花木兰电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

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第一篇:花木兰电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

花木兰 中英文对白

花木兰 Mulan

匈奴入侵,快点烽火!We're under attack!Light the signal!

现在全中国的人都知道你来了 Now all of China knows you're here.好极了 Perfect.启票皇上 Your Majesty


the Huns have crossed our northern border.不可能,无人能越过长城

lmpossible.No one can get through the Great Wall.他们由单于领军

Shan-Yu is leading them.我们将保卫你的皇宫

We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately.不,派你的军队保护朕的子民

No.Send your troops to protect my people.赐福 Chi Fu.是 皇上

Yes, Your Highness?


Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces.紧急召集所有军人回营服役

Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.皇上,恕臣直言

Forgive me, Your Majesty,我相信我的军队就能阻挡单于 but I believe my troops can stop him.朕不能冒这个险,将军


l won't take any chances, General.小兵也会立大功

A single grain of rice can tip the scale.有时候,一个人就是胜败关键

One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.妇德就是文静,谦虚 Quiet and demure.文雅 „„ Graceful.礼貌 Polite.雅致 Delicate.举止优雅„小心„ Refined.Poised.Punctual.' 守时

糟了 Ai-yah!小白

Little Brother!小白

Little Brother!

小„„ Lit...你在这儿啊?

Ah!There you are.谁是世上最聪明的小狗狗

Who's the smartest doggy in the world?


Come on, smart boy.今天你能帮我做家务吗?

Can you help me with my chores today?


Honorable ancestors,花木兰 中英文对白


please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.求求您,请帮帮她吧 Please.Please help her.爹爹,我给您带来„„

Father, l brought your...Whoa!木兰 Mulan.我多准备了一个 l brought a spare.医生说清早三杯茶

The doctor said three cups of tea in the morning...还有晚上上三杯哦 and three at night.木兰,你早该进城了

Mulan, you should already be in town.我们都指望你„„ We are counting on you


to uphold the family honor.别担心,爹

Don't worry, Father.我不会让您失望 l won't let you down.祝我好运 Wish me luck.快去吧 Hurry!

我要求祖宗多多保佑木兰 l'm going to...pray some more.夫人,你女儿来了没? Fa Li, is your daughter here yet?


The matchmaker is not a patient woman.-2页-

她怎么老是迟到啊 Of all days to be late.我早该求祖宗保佑的

l should have prayed to the ancestors for luck.他们能保佑什么?

How lucky can they be?

他们死了啊 They're dead.除此之外„„我有 Besides, l've got..我们需要的幸运符 all the luck we'll need.你该有点用处了

This is your chance to prove yourself.奶奶,小心啊 Grandma, no!哇塞 Yep,这只蟋蟀真是幸运

this cricket's a lucky one!

我来了 l'm here.怎么了? What?

娘,我必须..But, Mama, l had to...不要找借口

None of your excuses.你先要打扮一下

Now, let's get you cleaned up.@ This is what you give me to work with @ Well, honey, I've seen worse @ We are gonna turn this sow's ear @ Into a silk purse lt's freezing.好冷哦

花木兰 中英文对白

lt would have been warm if you were here on time.@ We'll have you washed and dried @ Primped and polished Til you glow with pride

@ Trust my recipe for instant bride @ You'll bring honor to us all Mulan, what's this? Uh, notes.ln case l forget something.Hold this.We'll need more luck than l thought.@ Wait and see when we're through @ Boys will gladly go to war for you@ And a great hairdo

[together] @ You'll bring honor To us all

@ A girl can bring her family @ Great honor in one wayHuh?

-@ And this could be the dayCalm.@ And a tiny waistBut if you...-l know my place!

花木兰 中英文对白


lt is time you learned yours.木兰走了

Mulan is gone!

什么? What?

怎么可能? lt can't be.木兰 不

你得快追她回来 You must go after her.这要杀头的

She could be killed.只有我们不说 她才能活命

列祖列宗,求求你们 保佑木兰

Watch over Mulan.木须,醒来吧 Mushu, awaken!

我复活了!I live!

告诉我哪个凡人要我保护? 老祖宗要我去,只要开口 木须

我来说几句,要是谁敢找我们花家的麻烦 Let me say somethin'.Anybody who's foolish enough to threaten our family,我就好好收拾他

vengeance will be mine!木须

它们才是守护神 它们„ They...保护这个家

protect the family.而你这降了级的

And you, o demoted one?-6页-

我„是负责敲锣 l...ring the gong.说对了,现在去叫醒祖先们吧

That's right.Now, wake up the ancestors.我这就去叫醒大家 大家起来


要办正事罗,别睡美容觉了 我就知道„„ l knew it.l knew it!


That Mulan was a troublemaker from the start!


Don't look at me.她可是你家那边的人

She gets it from your side of the family.她只想帮助她父亲

She's trying to help her father.要是她被人发现 lf she's discovered,花家就会永远抬不起头

Fa Zhou will be forever shamed.花家祠堂会声望全无 千百年传统沦丧 家产全得没收


My children never caused such trouble.他们全是针灸师傅

They all became acupuncturists.总不能全都当针灸师啊

Well, we can't all be acupuncturists.是啊,你的曾孙女还女扮男装哩

No!Your great-granddaughter had to be a cross-dresser!


Let a guardian bring her back.是啊,叫醒最精明的

花木兰 中英文对白

Yes, awaken the most cunning.不,那行动最快的 No, the swiftest.不,最有智慧的 No, send the wisest.安静 Silence!


We must send the most powerful of all.好啦„我了解,我去

Okay, okay, l get the drift.l'll go.你们以为我不行? Y'all don't think l can do it.看我的

Watch this here.我不错吧? Aha!Jump back.l'm pretty hot, huh?

谁敢让我试试看啊? 你有机会去保护花家

You had your chance to protect the Fa family.结果却把花嶝害得很惨 对呀,多亏你了 Yeah, thanks a lot.什么意思? And your point is?

意思是„„ The point is...我们要派真正的龙去找木兰

we will be sending a real dragon to retrieve Mulan.什么? What? What?

我是真正的龙啊 l'm a real dragon!


You are not worthy of this spot.-7页-


Now, awaken the great stone dragon.那你会重新考虑让我去吗?

So you'll get back to me on the job thing? 唉!唉!

我只是要个机会嘛 又不是要你老命 lt's not like it'll kill ya.石头,醒醒啊 Yo, Rocky, wake up!


Ya gotta go fetch Mulan!

快起来,去追她 去呀 来呀

有人在吗? 有人在吗? 醒醒!石头„ Stony?


Oh, man, they're gonna kill me.石像神龙 你醒了吗?

have you awakened?


uh, uh...Yes, l just woke up!


l'm...l am the great stone dragon.早上好,我会去追回木兰的

Good morning!l will go forth and fetch Mulan.我有说我是石像神龙吗?

Did...Did l mention that l was the great stone dragon? 去吧 go


The fate of the Fa family

花木兰 中英文对白

都交在你的手中了 rests in your claws.别担心,我不会丢脸的

Don't even worry about it.l will not lose face.我好像扭到我的筋骨了

Oh.My elbow!l know l twisted somethin'.这下可好,现在该怎么办? That's just great.Now what?


l'm doomed, and all 'cause Miss Man

干嘛要女扮男装惹祸? decides to take her little drag show on the road.去找她? Go get her?

你有毛病吗? What's the matter with you?

石像神龙已裂成两半 除非她是英雄 我才能回来 等等,这就对了

我让她变成英雄就能凯旋归来 就这么办 我真聪明

谁说你能来的? Hey, what makes you think you're comin'?

你运气好吗? You're lucky?

我长得像呆子吗? Do l look like a sucker to you?

你什么意思?我很衰? What you mean, ''a loser''?


How 'bout l pop one of your antennas off?

再看看谁比较衰? Then who's the loser?

京城来的探子 lmperial scouts.-8页-



Nice work, gentlemen.你们找到匈奴军队了 You found the Hun army.皇上会阻止你们

The emperor will stop you.阻止我? Stop me?

是他请我来的 He invited me.他不断修筑长城向我挑战

By building his wall,he challenged my strength.我只是陪他玩玩

Well, l'm here to play his game.滚!Go!


Tell your emperor to send his strongest armies.我等着 l'm ready.送个信要多少人?

How many men does it take to deliver a message? 一个 One.好嘛„这样呢?

Okay, okay, how about this?

对不起,该在哪里报到? Excuse me.Where do l sign in?


Ha, l see you have a sword.我也有

l have one, too.花木兰 中英文对白

它们可是非常男人味和有力的 They're very manly and...tough.我很努力在学哎 l'm working on it!

我骗得了谁? Oh.Who am l fooling?


lt's going to take a miracle to get me into the army.是不是有人希望奇迹出现? Did l hear someone ask for a miracle?

让我听你大声喊 “啊” Let me hear you say ''aaah''!啊!Aaah!


That's close enough.鬼? A ghost.你的贴身护卫龙来了 你的祖先派我来

完成你代父从军的愿望 快点,你想跟来就快扇呀 听清楚了

So heed my word!


'Cause if the army finds out you're a girl,就只有死路一条 the penalty is death!

你是谁? Who are you?

我是谁? Who am l?

我是谁? Who am l?


l am the guardian of lost souls.-9页-


l am the powerful,the pleasurable,且无坚不摧的木须

the indestructible Mushu.哈 帅吧?

Oh.Ha, ha.Pretty hot, huh?


Uh, my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?


Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard.我不来吐舌头那套

l don't do that tongue thing.你很„„ You're, um...很吓人?还是很威风? lntimidating? Awe-inspiring? 很小 Tiny.当然

Of course.这是为了让你携带方便

l'm travel-size for your convenience.如果是我真实的尺寸 lf l was my real size


your cow here would die of fright.跪下,母牛 Down, Bessie.我的威力超越人们的想像

My powers are beyond your mortal imagination.举个例 For instance


my eyes can see straight through your armor.花木兰 中英文对白


All right, that's it!


