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Answers to listening and speaking BookII Unit 1 Part A Exercise 1 1.398-4071 2.278-9536 3.1390-1910-466 4.415-566-1268 5.5-078-2489 6.6102-9517-2880 7.210-699-4982 8.6-592-7649 Exercises 2 Is that you/ Can I leave a message/ call me back/ 860-2505/give her the message when she returns home.Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1 father&daughter 2.they are talking about the pictures Gloria left for him 3.Riding a motorcycle 4.He thinks John looks a little strange because John wears a pony tail.5.she says he is old-fashioned.Exercise 2 1.in a restaurant/ Dining/ 2.on a motorcycle/ learning to ride a motorcycle 3.in Angela’s office/ doing some part-time work for Angela’s magazine/ with John, her friend Conversatin 2 Exercise 1 1.who dialed the wrong number?(a)2.what is the most probable relationship between the man and the woman?(b)3.what is true about the woman?(a)Exercise 2 1.First State Bank 2.her leg 3.848-3952 4.Mrs Tailor/ his bank 5.having dialed the wrong number Part D 1.what as Mrs Bates calling for?(a)2.who made a mistake?(d)3.what cn you learn from the conversation?(c)Unit 2 Part A Exercise 1 1.Tom 2.she has dialed the wrong number 3.321-9645 4.Monica 5.Mrs Jones’ sister Exercise 2 1.message: 1.Nancy Davis 2.914-6520 3.Call Nancy back 2.message: 1.peter 2.614-5533 3.Meet Peter at 12 at the Foreign Language Bookstore Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.why is Pat calling Anna?(c)2.what is the reason why Jack does not accept Pat’s invitation to tea?(c)3.What bis true about Pat?(d)Exercise 2 1.be out 2.Jack/ Tom 3.leave Anna a message 4.164,Rose Avenue Conversatin 2 Exercise 1 1.c 2.b 3.c Exercise 2 1.advice 2.find Brown somewhere suitable to live/ an estate agent 3.meet and talk to each other at her office 4.ten-minute walk Part D 1.what’s the relationship between the two speak?(d)2.Why couldn’t Vicki see Randy last night?(c)3.Which of the following is true of Vicki?(d)Unit 3 part A Exercise 1 1.N 2 N 3.P 4.N 5.P 6.P 7 N 8 N Exercise 2 1.It might be a good idea to travel by air.2.Why don’t you go to professor Stone for advice? 3.You’d better take his advice and eat an apple a day.4.Have you thought about looking for a better job? 5.If I were you I’d go through the paper again.6.Shouldn’t you spend more time in listening and speaking? Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.b 2.a 3.a Exercise 2 1.Traveling a lot./ working very hard;unsafe nowadays;2.an interpreter/ able for her to use her language ability;traveling to international meetings/ 3.an international business person/ not mentioned/ having a lot to do with money, which she doesn’t like to think about.conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.she has been tired of doing the same old things day after day at home since she moved from Chicago.2.Back in Chicago she worked part time and went swimming every day but now she just cooks and cleans the house.3.Judy should go out of the house and find a job.Exercise 2 1.skating and running these days.2.sports/ popular 3.sporting goods store 4.make money 5.for herself.Part D Exercise 1.She can’t decide whether to go to unversity or get a job 2.To study economics at universiry.3.1)She thinks she will have no time for fun with too much reading and writing.2)She doesn’t like to ask her parents for pocket money at her age.Unit 4 Part A Exercise 1 1.Take some aspirin 2.Have his eyes tested 3.go to the health center and see a doctor 4.Economics 5.Just lie down for a while.Part B Conversation 1 Exercise1 1.What seems to be Peter’s trouble?(c)2.Why does Peter has little chance to talk to English people?(a)3.What can you lean from the conversation?(b)Exercise 2 1.go out more/ go to pubs/ take a class/ speak first 2.the weather/sports/ footbal,/swimming,/ tennis/ traveling and sightseeing Conversation 2 Exercise1 1.what does Simon’s mother think of his present job?(c)2.what is true about Simon?(d)3.what can you infer fron the conversation?(d)Exercise 2 1.Gardening 2.Good pay 3.plenty of fresh air 4.Not suitable for a university graduate 5.Boring 6.The idea 7.appeals to ne 8.a lot of study, and then woring all sorts of hours.Part D Exercise 1.Take a bus tour 2.Visit the science museum 3.Go to the zoo 4.Visit th national art gallary 5.Try some of the lacal restaurants.Unit 5 Part A Exercises 1 1.d 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c exercise 2 1.lovely 2.perfect 3.sunny 4.warm 5.clear 6.birds 7.music 8.we’re together 9.rain or shine 10.nothing wrong 11.we’re all feeling all right Part B passage exercise 1 1.what is the weatherman from Channel 62 doing?(b)2.what can you infer from the weathe report?(d)Exercise 2 1.strong winds 2.heavy snow 3.cold and dry, cloudy in the afternoon 4.clear/some rain 5.warm and sunny/ A 40% chance of rain/ Rain and thunderstorms in the evening 6.29/ 15-20/cloudy/ NE/5-10/cloudy/ Isolated thunderstorms/ near 30*/ around 20*/ chance of rain, 30% Conversation Exercise1 1.what seemed to be Mary’s problem?(c)2.What did John suggest that Mary do with her cell phone?(d)3.what can you infer from the conversation?