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第一节 重点话题与句型

第二节 十种经典段落框架

第三节 真题范文

第四节 经典范文

第五节 应用文历年真题参考范文

第六节 书信作文十大框架结构1



第一部分 考研英语大作文话题类型与写作...................................2 第二部分 考研英语小作文分类讲解..........................................17 2014 考研英语作文预测班辅导讲义 1 2014 考研英语作文预测班辅导讲义











我们会记得“说话,是不是”,你会记得“I have a dream”,会记得因为A 所以B,选A 不选B,汤老师



去追忆一个人,一件事,而是那些属于青春的记忆碎片。在这些碎片中我们收获的勇气和感动将伴我们一 路向前!所以,考研这场战斗到了现在,不用害怕,不用紧张,曼德拉曾经说过这样的一句话:It always seems impossible until it’s done.很多事情在它被完成之前,看上去都是不可能完成的。而且,我们只是在兑现对自

己青春的承诺。虽然2013 年是青春泛滥的一年,但是当“致我们终将逝去的青春”,“中国合伙人”,甚至 “小时代”把那样的青春展现在我们面前的时候我们依然会被感动,因为我们有一样的过往,能感动我们 的是那份坚持,与时空无关。

KK 想和作为准研究生的你们分享两种一直我虽不能至,却心向往之的情怀: 1.为天地立心、为生民立命、为往圣继绝学、为万世开太平。

As Zhang Hengqu noted, “To ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth;To secure life and fortune for the people;To continue lost teachings for past sages;To establish peace for all future generations”.2.“有两种东西,我对它们的思考越是深沉和持久,它们在我心灵中唤起的惊奇和敬畏就会日新月异,不断增长,这就是我头上的星空和心中的道德定律。”

As Kant said, “Two things fill me with constantly increasing admiration and awe, the longer and more earnestly I reflect on them: the starry heavens without and the moral law within.(Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily reflection is occupied with them: the starry heaven above me and the moral law within me.”)我会陪着你们走到最后,不离不弃!祝愿大家2014 考研成功!何凯文

2014 考研英语作文预测班辅导讲义 2 父母和孩子之间缺乏沟通

(1992 年考题类型“无形社会问题”)电视广告

(1993 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)朋友的结交

(1994 年考题类型“无形社会问题”)希望工程

(1995 年考题类型“有形社会话题”)健康问题

(1996 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)世界性的吸烟问题

(1997 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)广告不必要的承诺(1998 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)生态失衡

(1999 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)商业捕鱼

(2000 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)奉献爱心

(2001 年考题类型“无形社会话题”)文化交流

(2002 年考题类型“无形社会话题”)温室里的花朵经不起风吹雨打(2003 年考题类型“人生哲理”)终点又是新起点

(2004 年考题类型“人生哲理”)养老足球赛

(2005 年考题类型“无形社会问题”)青少年盲目崇拜

(2006 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)自信

(2007 年考题类型“人生哲理”)合作

(2008 年考题类型“人生哲理”)网络的“远”与“近”

(2009 年考题类型“社会现象”)文化“火锅”,既美味又营养(2010 年考题类型“社会现象”)旅游之余

(2011 年考题类型“有形社会问题”)乐观和悲观

(2012 年考题类型“人生哲理”)选择

(2013 年英语一考题类型“人生哲理)手机订阅人数变化

(2010 年英语二考题类型“有形社会话题”)国内轿车市场份额变化

(2011 年英语二考题类型“有形社会话题”)员工满意度调查

(2012 年英语二考题类型“有形社会问题” 大学生兼职

2013 年英语二考题类型“有形社会话题)第一段写作方略: 第一句:图画描述句 第二句:图画影响句

1.This picture generates a great concern among the public.这幅图画引起了公众的极大关心。2.This picture invokes the general public's interests.这幅图画引起了公众的兴趣。

3.This picture has triggered a heated discussion on the Weibo, the most influential social media in china.这幅图画在微博上引起了热烈的讨论。(中国最有影响力的社交媒体)

4.This picture has stimulated a heated discussion on the We Chat, the most influential social network, these days.最近,这幅图画在微信上引起了热烈的讨论。(中国最有影响力的社交网络)5.This picture captures the online community's great attention and abundant imagination.这幅图画引起了网络群体的关注和想象。

6.People were drawn by the truth disclosed by this picture.第一部分 考研英语大作文话题类型与写作方略

2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 3 人们被这幅图画所揭示的事实所吸引。第三句:图画意义句

1.Simple as the picture is, the author intends to convey much more complicated and profound meaning than what we may sense at the first glance.虽然图画很简单,但是作者却在传递着比我们第一眼看到的要复杂很多,深刻很多的意义 2.This simple picture touches a deep cord of the complex social fabric.这幅简单的图画深深触及了复杂社会结构的一环。

3.The drawing truly displays a status quo that is worthy of our attention.这幅图画确实展现了值得我们关注的现状。

4.We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the problem highlighted by this picture.对于图画所展现的问题我们无法忽视。

5.It is tempting to accept the picture by its simple appearance, but to neglect the profound implication that its author tries to convey.读这幅图易望文生义,忽视其深刻主旨。



适用于不好的社会问题,社会责任,传统美德,品质的缺失 可能用到的主题词: 1.爱国主义(Patriotism)2.努力工作(hardworking)3.勤俭(plain living), 4.相信科学(belief in science), 5.为人民服务的意识(consciousness of serving the people), 6.团结互助(solidarity and helping each other), 7.诚实守信(honesty,credibility and being trustworthy), 8.遵纪守法(observation of the law)9.中华传统美德(traditional Chinese values)

勤 hardworking 俭Thrift 信 honesty, ,孝 filial piety/ filial duty/filial respect 礼courtesy, 忠loyalty, 仁 benevolence , humanity and humaneness 爱 affection 10.现代美德(modern virtues)志愿者精神(volunteer spirit)

契约精神(spirit of contact, observation of the law, abiding faith of the law)第二段的展开: 第一句:

The picture does reveal that lack of credibility is in large measure detrimental not only to the personal life ,but to the further development of the whole society.第二句:

In no country other than China, it has been said, is this problem more urgent and serious.或者:

The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to some policy being carried out, bringing some problems at the same time, with the above one being the foremost.或者:

