An Introduction to Pericles’ Funeral Oration
Thucydides did not belong to the generations of Empire builders.He was born just after them, and his personal memory went no further back than the peace of 445.So he shared the ideas of the age with his older contemporaries, but in a less instinctive fashion.Like them, he knew that he was
living in great times.But, more thoughtful than they, he desired to record them;for he knew, as they knew if they ever lay awake thinking, that this glory could not last and that posterity would be glad to read of it.But he little suspected how brief the blossom would be, or that, in his own short lifetime, he would yet see autumn and midwinter.Yet it was in midwinter, when the Long Walls had been dismantled and the Acropolis had
housed a Spartan garrison, that he wrote his eulogy of the city in the form(what form could be more appropriate?)of a speech over her noble dead.It is not, of course, the speech which Pericles
delivered, or even, as the speaker hints, the kind of speech usually given on such occasions.There is too little in it about noble ancestors, and too much about the present day.But there is no reason to doubt that Thucudides had heard his hero speak, most probably more than once, over the city’s fallen soldiers, and could recall in after years among his most sacred recollections, “the cadence of his voice, the movement of his hand,” and the solemn hush of the vast audience, broken only by “the sobbing of some mother of the dead.” We may feel with confidence that he has given us, with the added colour of his own experience, not merely the inner thought but much of the language of Pericles.So that here we can listen, as in all fine works of interpretation, to two great spirits at once;and when we have learnt to use our ears we can sometimes hear them both, Pericles’ voice coming through, a little faint and thin after the lapse of years, above the deep tones of the historian.The speech is written, if ever writing was, “not in ink but in blood.” For with Thucydides, more perhaps than with any other great writer, there is not a word but tells.“You must read and mark him line by line till you can read between the lines as clearly as in them.There are few thinkers with so many ideas brooding in the background.” All great art is like a ghost seeking to express more than it can utter and beckoning to regions beyond.This is as true in history, which deals with nations, as in poetry or any more personal art.That is why the Funeral Speech, written of a small provincial city in the untried youth of the world, will always find an echo whenever men and nations are living true to themselves, whether in the trenches of Mukden or in the cemetery of Gettysburg.Pericles and
Abraham Lincoln were not very much alike.But common needs beget a common language;and great statesmen, like great poets, speak to one another from peak to peak.“伯里克利葬礼演说辞”介绍
信息技术部负贵人马什坐在一台通过音乐数字接口和一台电子合成器相连的计算机旁,他随便编了一段小旋律为我们演示作曲软件的魅力。他先编出钢琴的旋律,再加进鼓、低音提琴、萨克斯管、长笛和弦乐。只用几秒钟,仅仅通过操作一只鼠标,就完成了一支真正的管弦乐曲。再按一下鼠标,打印机就打印出了他创作的乐谱。他认为:“这些机器并不会改变创作,只是改变了创作手段而已,曲子的创作还是由人来完成的。” 每一个学生都被要求必修一门音乐技术课。像戴维·马什这样的老师要学得更深更广一些,要在音乐的电子合成方面为自己打下深厚的基础。“目前,作为专业音乐家,你不仅需要基础音乐技能,也需要具备技术技能。”音乐技术部主任唐普鲁茨说,“我们甚至在为还不存在的职业培养人才。”
