.啊,就是这了。

-Nash: You should not have won.你不应该赢。-Hansen: Hmmm.嗯。

-Nash: I had the first move, my-my play was perfect.move: 移动

play: 游戏 perfect: 完美的

第一步是我先下的,我„我的每一步都是完美的。-Hansen: The hubris of the defeated.hubris: 骄傲,傲慢 defeated: 被打败的 defeat: 击败,打败 骄兵必败。

-Nash: The game is flawed.flawed: 有瑕疵的,有缺陷的 这棋有缺陷。

-Hansen: Gentlemen, the great John Nash.先生们,这就是伟大的John Nash。-Charles: You've been in here for two days.你在这里已经两天了。

-Nash: You know Hansen's just published another paper? I can't even find a topic for my doctorate.publish: 发表 paper: 论文 topic: 话题 doctorate: 博士学位

你知不知道Hansen又发表了一篇论文。而我却连一个博士论文的主题都没找到。-Charles: Well, on the bright side, you've invented window art.bright: 明亮的,阳光的 side: 方面 invent: 发明 art: 艺术 嘿,往好的方面想,你发明了窗户艺术。

-Nash: This is a group playing touch football.This is a cluster of pigeons fighting over bread crumbs.touch football: 触身式橄榄球 touch: 接触 cluster: 群 pigeon: 鸽子 fight over: 为„而竞争 fight: 战斗 crumb: 碎屑

这是正在玩触身式橄榄球的一组。这是一群正在争抢面包渣的鸽子。And this here is a woman who is chasing a man who stole her purse.chase: 追赶 steal: 偷 purse: 钱包 而在这的则是一个正在追偷钱包的小偷的妇女。-Charles: John, you watched a mugging.That's weird.mugging: 行凶抢劫 weird: 奇怪的,奇异的 John,你居然目击枪杀案。真不可思议。

-Nash: In competitive behavior someone always loses.competitive: 竞争激烈地 behavior: 行为 lose: 失败 在激烈的竞争里总有人要输的。

-Charles: Well, my niece knows that, John, and she's about this high.niece: 侄女


-Nash: See, if I could derive an equilibrium where prevalence is a non-singular event, where nobody loses, derive: 衍生 equilibrium:平衡,均衡论 prevalence: 传播,流行 singular: 单一的 event: 事件

你要知道,如果我能延伸出一条均衡论,其中流动并非是单一的,没有人会输,can you imagine the effect that would have on conflict scenarios, and arms negotiations...imagine: 想象 effect: 结果 conflict: 冲突的 scenario: 情节,剧本 arm: 武器 negotiation: 谈判

你能够想象到它在有冲突的和武器谈判情况下-Charles: When did you last eat? 你上次就餐是什么时候?-Nash: currency exchange? currency: 货币 exchange: 兑换 还有对货币兑换所造成的影响?-Charles: When did you last eat? 你上次就餐是什么时候? You know, food.我指的是食物。

-Nash: You have no respect for cognitive reverie, you know that? respect for: 尊重„;对„的尊敬 respect: 尊敬 cognitive: 认知的 reverie: 幻想 你知不知道,你对内心幻想一点都不尊敬。

-Charles: Yes.But pizza.Now, pizza I have enormous respect for.And of course beer.pizza: 披萨 enormous: 巨大的,庞大的 beer: 啤酒

知道,但比萨饼,我对比萨饼是无限的尊敬。当然还有啤酒。-Nash: I have respect for beer.I have respect for beer!我敬重啤酒。我敬重啤酒!-Bender: Good evening, Neils.晚上好,Neils。

-Hansen: Hey, Nash.Who's winning? You or you? 嗨,Nash。谁正获胜?你?还是你?-Bender: Evening, Nash.Nash,晚上好。

-Sol: Hey, guys.Hey, Nash.嗨,朋友们。嗨,Nash。-Woman A: He's looking at you for sure.for sure: 确实;毫无疑问地 他肯定正在看你。

-Hansen: Hey, Nash.Neils is trying to get your attention.attention: 注意

嗨,Nash。Neilson想引起你的注意。-Bender: You're joking.joke: 开玩笑 别开玩笑了。-Sol: Oh, no.噢,没有。

-Bender: Go with God.随上帝去吧。

-Sol: Come back a man.以男人回来。

-Bender: Fortune favors the brave.fortune: 运气 favor: 喜欢,支持 brave: 勇敢的人 好运总是伴随着勇敢的人。-Hansen: Bombs away.bomb: 炸弹 出发了。

-Nash: Gentlemen, might I remind you that my odds of success dramatically improve with each attempt.remind: 提醒 odds: 几率 success: 成功

dramatically: 显著地 improve: 提高 attempt: 尝试

各位,让我告诉你们,我成功的几率将会随着不断的尝试而大幅度的提高。-Hansen: This is going to be classic.classic: 经典的


-Woman: Maybe you want to buy me a drink.或许你想请我喝一杯。

-Nash: I don't exactly know what I'm required to say in order for you to have intercourse with me, require: 需要 in order to: 为了,以便 intercourse: 性交 我不知道我到底应该说些什么才能促使你和我进行性交,but could we assume that I said all that? Essentially we're talking about fluid exchange, right? assume: 假设 essentially: 本质上 fluid: 流体,液体 exchange: 交换

我们能不能假当我已经说过了那些。实质上,我们正在谈论体液交换,对吗? So, could we just go straight to the sex? go straight: 不拐弯抹角 sex: 性爱


-Woman: Oh, that was sweet.Have a nice night, asshole!sweet: 甜蜜的 asshole: 泛指讨厌的人,本义指肛门 噢,这可真浪漫。晚安,无耻的家伙。-Neilson: Ladies, wait!小姐们,等一下。

-Charles: I-I especially liked the bit about fluid exchange.It was really charming.especially: 尤其,特别 charming: 迷人的,有美丽的 我-我尤其喜欢“体液交换”这句。真的很惊人。

-Professor: Walk with me, John.I've been meaning to talk with you.The faculty is completing mid-year reviews.faculty: 全体教员 complete: 完成 mid-year: 期中 review: 评论

John,跟我一块走。我其实是想找你谈谈。教员们正在写期中评语。We're deciding which placement applications to support.placement:(人员的)安排 application: 申请 support: 支持 我门正在决定支持哪一个就业工作。

-Nash: Wheeler, sir.That would be my first choice.And actually, I don't really have a second choice, sir.choice: 选择

教授,请让我选Wheeler实验室。这是我的首选。而且实际上,我也没有第二选择,先生。-Professor: John, your fellows have attended classes.They've written papers.They've published.fellow: 朋友,同学 attend: 参加 paper: 论文 publish: 发表 John,你的同学上了课。他们写了论文,并且都发表了。-Nash: I'm still searching, sir, for my-search: 寻找


-Professor: Your original idea, I know.original: 原创的原创理论,我知道。

-Nash: Governing dynamics, sir.governing: 管理 dynamics: 动力学 管理动力学。

-Professor: It's very clever, John, but I'm afraid...it's just not nearly good enough.这是好的,John,但我恐怕„它只是还不够好。-Servant: May I? Thank you.外衣?谢谢。

-Nash: I've been working on manifold embedding.My bargaining stratagems are starting to show some promise.manifold: 多方面的 embed: 嵌入 bargain: 议价,讨价还价 stratagem: 战略,计谋 promise: 指望;有成功希望的预示

我已经开始了“符合嵌入”的工作。我的“议价策略”也已经出现了一些结果。If you could just arrange another meeting, if you'd be kind enough, with Professor Einstein-arrange: 安排

如果你能再帮我安排一个见面,如果你非常仁慈的话,让我和爱因斯坦教授见面„-Professor: I've repeatedly asked you for that.Now, John.repeatedly: 重复地,多次地


-Nash: I'd be able to show him my revisions on his„ revision: 校订,修正 我能够给他展现我所做的修改„

-Professor: John? John.Do you see what they're doing in there? John?John。你看见他们正在干什么?-Professor A: Congratulations, Professor Max.祝贺你,Max教授。

-Max: Thank you, sir.Thank you.谢谢你,先生。谢谢。

-Professor: It's the pens.Reserved for a member of the department that makes the achievement of a lifetime.reserve: 保留 member: 成员 department: 部门 achievement: 成就 lifetime: 终身 是那些笔。提供给部门里取得了终身成就的人。Now, what do you see, John? John,你看到了什么?-Nash: Recognition.recognition: 赏识,认可 名誉?

-Professor B: Well done, Professor.Well done.做的好,教授。做的好。

-Professor: Well, try seeing accomplishment.accomplishment: 成就 要去尝试看成果。

-Nash: Is there a difference? 有区别吗?

-Professor: John, you haven't focused.I'm sorry, but up to this point, your record doesn't warrant any placement at all.Good day.focus: 集中精神 point: 时间点 record: 记录 warrant: 保证 placement:(人员的)安排


-Professor C: And my compliments to you, sir.compliment: 称赞,致意 先生,请接受我的祝贺。-Max: Thank you so much.非常感谢你。

-Nash: I can't see it.Aah!我无法看见。啊!

-Charles: Jesus Christ, John.老天哪,John。

-Nash: I can't fail.This is all I am.fail: 失败

我不能失败。我只能是这样的。-Charles: Come on, let's go out.别这样,我们出去走走。

-Nash: I got to get something done.我必须的完成些什么。-Charles: John!John!