Dishonor!Dishonor on your whole family.你和你家的牛都会没面子

Dishonor on you,dishonor on your cow, dis...慢点,对不起„„ Stop.l'm sorry.l'm sorry.我只是太紧张了 l'm just nervous.l've never done this before.我从来没扮过男生


Then you're gonna have to trust me.别再打我了

And don't slap me no more.懂不懂? We clear on that?


All right.Let's get this show on the road!


Cri-Kee, get the bags


Let's move it, heifer.好了,我们到了 Okay, this is it.学学男人走路

Time to show 'em your man walk.肩膀靠后、挺胸、叉开脚

Shoulders back, chest high,feet apart,抬头,开步走 head up and strut.神气点,一、二、三 Two, three.Break it down.就这样,二、三

Hup, two, three.And work it!-10页-

很美,对吧? Beautiful, isn't it?


They're disgusting.他们是男人 No, they're men.你得学他们

You have to act like them,注意看

so pay attention.看 Look.这刺青能保护我不受伤

This tattoo will protect me from harm.我希望你能把你的钱拿回来

l hope you can get your money back!

我想我做不了这样子 l don't think l can do this.都是态度问题 lt's all attitude.耍狠,像这个人一样

Be tough, like this guy here.呸!


What are you lookin' at?


Punch him.lt's how men say hello.阿尧,你交了朋友哦,Oh, Yao, you've made a friend.打他屁股

Slap him on the behind.他们喜欢那样 They like that.我要狠狠地揍你

l'm gonna hit you so hard,花木兰 中英文对白


it'll make your ancestors dizzy.阿尧,放轻松,跟我念 Yao, relax and chant with me.南无阿弥陀佛„„ 感觉好点了吗? Feel better? 有 Yeah.你不值得我打,胆小鬼

you ain't worth my time.Chicken boy.胆小鬼? Chicken boy.有种当我面说,低能儒夫

Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!

对不起,阿宁 Oh.Sorry, Ling.你死定了

Whoa!You're dead!

他去那儿了!Oh, there he goes!

弟兄们 Hey, guys.匈奴攻下这儿

The Huns have struck here,这儿和这儿 here and here.我要带主力军到同萧关

l will take the main troops up to the Tung Shao Pass...在单于摧毁这个村庄之前阻止他

and stop Shan-Yu before he destroys this village.好高明的战术

Excellent strategy, sir.我真的喜欢这份惊喜 l do love surprises.-11页-


You will stay and train the new recruits.当赐福审核后 你再加入我们校尉

When Chi Fu believes you're ready,you will join us, Captain.校尉? Captain?


This is an enormous responsibility, General.也许找个更有经验的士兵会„„

Perhaps a soldier with more experience...全班第一名、熟知战术兵法

Number one in his class,extensive knowledge of training techniques


an impressive military lineage.我相信李翔会干得很出色的

l believe Li Shang will do an excellent job.我会的,我不会让你失望 Oh, l will.l won't let you down.这真是,我是说„„ This is...l mean...遵命 Yes, sir.那样就好

Very good then.我们会在胜利后 在京城庆功

We'll toast China's victory at the imperial city.三个礼拜后给我报告

l'll expect a full report in three weeks.我的报告会一字不落

And l won't leave anything out.李翔校尉

Captain Li Shang.中国最好的军队的统帅

Leader of China's finest troops.花木兰 中英文对白


No.The greatest troops of all time.还真不是普通的逊 Most impressive.祝你好运了,校尉

Good luck, Captain.Hyah!好运

Good luck, 父亲 Father.第一天 Day one.士兵们 Soldiers!

是他惹起的„„ He started it!


l don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp.对不起 Sorry.Uh...我是说抱歉,给你看到那样

l mean, uh...sorry you had to see that.不过你也知道男人就是这样

But you know how it is when you get those manly urges

行动起来非得动手打架不可 and you just gotta kill something,修理东西啦!野炊啦!Fix things, cook outdoors...你叫什么名字? What's your name? 我„


Your commanding officer just asked you a question.-12页-


Uh, l've got a name.而且也是个男人的名字哦 Ha!And it's a boy's name, too.阿宁,怎么样?

Ling.How 'bout Ling?

他才叫阿宁 His name is Ling.我不是问他的名字 l didn't ask for his name.我问的是你的名字 l asked for yours!


Try, uh, uh, ah, Chu.哈啾 Ah Chu.哈啾? Ah Chu.保重身体啊!我真坏

Gesundheit.Ha, ha.l kill myself.木须 Mushu.木须? Mushu.-不,-那到底叫什么?-No,-Then what is it?


Ping was my best friend growin' up.是花平lt's Ping.花平? Ping.当然啦,平抢走我的女...Of course, Ping did steal my...是,我叫花平

Yes, my name is Ping.花木兰 中英文对白


Let me see your conscription notice.花弧,有名的花弧? Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou?

我不知道花弧还有儿子? l didn't know Fa Zhou had a son.我爹很少提起我

Um, he doesn't talk about me much.我有这种儿子也不会说出来 好了,大伙儿 Okay, gentlemen,多亏你们的新朋友,花平thanks to your new friend, Ping,今晚大家要把每一粒米捡干净

you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice.明天,我们正式开始训练

And tomorrow, the real work begins


You know, we have to work on your people skills.太阳都升起来了,睡美人 Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.起来,快„„

Come on.Hup, hup, hup.快穿好衣服,准备好

Get your clothes on.Get ready.早饭给你弄好了 Got breakfast for ya.看,稀饭哟

Look, you get porridge,它在对你笑耶

and it's happy to see you.滚开,你会害人生病的

Hey, get outta there!You gonna make people sick.-13页-

我迟到了吗? Am l late?

没时间说话了 No time to talk.今天是你第一天训练

lt's your first day of training.要听老师话,别打架

Listen to your teacher and no fightin' 要乖 Play nice


unless one of the other kids wanna fight.你才能踢他屁股

Then you have to kick the other kid's butt.我不想踢人家屁股

l don't wanna kick the other kid's butt.吃饭别说话

Don't talk with your mouth full.让我看下你装狠

Let's see your war face.这样吓不了人的 求求你„吓吓我吧 Come on!Scare me, girl.这才是我狠脸的战士

That's my tough-lookin' warrior.走吧 要让我感到骄傲哦

Get out there and make me proud.军队已经出发了? The troops just left?

他们什么了!They what?

等下!你忘了你的剑了 Wait!You forgot your sword.我的小宝贝要上战场了

My little baby,off to destroy people.吵,你们吵什么?

花木兰 中英文对白

Order.People, order.我要炒一盘葱花蛋

l'd like a pan-fried noodle.我要炒宫保虾仁,炒着肚丝啦

Oh!Sweet and pungent shrimp.Moo goo gai pan.不好笑

That's not funny!


Looks like our new friend slept in this morning.你好啊,花平Hello, Ping.你饿不饿? Are ya hungry?


Yeah, 'cause l owe you a knuckle sandwich.士兵们 Soldiers!


You will assemble swiftly and silently every morning.任何人不听命令

Anyone who acts otherwise

我就让他好看 will answer to me.好狠哦

Ooh.Tough guy.阿尧 Yao.谢谢你的自愿

Thank you for volunteering.去把箭拿回来 Retrieve the arrow.我去拿回来,小白脸

l'll get that arrow, pretty boy,-14页-


and l'll do it with my shirt on.等一下

One moment.你还少了点东西

You seem to be missing something.这代表纪律

This represents discipline,这代表力量

and this represents strength.带着它们把箭取回吧

You need both to reach the arrow.看来还有得训练呢

We've got a long way to go.@ Let's get down to business@ Mysterious as the dark side@ Mysterious as the dark side-[all grunting]

@ Of the moon @ 你们看到什么? What do you see?

黑松木 Black pine,来自高山的„„

from the high mountains.一匹白马,京城的良马

White horse hair.lmperial stallions.硫磺,是大炮

Sulfur, from cannons.-15页-


This doll came from a village in the Tung Shao Pass,京城士兵在那儿埋伏

where the imperial army is waiting for us.我们能轻松避开他们 We can avoid them easily.不,最快进京城就是经过那关

No.The quickest way to the emperor is through that pass.除此之外 And besides,小女孩会想念他的娃娃

the little girl will be missing her doll.我们该还给她

We should return it to her.这不太好啦

No, this is not a good idea.被人看到怎么办?

What if somebody sees you?


Just because l look like a man


doesn't mean l have to smell like one.有些人袜子都没洗啊

So a couple of guys don't rinse out their socks.挑剔

Picky, picky, picky.我自己有点喜欢那股怪味道

Well, myself, l kind of like that corn chip smell.够了„

All right.That's enough.你再泡就要脱皮了

Get out before you get all pruny and stuff.木须 Mushu,花木兰 中英文对白

如果你这么担心,就帮我看着啊 if you're so worried,go stand watch.是啊„ Yeah, yeah.帮我守着,木须 Stand watch, Mushu,别让我被人揭穿,受不了

while l blow our secret with my stupid girlie habits.'

我们完蛋了!We're doomed!


There are a couple of things l know they're bound to notice!花平

Hey, Ping!

嗨!哥儿们 Oh, hi, guys.我不知道你们来了

l didn't know you were here.我刚洗好

l was just washing.现在干净了 我要走了,再见

So now l'm clean, and l'm gonna go.Bye-bye.回来嘛

Come back here.我知道我们以前对你不太好

l know we were jerks to you before,让我们重新开始吧 so let's start over.嗨!我叫阿宁 Hi.l'm Ling.我叫金宝

And l'm Chien-Po.嗨!金宝 我„ And I..-16页-

叫阿尧 am Yao!


King of the rock!


And there's nothin' you girls can do about it.是吗? Oh, yeah?


Well, l think Ping and l can take you.我真的不想对付他

l really don't wanna take him anywhere.花平,我们得打呀 Ping, we have to fight!

不,我们不要 No, we don't.我们可以闭上眼晴

We could just close our eyes

并且游远一点 and swim around.来啦,别像个女...Come on.Don't be such a gir...有东西咬我

Ouch!Something bit me!