Berkeley暑期学校DIY全攻略发信站: 北大未名站
最近有好几个同学向我咨询Berkeley暑期学校的情况, 鉴于自己跌宕起伏的纯DIY过程可能对以后每年去Berkeley上暑期学校的筒子们有借鉴意义,特意爬上来写一写攻略。
开始之前,我想先比较一下跟学校国合项目和DIY的优势和劣势,以说明DIY适合神马样的筒子。国合的Berkeley summer session项目大约是众summer中每年参加人数最多口碑也比较好的。每年3月报名截止,报完名后交钱给国合,然后就不用操太多心了。费用主要包括:报名费杂费685刀+选课每学分350刀(鉴于Berkeley今年涨学费了,估计summer学费也会涨)+住宿+吃饭+往返机票+签证+结课后一周的旅游(旅游可选)。按照今年的价格,6周5学分的课程,如果不旅游总共要花5w多,旅游再加1w。所谓DIY,就是自己去Berkeley网站上报名,自己订机票租房子预约签证,在米国自己做饭,也就是本人今年的情况。我选了7学分的课,总共花了约4w。也就是说如果选5学分的课就只要花3w多,比国合省了近2w,在p大足够花一年了。因此DIY还是可以给父母省下一笔可观的米滴。除此之外,DIY一个summer是很能锻炼能力的,对于打算毕业后去美帝留学的同学来说,可以算先做了一次模拟,这样以后在申请过程中会对各种程序更加熟悉。另外,如果你自己做饭的话,这不失为一个锻炼厨艺的好时机。拿本人来说,这次出国前从来没自己做过一顿像样的饭,回来的时候就已经学会了各种家常菜的做法了。下面开始介绍DIY的具体做法,分为前期准备、报名选课、订机票、签证、租房、吃饭及其他七个部分。
2、报名选课去Berkeley官网,选择Applying to Berkeley
Summer Session,就进入了暑期学校页面http://summer.berkeley.edu/ 非UC学生今年是2月15号开始报名。在网站上注册一个报名的账号,填报名表,报名的同时选课、交费,之后还要上传几份证明材料,包括护照、英语成绩单、存款证明等。存款证明有网页上要求的数额就行了,去年是2500刀。注意办签证对选课的学分有要求。3周的session至少要3学分,6周至少要5学分。虽然选课系统关闭很晚,但报名晚了的话很多热门的课就选满了,所以还是尽早吧。
4、签证等你的报名账号里显示材料通过审核了你就可以预约签证了。学校会给你寄I20表格,相当于邀请函,面签的时候要带着,但是预约签证的时候不用。I20一般一周能寄到,所以你预约签证的时候要保证面签前能收到I20.预约签证就是拿着护照去中信银行买签证费和预约电话卡。签证费900多,电话卡8分钟的36.买回来之后就可以用电话卡预约签证时间了。注意每年4月15日前后预约的人特别多,在那之后预约会等很长时间,所以建议尽早准备。预约完了就是到了约好的日子带着材料去美国大使馆面签就行了。注意在面签之前还要去美国大使馆网站上交那个200刀的SEVIS fee。面签要带的材料一般包括护照、I20、签证费收据、SEVIS费收据、在学证明、存款证明、两张两寸照片,其他有帮助的材料也可以带,具体要求参见美国大使馆网站。
CalRentals , https://calrentals.housing.berkeley.edu/ 去上面注册个账号,不用交钱也可以使用。据我去年的经验,目前上面的房源不会太多,4-5月放出的房子最多。在网站上搜索的时候注意限制房子的租期和位置。一般来说满足暑期学校需求的房子都在转租的那一类里面。租金的变化范围很大,每月每人少至两三百刀多至两三千刀的都有,住房条件自然差别也很大了。我有个同学曾经租到过一个月100刀的房子,不过这样的机会是可遇不可求的。一般来说每人每月不超过600刀的就算便宜了,租金便宜且离学校近的房子是很抢手的,所以建议看到这样的房子就赶快联系房主敲定吧,不要老想着还价了,跟住学校宿舍比怎么都很便宜了。建议找房子的时候同时开着google地图,这样好知道上面给出的地址离学校有多远。
Cheese Board Pizza, 在Shattuck Ave上,异常火爆的一家pizza店,天天饭点要排队,pizza确实好吃,必胜客神马的跟他家比简直弱爆了。特色是每天只卖一款pizza一款甜点。人均消费约10刀。La Note,也在Shattuck Ave上,法国馆子。牛排、长棍面包、浓汤都很棒。缺点是服务员比较势利,不给小费就对你爱理不理的。人均消费约15刀(不含小费)。Gypsy's Trattoria Italiano,在Durant Ave上,意大利馆子,意面很棒,记得有个意面配蔬菜沙拉的套餐很实惠,不到9刀。Subway,就是赛百味啦,卖三明治的。离学校最近的一家就在学校正对Telegraph Ave的那个校门对面。三明治的配菜自己选,品种很多,窃以为比国内的好吃。6寸的4.95刀,12寸的6点几刀,性价比不错。一般女生吃6寸的男生吃12寸的就够了。(像我这种猪一样的女生也要吃12寸的……掩面遁走……)Top Dog,学校南北各有一家,专卖各种hot dog。我去的是南边那家,在Durant Ave上,经常要排队,hot dog确实好吃。一个hot dog大概3刀,我吃两个就饱了。McDonarld’s,这个不用说了,在Shattuck Ave上。鸡腿汉堡+大薯条+大可乐的套餐6点几刀。赶脚分量比北京的足。特别提示:不建议去Berkeley的中餐馆,会毁了你对祖国饮食的印象的。不过据我的美国香港移民二代室友说,三番市内唐人街的中餐馆还不错。去外面吃相对自己做饭总是很贵的,最省米的办法还是自己做饭了。据我估算,早餐1刀,中晚餐2刀就可以吃得不错了。要实现自己做饭,首先你租的房子要有厨房,其次你要找到买菜的地方,再次你要会基本的做菜方法。下面重点说说买菜的地方。Berkeley市区有几个比较大的grocery store,买菜比较方便,不过菜也偏贵。推荐Shattuck Ave上的两家,一家是SafeWay,第一次去填张表办会员卡就可以有很多会员价优惠,他家除肉类外的菜都相对便宜;另一家叫Andronico’s,肉类价格一般比SafeWay便宜,而且关键是肉类有小份的,适合一个人买,不像SafeWay的肉类都是超大家庭装。市区的东西都是偏贵的,要买便宜的菜和其他日用品可以坐40分钟25路公交去郊区的一家大型华人超市99 Ranch Market。除了便宜外,他家的主要优势是可以买到各种中国特色的食品和其他用具,比如中式面条、方便面、粉丝粉条、豆腐乳、酱油、速冻水饺、汤圆、小笼汤包等等,基本上中国有啥那里就有啥。
Thank you, Marie.And thank you esteemed members of the faculty, proud parents, devoted friends, and squirming siblings.Congratulations to all of you…and especially to the magnificent Berkeley graduating class of 2016!
It is a privilege to be here at Berkeley, which has produced so many Nobel Prize winners, Turing Award winners, astronauts, members of Congress, Olympic gold medalists….and that’s just the women!