-Nash: I can't keep staring into space.stare into: 凝视 stare: 凝视 我不能还这样脑子一片空白。-Charles: John, enough!John,够了。

-Nash: Got to face the wall, follow their rules, read their books, face: 面临 follow: 遵守,遵循 rule: 规定

我需要面壁,遵循他们的规定,阅读他们的书籍,-Charles: You want to do some damage? Fine!But don't mess around.damage: 伤害 mess around: 弄混 mess: 将„弄糟 你想制造些伤害?行啊!但别在这搞。-Nash: do their classes.上他们的课。

-Charles: Come on!Go on, bust your head!Kill yourself.Don't do it.Don't mess around.bust: 打破,摔碎

别停啊!继续撞你的头!撞死你自己。别做傻事。别再乱搞。Bust your head!Go on, bust that worthless head wide open.worthless: 无用的 wild: 宽阔的,广大的


-Nash: God damn it, Charles!What the hell is your problem?!damn: 该死的,可恶的 the hell: 该死的,可恶的 该死的,Charles!你到底是什么问题?

-Charles: It's not my problem.And it's not your problem.It's their problem.Your answer isn't face the wall.这不是我的问题。也不是你的问题。这是它们的问题。解决问题的答案不在面壁上。It's out there where you've been working.That was heavy.That Isaac Newton fellow was right.fellow: 家伙;男人

而是在你的工作上。它可好重。Isaac Newton那家伙是对的。-Nash: He was onto something.be onto: 发现

他了解的很透底。-Charles: Clever boy.很聪明。

-Nash: Don't worry, that's mine.I'll come and get it in a minute.Oh, God.不用担心,那是我的。我一会就去把它们拿回来。噢,我的上帝。-Neilson: Incoming, gentlemen.incoming: 进来 先生们,来了。

-Sol: Ay-yi-yi.Deep breaths.Nash, you might want to stop shuffling your papers for five seconds.breath: 呼吸 shuffle: 慢吞吞地(看)

哎—呀—呀。深呼吸。Nash,你也许愿意停止翻动你的文件五秒钟。-Nash: I will not buy you gentlemen beer.我不会请你们喝酒的。

-Bender: Oh, we're not here for beer, my friend.噢,我的朋友,我们不是来要酒的。

-Nash: Oh.Does anyone else feel she should be moving in slow motion? move: 移动 motion: 动作,移动

哦。有其他人认为她应该以慢动作移动吗?-Bender: Will she want a large wedding, ya think? wedding: 婚礼

你们认为,她会要求盛大的婚礼吗?-Sol: Shall we say swords, gentlemen? Pistols at dawn? sword: 剑 pistol: 手枪 at dawn: 黎明时,拂晓时 dawn: 破晓,黎明 各位,我们用剑决斗吧?还是用手枪?

-Hansen: Have you remembered nothing? Recall the lessons of Adam Smith, the father of modern economics.remember: 记起 recall: 回忆,回想 modern: 现代的 economics: 经济学 你们什么都不记得了吗?回想Adam Smith,现代经济学之父那课。-Sol: In competition competition: 竞争 在竞争中„

-Sol & Bender: individual ambition serves the common good.individual: 个人的 ambition: 雄心,野心 serve: 为„服务,服务于„ common: 共同的,公共的 good: 好处,利益

个人的雄心是为了公共的利益。-Hansen: Exactly.exactly: 正确地 完全正确。

-Bender: Every man for himself, gentlemen.And those who strike out are stuck with her friends.strike out: 错过机会;失败 strike: 打击 stick with somebody: 紧跟,不离开某人 先生们,每一个都为自己。那些受打击的就和她的朋友在一起。-Nash: I'm not gonna strike out.gonna: <口> = going to 将要 我不会受打击的。

-Sol: You can lead a blonde to water, but you can't make her drink.lead: 引导 blonde: 金发美女

你可以带美女到水池边,但你不能强迫她喝水。-Nash: I don't think he said that.我不记得他说过这个。

-Sol: Nobody move.She's looking over here.She's looking at Nash.都别动,她正在往这看。她正在看Nash。

-Hansen: Oh, God.He may have the upper hand now, but wait until he opens his mouth.Remember the last time? upper hand: 占上风,处于有利地位,有优势

噢,老天。他现在可能可以占上风,但只要等他一开口,还记得上次吗?-Bender: Oh, yes, that was one for the history books.喔,当然,那个可应该记为历史。-Nash: Adam Smith needs revision.revision: 修改,修订 Adam Smith需要修改。

-Hansen: What are you talking about? 你在胡说什么?

-Nash: If we all go for the blonde, we block each other.Not a single one of us is gonna get her.go for: 喜欢;被„吸引 block: 妨碍,阻碍 single: 一个的


So then we go for her friends, but they will all give us the cold shoulder because nobody likes to be second choice.shoulder: 耸肩


Well, what if no one goes for the blonde? We don't get in each other's way, and we don't insult the other girls.get in one's way: 阻碍某人 insult: 侮辱

但是,如果我们都不去找那美女。我们就不会彼此阻挠,也不会羞辱到其他女孩。That's the only way we win.That's the only way we all get laid.lay: 躺下


Adam Smith said the best result comes from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself, right? Adam Smith说过最好的结果来自于组里的每一个人都只作对他个人有利的事。对吧? That's what he said, right? Right.Incomplete.Incomplete, okay? incomplete: 不完整


Because the best result comes from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself and the group.因为最好的结果是来自于组里的每一个人都只作对自己有利还有对组有利的事。

-Hansen: Nash, if this is some way for you to get the blonde on your own, you can go to hell.on one's own: 独自 go to hell: 毁灭;见鬼去吧 hell: 地狱

Nash,如果这是些什么只想让你自己得到美女的方法,那你就去死吧。-Nash: Governing dynamics.Governing dynamics.Adam Smith was wrong.governing: 管理 dynamics: 动力学

管理动力学。管理动力学。Adam Smith是错的。-Sol: Oh, here we go.哦,又来了。

-Neilson: Careful, careful.小心,小心点。

-Nash: Thank you.C of “S” equals “C” of “T.” equal: 等于 谢谢你。“S”的“C”等于“T”的“C”。

-Professor: You do realize these files in the face of a 150 years of economic theory? file: 文件 in the face of: 面临,面对theory: 理论 你要明白这个想法会和现存150年的经济理论有冲撞。-Nash: Yes, I do, sir.教授,我明白。

-Professor: That's rather presumptuous, don't you think? rather: 非常 presumptuous: 放肆的,冒失的 你不认为这是相当鲁莽的吗?-Nash: It is, sir.我也认为如此。

-Professor: Well, Mr.Nash, with a breakthrough of this magnitude, I'm confident you will get any placement you like.breakthrough: 突破,重大成就 magnitude: 重要 confident: 自信的 placement:(人员的)安排 嗯,Nash先生。凭这如此重大的突破,我确信你可以得到任何你想要的职位。Wheeler Labs, they'll ask you to recommend two team members.lab: 实验室 recommend: 推荐

Wheeler实验室,将会要求你推荐两位组员。-Nash: Yes!太好了!

-Professor: Stills and Frank are excellent choices.excellent: 极好的,优秀的 Stills和Frank是很好的选择。-Nash: Sol and Bender, sir.教授,我选Sol和Bender。

-Professor: Sol and Bender are extraordinary mathematicians.Has it occurred to you that Sol and Bender might have plans of their own? extraordinary: 非常的,特别的 occur to somebody: 令某人想到„

Sol和Bender确实是非凡的数学家。但你觉得他们会不会已经有了自己的计划?-Sol: We made it!Wheeler, we made it!Cheers, cheers, cheers!To-Oh!Oh!make it: 达到目标 cheer: 干杯

我们成功了!Wheeler实验室,我们成功了!干杯!来,干杯,干杯!噢哦!-Bender: Okay, awkward moment, gentlemen.awkward: 使人尴尬的,难堪的


-Hansen: Umm...Hmm.Governing dynamics.Congratulations, John.嗯,嗯。管理动力学。John,祝贺你。-Nash: Thanks.谢谢。

-Sol: Toast!To Wheeler Labs!toast: 敬酒,干杯

干杯!敬Wheeler实验室!-Neilson: To Wheeler!敬Wheeler!

-Man: General, the analyst from Wheeler Lab is here.general: 将军 analyst: 分析家

将军,从Wheeler实验室来的分析家已经到了。-Servant: Dr.Nash, your coat? Nash博士,请给我您的外衣。-Nash: Thank you, sir.谢谢你。

-Man: Doctor.General, this is Wheeler team leader Dr.John Nash.doctor: 博士 leader: 领导

博士。将军。这是Wheeler组的组长。John Nash博士。-General: Glad you could come, Doctor.博士,很高兴你能来。-Nash: Hello.你好。

-General: Right this way.We've been intercepting radio transmissions from Moscow.intercept: 截取,拦截 transmission: 传播信号 这边走。我们已从莫斯科拦截到无线电信号。

The computer can't detect a pattern, but I'm sure it's code.detect: 发现,检测 pattern: 规律,形式 code: 密码 电脑无法识别出它的规律,但我肯定它是暗码。-Nash: Why is that, General? 为什么会这么认为,将军?