What a nasty flavor.蛇!Snake!


蛇„„ Snake!


Some king of the rock.Aah!


花木兰 中英文对白

Boy, that was close.才怪,真下流!你欠我一个大大的人情 No.That was vile.You owe me big.我再也不想看到脱光的男人

l never want to see a naked man again.别看我

Hey, don't look at me.我再不咬屁股了

l ain't bitin' no more butts.你以为你军队准备好上战场吗? You think your troops are ready to fight?


Ha!They would not last a minute against the Huns!


They completed their training.那些小毛孩不适合做士兵„„

Those boys are no more fit to be soldiers


than you are to be captain.等将军看到我的报告

Once the general reads my report,你们就别想上战场

your troops will never see battle.你休想,我一定要让木兰上战场

Oh, no, you don't!I've worked too hard to get Mulan into this war.那家伙坏了我的计划哎

This guy's messin' with my plan.我还没说完

We're not finished!

小心点,校尉 Be careful, Captain.将军是你的父亲

The general may be your father,但是我是皇上的宰相


but l am the emperor's counsel.顺便说一句„

And, oh, by the way,那个职位是我靠自己努力得来的 l got that job on my own.退下吧

You're dismissed.我抓着他让你打

Hey.l'll hold him, and you punch.当我没说 Or not.我觉得„„

For what it's worth,你是了不起的校尉

l think you're a great captain.我看出来了 l saw that.什么? What?


You like him, don't you?

没,我„ No!l..是的 没错了!回你的帐篷去!Yeah, right, sure.Go to your tent!


l think it's time we took this war into our own hands.让我看看

Let me see what you got.李将军书

From General Li.儿子,我们在关口等待匈奴

Dear son,we're waiting for Huns at the pass.如果你来支援就意义重大

lt would mean a lot if you'd come back us up.''

花木兰 中英文对白


That's great.Except you forgot,Since we're out of potpourri,也许你不介意带送一点来

perhaps you wouldn't mind bringing some.''

拜托,这是军书哎 Hello!This is the army!


Make it sound more urgent!


Know what l'm talkin' about?


That's better.Much better.Let's go.阿汗小亲亲 Khanny, baby.我们要搭个便车 Hey, we need a ride.不知羞耻的无赖

lnsubordinate ruffians!


You men owe me a new pair of slippers!

我才不会像娘儿们乱叫 And l do not squeal like a girl.将军府有令

Urgent news from the general.怎么,没见过特殊快递吗? What's the matter? You've never seen a black and white before?

你是谁? Who are you?


Excuse me?l think the question is, who are you?

我们正在打仗哎,老兄 We're in a war, man!



There's no time for stupid questions!


l should have your hat for that.Snatch it right off your head.但我今天大发慈悲

But l'm feeling gracious today,就不告发你了

so carry on before l report you.校尉,将军府来急今

Captain, urgent news from the general!


We're needed at the front.收拾行李,蟋蟀,我们走

Pack your bags, Cri-Kee.We're movin' out.@ For a long time We've been marching off to battle


@ In our thundering herd We feel a lot like cattle



@ Like a pounding beat our aching feet 昂首迈大步

@ Aren't easy to ignore 不容忽视

@ Hey!Think of instead 待凯旋归来

@ A girl worth fighting for 佳人等着我

That's what l said.我就这个意思

@ A girl worth fighting for 佳人等着我

@ I want her paler than the moon 我的她皎白像月亮

@ With eyes that shine like stars 眼眸赛星光

花木兰 中英文对白

[Yao] @ My girl will marvel At my strength 我的她欣赏我健壮

@ Adore my battle scars 羡慕我满身伤疤

[Chien-Po] @ I couldn't care less What she'll wear 不管她穿啥衣裳

@ Or what she looks like 或长啥模样

@ It all depends on what she cooks like 我只希望她是好厨娘

@ Beef, pork, chicken, mmm 牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉

@ Bet the local girls thought You were quite the charmer 这里的姑娘以为你是个大帅哥

@ And I'll bet the ladies Love a man in armor 世上美女迷恋盔甲戎装的男人

[men] @ You can guess What we have missed the most 我们错过了什么

-@ Since we went off to war 自从我们去战场

-[Ling] @ What do we want-@ A girl worth fighting for 佳人等着我

@ My girl will think I have no faults 我的她认为我没缺点

@ That I'm a major find 我是大好人

@ Uh, how 'bout a girl who's got a brain 聪明有智慧的女人如何呢

-@ Who always speaks her mind-[together] nah!还有自己的主张


@ My manly ways and turn of phrase 我为人风趣


@ Are sure to thrill her 逗她乐弯腰

@ He thinks he's such a lady-killer 他觉得自己是妇女杀手

@ I've a girl back home Who's unlike any other


@ Yeah, the only girl Who'd love him is his mother


[men] @ But when we come home In victory 我们打胜仗重回故里

@ They'll line up at the door 父老乡亲倚门而望

-@ What do we want-@ A girl worth fighting for


@ Wish that I had

@ A girl worth fighting for 佳人等着我

@ A girl worth fighting...@ 佳人等着我


Search for survivors.我不懂

l don't understand.父亲应该在这里啊

My father should've been here.校尉 Captain!

将军的头盔 The general.抱歉 l'm sorry.匈奴来势汹汹

The Huns are moving quickly.花木兰 中英文对白


We'll make better time to the lmperial city


through the Tung Shao Pass.我们现在是皇上唯一的希望

We're the only hope for the emperor now.出发

Move out!

怎么回事? What happened?

你暴露了我们的行踪„ You gave away our position!散开

Get out of range!


Save the cannons!救马

Oh, sure.Save the horse.开火 Fire!开火 Fire!

留下最后一颗炮弹 Hold the last cannon.准备进攻

Prepare to fight.如果死,也要死得光荣 lf we die, we die with honor.阿尧,大炮对准单于

Yao, aim the cannon at Shan-Yu.花平,回来

Ping!Come back!




You might want to light that right about now.快点„


来吧,我们去救人 Come on!We gotta help!



You missed!How could you miss?He was three feet in front of you!

木兰!木兰!木兰? 不是你? No.木兰!


Man, you are one lucky bug.李翔!

看到他们了吗? Do you see them? 恩 Yes.太好了 Perfect.现在我要把他们拉上来..Now we'll pull them to safe...ty.木兰,我找到幸运蟋蟀了

Hey, Mulan!l found the lucky cricket!

我们需要帮忙 We need help.正点„

Ooh, nice.Very nice.你坐我旁边吧 You can sit by me.死定了,这下死定了

We're gonna die!We are definitely gonna die.不可能活了!

花木兰 中英文对白

No way we survive this.死定了

Death is coming!


l let them slip through my fingers.拉呀 Pull!

我就知道我们行的,你是男子汉 l knew we could do it.You the man!

差不多啦 Well, sort of.退后,给他点空气

Step back, guys.Give him some air.花平


You are the craziest man l've ever met.而且我欠你一命

And for that, l owe you my life.从现在起,你是我的亲信

From now on,you have my trust.为花平欢呼

Let's hear it for Ping!


The bravest of us all!


You're king of the mountain!对„

Yes, yes, yes!

花平,你怎么了? Ping!What's wrong?


He's wounded!Get help!花平

撑着点„„ Hold on.我可以解释


l can explain.原来是真的 So it's true!李翔


l knew there was something wrong with you.一个娘儿们 A woman!


Treacherous snake!


My name is Mulan.我是为了救父亲

l did it to save my father

滔天大罪 High treason!


l didn't mean for it to go this far.完全的不诚实 Ultimate dishonor!

这是唯一的办法 lt was the only way.请相信我

Please, believe me.校尉 Captain?


Restrain him!


You know the law

一命还一命 A life for a life.现在扯平了

My debt is repaid.出发

Move out!

花木兰 中英文对白

你不能就这样啊 But you can't just...我说了 l said 出发

move out.差一点

It was this close.就差这么一丁点

让老祖宗对我刮目相看 This close to impressin' the ancestors,就能扬眉吐气

gettin' the top shelf, an entourage.这下全完了

Man.All my fine work.Pfft.我不该离家的

l should never have left home.你是为了救老父一命

Hey, come on.You went to save your father's life.没想到却让他丢尽颜面

Who knew you'd end up shamin' him,disgracing your ancestors


and losin' all your friends?


You know, you just gotta...学着把事情看开点

learn to let these things go.也许我不是为了我爹

Maybe l didn't go for my father.也许我只想证明自己是对的

Maybe what l really wanted was to prove l could do things right.希望当我看着镜子

So when l looked in the mirror,就会觉得对得起自己


l'd see someone worthwhile.可是我错了 But l was wrong.我什么都看不到 l see nothing.这头盔脏了,该洗洗了

That's just 'cause this needs a little spit, that's all.我帮你擦亮它

Let me shine this up for ya.你看,你好漂亮

l can see you.Look at you.You look so pretty.其实我们都是冒牌货

The truth is, we're both frauds.你老祖宗没派我来,他们也不喜欢我

Your ancestors never sent me.They don't even like me.你牺牲自己去救你爱的人

l mean, you risked your life to help people you love.我却利用你帮我自己

l risked your life to help myself.起码你的心肠比我好

At least you had good intentions.什么!你也不是幸运符?

What? What do you mean you're not lucky?

你骗了我? You lied to me?


And what are you, a sheep?


l'll have to face my father sooner or later.回家吧

Let's go home

是啊,这样子一定不会好看的 Yeah.This ain't gonna be pretty.花木兰 中英文对白


But don't you worry, okay?

船到桥头自然直 Things will work out.我们要有始

We started this thing together, 有终

and that's how we'll finish it.我保证 l promise.回家的路在那边 Uh, home is that way.我还有事要做

l have to do something.看见那些匈奴没? Did you see those Huns?


They popped out of the snow!

居然没事 Like daisies!

我们是不是同心协力? Are we in this together or not?


Well, let's go kick some Hunny buns!



