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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?



Language Goals


Learn to talk about abilities.Learn to talk about what club they want to join and write the advertisement for jobs.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language




3.swim(v.& n.)

4.dance(v.& n.)









13.show(n.& v.)


15.talk(v.& n.)





20.home(n.& adv.)







7.play the violin

8.be good with…

9.make friends

10.help(sb.)with sth.11.on the weekend

Key Grammar


How to use modal verb can.

Ability Goals


1.Be able to describe abilities by using modal verb can.2.Be able to write the advertisement for jobs.

Moral Goals


1.Cultivate students’ collective sense.2.Let the students know some club culture.

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)


本单元教材以“Can you...?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“个人能力”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:Can you swim? Yes, I can.No, I can’t./ Can she speak Chinese? Yes, she can.No, she can’t./ What club do you want to join? I want to join the music club./ What can you do? I can dance.等,让学生知道怎样询问他人的个人能力及表述自己的个人能力。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的情感。Section A主要学习怎样表达自己的特长及想要加入的俱乐部。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的感情。其中俱乐部招聘海报“Students Wanted for School Show”介绍了招聘的具体要求,增加了学生的阅读量。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,教师在教学中应合理应用课本上的知识进行解答。


第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language













English club 英语俱乐部

swimming club 游泳俱乐部

be good at… 擅长于……

tell stories讲故事

story telling club讲故事俱乐部

play chess下国际象棋

speak English说英语

1.I want to join the music club.2.──Oh, can you sing? ──Yes, I can.3.──What club do you want to join? ──I want to join the chess club.4.──You can join the English club.──Sound good.

Difficult Points


Use the target language above to talk about personal abilities and what club they want to join.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.—I want to j______ the art c______.— Can you d______?

2.—I want to j______ the E______ club.— Can you s________________(说英语)?

3.—Do you want to join the s______ club? — Yes, I do.I ____________(擅长)swimming.4.—Do you want to join the s______ club? — Yes, I can____________(讲故事)well.(Keys:1.join;club;draw 2.join;English;speak English 3.swimming;am good at 4.story;tell stories)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to act their personal abilities or talents included in the above chart.And T: What can he/she do?

Ss: He/She can dance.T: Can you dance?

S1: Yes, I can.S2: No, I can’t.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 1, 1a

1.Look at the picture.2.Read the expressions on the left.3.Write the correct letter [a-g] for people’s activities.Page 1, 1b

1.Ask the students to read the conversations.1.Play the tape and ask the students to listen and number the conversations.Page 1, 1c

Pairwork: According to the above conversations, ask the students to remake similar conversations with the partners.1.A: I want to join the club.B: Can you ?

A: Yes, I can./No,I cant.2.A:What club do you/does she want to join?

B:I want/She wants to join the…

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 2, 2a

1.Look at the picture and expressions in the box.2.Play the recording for the first time.Ask students to circle the clubs they heard.Page 2, 2b

Play the recording for a second time and say:

There are two conversations.Some students are talking about their abilities, talents and clubs they want to join.Listen and fill in the blanks.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 2, 2c

1.Look at 2b and talk about their abilities and what clubs they want to join.T: What club does Lisa want to join?

S1: She wants to join the chess club.T: Can she play chess?

S1: No, she cant.2.The students work in pairs to practice conversations about Lisa, Bob and Mary.3.Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.Page 2, 2d

1.Look at the picture in 2d.2.Ss read the dialogue by themselves and try to find out the answers to these questions.① What club does Bob join?

② What club does Jane join?

3.Then check the answers:

① Bob joins the soccer club.② Jane joins the English and art club.4.Explain something that Ss cant understand.5.Let Ss read after the teacher or play the recording and let Ss read after the recording.6.Ss work in pairs to act out the conversation.7.Ask some pairs to act out the conversation.See which group is the best.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Practice the conversation on Page 2, 2d.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.can 情态动词,在本单元中表示“能,会”,指本身具备的一种能力,有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须与其他实义动词原形一起构成谓语。含有情态动词can的各种句型结构:


如:I can play soccer.b)否定句:主语+can+not+do+其他。can和 not 可以缩写成 cant 形式。

如:I cant swim.c)一般疑问句及回答:Can+主语+do+其他?回答时要用yes 或no。

如:—Can you play the guitar? —Yes,I can./No,I cant.d)特殊疑问句及回答:特殊疑问词+can+主语+do+其他?回答要根据实际情况进行回答。

如:—What can you do? —I can draw pictures.2.play v.踢,弹,打。该词与球类、棋类、游戏类名词连用时,这些名词前不加定冠词the;但是与乐器类名词连用时,乐器名词前要加定冠词the。

如:play basketball;play games;play the piano

3.join v.加入,着重指加入某团体、组织或者党派,并成为其中一员。

如:I want to join the music club.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

The topic of this unit is “abilities and clubs”.After learning, the students can talk about personal abilities by using can+ability.This is the first period.The teacher can use some pictures or activities to lead in the topic so that students will become interested in it.And the new words can be taught by using pictures in PPT.While listening, the students should master some strategies such as taking notes.Through practicing the conversations in pairs, their listening and speaking abilities can be improved.Also, we can ask the students to role-play their conversations to enhance their cooperation awareness.It helps them to build confidence and experience success.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target language





talk(v.& n.)说话;交谈

kung fu(n.)(中国)功夫

talk to…跟……说

(1)—Can you swim?—Yes,I can./No,I cant.(2)—Can he play chess?—Yes,he can./No,he cant.(3)—Can Jane and Jill swim?—Yes,they can./No,they cant.(4)—What can you do?—I can dance./I cant sing.(5)—What club do you want to join?

—We want to join the chess club.(6)We want some students for the school show.

Difficult Points

can sentences


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

Preview the words and expressions(Page 3)and fill in the blanks.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。

1.Tom cant _______(写)a story, but he can _______(说)a story.2.They want some students for the school_________(表演).

3.Can you ________(展示给...看)your new books to us?

4.My parents want to____________(和...交谈)my English teacher.5.Bill cant play basketball ______(或者)volleyball.(Keys:1.write;tell 2.show 3.show 4.talk to 5.or)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

T: Today I have something to tell you.There are many clubs in our school for you to join.So what can you do? Can you...? What club do you want to join?

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 3 Grammar Focus

1.Divide the class into two groups and then ask them to role-play the Grammar Focus.2.Let students try to recite it.3.Fill in the blanks without textbook.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。

what,play chess,dance,art club,join

1)I like drawing.So I want to join the ____________.

2)—Can you ____________?

—Yes.But I cant play it very well.3)—What club do you want to______?

—The music club.I like music.4)—Can you sing or ______?

—No.But I can play the guitar.5)—______ can you do?

—I can play computer games.(Keys:1.art club 2.play chess 3.join 4.dance 5.What)

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 3, 3a

1.Teacher makes the first one as a model:

Can Wu Jun speak English? No, he cant, but he can speak Chinese.2.Students try to make sentences using the phrases in 2~5.They can discuss with their partners.3.Then let some Ss show their answers to the class.4.Check the answers.Page 3, 3b

Tell Ss that your school is going to have a School Show next week.What can you do? You can show your talent in it.In order to let all the students know about it.We have to write a poster.Now, read the poster below and try to complete the poster with the words in the box.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 3 3c

Group work: What can your group do in the school show? Make a list, then report to your classmates.1.Work in group to ask and answer about what you can do? e.g.S1: What can you do, S2?

S2: I can do kong fu.S1: Great!What about you S3?

S3: I can sing very well.…

2.Then make a list together.3.Everyone in the group must write a report.Then select one student to report.e.g.In my group, Li Ming can do kong fu.Zhang Li can sing very well.Ma Shuang can dance well…

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Recite the Grammar Focus.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】



(1)I tell him to go shopping with me.(2)Bob tells me about the news.【发现】tell行为动词,意为“告诉;讲述”。


(1)tell sb.(not)to do sth.“告诉某人(不要)做某事”

(2)tell sb.about sth.“告诉某人某事”

(3)用于某些固定搭配,如:tell stories讲故事



(1)I dont like apples or pears.(2)Which do you want,coffee or tea?



talk to/with sb.与某人交谈。

如:I am talking to/with my friend.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In this lesson, the teacher-student question and answer activity is designed first.It not only allows students to review the content of the last lesson, but also guide them to further study the structure of can sentences.At the same time, students can know more about themselves and others by communicating with others.This improves students’ collective sense and helps them build confidence.In this period, the teacher should ask the students to read the content in Grammar Focus first.Then they are asked to understand what they have learned.After that, we can create some proper situations to help them make their own conversations by using the sentences patterns.It’s necessary for the students to act out the conversations.As we all know, reading aloud, understanding, summarizing and practicing are necessary process in grammar class.第三课时 Section B(1a-1f)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language




play the drums敲鼓

play the piano弹钢琴

play the violin拉小提琴

—Can you/he/she play the violin?

—Yes,I/he/she can./No,I/he/she cant.

Difficult Points

The usage of play


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.完成下列短语并根据要求改写句子。

1.play ________ guitar

2.________ it in English

3.________ stories(讲故事)

4.She can sing and dance.(改为否定句)

She ________ ________ ________ dance.5.Li Lei can play the violin.(改为一般疑问句)

________ Li Lei ________ the violin?

(Keys:1.the,2.say,3.tell,4.cant sing or,5.Can,play)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask students to draw some music instruments, then let other students talk about them and write the words.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 4, 1a&1b

1.Tell the Ss that they will listen to some sounds of the instruments.Listen and number the words [1-4] in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a.2.Play the recording again and check the answers.Page 4, 1c

Pair-work: According to the conversation, ask the students to make similar conversation with the partners.Make them give presentations.S1: Can you..?

S2: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 4, 1d&1e

1.Look at the picture and expressions in the box.2.Play the recording for the first time.Ask students to circle the words and phrases they hear(1d).3.Check the answers.4.Play the recording for a second time and say:

There are four people in the conversation.The teacher is asking some students about their abilities and clubs they like.Listen and fill in the chart(1e).⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 4, 1f

Group work:

1.Work in groups.Take turn to talk about what Bill, Cindy and Frank can and cant do.S1: Bill can play the guitar, but he cant sing.S2: Cindy can sing and play the drum, but he cant play the piano.S3: Frank can play the piano, but he cant sing or dance.S4: …

2.Teacher can walk around the classroom, and give some help to the Ss.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Finish the exercise.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

play v.踢,弹,打。该词与球类、棋类、游戏类名词连用时,这些名词前不加定冠词the;但是与乐器类名词连用时,乐器名词前要加定冠词the。

如:play basketball;play games;play the piano


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

Before listening, we can ask the students to learn the new words and phrases by themselves.As for some difficult ones, the teacher can use some pictures or create some situations to help the students master them.While listening, the teacher can get the students to pay more attention to the problems.It helps them to learn listening strategies and develop the sense of language.This is the third period.In class, the teacher should give the students opportunities to role play the conversation using the information in 1d.In this way, they can improve their speaking skills.Meanwhile, students learn how to use can sentences and play by role-playing.It helps them to build confidence and experience success.第四课时 Section B(2a-3b)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language











be good with…善于应付……的;对……有办法

make friends结交朋友

help(sb.)with sth.在某方面帮助(某人)

on the weekend(在)周末

1.I can speak English and I can also play soccer.我会说英语,也会踢足球。

2.Do you have time on the weekend?周末你有时间吗?

3.The school needs help to teach music.学校需要(人员来)帮助教音乐。

4.Then you can be in our school music festival.那么,你可以参加我们学校的音乐节。

Difficult Points


Learn to how to translate and understand ads.Learn to write ads for job.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Our school needs help to ______(教)kids on summer holiday.2.He can speak English and he can ______(也)play basketball.3.Jim can sing well and he wants to be a famous m__________.4.Can you come and join us at the party __________________(在周末)?

5.You can __________________(交许多朋友)if you join the English club.6.We need a pianist for _____________________(学校音乐节).(Keys:1.teach 2.also 3.musician 4.on the weekend 5.make many friends 6.school music festival)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:Ask the students to share the information they got from their friends.Example:I am Lisa.I can sing, but I cant sing well.I cant swim.I think it is hard.I want to join the swimming club.My friend Tom can play the guitar but he cant play it well.And he cant play chess.He wants to join the chess club.He thinks it is interesting.He wants to learn it.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 5, 2a

T: Lets meet three new friends, Peter, Alan and Ma Huan.What can they do?Now read the descriptions and underline what they can do.1.Let some Ss read aloud what Peter can do.2.Let another Ss read aloud what Cindy and Frank can do.3.Let Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about what they can do.S1: What can Peter do?

S2: He can speak English and play soccer.S2: What can Alan do?

S1: He can play ping-pong.…

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 5, 2b

T: Now well read three ads.Whats the main idea of the each ad? Whats each ads title? Now lets read the three ads and select a title for each ad.1.Ss read carefully and try to select a title for each ad.2.Check the answers with the class.Page 5, 2c

T: Suppose Peter, Alan and Ma Huan want to help to do something after school.Which ad is right him/her? Now read the descriptions in 2a and the ads in 2b again.Select a right ad for each person.1.Ss read the descriptions in 2a and the ads in 2b again.Try to select a right ad for each person.They can talk about the answers in their groups.2.Check the answers with the class.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 6, 3a

T: What can you do in our English party? You can do so many different things in the English party.Here is an ad from the school magazine.Who do they want for school music festival?

Students: Musicians.Teacher: Do you know the meaning of musicians?

Ss:...Make students complete the ad with the words in the box.Page 6, 3b

Group work:

T: Do you want to make poster in English by yourself? Now work with your group members, think of an even at our school.Then try to make a poster by yourselves.The events may be the music club, the Sports Day;the art festival and so on

1.Ss work in groups.First think of an event at the school.Then try to make the poster.2.Teacher walks around the classroom.Give any help Ss may need.3.Ask one the students in each group to read aloud their ads to their class.Let other students in other groups give some advice on the ads.4.Decide which ad is the best.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】


Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】



如:He runs fast,too.=He also runs fast.Im a student,too.=Im also a student.3.either主要用于否定句,放在句尾,通常用逗号隔开。

如:I dont know it,either.4.be good with…对……有办法

如:The teacher is very good with children.这位老师对孩子很有一套。

5.make friends 意为“交朋友”,这个短语还常与介词with连用,make friends with …表示 “与……交朋友”。

如:I want to make friends with all the new students.6.help with…表示在某方面给予帮助,后接名词或名词短语。

如:Can you help me with my English?你能在英语方面帮帮我吗?


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

The teacher can use the question “What can you do and what can your friend do?” to lead in reading.The students may look up the new words in a dictionary and understand the meanings of the sentences in the process of reading the ads.The most important thing in this lesson is to improve their reading skills and master reading strategies.For example, let the students know that circling the key information will help them understand the core meaning of what they are reading.Besides, we need to let students learn more about club culture.In this lesson, the students should use the new items they learned to practice writing.And before writing practice, we can ask the students to finish the tasks in 3a.Then get them to write an ad using the form in 3a.Its necessary for them to present the ads they write.After that, the students will get enough oral practice.第五课时 Self Check


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To use and practice the unit’s key structures.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page102 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the translations.英汉互译

1.说英语____________ 2.学校音乐节____________

3.弹吉他____________ 4.击鼓____________

5.游泳俱乐部____________ 6.弹钢琴____________

7.讲故事____________ 8.下国际象棋____________

9.be good with kids____________ 10.help kids with swimming____________

(Keys:1.speak English,2.School Music Festival,3.play the guitar,4.play the drum,5.swimming club,6.play the piano,7.tell stories,8.play chess,9.对孩子们有一套,10.帮助孩子们学游泳)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to share the information they got from their friends.Example: I am Lisa.I can...I can’t...I want to join the...My friend Tom can...He can’t...He wants to join the...⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 6, Self Check 1

1.Try to add some expressions as many as possible in each box.2.Ask some students to write them down on the blackboard.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 6, Self Check 2

Tell Ss what they should do.You can add as many words as you can to make phrases.Give Ss an example: play the drum, play the piano, play the violin, play the guitar;play chess, play volleyball…

1.Ss work in groups.Try to make as many phrases as they can.They should write down their phrases on their notebook.2.Let some Ss read their phrases.Let other students add more phrases.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 6, Self Check 3

T: Now you can write something you like.E.g.I can speak English.I can play chess.I can play basketball.But I cant play the piano.I cant play the violin.My sister can play the violin.She can play the guitar, too.1.Ss write about something by themselves.2.Let some Ss read their sentences to the class.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In the last period, the teacher should use the exercises in Self Check to help the students review the target language and at the same time, we must encourage them to use what they’ve learned in this unit.In order to enhance the students’ spirit of cooperation, the teacher must get them to practice conversations in pairs.Also, the teacher can ask the students to practice in groups of four.One plays the teacher and the other three play students.The teacher asks and then the students to talk about their abilities and clubs.Besides, the teacher should ask students to do some exercises to improve their learning skills.

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?

第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)



Language Goals


Learn to talk about daily routines.Learn tosay time in English and talk about their routines with others.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language


2.dress(v.& n.)

3.brush(v.& n.)


5.shower(n.& v)




9.early(adj.& adv.)



12.work(n.& v.)






18.best(adj.& adv.)


20.half(n.& pron.)

21.past(prep.& adj.)





26.walk(n.& v)


28.either(conj.& adv.)



31.taste(v.& n)


8.lots of

9.brush teeth

10.eat breakfast

11.go to bed

12.be late for

13.be good for

Key Grammar

Various expressions of time.

Ability Goals


1.Listening for key information

2.Scanning in reading

Moral Goals


1.Help students set up a healthy schedule.2.Help students develop good living habits.

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)


本单元教材以“What time do you...?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“日常活动”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:-What time do you usually get up?-I usually get up at six thirty./-What time does Rick east breakfast?-He eats breakfast at seven o’clock./-When does Scott go to work?-He always goes to work at eleven o’clock.让学生知道怎样询问他人的日常活动及表述自己的日常活动。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的情感。Section A主要学习怎样表达和交流个人的日常活动及频率。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能帮助学生了解并培养良好的作息习惯,同时也能促进师生之间的感情。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,其中在关于“different lifestyles”的文中,比较了一些健康和不健康的生活方式,增加了学生的阅读量。教师在教学中应合理应用课本上的知识进行解答。


第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language








get up起床;站起

get dressed穿上衣服

take a shower洗淋浴

at night在夜晚

go to work去上班

be late for 迟到



early(adj.& adv.)早(的)








radio station广播电台


1.—What time do you usually take a shower?你通常几点钟洗澡?

—I usually take a shower at six forty.我通常在6:40洗澡。

2.—When do you usually get up? 你通常什么时候起床?

—I usually get up at six thirty.我通常六点半起床。

—When do you go to work? 你什么时候去上班?

—At eleven oclock,so Im never late for work.11点钟,因此我从不迟到。

Difficult Points

Various expressions of time.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.After I get up at 6:00,I brush my t_______.

2.—When do your family u______ eat dinner?

—My family eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening.3.I am the last one to take a s______.

4.The boy gets d________ by himself(他自己)after he gets up.5.Twenty and twenty is f________.

6.He usually tells us some __________(有趣的)stories.7.He _________(锻炼)at 6:00 in the morning every day.8.I usually go to school at 7:00 a.m.,so I am _________(从不)late for school.9.She has to get up ______(早地)to take the school bus in the morning.(Keys:1.teeth 2.usually 3.shower 4.dressed 5.forty 6.funny 7.exercises 8.never 8.early)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher: As we all know, time is very important.And in English, there is a famous saying “An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.” So what do you do in the morning?

Student 1: I read books.Student 2: I do morning exercise.Teacher: And what do you do in the afternoon and in the evening?

Student 1: I play basketball in the afternoon.Student 2: I do my homework in the evening.Teacher: Im very glad to hear that, and what else can we do in the day?

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 7, 1a & 1b

1.Look at the picture.Try to match these activities with the pictures.2.Play the tape and ask the students to listen and complete the task in 1b.Page 7, 1c

Pair-work: According to the following conversation, ask the students to remake similar conversation with the partners.A: What time do you usually...?

B: I usually...at...⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 8, 2a&2b

1.Look at the picture and read the article.2.Play the recording for the first time.Ask students to fill in the blanks.3.Check the answers.4.Play the recording for a second time and say:

The following conversation is between the interviewer and Jim.They are talking about Jim’s family’s shower time.Listen and complete the task.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 8, 2c


1.Ask Ss to read the conversation in 2c.2.Then answer the questions below:

① Where does Scott work?

② What time is his radio show?

③ What time does he usually get up?

④ What time does he eat breakfast?

⑤ What time does he usually go to work?

Page 8,2d

1.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat.2.Ss work in pairs to practice reading the conversation.Then try to act it out.3.Ask some pairs to come to the front and act out the conversation.See which group does best.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Practice the conversation on Page 8, 2d.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】




如:4:30 p.m.读作four thirty p.m.(2)钟点的倒读法:

①前半小时的读法:分钟数+past+钟点数;30分钟用half;15分钟用a quarter。

如:8:14读作fourteen past eight

8:30读作half past eight

8:15读作a quarter past eight

②后半小时的读法:分钟数+to+未来的钟点数;15分钟用a quarter。

8:46读作fourteen to nine

8:45读作a quarter to nine或fifteen to nine



如:I am never late for work.What time do you usually go to school?

He always gets up at 6:30.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This unit focuses on “daily routines”.After learning, the students can talk about their daily schedule by using What time...? and Sb.do...at...In the learning process, the communication between students and teacher can improve the relationship between teacher and students.In the first class, the whole class runs through listening, speaking and reading to grasp the key information and improve their listening ability.Students are asked to imitate the listening content to carry out dialogue practice.In this way, students listening and speaking abilities are strengthened.At the same time, the teacher can use pictures to introduce the topics to arouse students’ interest.Through pair practice, students can interact with each other and improve their oral English.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language



go to work上班

on weekends(在)周末

have/eat breakfast吃早餐

on school days在上学的日子

be late迟到

(1)—What time do you usually get up?

—I usually get up at six thirty.(2)—What time do they get dressed?

—They always get dressed at seven twenty.(3)—What time does Rick eat breakfast?

—He eats breakfast at seven thirty.(4)—When does Scott go to work?

—He always goes to work at eleven oclock.(5)—When do your friends exercise?

—They usually exercise on weekends.

Difficult Points

What and how questions.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

Preview the words and expressions(Page 9).根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。

1.Jack is my ______(最好的)friend.He often helps me with my study.2.In our ______(小组),Scott exercises every day.3.My brother usually gets up at 10:00 a.m.____________(在周末).

4.Tony doesnt____________(吃早餐)every day.It is bad for his health(健康).

5.My parents often____________(上班)at 8:00 a.m.every day.6.What time do you get up ____________(在上学的日子)?

(Keys: 1.best 2.group 3.on weekends 4.have/eat breakfast 5.go to work 6.on school days)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:What time do you usually…?

Student 1:I usually…at…

Teacher:What time does he/she usually…?

Student 2:He/She usually…at…

Teacher:What time do they usually…?

Student 3:They usually…at…

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 9, Grammar Focus

1.Divide the class into two groups and then ask them to role-play the Grammar Focus.2.Let students try to recite it.3.Finish the exercises.(1)—What time _____(do)they get up?

—They ___________(get up)at five oclock.(2)—What time ______(do)Tom ______(take)a shower?

—He ______(take)a shower at 7:15.(3)—What time ______(do)he go to school?

—He ______(go)to school at 7 oclock.(Keys: 1.do;get up 2.does;take;takes 3.does;goes)

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 9, 3a

Tell Ss to write questions or answers with always, usually, or never.Page 9, 3b

T: Write something you always do, something you usually do and something you never do.1.Ss work by themselves.Try to write down their own sentences.2.Let Ss exchange their sentences with their partners.Check each others answers.3.Let some Ss read their sentences aloud to their classmates.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 9, 3c

Group-work: Divide the students into several groups.The teacher gives out the following chart to each group and asks them to interview their partners.After that, make them finish the chart and present it to the all(no less than three sentences).

