08英语2班 张璐
Hello everyone, today my key word is TV, because I do believe visual effects brought by TV has already impacted our lives, views and values.Indeed, television has opened windows in everybody’s life.No newspaper has ever reached so many people and shown so clearly what was happening right now in their own country and anywhere else.TV not only gives the news instantly, it also shows it in pictures more powerful than words.It can be said that, TV has brought reality to public.Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle, a flood, a fire, a crime and disasters of every sort on the screen.Some people said that computer will replace television one day, for which combines advanced technology and powerful function that television can not be compared with.Yes, it is true that using computer is the trend of modern life.At least, however, for our television generations, computer doesn’t possess a kind of magic power as television, which can assemble families sitting on the sofa watching attentively to the programs.Also, one should surely thank the TV that brought the joy and interest into lives of the sick, old, especially the people who can’t or don’t like play computer.Advertising industry of course, thanks to TV, is prospering with each passing day.And along with the acceptance by more and more common families, TV spurred numerous related devices to be put into production, such as VCD, DVD and Television Games.As anything else in the world, television has both good sides and bad sides.The influence of TV has been extremely harmful to the young.Children don’t have enough ability to judge whether what TV shows them are real or not.If they deem that any behaviors on TV are normal and acceptable to real society, they will blindly imitate what they see.It resulted in more crimes of the young in today’s world.From what I mentioned above, it is certain that TV has deeply transformed our lives and society.It is not only a word, but also an epoch-making product.It is something that has changed the world.
cctv杯中学生英语演讲冠军演讲稿 let my speech be an overture to the grand symphony of man and anture good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: when the topic “people and nature” first caught my eye, i was reminded of a story about myself and my violin.i began learning to play the violin when i was eight years old.at first, it was a very hard thing for me.after my continued efforts, i was able to play a lot of musical pieces very soon.i felt so proud of myself that i began to behave arrogantly.my violin teacher noticed this and told me: “to be a good violin player, you should first of all love and respect your violin.you should obey the rules of playing it so as to make harmonious melodies.remember, play the violin not only with your hands, but also with your heart and soul.” ladies and gentlemen, i believe that nature is to people what my violin is to me.isn’t it true that people deal with nature just as i play the violin? isn’t it true that we have been so arrogant that we take liberties with nature, which brings about the discord between nature and ourselves? since my violin and i have finally reached harmony, why can’t people and nature head toward the same direction? ladies and gentlemen, we cannot wait.nor can we afford to wait until the day when we find no city, no hilton hotel, no lecture hall to hold any speech contests in.let us love and respect nature, nature that is the violin people have played for thousands of years.let us treasure it, and play it with our heart and soul.let us observe its rules while developing our industry, modernizing our traffic system, and improving our living conditions, so that one day, people and nature will together produce the most beautiful and peaceful music.on that day, i am sure to be there with my violin, to join the world orchestra, in playing the ode to harmony, the eternal harmony between people and nature.let my speech today be an overture to that grand symphony.thank you.