Books are our best friends.They are very dear to us because they give us a lot of pleasure and sincerely advise us how to get alone in this world.And when we come across difficulties, we often turn to them for help.Good books in need are good friends indeed.However, not all the books are worth reading.Some books contains violence or sexual scenes are not good for people, especially teenagers to read.While some books are too simple or too difficult, others are not interesting enough.As time is quite limited, so it’s wise for all of us to choose to books that suit for us to read.So, it is important to make the wise use of books.We should read different kinds of books.The books that give us knowledge which we can not learn in the class, the books give us pleasures and the books which remain us do not forget the past.What’s more ,we must try to apply to practice what we learn from books.
as is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things.they increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character.in other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends.this is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books.it is true that we can derive benefits from good books.however, bad books will do us more harm than good.如众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西。它们增加我们的知识,扩大我们的心胸并加强我们的品格。换句话说,它们是我们的良师益友。这是为什么我们的父母终是鼓励我们要多读书的理由。
2.《英语背诵范文精华》 华东理工大学出版社
3.《常春藤名家散文背诵选》 清华大学出版社
4.《 英语阅读的方法与技能》 外语研究与教学出版社 杜学增著
5.《大学英语四级阅读 200 篇》 上海交通大学出版社
6.《大学英语四、六级作文选》 世界知识出版社
9.《西方风情录》 外文出版社
11.《英语读写技巧百问百练》 中国书籍出版社
12.《英语阅读十技能》 宇航出版社
13.《精选英语句型500例》 外文出版社
14.《演讲英语》 外语研究与教学出版社
18.《英文自我介绍》 世界图书出版公司
19.《美国口语词典》 外语研究与教学出版社
22.《识图篇——专家、学者、教授谈英语学习》商务出版社 23.《大学英语学习方法问答》 宇航出版社
24.《文化震撼》 西安交通大学出版社
26.《英语考试词汇手册》 外语研究与教学出版社
文字之所以比烟花更璀璨,是因为,我可以看着它在光滑的纸页间静静旋舞,演绎出永恒,浅吟低唱岁月的旋律。——题记 那时,我是班上最不受欢迎的“怪物”。在炫烂的阳光下,乌云为我留下了一个孤单的角落。庆幸的是,我没有把自己背弃,我并不是形单影只,还有书,成为我最忠实的朋友。他忍受了我古怪,孤僻的性格,他接纳了我丑小鸭似的脸蛋。书,一个好温暖,好亲切的称呼,如雨后的太阳闪烁着湿润的光泽,永远令我爱不释手。在寂寞里,他告诉我“成大事业者必须忍受孤单”;失败后,他鼓励我:“就算有一千零一次失败,也要做一千零一次努力”;众人的嘲讽,白眼中,他叮咛我“冷静是给羞辱你的人最好的表情”…… 于是晶莹剔透的文字在一个个夜晚、白天,以金子般细碎闪亮的光芒串连起一个空灵无暇的世界。我以新的最清澈明亮的目光剖析这个天地。我学会了稳重,笃实,开朗而沉静,活泼而严谨。在人生的冬天,书有一个个灵动的文字融化了南极的冰雪。当我站在全国作文大赛的颁奖台上,我平静地接过特等奖的证书;当我面对闪烁的镜头时,我平静地举着话筒采访著名主持人董浩、鞠萍;当我抱着琴,在全国五十周年纪念的礼堂里平静地致谢……我已经学会平静地收获,学习。是灯下读书的日子点燃了我一个个梦想。读书,成了生活的主旋律,成了生命的主心骨,它是生命最简朴的表达形式。生命中,许多味道会随着岁月的风冲淡,但一缕温柔的书香久久在袖中萦绕,不用嗅,就沁人心脾。
外国语学院 2012级英语三班王雅松学号:201205010307
What is the dominant means of spreading information, the books or the
Internet? With the rapid growth of our society and the whole world, we have entered an era of explosive information.Everyday when you weak up, it is nearly impossible to avoid being exposed to all kinds of fresh news or information, whether it’s politics, economics, social issues or just some sorts of hilarious entertainment scandal.It seems we are living inside the “news”.So, how do these new coins slip into our daily life? Many scholars argue they are from books, various kinds of books.In their minds, nearly everything related to knowledge or maybe just words, comes from the “thick papers”.Sure, they are correct.Without books, humans will lose one of the most important means of making progress.We need to know things, to develop our minds as well as our lives.However, no matter how books are stressed out, they always have one disadvantage----not instant.People need to take some time to get what they want.Perhaps after their reading, they find it already out-of-date.The frustration leads to another access----the Internet.The Internet provides an amazing forum for the free exchange of ideas.Given the relatively few restrictions governing access and usage, it is the communication modal equivalent of international waters.Even before the Internet came into wide spread use, people have already utilized it to acknowledge and deliver information.That is what we call the “new information age”.But much less widely reported has been the notion that the Internet maybe responsible for furthering the fragmentation of society by alienating its individual users.So many people have the Internet binges.They cannot stop surfing the Internet once they have got online.How terrible that is!Internet indeed can spread useful things in an environmental-friendly way for the sake of users’ enjoyment.They can be instant in that you just have to click and glimpse and all the newest ideas will be in your mind.Some call it magic, others strategy.Because the Internet providers make a fortune through these hundreds of thousands of clicks everyday.Well, nobody can deny that but it still doesn’t hamper your convenience of knowing things.When the rapidness of the Internet and human brain’s progress meets, which one will dominate the world? It is hard to say, but as a student majoring in language, I still prefer the “thick books”.The Internet can be a convenient tool, but they cannot replace the books.Books are the oldest means of knowledge spreading and it doesn’t worsen the nation from any respect.It elevates people’s mind and makes them wise.Youngsters might prefer to use the Internet more than ever.In the long run, the book holds the first place and that’s why there exists a library instead of an “Internetary”.