Make way for the heroes of China.李翔 木兰


The Huns are alive!They're in the city!


You don't belong here, Mulan.Go home.我在山上看到他们

l saw them in the mountains.-23页-


You have to believe me.为什么?

Why should l?


Why else would l come back?


You said you'd trust Ping.为什么不能相信木兰? Why is Mulan any different?


Keep your eyes open.我知道他们在这儿 l know they're here


Now where are you going?


To find someone who will believe me.我的子民们 My children,感谢老天爷保佑、照顾京城

heaven smiles down upon the Middle Kingdom.今晚大家高枕无忧

China will sleep safely tonight


thanks to our brave warriors.皇上有难了

Sir, the emperor's in danger.匈奴进京了

But the Huns are here.你们得帮忙„„

Please, you have to help.没人肯听

No one will listen.抱歉,你说什么?

花木兰 中英文对白

Huh? l'm sorry.Did you say something? 木须


You're a girl again, remember?

启票皇上 Your Majesty,这是匈奴首领,单于的剑

l present to you the sword of Shan-Yu.我知道它对你的意义

l know what this means to you,Captain Li.你父亲会以你为荣

Your father would have been very proud.不 No!来吧 Come on!


They'll never reach the emperor in time.用力„

弟兄们,我有个主意 Hey, guys!l've got an idea.男子汉 Be a man Boo.守着门口

Guard the door.你的长城和军队都垮了

Your walls and armies have fallen,现在轮到你了

and now it's your turn.给我下跪 Bow to me.行了,还有问题吗? Okay.Any questions?

我这样穿会不会看起来很胖? Does this dress make me look fat?



Who's there?

是宫里的嫔妃 Concubines.好丑的嫔妃 Ugly concubines.他好可爱哦 Oh, he's so cute!


Now, that's what l call Mongolian barbecue.李翔,快去 Shang, go!


I'm tired of your arrogance, old man.给我下跪!Bow to me!


No matter how the wind howls,皇上是永不低头的

the mountain cannot bow to it.那就别怪我把你碎尸万段 Then you will kneel in pieces!


Chien-Po, get the emperor!

对不起了,陛下 Sorry, Your Majesty.不!no

快下来 Come on!不 no 你 you


You took away my victory!

花木兰 中英文对白

不 no 是我 l did.轰掉雪山的小兵

The soldier from the mountains.现在怎么办? So what's the plan?

你不知道吗? You don't have a plan?

我边打边想„不行吗? Hey, l'm making this up as l...go.有了 木须



Way ahead of you, sister.Come on, Cri-Kee.子民们,我需要火药 Citizens, l need firepower.你是谁? Who are you?

本大爷是你的恶梦 Your worst nightmare!


-快看 On the roof!-Look!


lt looks like you're out of ideas.不见得 Not quite.准备好了吗,木须? Ready, Mushu?

好了,宝贝 l am ready, baby!

点火吧 Light me.快跑呀

Get off the roof, get off the roof,-25页-

你这幸运的小虫 You are a lucky bug.你们看这还像话吗?

That was a deliberate attempt on my life!


Where is she?


Now she's done it.给我让开

What a mess!Stand aside!


That creature's not worth protecting.她是英雄 She's a hero.她是个女流之辈 she is a woman


一无是处 She'll never be worth anything.听着,你这自大的„„ Listen, you pompous...够了

That is enough.皇上,请听我解释

Your Majesty, l can explain.朕听说过你的事,花木兰

l've heard a great deal about you,Fa Mulan.你偷走你爹的盔甲

You stole your father's armor,不告而别

ran away from home,女扮男装,代父从军 impersonated a soldier,欺骗军营长宫

deceived your commanding officer,让军人蒙羞

花木兰 中英文对白

dishonored the Chinese army,毁了朕的皇宫

destroyed my palace...还有„„ and...你救了我们大家 you have saved us all.小姑娘长大了

My little baby is all grown up


and...and savin' China.借张面纸

You have a tissue? 赐福 臣在

Your Excellency


See to it that this woman is made a member of my council


可是„没有宰相的空缺 皇上

But...There are no council positions open,Your Majesty.好吧!那你就接替他的工作 Very well.You can have his job.什么!我? What? l..Oh.木兰无意做官任职

With all due respect,Your Excellency,我只想尽快返回故乡

l think l've been away from home long enough.那么„ Then...这个赐给你 take this,-26页-


so your family will know what you have done for me.还有这个 And this,让全世界知道

so the world will know


what you have done for China.她可以这样抱皇上吗? ls she allowed to do that? 呃„ Um...你„ you...你非常勇敢 You fight good.喔!Oh.谢谢

Thank you.阿汗,我们回家吧 Khan, let's go home.逆境中盛开的花朵

The flower that blooms in adversity


is the most rare and beautiful of all.皇上? Sir?

这么好的姑娘可不是每天都能遇见的 You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty.木兰 爹 Father,我给您带来单于的剑

l brought you the sword of Shan-Yu.花木兰 中英文对白


And the crest of the emperor.全是赐给花家光宗耀祖

They're gifts,to honor the Fa family.花家最大的荣耀

The greatest gift and honor


is having you for a daughter.爹爹好想你

l've missed you so


l've missed you, too, Baba.啊!真是的,她只带回一把剑 Great.She brings a sword.她应该带回一个男人

lf you ask me, she should've brought home a man.对不起 Excuse me.请问花木兰住这儿吗? Does Fa Mulan live here? 谢谢

Thank you.下次我也要上战场

Whoo!Sign me up for the next war!


Honorable Fa Zhou, 我„ I...木兰!喔!你忘了头盔

you forgot your helmet.不„事实上„应该是您的盔甲,是吧 W-well, actually,it's your helmet, isn't it?


我是说„„ l mean...你想留下来吃晚饭吗?

Would you like to stay for dinner?


Would you like to stay forever?


Dinner would be great.说啦,我算不算成功啊? Come on.Who did a good job?


Come on.Tell me.Who did a good job?


Oh, all right!You can be a guardian again.敲吧,蟋蟀 Take it, Cri-Kee!


You know, she gets it from my side of the family.一起来庆祝吧

Call out for egg rolls!

什么守护神嘛? Guardians.谢谢你,木须 Thanks, Mushu.木须 木须

第二篇:泰山电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)


片名: 泰 山


Put your faith in what you most believe in


Two worlds, One family

心相信 呼啸而行

Trust your heart, let fate decide


To guide these lives we see


A paradise untouched by man


Within this world blessed with love

简单自然 如此和平

A simple life, they live in peace


Softly tread the sand below your feet now


Two worlds, One family

心相信 呼啸而行

Trust your heart, let fate decide


To guide these lives we see


Beneath the shelter of the trees


Only love can enter here

简单自然 如此和平

A simple life, they live in peace

眼光看远 别孩子气

Raise your head up, lift high the load


Take strength from those that need you

坚强自己 全心全意

Build high the walls, build strong the beams



A new life is waiting, but danger,s no stranger here


No words describe a mother,s tears


No words can heal a broken heart

别看过去 只要倾听

A dream is gone, but where there,s hope


Somewhere something is calling for you


Two worlds, One family

心相信 呼啸而行

Trust your heart, let fate decide


To guide these lives we see


Every moment now the bond grows stronger


Two worlds, one family

心相信 呼啸而行

Trust your heart, let fate decide


To guide these lives we see

妈妈 你看 你看那边

Mommy, look!Look over there!

卡娜 她回来了 Kala, she,s back!

你没事吧? 卡娜

Are you all right, dear ?

我很好 没事 你们放心 I'm fine.No, really, honestly.只是在路上 我耽误了一会儿

It's just that I got a little bit...Sidetracked.只是在路上 我耽误了一会儿

It's just that I got a little bit...Sidetracked.海底总动员中英文对白

欸!这不是那个...是...那个 Well, isn't that, uh...Well, so...哇喔!它 它长得好 好...Well, it's just so, so...她的意思是说他长得好丑

That's freaky-lookin', okay ? That's what it is.托托 没错啊!Terkina!Well, it is!

-它到底是什么东西呀?He's a baby.哦!嗯!喔 我看不...Ow!I can't...它妈妈在哪? So, where's his mama ?


Well, i'm going to be his mother now.其实 看久了他也不是那么丑啦

You know, he,s not so bad once you get used to him.卡娜说他要当他的妈妈

Kala's gonna be its mother now.哥查 他是我从花豹嘴里救出来的 Kerchak, I saved him from sabor.卡娜 它替代不了我们的儿子

Kala, it won't replace the one we lost.我知道 可是 他需要我

I know that.But...He needs me.嗯!可是...他...卡娜 你看看 But, it-it-it...Kala, look at it.他不是我们的同类啊!Lt,s not our kind.不行 你得把他送回去 No.You have to take it back.送回去? 他会没命的

Take him back ? But he'll die!-2页-

森林要他的命的话...我们...我要他 If the jungle wants him...I want him.卡娜 我不能够让你危害到整个家族

Kala, I cannot let you put our family in danger.他看起来有那么可怕吗?

Does he look dangerous to you ?


Hmm.Was it alone ?

对 花豹杀了他全家

Yes.Sabor killed his family.-你确定?Are you sure ?不行

-Oh, mom, five more minutes ?不行

-Two more minutes ?你这孩子 哦!

-I sure scared you, mom.Whoa.要我说几次你才懂啊

-What ?哈哈...Ow!Ow!

开心果来啦 谢谢各位

The fun has arrived * thank you very much.你怎么那么久才来 What took you so long ?


I had a little pest control problem

不过现在已经没事啦 哦!-4页-

But it's all taken care of.大家好 Hi, guys.托托 你干嘛? 开玩笑啊

Terk, what is this ? Some kind of joke ?


Tell me l,m not lookin,at the hairless wonder.因为...托托说

Terk said I could come along

只要我追的上就可以来玩啊 If I could keep up.-噢!完啦 喔!天呀 不会吧!Terk!

我来处里 放心吧 别急 I'll handle this, guys.Okay ?