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

get up on weekends


eat dinner

take a shower

go to school

Students’ presentation:

In our group, Li Fei usually gets up late on weekends.She gets up at...Wang Wei always goes to school early.He goes to school at...Liu Yuan sometimes exercises after school.He exercises at......⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Recite the Grammar Focus.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

what time 与when 的区别

when与what time都可以用来询问时间,相当于汉语的“什么时候”,它们之间的异同点如下:



—When/What time do you go to school?

—I go to school at seven oclock.2.询问钟表所显示的时间时,只能用what time。

如:—What time is it?(=Whats the time?)几点了?

—Its eight thirty.八点半。

3.询问事件发生的年份、月份、日期等非钟点时间时,只能用when,而不能用what time。

如:—When is your birthday?

—My birthday is February 6th.—When is Teachers Day?

—Its September 10th.总结:what time“几点”,准确到分;when 的范围比较大。

Classroom Evaluation Scheme 【课堂评价案】



Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This class starts with the topic of reality to arouse students interest.It adopts role-playing practice to make students take the initiative in learning.In addition, the combination of listening, speaking, reading and writing not only develops the students’ comprehensive ability, but also consolidates the target language.We can ask the students to use what/when questions to make sentences and frequency verbs to give answers.Also, we can get them to use phrasal verbs they learned to make conversations and give presentations.第三课时 Section B(1a-1e)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language

half(n.& pron.)一半;半数





walk(n.& U.)行走;步行

a quarter past three三点--刻

do homework做家庭作业

go to bed上床睡觉

take a walk散步

clean room打扫房间

1.-When do students usually eat dinner?

-They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.2.-When does Tom usually get up?

-He usually gets up at half past five.

Difficult Points

How to express specific time in English


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。

1.I usually eat dinner at a q______ past six in the evening.2.The room is so d______!Lets clean it now.3.My grandfather often ____________(散步)after dinner.4.My brother usually ______(跑步)in the park every morning.5.Tom, dont watch TV!Its 10:00.Its time to ____________(上床睡觉).6.They __________________(做家庭作业)in the evening every day.(Keys: 1.quarter 2.dirty 3.takes a walk/goes for a walk 4.runs 5.go to bed 6.do their homework)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

T: There are some words and phrases on the board.Who can make sentences by using some of them? Have a try.Ask students to make sentences by using the words on the board.The sentence should include the person, activities, frequency verbs or specific time.Besides, the same sentences can’t appear twice during presentation.Examples:

Zhao Li always does her homework at six o’clock./ Zhao Li never does her homework.”“

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 10, 1a

T: We often do different things in different time.Let’s look at 1a and match them.Make students finish 1a.Page 10, 1b

Pair-work: According to the conversation, ask the students to remake similar conversation with the partners.Ask them to give presentation.S1: When do students usually...?

S2: Students usually...at...⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 10, 1c

1.Ask students to read the expressions in the box.2.Play the recording for the first time.Ask students to circle the activities they hear.3.Check the answers.Page 10, 1d

Play the recording for a second time and say:

The following conversation is between the interviewer and Tom.They are talking about Tom’s activities and time.Listen and complete the task.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 10, 1e

According to the conversation they heard in 1d, make students talk about their daily activities and time.And then ask them to give presentations.They can practice like this:

A: What does Tom usually get up?

B: He usually gets up at half past five.A: When does Tom usually...?

B: He usually...at...⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Finish the exercises.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】



7:00 seven oclock

12:00 ________



7:10 seven ten

11:06 ________ 8:20 ________



7:10 ten past seven 9:20 ______________


7:48 twelve to eight 9:45 _____________


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

Before listening, we can ask the students to learn the new words and phrases by themselves.As for some difficult ones, the teacher can use some pictures or create some situations to help the students master them.While listening, get the students to pay more attention to the problems.It helps them to learn listening strategies and develop the sense of language.This is the third period.In this class, students will be guided to practice listening and dialogue between the teacher and students.In this way, students can further use the structures they’ve learned to express activities and specific time.第四课时 Section B(2a-3b)


Target Navigation 【目标导航】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target language


either(conj.& adv.)或者;也(用在否定词组后)



taste(v.& n.)有……的味道;品尝;味道;滋味



lots of大量;许多

play sports做运动

get home from school放学回家

from Monday to Friday从星期一到星期五

1.I either watch TV or play computer games.我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。

2.At twelve,she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.在十二点,她中餐吃许多水果和蔬菜。

3.I get home from school at half past four and do my homework.我四点半放学回家,然后做家庭作业。

4.I have a very healthy life.我过着非常健康的生活。

Difficult Points

Try to master the key sentences and recite the passage.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Here are your shoes.Go and clean them ____________(快速地)!

2.The food is bad for your health, though it t__________ good.3.I e______ go shopping o______ take a walk with my friends on weekends.4.My grandparents __________________(过着健康幸福的生活).5.I have no time to __________________(做运动)from Monday to Friday.6.I eat __________________(许多水果和蔬菜)every day.(Keys: 1.quickly 2.tastes 3.either;or 4.have a healthy and happy life 5.play sports 6.lots of fruit and vegetables)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

T: In our daily life, there are many good or bad activities.Here are some living habits on the board.Please circle the good habits as soon as possible.Besides, try to add more good activities as many as possible.”“

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 11, 2a


1.Work in groups.Talk about what activities are healthy.What activities are unhealthy.2.Make a list on a piece of paper.Then report it to the class.3.Check the activities in 2a you think are healthy.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 11, 2b

1.Present the new words on the screen and teach the new words.2.Skim the passage and circle the healthier activities.3.Teach the key and difficult points in the passage.4.Listen and follow practicing reading the passage.Page 11, 2c

T: Now we have read about two students’ lifestyle.Try to complete the chart.⭐Post-task【后续任务】

Page 12, 3a

1.Tell Ss this is a daily routine of a Jack.He’s a student from Australia.But theyre in wrong numbers.Can you read these sentences and make a story about Jack.2.Check the answers:(2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 1, 8, 9)

Page 12, 3b

T: Now Jack wants to make friends with you.And he wants to know about your daily routine.Please write your own routine and send an email to him.1.Ss make a list first they try to write their own routine.2.Exchange their routines and check each others answers.3.Let some Ss read their routines to the class as a model..⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Recite the passage.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.“for+时间段”表示动作或状态持续的时间段,对其提问用疑问词组“how long”。

如:He often watches TV ________ two hours.造句:______________________________________________________________________

2.either …or…要么……要么……;或者……或者……,在句子中连接两个并列的成分。

如:You may ________ stay at home ________ go there with us.你要么待在家里,要么和我 们一道去。

either做形容词时,意为“两个中任何一个”,修饰可数名词单数形式,其谓语动词也用单 数形式。

如:Come on Saturday or Sunday.Either day ________ OK.星期六或者星期天来吧,这两天 哪天都行。


如:Either you or I ________ right.3.lots of许多,大量,等于a lot of,它既可以修饰可数名词的复数形式,又可以修饰不 可数名词。修饰可数名词复数时,相当于many;修饰不可数名词时,相当于much。

如:We eat lots of bananas.=We eat ________ bananas.They have lots of ice-cream.=They have ________ ice-cream.4.taste作连系动词,意为“尝起来”。其后常接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。

如:How does it ________?它味道如何?

These oranges ________ sweet.这些橘子尝起来很甜。


Teaching Reflection 【教学反思】

This period is a reading and writing class, which is a comprehensive application of language knowledge in this unit.This class mainly completes a series of reading comprehension tasks through students reading activities.And at the same time, they completed a ”daily routine“ writing exercise according to the guide.The key to a good reading and writing class is the good guidance from the teacher.Next, remember to teach step by step according to the requirement of textbook.It is a very good method.For the students, they always follow the instructions in the textbook to complete the task step by step.In this way, students will be able to improve their reading and writing skills little by little, so as to achieve their learning goals.第五课时 Self Check


Target Navigation 【目标导航】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To review and practice the unit’s key structures.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page102 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish C-E translations.汉译英。

1.起床____________ 2.穿衣服____________

3.过着健康的生活____________ 4.做家庭作业____________

5.对……有益____________ 6.散步____________

7.吃早餐____________ 8.上学____________

9.去睡觉____________ 10.在周末____________

11.迟到____________ 12.淋浴____________

(Keys:1.get up,2.get dressed,3.have a healthy life,4.do ones homework,5.be good for,6.take a walk,7.have breakfast,8.go to school,9.go to bed,10.on weekends,11.be late for,12.take a shower)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:In our daily life,some of our activities are good for our health.For example,go to bed early and get up early,do sports,go for a walk after dinner and so on.But some of our activities are unhealthy.For example,eat junk food,study late in the evening and so on.Now,lets discuss it..S1: I always do sports after school.I think it’s healthy.S2: I never do sports.I...⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 12, Self Check 1

1.Please look at the words in the box below.First you should make phrases with the words in the boxes.2.Make a model for the Ss first.e.g.taste good 尝起来味道很美

3.Ss work in groups and try to make phrases correctly.Write down their phrases on a piece of paper.4.Check the answers with the class.5.Now use the phrases to complete the sentences.6.Check the answers with the class.⭐Step 4while-task【过程任务】

Page 12, Self Check 2

1.Now look at the conversation below.Complete the conversations with questions and answers.Use the words in the brackets to help you.2.Ss work by themselves.Try to make questions and answers with the words in the brackets.3.Let some pairs read their conversation aloud to the class.4.Check the answers together.⭐Step 5 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the exercise.⭐Step 6 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In the last period, the teacher should use the exercises in Self Check to help the students review the target language.Through the review, let the students further master the key words and phrases, use the sentence patterns, understand the phonetic knowledge and learn the expression of time and daily work.During this process, students have learned to summarize points by themselves.”“

Unit 3 How do you get to school?


Language Goals


Learn to talk about many kinds of transportation.Learn to talk how to get to places, how long it takes to go to places and how far the places are.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language




4.ride(v.& n.)


















23.many(adj.& pron.)











34.dream(v.& n.)


5.think of


7.come true

Key Grammar


Ability Goals


1.Listening for key information

2.Scanning in reading

Moral Goals


1.Let the students appreciate their current life.2.Let the students know the transportation in western culture.

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2e)


本单元教材以“How do you get to...?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“交通工具”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:等,让学生知道怎样询问他人乘坐的交通工具及表述自己的出行方式。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的情感。Section A主要学习怎样表达自己乘坐交通工具及花费时长。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的感情。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,其中关于贫困山区学生如何上学的文章“Crossing g the River to School”介绍了山区学子上学路途的艰辛,增加了学生的阅读量。教师在教学中应合理应用课本上的知识进行解答。


第一课时 Section A(1a-2e)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】







take the subway乘地铁

every day每天

ride a bike/by bike 骑自行车

two hundred两百

how long多长

How far多远

by bike骑自行车

Have a good day过得开心











every day每天)

Target Language(目标语言)

1.-How does Mary get to school? 玛丽怎样到达学校?

一She takes the subway.她乘坐地铁(去学校)。

2-How do you get to school? 你如何到达学校?

-I ride my bike.我骑自行车.3.-How far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远?

-Im not sure...about 10 kilometers? 我不确定....大约10公里吧?

4.-How long does it take you to get to school?你到达学校要花多长时间?

-About 15 minutes by bike.骑自行车大约15分钟

Difficult Points

Talk about many kinds of transportation.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Tom r______ his bike to school every day.2.In South Korea, most students take the s______ to school.3.It is two k_________ from my home to school

4.There are sixty m______ in an hour.5.There are two h______ desks in the classroom.6.My father gave me 50 yuan, and my mother gave me 40 yuan, so I had n______ yuan.7.How f______ is the post office from the park?

8.Jack goes to school by bike____________(每天).(Keys: 1.rides 2.subway 3.kilometers 4.minutes 5.hundred 6.ninety 7.far 8.every day)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher: Hello, everyone!Whats the weather like today? Its a sunny day with gentle breeze.Its comfortable.So this morning I came to school by bike.It took me nearly 50 minutes.You know I live far from school.I often take buses to come here.But it takes me more than an hour.What about you? Today, lets talk about how you go from one place to another.And we will talk about the time it takes to get to places and how far it is between two places.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 13, 1a

1.Match the words with the pictures.2.Talk about the picture with Ss using the target language.T: How does “a” get to school?

Page 13, 1b

1.Listen and write the numbers next to the correct Ss in the picture.2.Look at the picture in 1a.How do the Ss get to school?

3.Make conversations with your partner.A: How does Mary get to school?

B: She takes the subway.Page 13, 1c

Teacher: Please read the dialogue on Page13.And make your own conversations about how the people in the picture get to school with your partner.Then Ill ask some pairs act out their dialogues.Pairwork:

A: How do Bob and Mary get to school?

B: Bob takes the train and Mary takes the subway.A: How does John get to school?

B: He takes the bus.A: How do Paul and Yang Lan get to school?

B: They walk.Look, there they are walking now!

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 14, 2a

1.Look at the expressions in the box.2.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the pronunciation.Page 14, 2b&2c

1.Look at the information in the chart.2.Play the recording for the first time and say:

There are two conversations.Some students are talking about transportation.Listen and fill in the blanks.3.Listen again and check the answers.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 14, 2d


Student A is Jane and Student B is Tom.Use the information in 2b tomake conversations.A: How do you get to school? B: I …

A: How long does it take …? B: It takes …

A: How far is it from … to …? B: It’s about …

Page 14, 2e

1.Make the students scan the conversation first.2.Listen to the tape and then make the students role-play the conversation in pairs.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Practice the conversation on Page 14, 2e.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。take是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在该交通工具前一般应有冠词;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不用冠词等修饰语,“by+交通工具”的短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。

如:Mr.Green often goes to work by train./Mr.Green often takes a train to work.格林先生常乘火车去上班。







Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

The topic of this unit is “transportation”.After learning, the students can talk about transportation in their daily life and master how to use and answer how-questions.In the first class, we start with the topic of how to get to… to get close to students life, and then make good use of listening and dialogue exercises to train the students ability to grasp the key information while listening.In this lesson, the teacher should get the students to understand the language points in the dialogue in the context and finally achieve the purpose of role playing the dialogue.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key Words & Phrases




take the bus乘坐公共汽车

walk to school步行去学校

ride ones bike骑自行车

drive to work开车上班

Key Sentences

1.How do you get to school?-I ride my bike.2.-How does she get to school?-She usually takes the bus.3.How long does it take to get to school?-It takes about 15 minutes.4.How far is it from your home to school?--Its only about two kilometers.

Difficult Points



Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

Preview the words and expressions(Page 15)and fill in the blanks.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.I usually go to school b_______ bus.2.Miss Li, our English teacher, l_____five miles from our school.3.My parents often _____________(开车上班)every day.4.He ______________(骑自行车)to the bus station.5.It takes me about half an hour to ____________(步行去学校).(Keys: 1.by 2.lives 3.drives to work 4.rides his bike 5.walk to school)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher: How do you get to school?

Students: I usually...Teacher: How long does it take you to get from your home to school?

Students: It takes.Teacher: How far is it from your home to school?

Students: Its around...?

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 15 Grammar Focus

1.Divide the class into two groups and then ask them to role-play the Grammar Focus.2.Let students try to recite it.3.Translation

1.距离学校十公里 2.步行去学校

3.开车去上班 4.15分钟左右

5.多长时间 6.多远

(Keys:1.Its ten kilometers from school.2.walk to school 3.drive onescar to work 4.about 15 minutes 5.how long 6.how far)

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 15, 3a

1.Match the questions with the answers.2.Check the answers.Then practice them.3.Summarize the difference between how, how far and how long.Page 15, 3b

T: Use these words to make questions.1.Get into pairs and ask and answer the questions.2.Have Ss check their answers in groups and then present their answers to the class.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 15 3c

T: Get into groups and ask your classmates questions and write their names in the chart.The first student to fill in all the blanks wins.Make a report about your findings and present them to the class.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Recite the Grammar Focus.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】




How are you today?意为“________”。

2.How long can you keep(借)the books from the library?how long意为“________”,以此询问“做某事持续了多长时间”。how long还表示“多长”,用以询问“长度”。

3.how many意为“________”,用以询问“可数名词的数量”。

4.how much意为“________”,用以询问“不可数名词的数量”。how much还表示“________”,用以询问“某物多少钱”。

5.how old意为“________”,用以询问“某人的年龄”。

6.how about意为“……怎么样?”与what about同义,用以询问对方的意见,多用于省略句。

7.how soon意为“多久以后”,用以询问“某事将在多久以后发生”,只用于将来时。

8.how far意为“多远”,用以询问“距离或路程”。

9.how often意为“多久一次”,询问事情发生的频率,通常和“usually,often,never”连用。


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the second lesson.After learning, the students can master the key sentences and structures.In this way, they achieve learning objectives of the Section A.At the same time, students’ learning enthusiasm is improved by activities designed, so as to enter into further study step by step.Moreover, real situation cannot be ignored.For example, teachers can discuss how to go to school and how much time to spend in school according to students facts.In addition, teachers can also spend most of class time asking students to make pair-work according to the pictures to further enhance the students self-learning ability..第三课时 Section B(1a-1e)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language



think of

train station

subway station

Mary wants to know where Bob lives.Mary wants to know what he thinks of the trips.

Difficult Points

Listening practice.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.完成下列短语和句子或根据要求改写句子。

1.He walks to the subway s_________.Then he takes the subway.2.We had a good ______________(学校旅行)last weekend.3.It is not far from the school to the bus s________.4.What do you ____________(认为)our school?

(Keys: 1.station 2.school trip 3.stop/station 4.think of)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher: How does Li Lei get to school? First, he rides his bicycle to the bus station.Then he takes the early bus to school.Do you know the bus station? Its a place where buses stop.Today well study some other “stations”.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 16, 1a

1.Ask Ss to match each phrase with a picture by writing the letter of the picture in the bank in front of the correct word.One has done for students.2.Check the answers.Page 16, 1b


1.First ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.Sa: How do you get to school?

Sb: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station.Then I take the subway.2.Suppose you use two kinds of transportation to get to school.Tell your partner how you get to school.3.Ss practice the conversations in pairs.4.Let some pairs to act out their conversations.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 16, 1c

1.Ask different Ss to read each line to the class

2.Play the tape for the Ss to listen and check the things Mary wants to know.3.Get Ss finish the listening task then check the answers.Page 16, 1d

1.Listen again.How does Bob get to his grandparents home? Check 1 or 2.2.Play the tape twice for the Ss to listen and check.3.Check the answers.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 16, 1e

1.Let students tell how Bob gets to his grandparents’ home.2.Ask students to use the pictures in 1d.And write these sentences on the blackboard.First, he … Next, he… Then, he… Finally, …

3.Ss work with their partners.Try to say how Bob get to his grandparents home.4.Check the answers.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Finish the exercise.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.get to+地点;reach及物动词,reach+地点;arrive不及物动词,后常接介词in或at,一般in后接大地方,at接小地方。

2.every day和everyday区别:

everyday作形容词,意为“每天的;每日的”;every day名词性短语,在句中做时间状语,常用于一般现在时时态中。


Mary wants to know where Bob lives.Mary想知道Bob住在哪里。

where Bob lives是宾语从句,宾语从句的语序是陈述语序(主+谓+……)。

如:Do you know which class he is in?


—Please tell me ______for the meeting yesterday.—Sorry.The traffic was bad.A.why you came late

B.why did you come late

C.when you came late

D.when did you come late


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the third period.In class, the teacher should give the students opportunities to talk about the way to some place.This kind of discussion not only stimulates students’ interest in learning, but also enhances their oral expression ability, making the class lively and interesting.It makes a good preparation for the listening training of 1c and 1d and the oral training of 1e.第四课时 Section B(2a-3b)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target language



many(adj.& pron.)许多













come true实现;成为现实

1.For many students, it is easy to get to school.对于许多学生来说,上学是很方便的。

2.There is a very big river between their school and the village.在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条很大的河。

3.Do you think their dream can come true? 你认为他们的梦想能实现吗?

Difficult Points

To understand the passage and master the target language.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.He l______ for school at about 6:30 every morning.2.There is a small river b______ my school and my house.3.I am a ______to go out at midnight.4.The students in the village dream to have a b______ over the river.5.These students have to go on a ropeway to ____________(过河)to school.6.I hope their dream can____________(实现)one day.(Keys:1.leaves 2.between 3.afraid 4.bridge 5.cross the river 6.come true)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher: Do you want to know how students in the village get to school? Lets discuss it.Students: On foot, ride a bike, by boat.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 17, 2a

Look at the picture and title below.Guess what the passage is about.T: I think its about how some students get to school.What do you think?

S1: I think its about how some students in the village get to school.S2: I think its about how some students in the mountain get to school.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 17, 2b

1.Fast reading

Read the passage and find the answer to this question:

1)Whats the students and the villagers dream in this village?

2)Ss read the passage quickly and find the answer to this question:

3)Their dream is to build a bridge.2.Careful reading

Read the passage again and find the answers to the questions below:

1)How do the students in the village go to school?

2)Why do they go to school like this?

3)Does the boy like his school? Why?

4)What is the villagers dream? Do you think their dream can come true?

Page 17, 2c

1.Read the passage again and complete the sentences with the words from the passage..2.Check the answers: difficult, big, quickly, afraid, true

⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 18, 3a

1.Read the e-mail from your pen pal Tom in the US.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.2.Check the answers.Page 18, 3b

T: In this task, its our turn to write an e-mail to Tom and tell him how you get to school.1.First, lets look at these questions below:

(Let one student read the questions aloud.Make sure all the students know the meaning of the questions.)

2.Work in pairs ask and answer the questions.And write them down on your workbook.3.Try to write a short e-mail with the help of the sentences you wrote.4.Check the e-mails with your partners.5.Let some Ss read their e-mail to the class as a model.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】


Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

选择疑问句的结构:疑问句中用or 连接选择部分构成的疑问句。


—Is he or his sister good at English?

—His sister(is).

—Is your father a teacher or a doctor?

—(He is)A teacher.—Does Tom like Chinese or math?

—(He likes)Chinese(Both/Neither).



Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

First of all, interactions between teachers and students stimulate students interest in discussing the topic of this class.Then, through the reading training of 2b, students reading ability is cultivated.We can ask the students to complete the tasks in 2c in order to develop the students’ ability to grasp key information.This combination of teaching and practicing fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of students to participate in the class, and also helps students master knowledge points firmly.Besides, we can get the students to discuss how they get to some places.Through oral practice, the students can accumulate many useful words and sentences.It helps them to improve their writing skills.第五课时 Self Check


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To use and practice the unit’s target language.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page103 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the following exercise.英汉互译










(Keys:1.get to 2.how far;3.by subway 4.cross the river 5.ride a bike 6.think of 7.walk

8.come true 9.between … and...)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to share the information they got from their friends.Example: I am Lisa.I go to school by bus.My friend Tom goes to school on foot.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 18, Self Check 1

T: Weve learned many ways of transportation.Now lets have a short review.Look at the words in the boxes below to form as many expressions as possible.1.Ss work in groups and try to write as many expressions as possible:

take a bus, by bus, take a train, by train, take a subway, by subway, ride a bike, by bike...2.Let some Ss read their answers.Let other students add more phrases.Note: by + 出行方式(不加the);take(ride)+ a(the)出行方式

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 18, Self Check 2

1.Look at the chart below.Write at least five questions.2.Then answer the questions with the information in the chart.Example:

—How does Tony get to school from home?

—He gets to school by bike.3.Check the answers.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the unit exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In this lesson, the teacher can recall the words about transportation through brainstorming.It can enlarge the students’ vocabulary.Moreover, by completing the task 2 in Self Check, the students can master the structures by writing e-mails on their own.The teacher also can get the students to write a conversation using “how do you get to some places?” so that they can freely incorporate the knowledge they have learned into the use of the target language.Meanwhile, the teacher needs to educate the students to learn to be understanding.

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.”“


Language Goals


Learn to talk about school and family rules with others

Knowledge Goals


Target Language

1, rule(n.)