(a)Exercise2 1.clear ,sunny and pleasant/ 80*/cloudy/ 5-10 2.Warm/humid/High of 85*, low near 70*/SSW building up to 20-25/ thunderstorms/ rain, 50% Part D Exercise 1.What did the two speakers plan to do?(c)2.what does the forecast mainlay tell us?(b)3.What can we learn from the conversation?(d)Unit 6 Part A Exercise 1 1.windy 2.warm 3.wet 4.68* 5.82* 6.scattered showers in the afternoon 7.12*C 8.snowy 9.freezing 10.15*F Exercises 2 1.pleasant/ clear/ sunny 2.cloudy/ going to snow/ sunny/ cold Part B Passage Exercise 1 1.What is the main idea of the passage/(a)2.what can you learn from the weather report?(d)3.what can you conclde from the weather report?(b)Exercise 2 Tommorrow morning 1.dry/ sunshine 2.fog/cloudy/light winds/ cooler 3.dull/ cloudy/ heavy showers/ 16* By the evening 1.rain 2.thunderstorms/ 26-27* 3.brighter/ fresher/ dry/windy/about 19* conversation Exercise 1 1.what is the man’s biggest worry?(b)2.what is the weather like when the man and the woman talking to one another?(a)3.what does the woman suggest that the man do?(d)4.what can you infer from the conversation?(c)Exercise 2 1.foggy/ clear and fine/ 12* 2.overcast/ slight chance of rain/ 6* Part D Exercise(Today:)sunny/ warmer/ clear/ 72*(Tomorrow:)warm and humid/ 86*(Wed:)cooler weather / around 80/ in the upper 60s(Friday:)71* Unit 7 Part A Exercises 1 1)Mar.31st 2)by plane 3)May 22nd 4)by train 5)last Friday 6)by ship 7)at the end of June 8)by plane 9)next weekend 10)by car Part B A conversation Exercise 1 1.c 2.b 3.b Exercise 2 1.√2.×3.×4.√5.√ A story Exercise 1 1.How did Mr and Mrs Williams spend their summer holidays in the past?(a)2.Which of the following can be inferred from the conversation?(c)3.what is true about hotel where Mr and Mrs Williams stayed in Rome?(b)Exercise 2 1 F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F Part D 1)Julia 2)Mark 3)32 4)Alderley 5)Vienna 6)14 Unit 8 Part A Exercise 1 1)It rained every day 2)fantastic 3)Tokyo 4)disappointing 5)It was very crowded 6)the beach 7)a lot of fun 8)He swam every day 9)awful 10)The snow was not thivk enought Exercise 2 1.He just stayed home and did gardening 2.in the country 3.she broke her leg 4.The shops were excellent and the people were great.5.he said he had a good time.Part B A conversation Exercise 1 1.d 2.a 3.b Exercise 2 1.√2.× 3.×4√.5.×6.√ A story Exercise 1 1.b 2.d.3.c Exercise 2 1.Swiss tourist 2.bottle/ remote beach/55 3.refugee 4.1942/sister 5.flee from the Nazis 6.1943 7.if the war was over 8.peace and friendship 9.home 10.seeing their families Part D 1.set 2.check 3.pack 4.journey 5.arrive 6.properly 7.lock 8.I manage to put these worries out of my mind 9.I began to worry about what would happen if the hotel in which we were staying caught fire 10.I impressed upon my wife the need to be prepared and the necessity of keeping a cool head.Unit 9 Part B Exercise 1 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.d Exercise 2 Conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.b 2.c 3.d Exercise 2 Part D 1.500 dollars 2.25 dollars 3.he pretended that it was his second visit to the doctor and pid 25 dollars 4.he looked at the businessman carefully, smiled and put the mney into the drawer of his desk 5.the docter said that there was no need to examine him again sk him to continue taking the medicine he prescribed for the businessman when he came to him last time.6.he was clever at dealing with dishonest people.Unit 10 Part A Exercise 1 1P 2D 3P 4 D 5P 6D 7D 8D 9P 10D Exercise 2 1, a terrible pain 2, stomache 3, a temperature 4, hot 5, a fever 6,an awful headache 7, my throat hurts 8, the flu 9, stay in bed for a couple of days 10, three times a day after meal Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.a 2.b 3.c Exercise 2 a.smoke any cigarettes/ dangerous to your health b.drink too much alcohol/ not good for your health c.fruit juice and water/ stress d.more fish and fresh vegetables/ red meat e.worry/ affect your health f.work too hard/ easy conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.b Exercise 2 1.a.ill b.tired c.appetite d.get to sleep/ wake up early e.worried a lot 2.a.medicine/ advice b.work c.your work d.regular exercise e.easier job/ less money part D sleep/ 2 months/ had headaches/family/ getting along pretty well/10 to 11/ consider a job change/ it would be hard for him to find a new job at his age/ slow down/ he would kill himself.Unit 11 Part A Exercise 1 1)Wednesday 2)Jan.2nd 3)Nov.18th 4)2 p.m 5)Saturday 6)Aug.28th 7)11 a.m 8)Dec.5th 9)July 20th 10)4o’clock Exercise 2 Housewarming/ May 23rd/ 7 p.m/ No.30, 41st/ Linda, Laura, Sally and her brother Part B Exercise 1 1.b 2.c 3.c Exercise 2 1.Kate/ flowers 2.Kate/ dinning room 3.help themselves/ vegetable salad, pptato chips, nuts 4.dancing 5.takes the guests’ coats/ greeting 6.Jack’s birthday party A story Exercise 1 1.c 2.a.3.d.4.d Exercise 2 1.big Christmas party 2.coming and going/ continued 3.led to the bar for a drink 4.the host or the hostess/ any of the guests 5.in front of their house 6.was waiting in their car part D 1.c 2.c.3.a Unit 12 Part A Exercise 1 1.a 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.b Exercise 2 1.What did Helen say about the pary?