老弟 你过来

Listen, buddy, come here.我们现在有个小小的问题要解决

We got a tiny, little, itsy-bitsy problem here.老实说 你知道我很喜欢你跟我们一起来玩啦

Personally, i'd love to hang out with you.You know I would.可是这些家伙 But the guys


They need a little convincing, you know.好啊 他们要我干嘛? Okay.What do I gotta do ?

干嘛? 他们要你干嘛呀 Do ? What do you gotta do ?

哈哈...喔!这真的很蠢的 It's so stupid!

什么吗? What ?


就是...你要去...Well, you gotta...嗯...你要去拔...一根毛 You gotta go get a hair.一根毛? A hair ?

对呀!一根毛...哈哈...Yeah, a hair.Uh-huh.是大象的毛 An elephant hair.大象的毛

An elephant hair ?

我说过很蠢的嘛 对吧 Like I said, it's stupid, right ?

所以 你先回家 乖 听话

Listen, take it from me.Go home, okay ?


Who needs this aggravation ? You know ?


I'm probably gonna leave soon myself.你先回去 我马上回家 好不好 You go, i'll catch up.All right ?

看吧!只要交给我 绝对没有...You see ? Leave it to me.啊...泰山...泰山 I told ya...Tarzan!不...Tarzan, no!

唉吁!很痛喔 That one hurt him.你看 Look!

哟...哟 他在那里 他还活着 Oh, oh, there he is!He,s alive!

嗨!大家好 Hey, guys!-5页-


喔 不...不...不 Oh, no.No, no, no!


Come back!Come back!


This guy's great!If he lives,如果他还活着以后要常带他来玩哦 You should bring him around more often.快点 快点找个好位子看 哟...Come on, let's go get a better seat.Ohh.-你没有睡好觉I get enough sleep.妈...这个水水真的很干净吗?

Mom, are you sure this water's sanitary ?


It looks questionable to me.没问题的 宝贝 It's fine, honey.嘿...好像有虫虫欸!

Yech!But what about bacteria ?

丹丹呀 你没看到妈妈在说话呀

Tantor, can't you see mommy's talking ?

当心 有东西在水里游泳...Watch out!There's something swimming!


It's coming right at you!

宝贝 妈妈要生气啦

Honey, mommy's losing her patience.可是我真的看到东西耶

But this time I really see something!

喔!天呀!Oh, boy.海底总动员中英文对白

食人鱼 这里有食人鱼 Piranha!Lt,s a piranha!

唉吁!儿子啊 非洲没有食人鱼

Sweetheart, there are no piranhas in africa.嘘...话不能这么说 Don't tell the kid that.非洲当然有食人鱼啦

Of course there are piranhas in africa.他说的对

No, she's right.食人鱼是从南美来的

They're native to south america.不可能 是真的

Get outta here.No way!

想想清楚如果真有食人鱼我还会站在这 Come on.Do you think i'd be standing here if there were ?

啊!在你后面 跑呀

Aah!It's right behind you!Run!

好啦 我再说一次啦宝贝 For the last time, honey,在我们这里没有什么食人鱼 There are no piranhas in...我的屁股 My butt!

你看吧 I told you!

喂!我后面有什么东西呀? 什么? There's something on my butt.是什么!附近还有没有啦

What is it ? Are there any more of them ? 哇...Ahh!

那是什么呀 What is it ?



It's a piranha!啊...Huh ?

食人鱼 啊...Piranha!

-丹丹呀Tantor, where are...他死定了 He's dead!

我们死定了 We're dead!


是他的错 就是他

We didn't do it!They're the ones!

喔 谢谢你 哥查 喔 Oh, thank you, kerchak.泰山 老弟 起来呀

Tarzan, buddy!Buddy, come on.你不能就这样就死呀 Tarzan, don't die on me.谁叫你真的去拔象毛了

You weren't supposed to do it!


Get away from there!


Don't you know a piranha can strip your flesh in seconds ?

什么? 他又不是食人鱼 他是 他是...哈哈...What ? He's not a piranha!He's...他还活着 He's alive!

-他还活着 他还活着喔!He's alive!He's alive!他还是个孩子

-But it was an accident.对啦See ?


We're exactly the same.哦!哥查永远看不清

Oh!Kerchak just can't see that.我会让他看清的 I'll make him see it!


I'll be the best ape ever!


Oh, I bet you will.哦 你小小的心目中

Oh, the power to be strong


and the wisdom to be wise

勇敢往前冲 放大胆量

all these things will come to you in time


On this journey that you,re making


there,ll be answers that you,ll seek


and it,s you who,ll climb the mountain


lt,s you who,ll reach the peak

小泰山 你抬头望

son of man look to the sky



lift your spirit set it free


someday you,ll walk tall with pride


son of man a man in time you,ll be


though there,s no one there to guide you


no one to take your hand


but with faith and understanding


you will journey from boy to man

小泰山 你抬头望

son of man look to the sky

美好的前程在远方 lift your spirit set it free


someday you,ll walk tall with pride


son of man a man in time you,ll be


ln learning you will teach


and in teaching you will learn


you,ll find your place beside the ones you love

哦 你心中曾有梦想

all and all the things you,ve dreamed of


the visions that you saw

但时光流转 梦想不再

well, the time is drawing near now



lt,s yours to claim it all

小泰山 你抬头望

son of man look to the sky


lift your spirit set it free


someday you,ll walk tall with pride


son of man a man in time you,ll be

小泰山 全世界都会在你脚底

son of man , son of man,s a man for all to see

别告诉我你又想吓我 don't even think about it.你怎么知道是我

How'd you know it was me ?

我是你妈 我当然知道

I'm your mother.I know everything.你刚刚又到哪去啦? Where have you been ?


I thought you knew everything.嗨 卡娜阿姨你好 Hey, auntie k.你的毛发梳的好整齐

You're looking remarkably groomed today.谢谢你了 Hello, terk.啊...喔...不要掐我脖子

Not the neck.Not the neck there, t.好啦 再闹下去要出大事了啦

Whoa!Okay.It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye.停下来了 好不好? 小心受伤啦

Please stop.Somebody,s gonna get hurt.我的背 我的背

And it's always me.Please.海底总动员中英文对白

我的手...扭断了啦 Cramp in the calf!

放手 我认输了 好 我认输

Okay, you win!Ow, ow!Okay!You win.Hello ?


Yo, yo, let go!

哦...抱歉托托 Oh, sorry, terk.你到底是什么东西呀

What kind of animal are you ?

我最近也在想这件事 I've been thinking lately


That maybe tarzan could be some subspecies of elephant.什么? 你有毛病啊 他是大象? What, are you crazy? An elephant ?

你听我说嘛 你想想

Listen to me.Think about it.他喜欢吃花生 我也爱吃花生

He enjoys a peanut.I enjoy a peanut.可是他跟你一点也不像啊 He looks nothing like you!

好啦!让一让 各位 不要挡路 让一让

Okay, everybody, move aside.Outta my way!

他的好朋友来啦 那就是我

Best friend comin' through.That would be me.还有你不要把他当成习惯 好吗? And you, don't make a habit of that, okay ?


There are other ways of gettin' attention.You know ?

-我会记住的I'll try to remember that.大家注意!Everyone!出发

Let's move.这让我想起在尚比加打猎那次的经验 喔...This reminds me of the safari l led up the Zambezi.太精彩啦 什么都有啊

Back, back, back, back, back.到处是野蜜蜂

Ooh, was it scary there.有两个人帮我装三把枪的子弹 我就这样轰他们

Two men with only three rifles.We blasted away.我终于知道自己天生就是...非洲的大克星 That,s when l knew l was born for africa!

非洲就是我...And africa was created for...克里顿 Clayton!

克里顿 喔...你在这儿啊 Clayton!Oh, there you are.你看到什么啦 克里顿 你没事吧

What is it ? What is it, clayton ? Are we in danger?

我好像是看到什么东西啦 I thought I saw something.是不是大河马 食人鱼还是犀牛啊

Is it a hippopotamus amphibious, or a rhinoceros bihornus ?


-教授 不要动 好...Ah, right.爸


爸 你们叽叽咕咕的在说什么呀? Daddy, what's all the hullabaloo about ? Aah!

爸 你在干嘛? What is it, daddy ?

克里顿先生叫我不要动 他看到个东西

Mr.Clayton asked me not to move.He saw something.啊...我动了 Oh, I moved.嗯!克里顿先生 打扰一下

Ah, mr.Clayton, sorry.Excuse me, uh...我跟我爸爸到这里来

But my father and I came on this expedition

是想研究猩猩...To study gorillas.我觉得你这样子冒然开枪会吓到他们

I believe your shooting might be scaring them off.布小姐 你雇我是为了保护你们

You hired me to protect you, miss porter,我这么做也是为了保护你们 And protect you I shall.我们也觉得你做的非常好

And you're doing a marvelous job of it.可是我们搭的船很快就要来了 所以 我是...We only have a short time before the ship returns...珍妮 喔...珍妮 你看你站在什么东西上面啦 Jane!Jane, do you realize what you're standing in ?

-猩猩的窝呀!A gorilla's nest!很可能啊!

-Do you think the beasts could be nearby ?是一个大家族吁

-Just as you predicted.答对了Exactly.克里顿 Clayton!




Um, please, can you take me to my camp ?

对 克里顿!太好了



Um, could we...Um, can't we walk ?

能不能用走的 Can't we walk ?


-Pull yourself together.You're embarrassing me.我就知道I knew that.-泰山泰山

-Tarzan!Tarzan ?


What kind of primitive beasts

把这个地方弄得这么乱呀 Are responsible for this mess ? 喔!Whoa!

哇!快来 快来看

Wow!Come here, you guys!


Come here, come here, come here.Look at this!

这个这是什么啊 是什么东西啊好玩欸

What is that ? Funny.Wow, it's...What is that thing ?

嘿 再一次 再一次

Hey, do it again.Do it again.像这样 Like this ? 对 Yeah!


耶!太好了 Yeah, rip it!

叮...我喜欢这个声音 I love that part!