8.outside(adj.& adv.)




12, uniform(n.)






















6.be strict(with sb.)

7.follow the rules

Key Grammar

Imperative sentence

Ability Goals


1.Learn to describe some signs in English.2.Discuss students’ views on some rules.

Moral Goals


Let students learn to obey the rules, no matter at school, at home or in the society.

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)


本单元教材以“rules ”为中心话题,围绕着描述“班规”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:—Dont run in the hallways./Dont fight.—Sorry,Ms Clark.—Can we bring music players to school?—Yes,we can./No,we cant./We must be on time./We also have to be quiet in the library.等,让学生了解身边的规则。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的情感。Section A主要学习怎样用英语表达身边的规章及标识。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的感情。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,其中关于“unhappy things”的信件介绍了家庭及学校的一些规则,增加了学生的阅读量。教师在教学中应合理应用课本上的知识进行解答。


第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language







sorry(adj.)抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的(be)on time准时

listen to…听……

arrive late for迟到




quiet(adj.)安静的wear a hat 戴帽子

a lot of rules 许多规则

be quiet 安静

have to 必须;不得不

1.Dont arrive late for class.You must be on time.上课不准迟到,你必须准时到校。

2.—What are the rules? 规则是什么?

3.—Well,we cant arrive late for school.We must be on time.嗯,我们上课不能迟到。我们必须准时。

4.Dont listen to music in class.上课不能听音乐。

5.Can we listen to music? 我们能听音乐吗?

6.We cant listen to music in the hallways,but we can listen to it outside.我们不能在走廊听音乐,但我们可以在外面听。

7.Can we bring music players to school? 我们能带音乐播放器去学校吗?

8.We always have to wear the school uniform.我们总是要穿校服。

Difficult Points

Talk about rules.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.He is(听)the news on radio.2.We cant eat in the classroom.We should eat in the(餐厅).

3.Tom often(和……打架)his twin brother Tim.4.The visitor will(到达)our city next Monday.5.The school u are very nice.Students like to wear them.6.Please w a hat when you ride a motorbike.7.Its boring.Lets go for a walk o .

8.It is very i for us to learn English well.9.Please be q in the library.(Keys:1.listening to 2.dining hall 3.fights with 4.arrive at 5.uniforms 6.wear 7.outside 8.important 9.quiet)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

1.Ask students to act some actions according to teacher’s instructions.For example:

Please stand up/ sit down.Close the door, please.Look at me and listen to me.Don’t open your books.Don’t talk.Let’s begin our class.2.The teacher writes these sentences on the board.At the same time, ask students to try to find out the features of these sentences.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 19, 1a

T:What are the students doing in the picture?Is it good to do that? What do you want to say to them?

Ask the students to read the five rules on the left..Page 19, 1b

Play the tape and ask the students to listen and write the numbers after the names.Page 19, 1c

Pair-work: Talk about the rules in 1a.A:What are the rules?

B:Well,we cant arrive late for class.We must be on time.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 20, 2a

1.Read the sentences in 2a together.T: Now, lets listen to the recording.Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.2.Ss listen to the recording and check the activities they hear.3.Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.Page 20, 2b

1.Make Sure Ss know what they should do.2.Listen to the recording again.Pay attention to Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? 3.Circle can or cant above.4.Check the answers:

⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 20, 2c

1.Suppose you are Alan and your partner is Cindy.Talk about the rules in 2a.2.Let some students come to the front and act out the conversations.Page 20, 2d

1.Read the conversation and find some rules in this school.2.Ss read the conversations and find the answers to this question.3.Check the answers:

(Dont be late for school.Dont bring music players to school.You always have to wear the school uniform.You have to be quiet in the library.)

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Practice the conversation on Page 20, 2d.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.arrive late for school/be late for school/come to school late上学迟到

2.arrive in/at+地点 get to+地点 reach+地点

3.in class在课堂上 in the class在班里in the classroom在教室里

4.must“必须”(强调主观意志),没有人称和数的变化,否定:mustnt“不准”;have to“必须”(强调客观因素),第三人称用has to,否定:dont/doesnt have to。

5.wear“穿着,戴着”(强调状态);put on“穿上”(强调瞬间动作)。

6.listen to“听”(强调听的动作);hear“听见”(强调听的结果);sound“听起来”(系动词,后接形容词构成系表结构)。

7.a lot of=lots of/many/much

8.bring sth.to sb.=bring sb.sth.带给某人某物



Listen to me,please.请听我说。


Be careful!小心!


Let me help you.让我帮助你。


Dont talk in class.不要在课堂上讲话。


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

The topic of this unit is talking about rules.Therefore, in the first class, it is necessary for students to brainstorm a lot of words to talk about rules.This is the first lesson of this unit.Through a lot of listening and speaking exercises, students can correctly use imperative sentences to state rules and make polite responses to others’ advice and warnings.In the teaching process, we can adopt the way of group cooperation so as to get the students to actively participate in the class.Also, we can ask the students to role-play their conversations to enhance their cooperation awareness.It helps them to build confidence and experience success.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language


in class 在课堂上

on time 准时

have to 不得不

wear a uniform 穿校服

be quiet 安静点

1.—Can we wear a hat in class?我们能戴帽子上课吗?

—Yes,we can./No,we cant.是的,我们可以。/不,我们不可以。

2.—Does he have to wear a uniform at school?在学校他必须穿校服吗?

—Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.是的,他必须穿。/不,他不必。

Difficult Points

To make some rules based on what they’ve learned.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

Preview the words and expressions(Page 21)and fill in the blanks.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。

in class,on time,have to,wear a uniform,be quiet

1.You should .The baby is sleeping.2.She likes on school days.3.We cant listen to music .

4.—Can I finish my homework tomorrow?

—I am afraid not.You hand it in today.5.You cant arrive late for class.You must be .

(Keys:1.be quiet 2.wearing a uniform 3.in a class 4.have to 5.on time)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:At the beginning of this lesson,lets make our own rules.Please take out a piece of paper and write down some school rules.Then make some new school rules or class rules.Then lets discuss our school rules.Which is good,and which we should change?You can express your feelings freely.⭐Step 3 Pretask【准备任务】

Page 3 Grammar Focus

1.Divide the class into two groups and then ask them to role-play the Grammar Focus.2.Let students recite it.3.Ss finish off the sentences and check the answers by themselves.① 不要在楼道里跑。_______________________

② 不要打架。____________________

③ 有什么规则? ___________________

④ 我们必须按时上课。____________________

⑤ 我们可以在教室里吃东西吗?____________________

⑥ 不能。但我们可以在餐厅里吃东西。___________________

⑦ 我们可以在教室里带帽子吗?____________________

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 21, 3a&3b

T: Look at 3a.Do you know the meaning of these pictures? Yeah, you see them in the school library.Can you write the rules for the school library?

1.Ss discuss the pictures and make some rules.2.Let some Ss read their rules aloud.3.Check the answers with the class.(Dont listen to music in the library.Dont eat or drink in the library.Dont take photos in the library.)

Page 21, 3b

T: Use the words to make questions about the rules.Then write answers according to your school.For example:

Be quiet?(she/have to/ in the library)

Does she have to be quiet in the library?

Yes, she does.1.Ss work by themselves and try to write the sentences on the workbook.2.Ss work in pairs.Ask and answer the sentences.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 21, 3c

T: Everybody has a dream school.Suppose youre the headmaster of the Coolest School.You can make rules for your school.Make up five cool rules for your dream school.1.Ss work in groups and discuss what rules are in their school.2.Write down their rules on the work.3.Let some Ss read their rules aloud.4.See whose school is the coolest?

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.2.Make some rules at home.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

have to“必须、不得不”,它侧重于客观上的必要和外界的权威。

(1)结构:主语+have to+动词原形+其他(主语是第三人称单数时,用has to;句子是过去时,用had to。)

如:We have to wear sports shoes for gym class.在体育课上,我们必须穿运动鞋。

Tom has to practice the guitar every day.汤姆每天必须练习弹吉他。

(2)否定形式:主语+dont have to do sth.=主语+needn’t do sth.常翻译成“……没必要做某事,不必……”(单三人称时,用doesnt have to;句子是过去时时,用didnt have to;neednt适合任何主语。)

如:Nick ________ wear a uniform.尼克不必穿制服。

We ________ do our homework at once.我们不必马上完成作业。

I dont have to go to school today.=I neednt go to school today.(3)疑问句:Do(Does或Did)+主语+have to+动词原形+其他?

如:—________ you ________ stay at home on weekends?周末你必须待在家里吗?

—Yes,I do./No,I dont.是的。/不,不必如此。.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

The second lesson will continue to learn the key words of and the meaning of some signs in English.In addition, students should learn and master the sentences patterns of have to, can, dont and so on.In class, let the students learn by themselves and summarize some grammar points according to the Grammar Focus.At the same time, through 3A, 3B and 3C activities, students can learn to use the target language to talk about regulations.Through group work, students ability to think is improved.When students use the imperative sentence, they need to pay more attention to the use of dont in the negative sentence and the verb after the modal verb.However, these mistakes can be avoided and overcome after much practice.第三课时 Section B(1a-1d)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target language


practice(v.& n.)练习


before(prep.& conj.)在……以前(adv.)以前

go out外出(娱乐)

practice the guitar练习吉他

do the dishes 清洗餐具

Difficult Points

Talk about rules.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Come back b ten oclock.Dont arrive late.2.I often help my mother(洗餐具)after dinner.3.Lucy cant(外出)with her friends on school nights.

4.Dave has to(练习吉他)every day.(Keys: 1.before 2.do the dishes 3.go out 4.practice the guitar)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:Last lesson we learned the school rules.Now work in groups of four.Three students do some activities that cant be done in class.The fourth student acts as a teacher to stop them.Then Ill ask some groups to act out in front of the class.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 22, 1a

Teacher:Look at the pictures in 1a on Page 22.Can you tell what you see in each picture?

Students:The boy is staying out on school nights.The boy is doing his homework after school.The boy is playing the guitar.The boy is watching TV after school.…

Teacher:Then could you please match the pictures with the rules?

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 22, 1b

1.Tell Ss theyll listen to the recording about Daves house rules.Listen and put an “×” for things Dave cant do and a “√” for things he has to do.2.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and check.3.Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.Page 22, 1c

1.Read the phrases aloud together.2.Explain the meaning of the phrases if necessary.3.Play the recording three times for the Ss to listen and write the phrases in the chart in 1b.4.Check the answers:

⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 22, 1d

Teacher:Now,lets talk about the rules in Daves house.Then tell me which one is the same as or different from your family rules.Group work:

1.Divide the Ss into groups.Each group has eight students.2.T: Now lets talk about Daves home rules.3.Make Students work in groups.Every student can say one rule.Then the teacher can write down what the rules are when other group members say.4.Make a list of Daves house rules.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Finish the exercise.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】


He practices(playing)the piano every day.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the third lesson in this unit.Through lots of listening and speaking practice, the students learned more about the topic of rules.In this lesson, students are required to understand the dialogue about talking about rules and learn to put into use in real life.During the process of teaching, teachers should enhance students learning enthusiasm by using class activities.The key point focuses on listening and speaking.The listening practice in this period is a little more difficult than before.Some of the dialogues are too longer, so the teacher needs to develop the students listening skills and offer some guidance before listening.For example, the teacher can ask some questions before the first listening.In this way, it not only can exercise the students listening and speaking ability, but also help students build confidence.第四课时 Section B(2a-3c)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language


more(adj.& pron.)更多(的)












be strict(with sb.)(对某人)要求严格

follow the rules遵守规则

1.Get up now and make your bed!现在起床,整理好床铺!

2.I must read a book before I can watch TV.在我可以看电视之前,我必须读书。

3.Im not happy because there are too many rules at home.在家里有太多的规则,因此我不开心。

Difficult Points

Understand the passage about rules.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.In our school, we shouldnt be n or eat in class.2.Our English teacher is s with us,so we can learn well.3.We should f the rules in our school.4.I am tired,so I want to stay at home and r myself this weekend.5.You must r(记住)how to do it.6.I feel t(糟糕的)when I come back home from school at night.7.Good l to you!

(Keys:1.noisy 2.strict 3.follow 4.relax 5.remember 6.terrible 7.luck)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:I know many parents are strict with you.Maybe you have something to say to them.Write down what you want to say to them or what you want them to do for you.You can read your diary to your parents when they are free.Try to communicate with them.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 23, 2a

T: Everybody may have something unhappy.When you are unhappy who do you like to talk to?

S1: I like to talk to my aunt.S2: I like to talk to my best friend.S3: I like to talk to …

T: OK.Do you know, when Im unhappy I like to talk to Dr.Know.Shes great and he knows everything.She can give you the best advice.Now, lets work on 2a and lets meet Dr.Know.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 23, 2b

1.Fast reading

1)T: There are many rules in Mollys home and school.She feels unhappy.Read the letter and find the answer to this question: What does Molly feel about the rules?

2)Ss read the letter and find the answer to this question.(she feels terrible.)

2.Careful reading

1)Read the letter again and underline the rules for Molly.2)Ss read the letter and try to find the rules for Molly and underline them.3)Check the answers with the class.(Let some Ss read their answers aloud.Let other Ss add some rules.)

3.Careful reading

1)Read Dr.Knows letter and answer this question:

What does she think of the school and home rules?

2)Ss read Dr Knows letter and find the answer to this question.3)Let one student read out his/her answer.(She thinks parents and schools are sometimes strict, but they make rules to help us.We have to follow them.)

Page 23, 2c

Teacher:Now,please read the letters again and complete the sentences with have to/must,can or cant.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 24, 3a

Teacher:Is she happy?Lets read the letter and find out the answer.After that,complete Zhao Peis letter to Dr.Know using have to/must,can or cant.Then make a list about her rules.(show the photo of Zhao Pei in 3a).Page 24, 3b

Teacher:Do you think you are happy at school or at home?What are the things you have to do or you cant do at school or at home?

Page 24, 3c

Teacher:Now,you can write a letter to Dr.Know.Tell him about all the rules in your family and how you feel about them.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】


Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】


be strict with sb.“对某人严厉”。如:

His father is strict with him.他父亲对他严格要求。

be strict in(doing)sth.“对(做)某事要求严格”。如:

We should be strict in(doing)our work.对工作我们应该严格要求。


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This lesson is a reading lesson.The key point of this lesson is to enable students to understand the passage about rules and complete the exercises.During the process of learning, students can further master and use the target language.At the same time, students should learn the method of reading-circling the key words, which is the key to cultivating students reading ability.The teacher should design the reading task well before class.Once the task is designed well, students will achieve the learning goal step by step while learning.第五课时 Self Check


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To use and practice the unit’s key structures.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page102 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the translations.英汉互译

1.keep my hair short____________

2.relax on weekends____________

3.learn to play the piano____________

4.read a book____________

5.have fun____________


(Keys:1.留短发;2.在周末放松;3.学弹钢琴;4.看书;5.玩得高兴,过得快活;6.at home)⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to share the information they got from their friends.Example: I am Lisa.I can...at school I can’t...My friend Tom can...at home He can’t...at home.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 24, Self Check 1

T: Now you will read an interesting story about Timmy the Mouse.Hes a funny mouse.Do you want to know what rules he has at home? Now read this short passage and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.1.Ss read the short passage and try to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.2.Check the answers.3.Explain some sentences that Ss may have difficulty understanding them.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 24, Self Check 2

1.Review the use of can/cant;have/must;dont have to。

2.Tell Ss they should use ”can/cant;have/must;dont have to“ to write about the rules at school.Write two sentences for each rule.3.Ss work by themselves and write the rules on the workbook.4.Let some Ss read their answers aloud.Correct any mistakes they have.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the summary of the unit.Imperative sentences are easier for students.In addition, considering that the students have learned the use of modal verbs in Unit 1, the teacher can lead the students to review how to use them according to the key points in this unit.At the same time, students should also master how to make rules and regulations.In the last period, the teacher should use the exercises in Self Check to help the students review the target language and at the same time, we must encourage them to use what they’ve learned in this unit.It’s necessary to assign some homework to the students after class.It helps them consolidate the target language.Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?

第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)



Language Goals


Learn to talk about animals in the zoo.Learn to how to describe animals and express preferences.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language





















21.sleep(v.& n)











32.down(adv.& prep.)




4.be in(great)danger

5.cut down

6.(be)made of

Key Grammar


2.Because clause;

Ability Goals


1.To observe and describe animals.2.To talk about their preferences

3.To know the implied meaning of some animals

Moral Goals


Let the students know how to love animals and how to get along well with them.

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)


本单元教材以“Why do you like...?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“animals”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:.—What animals do you like?—I like koalas./—Why do you like koalas?—Because theyre very cute./ —Where are koalas from?—Theyre from Australia.让学生知道怎样询问他人喜欢的动物及原因。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的情感。Section A主要学习怎样表达和交流个人喜欢的动物及原因。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能帮助学生了解更多自然科学知识,同时也能促进师生之间的感情。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,其中在关于“save elephants”的文中,引领学生了解了大象的生存现状,增加了学生的阅读量。通过本单元的学习,学生应能较流利地运用所学词汇和句型描述动物,表达个人喜好。


第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language









cute(adj.)可爱的;机灵的lazy(adj.)懒惰的;懒散的smart(adj.)聪明的beautiful(adj.)美丽的;美好的my favorite animal我最喜欢的动物








sleep(v.& n.)睡觉

kind of稍微;有点儿

South Africa南非

all day整天

1.Lets see the lions.咱们去看看狮子吧。

2.—Why do you want to see them? 你为什么想去看它们?

—Because theyre interesting.因为它们很有趣。

3.—Why dont you like the cat?你为什么不喜欢这只猫呢?

—Because shes kind of boring.因为她有点无趣。

4.Where are they from?他们来自哪里?

5.They are kind of interesting.他们有点有趣。

6.They can walk on two legs.他们可以两条腿走路。

Difficult Points

To describe animals and talk about preferences


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.G are interesting.They have long necks.2.—Do you like monkeys?

—Yes,they are so s.3.Bob is l.He never does housework at home.4.Lindas sister is a(可爱的)girl.5.Koalas are from A.I think theyre kind of interesting.6.Some doctors and nurses work at night and s in the day.7.I like watching(吓人的)films.Its really exciting.8.The film is(有点)boring.I dont like it at all.9.Elephants are from(南非).They have long noses.They eat leaves and grass.(Keys:1.Giraffes 2.smart 3.lazy 4.cute 5.Australia 6.sleep 7.scary 8.kind of 9.South Africa)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

To create an English environment, the teacher shows the class some pictures of a zoo.And ask some questions about animals:

Do you like to go to the zoo?

Do you like animals?

Then have them to recall the animals they had learned and write them on the blackboard as he/she can.(e.g.animals—sheep, monkey, cat, dog, mouse, cow, duck…)

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 25, 1a

T: Show some pictures on the big screen.Let Ss guess what animal it is.Ss try to guess and remember the names of the animals.Page 25, 1b

1.Tell Ss to listen to the tape and check the animals they hear in 1a.2.Play the recording again and check the answers with the class.Page 25, 1c

Pair work

1.Ask the students to imagine “We are in the zoo, there are many kinds of animals here.”

Then ask a student to do the model with you:

— Let’s see the lions first.—Why?(Why do you /does she /does he like lions?)

—Because they are interesting.2.Ss work with their partners practice the conversation using the animal in 1a.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 26, 2a

T: Listen to the conversation carefully.Then write the names of the animals you hear on these lines.1.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.2.Play the recording a second time.This time students write in the names of the animals.3.Check the answers.4.Point out the adjectives and countries listed on the right.Ask a student to say the words.5.Say, Now I will play the recording again.This time draw a line between each animal and the adjective and countries you hear.6.Play the recording and have students match each animal with an adjective and a country.7.Correct the answers.Page 26, 2b

T: Listen again and complete the conversation with the words in 2a.1.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and write the answers.2.Check the answers with the class.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 26, 2c

Teacher:Now,you can talk about the other two animals in 2a with a partner.Do John and Julie like them? Do you like them? Why or why not?

Page 26, 2d

1.Ask Ss to look at the picture in 2d.Then Ss read the conversation in 2d and find the answers to the questions:

① Does Peter have a pet?

② What can Dingding do?

③ What pet does Jenny’s mom have?

④ Does Jenny like the cat? Why?

2.Ss read the conversations and try to find the answers to the questions.Check the answers:

Yes, he does.He can walk on two legs.He can dance, too.She has a cat.No, she doesn’t.Because it’s very lazy.3.Ss work in pairs and practice the conversation.4.Let some pairs role-play the conversation.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Practice the conversation on Page 26, 2d.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】


★lets是let us的缩略形式,意思是“让我们”,是提出建议的一种句型。

如:Lets ________ ________.让我们回家吧。

2.—Why do you want to see the lions?

—Because theyre interesting.★why“为什么”,是疑问副词,用来询问原因,英语中用why 提出问题,用because回答。


I like Tom because he is very friendly.(对画线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ like Tom?


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This unit focuses on “animals and preferences”.After learning, the students can talk about some animals they like and reasons.In the learning process, the teacher should use listening practice to improve their listening ability.At the same time, the teacher must ask the students to practice the conversations they make to improve their speaking skills.From the simple to complex,the content of this lesson is gradually introduced, which is easy for students to understand.And the teaching effect is good.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language


be from来自

a lot很;十分

black and white 黑白相间

1.—Where are lions from?狮子来自哪里?

—Theyre from South Africa.它们来自南非。

2.—Do you like pandas?你喜欢熊猫吗?

—Yes,I do.是的,我喜欢。

Difficult Points



Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

Preview the words and expressions(Page 27).根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.My favorite a_______ are dolphins and penguins.2.Lions are _______(来自)South Africa.They are very dangerous.3.We can learn _______(许多)from the story.4.The dog is very beautiful.It is __________(黑白相间).

(Keys:1.animals 2.from 3.a lot 4.black and white)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

The teacher shows some pictures on the screen and asks students to make conversations.A:What animal is it?

B:Its a tiger.A:Where are tigers from?

B:They are from…

A:Do you like tigers?

B:Yes,I do./No,I dont.A:Why?/Why not?

B:Because theyre very/kind of…

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 27, Grammar Focus

1.Divide the class into two groups and then ask them to role-play the Grammar Focus.2.Ss finish off the sentences and check the answers by themselves.3.Give Ss eight more minutes to remember them.① 你为什么喜欢熊猫? _____________________

② 因为它们有趣。_____________________

③ 约翰为什么喜欢考拉?___________________

④ 因为它们很可爱。____________________

⑤ 为什么你不喜欢老虎?_____________________

⑥ 因为它们真得很吓人。___________________

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 27, 3a

1.Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.2.Check the answers.3.Then practice the conversation..Page 27, 3b

1.Tell Ss to write the names of animals in the blanks to make sentences that are true for you.e.g.I like cats because they are interesting.I like dogs because they are smart.I dont like lions because they are scary.2.Ss work in groups.Discuss and write their sentences.3.Let some Ss report their likes and dislikes.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 27, 3c

Guessing game

T: Lets play a game: Ill describe one animal to you.Listen carefully and think about what animal it is.1.Teacher makes a model to the Ss.Ss try to guess what animal it is.2.T: Its your turn now.Please describe one animal to your group members.Let them guess what animal it is.3.Ss work in groups.Describe animals and guess animals.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.2.Think and describe an animal after class.Then write your sentences on the workbook.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.kind of 意思为“有点”,它等于a little或a bit,用在形容词前。

如:kind of interesting(=a little interesting=a bit interesting)

2.be from+地点,意思为“来自……”;be from=come from。

如:The giraffes are from Africa.=The giraffes come from Africa.长颈鹿来自非洲。

3.Where are the lions from?

where“哪里”,是疑问副词,用来询问地点,其结构为:Where is(are)+人或物?