(it was a lot of fun)2.Why didn’t Helen see Bill at the Party?(because he wasn’t invited)Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.d 2.a 3.b Exercise 2 1.big enough but not too big;2.soft lighting 3.lots of drink 4.enough food/ with fingers 5.dance music/ too loud 6.right people/ right mix of men and women conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.b 2.b 3.c 4.d Exercise 2 1.1)grew up in Portland 2)art student 3)graduates 4)a couple of his paintings/ next week 5)his graduation exhibition 2.1)in Switzerland 2)grew up 3)art teacher at Grant High School 4)visit Tony’s graduation exhibition next Monday.Part D 1)celebrate 2)25th 3)clinic 4)late 5)devised 6)million 7)Joined 8)The guest of honor, thanked all those present 9)I don’t do many interviews these days.10)apart from special events like this party, my life is pretty normal.Unit 13 Part A Exercises 1 1)tonight 2)Friday night 3)A 4)Watch a basketball match 5)Tomorrow 6)A 7)Right now 8)D 9)Have some coffee together 10)After class 11)Go for a picnic 12)D 13)Go bowling 14)This weekend 15)A Exercise 2 1)a general expression for an appointment with somebody 2)when a man ask a giel out for a movie, a dinner, or a dance, 3)it is no longer unusual for a woman to ask a man out for a date 4)dates are easily made by phone calls 5)the language used is oftn casual and informal Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.boring, like a airhead/looked at him/said nothing 2.self-centered and aggressive/talked a lot about himself 3.cautious/ felt nervous 4.Both felt a bit nervous on their first date.Exercise 2 1.b 2.d 3.c conversation 2 Exercise1 1.About 14 or 15 2.pretty open 3.they go to the movies, go to the beach and hang around together 4.Either.The boy or the girl may pay.Exercise 2 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c Part D Exercise 1)Their wedding day 2)a 7-week competition 3)”Two strangers and a Wedding” 4)a 240year-old young man 5)single 6)offer themselves as his bride 7)only one direct contact 8)proposed over the phone 9)Lisa said “yes” 10)shocked 11)they were doing the right thing.Unit 14 Part A Exercise1 1.a 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.b Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.They planned to meet a year ago in Denver.2.No.She paid just half the cost,Tom paid the other half.3.She flew from Ireland to Denver/travelled by air.4.Tom looked exactly like his photograph.Exercise 2 1.d 2.c 3.c 4.d conversation2 Exercise 1 1.her term paper 2.a show at the Grand Theater 3.clean up the apartment 4.in her favorite restaurant 5.gathering at her apartment 6.her father out for dinner 7.a basketball championship at school 8.staying home 9.a concert Exercise 2 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a Part D Exercise 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b Unit 15 Part A 1.c 2.c Part B Passage 1 Exercise 1 1,3,5,7 Exercise 2 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c Passage 2 Exercise 1 1,3,4,6,8 Exercise 2 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c part D Exercise 1.a 2.d 3.a Unit 16 Part A Exercise 1 1.c 2.c Exercise 2 1)Westerners 2)Traditional 3)Fixes 4)Prepares 5)Decorate 6)Household 7)Share 8)Roles are more equal 9)Men spend less than one hour doing these jobs, Men also spend only about seven minutes a day taking care of kids 10)Maybe lifestyles are changing bur for many women the change is not fast enough.Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1)29 2)Receptionist in a lrge office 3)to Spain 4)to Italy 5)to have a fashion boutique of her own ten years from now.6)work hard, play hard.Exercise2 1.c 2.c 3.a Conversation 2 Exercise 1 1,2,4,6,7,8 Exercise 2 1.b 2.d 3.c Part D Exercise 1.a regular early morning exercise a small brakfast with someone who is also on a diet take your time,/ evening 2.high in caories tempted to overeat listen to the radio, watch TV/ read cooking programs Test 1 Part A 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.d Part B 1)a little lake in the mountains 2)beautiful and sunny at first but it began to rain later in the afternoon.3)Had a swim 4)Had a picnic 5)Lay in the sun Part C 1)It’s 7:30 now 2)The weatherman is giving the weather forecast for the weekend 3)The temperature is going to be in the lower thirties.4)Saturday afternoon and Sunday are going to be clear, cold and sunny 5)They are going to have a wonderful weekend in the mountains.Part D 1.d 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.d Test2 Part A 1.b 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.a Part B Conversation 1 1.by plane 2.a leather wallet 3.a folding toothbrush onversation 2 1.Wednesday evening 2.See a new film at the Cith Theater.Part C 1)They come for a better jobs and better education 2)People enjoy living in a big city where life is convenient.3)above all, a good health care system 4)The biggest problem is the ever increasing population 5)Noise and pollution, mostly from factories and cars, are another two serious problems.Part D 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.d