-General: Ever just know something, Dr.Nash? 你相信直觉吗,Nash博士?-Nash: Constantly.constantly: 不断地,经常地 当然。

-General: We've developed several ciphers if you'd like to review our preliminary data, Doctor? develop: 开发 cipher: 密码;密码索引 review: 参阅 preliminary: 初步的,开始的 data: 数据


-Nash: 6-7-3-7, 0-3-6, 8-4-9-4, 9-1-4-0-3-4, 46-13-08, 67-46-90, 48-03-01, 91-26-35.I need a map.6-7-3-7,0-3-6,8-4-9-4,9-1-4-0-3-4,46-13-08,67-46-90,48-03-01,91-26-35。我需要一张地图。

40-6, 13, 0-8, 67, 46, 9-0.Starkey Corners, Maine.40-8, 0-3, 0-1, 91, 26, 35.Prairie Portage, Minnesota.40-6,13,0-8,67,46,9-0。斯塔奇角,缅因。40-8,0-3,0-1,91,26,35.普来里波蒂奇,明尼苏达。

These are latitudes and longitudes.There are at least 10 others.They appear to be routing orders across the border into the U.S.latitude: 纬度 longitude: 经度 at least: 至少 appear: 看起来 routing: 路径选择 order: 顺序 border: 边界

这些是纬度和经度。至少还有其它十个地点。看起来,他们是绕美国边界进入的。-General: Extraordinary.Gentlemen, we need to move on this.extraordinary: 非凡的,惊人的 move on: 继续前进 非常精彩。各位,我们要开始干活了。-Nash: Who's Big Brother? 那老大哥是谁?

-General: You've done your country a great service, son.Captain!-service: 服务

你为你的国家做了很大的贡献。上尉!-Captain: Yes, sir.captain: 上尉 是的,长官。

-General: Accompany Dr.Nash.accompany: 陪伴 护送Nash博士。

-Nash: What are the Russians moving, General? 将军,俄国人在运送些什么?

-General: Captain Rogers will escort you to the unrestricted area, Doctor.Thank you.escort: 护卫,护送 unrestricted: 无限制的 area: 区域 Roger上尉会陪同你到非禁区,博士。谢谢你。-Captain: Dr.Nash, follow me, please.follow: 跟随


-Radio: None of those who have said they don't like the method have told us any other method they could use that would be effective.method: 方法 effective: 有效的

那些不喜欢这方法的人里,没有一个能告诉我们其它能用并有效的方法。And when you hear...而当你听到„

-Driver: It's Dr.Nash.车里是Nash博士。-Man: All right.好的。

-Nash: Thank you, sir.谢谢你,先生。

-Sol: Home run at the Pentagon? Pentagon: 五角大楼,美国国防部


-Nash: Have they actually taken the word “classified” out of the dictionary? classified: 机密的 dictionary: 字典

他们不是已经把“机密”这几个字从字典里去掉了吗?-Bender: Oh, hi.The air conditioning broke again.air conditioning: 空调 噢,嗨。空调又坏了。

-Nash: How am I supposed to be in here saving the world if I'm melting? supposed to be: 应该 melt: 融化

我还能怎么在这拯救全世界,如果我都已经熔化了。-Sol: Our hearts go out to you.go out to: 对„充满同情;(心)向往 我们非常同情你。

-Nash: You know, two trips to the Pentagon in four years.你要知道,四年内去了五角大楼两次。-Sol: That's two more than we've had.那比我们还多去两次。

-Bender: It gets better, John.Just got our latest scintillating assignment.latest: 最新的;最近的 scintillating: 光荣的 assignment: 任务 会好的,John。刚刚得到我们最新的光荣任务。-Sol: You know, the Russians have the H-bomb.H-bomb: 氢弹


-Nash: The Nazis are repatriating South America, the Chinese have a standing army of 2.8 million, Nazi: 纳粹 repatriate: 把„遣返回国 standing army: 常备军

纳粹已经遣返会南美,中国已经有了两百八十万的常备军,and I am doing stress tests on a dam.stress: 压力 dam: 水坝 而我却在做水坝受压测试。

-Bender: You made the cover of Fortune...again.cover: 封面 fortune: 财富


-Sol: Please note the use of the word “you,” not “we”.请注意使用“你”,而不是“我们”。-Nash: That was supposed to be just me.这应该只有我才对。-Sol: Oh.哦。

-Nash: So not only do they rob me of the Fields Medal, now they put me on the cover of Fortune magazine, rob: 抢走 medal: 奖牌,勋章

看来,他们不仅强走我的菲尔德勋章。现在又把我放到财富杂志的封面上 with these hacks, these scholars of trivia.hack: 受雇于出版商的文人 scholar: 学者 trivia: 不重要的事;琐事 和这些庸俗、不值得一提的人摆在一起。

-Bender: John, exactly what's the difference between genius and most genius? genius: 天才

John,到底天才和几乎是天才有什么不同?-Nash: Quite a lot.He's your son.十分不同。他是你孙子。

-Bender: Anyway, you've got 10 minutes.总之,你还有十分钟。

-Nash: I've always got 10 minutes.我有的是十分钟。

-Sol: Before your new class? 在你的新课之前?

-Nash: Can I not get a note from a doctor or something? note: 便签 doctor: 医生


-Bender: You are a doctor, John, and no.Now, come on, you know the drill, we get these beautiful facilities, doctor: 博士 drill: 常规,规定程序 facility: 仪器,设备

John,你自己就是。所以不行。行了,赶快吧,你知道这会事。我们得到这些精美的仪器。-Sol: M.I.T.gets America's great minds of today teaching America's great minds of tomorrow.Poor bastards.M.I.T.: 麻省理工学院 mind: 脑袋 poor: 可怜的 bastard: 混蛋

而麻省理工要用美国今天的杰出人才来培养美国明天的精英。可怜的家伙。-Bender: Now, have a nice day at school.好了,祝你在学校里过的愉快。-Sol: The bell's ringing.bell: 铃声


-Nash: The eager young minds of tomorrow.eager: 热切的,渴望的 饥渴的年轻一代。

-Student: Can we leave one open, Professor? It's really hot, sir.professor: 教授


-Nash: Your comfort comes second to my ability to hear my own voice.Personally, I think this class will be a waste of your, comfort: 舒适 ability: 能力 personally: 就个人而言;亲自地 waste: 浪费


and what is infinitely worse my time.However, here we are.So you may attend or not.infinitely: 无限地,极其 attend: 出息

更糟糕的是我的时间。然而,我们已经在这了。你们听不听我不管。You may complete your assignments at your whim.We have begun.Miss.complete: 完成 assignment: 作业 at whim: 随心所欲 whim: 一时的兴致 你可以喜欢了就完成你的作业。课这就开始了。小姐。-Alicia: Excuse me!Excuse me!对不起!打扰一下!-Worker: Hey, hey!嘿!嘿!

-Alicia: Hi!Um, we have a little problem.It's extremely hot in here with the windows closed, extremely: 非常


and extremely noisy with them open.So, I was wondering if there was any way you could, noisy: 吵闹的 wonder: 想知道

而打开的话,又会特别吵。所以,我想知道你们能不能„ I don't know, maybe work someplace else for about 45 minutes? 看看去其它地方施工45分钟后再回来?-Worker: Not a problem.没问题。

-Alicia: Thank you so much!非常感谢你们!

-Worker: At a break!Got it!Let's go.Clean it up a little bit.break: 休息 a little bit: 一点儿


-Nash: As you will find in multivariable calculus, there is often a number of solutions for any given problem.multivariable: 多元的;多变量的 calculus: 微积分 solution: 解决方法 given: 指定的 你们将会发现在多元的微积分学里,通常任何一题都会有多种解法。

As I was saying, this problem here will take some of you many months to solve.solve: 解答

回到我刚说的,这一题会花上你们其中一些人几个月的时间来解。For others among you, it will take you the term of your natural lives.term: 期限 natural: 自然的,正常的


-William: Professor Nash.William Parcher.Big Brother...at your service.service: 服务

Nash教授。William Parcher。老大哥„为你服务。

-Nash: What can I do for the Department of Defense? Are you here to give me a raise? department: 部门 defense: 防卫 raise: 增加 我能为国防部做些什么?你是来给我提薪的?-William: Let's take a walk.我们边走边说。

Impressive work at the Pentagon.impressive: 印象深刻的 the Pentagon: 五角大楼(美国国防部的办公大楼)五角大楼那次真是非凡的工作。-Nash: Yes, it was.的确如此。

-William: Oppenheimer used to say genius sees the answer before the question.Oppenheimer: 奥本海默(美国原子物理学家)used to: 过去常常,曾经

genius: 天才

奥本海默曾说过,“天才在未知道问题前,就能知道答案。”-Nash: You knew Oppenheimer? 你认识奥本海默?