Pandas are from China.(对画线部分提问)

________ are pandas ________?


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This class starts with the topic of animals to arouse students interest.It adopts role-playing practice to make students take the initiative in learning.In addition, the combination of listening, speaking, reading and writing not only develops the students’ comprehensive language ability, but also helps consolidate the target language.We can ask the students to use what/why/where questions to make sentences and because-clauses to give answers.Also, we can get them to use phrasal verbs they learned to make conversations.第三课时 Section B(1a-1d)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language



—What animals do you like?你喜欢什么动物?

—I like elephants.我喜欢大象。


—Because theyre cute.因为它们很可爱。

Difficult Points

Listening practice.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.根据句意及首字母完成句子。

1.Chinese people are f to visitors from other countries.2. —Do you like pandas?

—Yes,I do.But sometimes they are a little s .

(Keys:1.friendly 2.shy)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:Do you like animals?Do you know where they come from?Why do you like them?Please talk about it with your partner.A:What animals do you like best?

B:Lions.A:Where are they from?

B:They are from South Africa.A:Why do you like them?

B:Because they are interesting.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 28, 1a

1.Pay attention to the animals in the picture in 1a and ask a student to say the name of each one.2.Point out the list of eight numbered adjectives below.T: Now please match the adjectives with the animals in the picture.Write the letter of the animal on the line after the adjective.Point out the sample answer.3.As students work, move around the room offering to answer questions as needed.4.Correct the answers.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 28, 1b

T: Now I will play a recording of a conversation between Tony and Maria.This time circle the adjectives you hear on the list for la.1.Ss listen and try to circle the adjectives in 1a.2.Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.Page 28, 1c

1.Call attention to the three headings.Animal, Marias Words and Tony’s Words, and the write-on lines under each.And say,Now I will play the recording again.This time please write the name of the animals each person talks about and the words they say.2.Play the first four lines of recording and stop the tape.Ask, what animal are they talking about? What words does Mary use to describe the elephant?

3.Point out the write-on lines where students can write these words.4.Play the whole recording and have students write the words they hear on the chart.5.Check the answers.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 28, 1d


1.Call attention to the dialogue next to the picture.Ask two students to read it to the class.2.Say, Work in pairs.Use sentences like these to say what you think about different animals.3.Ss work in pairs to make their own conversations.As they work, move around the room checking on progress.4.Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Finish the exercises.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

Before listening, we can ask the students to learn the new words and phrases by themselves.As for some difficult ones, the teacher can use some pictures or create some situations to help the students understand them.While listening, get the students to pay more attention to the problems.It helps them to learn listening strategies and develop the sense of language.This is the third period.In this class, students will be guided to carry out listening training, and dialogue practice between teachers and students.In this way, students can further use the structures they’ve learned to talk about animals.第四课时 Section B(2a-3b)


Target Navigation 【目标导航】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language















get lost迷路

be in(great)danger处于(极大)危险之中

cut down砍倒

(be)made of 由……制成的

1.—Why dont you like the cat?你为什么不喜欢这只猫呢?

—Because shes kind of boring.因为她有点无趣。

2.Where are they from?他们来自哪里?

3.They are kind of interesting.他们有点有趣。

4.They can walk on two legs.他们可以两条腿走路。

Difficult Points

Try to master the key structures and recite the passage.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Some animals are in great d.We should protect(保护)them.2.The students in Thailand want to s the elephants.3.Red is a s of good luck in China.4.Do you like animals in the z ?

5.The lazy boy often f to do his homework.6.People usually k some small animals for their meat.7.Elephants can find(地方)with food and water after walking for a long time.8.People(砍倒)many trees so some animals are losing their homes.(Keys: 1.danger 2.save 3.symbol 4.zoo 5.forgets 6.kill 7.places 8.cut down)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

T: Now there are many animals are in danger in the world.Why? One reason is that men cuts down too many trees so animal are losing their homes.Look at the chart below.What animals do you think are in great danger? Discuss with your group members and check the animals.Let some Ss read their answers.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 29, 2a

1.Make students finish the task in 2a.2.Ask some students to say their answers.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 29, 2b

Teacher:The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.But they are in great danger now.People cut down many trees.Elephants have no places to live in.Even some people kill elephants for their ivory.Now, please read this website article carefully and choose the best title for it..Page 29, 2c

T: There are four boxes around the word ”Elephant“.The first box is about the importance of the elephants in Thailand.The second box is about the abilities of the elephants.The third box is about the facts and figures of the elephants.The last box is about how to save the elephants.1.Ss read the article and fill in the blanks in the map.2.Check the answers with the Ss.⭐Post-task【后续任务】

Page 30, 3a

T: Becky is Jills favorite animal.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.1.Ss read and fill in the blanks.2.Check the answers.3.Explain “Isn’t she beautiful?”

Page 30, 3b

T: Do you know Beibie, Jinging, Huanhuan, Yingying? Yeah, theyre four pandas in China.Now look at a picture of Beibei.Do you like her? Can you write a short article to introduce her? You can use the words and expressions below.(five years old, China, cute, Beijing Zoo)

1.Ss try to write a short article about Beibei.2.Let some Ss read their article to the class.3.Present a possible version on the big screen and let Ss correct their article.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Remember the new words and expressions learned in this period.2.Ask Ss to retell the article according to the map in 2c.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.one of………之一

The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.大象是泰国的象征之一。

one of后接可数名词复数,表示什么中的一个,其作主语时,动词用第三人称单数。

“one of the+最高级+名词复数形式”,表示“最……之一”。

one of us我们中的一个

one of the students那群学生中的一个

one of those apples那些苹果中的一个

总结:one of后跟名词复数,表示……中的一个。

2.cut down砍伐,砍倒

People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.人们砍伐了很多树木,因此大象正在失去它们的家园。

cut down的用法


如:They cut down the big tree.他们把这棵大树砍倒了。


如:Youd better cut the article down to about 2,000 words.你最好将这篇文章压缩到大约2,000个字。



Isnt she beautiful?难道她不漂亮吗?

Dont you know?难道你不知道吗?

Doesnt he have a sister?难道她没有妹妹?



Teaching Reflection 【教学反思】

This lesson is for reading and writing.Reading and writing should be done together in one class because reading material provides a good example for writing.Besides, it is better for students to finish writing exercises as soon as possible after completing the reading tasks.Therefore,it’s necessary to get students to preview well in advance.Otherwise, the reading task will take longer and the writing task may not be completed.In this way, students will be able to improve their reading and writing skills little by little, so as to achieve their learning goals.第五课时 Self Check


Target Navigation 【目标导航】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To review and practice the unit’s key structures.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page105 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the translations.翻译下面的句子。

1.Isnt she beautiful?


2.She is from Africa.________________________________________________________________________

3.I like dogs because they are friendly and smart.________________________________________________________________________

4.He lives in China.________________________________________________________________________

(Keys:1.难道她不美丽吗? 2.她来自非洲。3.我喜欢狗是因为它们友好聪明。4.他生活在中国。)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to share the information they got from their friends.Example: I am Lisa.I like…because...My friend Tom like… because he thinks...⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page30, Self Check 1

T: We learned many animals and descriptions in this unit.Lets have a review of the animals and descriptions.Now work in groups and write more words in the chart below.1.Ss work in groups and add more words in the chart.2.Let some Ss write the answers on the blackboard.Let other Ss add more words.3.Ok.Now lets make sentences with the animals and descriptions.I like…because…

I dont like… because they are…

I think … are really…

…are very…

4.Ss work in groups try to make five sentences each group.5.Let some groups read out their sentences.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page30, Self Check 2

1.There are some questions and some answers in the chart.Please read the sentences below and match the questions and answers to make a conversation.2.Check the answers with the Ss.3.Ss make conversations with partners.4.Ss act out the conversation.⭐Step 4 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the exercise.⭐Step 5 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the last lesson in this unit.Since the writing task was finished in the before class, this class is not difficult.Students need to complete the Self Check to consolidate their knowledge.Therefore, in this class, the teacher can give the students enough time to recite.Then, according to the two activities of Self Check, the teacher can let the students organize the knowledge points of this unit independently.Finally, the teacher can arrange students to complete some exercises to consolidate the content learned in this unit.”“

Unit 6 I am watching TV.单元总览

Language Goals


Learn to talk about everyday activities.Learn to talk how to talk about what people are doing.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language








8.drink(v.& n)


10.tomorrow(adv.& n)


12.shop(v.& n)





17.study(v.& n)


19.American(adj.& n)


21.any(adj.& pron.)

22.other(adj.& pron.)







5.drink tea

6.living room

7.wash the dishes

8.talk on the phone

Key Grammar

be doing;

Ability Goals


1.Be able to describe what people are doing..2.Enable the students to use the structure of be doing..

Moral Goals


1.Cultivate students to think positively.2.Educate students to be helpful and united.

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)


本单元教材以” I am doing....”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“正在发生的事情”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:—What are you doing?—Im doing my homework.—Whats she doing?—Shes washing her clothes./—Is she reading?—Yes,she is./—What time is it? —Its eight oclock in the morning.等,让学生知道怎样询问他人正在做的事情以及表述自己正在做的事情。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的情感。Section A主要学习怎样表达自己正在做的事情以及询问他人正在做的事情。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的感情。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,其中关于端午节的文章介绍了中国传统节日-端午节的习俗,增加了学生的阅读量。教师在教学中应合理应用课本上的知识进行解答。


第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language





wash(v.)洗watch TV看电视

read a newspaper看报纸

wash the dishes洗碗


just(adv.)只是;恰好go to the movies去看电影

eat out出去吃饭

talk on the phone在电话中交谈

1.—Whats he doing?他正在做什么?

—He is using the computer.他正在用电脑。

2.—What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?

—Theyre listening to a CD.他们正在听唱片。

3.Do you want to go to the movies? 你想去看电影吗?

4.--Do you want to join me for dinner? 你想和我一起吃晚饭吗?

--Id love to.我很乐意。

Difficult Points

be doing


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。

1.—Where is your grandfather? —He is _______________(看报纸)in the room.2.—What is Lucy doing? —She is _________________(洗碗)in the kitchen.3.—Is Barry ___________(看电视)now?

—No,he isnt.He is_________________(在电话中交谈).

4.—The TV show is boring.Do you want to ________________(看电影)?

—That sounds good.5.—Why not __________(出去吃)with us? —OK.Lets go!

(Keys:1.readinganewspaper 2.washingthedishes 3.watching TV;talking on the phone

4.go to the movies 5.eat out)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

1.Show some pictures on the screen.2.Ask some students to perform the actions.e.g.T: What are you doing?

S: I am doing homework.(Help him/her to answer)

T: What is he /she doing?

Ss: He /she is doing homework.Teach: watching TV, cleaning, reading a book, eating dinner, talking on the phone...as the same way.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 31, 1a

1.Ss read the activities and look at the pictures.2.Then match the activities with pictures.3.Check the answers with the Ss.Page31, 1b

T: What are Jenny, John, Dave and Mary doing? Now let’s listen to the tape, find out the right activities from 1a.1.Play the recording for the Ss twice.2.Ss listen to the recording and write the numbers from 1a.Page31, 1b


1.Ask the Ss to read the conversations in 1c with a partner.Then look at the pictures in 1a.2.Ss make conversations by themselves and practice the conversations.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 32, 2a

T: Jack and Steve are talking on the phone.What are they doing now? Listen to the conversations and match the answers with the questions.1.Play the recording for the first time, students only listen carefully.2.Then, listen to the recording again, and match the answers with the questions.3.Check the answers.Page 32, 2b

1.Let Ss read the conversation in 2b first.2.Then play the recording for the Ss twice.The first time Ss only listen and write down the words in the blanks.Then play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.(If necessary, press the Pause button to help.)

⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 32, 2c

1.Now, role-play the conversation with your partners.2.Let some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class.Page 32, 2d

1.Ask Ss to read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions below.① Are Jenny and Laura talking on the phone?

(Yes, they are.)

② Whats Laura doing now?

(Shes washing her clothes.)

③ Whats Jenny doing?

(Shes watching TV.)

④ When do they meet at Jennys home?

(At half past six.)

2.Ss read the conversation and answer the questions above.3.Check the answers with the Ss.4.Let Ss work in pairs and role-play the conversation.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review the words and expressions in this period.2.Understand the knowledge about the present progressive tense.3.Make five sentences on what are you doing now..”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】




I’m _______ my homework now.他们在操场上踢足球。

They’re ________ soccer on the playground.2.也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。例如:


We are ____________________ these days



work→working工作 sleep→sleeping睡

wait→waiting等待 study→studying学习

read→reading读 talk→talking谈话


smile→smiling微笑 move→moving搬动

write→writing写 take→taking拿

use→using使用 exercise→exercising锻炼



lie→lying躺ing看见 agree→agreeing同意








Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the first lesson in Unit 6.This unit mainly discusses what people are doing.Students can learn a new tense: the present continuous tense.Then, the teacher can ask the students to observe the other peoples behavior and try to express it by ”be doing“.In class, we can use various teaching methods.Teachers can make efforts in the following areas.(1)In order to arouse students’ interest in learning, teachers can use familiar characters to introduce.In this way, students’ learning enthusiasm will be aroused.(2)When showing the pictures to the students, the teacher can firstly show the learned expressionsand then add the sentence structure of the continuous tense.For example: What is she doing? She is singing.After comparing with sing, it is easy for students to find the differencebetween the two forms, which lays a good foundation for furtherstudy.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language





clean the house打扫房子

make dinner做晚餐

drink tea喝茶

1.—What are you doing?你正在做什么?

—Im watching TV.我正在看电视。

2.—Are you doing your homework?你正在做家庭作业吗?

—Yes,I am./No,Im not.Im cleaning my room.是的,我是。/不,我不是。我正在打扫我的房间。

Difficult Points

How to use be doing.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

Preview the words and expressions(Page 15)and fill in the blanks.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.—Today is Monday.What day is it t___________?

—It is Tuesday.2.My mother ___________(做晚餐)for us every day.3.Bob helps his mom ___________________(打扫房子)on weekends.4.Look!Mike is ___________(喝茶)with his father.(Keys:1.tomorrow 2.makes dinner 3.to clean the house 4.drinking tea)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

1.The teacher did some gestures and asked students to make conversations.Example:

—What is the teacher doing? —She is cleaning the classroom.2.Invite some students to do some gestures and ask others to make conversations.—What is he/she doing?

—He/She is playing soccer.—Is he/she playing football?

—Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isnt.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 33 Grammar Focus

1.Divide the class into two groups and then ask them to role-play the Grammar Focus.2.Ss work by themselves and check the answers with each other.3.Finish off the following exercises.4.Give Ss seven more minutes to remember the sentences.① 你在做什么事情?_____________________

② 我在看电视。__________________

③ 她在做什么事情?___________________

④ 她在洗衣服。____________________

⑤ 他们在做什么?___________________

⑥ 他们在听CD。___________________

⑦ 你在做作业吗?__________________________

⑧ 是的。/ 不是。__________________________

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 33, 3a

T: Now lets write sentences following the examples.1.Ss write the sentences with the help the words and expressions.2.Check the answers with the Ss.Page 33, 3b

1.Tell Ss to number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation.Then practice it with a partner.2.Ss read all the sentences and number the conversation.3.Practice the conversation with a partner.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 33 3c

T: Now lets play a game.Work in groups.One student makes an activity.The other students in the groups guess what the activity is.Then take turns make activities and guess.1.Ss play the game in a group.2.Teacher can walk around the classroom and give any help students need.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.2.What are your family members doing now? Write five sentences on what theyre doing now.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】



1.陈述句:主语+ be(am, is, are)not + V.–ing +…




Be(Am, Is, Are)+ 主语 + V.-ing …




now, right now或表示现在情景的Look, listen等。




时间状语常为usually, often, sometimes, on Monday, every day



Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This lecture is a summary of Section A.It is mainly accomplished by students independent learning.Students need to summarize the Grammar points in Section A according to the Grammar Focus.Students can use the present continuous questions to guess what the other person is doing.These are all examples of flexible use of the present continuous tense by simulating real situations.By asking students to look at the picture and answer questions, students can learn to use cognitive strategies.At the same time, by asking students to act out dialogues, students can realize communicative strategies.第三课时 Section B(1a-1e)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language




read books 看书

play basketball 打篮球


—Is the man swimming in a river?那个男人正在河里游泳吗?

—No,he isnt.Hes swimming in a pool.不,他不是。他正在游泳池里游泳。.

Difficult Points

Listening practice.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.完成下列短语和句子或根据要求改写句子。

1.The boy is swimming in the swimming p_________ now.2.—Who is the m________ under the tree?

—He is my father.3.There is a big s___________ near my home.We often go shopping there.4.—Do you like _________________(打篮球)after school?

—Yes,I play it every day.5.—Do you know where Sam is?

—He is ___________(看书)in the library.(Keys: 1.pool 2.man 3.supermarket 4.playing basketball 5.reading books)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:Welcome back to English class.We have learned how to say something which is happening at the moment.Now lets play a game.Ill ask some students to come to the blackboard and do some actions.The others are supposed to talk about what they are doing.Model:

S1:I guess hes playing basketball.S2:I think shes cooking.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 34, 1a

T: Look at the pictures below.Where are they? What are they doing? Please look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.1.Ss work in groups.Discuss the pictures about the places and the activities they are doing.2.Then fill in the blanks.3.Let some Ss read their answers to the class and check the answers.Page 34, 1b


1.Look at the pictures and ask and answer questions.Give Ss a model:

A: Is the man swimming in the river?

B: No, he isnt.Hes swimming in a pool.2.Ss work with their partners.Ask and answer about the pictures.(If necessary, give some help to the Ss.)

3.Let some pairs ask and answer about the pictures.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 34, 1c

T: Now I will play a recording of a conversation.This time write the places you hear in the chart.1.Ss listen and write the places.2.Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.Page 34, 1d

T: This time, please listen to the recording and write the activities you hear in the chart.1.Play recording and stop the tape if necessary.2.Play the whole recording and have students write the words they hear in the chart.3.Check the answers.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 34, 1e


T: Now lets make a conversation using the information in the chart.1.Ask some Ss to give a model:

S1: Is Alice playing basketball?

S2: No, she isnt.Shes…

2.Ss work with their partners and make their conversations.3.Let some Ss act out their conversation..⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Finish the exercise.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】


如:Im reading.我在看书。


如:Im not reading.我没在看书。


如:Are you reading?你在看书吗?

肯定回答:Yes,I am.否定回答:No,Im not.4.复习一般现在时,区分一般现在时和现在进行时。


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the third period.In class, the teacher should give the students opportunities to talk about their daily activities.This kind of discussion on life topicsnot only stimulates students interestin learning, but also enhances their oral expression ability, making the class lively and interesting.It is a good preparation for the listening training of 1c and 1d and the oral training of 1e.第四课时 Section B(2a-3b)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target language



study(v.& n.)学习;研究










the United States美国;美利坚合众国

Dragon Boat Festival端午节

living room客厅

1.Hes now studying in the United States.现在他正在美国学习。

2.His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV.他的爸爸和叔叔正在电视上观看龙舟赛。

3.Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.朱辉想念家人,希望吃上他妈妈亲手做的美味的粽子。

Difficult Points

To understand the passage and master the target language.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Li Lei is an exchange student.He is now s________ in London.2.Jenny is from New York.She is an A_________ girl.3.The woman looks very y_______, although(尽管)she is forty years old.4.On the Dragon Boat Festival,people are watching boat r_____ and eating zongzi.5.There are a lot of students on the beach.Some boys are playing beach volleyball,some girls are singing,and o______students are swimming in the sea.6.I w______ to fly to the moon one day.(Keys:1.studying 2.American 3.young 4.races 5.other 6.wish)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

T:Look at the pictures.Do you know which festival it is,and what they are doing?

Ss:It is the Dragon Boat Festival.They are making/eating zongzi,having the boat races…

T:The Dragon Boat Festival is coming.Do you know when it is this year?What do you want to do on the Dragon Boat Festival?


⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 35, 2a

Teacher: We know different places have different time.Look at the clocks and ask your partner about the time in different places.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 35, 2b

Fast Reading

1)Read the article and answer the two questions.① Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat race and making zongzi?

② Does Zhu Hui like his host family? What about his home in China?

2)Ss read the article quickly and find the answers to the two questions.3)Check the answers with the class.2.Careful Reading

Read the article again.What are these people doing now? Then fill in the chart below.




his dad and uncle

his mom and aunt


New York


the mother

the father


Ss read the article and fill in the blanks.Then check the answers with the class.Page 35, 2c

1.Look at the chart in 2c.2.Ss match the verbs in column A with the words in column B.3.Then use the phrase to write sentences according to the TV report.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 36, 3a

Teacher:Now please read the passage.It is a letter from Jim to his pen pal Bob.It is about the life of Jim and his family.What are they doing? Whats he or she doing? Now please look at the picture in 3a carefully and complete Jims letter.Page 36, 3b

Teacher:Now, please take out some photos of your family.Can you describe the photos and tell us what your family are doing in the pictures?

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】


Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.Here is/are…倒装句。副词here,there放于句首,句子要倒装,谓语动词的单复数由后面的主语决定,主语是单数,则谓语动词用单数;主语是复数,谓语动词用复数。

如:Here ________(be)some pictures of my school.Here ________(be)your book.2.at home=be in at work=be working

如:My father is at work now.(改为同义句)

My father ________ ________ now.Is your mother at home?(改为同义句)

Is your mother ________?

3.be with sb.和某人在一起



()(2)—Do you want to go to the movies______us?

—Sure.A.about B.with C.on D.for

4.in the first/second photo=in Picture One/Two


如:the first lesson,our first lesson

如:(1)I have to finish my homework ________(one).

()(2)Saturday is the______day of the week.A.first B.last C.third


In ________ ________,Tom ________ ________.


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

First of all, the interactions between teachers and students stimulate students interest in discussing the topic.Then, through the reading training of 2b, students reading ability is cultivated.We can ask thestudents to complete the tasks in 2c in order to develop the students’ ability to grasp key information.This combination of teaching and practice fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of students to participate in the class, and also help students master knowledge points.Besides, we can get the students to discuss what they are doing at some time.Through oral practice, the students can accumulate more words and sentences.It helps them to improve their writing skills.第五课时 Self Check


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To use and practice the unit’s target language.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page105 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the followingexercise.”“

(1)What are they doing?

(2)Is he playing football?

(3)Where do you think he is?

(4)Is she playing basketball?

(5)Whats the time?

(Keys: 1.They are swimming.2.No, he isnt.3.He is at home.4.Yes, she is.5.Its three oclock.)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to share the information they got from their family.Example: I am Lisa.It’s ten o’clock.I am taking an English class now.My father is working and my mother is shopping now.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 36, Self Check 1

T:Look at the chart.Please add more words in it.Then write at least five sentences using the words.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 36, Self Check 2

1.Tell Ss A and B are talking about what they are doing now.Read the conversation and write questions with the help of the words in the bracket.2.Ss read the conversation and try to make questions with the help of the words in the bracket.3.Check the answers with the class.4.Have Ss role-play the conversation..⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the unit exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the last lesson of this unit.This lesson mainly reviews the present continuous tense through Self Check.At the same time, the students practice writing about the activities that people are doing.In the teaching process, we must pay attention to make the students use words and sentences in the oral practice.And lots of memory tasks may make students tired.Therefore, we must try our best to create activities which students can learn from.Unit 7 It’s raining.”“


Language Goals


Learn to talk about weather.Learn to how to describe weather at some time.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language

1.rain(v.& n.)




5.snow(v.& n.)



























32.Russian(adj.& n.)




36.could(modal v)

5.right now

6.have fun


Key Grammar

be doing

Ability Goals


1.Learn to how to greet others.2.Learn to describe people’s activities under different weather.

Moral Goals


1.Observe weather and adjust mood.2.Let students become interested in nature science.

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)


本单元教材以“It is raining.”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“weather”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:—Hows the weather?—Its raining./Its sunny./—Hows it going?—Great!/Not bad./Terrible!/—What are they doing?—Theyre playing basketball in the park.让学生知道怎样表达不同天气下人们做的事情。Section A主要学习怎样表达和交流日常的天气状况及人们进行的不同活动。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能帮助学生了解不同天气的地道表达,同时也能促进师生之间的感情。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,其中在关于“vacation”的文章中,描述了一些度假期间不同的活动,增加了学生的阅读量。教师在教学中应合理应用课本上的知识进行解答。


第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language




in Beijing在北京





could(modal v.)能;可以




sound like听起来像

take a message捎个口信

no problem没问题

1.—Hows the weather in Beijing? 北京天气怎样?