【摘要】 随着大学英语四、六级改革的实施,以及社会的快速发展,传统的大学英语教学方法,已日渐显出弊端。最为突出的问题就是在实际教学中忽视学生实用英语能力的提高,“聋子英语”及“哑巴英语”现象普遍。因此探索、研究提高听说能力的教学方法,创新教学观念和教学内容,成为大学英语教学自身改革和发展的需要。

【关键词】 听说能力;英语教学;教学方法研究、探索“提高听说能力”的背景





3.1 提高听力能力 四、六级改革后,听力部分比例和题量大大提高,听力材料涉及对话、讲座、广播电视节目,内容形式更多样化,这充分反映了提高听力能力的重要性。听力是决定英文水平的要件,它反映了一个人的英语交流能力。


3.2 提高口语表达能力 口语能力的提高也是这次四、六级考试改革的目的。衡量英语口语水平有四大要点:(1)语音、语调是否正确,口齿是否清楚;(2)会话的流利程度;(3)表达当中语法是否正确,用词是否恰当,是否符合英语表达习惯;(4)内容是否充实,逻辑是否清楚。




[1] 文秋芳.英语学习策略[M].上海外语教育出版社,1995.[2] 章兼中.外语教育学[M].外语教育出版社,1993.[3] 胡春洞,王才仁.英语教学交际论[M].广西教育出版社,1999.

第三篇:大学英语听说unit 15

Unit 15

Part A

Excercises 1


1.Exercise 2


Part B

Passage 1

Exercise 1:


1.What happened on July 29, 2005 ?

2.What was Dr Brown’s reason to classify the newly discovered object as a

planet ?

3.Why were the two other astronomers unable to detect the motion of the new

planet when they first discovered it?

4.What have the scientists been doing in the last seven months?

5.What can you infer from the passage? Exercise2


scripts:the 10th planet?

On July 29,2005 Dr Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology announced the discovery of a new planet in the solar system.The planet, which hasn’t been officially named yet, was found by Brown and his colleagues in California.It is currently about 97 times farther from the sun than Earth.This places the new planet more or less in a dark realm beyond Neptune where thousands of small icy bodies orbit the sun.The planet appears to be typical of such objects — only much bigger.Its sheer size in relation to the nine known planets means that it can only be calssified as a planet itself, Brown says.The planet was also discovered by two other astronomers, Chad Trujillo in Hawaii, and David Rabinowitz of Yale University.They first photographed the new planet on October 31, 2003.the object was so far away, however, that its motion was not detected until they reanalyzed the data in january of this year.In the last seven months, the scientists have been studying the planet to better estimate its size and its motions.This new planet is the largest object found in orbit around the sun since the discovery of Neptune and its moon Triton in 1846.It is larger than Pluto, which was discovered in 1930.The planet’s temporary name is 2003 UB 313.a permanent name has been proposed by the discovers to the International Astronomical Union, and they are waiting for the decision of this body before announcing the name.Passage 2

Questions for Exercise 1

1.Why did the 5-year-long war between the Medes and the Lydians suddenly stop ?

2.What happened in 1991?

3.Why was the solar eclipse in 1991 called “the Eclipse of the Century”?

4.What interesting things happened during the 1991 eclipse?

5.What can you infer from the passage? Answers to Exercise 2

Scripts: a solar eclipse

On May 28 in 585 BC the Medes, who were from what is now northern Iran, were in battle with the Lydians who lived in what is now Turkey.To the horror of both sides, the sun disappeared.The war had been going on for five years, but the Meedes and Lydians were so frightened at this ill omen that they made peace.Today, astronomers are able to explain such disappears of the sun.on its trip around the earth, if the moon passes directly between the sun and the earth, then it prevents rays of the sun from reaching the earth and causes a temporary darkening.This is what is known as a solar eclipse.A solar eclipse can last as long as seven and a half minutes.During the 20th century 228solar eclipses, mostly partial ones, have taken place.In 1991, there was a total eclipse of the sun.because the moon passed directly in the line of sihgt between the sun and the earth, its shadows spread a path of darkness across the land.This path extended from Hawaii to South America in what astronomers called “the Eclipse of the Century.”

Instead of being frightened by the eclipse as had ancient peoples, people flocked to Hawaii and Mexico to view the awesome sight.Scientists viewed the eclipse from an observatory on a volcanic peak in Hawaii.In the continental United States, however, only a partial eclipse occurred.Unfortunately, as a result of a cloud cover, this partial eclipse was barely visible.Interesting things happened during the 1991 eclipse.For example, animals in a zoo in Mexico City headed into their dens when the eclipse began.When sun reappeared, roosters crowed as if it were morning.And light-sensitive lamps flickered on at the beginning of the eclipse and flickered off at the end.Part D:

Passage 1: 1)2)3)4)th

5)1)2)3)4)Passage 2:


第四篇:新编大学英语 视听说 book3 Unit5 听力答案及文本

Unit 5 language 1Part 1 Listening I Every culture has its own way of saying things, its own special expressions.These are the living speech of a people.The“ soap” expressions in English are just one example.Soap operas are radio and television plays about the problems and emotions in human relationships.They are called soap operas because the first programs-years ago-were paid for by soap-making companies.Like musical operas, soap operas are not about real people.And critics charge that they do not represent a balanced picture of real life.They note that almost everyone in a soap opera has a serious emotional problem, or is guilty of a crime.And there are several crises in every program.Yet, soap opera fans do not care about what the critics say.They love the programs and watch them every day.Such loyalty has made soap operas very popular in the United States.In fact, A few programs are so popular that they have been produced with the same actors for many years.Another expression that uses the word soap is “soap box”.There was a time when soap and other products were shipped in wooden boxes.The boxes were small, but strong.You could stand on one to see over the heads in a crowd or to be seen in a crowd.Soap boxes were a simple, easy way to make yourself taller if you wanted to give a public speech.Such soapbox speeches usually were political and one-sided.The speakers shouted their ideas to anyone who walked by.Many talked for hours refusing to get off their soap boxes.Today, you don’t need a wooden box to make a soapbox speech.Anyone, anywhere, who talks endlessly about a cause is said to be on a soap box,.Another, quieter way to win support or gain influence is to “soft-soap” a person.This means to use praise or other kind words to get the person to do what you want.Exercise 1 1.plays,real people,real life,emotional problem,popular 2.public speech,make