-William: His project was under my supervision.project: 计划,项目 supervision: 监督 他的计划是在我的监督下进行的。-Nash: Which project? That project.哪个计划?那个计划。

-William: It's not that simple, you know? 你要明白,这不是那么简单。-Nash: Well, you ended the war.end: 结束


-William: We incinerated 150,000 people in a heartbeat.incinerate: 焚烧 heartbeat: 心跳 我们一次重任中烧死了十五万人。

-Nash: Great deeds come at great cost, Mr.Parcher.deed: 事迹,行为 cost: 代价


-William: Well, conviction, it turns out, is a luxury of those on the sidelines, Mr.Nash.conviction: 定罪 turn out: 结果是 luxury: 奢侈 sideline: 边线 然而,罪孽,确是„局外人的奢侈,Nash先生。-Nash: I'll try and keep that in mind.keep in mind: 记住,把„记在心里 我会牢记在心的。

-William: So, John, no family, no close friends.Why is that? close: 亲密的


-Nash: I like to think it's because I'm a lone wolf.But mainly it's because people don't like me.lone wolf: [口语]孤独的人;性格孤僻的人 lone: 孤单的 wolf: 狼 mainly: 主要 我喜欢认为是因为我是独行侠,但主要还是因为人们不喜欢我。

-William: Well, there are certain endeavors where your lack of personal connection would be considered an advantage.certain: 某些 endeavor: 努力 lack: 缺少的 personal: 私人的,个人的 connection: 联系,关系 consider: 看作 advantage: 优势

然而,在某些用途下缺少亲属关系则是非常有利的。This is a secure area.secure: 安全的 这是禁区。

-Nash: They know me.他们知道我。

-William: Have you ever been here? 你以前来过这吗?

-Nash: We were told during our initial briefing that these warehouses were abandoned.initial: 最初的 brief: 对„做简报 warehouse: 仓库 abandoned: 废弃的 在入校介绍时,他们说这是一些已经废弃的仓库。

-William: That's not precisely accurate.By telling you what I'm about to tell you, precisely: 精确地 accurate: 正确

这并不真正正确。给你讲我等会就要告诉你的东西,I am increasing your security clearance to top secret.Disclosure of secure information can result in imprisonment.Get it? increase: 增加 security: 安全 clearance: 许可 top: 最高 secret: 秘密 disclosure: 泄露 information: 信息 result: 导致 imprisonment: 监禁,坐牢 我就将安全许可提升到最高机密。泄露机密信息会导致坐牢。明白了吗?-Nash: What operation? Those are a good idea.operation: 军事行动,作战


-William: This factory is in Berlin.We seized it at the end of the war.Nazi engineers were attempting to build a portable atomic bomb.seize: 夺取 at the end of: 在„„尽头;在„„结束时 engineer: 工程师 attempt: 企图,试图 portable: 便携式的 atomic: 原子的 bomb: 炸弹

我们曾在战争结束时夺取了这个在柏林的工厂。纳粹工程师曾在试图制造便携式原子弹。The Soviets reached this facility before we did, and we lost the damn thing.Soviet: 苏联 facility: 设备

damn: 该死的,可恶的

苏联抢在了我们前面占领了这套设备,因此,我们失去了这该死的东西。-Nash: The routing orders at the Pentagon, they were about this, weren't they? routing: 路径选择 order: 顺序 pentagon: 五角大楼,美国国防部 在五角大楼发现的路线顺序就是关于这个的,没错吧?

-William: The Soviets aren't as unified as people believe.A faction of the Red Army calling itself Novaya Svobga, unified: 统一的 believe: 相信 faction: 派别;小集团 Red Army: 红军


the New Freedom, has control of the bomb and intends to detonate it on U.S.soil.Their plan is to incur maximum civilian casualties.freedom: 自由 control: 控制 intend: 打算,计划 detonate: 使爆炸,引爆 soil: 土地 incur: 招致,惹起 maximum: 最大的,最多的 civilian:平民 casualty: 伤亡


Man is capable of as much atrocity as he has imagination.New Freedom has sleeper agents here in the U.S.capable: 能够 atrocity: 暴行 imagination: 想象力 sleeper agent: 潜伏特工,潜伏间谍 sleeper: 潜伏的间谍 agent: 特工;间谍

人类是能想的到就能做的到多凶残。新自由组织已经有间谍在美国了。McCarthy is an idiot, but unfortunately that doesn't make him wrong.McCarthy: 麦卡锡,美国政治家 idiot: 傻瓜,白痴 unfortunately: 不幸地 McCarthy简直是个蠢材,但这并不说明他就是错的。

New Freedom communicates to its agents through codes imbedded in newspapers and magazines, communicate: 沟通 code: 暗号,密码 imbedded: 嵌入的 magazine: 杂志 新自由组织的间谍是通过报纸和杂志里的暗号来沟通的,and that's where you come in.You see, John, what distinguishes you is that you are, quite simply, distinguish: 区别,辨别出

这也就是我们需要你的地方。你明白吗,John,你之所以与众不同是因为你是„很明显,the best natural code-breaker I have ever seen.natural: 天生的code-breaker: 密码破译者 我所见过的最好的人脑解码员。

-Nash: What exactly is it that you would like me to do? exactly: 准确地 你究竟需要我做些什么?

-William: Commit this list of periodicals to memory.Scan each new issue, find any hidden codes, decipher them.commit: 保证 periodical: 期刊

memory: 记忆 scan: 浏览 issue: 发行物;(书刊的)期,号 hidden: 隐藏的 decipher: 译解

记住这些期刊的名字,搜索每一本期刊,找出任何暗码,破解它们。-Doctor: Place your chin on the chin rest.Stare into the light.chin rest: 腮托 chin: 下巴 rest: 支持物(如托、架、垫、台等)stare: 注视,凝视 请把你的下巴放到这台子上。注视着灯光。-Man: Pulse 88, regular.pulse: 脉搏 regular: 正常的脉搏88,正常。

-Doctor: Okay, this may be a little uncomfortable.uncomfortable: 不舒服的 行了,这可能会有点不舒服。

-William: That's got a little zap to it, doesn't it? He just implanted a radium diode.Don't worry, it's safe.zap: 击溃 implant: 植入 radium: 镭 diode: 二极管


The isotope decays predictably.As a result, these numbers change overtime.They're the access codes to your drop spot.isotope: 同位素 decay: 腐败 predictably: 可预知地 as a result: 结果;因此 access: 通路,使用权 code: 密码 spot: 点


-Nash: So what am I now, a spy? Come.spy: 间谍


-Alicia: Boy, you must be really important.喔,你一定非常重要。-Nash: It's all right, Mike.没事了,Mike。

-Alicia: What are you working on? 你在忙什么?-Nash: Classified.classified: 机密的 机密。

-Alicia: Everyone waited half an hour.大家都已经等了半小时了。-Nash: For? 是为了?

-Alicia: Class.You missed class today.miss: 错过

上课啊。你错过了今天的课。-Nash: Oh.I suspect that nobody missed me.suspect: 怀疑;猜想 miss: 想念 哦,我猜没人想念我。

-Alicia: The problem that you left on the board, I solved it.solve: 解答

你在黑板上留的那题我解出来了。-Nash: Oh, no you didn't.不,你没有。

-Alicia: You didn't even look.even: 甚至 你还没看呢。

-Nash: I never said that the vector fields were rational functions.Your solution is elegant.vector: 矢量 field: 场 rational: 有理的 function: 函数 solution: 解答

elegant: [口语]极好的


Though on this particular occasion, ultimately incorrect.You're still here.particular: 特别的 occasion: 场合,情况 ultimately: 最终 incorrect: 不正确的 可是在这种特殊情况下,最终还是不正确的。你还没走。-Alicia: I'm still here.我是没走。-Nash: Why? 为什么?

-Alicia: I'm wondering, Professor Nash, if I can ask you to dinner.You do eat, don't you? wonder: 想知道 dinner: 晚餐


-Nash: Oh, on occasion, yeah.Table for one.Prometheus alone chained to the rock with the bird circling overhead, you know how it is.on occasion: 有时,偶尔 occasion: 场合,时机 Prometheus: 普罗米修斯,希腊神话人物 circle: 盘旋 overhead: 在头上


No, I expect that you wouldn't, you wouldn't know, uh.If you leave your address with my office, expect: 期望 address: 地址

不,我也不期望你会明白,嗯,如果你愿意去外面的办公室留下你的地址,I'll pick you up Friday at 8:00 and we'll eat.One more thing.Do you have a name, or should I just keep calling you “Miss”? pick up: 接人


Governor, may I present-Miss Alicia Larde.governor: 州长 present: 介绍

州长,请允许我为您介绍Alicia Larde小姐。-Governor: Miss Alicia Larde.How do you do? Alicia Larde小姐。你好吗?-Cameraman: Professor, please.You and the governor.professor: 教授 governor: 州长 教授,请,请您和州长合影。

-Alicia: Wait, one second.I'm sorry.I want a copy of this.First big date and all, you know.So, you boys need to look good, copy: 复印件 date: 约会

对不起,等一下。我也要一张。你要知道,第一次重大约会,所以嘛,你们男人要打扮好点。which is not a state you find yourselves in altogether naturally.There.Better.I'm surprising him.state: 状态 altogether: 总共 naturally: 自然地 surprise: 使„惊喜

而这也是你们自己天生不会做的事。可以了。好多了。我把他吓住了。-Governor: You just keep on surprising him.Professor.keep on: 继续


-Alicia: God must be a painter.Why else would we have so many colors? painter: 画家

上帝一定是个画家。要不然我们怎么会有这么多的颜色?-Nash: So you're a painter? 这么说你是画家?

-Alicia: That's not actually what I said, but, yes, I am.Here.Me.Your date.date: 约会对象

这不是我刚说的,但,也算是,我是个画家。看这。看我。我是你约会的对象。-Nash: Practice human interaction and social comportment.practice: 练习interaction: 相互作用,相互影响 social: 社会的 comportment: 举止 我只是在练习人际交流和社交举止。

-Alicia: That's a plan.Champagne would be lovely.I'll be outside.champagne: 香槟 lovely: 非常好

也算是个计划。两杯香槟酒会非常好。我在外面等你。-Nash: I will get the champagne.我会去拿香槟。

-Alicia: Oh, thank you.噢,谢谢你。

-Nash: Thank you for that.这个该谢谢你。

-Alicia: No, keep it.I believe in deciding things will be good luck.Do you? 不,你留着吧。我相信决定了的东西就会有好运。你相信吗?