Berkeley has always been ahead of the times.In the 1960s, you led the Free Speech Movement.Back in those days, people used to say that with all the long hair, how do we even tell the boys from the girls? We now know the answer: man buns.Early on, Berkeley opened its doors to the entire population.When this campus opened in 1873, the class included 167 men and 222 women.It took my alma mater another ninety years to award a single degree to a single woman.One of the women who came here in search of opportunity was Rosalind Nuss.Roz grew up scrubbing floors in the Brooklyn boardinghouse where she lived.She was pulled out of high school by her parents to help support their family.One of her teachers insisted that her parents put her back into school—and in 1937, she sat where you are sitting today and received a Berkeley degree.Roz was my grandmother.She was a huge inspiration to me and I’m so grateful that Berkeley recognized her potential.I want to take a moment to offer a special congratulations to the many here today who are the first generation in their families to graduate from college.What a remarkable achievement.Today is a day of celebration.A day to celebrate all the hard work that got you to this moment.Today is a day of thanks.A day to thank those who helped you get here—nurtured you, taught you, cheered you on, and dried your tears.Or at least the ones man who didn’t draw on you with a Sharpie when you fell asleep at a party.Today is a day of reflection.Because today marks the end of one era of your life and the beginning of something new.A commencement address is meant to be a dance between youth and wisdom.You have the youth.Someone comes in to be the voice of wisdom—that’s supposed to be me.I stand up here and tell you all the things I have learned in life, you throw your cap in the air, you let your family take a million photos –don’t forget to post them on instagram—and everyone goes home happy.Today will be a bit different.We will still do the caps and you still have to do the photos.But I am not here to tell you all the things I’ve learned in life.Today I will try to tell you what I learned in death.I have never spoken publicly about this before.It’s hard.But I will do my very best not to blow my nose on this beautiful Berkeley robe.One year and thirteen days ago, I lost my husband, Dave.His death was sudden and unexpected.We were at a friend’s fiftieth birthday party in Mexico.I took a nap.Dave went to work out.What followed was the unthinkable—walking into a gym to find him lying on the floor.Flying home to tell my children that their father was gone.Watching his casket being lowered into the ground.For many months afterward, and at many times since, I was swallowed up in the deep fog of grief—what I think of as the void—an emptiness that fills your heart, your lungs, constricts your ability to think or even to breathe.Dave’s death changed me in very profound ways.I learned about the depths of sadness and the brutality of loss.But I also learned that when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface, and breathe again.I learned