themselves taller, political, one-sided 3.soft-soap,praise, kind

Exercise 2 F F T T T T

Listening II A: Do you think learners should try to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation? B: That's a difficult question to answer.I think the most important thing is to be understood easily.For most learners, it's not necessary or desirable to speak like a native speaker.For some learners, for example, those who eventually want to teach English, or be interpreters perhaps, a native-speaker pronunciation is the ultimate goal.At least, that's what I think.A: Children often do not want to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation.Why not?

B: In general, children are splendid mimics and imitate strange sounds very easily and well.However, it is true that most children do not want to sound “English” when they are speaking English.This may be partly due to shyness but I think the main reason is that most children want to belong to a group—they dress alike, listen to the same music, share the same opinions and hobbies.Even if a child can speak English like a native speaker, he or she will usually choose not to—unless, of course, the rest of the group speaks with a native-speaker pronunciation too.A: What is the main reason why adults find pronunciation difficult? B: Numerous reasons have been offered for the difficulties which many adults find with pronunciation and, no doubt, there is some truth in all of these.It seems to be the case that children are better mimics than adults.But if an adult really wants to achieve a native-speaker pronunciation, then he or she can.It is NOT the student's own language that prevents him or her from achieving a native-speaker pronunciation in English.It is the fact that the adult student has a strong sense of national identity.In other words, he or she wants to be identified as a German or Brazilian speaking English.In my opinion, this sense of national identity is more important than other explanations, such as the greater anxiety of adults or the effect of their own language habits.Exercise 1 1 C 2 A 3D

Exercise 2 1.be understood easily 2.necessary, desirable 3.splendid 4.prevent, from achieving 5.anxiety, effect

Listening III(Dr.Mallard is an expert on bilingual education.She has a show on radio through which she answers questions from parents about how to raise their children to be bilingual.)Dr.Mallard: Hello, sir.You are on air.John: Oh, hello.Dr.Mallard? Dr.Mallard: Yes, How may I help you? John: Dr.Mallard, my name is John.My wife Maria and I just had our first baby girl.Dr.Mallard: Congratulations, John.You must be very excited.John: Yes, we are indeed.Here is why I called.Maria is from Peru, and speaks fluent Spanish and fairly good English, depending on the situation.I am a native English speaker and I also speak almost fluent Spanish.We live in the U.S and communicate in Spanish at home 95% of the time.Dr.Mallard: I see.Please go on.John: My question is this: how should we communicate in order to ensure the bilingual successof our child? Dr.Mallard: OK.From what you told me I guess you and your wife have already started using

mostly Spanish with your newborn girl.Is that correct? John: Yes.I think using Spanish with her just feels kind of natural to both of us.Dr.Mallard: That is fine, because language uses within a family should be natural: we use the languages to build a family relationship, not to “teach” the languages.John: But is it reasonable to assume that our baby will be exposed to enough English in the world outside our house and therefore it will be OK for us to speak to her almost solely in Spanish? Dr.Mallard: Well, in my opinion, yes.And I also believe that your baby will have a lot of exposure to English at home as well.She will listen to not only music and talk on the TV, but also relative and friends who are visiting or telephoning.Besides, she may also have English input from you yourself: for example, you may want to sing to her the English-language nursery rhymes that you remember from your own childhood.John: Ok.That really eases my mind.Thank you so much, Dr.Mallard.Dr.Mallard: You are welcome.Exercise 1 T F F F T T

Exercise 2 1.fairly good 2.ensure, success 3.natural, family relationship 4.exposure 5.visiting or telephoning

Listening IV Talk show host: Welcome to tonight's program.Our guest is Dr.Charles Adams, language learning specialist.His book, Learning a Language over Eggs and Toast is on the best seller list.Welcome.Dr.Adams: Thank you.Talk show host: Tell us about the title of your book.Dr.Adams: First, it is important to establish a regular study program, like planning a few minutes every morning around breakfast time.Talk show host : But, I took Spanish for four years and I didn't become a proficient speaker of it.Dr.Adams: Well , we can become fluent speakers in a matter of a few minutes here and there.We should follow a regular course of study and remember that there is a difference between native fluency and proficiency in a language.I propose the latter.Talk show host: What are the basic keys you suggest ? Dr.Adams: People must organize their study by setting realistic and attainable goals Some people think they can learn the language in 30 days and become discouraged when they can’t..Small steps are the key.Learning five new words a day and learning to use them actively is far better than learning 30 and forgetting them the next day.Talk show host: Um-hum.You mentioned individual learning styles.Can you explain what you

mean by learning style? Dr.Adams: Sure.People have different ways of learning.Some are visual learners who prefer to see models of the patterns they are expected to learn.Other are auditory learners who favor hearing instructions over reading them..Our preferences are determined by factors such as personality ,culture, and past experiences.Talk Show Host: What is your learning style? Dr.Adams: I learn by doing.Talk show host: What do you mean by that? Dr.Adams:I know it might sound unusual, but moving around while trying to learn helps me.While I cut up tomatoes and onions for my breakfast in the morning ,I might recite aloud vocabulary to the rhythm of the knife.Talk show host : What is my learning style? Dr.Adams : You're going to have to read my book to find that out.Talk show host : Okay Thank for joining us.Dr.Adams: My pleasure.Exercise 1 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 B

