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2、学会使用句型“I can see……”进行表达。

语言点: bird、frog、monkey、I can see…




1、韵律歌曲《walking jumping running》边唱边跳进场。

2、GreetingT:Hello,what’s your name?

S:I’m XX.T:Hello, XX.S:Hello,Miss Liu.简单的对话操练几遍。









教师出示望远镜,并说:I can see a bird.(小朋友跟读)。

用准备好的望远镜给小朋友上来表演,并准确说出句型“I can see a bird”


让小朋友自己来说一说,操练句型“I can see..”说出:“I can see a monkey.”“I can see a frog.”

(五)游戏《What’s missing》


2、播放PPT,消失一个动物,让小朋友说出那个动物单词,并用句型说出“I can see…”



附:chantBird bird bird 啾啾啾(飞的动作)Frog frog frog 呱呱呱(跳的动作)Monkey monkey monkey 叽叽叽(猴子抓头挠耳)


第二篇:幼儿园小班英语活动教案:The tail of animals

www.xiexiebang.coming?(出示课件)This is my tail, I can swim.Who am I? Yes, I’m fish.Hello!


依次出示狗(I can woof.I’m dog.)、兔子(I can jump.I’m ra it.)、孔雀(I’m beautiful.I’m peacock.)

完整出示四个动物,进一步加深印象。同时引出tiger.点数后:Who’s not here? Oh,tiger.Where’s tiger?(tiger„„)出示哭的tiger.帮助tiger 找尾巴,进一步学习tail、tiger.出示动物教具,幼儿动手操作,为动物找尾巴。


教师做出评价,动物向孩子们说Thank you.


Unit7 Animals

一、Topic: Unit 7 Animals

二、Teaching period: The first period

三、Teaching contents:

1、Vocabulary.Understand listening and saying the words.lion, tiger, rabbit, bird, panda.2、Structures.What’s this?

It’s a(rabbit).四、Teaching key points:

Learn the words and sentences.Touch and say.五、Teaching difficult points.Make the dialogue.六、Properties:

recorder, tape , pictures, slide show, poster, computer.Period 1

Lesson One

一、Organization.1、Sing the song.Happy New Year.2、Greetings.T: Hello, good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, good morning , Miss Luo.T: Hi, I’m Miss Luo.Ss: Hello, Miss Luo

3、Review the numbers one through ten.Review the words, monkey, crocodile, frog, fish, cat, dog.Review the sentence.What’s this?

It’s a monkey / crocodile / frog /fish /cat / dog.二、Presentation.1、Look at the pictures.Ask and answer.T: What’s this? 或 What is it?

S: It’s a rabbit / lion / tiger / bird / panda.T: How many rabbit?

S: One rabbit / Three rabbits.T: How many dogs/fish/rabbits/birds?

S: Two/Twelve/Four/Eight.2、Play a game.Touch and say.What’s this?

It’s a tiger / rabbit /lion /panda /bird.3、Pair Work.Touch and say.What’s this?

It’s a tiger / rabbit /lion /panda /bird.4、Listen to the tape.5、Read Unit7 together.6、Listen and number.7、Check up on the answers.8、Summary.Understand listening and saying the words and sentences.三、Homework.Read Unit 7

The Blackboard

Lesson One

What’s this?


It’s a tiger.bird



大多数学生对本节所学的五种动物名称掌握较好,但有个别同学对 “bird”“rabbit”的尾音没有读出来,有待加强。对What’s this ?/What is it? It’s a rabbit / lion / tiger / bird / panda.的句型基本掌握,会运用。


2一、Topic: Lesson Two

二、Teaching period: The second period

三、Teaching contents:

1、Listen and guess.2、Listen and point.3、Understand singing the song.4、Match and draw.四、Teaching key points:

Learn the song.五、Teaching difficult points.1、Understand sing the song.2、Listen and draw.六、Properties:

recorder, tape , pictures, computer, animal cutouts, crayons for coloring.The second period

一、Organization.1、Sing the song.“One, two, three four, five,One boy in a yellow train.”

2、Greetings.T: Hello, good morning , boys and girls.Ss: Hello, good morning , Miss Luo.T: How do you do?

Ss: How do you do?

3、Play a guessing game.What’s this?

It’s a fish/rabbit/bird/dog/cat.二、Presentation.1、Listen and guess.(Listen to the tape.)

Page 4

2、Listen and point.(Look at the pictures.Do the actions.)

3、Pair Work.Play a game.Let the students hold up the animals puppet.4、Learn the song.Listen and look.(With computer.)Do the actions.One, two, one, two.It’s a fish, it’s a fish.Three, four, three, four,It’s a rabbit , it’s a rabbit.Five , six, five, six.It’s a bird , it’s a bird.Seven eight, seven, eight,It’s a dog, it’s a dog.Nine, ten, nine, ten,It’s a cat, it’s a cat.4、Sing the song together.5、Sing the song in pairs.5、Sing the song together and do the actions.6、Check up on every group.7、Pair Work.Extension.Now draw three line drawings of cats on the blackboard.Point to them and say, “Three cat.” draw two birds.Have a child go to the blackboard and say, “Two birds” Keep drawing different numbers of animals from one through ten and having children count and “read” the symbols.8、Summary.Understand sing the song.三、Homework.Sing the song.The Blackboard

Lesson Two

Sing the song.教后记:


Period 3

一、Topic: Lesson Three

二、Teaching period: The third period

三、Teaching contents:

1、Vocabulary: Understand listening and saying the words.mouse, net, nest

2、Structures.What is it? It’s a(monkey).四、Teaching key points.Learn the words and say the rhyme.五、Teaching difficult points.Make the dialogue.六、Properties:

recorder, tape , pictures, computer, slide show, ruler, crayons.The third period

一、Organization.Sing the Animal song together.2、Greetings.T: Hello, good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, good morning, Miss Luo.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you.3、Review the names of animals.Respond to with the correct animal movement or imitation.What’s this?