你来试试 大个子

Let me hear it, big fella.你来试试 大个子

Let me hear it, big fella.现在...嘿...Now, hit it!耶...Yeah!

太好了 Nice!


What the heck ? Bye-bye.托托 Terk!


Yeah, tant ?珍妮Jane!


Jane, where are you ?

珍妮 喔!珍妮 谢天谢地

Jane!Oh,jane!Oh, thank goodness.天啊!这里是怎么啦

Good heavens, what happened ?

你还好吗? 我们到处在找你 我吓坏了

Are you all right ? We've been everywhere looking for you.I-

-我的天啊 爸 我在散步 然后...Oh, my goodness!Daddy!I was out walking.I was-Yes, yes.-小宝宝...小猴子宝宝 我画了画...Yes, go on.-突然 猴子哭了Oh, poor thing.我回头一看

I turned 'round and there's

-一大群全部都跑出来了A whole fleet of them!猴子

-Monkeys ? Monkeys!


Screaming at me!Ooo-ooo-ooo!


That's theripithicus baboonus.-她学的最像了Oh, really ?

好可怕 把我吓坏了 Terrified I was.突然我在树上荡过来荡过去

And suddenly, I was swinging in the vines.跟那些狒狒? With the monkeys, yes ?

荡呀 飞呀 在半空中

Swinging, flying.I was in the air.半空中? 然后呢? In the air, yes, I know.-然后他们围着我What did you do ?

我...爸爸...他们拿走了我的靴子 Daddy, they took my boot.拿走了 那是我买的

They took...Those are the ones I bought you.我就被救啦 And I was saved!


I was saved by a flying wild man in a loincloth.腰上围块布

Loincloth ? Good lord.她在说些什么啊

What is she talking about ?

我...我也给她搞糊涂啦 I haven't the foggiest idea.她是遗传她妈妈

Takes after her mother, you know.就爱说故事

She'd come up with stories like that.不过她妈妈可没说过什么腰里缠块布的野人

Not about men in loincloths, of course.-喔 后来好多猩猩And there were gorillas.那个人猿The ape man.注意!尽量避免接近陌生人

Everyone, we will avoid the strangers.不要跟他们正面接触 Do not let them see you,不要去惹他们

And do not seek them out.他们不会伤害我们的 哥查 They mean us no harm, kerchak.泰山 我们不认识他们 Tarzan, I don't know that.我认识 我已经见过他们了

But I do.I've spent time with them.你会给家族带来危险 我不允许

You may be willing to risk our safety, but i'm not.为什么你要那么害怕跟你长得不一样的动物

Why are you threatened by anyone different from you ?

为了保护我的家族 给我离他们远一点 Protect this family, and stay away from them.泰山 就这一次 听哥查的

Tarzan, for once listen to kerchak.为什么你不告诉我有动物跟我长的一样 Why didn't you tell me there were creatures that looked like me ?


他呀!不像我们这样站着 Well, he didn't stand upright,弯着腰 像这样

He sort of crouched, like that.-真的?Supported his weight on his knuckles.-哦 用脚尖撑着On the knuckles!Extraordinary!

喔 还有更奇怪的 Ah, it was amazing!


And he bends his elbows out like this,走路 就像这样

Nd then he walks like this.喔 我知道啦 像你四姑 Oh, I see!Like aunt isabel!

哈哈哈 真是太奇妙啦

Bup-bup-bup, oh-oh * this is capital!他靠我这么近欸 爸 喔...He was this close, daddy!

两个眼睛瞪着我 Staring at me.先是...很奇怪

He seemed confused at first,好像从来没有见过人一样

As if he's never seen another human before.-17页-

他的眼睛好热情 His eyes were intense,好专注 好...And focused and...我从来没有见过这样子的眼睛 I've never seen such eyes.喔 我是不是该让你 Oh, shall i, ahem,跟那块黑板谈情说爱

Leave you and the blackboard alone for a moment ?

爸爸 别这样 Daddy, stop it.最重要的是我们可以 The point is,从他那学到很多

Think of what we could learn from him.我们一定要找到他 We must find him.教授 您到这来是找猩猩的

Professor, you are here to find gorillas,可不是来谈情说爱的

Not indulge some girlish fantasy.你说什么 又不是我编的 泰山是...Fantasy ? I didn't imagine him!Tarzan is...是真的 Real.喔!是他 是他 Ah!It's him!


It's, it's, it's him.Tarzan!

-教授 珍妮 退后Wait!不...No!


克里顿 Clayton.啊? Huh ?

克里顿 Clayton.我们认识吗? Have we...Met ?


How does he know my name ?


He thinks it means the sound of a gunshot.-珍妮Yes, hello, mmm, tarzan.你知道你说的人际界限是什么了

I see what you mean about those personal boundaries.嗯...他在做什么 What's he doing ?

珍妮 你看看他 哈哈 Look at him,Jane.真像只猩猩 又像是人

Moves like an ape but looks like a man.会是进化论的好对象

He could be the missing link!

也是找猩猩的好线索 Or our link to the gorillas.哦...当然啦 是是是 当然啦...Ahh, yes, yes.那些猩猩在哪里

Where are the gorillas ?

大猩猩 Go-ril-las!

大猩猩 Go-ril-las!



Shouting won't help, mr.Clayton.他不知道你在说什么

He doesn't understand english.喔!那我画给他看嘛

Then i'll make him understand.我告诉你 我教的鹦鹉能够唱国歌

If I can teach a parrot to sing god save the queen,我当然也能教他点东西

I can certainly teach this savage a thing or two.大猩猩 Go-rilla.-大猩猩!Go-rilla.不 不要No, no, no, no!

-不 不 不No, no, no, no, no!怎么样

-Ooh!Good work,jane.什么?What ?Why not, tarzan ? 哥查 Kerchak.我要知道 谁愿教我

I wanna know , can you show me


I wanna know about these strangers like me

告诉我 请教我

Tell me more please show me


Something's familiar about these strangers like me

我要知道 I wanna know

哦 托托 我从来没见过他这么开心耶 Oh, terk, i've never seen him so happy.哼!能开心多久 Eh, I give it a week.嘿 可以砍断啦 Aye, cut her loose!

拔营啦 用点力

All right, move it,you fiield rats.让一让 大个子 Put your back into it.等一等呀 等一等 我等了三十多年

Wait, please.Don't...I've waited 30 years for this,就想见识一下猩猩的世界 没看到我不走...And I won't leave until I see a gorilla.喔...真可惜呀 喔...Oh, isn't this dreadful, tarzan ?


Whoa!No, no.Wait.你是船长

You're the captain.-20页-


Just tell them you've had engine trouble

多留个几天再走也不迟 And give us two more days.一班拖 班班都拖 这是要去伦敦呀

And be late at every port from here to london ?


We'll have come all this way for nothing.抱歉!布小姐 恕难从命

I'm sorry, miss porter, but I simply can't do it.哎!都是你的错

Agh!This is your fault.要是用我的方法

I should've followed my instincts

早就把那些野兽给找出来了 And set traps for the beasts.唉!你以为没见到它们我不失望吗

Don't you think i'm disappointed about the gorillas ?


You are absolutely impos...泰山 我好担心见不到你

Tarzan!I was so afraid you wouldn't come in time.船来了 他们是来...The boat's arrived.The boat that's come...接我们回家的 回英国 To take us home to england.我还有我爸...希望你能...And daddy and I were wond...Well, I was wondering...希望你可以跟我们一起回去

Well, we really hope that you'll come with us

你会吗? Won't you ?


今天去英国 明天就回来

Go see england today, come home tomorrow.喔!不 不行 Oh, no.如果到了那边想再回来...很难

Well, you see, it would be very difficult to come back...Ever.不回来? Not come back ?


Oh, no, no.I know it sounds awful

你应该跟我们在一起 But you belong with us.-因为你是人啊jane must stay with tarzan.我留下? 喔!不...Wh...Stay here ? Oh, no, no.My laundry.我不可能留下来的

No, I can't stay.Look, i've got...啊!我...还有爸爸...我...I've got my father and...珍妮 留下 Jane, stay.-可是...But...长官Sir ?

叫大家集合 计划有点改变

Get the boys together.There's gonna be a change in plans.托托 把哥查带开一下就好了

Terk, all you have to do is get kerchak out of the way.-什么?What ?在哪? 在哪?Where ? Wh...Wh...珍妮 Jane!

教授 小心一点 别吓着它了 Be careful, professor.-22页-

她好漂亮吁 She's beautiful.她是我妈妈 She's my mother.她...是你的...Th...This is your...妈妈 Mother.他在说什么? 什么啊 Wh-what's happening ?

我也不知道 爸...I don't know, daddy.它要跑掉啦

Oh, it's getting away!

克里顿 不要 你这样会吓到她 No!You'll only frighten her more.喔!好主意 真是好主意

Oh, yes.Absolutely, my dear.Good idea.你们在干什么啊!What are you doing ?

不怕把它们全吓跑了...Do you want to frighten them off?

起来 起...Get up!Get...千万别起来 Don't get up.嗯? Ah.你好 Hello.哈哈...Ooh.我也很高兴能认识你!

It's very nice to meet you too.哈哈...皇后陛下 你真会开玩笑


Oh, your majesty, you're such a tease.你好 你好 我是阿基米德布教授

Hello.Hello.Uh, archimedes Q.Porter at your service.喔!你的手真有力呀

Aah!Quite a grip you've got.喔 谢谢

Oh, thank you.这是给我的呀

Is that one of mine ?

哈哈 喔 真舒服呀 克里顿先生 Oh, this is wonderful, mr.Clayton!

你看呀 他们这是在认识新朋友 Look!Look!Social grooming.那就恭喜你了 教授

Congratulations, professor.我们的梦想成真了

Our dream has come true.你干什么你 不要碰我

Give me that!Hey, what're you doing ?

干什么 你怎么...嘿 还给我 还我...Stop that!Stop!Hold on, now!Leave that!

这不是开玩笑 不是闹着玩的 That is not to be played with!

