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第 五 章 受弯 构件 一、选择题 1.对于承受均布荷载的热轧 H 型钢简支梁,应计算()

A.抗弯强度、腹板折算应力、整体稳定、局部稳定 B.抗弯强度、抗剪强度、整体稳定、局部稳定 C.抗弯强度、腹板上边缘局部承压强度、整体稳定、容许挠度 D.抗弯强度、抗剪强度、整体稳定、容许挠度 1.For hot rolled H-shaped cross section steel beam bearing distributed load,()should be checked.A.bending strength, equivalent stress on the web, overall stability and local stability.B.bending strength, shear strength, overall stability and local stability.C.bending strength, local bearing stress at upper edge of the web, overall stability.D.bending strength, , shear strength, overall stability, allowable deflection.2.以下计算,使用毛截面特性的是()




D.疲劳验算 2.In which of the following calculation, the gross-section characteristic is adapted?()A.Bending normal stress of the beam

B.Shear stress of the beam C.Equivalent stress

D.Fatigue check





D.构件抗剪强度计算 3.For solid-web members bending in principle plane, supposing that bolt holes appears in the cross-section, weaken factors of the bolt holes should be considered during the calculation of().A.calculating the deformation of the member

B.checking the overall stability of the member C.checking the bending strength of the member D.checking the shear strength of the member




D.局部稳定性 4.In the design of the welded I-shaped cross section beams, the main target of arranging transverse stiffeners to the webs is to ensure the()of the beam A.Flexural stiffness B.Flexural resistance C.overall stability D.local stability





D.有吊车轮压的部位 5.Bearing stiffeners should be arranged at()of the beam A.where the bending stress is great B.where the shear stress is great C.where the concentrated force acted D.where the wheel load acted

6.在梁的整体稳定计算中,若稳定系数为 1.0,说明该梁()


B.不会丧失整体稳定 C.梁的局部稳定必然满足

D.不会发生强度破坏 6.During the calculation to the overall stability of the beam, the condition that the stability coefficient is 1.0 indicates that()A.the beam is in elastic stage B.overall buckling would not happen C.the beam would satisfy the requirements of avoiding local buckling D.the strength failure would not happen



B.在集中荷载作用处设置支承加劲肋 C.增加横向加劲肋的数量

D.加厚腹板 7.For beam bearing the determined concentrated load, which of the following effects is favorable?()A.Thicken the flange of the beam B.Arrange bearing stiffeners at where the concentrated loads applied C.Increase the number of the transverse stiffeners.D.Thicken the web of the beam

8.验算无集中荷载作用时工字形截面梁的折算应力,公式为 f12 23     ,这里、 应为()

A.验算截面的最大正应力和最大剪应力 B.验算截面的最大正应力和验算点的剪应力 C.验算截面的最大剪应力和验算点的正应力

D.验算截面中验算点的正应力和剪应力 8.While checking the equivalent stress of the I-shaped cross-section beam without bearing concentrated loads, the expressionf12 23      is applied.In this expression,  , 

represents().A.the maximum normal stress and shear stress of the checking section;B.the maximum normal stress of the checking section and the shear stress of the checking point;C.the maximum shear stress of the checking section and the normal stress of the checking point;

D.the normal stress and shear stress of the checking point in the checking section



B.加大梁的高度 C.加大受压翼缘板的宽度

D.加大腹板的厚度 9.For welded cross section beams without the lateral supports in the mid-span, if the overall stability could not be satisfied, which of the following measures should be adapted?()A.Increase the cross-section of the beam B.Increase the height of the beam C.Widen the width of the flange under compression D.Thicken the web of the beam





D.局部稳定 10.For beam that rigid decking is securely connected to the compression flange of it, it is not necessary to check the()of the beam.A.strength B.stiffness C.overall stability D.local stability



B.降低梁腹板的高度 C.用强度更高的材料

D.设置加劲肋 11.For double symmetric I-shaped cross section beam, local buckling is possible to appears under the action of the flexural stress while the strength and the stiffness can just be satisfied through the checks.If maintaining other conditions being equal, which of the following measures could ensure the local stability of the beam?()A.Increase the thickness of the web B.Reduce the height of the web C.Adapt materials with higher strength D.Arrange lateral supports

12.验算工字形截面梁受压翼缘的局部稳定性时要求 / b t 应小于某一限值,这里,b 的含义为()。


B.翼缘板全部宽度 C.翼缘板全部宽度的 1/3

D.翼缘板的有效宽度 12.While checking the local stability of the compressed flange of the I-shaped cross section beam, the / b t

should below a determined limit.Here, b represents().A.the outstands of the flange

B.the width of the flange C.the 1/3 width of the flange D.the effective width of the flange



B.增加截面面积 C.改变构件的应力分布状态

D.改变边界约束板件的宽厚比 13.In order to prevent the local bucking of the web of the beam, arranging the stiffeners to the web is adapted, so as to().A.increase the inertia moment of the beam section B.increase the area of cross section C.change the stress distributing state of the beam D.change the width to thickness ratio of the boundary constraint plates