The past three decades have witnessed our overwhelmingly excessive emphasis on material benefits and unawareness of the importance of credibility which have been increasingly becoming indispensable to the health 2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 4 of economy, the stability of polity and the pursuit of happiness.过去的三十年中,我们过分的强调物质利益,忽视了诚信的重要性,而诚信对于健康的经济,稳定的


More specifically speaking, individuals, enterprises, organizations and even the whole society fail to notice the damaging consequences of dishonesty when undergoing the dramatic social transformation.更具体的讲,在经历剧烈的社会转型的过程中,个人,企业,组织甚至是整个社会都没有能注意到诚



毫无疑问,这种伟大的品质铸就了这个社会的支撑结构,如果这种宝贵的财富以任何一种方式被忽略,我们的社会都无法稳定发展。第四句和最后一句 It is not hard to notice that without honesty/credibility, hardly can individuals or organizations make money, take profits, let alone obtain wealth in the long term, especially in this fiercely competitive modern world, I argue.That will be a sorry state of affairs.我认为,不难发现,要是没有诚信,在这样一个竞争激烈的现代社会中,从长期来看个人和组织是很难



No thinking man would refuse to admit the fact that the commitment to national and individual prosperity requires a prevailing and flourishing trend of this driving force.Put it another way, were there no credibility, we would never taste the real happiness of the success in the long run.任何一个有识之士都会承认,如果要致力于国家富强和个人幸福,就需要诚信这种驱动力形成流行和

繁荣之势。换句话讲,如果没有诚信,我们就不可能真正体会到真正的幸福和成功。这种品质是社会发展 的基础,是我们不可能缺失的。或者

Honesty and integrity, any perceptive observer would never hesitate to admit that, if become a general feature of the society, would contribute to both the well-being of individuals and a nation as a whole.任何一个有识之士都会承认,如果诚信成为这个世界的总体特征,那么将不仅对个人利益有帮助而且

对整个国家也有好处。换句话讲促进人类社会往正确方向前进的力量,真诚的缺失会导致前进的列车出轨,会使得这个世界陷入一篇绝望的荒芜之中。1.2.3.Put another way, as a force propelling the human society forward in a virtuous direction, the absence of the it will even cause the train of progress run off track, leaving the world in a wilderness of desperation.2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 5 第三段:(超级无敌结束段)

Confronting with such an intimidating reality, we are expected to enhance the sharp awareness of consequently damaging effects of ignoring honesty.It is imperative that this negative/unfavorable/evil trend, constituting a permanent menace to harmonious society construction, be harnessed and curbed by the corresponding laws and regulations.Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost.(72 字)面对如此可怕的现实,我们应该清醒的认识到因为忽视诚信而带来的严重后果。对于不断危害到和谐



The importance of such an apparent crisis in morality reflected by the drawing has been realized by the public and the government.This is a promising start.We have been under growing pressure to establish a social credit system nation wide in a bid to create an honest and faithful society.Adding to the effort mentioned above are other solutions, such as developing public service, promoting voluntary service and the like.With those accomplishments, people’s sense of responsibility and the willingness to be candid and charitable will definitely be restored, I firmly believe.正面的展开:

为评价一种好的社会现象。文化融合(Cultural integration)社会公德(public morals)第二段的展开: 第一句:

The picture tells us that volunteer spirit is and remains to be an integral part in this ever rapid changing modern society.这幅图画告诉我们在如此快速发展的现代社会中,志愿者精神将一直是不可或缺的部分。第二句:

1.It is the modern virtues that spark and fuel the sustained social progress and continuous betterment of culture when we are undergoing the ever most rapid economic growth.Volunteer spirit emerges as the most thriving one among them.当我们在经历着最快的经济增长的时候,正是一些现代社会的美德,引发和促进了持续的社会进步和


2.这一人类品质是这个国家社会发展的重要部分,这种品质的缺失会给我们造成巨大的损失。或者 3. 这一伟大的品质铸就了我们社会的支撑结构,如果这种宝贵的品质以任何一种可能的方式被忽略,我们的社会都不能稳定发展。或者



54..Decades of nonstop economic development in China have led some people to worry about moral degradation in the newly rich society.However a set of virtue codes have steadfastly held the ground, bringing about ever responsible citizens of the society and nurturing the growth of culture at the same time.Volunteer spirit is surely one of the most prominent.2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 6 几十年不停滞的经济发展使得一些人很担心在当下繁荣社会中的道德缺失。但是一系列的道德规范稳


People in the need can obtain financial aids, material support, mental comfort or spiritual back from volunteer’s work.有需要的人能从志愿者的工作中获得经济上的帮助,物质上的支持,精神上的抚慰和精神 第四句

1.With the influence of this spirit, people who have benefited from other’s good deeds will treat others with love, sincerity, sympathy, enthusiasm, hospitality or generosity.在这种精神的感召下,那些从善行中受益的人将会用爱,用真诚,用同情用热情好客和慷慨来对待其 他人。或者

2.Being the beneficiary of a kind of volunteering deeds inspires us to act that way toward a third person and provides a huge boost to the sound evolution of a nation.受益于这种志愿者的行为,会使我们用这样的方法对待第三个人,这样就为国家的健康发展提供了巨 大的促进。最后一句

1.In other words, were there no volunteer spirit, we would never taste the civilization of the modern society.或者: 2.Simply put, it inspires and boosts the sound evolution of our nation.简单讲,这种力量激发并促进了我们国家的健康发展。第三段的展开: 超级无敌结尾段: 版本一:

Any thinking man would admit that our ardent love for life will further guarantee the prosperity of this life-affirming force which will usher a completely new horizon for the great renewal of our nation.In view of the importance of such a positive phenomenon, we must, doubtless, establish a coordinated mechanism to ensure its everlasting rewarding effects on our society.Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost,(I argue.)(90 字)任何一位有识之士都会承认,我们对于生活的深深的热爱,将会进一步确保这种生命正能量的繁荣,这种力量将会为我们民族的复兴开创一个全新的局面。正是考虑到这种正面现象的重要性,毫无疑问,我

们将确立一个协调的机制来确保其作用于我们社会的持久的回报效果。只有在一个理性的,繁荣的和健康 的环境中,我们才有可能见证到一个理想的场景,人们能最大化的享受他们的生活.版本二: 第一句:

To make the world a better place, the positive momentum of this kind shall be made known and followed by people in every profession and in every corner.为了让这个世界变成更好的地方,这种正能量应该被这个社会每个行业,每个角落的人所知晓和遵守。第二句:

It would not be a stretch to say that the world will become a big loving family if good-willing deeds like this becomes a common practice that happens daily.不夸张的讲,如果这样的善行能成为每天都发生的行为,那么这个世界将变成一个有爱的大家庭。第三句:

And once it takes root in the heart of every member of this society, the fruit will be the dazzling light that dispels darkness and creates harmony.一旦这种品质在每个社会成员的心中扎根,产生的果实将会是炫目的明灯,去除黑暗,创造和谐。

2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 7 梦想和目标的第三段: Taking this topic a step further, a nation must as well draw strength from a higher goal that all of its members share so that it can grow steadfastly and stably both in economic and in cultural terms.Above all, individuals and organizations alike all need a star, a goal, or better put a dream to navigate us in the great voyage of life.传统文化: 第二段 第一句:

The picture does demonstrate that, traditional Chinese festivals, the invaluable cultural heritage embodying our shared belief, spirit and history, have been increasingly neglected by us.正如上图所示,体现了我们共同的信念、精神和历史的中国传统节日——我们无价的文化遗产,正逐


It is mournful that such time-honored holidays are playing an ever insignificant role in our lives and gradually declining to the background, 这种历史沉淀的传统竟然渐渐淡化,在我们的生活中扮演越来越不重要的角色,实在令人感伤。第三句:

Because if they finally become just dead symbols or abstract concepts to be found in dusted books, we would be in danger of lost our uniqueness as a people who persist into this day with records of continued civilization and become just another state wholly consumed by the prevailing pop culture.因为如果它们最终只是成为无生命的符号或尘封在书本中的抽象概念的话,我们就会失去作为一个文


Traditions like them are powerful cohesive forces that bond us together, giving us clues of our ancestors’

struggles and achievements and infusing sense of pride into us as the direct lineage of great heroes.它们这样的传统是联系我们的强大凝聚力,它们留有祖先奋斗的痕迹和成就,让我们骄傲,告诉自己,我们是英雄的传人。第三段: 版本一 第一句:

Since human civilization evolves by building on the past and probing into the future, the first crucial step for a society aiming at further growth is to preserve the existing traditions and cultures.人类文明以基于过去、展望未来的方式不断发展,因此对于一个有志于进步的社会来说,保护好现存 的传统和文化是重要的第一步。或者

As so often, the past holds the key to the future,the existing traditions and cultures have to be preserved to answer the possible questions to come.因为过去总是拥有关于未来的答案,所以传统和文化必须保护以回答未来的问题。第二句:

Fortunately, we have noticed that a series of courses on traditional Chinese culture have been introduced to the high school classrooms and Confucius Institutions have been established in many countries.This is a good start.幸运的是我们已经注意到,一系列传统中国文化的课程被引入了中学课堂;孔子学院在很多国家建立。

这是一个好的开始。版本二 第一句:

Therefore, it is crucial that resources and efforts be devoted to promote these traditions.2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 8 因而,尽人力和物力来提升这些传统是非常重要的。第二句:

Much can be done.Government agencies, NGOs and the common sector join hands together by organizing arrays of activities to revitalize the cultural heritages.我们可以很多。政府部门、民间组织和普通民众应一起协作,组织各种活动来复兴这些文化遗产 第三句:

So that all the people can be actively involved in this campaign and truly realize that traditions are the blood and spirit of a nation.这样所有人都能积极地参与,切身体会到,文化传承就是一个民族的血液和精神。



1. 资源保护(Energy and Resource Saving/reservation)2. 环境保护(Environmental protection)3. 人口增长(The growth of China’s population)

4. 家庭暴力(The Problem of Domestic or Family Violence)5. 社会保障系统/资金(Social security system/fund)6. 假冒伪劣产品问题(Counterfeits and unqualified products)7. 食品安全(food safety)/粮食安全(grain security)

8. 消费者权益保护问题(The protection of consumers rights and interests)9. 知识产权保护问题(Intellectual Property protection)10.学术剽窃(academic plagiarism)11.节约粮食(grain conservation)有形社会问题绝对超级模式: 第一段 方式一:

The cartoon jumping into my sight is fairly compelling.As is shown in the picture above, the characters in the middle of it are doing something thought-provoking and this will enlighten us persistently.The author’s real

purpose is not the fact itself, but to lead us to find the informative information behind it.映入我眼帘的这幅漫画真的很有意思。如图画中所展示的那样,图画中的中心人物正在做着令人思考 的事情,这样的场景不断的在启发着我们。作者的目的不是图画本身,而是指导我们找到其背后的含义是 什么 方式二:

The cartoon jumping into my sight is fairly compelling.As is shown in the picture above, such thought-provoking scenes abound in our daily lives and usually prevail with the ever-rapid economic growth/social progress, which will draw our attention /enlighten us persistently.The author’s real purpose is not the fact itself, but to lead us to find what hides behind the iceberg./Simple as the picture is, the informative information is revealed in it.(56 字)映入我眼帘的这幅漫画真的很有意思。如图画中所展示的那样,这样令人深思的场景在我们的日常生


作者的目的不是图画本身,而是指导我们找到其背后的含义是什么/尽管图画很简单,但是一种有启发意义 的信息却展现了出来。第二段




2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 9 个特定的社会和经济环境。我们国家正在努力去实现达到中等发达国家水平的目标,这就要求建立起一个 市场扮演决定作用的经济体制以带来持续的社会进步,与此同时市场经济体制的负面影响也正在凸现,诸


With our adequate exploration of the meaning of the picture, the hidden problem that lies beneath the surface will unfold and definitely get a lot of publicity.充分的思考这幅图画的含义,这幅图画下面隐藏的问题将会展现出来,并一定会得到大量的关注。

The reasons for this problem, if enumerated one by one, may be numerous.至于这个问题的原因,如果一个个都列出来的话,可能是数不清的。

Nevertheless I hold that the leading causes derive from the specific social and economic circumstances.尽管如此,我认为主要的原因应归咎于这个特定的社会和经济环境。

As we all know, our nation is expected to realize its goal of becoming a moderately prosperous country,which is required to establish a economy system where the market plays a “decisive”role to bring about sustained social progress 我们国家正在努力去实现达到中等发达国家水平的目标,这就要求建立起一个市场扮演决定作用的经