-教我好吗?Speak gorilla ?

嗯 对 Mmm, yes.哈哈 我说了什么呀

Good heavens!What did I say ?


That jane stays with tarzan.留下? 可是我们不是已经...Stay ? But I thought we'd already...泰山...我...But, tarzan, i, i...Whoa!-23页-

-那不是我的衣服吗?Is that my dress ?Ooo-ooo.把它...还给我 Give it to me!不 No!走 Go!

-等等 泰山Go now!

珍妮快走啊 快呀

Jane, quickly!Hurry!Come along.哥查 我不是...Kerchak, I didn't...对不起...我...嗯

-And i'll be with jane ?珍妮jane!


What's going on here ?


克里顿 克里顿 救我 Clayton.Clayton, help.我们认识吗 Have we met ?

喔 对啦...Ah, yes.那个人猿 The ape man.克里顿...你 你...Clayton, you...You...喔 真是抱歉对你招待不周喔

So sorry about the rude welcome, old boy.可是我装你那些猩猩朋友进笼子的时候 But I couldn't have you making a scene...可容不得你闹事啊

When we put your furry friends in their cages.-为什么Why ?没错 克里顿Yes, clayton.是克里顿欺骗我们 Clayton betrayed us all.-我很抱歉 泰山I'm so sorry, tarzan.我回家了

-You came back.克里顿 你...Clayton, you...想跟我玩? 你差的远了

I could use a challenge because


After I get rid of you,再对付那群猩猩可就太容易了

Rounding up your little ape family will be all too easy!

开枪呀 杀我啊 Go ahead, shoot me.像个男人呀 Be a man.我才不要像你

Not a man like you!

克里顿 Clayton!

克里顿 不要 Clayton, don't!

泰山...Tarzan.哥查 原谅我

Kerchak...Forgive me.不 原谅我 早就该承认

No.Forgive me for not understanding...你是属于我们家族的一份子

That you have always been one of us.现在起这个家族就要交给你了 Our family will look to you now.不 哥查 No, kerchak.照顾他们

Take care of them,海底总动员中英文对白

我儿 My son.保护他们

Take care of them.跟这里比 伦敦实在太小了

London will seem so small compared to all this.我会想你 珍妮!I will miss you, jane.-布小姐Miss porter!-I, I know.I'm coming.嗯...我应该跟你说再见了

Well, I suppose we should say good-bye.再见

Good-bye.再见 泰山 再见

Good-bye, tarzan!Good-bye.哦!我一定会想念那孩子 Oh, i'm going to miss that boy.珍妮 我觉得你应该留下来

Jane, dear, I can't help feeling that you should stay.爸别再讲了 我们讲好的

Daddy, please don't.We've been through all of this.我...我怎么可能留下 我...I couldn't possibly st...我属于英国

I, I belong in england with you,跟着你 还有那个社会...With people, and...Aah!


But you love him.去吧...Go on.谢谢你捡到我的手套


Thank you.Thanks for getting my glove.谢谢...Thank you.我...Well...我怎么老糊涂了呢 嗯!哎!船长

But, what...What am I doing ? Captain ?

告诉他们 你根本就没找到我们

Tell them that you never found us.Eh ?


After all, people get lost in the jungle every day.Right ?

哦 我走了...Tootle-pip!


Put your faith in what you most believe in


Two worlds One family

心相信 呼啸而行

Trust your heart let fate decide


To guide these lives to guide these lives we see


Put your faith in what you most believe in


Two worlds One family


Come, stop your crying and we'll be all right


Just take my hand hold it tight


I will protect you from all around you


I will be here don't you cry

生命渺小 却很奇妙


For one so small you seem so strong


My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm

谁都挡不了 爱的蔓延

This bond between us can't be broken


I will be here don't you cry


'Cause you'll be in my heart


Yes,you'll be in my heart

就从今天 超越心中永远

From this day on now and forevermore


You'll be in my heart


No matter what they say


You'll be here in my heart 不变 Always


Why can't they understand the way we feel


They just don't trust what they can't explain


Well, l know we're different but deep inside us


We're not that different at all


And you'll be in my heart


Yes,you'll be in my heart

就从今天 超越心中永远


From this day on now and forevermore

别用他们眼光 丈量我诺言

Don't listen to them 'cause what do they know


We need each other to have, to hold


They'll see in time 看见 I know

别拿世俗的心 分析感觉

When destiny calls you you must be strong


I may not be with you but you've got to hold on


They'll see in time 看见 I know


We'll show them together


'Cause you'll be in my heart


Believe me you'll be in my heart


I'll be there from this day on


Now and forevermore

哦!你在我心里面 Oh,you'll be in my heart


No matter what they say l'll be with you


You'll be here in my heart



I'll be there always 不变 Always

我会爱你 I'll be with you


Well, l'll be there for you always


Always and always


Just look over your shoulder


Just look over your shoulder


Just look over your shoulder


I'll be there always


Put your faith in what you most believe in


Two worlds One family

心相信 呼啸而行

Trust your heart let fate decide


To guide these lives we see


A paradise untouched by man


Within this world blessed with love

简单自然 如此和平

A simple life they live in peace

眼光看远 别孩子气

Raise your head up, lift high the load


Take strength from those that need you


坚强自己 全心全意

Build high the walls, build strong the beams


A new life is waiting


But danger's no stranger here


No words describe a mother's tears


No words can heal a broken heart

别看过去 只要倾听

A dream is gone but where there's hope


Somewhere something is calling for you


Two worlds One family

心相信 呼啸而行

Trust your heart, let fate decide


To guide these lives we see

第三篇:冰河世纪2电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)



Oh boy!This global warming is killing me!


This is too hot..the ice age was too cold..怎么才能让你高兴呀? What would it take to make you happy?

这个...我喜欢 This..I like!

不要跑...Jane!野营规则...No running Jane!Camp rules..有本事来抓我啊,树獭 Make me, Sloth!

叫我...老师 Make me...sir!

这就是尊重...It's all about respect...Sarah...你刚吃了饭,休息会儿 Sarah.You just ate!Wait an hour!

Hector!不不不..你不能在那儿便便 Hector!No,no!You can't pee-pee there!

好...好吧,就在那儿吧 Ok,ok!there is fine..Ashley!那样会让你...啊~~~ Ashley!Stop picking your...抓到他了,耶~~~ Pinata!住手 Stop!


...you're supposed to wear blindfolds!

没问题 Ok!


Hey, it's my turn to hit the sloth!



Hey!You didn't have any candy in you!

让我们把他给埋了 Let's bury him!

嘿, 嘿!唔...是谁让你们这些孩子折磨这个树獭的

Hey, hey!Whoah..Who said you kids can torture the sloth?

Manny, 别打击他们的创造性

Manny, don't squash their creativity..嗨,Manny!Diego!Hey Manny!Diego!

我最好的猛犸象和剑齿虎哥们儿 My bad mammal jammel!

帮帮我这只树獭怎么样 Wanna give a sloth a hand?

听着,我搞了一个夏令营 Look..I opened my camp!


Come forth and sit...也就是Sid夏令营 It means camp of Sid!

恭喜你,现在有两种语言来形容 你这个笨蛋了

Congratulations.You're now an idiot in two languages..嘘...!Shhhh...!

别在这些小鬼面前数落我 卬ot in front of the K-l-D-G!


These little guys love me!Right, Billy?


Don't make me eat you!

很好笑,孩子 所以咯,他们还被叫做小屁孩 Funny, kid!That's why they're called kids!


我告诉过你 Sid..I told you Sid..你开营地还不够格

You're not qualified to run a camp..噢!从什么时候开始照顾孩子 也资格认证扯上关系的? Oh!Since when do qualifications have anything to do with childcare...?


Besides, these kids look up to me..我是他们的好榜样

I'm a role model to them!

我看出来了 I can see that..你们总是认为我一事无成

You guys never think I can do anything..但我这个群体中平等的一员

but I'm an equal member of this herd!

这一切都是我自己做到的 I made this herd...!


...and you need to start treating me with some respect!

得了吧!Sid!Come on!Sid!

Sid!我们只是开玩笑而已 Sid!We were just kidding!嘿!Hey!

让我们和这头猛犸象玩玩!Let's play pin the tail on the mammoth!Sid!Sid!

我不会一事无成的 Can you stop!

我一定会得到他们的尊重的 I'm gonna get some respect!-2页-

我会证明给他们看 I'll show 'em!


And so, in the end..小驴找到了自己的妈咪

the little burro reached his mommy..他们从此过着幸福的生活

and they lived happily ever after..真有你的 Good job!


Question!Why does the burro go home?

他为什么不和兔子们生活在一起 Why doesn't he stay with the rabbit?


Because.He wanted to be with his family


I think he should go with the girl burro!

这会是个很好的爱情故事...That's a better love story!

也好,你下次在给别人说故事时 再让驴这样好了

OK!Well, when you tell your burro story, that's what he'll do.'驴'只是个代名词而已

'Burro' is a demeaning name...技术上说,他应该叫“野驴” Technically, it's called a wild ass!


Fine.The wild ass boy came home...和他的野驴妈妈一起回家了...to his wild ass mother...所以,这也是我为什么叫他驴了 See!That's why I called it a burro!


Could the burro have a grazing problem?


-这样会更有故事性-无聊~~Do burrows eat their young?You ok, buddy?I just thought you..Hey, watch it!


Where's everybody going?


The world's coming to an end!


What are you talking about?-3页-

Fast Tony!他说这个世界将被洪水淹没 Fast Tony!He says the world's going to flood!


Folks,I hold in my hand a device so powerful..可以让你把空气

it can actually pull air...一直呼到天上去 right out of the sky!


Gather round...gather round!


Pardon me, do you have gills ma'am?

所以你不能在水里呼吸对吧 So you can't breathe under water?


My assistant here will demonstrate!

Hey~~我可以闻到海洋的味道 Hey, I can smell the ocean!

笨蛋,你在这做什么呢 What are you doing...?


I can't sell that now...!