that in the face of the void—or in the face of any challenge—you can choose joy and meaning.I’m sharing this with you in the hopes that today, as you take the next step in your life, you can learn the lessons that I only learned in death.Lessons about hope, strength, and the light within us that will not be extinguished.Everyone who has made it through Cal has already experienced some disappointment.You wanted an A but you got a B.OK, let’s be honest—you got an A-but you’re still mad.You applied for an internship at Facebook, but you only got one from Google.She was the love of your life… but then she swiped left.Game of Thrones the show has diverged way too much from the books—and you bothered to read all four thousand three hundred and fifty-two pages.You will almost certainly face more and deeper adversity.There’s loss of opportunity: the job that doesn’t work out, the illness or accident that changes everything in an instant.There’s loss of dignity: the sharp sting of prejudice when it happens.There’s loss of love: the broken relationships that can’t be fixed.And sometimes there’s loss of life itself.Some of you have already experienced the kind of tragedy and hardship that leave an indelible mark.Last year, Radhika, the winner of the University Medal, spoke so beautifully about the sudden loss of her mother.The question is not if some of these things will happen to you.They will.Today I want to talk about what happens next.About the things you can do to overcome adversity, no matter what form it takes or when it hits you.The easy days ahead of you will be easy.It is the hard days—the times that challenge you to your very core—that will determine who you are.You will be defined not just by what you achieve, but by how you survive.A few weeks after Dave died, I was talking to my friend Phil about a father-son activity that Dave was not here to do.We came up with a plan to fill in for Dave.I cried to him, “But I want Dave.” Phil put his arm around me and said, “Option A is not available.So let’s just kick the shit out of option B.”
We all at some point live some form of option B.The question is: What do we do then?
As a representative of Silicon Valley, I’m pleased to tell you there is data to learn from.After spending decades studying how people deal with setbacks, psychologist Martin Seligman found that there are three P’s—personalization, pervasiveness, and permanence—that are critical to how we bounce back from hardship.The seeds of resilience are planted in the way we process the negative events in our lives.The first P is personalization—the belief that we are at fault.This is different from taking responsibility, which you should always do.This is the lesson that not everything that happens to us happens because of us.When Dave died, I had a very common reaction, which was to blame myself.He died in seconds from a cardiac arrhythmia.I poured over his medical records asking what I could have—or should have—done.It wasn’t until I learned about the three P’s that I accepted that I could not have prevented his death.His doctors had not identified his coronary artery disease.I was an economics major;how could I have?