—Its sunny.晴天。

2.Can I take a message for him?我能给他捎个口信吗?

3.—How is it going? 事情进行得怎么样了?

—Not bad.还不错。

4.Sounds like youre having a good time.听起来你好像玩得很开心。

5.Could you just tell him to call me back? 你能叫他给我回电话吗?

Difficult Points

Talk about weather.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。

1.When it r,we have our P.E.class inside.2.We make a snowman after it s .

3.When the wind is blowing,it is w .

4.When the sun is shinning,it is s .

5.When there are many clouds,it is c .

6.—How is the w in Beijing now?

—Its snowy.7.My mother is in the kitchen.Shes c dinner.8.Can I take a m for you?

9.—Could you tell your sister to call me b ?

—Sure,no p .

10.It s like fun.(Keys:1.rains 2.snows 3.windy 4.sunny 5.cloudy 6.weather 7.cooking 8.message 9.back;problem 10.sounds)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

(Show some pictures of the weather)

1.Let Ss look at the pictures and ask them how the weather is.2.Ss learn the new words and expressions with the help of the pictures..⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 37, 1a

1.Look at the pictures in 1a.Then read the new words on the right.2.Ask the Ss to match the words with pictures.3.Check the answers.Page 37, 1b

T: Now lets look at the city names in the box in 1b.Please read after me.1.Ss read the cities after the teacher.T: Now, We’ll hear four conversations.Listen carefully, point out each city in the picture as it comes upon the tape.2.Play the recording a second time.Ask Ss to write the name of the city in the picture of its weather.3.Check the answers.Page 37, 1c

Pair work

T: If you are in one of the places in the picture above.Talk about the weather withyour friends in another city on the phone.Make a model with a student like this:

T: Hi!Hows the weather in Beijing?

S1: Its sunny.3.Ss work in pairs.Ask and answer about the weather in the cities.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 38, 2a

T: Lets see what Joes families are doing.Point to the 4 pictures.1.Ask Ss tell each person is doing in each picture.More attentions should be paid

to the correct use of the Present Progressive Tense.2.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the pictures [1-4].3.Play the tape for Ss to check the answers.4.With the whole picture, get some Ss to tell the story of it.Page 38, 2b


1.Play the tape for another time.Then do a memory test.2.Ask Ss: Whats Uncle Joe/Jeff/Mary/Aunt Sarah doing?

Whatre Scott and Lucy doing?

Is Jeff watching TV? …

3.Let Ss match the names with the activities in 2b.4.Play the recording for the Ss to check the answers.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 38, 2c

1.Look at the pictures and talk about the people in 2a with a partner.2.Ask a student the questions as a model:

T: Whats Uncle Joe doing?

S1: Hes playing basketball.3.Ss work in pairs.Ask and answer about the pictures.Page 38, 2d

1.Ask Ss to read the conversation and answer the questions:

① Whats Steve doing?

② Whats Ricks brother doing?

2.Then check the answers together.3.Let Ss role-play the conversation in pairs.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Practice the conversation on Page 38, 2d.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.Hows the weather?=Whats the weather like?都是用来询问天气状况的句型。

如:Hows the weather in Beijing?

=Whats the weather like in Beijing?






既可作名词又可作动词。表示“下雨”句型也不同。作名词时,“下大雨”可以说The rain is heavy.或Its heavy rain.作动词时,“下大雨”可以说It is raining heavily.此外,也可加后缀-y变成形容词,表达“下雨”可说Its rainy.4.Hows it going?是由疑问副词引导的问候句式,意为“一切都好吗?/情况如何?”。How句型在问候语中用来询问对方的情况。

如:—Hows everything?一切都好吗?—Great!很棒!

注意:如果Hows it going?后面加人时,要用介词with。

如:Hows it going with you?你一切都好吗?


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In this lesson, we will use the target language to describe the weather and what we are doing in such weather.There are two main points in this lecture.The first one is to use the present continuous tense to describe what is happening.The students can describe what they are doing in some place and then draw a picture.By creating a relaxing atmosphere, students can use their mouths, hands and brains to complete the task.The second point is to choose the city that students want to go to most by discussing the weather.All the activities should be organized around this task.During the teaching process, we can use games, role playing, group cooperation and other teaching methods.This process successfully solves the difficult points, so that students can deepen their understanding of the weather and human’s feelings.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3b)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language

clean the house打扫房子

make dinner做晚餐

drink tea喝茶


do ones homework做家庭作业

play soccer踢足球

right now此刻;马上

make soup做汤

talk on the phone在电话中交谈

1.—What are they doing?他们正在做什么?

—Theyre playing basketball in the park.他们正在公园里打篮球。

2.—Whats John doing right now?约翰现在在做什么?

—He is playing soccer.He plays soccer every Saturday.他正在踢足球,他每个星期六踢足球。

Difficult Points

Be doing and how-questions


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

Preview the words and expressions(Page 39)and fill in the blanks.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Is Julie playing computer games in her room a ?

2.My brother is(在电话中交谈)with his friend now.3.My mother is good at(做汤).It is delicious.4.It is sunny.They are(踢足球)on the playground.5.He is(做家庭作业)in the classroom now.(Keys:1.again 2.talkingonthephone 3.makingsoup 4.playingsoccer 5.doinghishomework)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:We do different activities in different weather.Now,please look at the pictures and answer the questions:

How is the weather there?

What is he/she doing there?

What are they doing there?

How is it going?

Teacher:Now,please talk about the weather and what they are doing in the pictures with your partner.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 39 Grammar Focus

1.Role play the Grammar Focus and recite it.2.Ss fill in the blanks and check the answers themselves.① 天气怎么样? _____________________


② 你在做什么? ___________________


③ 他们在做什么? ____________________


④ 他在做什么? _________________________________


⑤ 情况怎么样? ___________________

很好!/不错。/ 糟糕!____________________

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 39, 3a

1.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.2.Then practice the conversations with a partner.3.Ss read the conversations and fill in the blanks.4.Check the answers with the class.5.Ss practice the conversation in pairs.6.Ask some pairs role-play the conversation.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 39, 3b

Group work:

T: Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing people in five different places.Fill in the chart below.1.Ss work in groups.Discuss the pictures and talk about the weather and what the people doing.Make a model for the Ss:

—Hows the weather in Picture a?

—Its sunny.—Whats the boy doing?

—Hes playing the guitar.2.Ss ask and answer about the pictures.Then fill in the blanks.3.Check the answers with the class.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.2.Make some conversation about the weather and the activities.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

Hi,Jeff!This is Bob.嗨,杰夫!我是鲍勃。


This is…(speaking).我是……。


May/Could I speak to…?请……接电话好吗?

Is that…(speaking)?你是……吗?

Hold on,please.请稍等。

如:—May I speak to Miss Liu?我可以和刘老师通电话吗?

—Speaking.(Miss Liu is here.)我就是。


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the second lesson in this unit.In class, the different-level students should be given different tasks.In this way, students at all levels will have the opportunity to give presentations.Therefore students interest in learning English can be improved.During the course of teaching, the teacher can use some photos and medias.At the same time, teachers can help students understand the scenery and customs of other countries to increase students background knowledge and realize interdisciplinary communication.第三课时 Section B(1a-1e)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language



—Hows it going?你最近还好吗?


Difficult Points

Listening practice.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。

1.I dont like summer.Its too h .

2.Its very c in North China in winter.It often snows.3.Its w in spring.You can wear light clothes.4.I dont like eating bread without(没有)water,because it is too d .

(Keys:1.hot 2.cold 3.warm 4.dry)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

In section A,we have learned some description words about weather such as snowy,sunny,rainy,cloudy,windy and so on.Today well learn some more description words about weather.Look at the board please and read after me aloud:“warm,cool,hot,cold,humid”.Now please describe the pictures using new description words.”“



A:Hows the weather in Picture a?

B:Its hot.

A:Whats the weather like in Picture b?

B:Its humid.

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 40, 1a

1.Read the words in the box in 1a.Then look at the pictures.2.Ss match the words with the picture.3.Check the answers.Page 40, 1b


T: Look at the pictures in 1a.Ask and answer questions about the weather in the pictures in 1a.e.g.T: Hows the weather in the picture d?

S1: Its dry.1.Students work in pairs.Ask and answer about questions about the weather in the pictures in 1a.2.Ask some pairs to ask and answer about the questions.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 40, 1c

1.Read the chart in 1c.2.Play the tape for the Ss to listen and write what Mary and Eric answer to “Hows it going?”.3.Play the recording twice.The first time Ss only listen.For the second Ss listen and write down the words in the blanks.Page 40, 1d

1.Listen again.What does Eric answer to “What are you doing?” & “Hows the weather?”

2.Play the recording twice.The first time Ss only listen.For the second Ss listen and write down the words in the blanks.3.Check the answers.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 40, 1e

Teacher:Lets work in pairs and play a conversation between Mary and Eric.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Finish the exercise.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the third lesson in this unit.During the process of teaching, teachers can use games, role playing, group cooperation and other flexible teaching methods.This cannot only help complete the tasks of this lesson, but also enable students to deepen the understanding of the weather and human feelings, and thus stimulate the interest of students.While listening, the teacher can teach some listening skills such as taking notes and circling the key information.After listening, students should try to make conversations by themselves to practice in order to master the target language.第四课时 Section B(2a-3c)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target language









have fun 玩得开心

next month 下个月







rainy(adj.)阴雨的;多雨的study hard努力学习

1.Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.我正在加拿大拜访我的姨妈,我过得很开心。

2.Im so happy to see them again.我很高兴再一次见到他们。

3.Whats the weather like?天气怎样?

Difficult Points

To understand the passage and master the target language.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。

1.There are people on v to Lushan Mountain.

2.It is snowing hard outside now.We can go s or make a s after a while(过一会儿).

3.It is so hot in s and so cold in w in China.4.I often v my grandparents on weekends.5.Canada is a beautiful c.It is next to the USA.6.He is studying h , so he often gets good grades(分数).

7.We are having f learning English.(Keys:1.vacation 2.skating;snowman 3.summer;winter 4.visit 5.country 6.hard 7.fun)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:Now,lets talk about the local weather in 4 seasons.Whats the weather like in spring in our city/town?

And what activities do you like to do in spring?

Whats the weather like in summer in our city/town?

And what activities do you like to do in summer?

Whats the weather like in autumn in our city/town?

And what activities do you like to do in autumn?

Whats the weather like in winter in our city/town?

And what activities do you like to do in winter?

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 41, 2a

1.Look at the pictures in 2a.Talk about the pictures with a partner.Hows the weather? What are the people doing? Make a model to the Ss.S1: Hows the weather in picture a?

S2: Its sunny and warm.S1: Whats the girl doing?

S2: Shes sitting near the pool and drinking some juice.2.Ss work in pairs and talk about the pictures.3.Let some pairs ask and answer the pictures aloud.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 41, 2b

Fast Reading

1)Read the postcards in 2b and math each postcard with the correct picture in 2a.2)Ss read the postcards quickly and match the postcard the correct picture.3)Then check the answers.Careful reading:

1)Read the first postcard again and find the answers to these questions.① Where is Su Lin now?

② What is Su Lin studying here?

③ Is she visiting some of his old friends there?

④ What’s she doing right now?

⑤ How’s the weather there?

2)Read the second postcard again and find the answers to these questions.① Where is Dave now?

② What are Dave and his family doing there?

③ Are they having a good time?

④ How’s the weather there?

⑤ How’s the weather in Jane’s country?

3)Ss read the postcards and try to find the answers to the questions.4)Then check the answers with the class.Page 41, 2c

1.Read the postcards again and fill in the chart with the information from the postcards in 2b.2.Check the answers with Ss.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 42, 3a

T: Heres another postcard from Kate to Xiao Lu.Look at the pictures on the postcard.Hows the weather there? And what is the girl doing?

1.Let some Ss answer the two questions.2.Let some Ss read the words in the box.Explain the meaning of the words that they dont know.3.Check the answers.Page 42, 3b

T: Imagine you are on vacation.Write notes about your vacation.1.Let some Ss read the questions aloud.2.Make sure Ss know the meaning of the questions.3.Ss think and write down some notes about their vacations.4.Let Ss read out their own vacation notes.Page 42, 3c

1.Write a postcard to a friend.Tell your friend about your vacation and what you are doing.2.Let Ss read their postcard to the class.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Remember the new words and expressions.2.Retell the first postcard in 2b.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】






It is an interesting book.它是一本有趣的书。

He is interested in English.他对英语感兴趣。

3.Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.have a great time doing sth.某人做某事很开心


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This lesson mainly focuses reading and writing.It not only trains students reading ability, but also helps students master important knowledge points.By retelling the stories they have learned, their oral expression ability and language organization ability are improved.Besides, we must ask the students to find out the text type before reading.It helps them understand what theyll read.Through the exercises in 3a and 3b, we can help the students know how to write a letter to describe their vacations.Also, we need to get them to learn different culture in different countries.It helps them open horizon and cultivate cultural awareness.第五课时 Self Check


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To use and practice the unit’s target language.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page106 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the followingexercise.1.Russian________








(Keys:1.俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人;2.雪人;3.skate;4.winter;5.take home;6.take a photo;7.I miss you.;8.Not bad.)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to share their hometowns’ weather in different seasons.Example: I am Lisa.My hometown is in Zhengzhou.There are four seasons in a year there.In spring, it is very warm.Sometimes it’s rainy but sometimes it’s windy.In summer, it’s very hot there.We can swim in the lake.In autumn, it’s very cool there.It’s the harvest time for the farmers.We have a lot of sunshine.In winter, it’s very cold.Sometimes it’s snowy.We have to wear warm clothes.I like my hometown’s weather.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 42, Self Check 1

T: Weve learned some words about feelings, weather and activities.Now discuss with your partners.Add more words in the box.1.Ss work in pairs and add more words in the box.2.Let some Ss read their words.Let other Ss add more words.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 42, Self Check 2

T: Read the sentences below on the left and find the responses on the right.1.Ss read the sentences below and find the responses.2.Check the answers with the class.3.Then let the Ss practice the conversation with a partner.⭐Step 5Post-task【后续任务】

1.Put these sentences in order to make a conversation.Then write your own conversation.2.Practice the conversation with the partner.3.Ask some students to act it out.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the students’ book of the unit exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In the last period, the purpose is to provide a comprehensive review of the unit.Then by practicing writing, we can help students master the target language and expand their vocabulary.The teacher can get the students to share their conversations in Exercise 2 in Self Check to improve their speaking skills and language ability.In addition, we should cultivate students’ patriotism in cross-cultural education.

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?



Language Goals


Learn to talk about the neighborhood.Learn to ask for and give directions on the street.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language









9.pay(v.& n.)


11.across(adv.& prep.)



15.around(adv.& prep.)

16.north(n.& adj.)




20.left(adv.& n.)














6.turn right

7.turn left

8.next to

9.go along

10.on your left

Key Grammar

1.There be structure.2.Where questions.3.Prepositions of place

Ability Goals


1.Be able to talk about the neighborhood.2.Be able to ask for and give directions.

Moral Goals


1.Let the students learn the team spirit and be ready for help others.2.Enhance students’ logical expression and interpersonal skills.

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)





第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language

post, office,post office, police, policestation,hotel, restaurant,bank,hospital,

near, across, across from, front, in front of, behind, town, around, pay,street,

1.—Is there a hospital near here? —Yes, there is.2.The pay phone is across from the library.3.The pay phone is between the post office and the library.

Difficult Points

Use prepositions of place to ask for and give directions.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.2.Finish the following exercises.汉译英。

1.邮局________ 2.警察局________

3.餐馆________ 4.旅馆________

5.街道________ 6.公园________

7.银行________ 8.医院________

9.在这附近________ 10.付费电话________

(Keys:1.post office 2.police station 3.restaurant 4.hotel 5.street 6.park 7.bank 8.hospital 9.near here 10.pay phone)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

T: Hello, everyone, please think about prepositions for position

S: in, on…

T: Good, today we are going to learn other prepositions for position and several nouns.Please look at the following new words.post, office, post office, police, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay, near, across, across from, front, in front of, behind, town, around

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.At first, ask a few students to try to read them, then the teacher corrects their pronunciations.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 43, 1a

Look at the picture.Write the correct letter [a-i] for the places.Page 43, 1b

1.Ask the students to read the conversations.2.Play the tape and ask the students to listen and circle the places they hear.Page 43, 1c

1.Focus on the conversation.2.Practice reading.Pairwork: Ask the students to make similar conversations using there be structure.A:Is there a /an...near here?

B:Yes, there is.It’s on., there isn’t.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 44, 2a

1.Look at the pictures and read the six sentences in the box.2.Ask students circle the prepositions of place.3.Match the sentences with the pictures.Page 44, 2b

1.Focus on the six words and phrases and read after the teacher.2.Play the recording and fill in the blanks.3.Check the answers.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 44, 2c

1.Focus on the conversation.2.Practice reading.Pairwork: Ask the students to make similar conversations using the prepositions of places.A:Where is the...?

B:It’s next to/in front of/ between/ behind/across from/on...Page 44, 2d

1.Focus on the conversation in 2d.2.Practice reading.Make the students scan the conversation first.3.Teach the language points and then make the students role-play the conversation in pairs.4.Play the recording and ask the students to listen and repeat.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Practice the conversation on Page 44, 2d.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.There be句式的就近一致原则。即be的形式与最靠近的主语在数上保持一致。

如:There is a pencil and two pens in my pencil box.在我的文具盒里有一支铅笔和两支钢笔。

There are two pencils and a pen in my pencil box.在我的文具盒里有两支铅笔和一支钢笔。

2.There be+sb.+doing sth.有某人正在做某事。

如:There are some boys reading books over there.那里有些男孩正在看书。


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

The topic of this unit is asking for and giving directions on the street.It’s very useful in the daily communication.After learning, the students can use some prepositions of place and sentence patterns to ask for and give directions, which can enhance students’ self-confidence in speaking English.This is the first period.The teachers can use some pictures and videos to lead in the topic so that students will become interested in it.While listening, students should master some strategies, such as catching the key words or phrases.Through practicing the conversation in pairs, their listening and speaking abilities can be improved.Also, we can ask students to role-play their conversations to enhance their cooperation awareness.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language

north;next to;between...and...

1.—Are there any restaurants near here?

—Yes, there’s one in front of the post office.2.—Where’s the park?

—It’s across from the bank, behind the hotel.

Difficult Points

Ask for and give directions on the street.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.2.Finish the following exercises.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。

1.Beijing is in the n of China.2.Is there a hospital n here?

3.The post office is b the library and the park.4.The bank is(邻近)the post office.5.The police station is(在旅馆的后面).

(Keys: 1.north 2.near 3.between 4.next to 5.behind the hotel)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

T: Hello, class, last lesson we studied some prepositions about position, such as: around, behind……, this class, we are going to learn other new words about asking the way.Now please look at them.along, go along, turn, right, left, turn, right, crossing, neighborhood

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 45, Grammar Focus

1.Divide the class into two groups and then ask them to role-play the Grammar Focus.2.Let students try to recite it.3.Finish the exercises.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。

(1)The new pay phones are on Fifth Avenue.(对画线部分提问)

_______ ________the new pay phones?

(2)Is there an egg on the table?(作肯定回答)


(3)There are some new clothes stores near Alan’s house.(改为否定句)

_______ ________ _______ new clothes stores near Alans house.(4)Jane lives across from a hotel.(对画线部分提问)

_______ ________Jane live?

(5)There is a bank on Fifth Avenue.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

—_______ ________a bank on Fifth Avenue?

—_______,_______ ________.

(Keys: 1.Where are 2.Yes,there is.3.There arent any 4.Where does 5.Is there;Yes,there is.)

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 45, 3a

1.Look at the map and answer the questions.2.Check Ss’ answers.Page 45, 3b

1.Look at the map in 3a and write three sentences.2.Have Ss check their answers in groups and then repor”“

t their answers to the class.t their answers to the class.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 45, 3c

Guessing game:

1.Ask the students to look at the picture in 1a on page 43.2.Then ask students to name all the buildings in the picture.3.Have the students work in groups.One person chooses a building in the picture of 1a, but doesnt tell anyone which building it is.The others ask questions like those in the activity 3c until they guess which building it is.Several students can take turns to choose the building, the others will guess.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Recite the Grammar Focus.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.辨析:There be 与 have/has

There be 表示“某处有某物/某人”,指客观存在,有“就近一致原则”。

结构:There be+某物/某人+某地












【注意】当表示某物的构成和组成部分时,用There be与have/has均可。



2.The pay phone is across from the library.本句属于:“主语+be+介词短语”的主系表结构,用来表明某地/某人的位置。可以和 There be 句型转换,说明位置关系。

如:The supermarket is on Zhongshan Street.=________ ________ a supermarket ________ ________ ________.The bank is between the park and the school.=________________________________________________________________________

3.far from“离……远”,相当于far away from,通常不与数字连用。若出现具体数字,常用away from。

如:My home is not far(away)from our school.My home is 2 kilometers away from our school.”“

Teaching Reflection 【教学反思】

In this period, the teacher should ask the students to read the content in Grammar Focus first.Then they can understand what they have learned.After that, we can create some proper situations to help them make their own conversations by using the sentence patterns.As we all know, reading aloud, understanding, summarizing and practicing are necessary processes in grammar class.第三课时 Section B(1a-1d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language





turn right 向右转

turn left 向左转

go along 顺着;沿着

at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口

on the left 在左边

on the right 在右边

1.Go along Long Street and its on the right.沿着长街走,它在右边。

2.Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left.在第一个十字路口右拐,餐馆就在你的左边。

Difficult Points

How to describe a location properly


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.根据首字母或者汉语提示完成下列句子。

1.Go a_______ Bridge Street and t_______ right when you see a bank.2.Turn left at the second c_______,you can see a hospital.3.If you are in China,you should walk________(在右边).If you are in England,you should walk ________(在左边).

(Keys:1.along;turn 2.crossing 3.on the right;on the left)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】


Teacher:The post office,bank,supermarket,New Park and book shop are in my schools neighborhood.I am at school.I want to go to the bank.How can I get there?

Teach the students to describe directions using the following phrases:go/walk straight,turn left/right,on the left/right,go/walk down the street.Model:Go straight and turn right.Its on Jiefang Street.Its on the left.The bank is next to the supermarket.环节说明:利用一张学校所在地的街区图,让学生描述建筑物的位置关系,然后导入本课时的话题,让学生根据学校所在地的街区图,了解问路和指路的一些基本句型。

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 46, 1a

1.Asks the Ss who could put the three phrases into English

2.Let the Ss match the words in the box with the signs.3.See who does the best and most quickly.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 46, 1b&1c

1.Ask the Ss to listen and write the correct place for each letter in the picture.2.Listen again.Fill in the blanks.Check the answers.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 46, 1d

Listen again.Use the pause button to check the answers with the Ss.Group work

1.Work in groups.Discuss what do you do or eat on your birthday?

2.Ss take turns to talk about it.S1: I usually get many nice gifts from my parents.I usually have a nice dinner in a restaurant.S2: My parents usually buy me some nice books and school things on my birthday.S3: ….3.Write down what your group members do on their birthday.And give a report to the class.In my group, S1… S2… S3…

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review the phrases and sentences.2.Listen to the tapes twice after class.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】





(2)link v.变得




turn to the left/right向左边/右边转

on the left/right在左边/右边

on ones left/right在某人的左边/右边

on the left/right of在……的左边/右边



2.crossing n.十字路口

turn right/left at the+序数词+crossing=take the+序数词+crossing on the right/left在第几个十字路口向右/左转。


Turn left ________ the ________ crossing.=Take the ________ ________ on the left.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

Before listening, we can ask the students to learn the new words and phrases by themselves.As for some difficult ones, the teacher can use some pictures or create some situations to help the students master them.While listening, get the students to pay more attention to the problems.It helps them to learn listening strategies and develop the language sense.第四课时 Section B(2a-3b)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language











on weekends在周末

look like 看起来像

live in 居住

1.I like to spend time there on weekends.在周末,我喜欢在那儿度过时光。

2.I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.我喜爱观看猴子四处攀爬。

3.To get to the park,you just have to cross Center Street.要到达公园,你仅需要穿过中心大街。

Difficult Points

The usage of prepositions of place and how to ask for and give directions


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.There is a small park in our n .