Exercise 2 1.Eggs, Toast 2.realistic, far better than , forgetting 3.determined, personality, culture 4.recite aloud

Part 2 Video Script Alice: So,each of us has chosen some animals that we believe use language.Peter,what did you learn about whales and dolphins? Peter:It was thought that only humans coummunicate over long distances.Alice:How? Peter:They use high frequencies which can carry over along diatances.And,in fact,researchers seem to think that these animals seem to have a need to communicate with each other.And one researcher thinks that one day we’ll be to know what they’re talking about.Alice:Good!.Henry,what did you find about...erm..elephants? Henry:I found that elephants can commmunicate over long distances too., but they use very low frequencies.I don’t konw whether you could call their communication language or not ,but I’ll look into it more.Alice:Ok,Margaret,what about parrots? Margaret:We’ve all read about parrots,but I”ve been about a parrots called,who konws 971 words.He isn’t counted as konwing a new word unless he’s used it at least five times in a meaningful way.In other words, if he just repeats the word, it doesn’t count.Alice:Do you have any examples of Nkisi’s language use?

Margaret:Yes.It involves Jane Goodall, the famous anthropoloqist.She went to see Nkisi.Nkisi’s

owner had shown him some pictures of Jane and some chimpanzees.When Jane walked into the room, Nkisi said,”Got a chimp?”

Peter:That’funny.Alice:Anything else? Maegaret:Well,yes,when his owner broke the she was wearing, he said ,”What a pity!”You broke your nice new necklace.”

Alice:I would certainly say he was using language.Maegaret: I have another example of a bird-like animals-tamarins,using long calls to maintain contact with individuals.Scientists have found that they have an individual and a group identity.Individuals in one group all sound quite different than individuals in another group,something like accents we have.Henry:Really?That’s very surprising!

Maegaret:Yes,what’s more amazing is they have even a sex-specific identity besides individual identity, so they can distinguish between males,females,neighbors,and strangers just like humans.Henry:Great.Now,Alice,what can you report? Alice;First of all,do we all agree that Amerrican ign Language is a language? The others:Yes.Alice:Well,all the great apes, such as chimpanzees and gorillas, can learn American Sign Lanuage.Henry:That would take some real work on their part.Alice:Right.But what is amazing to me is that each kind of ape can teach the sign language to others of their own kind.Peter:I’ve found that wolves and dogs communicate through body gestures and facial expressions.For instance, aggressive wolves and dogs stand tall with their ears raised,and their head held high.They show their teeth, and raise their fur so that they look bigger.they may give a loud bark.And when they feel frightened or want to show obedience,they lower their bodies, flatten their ears,tuck in their tails,and close their mouths.they may roll over on their back and lie there,belly up.Margaret:I often see dogs raise their rear and lower their forequarters in a kind of of “bow”.What does that mean? Peter:That means they want to play.Henry:Well,did any of us find any information about bees’dancing?That’s a very good example of how insects commmunicate with each other.Alice:Yeah,I’ve got some.there are two typical dances of the bees :the round dance and the tailwagging dance.Henry:Can you explain then in detail? Alice:Well,the round dance is the simplest dance.Ah...the bee performs it when it finds food near the beehive.It doesn’t provide much information;it’s more of.an...awakening signal.So,if the bee findsthe food it will start going in a small circle.Every one or two circles it will suddenlyreveese direction.Itcan go on for secondsand even minutes.Henry:What happen next? Alice:Erm...other bees follow the dancer and then fly off by themselves looking for food.If they haven’t been feeding at that the place before,they willlook for food in every direction near

the beehive.Hower,the dancing bee also gives off smells that are recognized by other bees frequenting the same flowers.They will then fly directly to them.Peter;What about the tail-wagging dance? Alice;Well,inthe typical tail-wagging dance the bee files ahead for a short distance,then returns in a semicircle to the starting point,again goes through the straight stretch, makes a semicircle in the opposite direction and so on repeatedly.The straight part of the run is given particular emphasis by wagging the body forcefully.In addition,...er...during the tail-wagging portion of the dance the bee also gives out a buzzing sound...(She mimics the buzz of bees.)Peter:Then what’s the purpose of the tail-wagging dance? Alice:It tells the other bees, very accurately, at what distance and in which direction the food is, so that they can look for in themselves.Margaret:Ok.I think we have a lot of good information here.Let’s look for a little more, then meet again.Ok? The others:OK.(861 words)Exercise 1 1B

2A 3C 4E 5D 6F

Exercise 2 1)over long distances 2)look into it 3)five times

4)individual, group 5)sex-specific, males, females, strangers 6)great apes

7)teach, own kind

8)raised, held, look bigger 9)round ,tail-wagging 10)feeding, every direction

Part 3 Video

Script Father Gerald: in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.Amen.Let us pray.Father, you have made the bond of marriage a holy mystery.A symbol of Christ’s love for his church.hear our prayers for Bernard and Lydis through your son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy goat.Ghost.One god, forever and ever.Amen.Charles’ friend : It’s his first time.He’s friend of the family.Charles: Excellent.Father Gerald: Bernard and Lydia, I shall now ask if you freely undertake the obligations of marriage.Bernard, repeat after me: I do solemnly declare… Bernard: I do solemnly declare…