14.焊接工字形截面梁设计时估算最小梁高minh,若用Q345 钢材代替 Q235 钢材,则minh如何变化?()




D.条件不充足,无法确定 14.The estimating minimum height of the welded I-shaped section beam is minh, if the Q345 is applied to replace the Q235 steel, how would the value of minh change?().A.Increasing B.Decreasing C.Invariant

D.The variation can not be determined due to the lack of conditions



B.形心与上翼缘之间的截面剪力中心 C.截面形心

D.下翼缘(受拉翼缘)下表面 15.For reinforced compression flange with singly symmetric I-shaped simple support beam with uniform section, a concentrated force is applied to the mid-span web plane.Which of the following load positions is most favorable to the overall stability of the beam?().A.The upper surface of the upper flange(the flange under compression)B.Shear center of the section between the centroid and the upper flange C.Centroid of the section D.The lower surface of the bottom flange(the flange under tension)



B.加厚受拉翼缘 C.采用更高强度的钢材


16.For welded I-shaped uniform section simply support beam, if the overall stability of the beam could not be satisfied, the overall stability can be improved by which of the following measures?()A.Thicken the compression flange B.Thicken the tension flange C.Adapt the steel with higher strength D.Arrange the lateral support at the mid-span compression flange of the beam



B.满跨均布荷载作用 C.跨中点有集中荷载作用 D.在距离支座 1/4 跨度处各有相同一集中力 17.For welded I-shaped uniform section simply support beam, if the maximum moment is determined, under which type of the following loads the overall stability is most unfavorable?()A.There are same valued moment applied to both ends of the beam(pure bending actions)B.There are distributed force applying to the full-span of the beam.C.There is a concentrated force applying to the mid-span of the beam.D.There are two same concentrated forces applying to the 1/4 span away from the support of beam.18.一焊接工字形截面梁,腹板计算高度0h =2400mm,根据腹板局部稳定计算和构造要求,需要在腹板一侧配置钢板横向加劲肋,其经济合理的截面尺寸是()




D.-12×180 18.For welded I-shaped section beam, the effective height of the web 0h=2400mm, in accordance with the calculation to the local stability of the web and the construction requirements, the transverse stiffeners should be arranged to one side of the web.Therefore, which dimension of the transverse stiffeners is both economical and reasonable?()







B.靠近梁上翼缘的腹板01 1(~)5 4h处 C.靠近梁下翼缘的腹板01 1(~)5 4h处

D.上翼缘处 19.In order to improve the overall stability of the simple support I-shaped beam which the load is applied to the upper flange, lateral support can be arranged to the()of the beam, which

aims at reducing the out-of plane length of the beam.A.1/2 height of the web

B.1/5~1/4 height away from the upper flange of the web

C.1/5~1/4 height away from the bottom flange of the web

D.upper flange




三、计算题 1.Simply support beam subjected to a uniformly distributed live load(no requirement of taking account of dead weight),Q235 B steel is used.I32a,l =6m,allowable deflection 250] [l ,partial coefficient is 1.4for the dead loads and is 1.2 for live loads,bending moments about x-axis,according to normal stress and rigid condition, Determine design load of the beam.2/ 235(mm N f y ,2/ 215 mm N f ,45384xqlEI  ,2 5/ 10 06.2 mm N E  )。

2.A simply-support main beam shown in follow Figure, P=250kN(design value, from secondary beams), Q235 steel is used,f=215N/mm2,Vf =125N/mm2, 05.1 x

1)Check the strength of the main beam.2)Check the local stability of plates

3.The figure shows the welded I-shaped simple support beam.A lateral support is arranged at the mid-span upper flange of the beam, the material is Q345B, the design value of concentrated static

load P is 300kN.Please check the overall stability of the beam.4.The span of a simple support beam is 5.5m, a static distributed load is applied to the upper flange of the beam, the standard value of dead load is 10.2kN/m(the dead weight is not concluded), the standard value of live load is 25kN/m.Supposed that the compression flange of the beam have the reliable lateral support, the steel is Q235, the allowable deflection is l/250, please select the most economic I-shaped and H-shaped cross sections, and compare them therefore.5.P142

5.6 题



Four Chinese students were drowned on Friday when they were swimming in the sea of Marsa Matrouh, an Egypt's northwestern coastal city, Chinese Embassy confirmed to Xinhua on Sunday.中国驻埃及大使馆周日向新华社证实,有四名中国留学生于上周五在地中海西北部城市马特鲁附近海滩游泳时溺亡。

The four were drawn into the sea because of strong winds and high waves there, a Chinese counsellor quoted local security sources as saying.一位中国官员称,根据当地安全部门的说法,四名学生溺水的原因是强风和海浪等恶劣的气候情况。