2.You can e the clean air and sunshine here.3.If you have a map, you can get to the school e .

4.I s one hour on my homework every day.5.It is dangerous to c the tall tree.6.The zoo in our city is f , so there are a lot of people in it every day.7.My grandparents l in a small town.(Keys: 1.neighborhood 2.enjoy 3.easily 4.spend 5.climb 6.free 7.live)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:Please work in pairs.Tell your partner where you live and the surroundings.Then other students draw a map about your house.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 47, 2a

1.Ask Ss to check the places near your home.Tell your partner where they are.2.Ask Ss to find out difficulties.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 47, 2b

Fast Reading:

1.Read the passages and match each passage with a map.2.Ss read and match.Then check the answers.Page 47, 2c

Careful Reading

1.The teacher asks the Ss read passages again and answer the questions.2.Ss read the passage and try to answer the questions.3.Check the answers with the class.Choose the best student’s answer, and then read them in class.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 48, 3a

1.Ask the Ss to look at the map of Cindy’s neighborhood and fill in the blanks.2.Then check the answers.Page 48, 3b

1.Ask the Ss to draw a map of your neighborhood and write about it with the

help of the following sentences.2.After writing it, correct the answers in groups, choosethe most excellent answers to read in class at last.① Where do you live?

② What is your favorite place in your neighborhood? Why?

③ How do you get there from your home?

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】


Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】


spend:主语是人,Sb.spend(s)… on sth./Sb.spend(s)…(in)doing sth.某人花费时间(金钱)做某事。

take:it作形式主语,It takes sb.some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间。

cost:主语是物,Sth.cost(s)sb.some money.某物花费某人多少钱。

pay:主语是人,Sb.pay(s)some money for sth.某人为某物付款。

如:I ________ 5 dollars on the book.It ________ him seven days ________ make the big cake.The book ________ me 5 dollars.I ________ 5 dollars ________ the book.2.look like看起来像,后可接名词、代词作宾语。

如:He ________ ________ his father.他看起来像他的父亲。

【拓展】What does/do+主语+look like?用来询问某人的外貌特征,意为“……看上去什么样?”。


—________ ________ your brother ________ ________?

—He is ________ and ________.


Teaching Reflection 【教学反思】

The teacher can make students describe the places near their homes to lead in reading.The students can look upthe new words in a dictionary in order to understand the meanings ofthe sentences while reading.The most important thing in this lesson is to improve their reading skills and master reading strategies.For example, let the students know that circling the key parts will help the munderstand the core meaning of what they are reading.Besides, we need to let students learn more about how to describe their neighborhood.In this lesson, the students should use the new items they have learned to practice writing.And before writing practice, we can ask the students to finish the tasks in 3a.Then get them to write a passage using the form in 3a.Its necessary for them to present the passages they write.After that, the students will get enough oral practice.第五课时 Section B(Self Check)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To use and practice the unit’s key structures.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page107 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the translations.英汉互译


2.get there________________

3.a noisy neighborhood_____________

4.go down this street________________

(Keys:1.the map of Cindys neighborhood;2.到达那儿;3.一个喧闹的街区;4.沿着这条街道走)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to talk about their daily activities on weekends.Example: I am very busy on school days, but I have some free time on weekends....⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 48, Self Check 1

1.Have a competition:

Look at Self Check 1.See who will finish the passage with the words in the box at first.Correct the answers: free, enjoy, climbing, spend.2.Ask the Ss to find out difficulties in the passage, and then the teacher explains them.a)My grandma makes the foods I like.我奶奶做我喜欢吃的食物。本句中的I like 为后置定语从句,修饰先行词foods, 此句只要求学生理解即可。

b)We sometimes watch the neighbor’s cats climbing the trees.观看某人正在做某事,watch somebody doing something

观看某人做事的全过程应为watch somebody do something

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 48, Self Check 2

1.Tell the Ss to write five sentences about your school using “there is /are, there are some trees in my school.”

2.Then check and correct them in groups.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 48, Self Check 3

T: Imagine you are one of the two people in the picture on page 46.You have to tell others how to get to the supermarket of library, please write a composition.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 5th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

in life“一生中”,在句子中作定语。介词短语作定语一般后置。life名词,“一生;终生”。如:He lived in the country all his life.他终生住在乡下。


如:They have a ________ ________.他们过着幸福的生活。














Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In the last period, the teacher should use the exercises in Self Check to help the students review the target language and at the same time, we must encourage them to make full use of what they’ve learned in this unit.In order to enhance the students’ cooperation spirit, the teacher must get them to practice conversations in pairs.Besides, the teacher should ask students to do exercises to improve their learning skills.”“

Unit 9 What does he look like?



Language Goals


Talk about physical appearance:In this unit,students learn how to describe peoples looks.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language








8.may(modal v.)

9.tonight(adv.& n.)


















27.each(adj.& pron.)




31.another(adj.& pron.)






5.look like

6.wear glasses

7.the same way

Key Grammar

1.What questions

2.Adjectives of description

3.Alternative questions

Ability Goals


1.Students can talk about physical appearance in English.2.Enable students to ask about people’s looks.

Moral Goals


Educate students to accept their own appearance and understand that never judge by appearance.

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)



本单元以描述人的外表为话题,共设计了三个部分的内容。旨在通过本单元的教学使学生学会使用“What does he/she look like?”的句型询问别人的外表;用英语描述别人的发型,身高,身材以及其它特征。并能学以致用,用所学知识描述自己的朋友,喜欢的老师及演员的等。Section A 如何描述别人的发型,身高及身材。区别 “He’s…” 和 “He has…”。Section B 学会描述人们的其它体貌特征,如面部特征,着装特点;学会代词的用法。

第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language


glasses,later,(be)of medium height,a little

1.—What does he/she look like?

—He/She is tall and has long hair.2.—What does your friend look like?

—Shes of medium height,and she has long straight hair.3.Is he short or tall?

Difficult Points

Use descriptive adjectives and certain sentence patterns to describe peolple’s looks.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.2.Predict the content of this class according to pictures and the unit title.3.Finish the following exercises.汉译英。

1.长发________ 2.短发________

3.直发________ 4.卷发________

5.高的________ 6.矮的________

7.重的________ 8.瘦的________


(Keys:1.long hair 2.short hair 3.straight hair 4.curly hair 5.tall 6.short 7.heavy 8.thin 9.medium height)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

1.Present the new words: tall, short, heavy, thin, medium height, medium build.2.Show the pictures of different persons and help Ss to understand the new words.Help them to describe the people in the pictures by using “He/she’s(of)…”.3.Present some pictures of different haircuts.4.Help Ss to understand the new words: long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair.Help them to describe persons by using “He/she has …”.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 49, 1a

1.Learn the new words about peoples looks in 1a.2.Finish 1a.Then check the answers.3.Look at the picture in 1a and learn the drills:

—What does he look like?

—Is he short or tall?

—Well,hes really…And he has…

Page 49, 1b

1.Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture, then check the answers.2.Find Amy’s friend.3.Ask some Ss to repeat the conversation and change the words used.T: Let’s play a game.Get into pairs and repeat the conversation in the picture.Then, repeat the conversation but now you are to change the words used.Page 49, 1c

T: One of the people in 1a is your friend.Describe your friend.Your partner will find him/her.Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 50, 2a&2b

1.Read the content in 2a.2.Listen carefully and answer the questions.3.Check the answers.4.Look at 2b.Listen again and fill in the chart.5.Make conversations:

T: What does … look like?

S: She’s … and has…

⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 50, 2c


1.Have Ss get into pairs.Student A is to look at the chart in 2b.Student B will ask Student A questions about one of the people in the chart and then draw a picture of the person.T: I need two persons to come to the blackboard.Student B will ask Student A questions about oneof the people in the chart and then draw a picture of the person.The rest of the class should draw

the picture in your exercise books.1.Find another pair to do the same thing and compare their drawings.Page 50, 2d

1.Read the conversation to answer the questions:

1)When are they meeting?

2)Where are they meeting?

3)What does David look like?

4)Is he tall or short?

2.Read the conversation.3.Role-play the conversation.4.Explanation:

(1)may be

(2)a little

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Read and recite the conversation on Page 50, 2d.2.Describe your friends in the class and draw a picture of them.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】



She has ________ ________ ________ ________hair.她留一头非常漂亮的黑色的卷曲的长发。


A.What does he look like?问外貌;

B.What is he like?问人品、性格,偶含外貌;

C.What does he like?问喜欢什么。


()(1)He is very friendly.()(2)He is short with a big nose.()(3)He likes his big nose.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

The topic of this unit is people’s looks.It’s very interesting and useful for students in the daily communication.After learning, the students can use some descriptive adjectives and sentence patterns to talk about physical appearance.This is the first period.The teachers can use some pictures and videos to lead in the topic so that students will become interested in it.While listening, students should master some strategies, such as catching the key words or phrases.Through practicing the conversation in pairs, their listening and speaking abilities can be improved.Also, we can ask students to role-play their conversations to enhance their cooperation awareness.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language

handsome(adj.)英俊的 actor(n.)演员 actress(n.)女演员

person(n.)人 curly hair 卷发 straight hair 直发

medium build 中等身材 medium height 中等身高

1.—Do they have straight or curly hair?他们是直发还是卷发?

—They have curly hair.他们是卷发。

2.—Is he tall or short?他是高还是矮?

—He isnt tall or short.Hes of medium height.他不高不矮。他中等身高。

Difficult Points

The descriptive adjectives and sentence patterns


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.2.Finish the following exercises.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。

1.—What does your uncle do, Tina?

—Oh, he is a movie a________.2.My brother is really h_______.So many beautiful girls like him very much.3.Most western people were born with __________(卷发), but most Chinese with the

straight.4.The actress is not tall or short.She is of _________(中等身高).5.My sister is of __________(中等身材)and good-looking.(Keys: 1.actor 2.handsome 3.curly hair 4.medium height 5.medium build)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Show the pictures and get to ask and answer in pairs.Teacher:What does he/she look like?

S1:Hes/Shes…/He/She has…

Teacher:What do they look like?

S2:Theyre…/They have…

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 51, Grammar Focus

1.Read through the sentences.2.Ask Ss to focus on the questions and answers.3.Do the following exercises.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。

(1)Ann is short.She has short straight hair.(合并为一句)

Ann is short _______short straight hair.(2)Peter is tall and thin.(对画线部分提问)

______ _______Peter ______ _______?

(3)Tony is of medium height.(改为同义句)

Tony is not _______ or _______.(4)The boy is 1.7 meters tall.(改为同义句)

The boy is 1.7 meters ______ _______.(5)Lucy and Lily look the same.(改为同义句)

Lucy ______ _______ Lily.(Keys: 1.with 2.What does;look like 3.tall;short 4.in height 5.looks like)

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 51, 3a

1.Write the words in the correct box.2.Check Ss’ answers.3.Make sure Ss understand when to use “is” and when to use “has”.Page 51, 3b

1.Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.2.Have Ss get into groups to check their answers.Then ask some groups to present their

answers to the class.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 51, 3c

1.Have Ss read the questions and answer them.2.Ask them to tell their partners about their answers.3.Have some pairs present their answers to the class.Page 51, 3d


1.Have a student describe someone in the class.2.Then ask the other Ss to guess who he/she is describing.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Recite the Grammar Focus.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.—Are you going to the movie tonight?

—Yes.Were meeting at seven,right?

以上两个句子是现在进行时(is/am/are doing结构)表示将来。主要用于表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作。这种用法主要用于表示位移的词,如:come,go,arrive,leave,fly,meet等。

He ________ ________ to Shanghai this weekend.他这个周末将要去上海。

Where ________ ________ ________ tomorrow?


2.学会用have/has与系动词be描述外貌。(见Grammar Focus并总结。习题见3a,3b部分。)



(1)She is tall with long black hair.她个子高,留着长长的黑发。


(2)She is a tall girl with long black hair.她是一个留着长长黑发的高个女孩。


练习:He is of medium height.He has two big eyes.(合并成一个简单句)

He is of medium height ________ two big eyes.”“

Teaching Reflection 【教学反思】

In this period, the teacher should ask the students to read the content in Grammar Focus first.Then they can understand deeply what they have learned.After that, we can create some proper situations to help them make their own conversations by using the sentence patterns.As we all know, reading aloud, understanding, summarizing and practicing are necessary processes in leaning English.第三课时 Section B(1a-1e)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key Words & phrases






round face 圆脸

long face 长脸

blonde hair 金黄色的头发

Key Sentences

1.…wears glasses.2.…has a round face.3.He has short curly brown hair.

Difficult Points

How to describe people’s looks completely


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。

1.Dont talk when there is food in your m______.2.We can see with our e______.3.I can smell with my n_______.4.Jenny can sing well.She wants to be a s______.5.The American girl has b________ hair.(Keys: 1.mouth 2.eyes 3.nose 4.singer 5.blonde)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

T:This is a picture of a famous person.He is of medium height, and has short black hair.He has a big nose.He sometimes wears glasses.He can do Chinese kung fu.Many people like him very much.Do you know who he is?

Say what your favorite cartoon character looks like, others guess who he/she is.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 46, 1a

1.Have Ss get into pairs and describe the four pictures in 1a.Sample: A: What does the woman in “a” look like?

B: She has curly hair.A: Does she have big eyes or small eyes?

B: She has big eyes.2.Match the words with the pictures.3.Check the answers

Page 46, 1b

1.Read the phrases in the box in 1b and make sentences about famous people with the words.e.g.Pinocchio(匹诺曹)has a long nose.2.Fill in the blanks and check each other.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 46, 1c&1d

1.Work on 1c.Listen and write Johnny Dean’s and Tina Brown’s jobs in the chart.2.Work on 1d.Listen again.What do Johnny and Tina look like? Complete the chart in 1c.3.Check the answers.4.Ask Ss to get into pairs and role-play the conversation.Have some pairs role-play the conversation in the front of the class.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 46, 1e

Pair work

1.Work on 1e.Make a conversation about your favorite singer or athlete, and how he/she

looks like.2.Have some pairs present their conversations to the class.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Write a short passage about what your favorite singer, actor/actress, or athlete looks like.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】



一副眼镜a pair of glasses


一片玻璃a piece of glass


These ________ are made of ________.这些玻璃杯是玻璃制成的。

2.I like that woman with long blonde hair.with long blonde hair是介词短语,修饰that woman。


The girl ________ red is my sister.穿红衣服的女孩是我的妹妹。

Do you know the boy ________ the tree?你认识树下的那个男孩吗?


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

Before listening, we can ask the students to learn the new words and phrases by themselves.As for some difficult ones, the teacher can use some pictures or create some situations to help the students master them.While listening, get the students to pay more attention to the problems and key words.It helps them to improve their listening skills.第四课时 Section B(2a-3b)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language





each(adj.& prep.)每个;各自




another(adj.& pron.)另一;又一



draw a picture画画

in the end最后

first of all首先

1.They tell him what the criminal looks like.2.Many people dont always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.3.In the end,the real criminal is a short and heavy old man,and he has short black hair!

Difficult Points

How to improve students’ abilities of reading comprehension


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.2.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.My friend can draw well.He wants to be an a.2.Joe drew a picture of the c_______, and the police put it on the public(公共的)wall to find him.3.We can do it in the same w________.4.This shirt is too short.Can you show me a_______ one?

5._______(最后), you can do it by yourself.6.Can you ________(描述)the picture on the wall?

7._________(首先), we should make a plan for vacation.(Keys: 1.artist 2.criminal 3.way 4.another 5.In the end 6.describe 7.First of all)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

1.Have some Ss describe their favorite singer, actor/actress or athlete to the class.Then get the rest of the class to guess who he/she is.T: Who is your favorite singer, actor/actress or athlete? Can you describe him/her to the class?

S1: He is a singer.He’s of medium height.He has brown hair and small eyes.I like his singing.2.T: Do you know the police artist? What does a police artist do?Do you know how he works?After this lesson,you will know about their work.3.Look at the pictures of 2b and predict what the article is about.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 53, 2a

1.Read the words in the chart and complete the chart.2.Try to think of more words with the opposite meanings.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 53, 2b

1.Look at the pictures of 2b and say what the three people look like.2.Fast reading:

Read the article and find the real criminal.3.Careful reading:

Read the article again and find the words describing what the three people look like in the article.Let some Ss read out the sentences.4.Read the article again carefully and answer the questions.Q1.What’s Joe Brown’s job?

Q2.What does Joe Brown do?

Q3.Is his job easy?

Q4.Why do people may describe the same person differently?

Page 53, 2c

1.Read the article again and write what the words in bold refer to.2.Explaining the language points:

1)talk to 2)in the end

⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 54, 3a

1.Look at the picture of 3a to say what Jack looks like.2.Fill in the blanks quickly.3.Check the answers.4.Read the passage and translate into Chinese.5.Explain the Language points

1)first of all

2)be good at

Page 54, 3b

1.Read the questions in the form of 3b.2.Write a passage about your best friend.3.Check the passages each other to correct them in the group.4.Read the best passage for the class.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Recite the text in Section B, 3a.2.Finish your composition.3.Complete Self Check.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】



Each student has a dictionary.Each of the students has a dictionary.We each have a dictionary.We have a dictionary each.every强调整体,所指的数是三个或三个以上。every后接名词,every one后可以接of结构。

Every student has a dictionary.Every one of the students has a dictionary.They tell him what the criminal looks like.画线部分为宾语从句,用______________语序。

I want to know ______________(你住哪).

Please tell me ______________(你为什么上学).




It is a ________ story about a ________ man.3.the police指“警察”时看作复数。

The police ________ coming.”“

Teaching Reflection 【教学反思】

The teacher can make different students describe a certain student to lead in reading, which can make students understand everyone has its own way to see things.The students may look upthe new words in a dictionary and understand the meanings of the sentences while reading.The most important thing in this lesson is to improve their reading skills and master reading strategies.For example, let the students know how to skim and scan.In this lesson, the students should use the new items theyhave learned to practice writing.And before writing practice, we can ask the students to finish the tasks in 3a.Then getthem to write a passage usingthe form in 3a.Its necessary for them to present the passages they write.After that, the students will get enough oral practice.第五课时Section B(Self Check)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To remember and use the unit’s key words and structures.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page107 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the translations.汉译英








(Keys:1.jeans 2.handsome 3.my best friend 4.first of all 5.sports shoes 6.be good at soccer 7.other features)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to describe their parents.Example: My dad is tall...⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 54, Self Check 1

1.Who remembers best?

(To test the words and expressions in this unit)

2.Write more words in each box.(To find who writes most right words.)

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 54, Self Check 2

1.What do you parents look like? Describe them like this:

My dad is tall.He has… He wears…He likes…My mum is …She has… She wears…She likes…

2.Check the passages each other to correct them in the group.3.Read the best passage for the class.⭐Step 5 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the unit exercise.⭐Step 6 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】













Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In the last period, the teacher shoulduse the exercises in Self Check to help the students review the target language and at the same time, we must encourage them to use what they’ve learned in this unit.In order to enhance the students’ cooperation spirit, the teacher must get them to practice conversations in pairs.Besides, the teacher should ask students to do exercises to improve their learning skills.Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.”“


Language Goals


Learn to talk about food.Learn to how to order food.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language







6.special(n.& adj.)

7.would(modal v.)



10.order(n.& v.)


















28.the UK(n.)






6.blow out

7.get popular

8.cut up

9.bring good luck to…

Key Grammar


1.The difference between

2.How to use would like.

Ability Goals


1.Listening for key information

2.Scanning in reading

Moral Goals


1.How to order food politely in daily life.2.Let the students know differentfood culture..

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)


本单元教材以“I’d like...”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“食物喜好”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:等,让学生知道怎样询问他人喜欢的食物及表述自己的个人喜好。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的情感。Section A主要学习关于事物的新单词,区别可数与不可数名词,学会点餐的基本句型。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的感情。Section B 继续学习有关食物的单词,使学生学会表达自己的喜好。学会填写订餐单,了解不同国家的饮食风俗,学会为餐馆写广告。在这一部分也安排了听、说、读、写的任务,教师在教学中应合理应用课本上的知识进行解答。


第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language








(adj.)特别的;特殊的would(modal v.)(表示意愿)愿意





tofu(n.)豆腐take ones order点菜

one(large/medium/small)bowl of…一(大/中/小)碗……

would like(表示意愿)愿意喜欢

beef noodles牛肉面

1.Wed like one bowl of beef noodles.我们想要一碗牛肉面。

2.Im not sure yet.我还没确定。

3.--May I take your order? 你准备好点菜了吗?

--Wed like one bowl of beef soup.我们想要一碗牛肉汤。

Difficult Points


The difference between cn.andun.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Todays great s_________ is mapo tofu.Its only 2 yuan.2.Im hungry.Id like a large bowl of n_______.

3.What w________ you like for supper?

4.Which do you like better, _______(羊肉)or_______(牛肉)?

5.What s_______ of shoes would you like, small, medium or l________?

6.May I take your o________ now?

7.I want one large b________ of noodles.8.Id like some _________(豆腐),please.(Keys:1.special 2.noodles 3.would 4.mutton;beef 5.size;large 6.order 7.bowl 8.tofu)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:Hello, everyone!Welcome back to class.Today we are talking something about food.First please name the drinks, vegetables and fruit you know.Make a list of the nouns and write them on the blackboard according to the countable nouns anduncountable nouns.Such as:

Countable nouns:eggs, apples, pears, bananas, cakes, watermelons…

Uncountable nouns:milk, water, tea, cola, bread…

Countable and uncountable nouns:ice-cream, salad, chicken….⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 55, 1a

1.Look at the three kinds of noodles in the picture in 1a.2.Say out the food in each picture from a to h.3.Match each word on the list with one of the ingredients in noodles.Page 55, 1b

Teacher:Look at the three bowls of noodles.What ingredients are in the noodles?What kind of noodles are they?Yes,Special 1 is beef and tomato noodles.Special 2 is chicken and cabbage noodles.Special 3 is potato and carrot noodles.Now listen to the recording and check the noodles that the person ordered.Page 55, 1c

Pair work

1.Present the conversation in 1b on the big screen and ask Ss to practice it.2.Make their own conversations using the noodles in the picture.3.Let some pairs act out their conversations.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 56, 2a

1.Play the recording for the first time, students only listen carefully.2.Then, listen to the recording again, and check the names of the foods.3.Check the answers.Page 56, 2b

1.Play the recording twice.The first time Ss just listen.And the second time, Ss listen and write down the words.2.Check the answers.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 56, 2c

Pair work

1.Ask and answer questions with your partner.Use the information in 2a.2.Show the conversations of 2a on the big screen to the Ss.3.Make a model for the Ss.T: What kind of noodles would you like?

S1: Id like beef noodles, please.…

3.Ss work in pairs and practice the conversations.Page 56, 2d


1.Ask Ss to read the conversation in 2d and find the answer to this question:

What would they like?

(They would like one large bowl of beef soup, one gongbao chicken, and one mapo tofu with rice.)

2.Check the answers with the Ss.3.Ss work with their partners and role-play the conversation.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Practice the conversation on Page 56, 2d.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.would like意为“想要,愿意”,相当于want,用于提出要求或建议,但语气比want委婉,一般有以下三种形式:

①would like sth.想要某物

如:I would like some ice cream.我想要些冰淇淋。

②would like to do sth.想要干某事

如:I would like to go with you.我想要和你一起去。

③would like sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事

如:I would like her to meet you.我想要她去接你。

注意:would like中的would在句中经常和前面的主语缩写成d,如Id=I would,Youd=You would,Hed=He would。

注意:与would like有关的各种句型:

①Would you like something?你想要某东西吗?