Father Gerald:…that I know not of any lawful impediment…

Bernard: …that I know not of any lawful impediment… Father Gerald:…why I, Lydia… Bernard:…why I, Bernard…

Father Gerald: sorry.Why I…Bernard Godfery Saint John Delaney… Bernard: Why I, Bernard Geoffery Sinjin Delaney…

Father Gerald:…may not be joined in matrimony to Lydia John Hibbott.Bernard:…may not be joined in matrimony to Lydia Jane Hibbott.Father Gerald: Lydia, repeat after me: I do solemnly declare… Lydia: I do solemnly declare…

Father Gerald:…that I know not of any lawful impediment… Lydia:…that I know not of any lawful impediment… Father Gerald:…why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott..Lydia:…why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott..Father Gerald:…may not be joined in matrimony… Lydia: …may not be joined in matrimony…

Father Gerald:…to Bernard Geoffery……Sijern…Sijin Delaney.Lydia:…to Bernard…Geoffery…Sijin…Delaney.Father Gerald:I call upon those persons here present to witness… Bernard: I call upon those persons here present to witness… Father Gerald:…that I, Bernard…Delaney… Bernard:…that I, Bernar Delaney…

Father Gerald:…do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott… Bernard: …do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott…

Father Gerald: …do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott… Bernard: …do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott…

Father Gerald: That’s r… That’s right.May almighty God bless you all.The Father, the Son and the Holy spigot…Spirit.Amen.An audience: Bravo!

Exercise 1 1 goat → ghost

Lydia → Bernard Gogfery Saint John → Geoffery Sinjin John → Jane

johned → joined Siji…Siji Delaney →Sinjin Delaney

awful → lawful spigot → spirit

Part 4 Further listening Listening I

Language is the most important development in human history.The arts,science,laws,economic systems and religions of the world could not exist without language.Humans haven't changed biologically very much for some 40,000 years.however,our ability to communicate has led us form the cave all the way to the moon.Little is known about the birth of language.Written records that are more than 4,000 years old

have been found,but scientist study human beings agree that humans were probably speaking thousands of years before that.Today,most of us learn to talk by the age of three,and for the rest of our lives we rarely stop.Even while we are reading or just thinking,we are in a sense “talking”,if only to ourselves.Language is so much a part of human existence that we will be talking as long as we inhabit the earth.As linguist David Thompson notes,“when language dies,so will man.”

Exercise 1)economic 2)religions 3)exist 4)biologically 5)40,000 6)cave 7)Written 8)humans were probably speaking thousands of years before that 9)Even while we are reading or just thinking,we are in a sense “talking” 10)Language is so much a part of human existence that we will be talking as long as we inhabit the earth

Listening II Receptionist(R):English language center.May I help you? Caller(C):Yes.I'm calling to find out more information about your English language program.R:Well,first of all,the purpose of our program is to provide language-learning opportunities for our part of the U.S.[Uh-hum]For example,some students need to learn the basic functional language skills for their job.Others need intensive English so that they can enter a US university.C:Okay.I'm calling for a friend interested in attending a US university.R:We have a variety of courses that could help her,form basic communication courses to content-based classes such as computer literacy,intercultural communication,and business English.C:Great.What are your application deadlines for the next semester? R:Well,we ask applicants to apply at least two months before the semester begins.This give us time to process the application and issue the student's 1-20.C:What is an 1-20? R:Oh,an 1-20 is a form giving our permission for a student to study in our program.The student will have to take this form to the US embassy in their home country to apply for the F-1 student visa.C:I see.What's the tuition for a full-time student in your courses? R:It's five thousand thirty dollars.C:How does one apply? R:Well,we can mail an application form which can be mailed back to us,or a person can fill out our application form that's on our website.C:And are there other materials my friend would need to send besides the application form? R:Yes.She would need to send in a $35 non-refundable application fee,a sponsorship form indicating who will be responsible financially for her while studying in our program,and a bank statement showing that she or her sponsor has sufficient funds to cover tuition expenses and living costs for study.C:And how can she send these materials to you? R:She can either send the application packet by regular mail or she can fax it.C:And the application fee? R:We accept money orders,traveler's checks,or credit cards.C:All right,I think that's about it.Thank you for your help.R:You're welcome.C:Goodbye.Exercise 1.1)D 2)A 3)B 4)B 5)A 2.1.permission, apply for 2.application form ,Website 3.regular mail, fax 4.traveler's checks, credit cards

Listening III

The ability to speak or write two languages well is called bilingualism.bilingual education is generally a matter of public policy.In a country like the United States that has what may be considered a national language-English-bilingual education means teaching English to those who were brought up using other native languages.On the other hand,there are nations such as Belgium,Canada,and Switzerland that have two or more national languages.This does not mean that all citizens of these countries speak two or more languages,but they are entitled to government services,including education,in the language of their choice.Some South American countries,like Peru and Ecuador,have large populations of Indias who speak various tribal tongues.There are government programs to teach the Indians Spanish,the national language in most of Latin America.Bilingual education in the United States dates back to the first half of the 19th century,when millions of immigrants who arrived needed to learn English in order to make economic and social adjustments to the way the majority of the population lived.In countries like Norway,Sweden,Denmark,Finland,and Holland,whose languages are spoken by relatively few foreigners,bilingual education has long been a part of the school curriculum.Educated persons in these countries normally learn a second language such as English,German,or French for use in international communication.Exercise 1.BCE 2.1)other native languages 2)two 3)more 4)of their choice 5)Spanish 6)Indians 7)English 8)German 9)French

