
时间:2019-05-11 22:00:54下载本文作者:会员上传




本教案是《PEP小学英语》Book 1 Unit 4 We love animals 的词汇教学设计。根据教学的灵活性原则,为了学生操练句型时便于替换,我把此课时提前至第一课时来教。《PEP小学英语》体现了较强的交际教学思想,注重学生综合语言运用能力的培养。如果词汇教学的形式只停留在教师教读,学生跟读的形式上,学生就不能真正理解和记忆单词,所以本节教学设计的重点是把词汇放在能听、能看、能触摸的情景中去,将静态的文字变得生动起来,使学习内容“鲜活”起来,力争将教学内容内化到学生的认知结构中并通过表演等综合语言活动将其转化为一定的语言表达能力,从而体现把话题——功能——结构——任务结合起来的总思路。鉴于以上的分析,结合教学内容和学生实际,确定本课时的教学目标。



(1)能听说认读“四会”单词“cat, dog, duck, monkey, rabbit, cat, panda”。(2)能听懂指令,并根据指令做相应的动作。





“ 四会”单词的正确发音与在实际生活中的运用。



五、教学步骤 Step 1: Warm-up

a.Sing a song: “Teddy Bear” 设计意图:课前唱英文歌曲,教师和学生一起演唱并配上相应的动作,用表情、动作、眼神和学生交流,使学生情绪兴奋,快速进入“角色”,全身心地准备学习的开始。

b.Free talk.设计意图:师生间的日常会话交流,培养学生用英语思维,用英语交际的能力。c.Today we are going to learn some new words.Look, here comes a train(教师手拿一列小火车介绍).There are some numbers on it(手势指向各小组).Number 1 is for group 1;Number 2 is for group 2;Number 3 is for group 3;Number 4 is for group 4.(教师拿出一面小红旗)If you do very well, you can get a red flag for your group.Let's see which group is the best.OK?(教师以手势鼓动学生回答:OK.)


Step 2: Presentation(课件展示动物园情景图)

T: Boys and girls, today we have some animal friends.They are from England.Do you want to know them? Ss: Yes.T: Remember.You should say English to them because they are from England.Look, they are coming.(教师手指向门口,事先安排好的学生戴着兔子的头饰,一蹦一跳进教室)

S: Hello, I'm Rabbit.T: Oh, this is Miss Rabbit(注意吐词清晰,重读强调).Let's welcome her.(鼓掌)Ss:(鼓掌)Welcome, Rabbit.T: Let's make a friend with Rabbit.S1: Hello, Rabbit.S2: Nice to meet you, Rabbit.S3: Hi, Rabbit.…

T: Look, is coming.(Teacher uses the same way to teach other words.)设计意图:首先以动物园情景图的展示使学生对此课的学习内容有个整体了解。以“外国动物小朋友来访”的特殊情景来导入新课,呈现生词,形式新颖,调动了学生的好奇心,同时让学生通过与他们交朋友,既复习了问候语,又让学生在与学生的问候中,自然地说出这些动物名称。

Step 3: Practise


T: Boys and girls, our new friends are very happy, so they are having a party in our classroom.Let's see who will come to our party? Who will be the first one? 设计意图:以“外国动物小朋友”这一线索贯穿于整个课堂,使课堂设计显得很完整.同时又把学生的思路从遥远的英国动物园拉到现实的课堂中来,并和教材的部分相呼应,有利于学生的理解与记忆。


3.A game: What's missing?(火眼金睛)


4.A play: 小白兔,拔萝卜(教师戴着rabbit的头饰示范)

T: “It's a nice day.The rabbit goes out.(看到萝卜模型)Wow, what a big turnip!Oh, it's so big!I like it.”(并做拔萝卜状)

“one, two, three...Oh, no!Who can help me?”教师引导学生说:“Dog, dog, help me!”(戴小狗头饰的同学“汪汪”地上台,搭着兔子的肩说)“One, two, three...Oh, no!...”


Step 4: Extension/Consolidation 1.Let's do.a.Play the tape.Ss just listen, and point the sentence in the book.b.Play the tape again and Ss repeat and do the action.c.Teacher gives some commands and Ss do the actions.T: Act like a monkey, act like...设计意图:小学生的学习兴趣短暂。TPR全身运动反应法能调动学生的感官,让学生在听听做做中巩固了新知。

2.Play a game: 幸运搭档



Step 5: Assessment

T: Today we have learned some new words.We know names of many cute animals.We can make good friends with them.Now let's see which group is the best.Let's count the red flags together.T, Ss: One two three...(教师带领学生一起数小组的小红旗,并评出最优小组)

T: I think in this class you did a very good job.Let's give him a big hand.(鼓掌)(课件展示动物图片)

T: Let's say goodbye to our new friends.Ss: Goodbye, monkey.Goodbye, duck...设计意图:小红旗的数量让学生体验成功带来的喜悦.最后让学生对动物朋友告别起到了化龙点睛的作用,同时使“外国动物小朋友”这一线索完美收场.