-Nash: No.I don't believe in luck.But I do believe in assigning value to things.believe in:相信,信任 luck: 运气 assign: 分配,指派 value: 价值 不。我不相信运气。但我相信物品所定的价值。

-Alicia: Oh.I once tried to count them all.I actually made it to 4,348.count: 数

噢。我曾经试图把它们全都数遍。事实上,我曾数到了4348。-Nash: You are exceptionally odd.exceptionally: 例外地,格外,特别 odd: 奇怪的 你真是不同寻常。-Alicia: I bet you're very popular with the girls.bet: 打赌 popular: 受欢迎的 我敢打赌你一定很有女人缘。

-Nash: A pair of odd ducks, then.Pick a shape.odd: 奇怪的 pick: 挑选 shape: 形状 看来,该是一对怪鸭子。挑个形状?-Alicia: Mmm.What? 嗯。什么?

-Nash: Pick a shape.An animal, anything.挑个形状。动物啊,任何东西都行。

-Alicia: Okay.An umbrella.Do it again.Do it again.umbrella: 雨伞

好吧。一把雨伞。再做一次。再做一次嘛。-Nash: All right.What would you like? 好吧。你喜欢什么呢?-Alicia: Do, uh...an octopus.octopus: 章鱼


-Alicia: You don't talk much, do you? 你说话不多,对吗?

-Nash: I can't talk to you about my work, Alicia.我不能给你讲我的工作。-Alicia: I don't mean work.我不是说工作。

-Nash: I find that polishing my interactions in order to make them sociable requires a tremendous effort.polish: 使(人、举止、仪表等)变得优雅 interaction: 相互作用;交际 in order to: 为了 sociable: 社交的 require: 需要 tremendous: 巨大的 effort: 努力


I have a tendency to expedite information flow by being direct.I often don't get a pleasant result.tendency: 倾向 expedite: 加快,促进 information: 信息 flow: 流通

direct: 直接的pleasant: 令人愉快的

我交流信息都倾向于直接。可我通常都得不到愉快的结果。-Alicia: Try me.试试我。

-Nash: All right.I find you attractive.Your aggressive moves towards me indicate that you feel the same way.attractive: 吸引人的,有魅力的 aggressive: 攻击性的,有进取心的 move: 行动 towards: 朝,向 indicate: 表明,说明


But still, ritual requires that we continue with a number of platonic activities before we have sex.ritual: 惯例;老规矩 require: 需要 continue: 继续 a number of: 许多 platonic: 柏拉图主义的,理想的,不切实际的 activity: 活动 have sex: 做爱

尽管如此,传统的交流仍需要我们在做爱之前进行数多次柏拉图式恋爱。I am proceeding with those activities, but in point of actual fact, proceed: 着手进行,继续前进 in point of: 就„来说,就„而言关于„ point: 点

actual: 实际的

我正在往这方向发展,但从事实上来讲,all I really want to do is have intercourse with you as soon as possible.intercourse: 性交

我真正想做的只是尽快和你性交。Are you gonna slap me now? slap: 掴


-Alicia: How was that result? 这结果怎么样?

-Girl: What are you doing? 你在做什么?

-Nash: I'm attempting to isolate patterned reoccurrences within periodicals over time.And you? attempt: 尝试,努力 isolate: 使隔离,使孤立 patterned: 被组成图案的 reoccurrence: 重复出现 periodical: 期刊

我正在尝试提取出期刊里重复出现的规律。那你在做什么?-Girl: You talk funny, Mr.Nash.funny: 有意思的

你说话真有趣,Nash先生。-Nash: Do I know you? 我认识你吗?

-Girl: My uncle says you're very smart but not very nice, so I shouldn't pay no mind if you're mean to me.smart: 聪明的 pay no mind: 不理会,不在乎

我舅舅说你很聪明但不友善,所以如果你对不好,我不应计较。-Nash: And who might your uncle be? 那你舅舅是谁?

-Charles: The prodigal roommate returns.Come here.prodigal: 浪子 roommate: 室友 浪子室友又回来了。来。

-Nash: Charles, Charles, Charles.Charles,Charles,Charles。

-Charles: My sister got herself killed in a car crash.Not too far now, Marcee!crash: 撞车


Her cowboy husband was too drunk to know that he was too drunk to drive.So, I took her in.cowboy: 牛仔 drunk: 喝醉的 take in: 收留

她的牛仔老公醉的都根本不知道他已经醉的不能开车。就这样,我把她收留了。-Nash: She's so small.她真小。

-Charles: She's young, John.That's how they come.I'm at Harvard doing the great author's workshop.D.H.bloody Lawrence.author: 作者 workshop: 研讨会,讲习班 bloody: 血腥的

她是很小,John。这也就是他们为什么不在乎。我现在在哈佛做著名作者的研讨会。血性的D.H.bloody Lawrence。

-Nash: I really do think you should buy yourself a new book.我真的认为你该买本别的书看看。

-Charles: Well, I've been reading a lot about you.How are you, John? 我读了很多关于你的消息。你现在好吗,John?

-Nash: At first all my work here was trivial, but a new assignment came up and I can't really tell you any details.trivial: 琐碎的 assignment: 任务 come up: 出现 detail: 细节 一开始,我只是做些琐碎的工作。但是新的任务已经开始了而且我真的不能告诉你什么细节。-Charles: Top secret? Black bag? Black ops? top: 最高的 secret: 秘密 black bag: “黑袋”,非法秘密搜查 black ops: 【黑色行动】 ops: 对面(相反的)【Internet derivation of opps.——from Urban Dictionary】 最高机密?机密文件?机密工作?

-Nash: Something like that.And, uh...Yes? Well, I-I met a girl.可以这样说吧。还有„嗯?我„我认识了一个女孩。-Charles: No!A human girl? human: 人类

不会吧!人类女孩?-Nash: Homo sapiens.homo: 人 sapiens: 现代人 现代智人类。-Charles: A biped? biped: 两足动物 两足的?

-Nash: Yup.And contrary to all probabilities, she finds me attractive on a number of different levels.yup: [美国口语]是,是的 contrary: 相反的 probability: 可能性 attractive: 吸引人的,有魅力的 level: 水平,水准,标准

没错。而且和曾经所有情况不同的是她在几个不同的水准上都觉得我很有魅力。-Charles: Really? God, that's wonderful.There's no accounting for taste, is there? wonderful: 极好的,精彩的 accounting: 不可取的 taste: 尝试 真的吗?上帝啊,这真是太好了。尝试不需要理由,是吧?-Nash: Should I marry her? marry: 结婚,娶,嫁 我该跟她结婚吗?

-Charles: Oh, God.Right.哦,老天啊。当然。

-Nash: I mean everything's going well.The job is fine.I have enough money.It all seems to add up.add up: 增加

我是说,现在一切都很好。工作稳定。钱也足够。差不多所有东西都已经到位了。But how do you know for sure? sure: 确信,肯定


-Charles: Nothing's ever for sure, John.That's the only sure thing I do know.没有什么事情是肯定的,John。这也是唯一我知道能肯定的事情。-Waiter: Good evening.晚上好。

-Nash: Alicia, please don't be angry.I just lost track of time at work again.Mm-hmm.I'm sorry.I didn't have time to wrap it.lose track of time: 弄乱时间 track: 行动路线;行程 wrap: 包装


Happy birthday.The refractive faces of the glass, you see, they create a full wavelength dispersal, so if you look inside it, you can see, refractive: 折射的 glass: 玻璃 create: 创造 full: 完全的 wavelength: 波长 dispersal: 传播 生日快乐。你看这玻璃的折射面,它们创造了一系列的波长分布,因此,如果你看它的里面,你可以看见„

-Alicia: Every possible color.possible: 可能的 几乎每一种颜色。

-Nash: Every possible color.Yeah.Remember you said that time, God must be a painter, because of all the colors, because of: 因为,由于


at the governor's house, you said that.你说过的。

-Alicia: I didn't think you were listening.我以为你没在听我说话。-Nash: I'm always listening.我一直都有听。-Alicia: It's beautiful.它很漂亮。

-Nash: Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment? 'Cause I need some kind of proof, relationship: 男女关系 warrant: 使„有正当理由 long-term: 长期的 commitment: 承诺 proof: 证明

Alicia,我们的关系能够成为长远的许诺吗?因为我需要一些证明,some kind of verifiable, empirical data.verifiable: 能作证的,能证实的 empirical: 经验主义的 data: 作为论据的事实;资料 一些能够证实的事实。

-Alicia: I'm sorry.Just give me a moment to redefine my girlish notions of romance.A proof? Verifiable data.redefine: 重新定义 girlish: 少女的 notion: 理念,观念 romance: 浪漫 proof: 证据 verifiable: 能证实的 data: 作为论据的事实;资料 对不起,给我点时间让我重新考虑我少女式的浪漫观念。一个证明?能证实的事实。Um...okay.Well, how big is the universe? universe: 宇宙

嗯,好吧。那你说宇宙有多大?-Nash: Infinite.infinite: 无限的 无限大。

-Alicia: How do you know? 你怎么知道?