Studies show that getting past personalization can actually make you stronger.Teachers who knew they could do better after students failed adjusted their methods and saw future classes go on to excel.College swimmers who underperformed but believed they were capable of swimming faster did.Not taking failures personally allows us to recover—and even to thrive.The second P is pervasiveness—the belief that an event will affect all areas of your life.You know that song “Everything is awesome?” This is the flip: “Everything is awful.” There’s no place to run or hide from the all-consuming sadness.The child psychologists I spoke to encouraged me to get my kids back to their routine as soon as possible.So ten days after Dave died, they went back to school and I went back to work.I remember sitting in my first Facebook meeting in a deep, deep haze.All I could think was, “What is everyone talking about and how could this possibly matter?” But then I got drawn into the discussion and for a second—a brief split second—I forgot about death.That brief second helped me see that there were other things in my life that were not awful.My children and I were healthy.My friends and family were so loving and they carried us—quite literally at times.The loss of a partner often has severe negative financial consequences, especially for women.So many single mothers—and fathers—struggle to make ends meet or have jobs that don’t allow them the time they need to care for their children.I had financial security, the ability to take the time off I needed, and a job that I did not just believe in, but where it’s actually OK to spend all day on Facebook.Gradually, my children started sleeping through the night, crying less, playing more.The third P is permanence—the belief that the sorrow will last forever.For months, no matter what I did, it felt like the crushing grief would always be there.We often project our current feelings out indefinitely—and experience what I think of as the second derivative of those feelings.We feel anxious—and then we feel anxious that we’re anxious.We feel sad—and then we feel sad that we’re sad.Instead, we should accept our feelings—but recognize that they will not last forever.My rabbi told me that time would heal but for now I should “lean in to the suck.” It was good advice, but not really what I meant by “lean in.”
None of you need me to explain the fourth P…which is, of course, pizza from Cheese Board.But I wish I had known about the three P’s when I was your age.There were so many times these lessons would have helped.Day one of my first job out of college, my boss found out that I didn’t know how to enter data into Lotus 1-2-3.That’s a spreadsheet—ask your parents.His mouth dropped open and he said, ‘I can’t believe you got this job without knowing that”—and then walked out of the room.I went home convinced that I was going to be fired.I thought I was terrible at everything… but it turns out I was only terrible at spreadsheets.Understanding pervasiveness would have saved me a lot of anxiety that week.I wish I had known about permanence when I broke up with boyfriends.It would’ve been a comfort to know that feeling was not going to last forever, and if I was being honest with myself… neither were any of those relationships.And I wish I had understood personalization when boyfriends broke up with me.Sometimes it’s not you—it really is them.I mean, that dude never showered.And all three P’s ganged up on me in my twenties after my first marriage ended in divorce.I thought at the time that no matter what I accomplished, I was a massive failure.The three P’s are common emotional reactions to so many things that happen to us—in our careers, our personal lives, and our relationships.You’re probably feeling one of them right now about something in your life.But if you can recognize you are falling into these traps, you can catch yourself.Just as our bodies have a physiological immune system, our brains have a psychological immune system—and there are steps you can take to help kick it into gear.One day my friend Adam Grant, a psychologist, suggested that I think about how much worse things could be.This was completely counterintuitive;it seemed like the way to recover was to try to find positive thoughts.“Worse?” I said.