第二篇:Project 1 An animal book教案

Project 1 An animal book 单元教学内容

译林小学英语二年级上册Project 1 An animal book 单元教学目标

1.能听懂、会说、认读Unit1-4的单词uncle, cousin, bear, giraffe, monkey, tiger, long, short等这些单词,发音正确。

2.能听懂Unit1-4的句子He’s/ She’s …Look at … It has…等

3.能听懂 并简单用Unit1-4的句型 He’s/ She’s …Look at … It has….等进行描述。


1学生能听懂、会说、认读Unit1-4的单词发音正确。学生能听懂Unit1-4的句子 He’s/ She’s …Look at the … It has a short / …等。学习难点:

3.学生能能听懂、会说、认读 He’s/ She’s …Unit1-4d的单词,发音正确。4.学生能能听懂并灵活运用Unit1-4的句型 He’s/ She’s …Look at the … It has a short / … 单元教学进度

Period 1 Project1 An animal book Period 2 复习Unit1-2 Period3 复习Unit3-4

Preiod1 单元教学内容

译林小学英语二年级上册Project 1 An animal book 单元教学目标

1.能听懂、会说、认读Unit1-4的单词uncle, cousin, bear, giraffe, monkey, tiger, long, short等这些单词,发音正确。

2.能听懂Unit1-4的句子He’s/ She’s …Look at … It has…等

3.能听懂 并简单用Unit1-4的句型 He’s/ She’s …Look at … It has….等进行描述。


1学生能听懂、会说、认读Unit1-4的单词发音正确。学生能听懂Unit1-4的句子 He’s/ She’s …Look at the … It has a short / …等。学习难点:

3.学生能能听懂、会说、认读 He’s/ She’s …Unit1-4d的单词,发音正确。4.学生能能听懂并灵活运用Unit1-4的句型 He’s/ She’s …Look at the … It has a short / … 教学准备

1.教具:光盘、动物卡片、家庭照片、PPT 2.板书: Project1 An animal book 教学过程

Step 1.Free talk.Sing the song in Unit1: This is my uncle.the song in Unit3: The monkeys in the zoo.Sing Ss sing the songs.Direct the students to say the rhyme in Unit2.Ss say the rhyme together: I have a cat, it’s big and fat.Look at my cat, on the red mat.Step 2.Revision 1.Flash the pictures, Ss look and say the words.Review animal words.Rabbit, dog, hamster, cat, bear, giraffe, monkey, tiger …

2.Look at the pictures and try to introduce.(看家庭照片介绍家人)This is my … He’s … She’s … Ss try to say: E.g.This is my mother.She’s thin.Ss use their photos to introduce.3.Brain storm: 1)Show part of the pictures, Ss try to say the characters of the animals.Look at the tiger.It has long tail.Look at the … It has …

2)Four students a group.They try to draw the animal pictures, or stick the pictures.Finish Part A.4.Make animal picture books.What are these? They are … What are those? They are …

5.Finish Part B(同桌看图说话).6.Finish Part C.(小组展示)

Four students a group, try to introduce in turn.Ss try to introduce their pictures.Look at the cats.They’re cute.This cat is big.It has … That cat is small.It has …

Step3 Homework 1.Try to introduce the animals to parents.2.Listen to the tape about Unit5.板书设计:

Project1 An animal book Cat, bear, giraffe, monkey, tiger

Preiod2 单元教学内容

译林小学英语二年级上册Project 1 An animal book 单元教学目标

1.能听懂、会说、认读Unit1-2的单词uncle, cousin, aunt, tall, short, a rabbit, a dog, a hamster, a cat, big, small 等这些单词,发音正确。2.能听懂Unit1-2的句子He’s/ She’s …Look at … It has…I have….It’s….等

3.能听懂 并简单用Unit1-4的句型 He’s/ She’s …Look at … It’s….等进行描述。



2.能听懂Unit1-2的句子He’s/ She’s …Look at … It has…I have….It’s….等

3.能听懂 并简单用Unit1-4的句型 He’s/ She’s …Look at … It’s….等进行描述。教学准备

1.教具:光盘、动物卡片、家庭照片、PPT 2.板书: Project1 An animal book 教学过程: Step1.Warming up 1.Sing a song: This is my uncle 2.Free talk: T: Look, Who’s he/she? S: He’s/She’s….T: Oh, he’s/she’s tall/short/ small/