篇二:cctv杯中学生英语演讲冠军演讲稿 cctv杯中学生英语演讲冠军演讲稿 let my speech be an overture to the grand symphony of man and anture good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: when the topic “people and nature” first caught my eye, i was reminded of a story about myself and my violin.i began learning to play the violin when i was eight years old.at first, it was a very hard thing for me.after my continued efforts, i was able to play a lot of musical pieces very soon.i felt so proud of myself that i began to behave arrogantly.my violin teacher noticed this and told me: “to be a good violin player, you should first of all love and respect your violin.you should obey the rules of playing it so as to make harmonious melodies.remember, play the violin not only with your hands, but also with your heart and soul.” ladies and gentlemen, i believe that nature is to people what my violin is to me.isn’t it true that people deal with nature just as i play the violin? isn’t it true that we have been so arrogant that we take liberties with nature, which brings about the discord between nature and ourselves? since my violin and i have finally reached harmony, why can’t people and nature head toward the same direction? ladies and gentlemen, we cannot wait.nor can we afford to wait until the day when we find no city, no hilton hotel, no lecture hall to hold any speech contests in.let us love and respect nature, nature that is the violin people have played for thousands of years.let us treasure it, and play it with our heart and soul.let us observe its rules while developing our industry, modernizing our traffic system, and improving our living conditions, so that one day, people and nature will together produce the most beautiful and peaceful music.on that day, i am sure to be there with my violin, to join the world orchestra, in playing the ode to harmony, the eternal harmony between people and nature.let my speech today be an overture to that grand symphony.thank you.篇三:cctv杯中学生英语演讲冠军演讲稿(1)cctv杯中学生英语演讲冠军演讲稿 let my speech be an overture to the grand symphony of man and anture good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: when the topic “people and nature” first caught my eye, i was reminded of a story about myself and my violin.i began learning to play the violin when i was eight years old.at first, it was a very hard thing for me.after my continued efforts, i was able to play a lot of musical pieces very soon.i felt so proud of myself that i began to behave arrogantly.my violin teacher noticed this and told me: “to be a good violin player, you should first of all love and respect your violin.you should obey the rules of playing it so as to make harmonious melodies.remember, play the violin not only with your hands, but also with your heart and soul.” ladies and gentlemen, i believe that nature is to people what my violin is to me.isn’t it true that people deal with nature just as i play the violin? isn’t it true that we have been so arrogant that we take liberties with nature, which brings about the discord between nature and ourselves? since my violin and i have finally reached harmony, why can’t people and nature head toward the same direction? ladies and gentlemen, we cannot wait.nor can we afford to wait until the day when we find no city, no hilton hotel, no lecture hall to hold any speech contests in.let us love and respect nature, nature that is the violin people have played for thousands of years.let us treasure it, and play it with our heart and soul.let us observe its rules while developing our industry, modernizing our traffic system, and improving our living conditions, so that one day, people and nature will together produce the most beautiful and peaceful music.on that day, i am sure to be there with my violin, to join the world orchestra, in playing the ode to harmony, the eternal harmony between people and nature.let my speech today be an overture to that grand symphony.thank you.