-Nash: I know because all the data indicate it.indicate: 显示,表明


-Alicia: But it hasn't been proven yet? No.You haven't seen it.How do you know for sure? proven: 被证明,prove的过去分词

但是还没有证明,对吗?没错。你还没见过。你怎么能肯定呢?-Nash: I don't, I just believe it.我不能肯定,我只是相信。

-Alicia: Mmm.It's the same with love, I guess.Now, the part that you don't know is if I want to marry you.嗯。我猜这跟爱也一样。现在,你不知道的那部分就是我愿不愿意嫁给你。-Man: Smile for the camera!Well done!camera: 照相机 well done: 干得好 对着照相机笑一下。做的好!

-Man: Oh, sweet pea.I love you.Congratulations.pea: 豌豆

哦,小甜心。我爱你。恭喜。-Nash: Hey, Sol.嗨,Sol。

-Woman: You look beautiful.你很漂亮。

-Sol: Hi, how are you? 嗨,你好吗?-Alicia: Hey, Sol.嘿,Sol。

-Woman: Bye bye.拜拜。

-Man: Bye, now.好了,再见。-Woman: Bye!拜拜。

-Man: Bye!Be safe!再见。注意安全。

-William: Get in.Hurry.They're following us.follow: 跟踪 进来。快点。他们正在跟踪我们。-Nash: Who's? Who's following us? 是谁?谁在跟踪我们?

-William: The drop's been compromised.Get down!Stay down.Here, take this.drop:(间谍的)情报投放点 compromise: 危及,连累 这个接头点已经不安全了。趴下!别起来。给,把这拿着。-Nash: I ain't shooting anybody.shoot: 射


-William: Take the god damn gun!damn: 该死的 gun: 枪 把这该死的枪拿上!

-Nash: No!Son of a-You stay back.Don't move.不!他妈„你往后靠。不要动。-Alicia: John? Hi.Where were you? John?嗨。你去哪了?-Nash: S-Sol„ S—Sol„

-Alicia:Yeah, I talked to Sol.He said you left the office hours ago.Why didn't you call me? Are you all right? Honey? honey: 亲爱的

是啊,我和Sol谈过了。他说你几小时前就离开了办公室。你为什么不给我打电话? 你没事吧?亲爱的?

John...Please, talk to me.Tell me what happened.John, open the door.Come on, open the door!Let me in!John,跟我说话啊。告诉我发生了什么事。John,把门打开。行了,把门打开!让我进去!Talk to me!John!Open the door!跟我说话啊!John,开门!-Woman: Watch for cars, kids.watch for: 当心,注意 kid: 小孩 孩子们,注意点车。-William: John.John。

-Nash: William.This is not what I signed on for.Every time a car backfires or a door slams-sign: 签署 backfire:(内燃机等)逆火,回火 slam: 猛然关上,砰地关上 William,这不是我当初签署的。每当有车发生逆火或有门被砰的关上„

-William: I understand-better than you could possibly imagine.You need to calm down, John.possibly: 可能地

imagine: 想象 calm down: 镇定 我明白,比你想象的要明白的多。你需要镇定下来,Now listen to me.We're closing in on the bomb, in large part due to your work.close: 靠近bomb: 炸弹

in large part: 大部分 due to: 因为,由于 你现在听我说,我们已经离目标很近了,大部分都是因为你的功劳。Now don't you think your fear is a small price to pay? fear: 恐惧 price: 代价 pay: 付出 难道你不认为你的恐惧只是小小的代价吗?-Nash: William, my circumstance has changed.Alicia's pregnant.circumstance: 情形,情况 pregnant: 怀孕的


-William: I told you attachments were dangerous.You chose to marry the girl.I did nothing to prevent it.attachment: 附属物 dangerous: 危险的 prevent: 阻止

我告诉过你附属是危险的。你决定跟她结婚。我没有做任何阻挠。The best way to ensure everybody's safety is for you to continue your work.ensure: 保障 safety: 安全 continue: 继续

能够保障大家安全的最好方法就是你继续干你的工作。-Nash: Well, I'll just quit.quit: 辞职,放弃 好吧,那我就退出。-William: You won't.你不会的。

-Nash: Why would I not? 为什么我不会?

-William: Because I keep the Russians from knowing you work for us.因为是我在防止苏联人知道你在为我们工作。You quit working for me, 你不为我干,I quit working for you.quit: 停止

我就不为你干。-Nash: Parcher!Parcher!Parcher!Parcher!-Sol: John, you all right? John,你没事吧?-Alicia: John? John?

-Nash: Turn it off!Turn off the light!turn off: 关闭

把它关了!把那灯关了!Why would you do that? 你为什么要这样做?

Why would you turn the light on? turn on: 打开


-Alicia: What is wrong with you? 你出什么问题了?

-Nash: You have to go to your sister's.你要去你姐姐那。

I left the car out the back.You take common wealth.common: 公共的,共同的 wealth: 福利;幸福 我把车停在了后门。为了大家的利益。No side streets, you stay where it's crowded.side street: 小巷,边道 side: 边上的,侧面的 crowded: 拥挤的 不要走偏僻小道。留在人群多的地方。-Alicia: John, I'm not going anywhere!John,我哪也不会去。

-Nash: When you get to your sister's, you wait for me to call you.你到了你姐那以后,你就等我的电话。-Alicia: No, I'm not going.不,我不会去的。

-Nash: Just get your things.赶紧去拿你的东西。-Alicia: I'm not leaving.我不会离开的。-Nash: Stop!Stop it!够了!这已经够了!Please, Alicia.求你了,Alicia。I'll explain when I can.有机会时我会解释的。-Marcee: Uncle John!John叔叔!Uncle John!John叔叔!

-Nash: Hey, baby girl!嘿,小宝贝!

-Charles: Wow, someone needed a hug!hug: 拥抱


I saw you on the slate and I thought to myself, slate: 提名名单

我在名单上看到你的名字后,我对我说,“How can I miss seeing a guest lecture...miss: 错过 guest: 特邀嘉宾 lecture: 讲演 “我怎么能够错过„„ by the inimitable John Nash? inimitable: 不可比拟的;无与伦比的 独特的John Nash的贵宾讲演?” What's wrong? 出什么事了?

-Nash: I got myself into something.I think I might need some help.我出了些麻烦。我想我可能需要些帮助。-Charles: Well, now you tell me, what is it? 噢,那你告诉我,什么事?-Woman: Professor Nash!professor: 教授 Nash教授!Welcome!欢迎光临!-Nash: After? 过后吧?

So, we see that the-the zeroes, 因此,我们看到这个„„这个零,of the Reimann Zeta function, Reimann Zeta Function: 黎曼函数 zeta function: 函数 zeta: 希腊字母 function: 函数 Reimann捷塔公式的零,correspond to singularities...in space-time, correspond to: 相当于 singularity: 独特性 space-time: 时空 和时空的独特„„是相对应的。singularities in space-time-时空的独特

and conventional number theory...conventional: 传统的,常规的 theory: 理论 和传统的数字理论„„

It breaks down in the face of relativistic exploration.break down: 垮掉 in the face of: 在„„面前 relativistic: 相对论的 exploration: 探索 就在相对论的探索前站不住了。Sometimes our expectations...expectation: 期望

有时候我们的期望„„ are betrayed by the numbers.betray: 背叛,失信于 被数字所蒙骗。

Variables are impossible to assign any...variables: 变量 assign: 分配 变量值是不可能分配任何„„ rational value.rational value: 有理值 rational: 有理的;有理数的 value: 值 有理数值。

-Man: Professor Nash!Nash教授!Hold it!站住!

Professor Nash? Nash教授!-Rosen: Professor Nash, Nash教授,let's avoid a scene, shall we? avoid: 避免 scene: 当众出丑,(尤指)在公共场所吵架 让我们避免不好的场面,怎么样?-Nash: What do you want? 你们想要什么? My name is Rosen, 我的名字是Rosen,Dr.Rosen.I'm a psychiatrist.psychiatrist: 精神病学家

Rosen医生。我是一个精神病学家。Forgive me if I don't seem persuaded.forgive: 原谅 seem: 似乎 persuade: 劝服 如果我看起来没有信服力的话,请原谅我。I'd like you to come with me, John.我希望你能跟我们走,John。Just for a chat.chat: 聊天,闲谈 只是谈谈而已。

-Nash: It appears I have no choice.appear: 看起来


Help me!Somebody!来人那!救我!Somebody!来人那!

Help me!Get off me!get off: 使逃脱


I know who you are!I know who you are!我知道你们是谁!我知道你们是谁!No, no, no, no, don't.不,不,不,不,别去。

Charles, they're Russians!Charles, they're Russians!Charles,他们是俄罗斯人!Charles,他们是俄罗斯人!Call somebody!Call somebody, Charles!快叫人来帮我!快叫人来帮我啊,Charles!They're Russians!Steady the leg.steady: 使稳定,使稳固

他们是俄罗斯人!把腿稳住。Get away from me.get away from: 离开 放开我。

Stay away from me!stay away from: 离„„远一点 离我远点!

-Rosen: There, now.那,现在。All better.好多了。

Everything's all right here.没事了。

Watch your head.小心头。John? John?