Step2 Review Unit1 1.Read story time 2.Read and act in roles 3.Talk in pairs 师生示范:(准备好的家人照片)T: Hello!Who’s he/she? S: He’s/She’s my… T: Oh, She’s/He/s cute,/tall/ small/ short… 生生互动

Step3 Review Unit2 1.say a rhyme I have a cat 2.Free talk: T: I have an animal friend.Do you have an animal friend? S: Yes, I do.I have a… T: What colour is it? S: It’s…

3.Review the word: T: What animal friends do you know? S: Rabbit, dog, hamster…

T: OK.Let’s play the game.(Look and read)1-2单元单词认读,看图片朗读,读得又快又准确。4.Read story time 5.Read and act in roles 6.Show and tell 师示范:(准备小动物的图片)

T: I have a dog.It’s white.It’s big and cute.学生模仿说一说并表演。Step3 Homework 1.Read Unit1-2


Project1 An animal book This is my… He’s/She’s… I have a ….It’s ….It’s…..Preiod3 单元教学内容

译林小学英语二年级上册Project 1 An animal book 单元教学目标

1.能听懂、会说、认读Unit3-4的单词a bear, a giraffe, a monkey, a tiger, long, short apples, pears, oranges, pumpkins, potatoes等这些单词,发音正确。2.能听懂Unit3-4的句子Look at …It’s….These/ Those are….They’re等

3.能听懂并简单用Unit3-4的句型 Look at …It’s….These/ Those are….They’r等进行描述。


1.能听懂、会说、认读Unit3-4的单词a bear, a giraffe, a monkey, a tiger, long, short apples, pears, oranges, pumpkins, potatoes等这些单词,发音正确。2.能听懂Unit3-4的句子Look at …It’s….These/ Those are….They’re等

3.能听懂并简单用Unit3-4的句型 Look at …It’s….These/ Those are….They’r等进行描述。教学准备

1.教具:光盘、动物卡片、水果以及图片、PPT 2.板书: Project1 An animal book 教学过程: Step1.Warming up 1.The monkeys in the zoo 2.Free talk: T: What can you see in the zoo? S: I can see….3.Review the animal words: Look and read

Step2 Review Unit3 1.Read story time 2.Read and act in roles 3.Talk in pairs 师生示范:(准备好的动物照片)T: Look at the….S: It has a…..生生互动并展示

Step3 Review Unit3 1.Sing a song: Apple song 2.Free talk: T: Look at the apple.It’s… S: It’s red/round/ juicy/dweet.3.Review the word: T: Great!What’s this?(看水果说英文)S: It’s…

T: What are those/ these? S:They are… 3.Read story time 4.Read and act in roles 5.Show and tell 师示范:(准备水果图片)T: What are these/ those? S;They are… 6.Work in pairs Step3 Homework 1.Read Unit3-4 板书设计:

Project1 An animal book Look at the… It has….What are these/those? They are…

第三篇:Unit 3 Our animal friends教案(范文)

Unit 3 Our animal friends 教学目标:


2.正确运用日常交际用语I have animal friends.It’s/They’re… It/They can...It has/They have …

3.能正确的听、说、读单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing。4.通过学习培养学生对动物的喜爱之情。教学重难点: 重点:

1.能正确文章内容,用正确的语音语调朗读短文,并初步复述。2.会说会读单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing。难点;能正确运用have与has描述物品的外貌特征。教学过程:


Warm up & Lead in 课前播放Body song T: You sing very well just now.From the song, We know we can see with our...We can eat with our...We can hear with our..We can write with our..We can walk with our..We can speak with our...So let’s speak English with our mouth in class.(课前说,并带学生练习单词leg arm foot body)1 T: Good morning, boys and girls.Just now you sing very well.And I think you’re good at playing games too.Let’s play a game.“Train, train, go away”.Look, there are four toy trains.On each train, I give you a word, you say other words of the same kind.Try to full fill the trains.The first train: black(学生说单词)Can you say some words of the same kind? You’re so great.Let’s say “train train go away” The second train: jump You can act and say.You’re so active.The third train: big eyes It’s a little difficult.You can point and say.I have some words here.Please read the red words together.学习单词body leg arm The last train: tiger T: These words are about animals.Step2

Presentation T: I have an animal friend at home.What isit? Let’s guess!Riddle : It’s yellow and brown.It has four legs.It has a long tail.It has a small body.It can catch(抓)a mouse.T: What’s it? It is a cat.It’s my animal friend.So today we’re going to talk about our animal friends.(出示题目,学生读题目)Step3 Story time(1)整体感知