篇四:cctv演讲稿 08英语2班 张璐 hello everyone, today my key word is tv, because i do believe visual effects brought by tv has already impacted our lives, views and values.indeed, television has opened windows in everybody’s life.no newspaper has ever reached so many people and shown so clearly what was happening right now in their own country and anywhere else.tv not only gives the news instantly, it also shows it in pictures more powerful than words.it can be said that, tv has brought reality to public.millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle, a flood, a fire, a crime and disasters of every sort on the screen.advertising industry of course, thanks to tv, is prospering with as anything else in the world, television has both good sides and bad sides.the influence of tv has been extremely harmful to the young.children don’t have enough ability to judge whether what tv shows them are real or not.if they deem that any behaviors on tv are normal and acceptable to real society, they will blindly imitate what they see.it resulted in more crimes of the young in today’s world.from what i mentioned above, it is certain that tv has deeply transformed our lives and society.it is not only a word, but also an epoch-making product.it is something that has changed the world.篇五:超级演说家冠军演讲稿
在演讲开始之前,我先问现场的各位一个问题,你们当中有谁觉得自己家境普通甚至出身贫寒想要出人头地就得靠自己?你们当中又有谁觉得自己是有钱人家的小孩?(此处有包袱,到了现场再抖)。有一个在银行做了10年的资深hr在天涯上发了帖子说,寒门再难出贵子,说在当下这个人情社会里,穷人家的孩子比我们的父辈更难翻身了,这个帖子引起了广泛的讨论。你们觉得有道理吗? 我们家就是寒门,不,我们家都没有门。现在想想都不知道我爸妈是怎么把我跟我两个哥哥从农村供出来上大学,甚至读研究生的。记忆中爸妈好像永远在为学费担心,在我考高中的那一年,二哥考大学,大哥考研,他们简直要崩溃了,他们不是担心我们考不上,而是担心考不好,考不到公费,考到三本这样就需要很多很多钱,现在看起来不过几万块钱,但是对于一个农村家庭来说几万块太多了。因为有这样肯砸锅卖铁让我们读书的爸妈我一直觉得幸运死了,很少拿自己跟家庭富裕的孩子作比较,也不会觉得我们有什么不平等。我人生中第一次感受到贫富差距带来的不公平是在高考的时候,那时候班上的同学都复习的昏天黑地的,忽然有几个同学不来上学了,他们被父母通过各种手段送去北京或者天津考试了,高考完了之后就发现,大家考一样的分数甚至他们考得更低,但是他们可以上清华北大南开这些好学校,而我们就只能去普通一本二本甚至三本。人生中第二次有这种不公平的感受是我大哥研究生毕业找工作的时候,他去了一家事业单位,通过层层筛选到了最后一关,有个亲戚指点我们说这时候如果有关系就要找关系,没关系就要送礼。我们家根本没能力去做这些,后来我哥到底没去成这个单位,然后他就直接南下一个人去深圳打拼了。我想现实大概就是如此,王侯将相宁有种乎?当王侯将相是需要有种的,谁都可以当政治局常委吗?寒门最难出贵子的领域就是政治领域。我们必须这社会上存在穷富两个阶层,而且他们之间是不平等的,寒门难出贵子的原因在这儿,不同阶层出身的孩子在竞争规则面前是不平等的。当我们每天为了考个好大学埋头苦读的时候,有些人他们读完高中就轻松被父母花钱送到了国外。当我们为了留在一个单位实力的时候努力表现不辞劳苦的时候,有些人领导一个电话就敲定工作了根本不用担心前程。当我们加班加点的工作晚上还要一个人回到 出租屋里,有些人房子有好几套什么都不用做只需要享受就行。不过要说不平等我觉得最大的不平等就是出生地的不平等,有些人生在北上广从小享受好资源,有些人生在青藏高原他们生存条件恶劣到活不活不下去,你可能觉得这就是命啊投胎是个技术活,但是你知道吗?中国是全世界唯一一个有户籍制度的国家,唯一一个没有迁徙自由的国家,生在安徽就要在安徽,去了北京也没办法享受他们的资源因为你没有户口,生在农村就要在农村,去了城市里也没办法享受他们的福利因为你没有户口,可是安徽人北京人农村人城里人大家都是中国人啊,为什么有些人在自己国家的国土上,要被政策限制在一个贫穷落后的地方不能动,他们的孩子也要被限制在这个地方接受劣质教育,想要出人头地改变命运的格局,就要跟那些大都市的孩子,家里有关系有背景的孩子在社会上竞争,你说这是不是不公平,是。这种不公平还有很多,但是我们不能把自己宝贵的人生浪费在抱怨不公平这件事情上,要知道并不是每个寒门子弟都没有获得成功。社会上寒门子弟逆袭的故事数不胜数,那些勤奋努力不屈服命运的人,你就是给他一个路边摊,他也能开成全国连锁店。所以我们不能一失败了就埋怨出身,甚至埋怨自己的父母不如别人的父母,家境不好也没有斩断所有成功的可能。每当我看到别人凭借的关系上位的时候我就想,如果这个社会上一共有10个位置,七个都因为不公平不公开的手段被拿走了,那我就要去争取剩下的三个位置,只是需要更努力而已。每当我看到别人拿钱解决问题的时候,我就去看看,有没有一个没钱的人他把这件事情做到了,如果有,那就证明这件事情是不用钱也可以做到的,那我只要够努力就一定能做到。这社会上的所谓成功人士并非都是富人阶层出身,可能在你悲观、抱怨、堕落的时候,那些跟你一样出身的人,他们已经成功了。寒门也是能出贵子的,只是需要更努力而已。努力奋斗这四个字很简单,但是很多人都做不到,他每天都在抱怨贫富差距,每天都觉得不公平,每天都在问凭什么,不要再问凭什么了,那些官二代富二代,他们一出生能凭的东西就有很多,但是我们凭的只有自己。每次我遇到无法解决的困难的时候,我就会到北京的大街上走一走,看着人来人往我就想,刘媛媛,在这个城市里你真是一无所依,你除了自己什么也没有,那就单枪匹马的杀出一条血路来吧。别人靠爹靠妈靠全家做到的事情,你要是一个人就能做到,你就太牛了。演讲的最后我想说,亲爱的朋友,其实我们大部分人都不是出身豪门,都是要靠自己的。你要相信命运给你一个比别人低的起点,是希望你用你的一生去奋斗出一个绝地反击的故事,这故事不是一个水到渠成的童话没有一点人间疾苦,这故事是有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;这故事是苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。
Speech of Mu Jiawei, Northwest Normal University
Unity and Diversity--Common Progress in Different Regions
In recent years, the development of the Chinese economy has been incredibly fast, some might even call it miraculous.But behind the miracles lies a problem: the development is unbalanced in different regions.Under the strategy of the Chinese government, China has three major economic regions: the east, the middle and the west.With its advantageous position, the east is the fastest developing area, leaving the west far behind, and the middle somewhere in between.For instance, the GDP per capita in the east amounts to US$2000, while that of the west is only 40% of the east.Furthermore, the gap between the urban and the rural, according to the State Statistical Bureau, has