Can you hear me? 你能听见我吗? Go easy now.go easy: 从容不迫 现在放松点。

Thorazine takes a little while to wear off.Thorazine:[药]氯丙嗪 to wear off: 减弱,损耗 wear off: 逐渐消失 盐酸氯要一阵子才会消失。Sorry about the restraints.restraint: 束缚,约束 抱歉要把你绑着。

You've got one hell of a right hook.one hell of a=a hell of a: 出色的;极好的 hook: 钩子;神魂颠倒 你好像特别痛苦。-Nash: Where am I? 我在哪?

-Rosen: MacArthur Psychiatric Hospital.MacArthur 精神病医院。

-Nash: I find that highly unlikely.highly: 非常 unlikely: 不大可能;未必可能地 我觉得这非常不像。You made a mistake.你们搞错了。

My work is non-military in application.non-military: 非军方的 military: 军事的 application: 应用 我的工作是非军方的应用。-Rosen: Which work is that, John? 那是什么工作,John?

-Nash: I don't know anything.我什么也不知道。

-Rosen: There's no good in keeping secrets, you know.keep secret: 保守秘密

你要知道,隐藏秘密没什么好处。-Nash: Charles? Charles? Charles? Charles?

I didn't mean to get you involved in this.mean: 有意 get involved in: 涉及,卷入 involve: 使卷入 我无意把你搅和到这些事里。I'm„I'm sorry.我„„我对不起。Charles? Charles?

The prodigal roommate revealed.prodigal: 浪子

roommate: 室友

reveal: 暴露 浪子室友显真面目了。

Saw my name on the lecture slate.lecture: 演讲

slate: 提名名单

“在演讲者名单上看见我的名字” You lying son of a bitch!lying: lie的现在分词,说谎 son of a bitch: 王八蛋 你这个说谎的畜生。

-Rosen: Who are you talking to? Tell me who you see.你在跟谁讲话?告诉我你看见谁了?

-Nash: How do you say, ”Charles Herman" in Russian? 如何用俄语说 “Charles Herman”? How do you say it in Russian? 怎样用俄语说?

-Rosen: There's no one there, John.There's no one there.那里没有人啊,John。那里没有人。-Nash: He's right there.He's right there.他就在那。他就在那。Stop!I don't know anything!住手!我什么也不知道!Stop!I„I don't know anything!住手!我„„我什么也不知道!My name is John Nash.我叫John Nash。

I'm being held against my will.hold: 抓住不放 will: 意愿 我被强行拘留。

Somebody call the Department of Defense.Department of Defense: 国防部 department: 部门 defense: 防卫 谁去告诉国防部。My name is John Nash.我叫John Nash。

I'm being held against my will!我被强行拘留。

-Alicia: What's wrong with him? 他出了什么问题?

-Rosen: John has schizophrenia.schizophrenia: 精神分裂症 John有精神分裂症。

People with this disorder are often paranoid.disorder:(身体或精神健康、身心、机能的)紊乱 paranoid: 患妄想狂者 有这失调症的人通常都会妄想。-Alicia: But„But his work.但„„但他的工作。

He deals with conspiracies...deal with: 关于,和„有关联 conspiracy: 密谋 是和协议有关的„„-Rosen: Yes, yes, I know.是的,没错,我知道。

In John's world, these behaviors are...accepted, behavior: 行为 accepted: 可以接受的

在John的世界里,这些行为是„„允许的,encouraged.encouraged: 受到鼓舞的 鼓励的。

As such, his illness may have gone untreated...as such: 本身;就这一点而论 illness: 病 untreated: 未治疗的 同样,他的症状也就一直持续着„„ far longer than is typical.typical: 典型的

比一般要长的时间而没有得到治疗。-Alicia: What do you mean? How long? 你什么意思?有多久?

-Rosen: Possibly since graduate school? graduate school: [美国英语]研究生院 graduate: 研究生 估计大学的时候?

At least that's when his hallucinations seem to have begun.hallucination: 幻想


-Alicia: What are you talking about? What hallucinations? 你在说些什么?什么幻想?

-Rosen: One, so far, that I am aware of.be aware of: 晓得,明白 aware: 知道的 目前,我已经察觉到一个。

An imaginary roommate named Charles Herman.imaginary: 想象的,虚构的

一个虚构的室友叫Charles Herman。-Alicia: Charles isn't imaginary.Charles不是虚构的。

He and John have been best friends since Princeton.他和John自从普林斯顿以来就是最好的朋友。

-Rosen: Have you ever met Charles? Has he ever come to dinner? 你见过Charles吗?他来吃过饭吗?

-Alicia: He's always in town for so little time, lecturing.他总是只能在城里带一会,忙演讲。-Rosen: Was he at your wedding? wedding: 婚礼

他参加了你们的婚礼吗?-Alicia: He had to teach.他需要教课。

-Rosen: Have you ever seen a picture of him, talked to him on the telephone? 你见过他的照片,和他在电话上谈过话吗?-Alicia: This is ridiculous.ridiculous: 荒谬的 这简直是荒谬。

-Rosen: I phoned Princeton.phone: 打电话

我给普林斯顿去了电话,According to their housing records, according to: 根据,按照 record: 记录 根据他们的住房纪录,John lived alone.John是独自一人住。

Now, which is more likely„that your husband, 听着,哪一个更可信„„是你的丈夫,a mathematician with no military training, mathematician: 数学家 military training: 军训;军事训练 military: 军事的 一个没有受过军训的数学家,is a government spy fleeing the Russians„ government: 政府 spy: 间谍 flee: 逃走 是一个躲避俄罗斯人的政府间谍„„-Alicia: You're making him sound crazy.crazy: 发疯的


-Rosen:...or, that he has lost his grip on reality? grip: 抓紧 reality: 现实 还是说他无法控制现实?

Now the only way I can help him...现在,我唯一能够帮助他的方法„„ is to show him the difference...就是让他知道„„ between what's real...什么是真实的„„ and what is in his mind.而什么是他大脑的想象。Come on.跟我来。

What's he been working on? 他一直都在干些什么?

-Alicia: His work is classified.classified: 被指定为机密的 他的工作是机密。

-Rosen: He mentioned a supervisor...mention: 提到 supervisor: 监督人 他提过一个监管人„„

by the name of William Parcher.名字叫William Parcher Maybe Mr.Parcher can clarify things for us.clarify: 澄清,阐明

也许,这位Mr.Parcher 可以为我们澄清这些事。But I can't get to him without clearances.clearance: 许可


-Alicia: You want me to help you get...the details of my husband's work? detail: 详情

你想让我帮你了解„„我先生工作的详情。-Rosen: John thinks I'm a Russian spy.John认为我是俄国间谍。Is that what you think? 你也这样认为吗?

-Colleague: What did the doctor say? Is he sick? sick: 有病的

医生怎么说?他生病了吗?-Alicia: I don't know.我不知道。

I want to see what John's been working on.我要知道John一直都在工作些什么。

-Colleague: You know you can't go in his office.It's classified, Alicia.Alicia,这是机密。你知道你是不能进去的。Stop.Oh!站住。噢!

-Alicia: Oh, my God.噢,我的天啊。Oh, my God.噢,我的天啊。

Why didn't you say something? 你们怎么没跟我说过这些?

-Sol: Alicia, John's always been...a little weird.weird: 奇怪的,怪异的


-Colleague: He said he was doing code-breaking, code: 密码

他说过他在破密码。that it was eyes-only.eyes-only: 绝密的,保密的 都只能看。

Top secret, part of the military effort.effort: 努力

最高机密,部分是军方的功劳。-Alicia: Was he? 他是吗?

-Sol: Well, it was possible, you know? 你要知道,那也是可能的。

Directives come down all the time...directive: 指示,指令 all the time: 一直 经常有指示从上面下来„„ that some of us aren't cleared for.都是些我们也不清楚的东西。

-Colleague: it was possible.possible, but...那是很合理的。合理,但„„ not likely.不太可能。

Lately, he'd become so much more agitated...agitated: 激动的 agitate: 使激动,使焦躁不安 最近,他变的非常容易激动„„ and then when you called„ 而当你打来电话时„„

-Alicia: So, is this all he's been doing every day? 难道,这些就是他每天一直都在做的事情? Cutting out magazines? 剪杂志?