济体制以带来持续的社会进步.So, inevitably, the market economy system is revealing its ugly faces regretfully, among which are not only environmental pollution but also cheating, and such problems as food safety, corruption, taking bribes, compromising their conscience, plagiarism and the like.与此同时市场经济体制的负面影响正在凸现,诸如欺诈,良知的缺失等等。The problem reflected in the picture is just one of them.而图画所反映的问题就是其中一个。第三段:


In summary, despite of the social and environmental challenges facing us, we should have the abundant confidence in our ability to address such problems.Firstly, it is imperative that corresponding laws and regulations be introduced and enforced to harness and curb this urgent problem.Secondly, it is high time that the campaign was initiated by authorities to raise people’s awareness of this grim reality.In retrospection of our long history, we, Chinese people, have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland and developed a great and dynamic culture.With our shared efforts, it will only be a matter of time before the problem becomes things of the past,I firmly believe.总的来讲,尽管我们面对着这些环境和社会的挑战,我们应该有信心去解决这样的问题。首先,引入



1.It is imperative that our legislative body include this social issue into the law-making agenda;otherwise it will upset stability of this nation in the long run.我们的立法机构必须把这一社会问题纳入立法进程之中,否则长期以来会破坏社会的稳定。2.Legal means constitute the major effective countermeasure to address this serious problem.法律手段构成了能解决这一严重问题的唯一有效手段。

3.为了期待一个不受此问题纷扰的世界,我们需要制定并实施相应的法律来解决这个问题。5.To anticipate a world free of this concern, we need to make and implement corresponding laws dedicated to curb and harness this serious problem.2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 10 有形社会话题(正负)科技发展所带来的影响:(环境,手机,互联网,微博,名人代言)第二段:

第一句: The picture does illustrate a distinctly obvious fact that our ordinary life is reshaped / has been greatly influenced by the mobile phone/internet/microblog/celebrity endorsement.第二句:介绍主题的出现和发展

Of all changes that have taken place in daily communication, during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the invention/introduction of____.第三句: 具体影响

Mobile phone have indeed made communication convenient and quick, but they have also brought about negative consequences.For example, students obsessed with apps perform poorly in school.Moreover, some college students waste hours, lavish days and even squander years for indulgence with some time-consuming games.Even some adults become estranged from relatives and friends because of their obsession with __.Those who are unaware of the bad effects can hardly fit into society, let alone establish their careers.That is not to say that mobile phone alone is to blame for the sorry state of affairs.However were the situation to continue as it is, we would pay the high price.第三段:存在总是好的,综合面对,取其精华

Come what may, in one form or another, ___ is here to stay;the risks of running/employing/living with it are far less threatening than the dangers of closing it down/abandoning it away, an act which would not only be impossibly unpopular, but also would be as counterproductive as draining a pond to catch fish and burning down the forest to hunt game.So, we must treat it socially, economically and culturally, with the essence absorbed and the drawbacks neglected.无论如何,(主题)都将会以一种形式,或者另一种形式存在于我们的生活之中,经营它/使用它/或者

与它共存的风险都要比关掉它/抛弃它的风险更大,关掉它/抛弃它的行为不仅非常不受欢迎,而且所产生 的副作用将好比是涸泽而渔,焚林而猎。环境问题: 第二段: 第一句:

The author of this picture is trying to reveal a well-known but little acted-upon crisis that our environment is gradually destroyed by air pollution and other damaging human activities.图画的作者正在告诉我们一个众所周知却鲜有人诉诸行动以改变的危机:我们身处的环境正因为空气 的污染和其它的有害的人类行为而被破坏。


As we all know, our country has been under this growing pressure, as PM2.5, a key indicator of air pollution, increasingly hits the new record and even the smog smothers almost all large cities.如我们所知,我国正面临着越来越大的环保方面压力,因为PM2.5(空气污染的主要指标)不断的刷


As we all know, the environment degradation is accelerating at an alarming rate, with the soil under our feet soaked by chemical discharge and citizens choked by the smog.环境正以骇人的速度恶化;土壤被工业废液浸透,我们被雾霾窒息。


In recent years, smog, has captured wide media attention, constantly occupying the headlines, sparking heated discussion on its potential health hazards and wreaking horror among concerned parents.近年来,雾霾,吸引了媒体的广泛关注,不时地占据新闻头条;它对健康的不良影响引起了全民讨论,关切的父母为之忧惧。

2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 11 第四句: Some researchers claim that pollution of this kind not only has direct adverse effects on our lungs but can undermine other crucial functions of human body 一些研究者声称,这种污染不仅会直接影响我们的肺,还会破坏其它重要的身体机能.Others do not agree with this tone to the letter, but still admit that some health problems do directly result from the smog, lung cancer, one of the most prominent, for instance.其它研究虽然不完全同意这样消极的论调,但仍承认一些健康问题确实是由雾霾引起的,肺癌就是最 显著的例子。

Others do not agree eye to eye with this tone, but still admit that some health problems do result from the smog, lung cancer, one of the most prominent, for instance.第三段: 版本一: 第一句:

毒雾正渐渐席卷大江南北,此刻,我们无法再忽视自然的示警,只将“雾霾”当成八卦的话题或笑骂权 贵的谈资。第二句:

We are under the imperative to meet the challenges head-on, government agencies, NGOs, professionals and civilians all alike, working together hand in hand, in a bid to leave a beautiful habitat for our offspring to thrive on.我们必须直面这些环境挑战,政府、民间团体、专家、平民应该携手合作,共同努力将美丽的世界留

给我们的子孙后代。版本二: 第一句

For a long time, the environment protection advocates advance the cause in an independent manner, which is attention-catching for sure, thus good for awareness-raising, but this alone-fighter tactics is very ineffective.很长一段时间,环保人士都是以独立的方式来提倡环保。虽然他们的行为吸引了关注,从而提升了



Only by taking these concrete and practical steps one after another, can we finally reach our common cherished goal.只有通过这些具体和实践的措施,我们才能一步一步地最终实现我们珍视的目标。版本三: 第一句

Therefore, to combat this seemingly invincible enemy and to restore the beauty of our beloved home, concerted efforts across all sectors are called for, so that overwhelming momentum can be formed;因此,为了战胜这个看上去无法战胜的敌人、还我们挚爱的家园以洁净和美丽,各领域都应该携手并 6.7.What we most urgently need is a chance for business sector, government and the general public to work together, to pool resources and to undertake environmental protection as a daily practice.2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 12 肩,形成强大动力。第二句

