开展保持共产党员先进性教育活动,切实整改存在突出问题,坚持每月1次政治思想、医德医风学习,组织全体党员干部深入学习江泽民“三个代表”重要思想,学习贯彻党十六大四中、五中全会精神,自觉做到“八个坚持,八个反对”,并加强对党风廉政建设责任制规定和《廉政准则》及相关规定的学习。组 1
篇二:2016医院党风廉政建设工作总结 为贯彻落实20xx全省卫生系统纪检监察工作会议精神,结合我院工作实际,坚持党要管党、从严治党,聚焦医院中心工作,推进改革创新,加强反****体制机制建设;严明党的各项纪律,坚决克服组织涣散、纪律松弛现象;坚持持之以恒纠正四风加大查处违法违规案件力度;强化监督,促进权力规范运行;扎实推进医院党风廉政建设和反腐工作,更好地服务医院建设。
医院 x 年党建、党风廉政建设工作总结
医院 x 年党建、党风廉政建设工作总结
按照县委、县纪委和县卫生局党委对医院党建和党风廉政建设工作的有关要求,为进一步加强医院党建、党风廉政建设和行业作风建设,x 年我院以实施“创先争优”活动和继续深入开展 “廉政文化进医院”活动为主线,以开展“窗口单位四亮四创四评”、“三好一满意”和“抗菌药物临床应用专项整治”等活动为载体,以贯彻落实各项党建和行风建设长效机制为重点,通过狠抓党风廉政和行业作风建设,加强了队伍建设,深化了服务内涵,强化了医院管理。对照年初与局党组签订的党建、党风廉政建设工作责任书,将 x 年医院党建、党风廉政建设工作情况总结如下:
我院是一所由政府举办的非营利性公立医疗机构,是全县的医疗急救和医疗技术指导中心。现有在职职工 302 人,实际开放病床 302 张。近年来,随着医院的发展和规模的扩大,党员数量不断增加,医院党支部下设 5 个党小组,共有
正式党员 92 人,预备党员 2 人。正式党员中,有在职党员61 人,占职工总数的 20.3%,退休党员 31 人。
一是领导班子健全、分工明确、职责清楚。党支部书记具体分管纪检监察工作,有专职党务工作人员,党建工作经费能得到充分保证。二是成立了党风廉政建设责任制工作领导小组,将反腐倡廉工作纳入班子议事日程,今年以来,领导班子专题研究党建、党风廉政和行业作风建设工作共 7次。三是结合医院工作实际,将年初与局党组签订的党建、党风廉政建设工作责任书进行了认真的分解落实,与各科室签订了《党风廉政和行风建设目标责任书》;与各位党员签订了《党员目标管理责任书》,定期督促检查,年终考核奖惩。四是建立了支委联系党员(包括离退休党员)等制度,尽量发挥支委作用。五是坚持民主集中制原则,对建设工程项目、干部任免等重大问题坚持集体讨论,科学民主决策;
在 x 年党建和党风廉政建设工作中,主要做了以下几方面的工作:
一是开展党性教育活动,通过领导讲党课及邀请县纪委领导作专场廉政形式报告等形式,对党员普遍进行党性教育。二是通过开展“三基三严全员岗位技能大练兵”、“远程医疗讲座”等学习培训活动,加大党员干部的培养力度,突出党员岗位业务技能学习、培训,不断提高党员队伍履职尽责能力,努力打造一批岗位技能、工作业绩优秀的党员。三是开展党员关爱和党建结对共建活动。去年以来,组织、倡议全院职工向身患绝症的困难党员李学顺捐款献爱心,共捐款 31216 元;向困难群众“送温暖、献爱心”捐款 4815 元;向“3·10”盈江地震灾区捐款 7265 元;组织全体党员向农
村困难老党员捐款和缴纳特殊党费,共捐款 8562 元;先后三次组织上海东方医院对口支援我院专家医疗队和本院部分专家到赵家店乡黄羊岭村进行党建结对共建暨专家义诊活动,在保健院门口开展志愿服务群众专家义诊活动及到石羊镇开展“中医药宣传日”暨专家义诊活动,共向赵家店乡黄羊岭村捐助党建资金 6000 元,为群众免费测血压、测血糖及义诊约 520 余人次,免费发放药品价值约 2500 元。四是认真开展了“优质护理示范病区”创建活动;五是开展“党员亮身份,公开践承诺”主题实践活动,通过宣传栏、党员承诺卡等形式,将承诺的责任、事项、时限、结果在一定范围内公布,主动接受群众监督。在践诺过程中,采取“党员挂牌、挂党徽上岗”、“党员示范岗”等形式,把党员身份亮出来,接受群众监督和社会评议。六是认真开展领导点评和民主评议党员工作,结合民主评议党员工作认真开展领导点评。针对领导点评指出的问题,明确整改措施,务求整改实效。七是组织开展了“白衣天使标准”大讨论和“我心中的白衣天使”征文活动。各科室在开好动员会、讨论会和专题发言会、分析会的基础上提炼出了本科室的“白衣天使标准”;医院在各科室提炼的基础上,总结、提炼出了医院的“白衣天使标准”。全院工作人员均拟定了一份白衣天使标准,撰写了一篇“白衣天使标准”大讨论的心得体会文章,采写了一篇“我心中的白衣天使”征文作品。八是开展以注
重道德修养,争做行业模范;注重业务水平,争做行家里手;注重服务奉献,争做岗位楷模”为主要内容的“三注重三争做”主题实践活动。以学习杨善州同志先进事迹和精读《大医精诚》一文为正面教材,以《楚雄州典型案例警示教育读本(续二)》为反面教材,通过弘扬大医精诚精神,深化医德医风建设。九是深入开展以“亮流程、亮身份、亮职责、亮承诺,自己评、群众评、领导评、组织评”为主题的“四亮四评”主题实践活动。通过公开就诊流程、入院出院流程、专科专家介绍、医疗服务项目价格和药品价格信息,公开患者“五知道”、“五明白”、投诉举报电话等,沟通医患关系,自觉接受群众监督。通过行风问卷调查,病人综合满意率保持在 95%以上,赢得了群众口碑。十是按照“三好一满意”的总体要求,通过制订《抗菌药物分级目录》,严格控制抗菌药物品种,将原有 47 个品种的抗菌药物筛选删减为 33 个品种,举办抗菌药物临床应用知识培训,对抗菌药物实行分级管理等,深入开展了抗菌药物临床应用专项整治活动。十一是在“授旗评星”和“示范岗位创建活动”中,评选出优质服务示范科室 3 个,优质护理示范病区和党员责任区 1 个,优质服务标兵 19 名,优秀共产党员 15 名,医院工作先进个人 72 名。发挥典型示范作用,以点带面,推动创先争优活动扎实开展。
专项教育活动结束后,各科室共查找出科室工作中存在的问题 47 条,制定出有针对性的整改措施 56 条,实施了成立导诊服务台,增设发药窗口,增设病人等候区,检验功能科室规范工作流程等便民措施,下步还将逐步实施便民措施 11 项。目前,专项教育活动已暂告一段落,医院及各科室正在抓紧做好各项查找出来的问题和便民措施的整改落实,总结本实施阶段工作,安排部署下一阶段工作。
作为全县的廉政文化进医院活动示范点,不断创新活动内容和形式,狠抓各项措施的落实,稳步推进廉政文化进医院活动。一是每年邀请县纪委领导作专场廉政建设形式报告会;二是组织召集与医院有业务往来的药品供应企业召开廉政座谈会,邀请县纪委领导参加并与药品供应企业负责人进行了廉政谈话;三是精心组织,统筹安排,组织全院各级管理干部参观位于县委党校的**县党风廉政教育基地,通过观看我县党风廉政建设教育片,每一位参加人员书写一句廉政感悟,签订一份廉洁从政承诺,并集体进行廉政承诺宣誓等内容进行反腐倡廉警示教育,并认真撰写廉政教育心得体会文章;四是利用电子显示屏滚动播出、宣传廉政格言、警句;五是将全院公用的 56 台电脑屏幕保护设置为廉政警示教育方面内容;六是制作两条以深入开展廉政文化进医院及创先争优活动,争办人民满意医院为主要内容的巨幅宣传标语,垂直悬挂于面临北街闹市的门诊楼外墙面;七是制作了50 余块精美的廉洁从政和廉洁行医的格言警句宣传牌及宣传画,张贴悬挂在门诊、住院、医技综合楼大厅,电梯间及各科室醒目处,营造了浓厚的医院廉政文化氛围。经县纪委综合检查考核,医院“廉政文化进医院”示范点创建工作顺利通过检查验收。
(九)认真贯彻《信访工作条例》,实施信访目标管理,认真办理“政风行风热线”群众反映投诉。信访举报自办率、当年办结率及按期结案率均达到 100%。做好涉及本单位的人或事的维稳工作,完成上级交办的维稳工作任务。
(十)聘请了社会各界人士组成的社会评议员。为使行风评议工作落到实处,我院还聘请了由社会各界人士组成的社会评议员 15 人,每半年对我院行风建设工作进行评议,行风评议工作被列为开展医院管理工作的一部分。今年民主评议行风满意率达 96%。
(十一)加强党员队伍建设,年内发展预备党员 2 名,有 1 名入党积极分子已向党组织递交了入党申请书,正在接受组织考察。坚持发展党员公示制、预审制和票决制。经常组织党员开展户外支部活动,不断创新党员活动方式,丰富组织生活。
work, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well.To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work.Further perfection period analysis, top leaders personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits.Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work.Processing of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion.Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters.The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously.Focus on deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results.According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to
save city large-scale gathering petition.On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests.To strengthen the supervision and inspection.According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work.Tracking and supervision must be carried out on major petition cases;of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision.On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed.On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubleshoot network does play a role.Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction.Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work.Fourth, we must