“Are you kidding me? How could things be worse?” His answer cut straight through me: “Dave could have had that same cardiac arrhythmia while he was driving your children.” Wow.The moment he said it, I was overwhelmingly grateful that the rest of my family was alive and healthy.That gratitude overtook some of the grief.Finding gratitude and appreciation is key to resilience.People who take the time to list things they are grateful for are happier and healthier.It turns out that counting your blessings can actually increase your blessings.My New Year’s resolution this year is to write down three moments of joy before I go to bed each night.This simple practice has changed my life.Because no matter what happens each day, I go to sleep thinking of something cheerful.Try it.Start tonight when you have so many fun moments to list— although maybe do it before you hit Kip’s and can still remember what they are.Last month, eleven days before the anniversary of Dave’s death, I broke down crying to a friend of mine.We were sitting—of all places—on a bathroom floor.I said: “Eleven days.One year ago, he had eleven days left.And we had no idea.” We looked at each other through tears, and asked how we would live if we knew we had eleven days left.As you graduate, can you ask yourselves to live as if you had eleven days left? I don’t mean blow everything off and party all the time— although tonight is an exception.I mean live with the understanding of how precious every single day would be.How precious every day actually is.A few years ago, my mom had to have her hip replaced.When she was younger, she always walked without pain.But as her hip disintegrated, each step became painful.Now, even years after her operation, she is grateful for every step she takes without pain—something that never would have occurred to her before.As I stand here today, a year after the worst day of my life, two things are true.I have a huge reservoir of sadness that is with me always—right here where I can touch it.I never knew I could cry so often—or so much.But I am also aware that I am walking without pain.For the first time, I am grateful for each breath in and out—grateful for the gift of life itself.I used to celebrate my birthday every five years and friends’ birthdays sometimes.Now I celebrate always.I used to go to sleep worrying about all the things I messed up that day—and trust me that list was often quite long.Now I try really hard to focus on each day’s moments of joy.It is the greatest irony of my life that losing my husband helped me find deeper gratitude—gratitude for the kindness of my friends, the love of my family, the laughter of my children.My hope for you is that you can find that gratitude—not just on the good days, like today, but on the hard ones, when you will really need it.There are so many moments of joy ahead of you.That trip you always wanted to take.A first kiss with someone you really like.The day you get a job doing something you truly believe in.Beating Stanford.(Go Bears!)All of these things will happen to you.Enjoy each and every one.I hope that you live your life—each precious day of it—with joy and meaning.I hope that you walk without pain—and that you are grateful for each step.And when the challenges come, I hope you remember that anchored deep within you is the ability to learn and grow.You are not born with a fixed amount of resilience.Like a muscle, you can build it up, draw on it when you need it.In that process you will figure out who you really are—and you just might become the very best version of yourself.Class of 2016, as you leave Berkeley, build resilience.Build resilience in yourselves.When tragedy or disappointment strike, know that you have the ability to get through absolutely anything.I promise you do.As the saying goes, we are more vulnerable than we ever thought, but we are stronger than we ever imagined.Build resilient organizations.If anyone can do it, you can, because Berkeley is filled with people who want to make the world a better place.Never stop working to do so—whether it’s a boardroom that is not representative or a campus that’s not safe.Speak up, especially at institutions like this one, which you hold so dear.My favorite poster at work reads, “Nothing at Facebook is someone else’s problem.” When you see something that’s broken, go fix it.Build resilient communities.We find our humanity—our will to live and our ability to love—in our connections to one another.Be there for your family and friends.And I mean in person.Not just in a message with a heart emoji.Lift each other up, help each other kick the shit out of option B—and celebrate each and every moment of joy.You have the whole world in front of you.I can’t wait to see what you do with it.Congratulations, and Go Bears!
伯克利音乐学院(英语:Berklee College of Music),世界著名独立音乐学院,位于美国波士顿。伯克利音乐学院建于1945年,由劳伦斯·伯克创办的,原名施林格音乐大厦,是以伯克的老师约瑟夫·施林格命名。1954年,伯克以他的儿子李·伯克为名将学校的名字改为伯克利音乐学校。最初主要教学爵士乐、摇滚乐和部分其他地方难以学到的现代音乐。
留学360金牌留学顾问老师介绍,伯克利音乐学院面向世界招生,录取率为25%(2012-2013学年),学制为四年,并提供音乐学士学位。2003年设置了一个网上班。“鸟叔”(PSY)、王力宏、大卫·鲍伊、U2乐队吉他手Edge、AERO SMITH的主唱史蒂夫·泰勒都毕业于此。伯克利音乐学院有200余位校友曾获格莱美奖。现任校长是罗杰·布朗(Roger H.Brown),2004年上任。伯克利音乐学院有21座建筑物。每年举办多场学生和系音乐会。它直接与学院的录音室和设施关联,使音乐会可以专业和高质量地被记录下来。此外每年这里还举办多个外部的表演、特殊学习班等。
PSY(本名朴载相,韩国著名歌手 代表作江南style)
Henry Lau(中文名刘宪华,歌手,音乐制作人,著名韩国组合Super Junior M成员)
Park Bom(中文名朴春 韩国著名女子组合2NE1成员)
Steve Vai(八九十年代最杰出的吉他演奏家之一)
Corrinne May(旅美创作歌手符美云)
Mikey(本名 Kim Michael Jung 二段横踢成员 韩国音乐制作人)