这是日常生活中有礼貌、很客气,语气又很委婉地征求对方要求时的用语。这个问句的肯定答语是:Yes,please./All right./Yes./OK.等。否定回答是:No,thanks.②Would you like to do something?你愿意干某事吗?

这是日常生活中用来向对方有礼貌地提出建议或邀请的句型。其肯定回答是:Yes,Id love to.否定回答常常是用Sorry或者Id love to,but…等。


I would like some milk.Would you like some milk?



I would like some milk.I would not like any milk.变为否定句时,在情态动词后面加not,将some变any。


I would like some milk.(对画线部分提问)

What would you like?

I would like to have a rest.(对画线部分提问)

What would you like to do?


I ________ ________ a pencil.=I ________ a pencil.我想要一支铅笔。

I ________ ________ a rest.=I ________ a rest.我想休息一下。

I ________ ________ you ________ ________ shopping with me.=I ________ you ________ ________ shopping with me.我想要你和我一起去买东西。

2.What kind of noodles would you like?你要哪种面条?

(1)kind为名词,意为“种类”,a kind of为“一种”,all kinds of为“各种各样的”,What kind of…?为“哪一种”。



A panda is ________ ________ ________ animals.②这种花很漂亮。

________ ________ ________ flowers are very beautiful.③你喜欢哪种水果?

What ________ ________ fruit do you like?


There are ________ ________ ________ vegetables in the market.(2)kind作形容词,意为“好心的,友爱的,和蔼的”。

如:My mother is ________ ________ everyone.我母亲善待每一个人。

That’s very ________ ________ you.您真是太好了。

(3)kind of有点,相当于__________________________________。


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

The topic of this unit is all kinds of food.In class, students can describe their favorite food and ask questions like “What kind of noodles would you like?” to communicate with others.In this way, students can master new vocabulary and sentence patterns through oral practice.During the teaching process, teachers can use task-based teaching method, group cooperative learning method and media-assisted teaching method to stimulate students’ interest in learning.In this way, the study atmosphere is active, the students are active and the learning effect is good.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target language



a large bowl一大碗

beef noodles牛肉面

potato salad土豆沙拉

Difficult Points

1.—What kind of noodles would you like?你想要哪种面条?

—Id like beef noodles,please.我想要牛肉面。

2.—What size would you like?你想要多大碗的(面条)?

—Id like a large bowl,please.我想要大碗的。

3.—Would you like a large bowl?你想要大碗的吗?



Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

Preview the words and expressions(Page 57)and fill in the blanks.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.What kind of m_______ do you like better,mutton or beef?

2.Id like ____________(一大碗)noodles.3.—What kind of noodles would you like?


4.Would you like __________(土豆沙拉)or fruit salad?

(Keys:1.meat 2.a large bowl of 3.Beef noodles 4.potato salad)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Look at the picture.Please answer the questions below.”“

(1)Can you see three bowls?

(2)What are in them?

(3)Do you like noodles?

(4)Can you find the differences among the three bowls of noodles?

(5)What size bowl of noodles would you like—small,medium or large?

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 57 Grammar Focus

1.Divide the class into two groups and then ask them to role-play the Grammar Focus.2.Let students try to recite it.3.Fill in the blanks without textbook.按要求将下列句子补充完整。

(1)Hed like a large bowl of porridge.(对画线部分提问)

______ _______bowl of porridge would he like?

(2)Can I help you?(改为同义句)

______can I ______ ______ you?

(3)Id like a small glass of orange juice.(改为一般疑问句)

______you ______ a small glass of orange juice?



(5)Nancy wants some salad.(改为同义句)

Nancy ______ ______ some salad.(6)Mary would like to drink something.(改为同义句)

Mary ______ ______ ______drink.(7)He likes fish and meat.(改为否定句)

He ______ ______fish ______ meat.(Keys: 1.What size 2.What;do for 3.Would;like 4.What kind of noodles would they like? 5.would like 6.wants something to 7.doesnt like;or)

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 57, 3a

1.Tell Ss to complete the conversation with sentences on the right.2.Ss work by themselves and complete the conversation.3.Check the answers with the Ss.4.Let Ss practice the conversations in pairs.Page 57, 3b

1.Tell Ss to write questions and answers using the words in the brackets.2.Give a model to the Ss.What kind of noodles would you like?

3.Practice the conversation with your partners.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 57 3c

Teacher:Work in groups,please.Ask your group members what kind of food they would like below and write down their names above their favorite food.Then lets ask some students to make a report about their group members’ food.Model:

I would like hamburger.S1 would like potato salad.S2 would like tomato and egg rice.S3 would like beef and carrot noodles.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Recite the Grammar Focus.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.Would you like…?表示委婉地征求对方的意见或建议,多用于口语中,其肯定回答为Yes,please.否定回答为No,thanks.Would you like to do…?的肯定回答为Yes,Id like/love to.,否定回答为Sorry.或Id love to,but…等。



如:I am not ready ________.我还没有准备好。

Is the tea cold ________?茶凉了吗?


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This lesson is the second period of this unit.Teachers can design some activities, such as memory game, group working and making dialogues, so that students can practice and use the target language in actual situations.In this lesson, the teacher-student question and answer activity are designed first.It not only helps students to review the content of last lesson, but also guide them to further study the usage of would like.At the same time, students can know more about themselves and others by communicating with others.This improves students’ collective sense and helps them build confidence.第三课时 Section B(1a-1d)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language






orange juice橙汁

① The answer would be different in different countries.② The number of candles is the persons age.③ In China, its getting popular

Difficult Points

Listening practice


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.根据首字母或中文提示,完成下列短语和句子。

1.Chinese people usually eat d_______ on the Spring Festival(春节).

2.Id like a glass of _______(橙汁).

3.And we dont like _______(洋葱)or potatoes.4.My parents and I like _______(鱼)very much.5.My grandmother eats _______________(一大碗粥)every morning.(Keys:1.dumplings 2.orange juice 3.onions 4.fish 5.a large bowl of porridge)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Show some pictures of food.Teacher:I like apples,carrots and beef.I dont like mutton,tomatoes or chicken.Please say the sentences like me.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 58, 1a

1.Read the words in the chart and look at the pictures below.2.Write the letters of the foods or drinks on the line.3.Then check the answers.4.Let Ss try to remember the new words and expressions.Page 58,1b


1.Circle the things you like in 1a.Put an “х” next to the things you don’t like.Then tell your partner what you like and dont like.Sa: I like dumplings, but I dont like noodles.Sb: Well, I like fish but I dont like meat.2.Work in groups.Talk about what you like and what you don’t like.3.Make a list of things every one likes and dislikes in your group.Then give a report to your classmates:

In our group, Sa likes dumplings but she doesnt like noodles.Sb likes fish but she doesnt like meat.…

4.Let some Ss give their report.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 58, 1c

1.Ask Ss to read the ORDER FORM carefully.2.Play the tape for the Ss to listen and complete the food order form.(Play the recording for the first time, students should listen carefully.3.Then, listen to the recording again, and write down the names of the foods.)

Page 58, 1d

1.Listen again.2.Use the pause button to check the answers with the Ss.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】


A:Can I help you?

B:Yes, please.(1)_______ I want to order a birthday cake for my mother.A:(2)_______

B:A large cake,please.A:What would you like to write on it?


A:OK.Whats your phone number?


A:Whats your address?


A.What size would you like?

B.Please write “Happy Birthday to Mother”.

C.Tomorrow is my mothers birthday.D.Its 891-0566.E.What kind of cakes would you like?

F.56 Lincoln Street.

(Keys: CABDF)

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Finish the exercise.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】


(1)询问某人想要什么类型的……时,用句型:What kind of… would you like?


What ________ of food would you like?

(2)询问别人想要多大尺寸的东西时,用句型:What size…would you like?


What ________ shoes would you like?




I have three ________ at home.大海里有各种各样的鱼。

There are many ________ in the sea.(2)意为“鱼肉”,是不可数名词。


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In this lesson, through learning Grammar Focus, students are led to sum up the usage of “would like”, indefinite pronouns such as ”some“, ”any“ and countable and uncountable nouns.Students are asked to use the sentence patterns of “how to order food” in group dialogue.Before listening, we can ask the students to learn the new words and phrases by themselves.As for some difficult ones, the teacher can use some pictures or create some situations to help the students master them.While listening, get the students to pay more attention to the problems.It helps them to learn listening strategies and develop language sense.第四课时 Section B(2a-3c)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language



answer(n.& v.)答案;回答







the UK(n.)英国



around the world世界各地

make a wish许愿

blow out吹灭

get popular受欢迎;流行

cut up切碎

bring good luck to…给……带来好运

1.The number of candles is the persons age.蜡烛的数目就是这个人的年龄。

2.In China,it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday.在中国,过生日吃蛋糕变得越来越流行。

Difficult Points


Learn to how to translate and understand the article about food.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Lucy is from the USA.Jim is from the UK.They are from d________ countries.2.We often have c________ on our birthday in China.3.The number of c________ is the persons age.4.I________ you have nothing to do this afternoon,lets play basketball.5.He is very l________ to have a special birthday party.6.It is very p________ to wear this kind of skirt this year.7.You should ________(吹灭)all the candles in one go.8.Please ________(切碎)the apples and put them in the bowl.(Keys:1.different 2.cakes 3.candles 4.If 5.lucky 6.popular 7.blow out 8.cut up)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:Now, please work in pairs.One person is the waiter, and the other one is the customer.Lets act out the conversation as following, imagining you are in a restaurant(each student can be both the waiter and the customer):

A:Can I help you?

B:Yes,please.Id like a bowl of noodles.A:What kind of noodles would you like?

B:Id like beef and tomato noodles,please.A:What size bowl of noodles would you like?

B:Id like a large/medium/small bowl of noodles.A:Wait a minute,please.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 59, 2a

Group work

1.Work in groups.Discuss what do you do or eat on your birthday?

2.Ss take turns to talk about it.S1: I usually get many nice gifts from my parents.I usually have a nice dinner in a restaurant.S2: My parents usually buy me some nice books and school things on my birthday.S3: ….3.Write down what your group members do on their birthday.And give a report to the class.In my group, S1… S2… S3…

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 59, 2b

T: All of the birthday foods around the world would be different in different countries.In most countries,people have birthday cakes with candles.In China,it is very popular to have cakes on your birthday.Lets read the article about food traditions and complete the chart.Page 59, 2c

Read the article again and answer the questions in 2c.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 60, 3a

1.Read the ads in 3a.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.2.Check the answers.Page 60, 3b

T: Imagine you have a special restaurant, write the foods and prices.1.Ss work by themselves and try to write the foods and prices.e.g.burgers: 3$ soup: 1$

We have nice burgers for three dollars.The soup is only one dollar.2.Let some Ss read out their sentences..Page 60, 3c

T: Write an ad for you restaurant.These sentences structures may help you.1.Let Ss read the sentences first, and try to remember them.2.Let Ss make a list of the food and drinks in your restaurant.3.Use the sentences structures and write the ad.4.Let some Ss read out their ad.Show some good ad on the big screen as a model.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】


Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

1.the number of的用法

the number of意为“……的数量”,其后一般接可数名词的复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。


________ ________ ________ the apples ________ 40.我们学校的学生人数大约是3500。

________ ________ ________ the students in our school ________ about 3,500.a number of的用法

a number of意为“许多,大量”,常用来修饰可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。



2.different意为“不同的”。be different from=be not the same as。


My pen ________ ________ ________ yours.=My pen ________ ________ ________ ________ yours.3.if的用法



Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In class, we strengthened students’ speaking ability and achieved the goal of proficiency through repeated practice.The teacher needs to guide the students to use the knowledge to complete the reading activity.This lesson is a bit difficult and has a lot of important phrases and sentences.Therefore, the teacher should pay attention to adjust the difficulty.The activities and questions for this lesson need to be designed in advance so that students can follow the teachers thought.During their communication, the teacher should encourage the students to show themselves and let them show the dialogue of ordering food in a restaurant.In this way, they will have more interest and confidence in learning English.第五课时 Self Check


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To use and practice the unit’s key structures.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page108 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the translations.1.Pancake House________________





6.put on your glasses________

(Keys:1.煎饼屋;2.different kinds of;3.delicious;4.n.苍蝇;v.放,飞;5.Dont worry!; 6.戴上你的眼镜)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask students to show their ads for their own restaurants.The ad should at least includes special food and prices.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 60, Self Check 1

1.Put the words in different groups.2.Check the answers.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 60, Self Check 2

1.Tell Ss they’ll read some interesting jokes.Read the jokes below and fill in the blanks with “there be” structure.2.Ss read the jokes and fill in the blanks.3.Check the answers with the Ss.4.Let Ss act out the joke for fun.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 60, Self Check 3

T: If you are in a restaurant.What should the waiter say to you?What should you say to the waiter to order? Now look at the clues below and write a conversation.1.Ss read the clues and try to write a conversation.2.Check the answers with the Ss.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.【知识点拨】



This apple is small,please give me a big ________.


You give me two twenty ________ notes.3.be short of意为“短缺”。

We ________ ________ ________ food.我们缺乏食物。


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This lesson is a summary of the unit.But teachers should also make full use of actual situations, so that students can feel that what they’ve learned are practical and useful.In this way, students can understand the meaning of the sentence and use the sentence pattern better.In class, group cooperation and demonstration competition cultivate students sense of cooperation and competition.Students have mastered the key and difficult points during these activities.During the review process, teachers should encourage students to communicate and cooperate with each other.

Unit 11 How was your school trip?



Language Goals


Learn to talk about trips.Learn to talk about past events and write something about their school trips.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language










9.farm(n.& v.)





15.worry(v.& n.)










26.fast(adv.& adj.)








5.in the countryside

6.fire station

7.all in all

8.be interested in

Key Grammar


The simple past sense.

Ability Goals


Describe the past things by using the simple past tense.

Moral Goals


1.Learn to express your views of things objectively.2.Help students develop an optimistic personality

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)


本单元教材以“How was your school trip?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“过去发生的事情”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:—How was your school trip?—It was great!/—Did you go to the zoo?—No,I didnt.I went to a farm./—Were the strawberries good?—Yes,they were./No,they werent.等,让学生知道怎样询问他人过去的活动以及表述自己过去做过的事情。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的情感。Section A主要学习怎样表达自己做过的事及评价。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的感情。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,其中在两名学生的日记中,两名学生介绍了自己学校旅行中发生的事,增加了学生的阅读量。教师在教学中应合理应用课本上的知识进行解答。


第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language








milk a cow给奶牛挤奶

ride a horse骑马

feed chickens喂鸡






in the countryside在乡下;在农村

take them home 把它们带回家

go fishing 去钓鱼

watch the stars at night 夜晚看星星

so beautiful 真美

quite a lot(of…)许多

1.—Did you see any cows? 你看到奶牛了吗?

—Yes,I did.I saw quite a lot.是的。我看到了很多。

2.—Did you ride a horse? 你骑马了吗?

—No,I didnt.But I milked a cow.不,我没有。但是我给一头母牛挤奶了。

1.What did the farmer say?那个农夫怎么说?

2.Did you learn anything?你学到什么了吗?

3.Were they good? 他们好吗?

4.The farmer showed Tina around the farm.农夫带蒂娜参观农场。

5.It was so much fun.它太有趣了。

Difficult Points


New words and expressions.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Did you __________(给奶牛挤奶)last week?

2.Did you __________(骑马)in the zoo or in the park?

3.Can you __________(喂鸡)when I go out this afternoon?

4.My grandfather is a __________(农民).

5.Im(相当)happy about the school trip.6.He is an e________ student in our school.He often gets good grades(分数)in the exam.7.The children helped the farmer to p__________up oranges on the farm last weekend.8.The old people like living in the c__________ because it is quiet(安静的).

9.I am very tired,so I dont like to do a__________ at all.10.My parents g_________ lots of vegetables in the garden.(Keys:1.milk a cow 2.ride a horse 3.feed chickens 4.farmer 5.quite 6.excellent 7.pick up 8.countryside 9.anything 10.grow)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

1.First, teacher lists some verbs on the blackboard.go, milk, ride, feed, talk, take, am, are…

2.Then, ask students to change the words into the past forms together.went, milked, rode, fed, talked, took, was, were…

3.Next, ask the students to read the past forms aloud.Teacher:Good morning, everyone!Did you have a good school trip? What did you do on your school trip? You can talk about it with your deskmate.Please pay attention to the forms of verbs.Use past forms to express the actions in the past.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 61, 1a

T: Now please look at the pictures in 1a.Match the phrases with the pictures.Page 61, 1b

T: Here are conversations about school trip.Listen to the tape and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip in 1a.Page 61, 1c

T: Now please work in pairs.Ask and answer questions about Carols school trip.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 62, 2a

T: Some students went to a farm on their school trip.They are talking about it.Please listen to the tape and check the questions you hear.Page 62, 2b

T: Now, please listen to the tape again.Then tell me the sentences are true or false in 2b.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 62, 2c

T: Now please work in pairs.Ask and answer questions about Carol’s visit to the farm.Page62, 2d

1.Read the conversation and answer the questions.1)How was Erics school trip?

2)Who did Eric visit in the countryside?

3)What did Eric do in the countryside?

2.Role play the conversation.Ask some pairs to give presentations.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Practice the conversation on Page 62, 2d.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】


如:—Did you see any cows?

—Yes,I did./No,I didnt.2.milk的用法:milk既可作动词,也可作名词。作名词时,意为“牛奶”;作行为动词时,意为“挤奶”。




(1)Theres ________ wrong with your eyes.(2)Is there ________ important in todays newspaper?


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

The topic of this unit is “school trips”.After learning, the students can talk about trips in the past by using did.This is the first period.The teacher can use some pictures or activities to lead in the topic so that students will become interested in it.And the new words can be taught by using pictures in PPT.While listening, the students should master some strategies, such as taking notes.Through practicing the conversationsin pairs, their listening and speaking abilities can be improved.Also, we can ask the students to role-play their conversations to enhance their cooperation awareness.It helps them to build confidence and experience success.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3b)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target language




worry(v.& n.)担心;担忧



climb the mountains爬山

come out出来

1.—Did you go to the zoo?你去动物园了吗?

—No,I didnt.I went to a farm.不,我没有去。我去了一个农场。

2.—Were the strawberries good?这些草莓很好吗?

—Yes,they were./No,they werent.是的,它们很好。/不,它们不好。

Difficult Points

past tense of verb.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

Preview the words and expressions(Page 63)and fill in the blanks.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Today is Wednesday.It was Tuesday y__________.

2.The old woman grows a lot of f__________ in her garden.3.Dont w__________ about it.Your parents will help you.4.L__________,he found his lost watch on the playground.5.They want to __________(爬山)this weekend.6.The full moon usually __________(出来)on Mid-Autumn.(Keys:1.yesterday 2.flowers 3.worry 4.Luckily 5.climb the mountains 6.comes out)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask students to take out their photos of school trip, show their photos to the classmates and talk about their own school trip.⭐Step 3 Pretask【准备任务】

Page 63 Grammar Focus

1.Divide the class into two groups and then ask them to role-play the Grammar Focus.2.Let students try to recite it.3.Fill in the blanks without textbook.(1)I was at home last night.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

—_____ _____ at home last night?

—_____,I _____.

(2)I did my homework yesterday.(改为否定句)

I _____ _____my homework yesterday.(3)She went to Wuhan on vacation.(对画线部分提问)

_____ _____she ______ on vacation?

(4)Vera visited the Great Wall last Sunday.(改为一般疑问句)

______ Vera _______ the Great Wall last Sunday?

(5)The boys were at school last Saturday.(改为否定句)

The boys_____ at school last Saturday.(6)He went to the movies last week.(对画线部分提问)

_____ _____he ______ last week?

(7)Frank played computer games just now.(改为否定句)

Frank _____ _____ computer games just now.(Keys:1.Were you;No, I wasnt.2.didnt do 3.Where did;go 4.Did;visit 5.werent

6.What did;do 7.didnt play)

Verbs chart

Teach variation rules of past tense of verb.Regular verbs:play—played;visit—visited;climb—climbed;study—studied; worry—worried;stop—stopped

Irregular verbs:do—did;is—was;are—were;have—had;eat—ate;buy—bought

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 63, 3aAsk Ss to read the letters in 3a.Ask Ss to complete Jim’s letter on the left and Bill’s reply on the right.Check the answers.Ask Ss to pay attention to the past tense verbs.Explain the language pointsRead the letters together.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 63 3b

Groupwork: Make up a story.Each student adds a sentence.If he or she can’t add a sentence.He or she must sing an English song.E.g.Last week I visited my aunt’s house...⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Recite the Grammar Focus.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】


—Was your school trip great?

—Yes,it was./No,it wasnt.一般过去时特殊疑问句基本结构:疑问词+一般疑问句?如:

—What did Carol do?

—She picked some strawberries.2.worry的用法:worry是行为动词时,意为“担心;着急;焦虑”,常与介词about连用,意为“对……感到担心”,其形容词为worried(担心的,焦急的),过去式为worried。


(1)Tom,dont ________ about your pet dog.(2)I ________ about my little daughter very much last night.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In this lesson, the teacher-student question and answer activity is designed first.It not only allows students to review the content of the last lesson, but also guide them to further study the use of the past tense.At the same time, students can know more about themselves and others by communicating with others.This improves students’ collective sense and helps them build confidence.In this period, the teacher should ask the students to read the content in Grammar Focus first.Then they are asked to understand what they have learned.After that, we can create some proper situations to help them make their own conversations by using the sentence patterns.Its necessary for the students to act out the conversations they make.As we all know, reading aloud, understanding, summarizingand practicing are necessary processes in grammar class.第三课时 Section B(1a-1d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language




visit a museum 参观博物馆

fire station消防站

go fishing 去钓鱼

draw pictures 画画

Difficult Points

Listening practice about activities happened.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.We visited a science m_______.There were a lot of old things in it.2.There are a lot of p_______ on show during the Art Festival.3.Why not _______(去钓鱼)with your grandfather?

4.The children visited the _______(消防站)this morning.5.The boy likes _______(画画)very much.(Keys: 1.museum 2.paintings 3.go fishing 4.fire station 5.drawing pictures)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:Did you go to the zoo last Sunday?

Student 1:No,I didnt.Teacher:Did you visit the museum in the city?

Student 2:Yes,I did.Teacher:How was your trip?

Student 2:…

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 64, 1a

1.match the activities with the pictures.2.read them together.Pay attention to the forms of verbs.3.Use past forms to express the actions in the past.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 64, 1b

Teacher: Jane and Tony are talking about their school trip.What did they think of their school trip? Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Page 64,1c

Teacher: Do you want to know what Jane and Tony did on their last school trip? Please listen to the tape again and check them in 1c.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 64, 1d

1.Teach Ss to read the following words :

interesting;difficult;lovely;slow;exciting;boring;cool;hot;lucky;large;expensive terrible;delicious;great;cheap;fast

2.Discuss like following conversation.A: I went to a farm on my last school trip.There are many animals on the farm.They are very lovely.B: That sounds great.A: How was your school trip?

B: It was __________

A: How was the food there?

B: It was _____________

A: How was the weather?