in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners.To strengthen the propaganda of
petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations.Step further regulate the peoples letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wishes and requirements.In the implementation of mass petitions and letter three meet increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions.On the long-term by petition of the irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely.Further carry out the strike hard campaign, maintain good social order.Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city unified deployment, organization to carry out the broken case, fled, chasing fugitives concentrated action, received the initial success.Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation where principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures,enhance the security of the people.To highlight the combat focus.Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, homicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all kinds of rogue and Pi word color beltTo catch the color of illegal crime.The crime, to adhere to the strike hard principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, resolutely destroyed their arrogance.Second, we must improve the detection rate.The incident only timely cracked, can strengthen the crackdown.Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate.The detection of murder on an important position, strictly implement the responsibility to homicide cases must be broken work objectives.To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance peoples sense of security.To wander aimlessly Pursuit.The strike vagabond offences as a key, take
public secret combination method, in fled made easy to place of the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum.Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fugitives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely manner to eliminate social impact.Fourth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts.The key points are the further strengthen of backward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway, pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent., places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation.The streets to cooperate with public security organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing management, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory.Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career,suspicious personnel shall be carried out in accordance with the law review, from found and arrested illegal crime personnel.Fifth, we must strengthen the hidden front of the struggle.To strengthen intelligence information, timely grasp of domestic and foreign hostile forces, hostile sabotage activities of various kinds of information.From the beginning to the end to grasp initiative.To fully understand the social harmfulness of the violent and terrorist activities and bad Destroy the trouble, make the necessary precautions to ensure that doesnt happen.Strict precautions against Falun Gong diehards activities to crack down on the production, dissemination and posted Falun Gong illegal propaganda diehards, to prevent the TV spots, and resolutely put Falun Gong illegal propaganda arrogance down.Recently, the Public Security Bureau with the Council, successfully cracked the Ministry of public security of the handling of the large Falun Gong nest case, destroyed the Falun Gong underground dens, arresting staff of 15, and seized a large number of illegal propaganda and publicity work, dealt a heavy blow to the Falun Gong diehards.Step, to increase the
intensity of the trial.Keep up with the related measures, continue to dig deep victories, to expand its influence.To strengthen the construction of public security prevention and control system, improve the ability to control the social security situation.Practice has proved, strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system is adapt to security situation, prevent and reduce crime, enhance public safety sense of effective measures.Next departments at all levels should conscientiously
of the Ministry of public security on the implementation of community and rural policing strategy decision , relying on community and
work, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well.To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work.Further perfection period analysis, top leaders personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits.Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint
meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work.Processing of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion.Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters.The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously.Focus on deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results.According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to save city large-scale gathering petition.On law
related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests.To strengthen the supervision and inspection.According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work.Tracking and supervision must be carried out on major petition cases;of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision.On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed.On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubleshoot network does play a role.Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction.Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work.Fourth, we must in accordance with the law to rectify the order of
petitioners.To strengthen the propaganda of
petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations.Step further regulate the peoples letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wishes and requirements.In the implementation of mass petitions and letter three meet increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions.On the long-term by petition of the irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely.Further carry out the strike hard campaign, maintain good social order.Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city unified deployment, organization to carry out the broken case, fled, chasing fugitives concentrated action, received the initial success.Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation where principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures, enhance the security of the people.To highlight the
combat focus.Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, homicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all kinds of rogue and Pi word color beltTo catch the color of illegal crime.The crime, to adhere to the strike hard principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, resolutely destroyed their arrogance.Second, we must improve the detection rate.The incident only timely cracked, can strengthen the crackdown.Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate.The detection of murder on an important position, strictly implement the responsibility to homicide cases must be broken work objectives.To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance peoples sense of security.To wander aimlessly Pursuit.The strike vagabond offences as a key, take public secret combination method, in fled made easy to
place of the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum.Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fugitives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely manner to eliminate social impact.Fourth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts.The key points are the further strengthen of backward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway, pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent., places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation.The streets to cooperate with public security organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing management, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory.Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career, suspicious personnel shall be carried out in accordance
with the law review, from found and arrested illegal crime personnel.Fifth, we must strengthen the hidden front of the struggle.To strengthen intelligence information, timely grasp of domestic and foreign hostile forces, hostile sabotage activities of various kinds of information.From the beginning to the end to grasp initiative.To fully understand the social harmfulness of the violent and terrorist activities and bad Destroy the trouble, make the necessary precautions to ensure that doesnt happen.Strict precautions against Falun Gong diehards activities to crack down on the production, dissemination and posted Falun Gong illegal propaganda diehards, to prevent the TV spots, and resolutely put Falun Gong illegal propaganda arrogance down.Recently, the Public Security Bureau with the Council, successfully cracked the Ministry of public security of the handling of the large Falun Gong nest case, destroyed the Falun Gong underground dens, arresting staff of 15, and seized a large number of illegal propaganda and publicity work, dealt a heavy blow to the Falun Gong diehards.Step, to increase the intensity of the trial.Keep up with the related