Listening IV

Identification of the factors that lead to fast,effective foreign language learning has become increasingly important because of the large number of people who are anxious,as adults,to learn a new language for a very specific purpose:travel,business,study,or international friendship.The requirements for effective language learning may be examined in terms of the learner,the teacher,and the curriculum.The learner must be personally committed to investing the time,applying the concentrated effort,and taking the emotional risks necessary to learn a new language.In addition to motivation,the learner should have at least minimal language-learning aptitude.While it is likely that nearly everyone can learn a new language if he or she is given enough time and effort,the ease with which you are able to acquire the language is related in part to specific language-learning aptitude.Other psychological factors that are important in picking up a new language include a sense of curiosity and a sensitivity to other people.Expectations also play an important role in determining the ease and speed with which you will learn your second language.Another factor is the learner's goals.If you are a serious adult language learner you need to write and clarify your goal in each specific area:understanding,speaking,reading,and writing.Clearly,the learner and teacher are far more important than techniques,texts,and program design.The most crucial factor involved in determining a language teacher's effectiveness,however,is probably his or her attitude toward the students,toward the language and toward the program.On the other hand,the language used in the classroom should be up-to-date and authentic.You need to learn not only words and structures but how to use them in a way acceptable to people from a different background.A good language curriculum will include practice in the nonverbal aspects of communication as well as discussion of cultural differences and similarities.Exercise 1.1.learner, teacher, curriculum 2.curiosity, expectations, goals 2.TFTFT


An Impressive Movie Boys and girls, good afternoon!Because I like watching movies very much, I will talk about a movie impressed me most with you.The movie is Stardust.I like the story in the movie very much.I think the story impressed me most in the movie.It is a story about how a boy becomes a man.The boy, Tristan Thorn, lived with his father when he was born.They lived in a village called Wall.There’s a wall that’s between human world and magical word.In fact, Tristan’s mother was a princess in the magical world.It’s a little mysterious for his parents to have a son.The mysterious things impressed me.However, what impressed me most were the adventures that Tristan took.He wanted to win the heart of a girl who was in the village.So he came to the magic world to find a star that fell from the sky.In the magic world, the star was a beautiful girl who loved Tristan so deeply.After going through so many difficulties with the star, Tristan found that he loved the star but not the girl in the village.And Tristan became a man finally.What I learnt form the movie was that we should have courage when we met difficulties, just like Tristan.In a word, it’s an impressive story about love, adventure, and magic.After watching the movie, you will be moved by it too.That’s all.Thank you!

Your Attitude Determines How High You Fly Good afternoon, everyone!I’m glad to stand here for my speech.Today I want to say that your attitude determines how high you fly.I want to share a story with you about this topic.As most of you know, I attended College Entrance Exams twice.In 2010,I was so crazy to prepare for the exam.I did all kinds of exercises repeatedly.I think it could have been possible for me to succeed if I had become a robot.So I became more and more unhappy.I had forgotten how to smile and laugh.I became more and more indifferent to everything.My friends stayed away from me one by one.I couldn’t sleep whole night before the exam.The result of the exam, you can image, was very bad.Could you fly with an indifferent and negative attitude to life? No.In 2011, after my failure, I learnt that I should live a different life with a different attitude.So I wasn’t indifferent to all anymore.To be more relaxed, I became more and more enthusiastic to others.I could smile and laugh again.Live a happy life with a positive attitude.After the examination in 2011,I was admitted into CCNU.I flew from SuiZhou to WuHan.I thought I made it.I believe that I will fly higher in the future because of the positive attitude to life.What I want to tell you via this story is that your attitude determines how high you fly.That’s all.Thank you!

IQ and EQ Good afternoon, everyone.Today my topic is IQ and EQ.First of all, please allow me to tell you a story.A few days ago, I got an invitation of a wedding.The bride is one of my friends.And the experience of their love is a little surprising.The bride is from HuBei province, and the bridegroom is from Guangdong province.They met and chatted in QQ, though they are from a long distance and don’t know the appearance and voice of each other at first.Finally they fell in love with each other and they will be married.In the era of QQ, there’s a lot of things of Q should be taken seriously, just like EQ.EQ is short for emotional quotient, also known as social IQ.If my friend and her bridegroom had no any EQ, I think their wedding would be nothing.So, attach importance to your EQ, and maybe some day will be your biggest decision in your life.There’s another story that I want to share with you.In the winter holiday, I found my elder brother had a business conference with his colleague and his boss in QQ.After the meeting, my brother told me that they had made a big deal with others.Besides my surprise, I admire their high IQ more.Of course, I admire the inventor of QQ the most.And there’s no doubt that the inventor has high IQ too.According to the encyclopedism, IQ is the abbreviation of Intelligence Quotient, standing for intelligence quotient.It’s an ability to use knowledge to solve practical problems.It’s not only possessed by social elites, like the inventor of QQ.As modern college students, we should improve our IQ too.As for the relation of IQ and EQ, I think they are so closed that they can’t be separated.Can you say that the bride and the bridegroom have high EQ and low IQ? NO!Can you say that the elites have high IQ and low EQ? NO!So, they go together and go interaction.It’s obviously that EQ IQ and QQ are all so important.Besides EQ IQ and all kinds of QQ, I think there are more things of Q should be found and valued.And we will be more successful if we possess these Qs.That’s all.Thank you!



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