
时间:2019-05-11 21:46:19下载本文作者:会员上传


I read in the circle to be optimistic about the film “Gua Sha” ,after the greatest feeling is very difficult to blend into local culture.After years of hard work, Xu Datong, a Chinese immigrant to the US, has finally achieved success as an outstanding video game designer.With his promising career and loving family, he feels he has become a true American.Datong’s father comes over from China, and uses a traditional Chinese medical technique, called guasha, to treat Datong`s son, Dennis.Unexpectedly, an American doctor thinks the bruises on Dennis` back left by the guasha treatment are signs of child abuse, and the finger is pointed at Datong.The Treatment is a moving portrayal of the enormous gulfs between cultures and their possible repercussion between cultures and their possible repercussions.Xu datong is a video games designer in St.Louis.When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse.In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son.I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences.But the most impressing scene to me is the ending.Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives.I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture.He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed.


Review of Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a classical film reflecting the cultural conflicts between China and the United States.It vividly shows different values and thoughts between these two countries.The plots start with Datong slapping his son in order to save his boss’s and his own faces.The traditional concept of Chinese people is that son should be obedient to father.Son should not resist otherwise it is to fight for father’s dignity.So when Datong’s son doesn’t admit his mistake, Datong becomes very angry and slaps his son.From the astonishment on his boss’s face, he doesn’t agree with this behavior.Datong thinks it can save his boss’s face.However, on the contrary, it leaves his boss the impression of a violent father.As a result, the boss admits on the court that Datong has slapped his son.Datong thinks that his boss has betrayed him.It is just the cultural differences between the China and United States.American people pay less attention to their face than Chinese people.And Chinese people attach great importance to the collective benefits.They will sacrifice personal interests to assure collective benefits.Conflicts reflected in this film are just part of the differences between these two countries and the conflicts will continue in a long time.It will not be changed but integrated in a degree.English 107

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鲍玲玲 英语111 3110311001Culture Differences

The film “gua sha”tells the story the life of an immigrant American family that came from Beijing: the 5-year-old Chinese child Dennis stomachaches and had a fever, so his grandfather use Chinese traditional way-gua sha-to treat him.However, Datong couple was accused of child abuse and then, one after another evidence of witnesses had made the couple in a trouble, because Western medicine can not simply understand this traditional Chinese therapies.In court, a series of debates came, a happy family shortly became so fragmented.All this reaction came from the large level of globalization ,which is cultural differences.Gua sha is a Chinese traditional treatment methods spread over two thousand years, of course, there will be some congestion in the body traces, but the body is good.In the film, Ta Tung said: “I love America!Here is my home!” Eight years of American life has made him confident that he was American.But no matter how he said, how fluent English he said, how American life he loves,his bones are rooted in traditional Chinese culture.For example, Dennis and a friend's son fight, he would give his son punishment in public,and he says“playing the curse of love is pain”.All this is known as “Democracy, rule of law, science,” which are the American political and the law can not understand.Contempt for his country's culture is actually the concept of an individual's culture and values in this kind of contempt.I had forgotten who said these words.Americans and Chinese people educate their children in a different way.The United States in this way, not to say desirable, but at least you can listen to the child's views and opinions.Although there is no independent civilian child ability, but he is conscious and has some ability to distinguish an independent entity.Even if they will not all believe the child, the child’s words can also be part of his reaction to judge his true condition.At this point,the movie did not reflect.The U.S.attorney hired by the prosecution in court described the “Journey to the West” in the Monkey: Ta Tung immigrant to the U.S.to prove violent: “They planted nine years of peaches, he did not say hello to fight with the owner they pick to eat, when people stop him, he does not only did not listen to discourage, but also fight and ruined people's Taoyuan.No Chinese people would stand such stupid words towards Chinese traditional culture!

Sino-us differences in performance of the film, but also expressed cultural assimilation, cultural fusion of a kind of yearning.Abram passed from Queensland Chinatown porcelain store, personal try ”gua sha“;From xu Datong get rid of shows, downstairs police, residents erupted with applause, from he climbed the ninth floor of the house, the house and the children of alarm welfare leadership congratulated him holy happiness, welcome home, audiences seem to see the westerners preached the Chinese and western cultural barriers, began to approach of traditional Chinese culture, and eventually conquered all human feelings.The end of the story is perfect, but also must not ignore the cultural difference side, which requires us to strengthen exchanges and communication, hope in the near future, a ”Datong" world really will appear in front of us!


Impressions of the film Gua Sha

Some time ago, I watched a movie called Guasha.It is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture.There’re a lot of conflicts in this movie, such as the criteria of abusing children, the using languages between the different generations, the ways of teaching children.Of course, the main one is Chinese traditional values and American ones.It is showed on three characters, Datong, his wife and Grandpa.Datong is the central character that the director chose to express the theme.His words, his actions, his thoughtway, all represent the Chinese traditional values.His wife are very well educated and wants only Engllish spoken in her home.As an old Chinese, Grandpa can accept the American values partly, but not to follow.Undoubtely, Iam feeling a lot from that movie.The most important is the Culture Shock.



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