Furthermore,in order to address such an wide-ranging issue, it only makes sense to reckon every aspects that may have directly or indirectly related to this problem and to draw on brilliant proposals of professionals and enthusiasts from various spheres.进一步的讲,要应对这样牵连甚广的社会问题,只有考虑各方面与这一问题有关系的直接或间接因素、集中各行业专业人士和有志者的优秀建议才是有意义的。网络谣言传播 第一句

1.The picture does illustrate a fact that new communication technology has ushered human beings into an age of information explosion, when the news, facts, opinions and even rumors have been bombarding us from every corner of the world and any information becomes available on our screen the instant a mouse-click is made.图画展示了一个事实:新的传播技术带领我们进入了一个信息爆炸的时代,一点鼠标信息就显示在眼 前的屏幕上。第二句

2.The internet, notwithstanding facilitating spread of knowledge and filling in the information gap across social divisions, has become a hotbed of digital wildfire, and dangerous rumors can wreak havoc.虽然互联网大幅提高了知识的传播,并有益于消弭信息鸿沟,但却成为了网络谣言的温床,谎言也会 带来危险。第三句

一些和谣言相关的案子浮出水面,引发了一场关于如果有效区别社交网络上好友分享的真相与谎言的 激烈争论。但任何一个敏锐的观察者都能感知不可能有大家都接受的解决方案。第三段 第一句

Nevertheless, if the users of Internet social media treat all the information with just a hint of reasonable doubt and refrain from reposting suspicious ones, the digital wildfire may be prevented or curbed to some extent.如果社交网络用户能够带着一丝怀疑的眼光理性地看待信息,不随便转发真实性可疑的信息,那么就


另外,如果社交网络的营运者能谨慎地,并有决心的及时更正错误,那么图画中的遗憾局面也将会只是 过眼云烟而已。

8.Surfacing of some cases concerning rumors has aroused a heated debate about how to effectively differentiate the facts and the rumors, information shared through networks of friends via Internet.10.And in addition, if Weibo, We Chat and other online media were to exercise caution and determination to right the wrong in time, this sorry state of affairs reflected in the picture would be a passing fad.9.2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 13 名人代言的非模板式表达: 第二段

Obviously, the message the picture tries to convey is that celebrity endorsement could bring about potential problems despite its many advantages.That is, without regulations, it could be used by those with bad intentions to trick people into buying commodities that are either poor in quality or harmful to people’s health.第三段

With celebrity endorsement increasingly used by companies and manufactures in our society to promote their products, we, as customers, should always keep a clear mind and make sensible decisions.Meanwhile, it is also our government’s responsibility to make laws and regulations for celebrity endorsement to ensure the rights of customers and create a safe and sound environment for the development of advertising business.“个人能力和品质”的写作步骤

某种品质对成功很重要: 可能出现的主题词:

1.顺境与逆境(Favorable Circumstances and adverse Circumstances)2.勤奋(hard working, diligence, painstaking efforts)3.谨慎(prudence and determination)

4.坚持/毅力(perseverance,persistence, determination)5.热情和乐观(enthusiasm and optimism)

6.博学和求知(learnedness and seeking knowledge/pursuit of knowledge)7.活力(vitality)

8.身强体壮,充满活力(bursting with vitality and good health)9.独立(independence)10.感恩(gratitude ,gratification)11.创新(creation, innovation, critical mind, critical thinking)12.鼓励(encouragement)13.真诚(sincerity)

14.宽容(humanity, love, understanding and tolerance)15.自满和谦逊(Being self-satisfied and being modest)16.勇敢(courage and bravery)

17.敬业精神(professional dedication and professional ethics)18.业务水平(competence)

19.苦难(suffering and hardship)第二段的写作: 第一句:

The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with creation or innovation when it comes to the cultivation of individual characteristics./ for the personal growth.或者:

The author of the picture attempts to convey with a certain amount of confirmation the distinctly clear message that the spirit of creation seems to underlie almost all human successes.或者

This human quality is part and parcel to the personal growth and its absence will definitely lead to one’s poor

performance and lower achievement.第二句:

Put it another way, without it, one could hardly/barely taste victory/ achieve their goal.或者:

2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 14 Put it another way, the adventure spirit is a key ingredient of the modern recipe to success, either for individuals or for a nation.或者:

To be sure, without the courage to engage in unknown journey and to embrace unexpected detours or setbacks, we would have no any advance to speak of.Fairly speaking, people or organization being able to do the next big thing must have this urge to take on the unfamiliar or unexpected route.And, adventure spirit, which this picture highlighted, indeed constitutes one of the wheels on which human society evolves.第三句:

Due attention to this quality is attached by individuals and even the whole society.或者

On my personal level, independence is truly the fundamental attribute of top performers, which separate the high achievers from the rest of the pack.或者:

In our era, also, this quality makes some outstanding companies or people stand out.第四句

People with spirit of independence can not only accumulate wealth, but will also establish their career, fit into society, and even attain social status.或者举例:


司为其股东和公众创造了巨大的价值。换句话讲:如果没有创造精神,谷歌是不可能获得这些杰出的成就。曼德拉的例子 版本一

曼德拉,一位巨人和伟大的英雄,由于坚信人生而平等,被残酷的关押了27 年,最终把自己的祖国改

造成了一个开放的社会,可以说是世界上最有说服力的关于坚强意志的例子,他用他一生的经历告诉我们: 无论什么时候,无论在哪里,无论如何,面对挫折时的坚毅和面对梦想的执着都是通向成功的重要原则 版本二

Nelson Mandela, one of the most recognizable African names in history, was a man possessing unmatched capability to endure and to forbear.He insisted on love and forgiveness despite of having been put behind bars for 27 years for his unwavering belief in human equality.His life perfectly illustrates the importance of fortitude and perseverance in achieving goals and dreams.曼德拉,历史上被人记住的最有名的非洲名字,拥有无可匹敌的忍耐能力。尽管由于坚信人生而平等

而被关押了27 年,却坚信爱和宽容。他的生命完美的证明了坚毅和执着在实现目标和梦想中的重要性。12.11.2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 15 马云的例子 版本一:

马云,中国电子商务帝国阿里巴巴的创始人,阿里巴巴的年销售额已经达到百亿,他的成功故事完美 的例证了在实现个人理想和为社会创造价值时, 创新的重要性。版本二:

马云,淘宝网这种全新的B2C 商业模式的创新者,开创了全球互联网利润最高的网络购物节:双十一,他完美地例证了在实现个人理想和为社会创造价值时, 创新的重要性。

His incredible achievements originating from the critical thinking even attracts attention and curiosity of political heads both domestic and abroad: Li Keqiang, the Chinese premier, was reported to have held close conversation with him and more recently, British Prime Minister Cameron tried to convince him to list his company in UK.他那些源自于创新思维的成就甚至引起了海内外政治领袖的好奇和关注。据报道中国总理李克强都和


In other words, were there no the spirit of independence, we would never taste the real happiness of the successful life.换句话讲,要是没有独立的精神我们就不可能获得成功的喜悦。第三段的写作:(超级无敌高尚结束段)

The picture, to some degree, makes us reflect the conventional success and enlightens us to wonder the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values.The spirit of independence is widely acknowledged as the essential trait that will entitle us not only the material wealth or rank of power but also the way to make life meaningful.So, the surest way to have a meaningful, happy life is to set goals mattering to us and to the world and commit ourselves to striving for it with this quality.从某种程度上讲,这幅图画使我们去反思传统的成功,启发我们去探究生命的意义和那些永恒的精神

价值。独立的精神是一种必须的品质,能使我们不仅可以获得物质财富和权力,还能让我们找到使生命更 有意义的道路。所以获得幸福和充满意义的生活的最可靠的方式就是找到对自己和对这个世界都重要的目


To a large extent, we are compelled by this drawing to reflect on the conventional successes that take up an inappropriately large share of our energy and time.It inspires us to explore the real essence of life and to derive guidance from the ever-lasting moral values that truly matter.This drawing, in a way, enlightens us on the limits of old beliefs of success, which carries much less value than the immortal values that in deed carries weight to a man’s life.从某种程度上讲,这幅图画使我们去反思传统的成功,启发我们去探究生命的意义和那些永恒的精神 价值。版本三: 第一句:


13.The success story of Ma Yun, founder of China's online trading empire--Alibaba, best illustrates the importance of innovation in realizing personal ambition and creating value for the society 14.Ma Yun,the creator of Taobao, who makes the most profitable day for e-commerce in the world---Singles' Day, best illustrates the importance of innovation in realizing personal ambition and creating value for a nation.2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 16 且能让我们获得真正的有意义的人生。第二句:



1.According to the table, the 文章主题 increased from 数字 in 年份 to 数字 in 年份.Although this was a small increase, the way in which 修饰 changed greatly.2.Since 年代, China has witnessed a great change in 主题.As the graph shows, the percentage of 主题词1 decreased considerably, dropping from 数字 in 年代 to 数字 in 年代, while the corresponding figures for 主

题词2 increased dramatically, rising from 数字 to 数字over the same period.3.As can be seen from the above graph, money value of annual global electronic commerce transactions is increasing gradually in the past nine years.In 2002, the money value of global electronic commerce transactions is almost $ 4 billion, while the number reaches $ 360 billion in 2011, 90 times that of 2002.4.It can be seen from the pie chart that… … accounts for the largest proportion.主题词makes up 百分比of … 百分比represents 主题词 百分比 is defined as 主题词

5.Isolated as the figures seem to exist, as a matter of fact, they are connected with one another closely.Psychological problem is most prevalent among the 14-16 and 17 to 19 age groups, with 40% and 60% up of them claimed to have been troubled by it respectively.15.16.So, doubtless, what should be borne in our mind’s is that the most reliable path

to gain access meaningful and contented life begins with setting goals mattering both to ourselves and others,and runs ahead finally to the terminal of happiness with our continuous devotion.2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 17 This graph shows percentage of college students taking part-time job across different years: more than two thi rds of freshmen admit to have been actively employed by paid jobs and a slightly increase is witnessed among sop homores and juniors, while the percentage rise to 88.24% among the seniors.电子商务发展的原因: 第一段:

As is shown above, China’s online shoppers reached 210 million by the end of June.The country is expected to become the world largest online retail market next year, overtaking Japan.第二段:

After my exploration of this graph and consideration of some related facts, I would like to present the following reasons.Firstly, according to a survey, China’s Internet population reached 538 million, and it is the number that ushers a great possibility of the online shopping’s boom.Secondly, E-commerce companies are paying increasing attention to technology development and innovation to attract more online shoppers.Consistent with the improvement of technology is investment banks cheering it on, with more money poured into the market facilitating sales promotion.第三段

Impressive as the numbers are, there’s another set of statistics that’s even more striking: nearly one-third of the online shoppers in China fell prey to fraudulent websites during that period.Protection needs to be in place for everyone, starting with consumers, if China’s E-commerce industry is to grow as it can and should.第二部分 考研英语小作文分类讲解 书信的讲解

第一种 申请信 例文一 Dear Sir,I am exited to learn of my administration to your two-year program study leading to M.A.in International Politics study.Indeed, the dream to get this opportunity has been deeply rooted in my mind since my first year of undergraduate study.In order to reduce the financial burden of my parents and to assume my responsibility as an adult man, I earnestly hope to obtain some kind of financial aid in the form of a teaching or research assistantship.I am an honest man and always be objective.I have the ability logical reasoning, including abstract and theoretical reasoning.I can distinguish what is important from what is trivial.I am an dependable man.I have the ability to meet deadlines.I can use computers and other information-processing devices.Would you kindly consider this request and advise me as to the possibilities? If there is any further information required, please let me know at your earliest convenience.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Thank you for reading this letter.2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 18 例文二 Dear Sir, I would like to apply for one of the scholarships that your department may be offering to students from other countries.I am a postgraduate student in Peking University.I am majoring in computer sciences, and have done some research work during my study years.I hope to have a further study and continue to do my research work if I succeed in obtaining the scholarship.Would you please send me the necessary application forms and any further details about the scholarship? Enclosed please find two letters of recommendation and my score report card.Thank you for your consideration.I look forward to your reply.Respectfully yours, Li Ming 尊敬的阁下:


我是北京大学的一名研究生,我的专业是计算机科学,在校期间做了些研究工作。如果能获得这笔奖 学金,我希望能继续深造并继续做一些科研工作。请寄给我必要的申请表和有关奖学金方面的细节说明。