measures, continue to dig deep victories, to expand its influence.To strengthen the construction of public security prevention and control system, improve the ability to control the social security situation.Practice has proved, strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system is adapt to security situation, prevent and reduce crime, enhance public safety sense of effective measures.Next departments at all levels should conscientiously
of the Ministry of public security on the implementation of community and rural policing strategy decision , relying on community andx 全新精品资料-全新公文 x-全程 指 导 写 作
– 独 家 原 创
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work, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well.To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work.Further perfection period analysis, top leaders personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits.Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work.Processing of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion.Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters.The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously.Focus on deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results.According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to
save city large-scale gathering petition.On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests.To strengthen the supervision and inspection.According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work.Tracking and supervision must be carried out on major petition cases;of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision.On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed.On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubleshoot network does play a role.Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction.Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work.Fourth, we must
in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners.To strengthen the propaganda of
petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations.Step further regulate the peoples letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wishes and requirements.In the implementation of mass petitions and letter three meet increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions.On the long-term by petition of the irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely.Further carry out the strike hard campaign, maintain good social order.Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city unified deployment, organization to carry out the broken case, fled, chasing fugitives concentrated action, received the initial success.Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation where principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures,enhance the security of the people.To highlight the combat focus.Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, homicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all kinds of rogue and Pi word color beltTo catch the color of illegal crime.The crime, to adhere to the strike hard principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, resolutely destroyed their arrogance.Second, we must improve the detection rate.The incident only timely cracked, can strengthen the crackdown.Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate.The detection of murder on an important position, strictly implement the responsibility to homicide cases must be broken work objectives.To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance peoples sense of security.To wander aimlessly Pursuit.The strike vagabond offences as a key, take
public secret combination method, in fled made easy to place of the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum.Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fugitives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely manner to eliminate social impact.Fourth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts.The key points are the further strengthen of backward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway, pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent., places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation.The streets to cooperate with public security organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing management, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory.Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career,suspicious personnel shall be carried out in accordance with the law revi...