T: Look, here comes four students,.Who are they? S:Nancy, Liu Tao, Su Yang and Mike.T:They have some animal friends, too.Look at the pictures.What animals are they? S: fish dog rabbit parrot 教授单词rabbit T: What are their animal friends?Let’s watch the cartoon first T: Open your books, turn to page 28.Finish the exercise 学生完成题目 T:.What animals does Nancy have? S:Nancy has two fish.What does Mike have? Who knows? S: Mike has a dog.Liu Tao has a rabbit.Su Yang has a parrot.(2)学习第一段

A)T: We know Nancy has two fish.Let’s listen to tape and answer the two questions.Q1: What colours are the fish? Q2: Do they have any legs or arms? 学习句型One is red and the other is black.举例 I have two...One is...the other is...They have no legs or arms.OK.Now, look at the fish.One is red and the other is black.Can you say more details about Nancy’s fish? 学生看图说句子:They have big eyes and big bodies.They have big tails.They can swim.Look,I have designed a tree for Nancy’s fish, please take out your trees.Now we are all Nancy, let’s look at the trees and talk about the fish together.学生一起看树说第一段话。(3)学习第二段

A)T:What about Mike’s animal friend? Open your books and read Para2, then answer the three questions.Q1:What colour is the dog?(It is...)Q2:What does it have?(It has...)Q3: What can it do?(It can...)边问边贴It is/can/has...Now four in a group and stick the information paper on the tree.I want one group to design the big tree.Any volunteers?(贴大树的小组谈论)Have you finished? Now we are all Mike, Let’s say it together.(4)学习三四两段

A)T:What about Liu Tao’s and Su Yang’s animal friends? Now boys and girls, close the books.Discuss in 4 and try to design the other two trees.I will ask two groups to design the big trees for me.Which groups would like to come here? 上来的小组讨论,或者集体说 学习单词wing Do you have wings?(5)Reading

T: Now it’s time to read books.Open your books, let’s listen and repeat This time read the passage in groups,choose one you like.Let’s read the text together.(5)Retell the text T:Boys and girls, look at the blackboard and try to retell the text.一起说 Step 4 Consolidation 出示图片和四个学生的图片 They are at the English Club.出示Wang Bing 和Yang Ling Who are they? T: Our old friends.Yang Ling and Wang Bing are at the English Club.They are doing a survey.They want to know their classmates’ animal friends.Look, they are interviewing the four students.6 in a group and make a dialogue.Do you have an animal friend?

Yes, I do.Do you have any animal friends? What colour is it/are they?

They are/It is...What do they have/What does it have?

They have/It has...What can they do/What does it do?

They can/It can...Look, they’re/it’s my...Do you like them/it? Yes, I do.They’re/It’s cute/lovely...Step5.Homework 1)朗读课文五遍,会背诵。2)完成28页的练习

3)预习fun time、grammar time

第四篇:Unit6 At Animal Land

Unit6 At Animal Land

北师大南山附小 英语组 陈杨


授课内容:深港版Book9,Unit6 At animal land的A部分。是一篇有关参观动物园的文章。本单元以参观动员的对话为主,重视培养学生运用英语的能力。


1、知识目标:学生能听懂、会说:drive to Hippo Pool, ride through Lion Land, stand near Monkey Mountain, see zebras;

2、技能目标:学生能用 “What can you do at Animal Land?” “I can watch birds at„„”学生能巧妙地运用以上句式在日常的交际中。




本节课是以“Animal Land”为题材,以参观一些动物为基本素材,使用的重点句型是“ What can we do there?” “ We can...”。教材通过两个小孩子参观动物园,以语言信息大量输入来促进语言输出的教学过程。结合本课的教学目标和五年级学生的特点,我以“Animal Land”为主题,将教材内容融入到真实的情境中,学生在班级一个大的 “Animal Land”里巩固和练习谈论有关参观动物园的语句:What can you do there? We can drive to Hippo Pool/ride through Lion Land/watch birds at Bird Park.二、学情分析





(一)引入“主题式”教学,创设情境课堂 新课标的实施使课堂含义更加丰富,课堂教学由传统式的知识型向人性化发展,注重培养学生综合运用语言的能力。所以在教学中,我合理开发活化教材资源,把班级布置成“Animal Land”,让部分学生们戴上不同动物的头饰,分别扮演lions,hippos,monkeys和birds,并住在不同的动物乐园。我则扮演一个参观动物园的游客,询问孩子们“I want to see some hippos.Where can I see them?” “How can I go there?”。由部分学生来做导游向我介绍。其它孩子们则扮演动物正在吃东西,正在玩耍等。通过在实际的情境中交际性操练,调动学生的积极性,发挥学生的主观能动性,学生们都学得其乐融融。