随函附上两封推荐信和我的成绩报告单。谢谢您能给予考虑,期盼您的回函。尊敬您的 李明

第二种 慰问信 Dear William,I am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital.I get this news from your brother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes.Do be careful while you are ill.Don’t worry about your lessons and I am willing to help you learn it when you return.We are best friends so I will never allow you to fall behind.You can watch television or listen to radio programs to help kill time and forget your pains while you recuperate.I do hope that I can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.If there is anything you need me to do, just let me know.We all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.Yours truly, Li Ming 亲爱的威廉:






如果需要我的帮助,请告知。我们都很想念你,并很高兴看到你早日回来。你真诚的 李明

第三种:招募和欢迎 My dear new friends, You are welcomed to join in our English club.I am very glad that you will be a part of our fantastic club.Established in 2001, our club has celebrated her 10th birthday.In the past ten years, a lot of interesting activities 2014 考研作文预测班辅导讲义 19 have been designed and organized.Our most famous activities include talk shows, speech competition and role play competition.In our club, you will have ample opportunities to enjoy English movies, meet foreign friends and of course practice your oral English with them.I am sure you will enjoy the happy moments in our club and make progress in your English learning.第四种 感谢信 Dear ***, hope this letter finds you in good spirit and the best of health.I am writing this letter to acknowledge with profound gratitude the generous help that you offered to me last Sunday.You are a man of golden heart.I am deeply moved that you not only try to return a lost wallet picked up on pavement but also actually run all over the city to give it back to me.Nowadays, it is convenient for people to ignore other ones’ troubles in the current all-for-oneself atmosphere.Your selfish act reignites my hope and faith in a loving world, where strangers can be dear friends.Thank you again for your kind-heartedness and for sparing me the distresses that would very possibly have been incurred.Yours Sincerely, 第五种 祝贺信(记得皮卡丘哦)可以用的万能语料: 表示原因:

1.The reason for changing my working plan is about my wife, who is going to give birth of our first child next week in my hometown.My wife and I are both nervous and somewhat excited for this big event.As a husband and would-be father, I think, I must go back and stay with my wife and wait for my first child coming to the world.I can not stand the worry and anxiety caused by the whole matter, so I have to decide to change my working schedule.2.It’s a hard decision for me to leave, but to contribute to the development of my hometown in western China is an appealing dream in my heart for a long time.Now, the government is promoting the program for developing the western region and creased capital input to expedite infrastructure construction there.I hope my personal growth can be linked with the development of my hometown.Therefore, I decide to quit my job and hope you can understand my choice.万能结束套话: By the way, as the New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my greetings and best wishes to you for 2014.I sincerely look forward to continued friendly ties with you.With best wishes!At New Year and always, May peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.新年的祝福,平日的希冀,愿你心境祥和、充满爱意,愿你的世界全是美满,Wishing you a sparkling, bright and happy New Year!May the season bring much pleasure to you.(BTW:空间里的杨幂真的不是我)__


建议措施段框架To curb the current evil phenomenon revealed in the cartoon, we may safely reach the conclusion that active measures have to be taken immediately.On the one hand, we should be sensible enough to enforce the laws to protect(punish)______.On the other hand, it is imperative for us to be aware of the significance to the save the_______.Both the government and ordinary people should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.Nevertheless, it is easier said than done.Although the fight against it is full of hardships and challenges, the pay-off will be eventually worth the endeavor.Achieving even partial success will benefit mankind and contribute to creating a better world.中国政府和百姓应携起手来,使这个世界成为一个更适于居住的地方,不仅为了自己,更为了我们的子孙后代。尽管如此,这是说起来容易做起来难。虽然对抗它充满困难和挑战,最终结果将值得努力。即使只获得部分成功也会使人类受益,有利于创造一个更美好的世界。归纳结论段框架

Given all factors I have just outlined, I can only assent that_____________________________ Judging from the ample evidence presented, we can safely conclude that is such a global issue that urges all countries to work together to address it.The relevant international communities should not only increase financial input and information sharing but also step up cooperation in research development and innovation of technology.It is high time that we called on other countries to join hands in dealing with it and promoting harmonious and sustainable development in the world.从充分的证据,我们可以有把握地得出这样的结论:就是这样的一个全球性的问题,敦促所有国家共同解决这个问题。有关国际社区不仅要加大资金投入和信息共享而且加强合作研究开发和技术创新。现在正是时候,我们呼吁其它国家携手处理、促进和谐、可持续发展在世界上。


There are various examples to support the view point in question, but the following ones are sufficient._________________________ 原因阐释段框架

The shaping factors for the phenomenon, if the possible ones are enumerated one after another may be countless.Nevertheless there are several vital causes for my preference.To begin with, I maintain that the leading reason derives from the social and economic circumstances given.Currently, China has transformed its planned economy into market-oriental economy, while the market-oriented economy system, as a matter of fact, is revealing its drawbacks.Such as energy crisis、environmental pollution and so forth.What’s more, it is widely acknowledged that greed and a total lack of social consciousness have been cited as other reasons for the dramatic rise(decline)of _________________.To sum up, reversing undesirable social trends will be far from an easy task and will require a dramatic change in attitudes.A keen awareness of right from wrong is critical for determining appropriate social behavior.We do, in fact, have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains will be well within the realm of possibility.这现象的形成因素,列举了一些可能会一个接一个地可能数不清。然而有几个重要的原因,我喜欢的。首先,我认为主要原因的来自社会和经济的情况下给予的。目前,中国已转变成market-oriental计划经济的经济问题,而以市场为导向的经济体制,事实上,是污染等等。更重要的是,人们普遍认为贪婪和社会意识的彻底缺乏是造成的________戏剧性的其他原因.综上所述,扭转不好的社会趋势远非一件易事,看法需要有巨大的变化。对正误的深刻认识是判定得体的社会行为的关键。事实上,还有很长的路要走,才能到达我们的最终目标,但是,取得一些遗体将很可能做到的。


This cartoon vividly describes a with a thought-provoking phenomenon 图画分两种情况

如 文化融合拼搏

文化 精神类的 现象























1、标志:best title main idea main problem conclusion mainly disguss mainly deal with或者问作者的写作目的purpose the author intends to do sth a digest of