It’s dog, fish, cat, bird, lion, tiger, panda, rabbit, monkey.二、Presentation.1、Listen and practice.Look at the pictures of computers.This is a mouse.What’s this? It’s a mouse.2、Replay the procedure as they listen repent the word “mouse.”

Repeat the procedure above for the words net and nest.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words “net and nest.”

3、Practice.4、Play a game.5、Say the rhyme.Play the tape, the teacher acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme.Encourage the children to clay their hands or act out while listening.6、Act out the rhyme.7、Match and draw.(Page 7)

8、Check up on the answers.9、Extension.Touch and say.10、Summary.三、Homework.The Blackboard Lesson Three

What’s this?


It’s a mouse.net


在教单词时把它们放在歌谣句子中,让学生在语言环境中学单词,理解儿歌意思,区别net与 nest的形体、意义和读音,歌谣较长,本节先让学生掌握单词,熟悉一下儿歌。但个别学生混淆net与 nest读音和意思,有待加强,学生对学动物叫的活动兴趣较浓,对连一连和画一画比较有趣。

Period 4

一、Topic: Lesson Four

二、Teaching period: The fourth period

三、Teaching contents:

1、Review the sentences.What’s this?

It’s dog, fish, cat, bird, lion, tiger, panda, rabbit, monkey, mouse.2、Review the words of colors and sentences.3、Understand saying the rhyme.四、Teaching key points:

Say the rhyme.Read and color.(page 8)

五、Teaching difficult points.Understand saying the rhyme.六、Properties:

computer, slide show, crayons.The fourth period

一、Organization.1、Sing the song.“One two, One, two.It’s fish…”

2、Greetings.T: Hello, good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, good morning , Miss Luo.T: Hi, I’m Miss Luo.Ss: Hello , Miss Luo.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you.3、Review the rhyme.二、Presentation.1、Watch TV.Look at the pictures.Review the words and sentences with poster.Then color them.Say, “Point to the bird.Understand listening and saying the word.”and have children point to a rabbit.Repeat this for lion , tiger, panda, rabbit.2、Practice in four.T: Point to bird, please.S1: Bird, bird.(Do the action.)

S1: Point to the lion, please.S2: Lion, lion.(Do the action.)

T: What color is it ?

S3:It’s brown..T: What color is this lion/ tiger?

S4:It’s red / green.3、Check up on every group.4、Say the rhyme.5、Practice.6、Action.7、Match and color.(Page 8)Check up on the answers.(评价)

Then ask and answer.What color is this lion/ tiger? It’s red / green.8、Find and color.(Page 9)

Have children open their books and look at the picture.Ask them to describe it.T: Who /What can you see?

S:I can see…

9、Extension.Play a guessing game with the computer.Divide the class into many teams.Give the team two points if they guess the word.correctly

10、Summary.Understand saying the rhyme.三、Homework.Say the rhyme.The Blackboard

Lesson Four

Say the rhyme.What color is it?

It’s brown/ red /yellow/ blue / green.教后记:


第四篇:幼儿园中班英语教案Animals Party

Animal’s party

Class: k4c Instructor: Smile Time: June 5, 2012 Place: huijia kindergarten

Objectives: Ⅰ.Teaching objectives

1.Language functions: Talking about animals and their favorite food.2.Language structures: I like„

3.New vocabulary: Monkey, elephant, rabbit, panda, goat 4.Skills: Can understand all kinds of animals, the names and the content of the habit.By using their word sentence patterns can talk about all of the animal behavior Teaching Aids: 10 pictures(monkey, elephant, rabbit, goat, banana, leaves, carrot, and grass)Procedures: Ⅰ.Warming-up: Greetings, finger activity and sing a song《B I N G O》

Ⅱ.Presentation: 1.Teaching activities: elephant’s birthday party, he invites his friends and preparing some foods for them.T introduces animals by action and sound, show animals' pictures and teaches their names.2.Review food names and teach “I like„“

(1)T act as the elephant, tell Ss ”today is my birthday, I have food and I'll give them to my friends “(T shows food pictures)(2)Role play: T act as the elephant first and teach “I like„”, and then find my friends(Ss)to play and practice the sentences.Ⅲ.Game①:Looking for Friends Eight students extract the eight cards, for example, when a student picks up the “rabbit”, he will find the “carrot” student and speak out “I’m rabbit, I like carrot”.Game②: Who’s missing? Ss close eyes;T put one of the cards missing, than Ss open eyes and speaks out which card missing.Game③: Carrot down Invite four students make a circle and take the cards, when T say “rabbit down”, “rabbit” will down and say “rabbit down rabbit down rabbit down than ** down” Production: Sing a song 《goodbye to you》,T “let’s say goodbye to this animals~”







活动重点:学习词汇,tomato , carrot , cucumber.活动难点:tomato , carrot , cucumber的正确发音。活动名称:学习蔬菜(vegatable)活动目标:

活动准备:小熊娃娃,蔬菜tomato , carrot , cucumber的图片,创编歌曲。















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