widened to more than 10 years.There are people in the big cities with large houses, expensive cars, other luxuries and better opportunities.However, there are people in the countryside, living on meager food, without the security of health, education, and so on.This is the diversity of the Chinese economy.For the unity of the full national economic development, governments of all levels have decided on corresponding strategies, for example, the greater development of the western region, the continuing rise of the central China, and the faster development of the east.Specifically, within the west, provinces alike have established programs of development, with financial and technological aid of the central government, making full use of the western natural resources.Such strategies have turned out to be remarkably successful.It reminds me of the world.There are wealthy countries in North America and Europe;there are poor ones in Asia and Africa.The aid from the rich world is far from enough to remove poverty in the developing countries.Therefore, with the help of funds, technology, and management from wealthy countries, these developing countries now have the opportunity to establish their own right strategies of development, taking full advantage of their natural and human resources.If their strategies succeed, in the years to come, I hope to see such a world: everyone, white or black, brown or yellow, can stand side by side, equal, happy, and harmonious.There is diversity;there is unity.Speech of Li Mengxia, Harbin Engineering University
Unity and Diversity--Diversity Talks
A couple of days ago, I saw the newly enrolled freshmen in the military training under the glowing sun.They wear the same, move the same, eat the same, and sing together, they do everything under one same command without an exception.I could see sweet smiles on their faces though the heat of summer was melting them.Why? Because this is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for
them to feel no different from others.No matter where you are from, rich or poor, boy or girl, you are part of this battalion;you are comparatively insignificant but absolutely irreplaceable.This is a force.It’s unity.We are the world because of unity.It enables the international co-operational manufacture by setting up unified standards for everything.A nail produced in China can be perfectly used in any corner of the world.Therefore, it is unity that leads world into a perfect harmony!
However, don’t you think it’s a little bit boring with unity ruling the world only? What would you do if someone orders you to do whatever he does without allowing you to do what you really want? Apparently, you’ll be going nuts, because you are not leading a life of your own.So, to us, diversity talks!
Before I went to college, my dad asked me: son, did you think of being outstanding? If you want to be outstanding, you have to stand out, stand out of normal routine which other people consider the only way to success.But dad’s words went in one ear and out the other!I had no idea whether dad was right or wrong until the day I found I was no longer myself.I put myself in a jar full of people.I work when they work, I panic when they panic, and I waste time when they waste time.This is no laughing matter but a horrible disaster.Afterwards, I kept telling myself: I am a student, and I do what a student should do.This is our unity.But does this mean we have to sacrifice our diversity to save the orderly image of unity? Not exactly!Unity stops us getting into chaos while diversity makes life colorful.From then on, my long-covered specialty was evoked and set me on a special track to my dreams.I got back what I had lost.It’s a great feeling that you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself: I found a part-time job as an oral-English teacher in a private school.I love English and work joyfully though my major has nothing to do with English at all.I stood out and made a difference.I found “I am what I am, and I am happy to be me.”