1、标志:题干中出现attitude believe consider deam regard2、作者态度可以分为三大类:



4、有些选项一定不是正确答案(永陪选项):indifferent(漠不关心);subjective(主观的 biased(有偏见的);puzzled(迷惑不解的)


方法二:当作者态度没有明确提出时,找文章中有褒贬含义,含有感情 色彩的词。




2、选项可能不在是态度明确的肯定或者否定的词,而是改为带有程度限制的词语,带有如下词语的选项往往是正确的:quarded慎重的,qualified有条件的,tempered缓和的,因为带有保留态度的观点比较客观,一般带有绝对化或者过于强烈的刺绣是的选项必然是错误的,如:strongly compeletly entirely


1、标志:往往出现infer imply learn2、解题关键:(1)绝大多数推理题答案是文章中心或原文某句话的同义表达。正确答案与原文之间基本上不存在推理关系。





1、标志:example exemplify illustration demonstration2、解题关键:不在于是否看懂了例子,而在于是否找到了例子所支持的观点。






1、标志:which of the following statement is not ture? All of the following is ture except...2、思路:










1、标志:在题干中明确指出某个代词要求辨别it that one they2、步骤:





























3、分词短语、to do结构,独立主格的干扰

注意理解主句最完整的特征就是有完整的主谓结构,尤其是独立的主谓语部分,一个看似句子的结构,如果没有独立的诸位部分,它不是句子,而是分词短语、to do结构,独立主格。三、长难句基本语法结构





































7、过分绝对。(never must no+名词,若有缓和就不是错误的)








4、正确答案从语义上去理解经常含有不肯定的语气词和委婉表达的词:can may might尤其是推理题的答案常这样设置,以显示推理题所论述含义的相对性。



A、如果影响到文章的理解时要要根据上下文进行判断。B、不影响整体理解时可直接跳 过,重要的是要相信自己能读懂。





1、显示文章结构的信息词:but、even、although、for example。







Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures.In your essay , you should

1)describe the pictures briefly,2)interpret the meaning , and

3)give your comments.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II.范文:

The simple but educational photovividly depicts that an elderly mother received a telephone call, which successfully attracts our attention.After a closer watch, we can find that the so-called “celebrating Mother’s Day” is something so formal because her


children tell her to prepare the dinner for them.Obviously, what the drawing has subtly conveyed should be given more concern.Filial piety has always been the traditional virtue of Chinese culture for thousands of years.Respectingour parents is the first priority.However, ridiculous as it is, the phenomenon in the picture is not infrequent in today’s society.For one thing, enormous economic development brings not only wealth, but also public’s obsession for material possessions.They only care about individual gain and loss, which undermine the once sacred bond between parents and children.For another, people seem to be fond of boasting of how they abide by traditions through holding grand meals for their parents.As a matter of fact, some even compete about the extravagance of the event.I argue that those who behave as the picture miss the essence and profound values of our traditions.Filial piety should not be expressed by means of superficial “performance”, but by ways of children’s genuine care and love for their parents.Thinking about how parents took care of us when we were babies in cradles, we should realize that they all need due attention when aging.Piety is the foundation of all virtues.中外文化交流


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures.In your essay, you should

1)describe the picture briefly,2)interpret its meaning, and

3)give your comments.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET II.范文:

As is vividly depicted in the simple but educational photo, two foreigners humbly ask if they can be the students of the Confucius, which successfully captures our eyes.If we give it a closer watch, it is not difficult to find that they are very interested in traditional Chinese culture.Obviously, what the drawing has subtly conveyed should be given more enlightening.http://kaoyan.wendu.com/

The reason why increasingly more foreigners begin to learn Chinese culture is varied.To begin with, the long history and effulgent culture of the Chinese nation contribute to the improvement of human beings, which account to the current enthusiasm of Chinese in the world.What is more, due to the practice of reforming and opening-up policy,our national strengthhas improved the comprehensive national power.So more and more countries, international organizations and people become interested in Chinese culture and come into contact with China.Then studying Chinese is the only road for them to understand China better.According to the above analysis, it is my view that national culture is a priceless spiritual treasure that should be preserved and cherished.Only in this way can we promote cultural development positively and make our society colorful and vigorous.坚定信念(Ⅰ)


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures.In your essay, you should

1)describe the picture briefly,2)interpret its meaning, and


3)give your comments.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET.范文:

As is vividly depicted in the simple but educational photo, the elderly man in the picture makes every effort to remove the mountain with an unbreakable faith that only by continuous endeavor can people achieve what they want, which successfully captures our eyes.And the other man with two extremely heavy burdens of ideals on his shoulders assists the elderly to remove the mountains.Obviously, what the drawing has subtly conveyed should be given more enlightening.Theoretically, several reasons may cause the phenomenon conveyed in the picture, but for my part, the following two are of utmost importance.On the top of the list is that both of them adhere to their primal ideals and beliefs, that is, people should never forget why they started, and their mission can be accomplished.This founding aspiration is what inspires them to advance.In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore.It is universally admitted that people with great determination and courage will succeed eventually, especially when they encounter difficulties.According to the above analysis, it is advisable for us to take steps to reverse this evil trend.Of all the steps, mass media tend to function essentially in the job.Only in this way can we resolve this problem and embrace a bright future.坚定信念(Ⅱ)


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures.In your essay, you should

1)describe the picture briefly,2)interpret its meaning, and

3)give your comments.http://kaoyan.wendu.com/

You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET.范文:

Here are two pictures, interesting and provoking.In the first picture, the man, at the very beginning, makes every effort to dig diamonds with an unbreakable faith that only by continuous endeavor can people achieve what they want.By contrast, the second picture describes that, one year later, he doesn’t persist in his initial unswerving faith, and abandons his original ideas completely.Obviously, what the drawing has subtly conveyed should be given more concern.Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the problem conveyed in the picture, but for my part, the following two are of utmost importance.On the top of the list is that he does not adhere to his primal ideals and beliefs, that is, people should never forget why they started, and their mission can be accomplished.This founding aspiration is what inspires them to advance.In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore.It is universally admitted that the last leg of a journey marks the halfway point and our initial motivation will inspire us to finish the last leg.According to the above analysis, it is advisable for us to take steps to reverse this evil trend.Of all the steps, mass media tend to function essentially in the job.Only in this way can we resolve this problem and embrace a bright future.



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