通过播放一些视听教材,如“The trip around Guangzhou Zoo”, “Koko Loves English”等,让学生身临其境,看到各种动物,如 “zebras, elephants, lions, birds” 等,并听到这些动物的叫声,观看到瘊子踩单车,蟒蛇与人等精彩表演。调动了学生学习与动物有关单词的热忱。


借助直观、生动的多媒体画面,呈现动物园的景观,创设问题情境。以“visit the animal land”为主题,教室是一个大的”Animal Land”,黑板上也是一个有着各种动物的 “Animal Land”, 教学自始自终贯穿于生活话的情境中,为学生参观动物园组织对话埋下了伏笔。纵观整个教学,考虑到教学过程的梯度性,注重操练活动的层次性,重复性与丰富性,教学内容由浅入深;也注意到了面向全体学生,采用“分层式”教学。单词——词组——句子,环环相扣,尽可能地激发学生学习的兴趣,树立他们的自信心。


1、Stage I Warming up

上课时播放有关Guangzhou Zoo的实况介绍。(设计意图: 让学生观看各种动物的形态和有趣的表演,能吸引学生的注意力,稳定学生的情绪,渲染学生学习英语的良好氛围)

2、Stage II Presentation Step one.Lead in

图片展示一: At Animal Land Ask and answer: Q1: What can you see?

Q2: Which is your favourite animal? Q3: Why do you like it?

Q4: Where can we see these animals? Q5: How can we get there?


Step two.Pre-task

图片展示二:Five pictures taken at the zoo

1.Teach students five expressions about the animal land.2.Play the flash about the text 3.Practice.Students: Animal Land looks fun.What can we do there? We can drive to Hippo Pool.We can ride through Lion Land.We can see zebras at Zebra Zoo.We can watch birds at Bird Park.4.Ask and answer.Q1: Where do they see zebras?

Q2: How do you go to the Hippo Pool? Q3: How many lions are there? Q4: Where can they see the monkeys?



I am a tourist who is going to visit the Animal Land.What can I see? What can I do?

Some students are tour guides who help me to walk around the animal land.Some students are hippos, lions, zebras and monkeys.(设计意图:采用表演式操练形式,灵活运用本课的教学重点,在真实情境中带着任务去学习,引导学生参与并进行创造性运用,将所学的知识转化为语言运用能力,较有成效地完成学习任务,实现教学目标,体现任务型语言教学的真正意义。)

6.Students’ performance.7.Extension

Tell students funny words about animals.8.Board design.There are 6 kinds of animals on the blackboard.Four groups are representatives of 4 animals.They are trying their best to move forward to get to their home.(板书设计:黑板上是一个 “Animal Land”, 代表四组学生的四种动物各自朝着自己的住所前行,哪组学生表现突出就能更快地到达目的地。激发学生积极回答问题,踊跃展示自己。)


北师大南山附小 英语组 陈杨

第五篇:animal 练习题

Language Practice 知识运用

一、读单词或短语,找出不同类的一项。(10分)()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.二、读句子,将问句和答句连线。(12分) A.look A.nice A.butterfly A.draw

B.cow B.ear B.want B.panda B.see C.nose C.cute C.animal C.picture



()Why do you want to see pandas?()I want to see pandas.()OK!Let’s go!

()We are going to the zoo.What animals do you want to see?()Because pandas are cute.五、读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(6分)Jane: Hello, Ben.What is your favourite animal? Ben: My favourite animal is the cow.Jane: Why do you like cow?

Ben: Because a cow can give us milk.I like to drink every day.I also like horses because I like to ride horses.They have strong legs.They can run fast, and they can sleep without lying down.Jane, what is your favourite animal?

Jane: My favourite animal is small.It has wings, and it can fly.It likes flowers.It can make honey.Can you guess?

Ben: Is it a bee?

Jane: Yes, you are right!My favourite animal is the bee.I like pigs, too.Ben: You like pigs? Why?

Jane: Because they are lazy.They like sleeping.I like sleeping and I am a little bit lazy, too.Ben: Ha-ha!

()1.Ben likes cows and horses.()2.Ben likes to drink milk every day.()3.Pigs can make honey.()4.Jane’s favourite animal is the bee.She likes pigs, too.()5.Jane is a little bit lazy.六、小练笔。以My favourite animal为题写一篇小作文。要求包括以下内容:1.What’s your favourite animal? 2.Why do you like it? 3.What does it look like? 不能低于三句话。句子通顺,用词准确。(4分)

My favourite animal



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