B: It was ___________

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Finish the exercise.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】









Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the third lesson in this unit.During the teaching, the teacher should try to develop the students ability to use the language in a real context.Therefore, questions and activities should be designed well in advance.When designing tasks, teachers should pay attention to innovation.For example, the part of leading-in could use travel photos to increase students’ interest.In addition, teachers should encourage all students to participate in class so that students can learn the language from colorful activities.At the same time, students cooperation sense can be improved and students can experience success in the activities.第四课时 Section B(2a-3c)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language


exciting(adj.)使人兴奋的;令人激动的lovely(adj.)可爱的expensive(adj.)昂贵的cheap(adj.)廉价的;便宜的slow(adj.)缓慢的;迟缓的fast(adv.& adj.)快地(的)






all in all总的说来

be interested in对……感兴趣

1.Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.然后导游教了我们怎样做机器人模型。

2.The things in the gift shop were so expensive.礼品店里的东西太贵了。

Difficult Points


Reading and writing practice.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.She is a l_______ girl.Everyone likes playing with her.2.The shirt is too e_______.I cant afford it.3.I am i_______ in playing basketball.4.The book is so c_______.It is only ten yuan.5.Many students made noises in class.I couldnt h_______what the teacher said.6.Jim can run f_______.And he is good at PE.7.The young _______(导游)told us a lot of interesting things there.(Keys:1.lovely 2.expensive 3.interested 4.cheap 5.hear 6.fast 7.guide)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】


1.Have students bring their own photos.The photos should be about their last trips.2.Ask the students in Group 1 to exchange the photos with the students in Group 2.So does Group 3 & Group 4.3.Suppose the students in Group 2 and Group 4 are famous persons.4.Give the students in Group 1 and Group 3 three minutes to interview the famous persons according to the photos.5.Call out some students to act it out.See who are the best actor and actress.(Here are some suggestions for the reporters to interview the famous persons.)

S1: I am a reporter from a cartoon programme.Now I am going to interview…

How was your last trip?

Did you go…?/Where did you go?

Were there…?

What did you do there?

Did you see…there?

Did people there ask for your autograph?

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 65, 2a

T:First, lets learn the words.These words are used for describing something.They are used to describe good things or bad things.Can you tell me which of the words in 2a are used to describe good things?

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 65, 2b

T: Helen and Jim went on a school trip on June 15th.They wrote a diary about it.Please read them and underline the positive adjectives and circle the negative adjectives.Page 65, 2c

T: How do Helen and Jim describe these things?Please read the diaries again and complete the chart.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 66, 3a

T: These are the pictures of Bobs school trip.According to the pictures,please help Bob complete his diary entry.Page 66, 3b

T: Linda is Bobs classmate.She went to the zoo with Bob on their school trip.Can you also help her complete her diary entry?

Page 66, 3c

T: Now write a diary entry for your own school trip.You should tell us whether you liked it or not.And why you liked/disliked it?

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】


Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】



(1)Children are always ________ in ________(interest)stories.(2)Mr.Zhang is very ________ when he heard the ________(excite)news.2.expensive:expensive意为“昂贵的”,反义词是cheap,意为“便宜的,廉价的”。expensive和dear的异同:两者均可表示“贵”,但前者多指物美价高,非购买者财力所能及,而后者多指物价超过常情。


Her clothes are ________ but his are ________.

3.动词hear的用法:hear是行为动词,意为“听到,听说”,表示“听到”的结果,后跟名词或代词,过去式为heard。常用短语有hear sb.do sth.(听到某人做某事),hear sb.doing sth.(听到某人正在做某事),hear of(听说),hear from(收到某人的来信)等。它与listen同义。但listen注重的仅仅是动作,而不是结果,后跟“听”的对象时,需加介词to。


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In class, the knowledge used by teachers is not limited to the content taught in this section, but also includes the communicative expressions in western culture.This requires the teacher to make full preparations before class.During the teaching, teachers can use various teaching tools to assist.This can not only increase students’ interest, but also help to improve the learning efficiency of students.In addition, the teacher should ask different questions for different levels of students.In general, students are the real masters of the class.第五课时 Self Check


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To use and practice the unit’s key structures.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Page108 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the translations.英汉互译

1.school trip________




5.milk a cow________



8.quite a lot________











19.lucky you__________

20.come out__________

21.diary entry________

22.Really? ________

(Keys:1.郊游;学校组织的旅行,2.go for a walk,3.ride a horse,4.feed chickens,5.给奶牛挤奶,6.take photos,7.talk with a farmer,8.相当多,9.grow apples,10.pick strawberries,11.带……四处观看,12.farmer, 13.excellent,14.pick strawberries,15.climb the mountains,16.in the countryside,17.go fishing,18.watch the stars,19.你交了好运;你真走运,20.出来,21.日记(条目);22.真的吗?)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to share their trips before.Example: I am Lisa.I want to the beach last week.I swam in the swimming area.I eat out with my family...After the trip, I went home and did my homework.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 66, Self Check 1

T: In this unit, we learned past forms of verbs and used them to describe the past things.Please write more verbs and their past forms in each group.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 66, Self Check 2

Teacher: Now, please complete the conversations with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

feed…to sb.意为“把……喂……吃”。

feed sb.on/with sth.意为“用……喂……”。

feed on意为“以……为食”。



(1)She usually ________ milk ________ the baby.(2)He ________ the horse ________ potatoes.(3)Sheep mostly ________ ________ grass.(4)What do you ________ your dog ________?


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

In the last period, the teacher should use the exercises in Self Check to help the students review the target language and at the same time, we must encourage them to use what they’ve learned in this unit.In order to enhance the students’ cooperation spirit, the teacher must get them to practice conversations in pairs.In class, teachers can make full use of the learning resources to attract students attention.While making the class interesting, the teacher should also lead the students to review the main points of the lesson.The review process can be designed as a series of tasks, each linked with activities.In this way, students learning enthusiasm will be fully mobilized and they will be more confident in English learning.Unit 12 what did you do last weekend?



Language Goals


Talk about weekend activities.Learn to talk about past events and write something about their weekend activities.

Knowledge Goals


Target Language















14.baby(adj.& n)





19.high(adj.& adv.)















5.high school

6.get a surprise

7.shout to…


Key Grammar


1.Special questions and general questions in the past tense.2.Describe what you did at the weekend.

Ability Goals


Practice students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Moral Goals


1.Help students establish a cooperative learning perspective.2.Tell the students about the beautiful weekend, and build up the students feelings of enjoying life and loving the beautiful nature.

Teaching Time


Five Periods

Period 1

Section A(1a ── 2d)


本单元教材以“what did you do...?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“做过的事”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:—How was your weekend? —It was great!/—What did you do last weekend? —I played badminton on Saturday./—Who did you play with?—I played with my father.等,让学生知道怎样询问他人的过去做的事及分享自己的经历。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的情感。Section A 学习新短语,复习周六周日及早中晚的表达法。复习句型What did you do?How was...?能够正确使用一般过去时态谈论自己的周末,并作出评价。在学习过程中,学生与教师的交流能促进师生之间的感情。Section B 继续谈过过去发生的事情,并使用评价性语言。能理解一般过去时的阅读文章。能够用一般过去时态描写自己的上周末。


第一课时 Section A(1a-2d)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language






on Saturday morning 在周六上午

camp by lake 在湖边宿营

go boating划船

go to the beach去海滩

play badminton 打羽毛球


as(prep.& adv.)作为;当作




kind of有点儿

study for the math test为数学考试而学习

stay up late深夜不睡;熬夜

—What did you do last weekend,Lucy?露西,上周末你做了什么?

—On Saturday morning,I played badminton.星期六的早上,我打了羽毛球。

I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.我在自然历史博物馆当导游。

How interesting!真有趣!

I told the visitors about them and their living habits.我告诉游客它们的生活习性。

I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.我熬夜看足球比赛。

Difficult Points


Use the target language above to talk about what club they want to join and personal abilities.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.We went to summer c_______ for vacation and had a good time.2.There is a big lake in the park.We can go b_______ in it.3.They enjoyed the sunshine on the b_______.

4.Lin Dan is a great b_______ player.5.My father is fishing by the l_______.

6.—Where did you go last summer vacation?

—Nowhere,just s_______ at home.7.There is a beautiful b_______ flying in the garden.8.A lot of v_______ come to Beijing around the world every year.9.The boy s_______ up late playing computer games last night.10.How many _______(绵羊)are there on the hill?

(Keys:1.camp 2.boating 3.beach 4.badminton 5.lake 6.stayed 7.butterfly 8.visitors 9.stayed 10.sheep)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

T: Everyone likes weekends.How is your weekend? Maybe someone thinks its great/terrible/good/OK/not bad.What did you do last weekend? How was your last weekend? Now you can talk about your last weekend with your friends.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 67, 1a

1.Focus attention on the picture.Ask students to tell what they see.2.Name each activity and ask students to repeat: did my homework, went to the cinema, went boating, camped by the lake, went to the beach, played badminton.3.Point out the numbered list of activities.Say each one again and ask students to repeat.4.Then ask students to match each activity with one of the pictures.Say, Write the letter of each activity next to the words.Point out the sample answer.5.Check the answers.Page 67, 1b

1.Point to the activities in the picture in activity la.2.Ask students to tell what the person did in each picture.For example, she played badminton, or Lucy went to the cinema.3.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.4.Play the recording a second time.This time say.Listen to the recording and write the days and times Lucy did each thing under the pictures.Point out the sample answer under the picture of Lucy playing badminton;on Saturday morning.5.Correct the answers.Page 67, 1c

Pair work

1.Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.Say, now work with a partner.Student A, pretend to be Lucy.Student B, ask questions about what Lucy did on different days and times over the weekend.Talk about the activities in the picture.2.Students work in pairs.As they talk, move around the room monitoring their work.Offer language or pronunciation support as needed,⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 68, 2a

1.Point to the five sentences and ask a student to read these sentences to the class.Say, you will hear recording of a conversation.The people will talk about some of the activities and people, but they will not talk about others.Please underline the words you hear on the recording.2.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.3.Play the recording a second time.This time, ask students to underline each word that is said on the tape.Point out the sample answer, grandmother.4.Correct the answers.1grandma 2 homework 3 English 4 farm 5 cows

Page 68, 2b

1.Call attention to the pictures of Carol, Becky, and Jack and ask students to identify each person by name.Say, Now I will play the recording again.Listen to the students talking about what they did over the weekend.Write C for Carol, B for B Becky or J for Jack next to each statement in activity 2a.The first one has been done for you.2.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.3.Point out the sample answer, S, in statement 1.Say, Sonia visited her grandmother.4.Play the recording again.Ask students to write a letter in front of each statement to show what each person did.5.Check the answers.B B C J J

⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 68, 2c

Pair work

1.Point to the example conversation.Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.Say, now work with a partner.Student A, ask questions about what, who or where, Student B answers.2.Students work in pairs.Page 68, 2d

Role-play.1.Ask Ss to look at conversation in 2d.Then Ss read the dialogue by themselves and find the answer to these questions:

① What did Lisa do on her weekend?

② What did Paul do on his weekend?

2.Ss work in pairs and role-play the conversations.3.Have several pairs perform their conversations for the rest of the class.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 1st exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Listen to the tape twice.2.Practice the conversation on Page 68, 2d.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】



如:My mother goes by the building every day.我妈妈每天从这栋楼旁经过。


如:I learn it by heart.我把它记在心头。


He ________ a living ________ teaching.(3)与交通工具名词连用时,名词前不用冠词,意为“乘,坐,用”。


The man came ________ ________.



She stood ________ the window.2.sheep为可数名词,意为“羊,绵羊”,其复数形式与单数形式同形。


There ________ ________ ________ under the tree.树底下有3只羊。

There ________ ________ ________ under the tree.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This unit continues to talk about past events.The topic of this unit is “what did you do last weekend?” After learning, the students can talk about past evens with others.This is the first period.The teacher can use some pictures or activities to lead in the topic so that students will become interested in it.And the new words can be taught by using pictures in PPT.While listening, the students should master some strategies, such as taking notes and circling the key information.Through practicing the conversations in pairs, their listening and speaking abilities can be improved.Also, we can ask the students to role-play their conversations to enhance their cooperation awareness.It helps them to build confidence and experience success.第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)


Key & Difficult Teaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target language








run away跑开

shout at…冲……大声叫嚷

1.—Where did she go last weekend?上周末她去哪里了?

—She went to a farm.她去了一个农场。

2.—Who did she go with?她和谁一起去的?

—She went with her classmates.她和她的同班同学一起去的。

Difficult Points

special question


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

Preview the words and expressions(Page 9)and fill in the blanks.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.Do you understand body l_______?

2.The lovely b_______ is only half a year old.3.There are many _______(老鼠)near the old house.4.I _______(跑开)from home when I was sixteen years old.5.You dont need to _______(大声叫嚷)me.(Keys:1.language 2.baby 3.mice 4.ran away 5.shout at)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】


What did you do last weekend?

Where did you go last weekend?

Who did you go with?

How was the weather there?

How was your last weekend?

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 69 Grammar Focus

1.Divide the class into two groups and then ask them to role-play the Grammar Focus.2.Let students try to recite it.3.Fill in the blanks without textbook.(1)The bus trip started at six in the morning yesterday.(对画线部分提问)


(2)The weather was sunny and warm last week.(对画线部分提问)


(3)I played the guitar over the weekend.(对画线部分提问)


(4)Jims weekend was very great.(对画线部分提问)


(5)I had a busy weekend.(改为否定句)


(6)She cleaned the room last weekend.(改为一般疑问句)


(7)They went to the beach last weekend.(对画线部分提问)



1.When did the bus trip start yesterday?

2.How was the weather last week?

3.What did you do over the weekend?

4.How was Jims weekend?

5.I didnt have a busy weekend.

6.Did she clean the room last weekend?

7.Where did they go last weekend?)

⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 69, 3a

1.Tell Ss to fill in the blanks with who, what, where or how.2.Make the students finish the sentences by themselves.3.Check the answers.1.What, Who 2.How, Where 3.What, Who

Pair work

1.Practice in pairs

2.Help students find partners.Then say, first read the dialogue together.Both students read both parts.Page 69, 3b

1.Tell Ss to complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.Pay attention to the right sentence structure.2.Ss work by themselves.3.Check the answers.Answers: saw, was, climbed, ran away, said.4.Ask several students tell the story in front of the class.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 69 3c

1.Play a model round of the game.2.Draw simple pictures of two things you did over the weekend.For example, a picture of a TV, and a picture of a tennis racket.Point to the picture of the TV and ask a student to make a sentence about what you did(you watched TV).Do the same with the picture of the tennis racket and another student(you played tennis).Write the two sentences on the board and underline the-ed in watched and played and remind students to use the past tense.3.Now ask students to practice the activity in groups of four.Each student draws two things she or he might have done over the weekend on a piece of paper.The students then take turns to make sentences about each others pictures in past tense.Walk around the class offering assistance where necessary.4.Ask a student to draw two pictures about his or her last weekend on the blackboard.Class members guess the correct past tense sentences.Then write wh-words on the board(who, what, where, when, why, how)and encourage students to ask follow-up questions, for example.Who did you play tennis with?

⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 2nd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Recite the Grammar Focus.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】


shout动词,意为“呼叫,喊叫”,常用词组shout at sb./to sb.冲某人呼叫、喊叫,前者多指因为生气而非善意地对某人吼叫,后者多指因为距离远而不得不大声喊叫。

如:He was so angry that he shouted at everyone present.2.away的用法:

away作副词,意为“远离, 离开, 消失”。

常用短语有far away(远离),go away(走开),run away(跑开),right away(立刻, 马上),away from(距……多远)。


(1)Tom,stay________(远离)from here,please.(2)Its only three kilometers ________(距……远)here.(3)The giraffe ________(跑开)at once when he saw the tiger.(4)He phoned his mother ________(马上).


Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the second period in this unit, which focuses on special questions with the simple past tense.In this lesson, the teacher-student question and answer activity is designed first.It not only allows students to review the content of last lesson, but also guide them to further study the simple past tense.At the same time, students can know more about themselves and others by communicating with others.This improves students’ collective sense and helps them build confidence.第三课时 Section B(1a-1e)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key Words & phrases



play the guitar 弹吉他

study for a test 准备考试

fly a kite 放风筝

do ones homework 做家庭作业

Key Sentences

—Who went to the library?谁去了图书馆?

—Sally did.萨莉去了。

Difficult Points

Discuss things and give evaluations..


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Fill in the blanks.根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。

1.I(准备考试)last Sunday,so I stayed at home all day.2.I can sing and you can(弹吉他)well.3.Would you like to(放风筝)with me in the park this afternoon?

4.The boy(做家庭作业)last night.(Keys:1.studied for a test 2.play the guitar 3.fly a kite 4.did his homework)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Teacher:Good morning,everyone!Did you have a good weekend?What did you do last weekend?Or what did you do yesterday?When you answer the questions,you should use the Simple Past Tense.Please pay attention to the forms of verbs.First you can ask your deskmates.Model:

S1:What did you do yesterday morning/afternoon/evening?

S2:I went to a movie.S3:I visited my friends.S4:I stayed at home and did my homework.Teacher:Please work in small groups.Ask and answer in the same way.Then Ill check some groups in front of the class.⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 70, 1a

1.Call attention to the pictures.2.Ask students to point to and use the past tense to describe as many of the activities as possible.3.Point to and describe any activities they cant describe.For example, I played the guitar.4.Point to the numbered activities described in the list.Name the activities and ask students to repeat each one.5.After that, ask students to match each numbered phrase with a picture by writing the letter of each picture in the blank in front of the correct phrase.As students work, move around the room answering questions as needed.6.Check the answers:1d, 2 c, 3 f,4 e, 5 a, 6 b.Page 70, 1b

T: Do you think the activities in 1a are fun? Draw a happy face or an unhappy face under each picture.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 70, 1c

1.Listen.What did Sally and Jim do last weekend? Complete the chart.2.Role-play.Ask some pairs to perform their conversation to the class.Page 70, 1d

Pair work:

Ss work in pairs and talk about what Sally and Jim did last weekend.For example:

A:What did Jim do?

B:He went to the movie.A:What did Sally do?

B:She cleaned her room.A:What did you do last weekend?

B:I visited my sister.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 70, 1e

T: This time you can talk about your own weekend.Every time you make sentences, you should pay attention to the forms of verbs.For example:

A:What did you do on the weekend?

B:I had a party at home.What about you?

A:I studied at home.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 3rd exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

Finish the exercise.”“

Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】

anything interesting意为“有趣的事”,形容词interesting修饰不定代词anything应后置,在句中做后置定语。如:


He told us ________ ________.


This isnt ________ ________.



Would you like ________ ________ ________?


If you want ________ ________ ________,call me.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the third period in this unit.In this lesson, students learn some new wordsthrough listening and speaking activities.This unit contains a lot of vocabulary, so the teacher can incorporate vocabulary into the activities and conversations during the teaching process in order to help students understand.During the listening training, it is necessary to guide the students to look through the vocabulary before listening.In class, the teacher should give the students opportunities to role play the conversation using the information in 1d and 1e.In this way, they can improve their speaking skills.第四课时 Section B(2a-3b)


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Target Language


high(adj.& adv.)高的(地)














high school中学

put up搭起;举起

get a surprise吃惊

shout to…对……大声喊叫

up and down上上下下;起伏


1.First,we took a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside.首先,我们花了很长时间乘坐公共汽车到达乡村的一个湖。

2.When we looked out of our tent,we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire.当我们向帐篷外看去时,我们看见一条大蛇正在火堆旁睡觉。

Difficult Points


Learn to how to translate and understand the long story.Learn to write article about trip in the past..


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Teach new words with flashcards.2.Ask students to read the key words and phrases.3.Finish the following sentences.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。

1.She lived here two years a_________.

2.They put up their t_________ in the open air and slept in it last night.3.When we saw a big snake sleeping near the river,we got a terrible s_________.

4.We can not hear everything in the nature with our e_________.

5.The alarm clock w_________ me up every morning.6.He was so _________(惊慌的)that he couldnt move.7.The snake moved into the_________(森林)near the lake.(Keys:1.ago 2.tents 3.surprise 4.ears 5.wakes 6.scared 7.forest)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】


Did you have a busy weekend?

What did you do on Saturday morning/afternoon/evening?

What did you do on Sunday morning/afternoon/evening?

What did he/she do on Saturday morning/afternoon/evening?

⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 71, 2a

T: Let’s work on 2a.What kind of animals are people sometimes afraid of? Why? Make a list.Review adjectives like scary and ugly here.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page 71, 2b

1.Fast reading

1)ead the article and find the answer to this question:

What did they see near the fire the next morning?

(They saw a snake sleeping near the fire)

2)Ss read the article quickly and find the answers to this question.3)Then check the answers.2.Careful reading

1)Read the article and find the answers to the questions on 71.2)Ss read the passage and find the answers to the questions.3)Check the answers.Page 71, 2c

T: Read the instructions again, put the phrases in order according to the passage then use then to retell the story.1.Ask the student to read the story in 2b again, put the sentences in order.2.Check the answer.Answer: 6 2 8 4 7 5 1 3

3.Ask the students retell the story using the phrases.⭐Step 5 Post-task【后续任务】

Page 72, 3a

1.Show the picture in 3a, say:what can you see?

2.Ask the students to practice in pairs..Page 72, 3b

Writing.Write about what you did last weekend.On Saturday morning

My last weekend In the afternoon

At night

On Sunday morning

Then in the afternoon

On Sunday night

Useful expressions: I had a … weekend.It was …

Help Ss to finish the compositions.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the 4th exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】


Knowledge Elicitation【知识点拨】



He is ________ ________ ________ he cant ________ ________ himself.2.surprise


如:Bill looked at him in surprise.比尔惊讶地看着他。


如:The news surprised us.这条消息使我们吃惊。

surprised adj.感到惊讶的。

surprising adj.令人惊讶的。


We are ________ at the ________ news.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is a reading and writing class.Students are firstly required to complete group activities in 2a before reading.During the process of reading, teachers can use some task activities in the textbook to train students’ reading skills.Through group discussion, the structure of the article is formed.In this way, students can not only learn knowledge, but also form effective reading strategies.Finally, ask students to retell the content of 2b with the help of the answers.During the course of teaching, teachers should encourage students to discover problems and cooperate with others.第五课时 Self Check


Key & DifficultTeaching Points 【教学重难点】

Key & Difficult Teaching Points

To use and practice the unit’s key structures.


Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

⭐Step 1 Preview and perception【预习感知】

1.Get students to turn to Pag109 to listen and read.2.Get them to finish the translations.英汉互译





5.living habits________






11.swimming pool____________

12.Not really.____________




16.each other________


18.look out of________




22.learn from________


24.useful lesson________


26.cook dinner________



(Keys:1.stay up late,2.shout at,3.run away,4.mice,5.生活习惯,6.语言,7.play the guitar,8.go to the library,9.fly a kite,10.have dinner with friends,11.游泳池,12不完全是;不见得13high school;14.put up ones tent;15.make a fire;16.相互;17.如此……以至于……;18.往……外面望;19.up and down;20.wake…up;21.shout to;22.向……学习;23.get a terrible surprise;24.有用的教训;25.stay at home;26.做晚餐;27.talk show;28.[美] 消防队员)

⭐Step 2 Leading in【情景导入】

Ask some students to share what they did last weekend.Example: I am Lisa.I did many things last weekend.On Saturday, I got up early and cleaned my room at...⭐Step 3 Pre-task【准备任务】

Page 72, Self Check 1

1.Review the phrases in this unit, complete the phrases in self check 1.Ask students do the exercise by themselves, then check the answer.Answer:

go out with friends fly a kite

go for a walk milk a cow

pick apples camp near the lake

take photos study for a test

2.Use the phrases to make some sentences in recent past events.⭐Step 4 While-task【过程任务】

Page72, Self Check 2

1.Make the students complete the conversation.Move around the room monitoring progress and giving language support as needed.2.Check the answer.Answer: Where did you go?

Who did you go with?

What did you do?

Did you learn anything?

3.Ask two students to perform the dialogue to the class.⭐Step 6 Consolidation practice【巩固练习】

Look at the student’s book of the exercise.⭐Step 7 Homework【家庭作业】

1.Review this unit.2.Finish the exercises.”“

Teaching Reflection【教学反思】

This is the last periodof this unit.In the process of teaching, it is advisable to guide students to ”practice first and then summarize".Ask the students to review and summarize the knowledge learned in this unit through independent thinking, partner and group cooperation.This can help them develop the good study habit of reviewing and summarizing in time.With the help of writing clues, students can make dialogues about the activities of the past weekend.Besides, the teacher should ask students to do exercises to improve their learning ability.



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