Ladies and gentlemen, one color is dull, but the combination of 7 colors is rainbow.Remember that you are no different, and this is how you get confident;engrave it in your heart that you are unique, and this is how you get successful!Thank you!
编号15姓名 孙阳
Self-confidence is the mother of success
Hi, this is SunYang, I come from the college of food science.I have always been an outgoing and curious person and enjoy many thing, in particular reading, swimming and playing basketball with my friends.Thought I have many interests, english is what I like the most.I want to keep on learning new things to improve myself and broaden my horizons.I am very greatful for the chance you give to me to speak about myself in this special occasion.I hope everybody has a good and productive time here.Today the speech I want to give you is Self-confidence is the mother of success
As is known to us all, a famous proverb says “failure is the motherof success”.Yes , it’s true.History informs us that stories of successare also stories of great failure.As a matter of fact.There are many factors that can contribute to a preson’s success in life.Today I will give you a new idea―self-confidence is the mother of success.Success is getting up one more time than you fall down.But when failures knocks you down.Will you have the confidence to get up?So self-confidence is essential to success.Self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things well.It is believed to be the first secret of success.If you want to succeed in doing anything, you must have confidence in your abilities.and I
deeply aware that nothing can defeat a person who full of confidence.Self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark, and gives you encouragement when you are disappointed.It is self-confidence that inspires you to cope with any hard task.With self-confidence, you believe that you can and will succeed, and this gives you the courage to try new things.Some people find most of the things impossible, saying, “It is beyond my ability to do the task.” or “I am not fit for it.” these are only lame excuses.When our heart is void of self-confidence, every hope is gone, we will always living in the moments of fear and thoughtless.So ladies and gentlemen do you have it in you? If you think you don’t, boost up youself as your mind is your greatest mentor.If you have a goal to pass CET 4 and CET 6 college English exam easily with high marks, just believe in yourself.Yes you can
If you want to be a great man in the future and never let your parent down.Just believe in yourself.Yes you can
If you have a dream that conqur English to make China stronger.Just believe in youself.Yes you can.Thank you so much for your listening.
Goodafternoon,ladies and gentlemen,My name is **,coming from school of Modern Education and Technology.I am very glad to give my speech to you standing here,the topic of my speech is “Just Do It”.“Just do it!”I think everybody is familiar to this sentense about Nike,a very famous company of shoes.In my opinion,it means that just do it if you want.Today I'm here,just want to do what I think should do,just have a try.Just do it if you want.In fact,we have many things to do in a day,in a year and in all our lives,it depends on your choices that
what you want to do first,what then and what last.So today I come here because I want to meet so many
English lovers and gain my own experience.Just do it if you like.I was attracted by English on my first sight in middle school.My English teacher had an excellent voice,it's comfortable when I heard her singing songs.As the time flew away,I knew more English songs such as
“Yesterday Once More”“My Heart Will Go On”“My Love” and so on.Nowadays,I still would like to listen to English music of pop and rock,especially Backstreet Boys' and Westernlife's songs.Just do it by yourself and by heart.“Why didn't you search the Internet for a composition as your speech paper?”One of my classmates asked me when I was preparing my speech paper by writing myself.I just told him,“I can't remember it,because my memory is terrible.”Anyone won't forget what he write and did by himself and heart.Just do it no matter whether you can be successful.When I asked others that why they didn't join in the competition,was it the reason that they didn't like
English or they had no time.To my surprise,they almost gave me the same answer,“even though I couldn't
get a rangking in it,I needn't to do that,what's more,I didn't want to lose my face because of failed.”I really
can't believe that in their dictionary there is only one word 'success'.Although it's impossible to enter the
final fighting,and maybe I will be out of the competition after this speech,I still come here,just do it,no matter how far I can walk.So as long as you want and like,just do it by heart,no matter whether you can succeed or be failed.That's all,Thank you!