-Colleague: Well, not all.嗯,也不全是。-Alicia: I'm so sorry.对不起。

-Nash: It's okay.没关系。

I missed you.I missed you.miss: 想念 我想你。

I have to talk to you.我需要跟你谈谈。-Alicia: Okay.好吧。

-Nash: Alicia, I've been thinking about it, Alicia,我一直都在想,and I do realize that my behavior...realize: 意识到 behavior: 行为;举止 并且意识到我的行为„„

and my inability to discuss the situation with you...inability: 无能 discuss: 谈论,讨论 situation: 形势 以及我无法和你谈论现状„„ must have appeared insane.insane: 疯狂的,错乱的 都一定看起来是疯狂的。I left you with no other choice.leave: 将„„留下 我导致你走投无路。I do understand...我确实明白„„ and I'm truly sorry.并且我感到深深的抱歉。-Alicia: That's okay.这都没关系。

-Nash: Everything's gonna be all right.一切都会好的。

Everything's gonna be all right.一切都会好的。

We just have to talk quietly.我们只能悄悄的讲话。

They may be listening.There may be microphones.microphone: 无线接听器

他们可能正在监听。这里可能有监听器。I'm gonna tell you everything now.我现在会把一切都告诉你。It's breaking with protocol...break with: 破除;放弃 protocol: 协议 这是违背协议的„„ but you need to know, 但你需要知道。

because you have to help me get out of here.因为你需要帮我离开这。

I've been doing top secret work for the government.government: 政府

我一直都在为政府干着最高机密的工作。There's a threat that exists...threat: 威胁 exist: 存在 现在存在着一个„„

of catastrophic proportions.catastrophic: 灾难性的 proportion: 程度 灾难性威胁。

I think the Russians feel my profile is too high.profile: 资料,档案


That's why they simply just don't do away with me.do away with: 除掉 simply: 简直地


They're keeping me here to try to stop me...他们把我关在这以防止我„„ from doing my work.继续我的工作。

You have to get to Wheeler.你需要去趟惠勒。

You have to find William Parcher.Stop.你一定要找到William Parcher。停止。He can help us.他可以帮助我们。

-Alicia: Stop.Stop.Stop!停止,停止,停止!I went to Wheeler.我去过了惠勒。-Nash: Good, good.好,那就好。

There is no William Parcher.那没有William Parcher这个人。-Nash: Of course there is.当然有。

I've been working for him.我一直在为他工作。-Alicia: Doing what? 做什么?

Breaking codes? break: 破译 code: 密码 破密码?

Dropping packages in a secret mailbox...drop: 投入 package: 包裹 mailbox: 邮箱 把包裹投掷到秘密的信箱里„„ for the government to pick up? pick up: 拿 等政府来拿?

-Nash: How could you know that? 你怎么可能会知道这些?-Alicia: Sol followed you.follow: 跟随 Sol跟踪了你。

He thought it was harmless.harmless: 无害的

他以为这没什么大碍。-Nash: Sol followed me? Sol跟踪了我?

-Alicia: They've never been opened.它们从来都没有被打开过。It isn't real.那些不是真的。

There is no conspiracy, John.conspiracy: 密约

那并没有协议,John。There is no William Parcher.那没有William Parcher。It's in your mind.它们只是你脑子的想象。Do you understand, baby? 你明白吗,宝贝? You're sick.sick: 有病的 你生病了。

You're sick, John.你生病了,John。John!John!John!John!

-Nurse: Code red.code red: 红色警报 警急状况

Dr.Rosen, code red.Observation room two.observation room: 观察室 observation: 观察 Dr.Rosen,警急状况。二号观察室。Dr.Rosen, code red.Observation room two.Dr.Rosen,警急状况。二号观察室。-Rosen: John? John? John? John?

-Nash: The implant's gone.implant: 植入物

植入的东西不见了。I can't find it.我找不见它了。It's gone.它不见了。

-Rosen: You see, the nightmare of schizophrenia...nightmare: 噩梦 schizophrenia: 精神分裂症 你也看到,精神分裂症这种梦魇„„ is not knowing what's true.就是不知道什么是真实的。Imagine...想象„„‘

if you had suddenly learned that the people and the places...suddenly: 突然地 learn: 得知

如果你突然得知你身边最重要的人、地方、and the moments most important to you...以及时刻„„

were not gone, not dead, 不是离开,也不是死亡,but worse„

而是更糟的„„ had never been.就从来没有出现过。

What kind of hell would that be? 那么,那会是怎么样的一个地狱呢?-Nurse: Administering insulin.administer: 实施;治疗 insulin: 胰岛素 注射胰岛素。-Man: 8.42AM.上午8点42分。-Alicia: How often? 多频繁?

-Rosen: Five times a week for 10 weeks.一周五次,已经有十周了。-Alicia: John always spoke so fondly of being here at Princeton.fondly: 深情地

John总是深情的谈到他在普林斯顿的日子。And Hansen is running the department now.run: 管理,经营 department: 系 还有Hansen现在已是部门总管了。

-Sol: So he keeps reminding us, and reminding us.remind: 提醒

因此Hansen一再的提醒我们。-Alicia: Yeah.是啊。

John won't come near the campus, though.campus: 校园

可是,John不愿走近校园。I think he's ashamed.ashamed: 惭愧的 他认为他很惭愧。Hey.Hey.嘿,嘿。Want this? 想要这个吗?

-Sol: So, Alicia, how-how are you holding up? hold up: 举起,支撑

嗯,Alicia,你是怎„„怎么支撑的?-Alicia: Well, the delusions have passed.delusions: 错觉 passed: 已经过去的 错觉已经没有了。

They're saying with the medication...medication: 药物治疗 他们说只要用药„„

and low stress environment„

stress: 压力

environment: 环境,四周,外界 还有环境上不要有太多压力„„-Sol: No, I-I mean, how are you? 不,我„„我是说,你怎么样?-Alicia: I think often what I feel...我常常认为我所感觉得„„ is obligation.obligation: 义务,责任 是义务。

Or guilt over wanting to leave.guilt: 内疚,自责


Rage against John, against God and„ rage: 狂怒,愤怒

违背John,违背上帝的狂怒,以及„„ But...但是„„

then I look at him...而当我看到他时„„

and I force myself to see the man that I married.force: 强迫

我就强迫我自己去看那个跟我结婚的男人。And he becomes that man.他就变成了那个人。

He's transformed into someone that I love.transform: 转变 transform into: 转变成 他就转变成了一个我爱的人。

And I'm transformed into someone who loves him.而我转变成了一个爱他的人。It's not all the time, 尽管不是时时都这样,but...但„„ it's enough.这已经足够了。

-Sol: I think John is a very lucky man...我认为John是个非常幸运的人„„ Alicia.Alicia。

-Alicia: So unlucky.实在是不幸。This is us.这就是我们家了。-Sol: This is it? 就是这?

It's nice.It's near where I work.很不错。这离我工作的地方近。-Alicia: John? You've a visitor.visitor: 参观者,访问者 John?有人来看你了。-Nash: Hi.嗨。

-Alicia: Hi.嗨。

I hope it's okay.我希望这可以吧。-Sol: Hey ya, chief.chief: 首领;头儿 嘿,头。

-Nash: Cigarette? cigarette: 香烟;纸烟 香烟?

-Sol: Ah, No, Thanks.啊,不,谢谢。I quit, actually.quit: 戒,停止

事实上,我已经戒了。-Nash: Hello.你好。

-Sol: Hey, John.嘿,John。

-Nash: Have you met Harvey? 你见到Harvey了吗?-Sol: Umm, I...嗯,我„„

John, there's no„ John,那没有„„

-Nash: Relax, it's okay.放松,没事的。

There's no point in being nuts if you can't have a little fun.nuts: 发疯的,发狂的 fun: 乐趣

如果你不能来点幽默的话,呆着也没有什么意思。-Sol: I should have known.我早该想到的。-Alicia: Here you go.该吃药了。

-Nash: I can take those later.我可以等会再吃。

-Alicia: You're supposed to take them now.be supposed to: 应该 你应该是现在吃。

Can I bring you something? 我能给你提供些什么吗?-Sol: I'm okay.我不用了。-Alicia: Okay.好吧

-Sol: So, um...yeah.I„I was in town...嗯„„对了。我„„我到城里„„ giving a workshop.workshop: 研讨会 来做个研讨会。I go back tonight.我今晚回去。

You know, Bender, he really wanted...你知道吗,Bender,他真的想„„

to stop by and you know, see you.You know, say hi.过来,也就是,想看看你,跟你打声招呼。-Nash: Squeamish? squeamish: 过于拘谨的 就是太拘谨了?-Sol: Yeah.是。

-Nash: I suppose I would be, too.suppose: 猜想 我猜我也会的。

But alas, I'm stuck with me.stick with: 紧跟,紧随 stick: 坚持 但是,嘿,我缠的是我自己。

I'm trying to solve the Reimann hypothesis.Uh-huh.solve: 解答 hypothesis: 假设 我正尝试解Reimann假设。嗯。-Sol: Oh, yeah? 噢,是吗?

-Nash: I figured if„ if I dazzle them, figure: 想,认为 dazzle: 使赞叹不已;使惊奇 我认为如果„„如果我解出来了,they will have to reinstate me.reinstate: 恢复原职 他们将回给我复职。

But it's difficult with the medication, 但是,有了这个药,我将很难做到,because it's hard to...因为,我很难„„ see the solution.solution: 解决方案 看到答案。

-Sol: You know, John, you should go easy.go easy: 从容不迫,放松

你要知道,John,你应该放松点。There are other things besides„ 可以做的事情不止„„ besides work.besides: 除„„之外 不止工作。






你在想什么?一个人走在这黑暗的世界里,你害怕吗?是不是觉得很孤独? 你要往哪儿走呢?你什么也看不到,没有朋友也没有亲人。你只能这样孤独的漫无目的的走下去。一直走下去。









是谁,是谁牵起了你的手?是谁在黑暗中给你指引方向? 他是谁?他要带你去哪儿呢?你还害怕吗?你还寂寞吗?



你还记得儿时的小伙伴吗?你们一起唱着歌跳皮筋,一起趴在地上弹玻璃球的快乐时光吗? 还记得以前的同桌吗?还记得课桌上你们之间的那条谁也不能逾越的“三八线”吗? 如今你们各奔前程。你会在这里认识新朋友。




































3.抱歉抱歉 我不是故意要偷看你的,但是这个画面实在是太美了。既然都是女人,咱们一起泡吧!不如我们交个朋友吧!




















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