Xu Zhitian, a member of the panel dealing with the issue from the Chinese Embassy in Egypt, told Xinhua that the students are of two newly-married couples.One of them studies at Cairo University, other two in Al-Azhar University and the fourth is from Al-Azhar senior high school.中国驻埃及大使馆成立了专家组专门处理此次事件,该专家组成员许志田称,溺亡的四名中国学生是两对新婚夫妻,其中一人是开罗大学的学生,2人就读于爱资哈尔大学,另1人来自爱资哈尔中学。

Marsa Matrouh, the capital city of Matrouh governerate, is a famous tourism resort in Egypt.The students visited the place during the holiday of Eid al-Adha, the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice.马特鲁城是马特鲁省的首都,埃及有名的旅游胜地。事件涉及的4名留学生是利用宰牲节假期前往马特鲁省游玩的。

Chinese Consulate General in Alexandria has asked local Chinese students not to swim in the Mediterranean Sea as winds and waves became strong recently in the area, Yang Yunsheng, consular agent of the consulate told Xinhua.中国驻亚历山大总领事馆代办杨云声告诉新华社记者,由于近日地中海区域风浪较大,该领事馆已经要求当地中国留学生尽可能不要在地中海游泳。

There were two other Egyptian couples drowned on Friday in Marsa Matrouh due to bad weather in the sea area, state-run Ahram website reported on Saturday.据埃及《金字塔报》网站周六报道,由于马特鲁港近日天气状况恶劣,海上风浪较大,除上述4名中国人外,还有两对埃及夫妇于本周五在马特鲁其他海滩溺亡。Egypt's tourism is well-known across the world due to some of the programs related to the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea and the Nile.However, accidents such as shipwrecks and drownings occurred frequently under the lack of supervision and incomplete facilities.埃及的旅游业以涉及地中海、红海、尼罗河等水域的旅游项目著称,但由于监管防护措施不完善、景区配套设施不健全等原因,游客溺亡、船艇失事等事故时有发生。



I don't know why I overlooked that problem.I haven't overlooked Chinese achievements in science.Sometimes you are too frank.High birthrates cannot be changed overnight.That book only told a pack of lies.They searched my room and found nothing.When it rained people in that small town had to stay in the house.


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发热门诊Have Fever主治医师Doctor-in-charge 供应室Supply Room谢绝入内No entering 红灯亮时谢绝入内No entering when red light

彩超、心电图Colorful Cardiogram/ECG住院楼Inpatient Building 透析血磁EndoscopeDept.护士Nueser康复理疗科RehabilitationPhysiotherapyDept.中药计价China medical price account肛肠科Ano-proctology

皮肤、肛肠、男性科、泌尿科候诊Dermatology、Ano-proctology、male Urology Clinic 皮肤科、肛肠科、男性科、泌尿科Dermatology、Ano-proctology、male Urology Dept 中医科Traditional Chinese Medicine五官科ENT Dept.男性科、泌尿科 Male urology Dept.安全出口Exit

预防保健科Medical center for health preventionand care

后勤科、药库Logistic Room、Seore入院登记In-patient Admisson 高压氧治疗Hyperbaric Oxygehation Therapy碎石中心ESWL Center 急救中心Emergency Center挂号收费Registration

中心药房Cenreral Pharmacy内科门诊Internal Medicine Clinic会议室Meeting Room手外科Hand Surgery 产科Obstentrics Dept.骨外科Orthopedics Dept.神经、烧伤外科Neurosurgery.Plaseric surgey Dept.麻醉科Anaesthesiology手术室Operation Room 泌尿、肿瘤外科Urologic.Gumorsurgery Dept.妇科Gynecology Dept.内二科Internal Medicine.Ward 2产房及爱婴中心Delivery Room内一科Internal Medicine.Ward 1洗手间Toilet

普外、胸外科Surgey、Thoracic Surgey Dept.皮肤科Dermatology Dept.中医骨伤科Traditional Mediaine or Thopaedics餐厅Dining Room 配餐室Pantry Room后勤科Logistics Dept.电工室Electrician Room接待室Dermatology Room 内、儿科候诊 Internal medicine.Pediatrics功能检查候诊Function Exam 中医科候诊TCM Clinic放射科候诊Radiology Clinic 妇科门诊Gynecology Dept.产科候诊Obstentrics Clinic 肛肠科候诊Ano-proctology妇科候诊Gynecology Clinic 产科门诊Obstentrics Dept.五官科候诊ENT.Clinic 外科候诊Surgery Clinic输液中心Transfusion Center 皮肤、泌尿科候诊 Dermatology.Male Urology Clinic检验候诊Clinical Laborotories 家属休息Relation Rest Room口腔科门诊Stomatology Clinic 内儿科Internal Medicine.Pediaarics镜检科Endoscope Dept.外科Surgrey Dept.检验中心Laboratory Center 功能检查Function Exam Dept.登记处Registration 预防保健门诊Hygine & Public Health Dept.收费处Cashier 美容科、镜检科门诊 Cosmetology Dept.Endoscope Clinic

收费健康发证Gharge lssue Bill of Health试敏观察室Scratch Espial Room



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