You suck air through your mouth you moron!


If you're a pupil of mine, and I'm starting instruction...有了这个,不管是横渡海峡,还是 绕着小岛游一圈,都不会有问题

you'll have plenty of air for eons to come!

当然,不要把它放到水下 Of course, don't stay buried!


Why are you scaring everybody with this doomsday stuff?

啊哈哈哈~ 我只是在讨生活而已,老兄


I'm trying to make a living here pal..这只是我的预言中的一部分

It's all part of my weather forecast!


The 5 day outlook is calling for intense flooding, followed by..世界末日!the end of the world..!


With a slight chance of patchy sunshine

接下来的那周.....later in the week


Come on!Don't listen to him..Fast Tony 为了吃会把自己的老妈卖了

Fast Tony would sell his own mother for a grape!


Are you making an offer?

我是说,不,我没有胡说 I mean no!I would not!

你们没听说吗,这些冰一直在融化 Haven't you heard? The ice is melting!


You see this ground? It's covered in ice


A thousand years ago it was covered in ice..一千年以后

A thousand years from now..也会如此

it will still be ice!

嘿,哥们,呃 且不去质疑你的生存本能

Say, buddy..not to cast aspersions on your survival instincts, but..那么猛犸象怎么已经走向灭绝了呢

haven't mammoths pretty much gone extinct?-4页-


What are you talking about?

我说得是 你应该是你们族的最后一个了 I'm talking about you being the last of your kind!


Ahh!Your breath smells like ants!

既然你不想承认 Be as that as it may..那你什么时候看见过其它猛犸象呢

When's the last time you saw another mammoth?


Ah!Don't pay any attention to him Manny


Mammoths can't go extinct..我们是世界上最庞大的生物

they are the biggest things on earth!


What about the dinosaurs?


The dinosaurs got cocky!

-这样会给他们带来敌人-快看~~ They made enemies!-Look!...有个白痴准备从冰川上跳下来

some idiot's going down the eviscerator!

噢,拜托 千万别告诉我那是我们的树獭 Please tell me that's not our cue!


OK..I'm goona jump on the count of 3!

一~~~ One.....二~~~ Two.....Sid!待在那别动!我们这就上来!

Sid!Don't move a muscle!We're coming up!


跳!跳!跳!跳!跳...jump!..jump!...jump!..jump!..~跳!跳!跳!跳!跳~...jump, jump, jump, jump!抱歉 Sorry..2.003 Two and three one thousands...2.004 Two and four one thousands...Sid!你在搞什么鬼呢,快下来

Sid!What are you doing? Get down from there!

没门!我要成为第一个从这里跳下去的人 No way!I'm going to be the first to jump off the eviscerator...然后,你们就准备好

And then you guys are gonna have to start..尊敬我吧

showing me some respect!


You jump off this and the only respect you're gonna get..是大家对死者的尊敬 is respect for the dead!


Come on Manny!He's not that stupid..!


But, I've been wrong before!


Hey, 看着点儿!Hey, watch it!

我不能呼吸了 I can't breath...我的脾脏都要出来了!-5页-

I think I just coughed up my spleen!

啊!Diego!收回你的爪子,谢谢!Ahh!Diego!Retract the claws please!


如果不是我了解你,Diego..You know, if I didn't know you better Diego..我会认为你怕水,哈哈哈~~

I'd think you're afraid of the water..好了,好了,这下我更了解你了

Ok..Ok!Good thing I know you better!

伙计们 Guys...!

看来Fast Tony是对的!Fast Tony was right..!

所有的东西都在融化 everything is melting!

洪水就要泛滥了 It's all gonna flood...快点!我们要告诉他们

Come on!We're gotta warn them.也许我们可以快速进化成水生动物

Maybe we can rapidly evolve into water creatures.你真是天才, sid That's genius, Ed...叫我“乌贼” Call me 'Squid'.天啊,这里所有的东西都是垃圾

Gees..this whole thing's a piece of junk!

我简直不敢相信我住在这 I can't believe I live here!

怎么了? What?

这个没用 I can breathe..冰河世纪2中英对白

我找到了它的革命性产品,我们管它叫做 I present you with this revolutionary gizmo, we call..木板!Bark!

最重要的是,它可以浮起来 It's so buoyant, it actually floats!

我会让你看到什么东西能浮起来 I'll show you something that floats!

尽管笑吧,你们的死期快到了 Alright....it's your funeral!


You see!This is exactly what I'm talking about!

天空中想起巨大的咆哮声 Giant balls of fury larva...凶恶的猛犸象

the size of mammoths...疯狂的从天而降 raining from the sky!


Ahh!Go suck air through a reed!

你们得听他的,他说的洪水的事情是对的 You gotta listen to him!He's right about the flood!

我说对了? I am?

我是说,呃,对 我说的本来就是事实 I mean...uh...Yes, I am!


Wait a minute!You're the one who said..这里不可能有洪水

there wasn't going to be a flood!

为什么我们现在要听你的 Why should we listen to you?



Because we saw what's up there!

大坝就要垮掉了 整个山谷不久将被洪水淹么

The dam's gonna break.The entire valley is gonna flood!

你们会发现他说的是对的 Flood's real alright..而且很快会成为事实 and it's coming fast!

看看四周吧,你们在一个碗里 Look around!You're in a bowl..!

这个碗很快将被水充满 Bowl's gonna to fill up...!

而且无路可逃 Ain't no way out...!


What are we going to do?!


Unless, you can make it to the end of the valley..哪儿有条船,可以救你们 there's a boat...It can save ya!

可我什么也没看出来 I don't see anything..但是 Fine..你们的快点,地面一直在融化

You all better hurry..ground's melting..山崩地裂,地动山摇

walls tumbling..rocks crumbing..侥幸活下来的,还要面对滔天洪水

survive that, and you'll be racing through water!

还有三天的时间 coz in 3 days time..你们就准备抱着等死吧

It's going to hit the geyser fields..冰河世纪2中英对白



There is some good news though!


The more of you die..我吃得越好 the better I eat!

我又没说这个对你们来说是好消息 I didn't say it was good news for you..他要是去教书一定是个好老师

He must have been a real pleasure to have in class!


好了,大家都听到兀鹰说的话了 Alright!You heard the scary vulture..赶快行动吧 Let's move out!

Manny..你真的认为那艘船存在啊? Manny..Do you really think there's a boat?

不知道,但是没几天..I don't know..But in a few days this place..这里就会被洪水淹没了

is gonna to be a mile under water..如果有任何希望,也是在那儿了 If there's any hope...it's that way

Manny 该走了 Manny, lets go!


We're got an overturned cliff on the far right lake..现场很拥挤,队伍一望无尽

traffic is packed up as far as the eye can see..噢!那边看起来也许很不错的样子

Ohhh!And it looks like there might be a-7页-


我找到了一块肥肉!I call the dark meat!

快点,小家伙们,我们要走了 快点,快点,都进来

Come on everybody!Lets go!Come on.Come..come..come!Get in!

别这样,爷爷 别这样,我们走吧

Come on Granpa, come on!We have to go!


Well, I'm not leaving!

我生在这个洞里,就是死也要死在这里面 I was born in this hole and I'll die in this hole!

我们有必要带这么重的粪球吗? Do we have to bring this crap..?


I'm sure there's crap where we're going!


Ahh!This was a gift from my mother!

很好,继续走,不要停 Manny, Manny!

-Ok!Keep it moving..keep it moving!Shut up Sid!All the mammoths are in the ground.Sid!Surrender?Ow!I got him!What you got?-Perimeter looks to be all clear captain


收到,一点钟方向,完毕 Roger that..four-niner, over!

收到,完毕,啊 Roger.Over!

警报解除 All clear!鹰!Hawk!


What are you doing?


Playing dead..!


Manny...Why don't you do that?

因为,我是一只猛犸象!Because, I'm a mammoth!

那你伪装时也这么做,对吗? But you do it for treats, right?

他飞走了吗? Is he gone?

你安全了,起来吧 You're safe!Get up..伙计,如果不是你在..Man!...if you weren't here..那只鹰就会盘旋下来

that hawk would have swooped down..把我刁走当晚餐了

and snatched me up for dinner!

我堂兄Wilson就是这么死的 That's how Cousin Wilson went!

哥们儿,我能理解你的心情 Boy, I really feel for you, I do!


I can't even imagine what it would be like...做为你们这种族最后一只的滋味 to be the last one of your species!


我不是最后一个 I'm not the last one!


Oh...You brave, brave soul....这样就对了,不要轻言放弃 that's right, don't give up hope..Ellie? Ellie?


Look at our footprints....他们形状是一样的 they're the same shape


Well, how do I know those aren't your footprints? 那好


look at our shadows..we match!


You're right!We're the same!

你可能也是一只负鼠 You must be part possum!

你别妄想 You wish!

Diego, 所有人都比你走得快,快点

Diego, there are whole continents moving faster than you...lets go!


We got to catch up with the others!


Hey!Knock it off!

噢 想哭就哭吧,胆小鬼开心点

Oh cry me a river, blubber tooth tiger.Have some fun!


Can't you see the ice is thin enough..without you two wearing it down?

噢, Diego 冰可能薄了一点,但也能承受

Oh, Diego.The ice may be thin, but its strong enough to hold...10吨的猛犸和9吨的小负鼠了

a ten ton mammoth and a nine ton possum!


Ellie...get up!If you play dead...you'll be dead!

看着我 Look at me!

Diego? Diego?


Come on....快啊 Come on!


This may sting a little..那究竟是什么怪兽啊?

What in the animal kingdom was that?


I don't know, but from now on...playing safe..!

水里,不安全 Water? Not safe!


That.....was the bravest thing I've ever seen..真的没什么,我...呃~ It was nothing really, I..噢!不是在表扬你

Oh!It's not a compliment...!


To a possum...bravery is just dumb!



Yeah!We're spineless..胆小的 Lily-livered!


Maybe mammoths are going extinct because


they put themselves in danger too often!


Maybe you should run away more!


Good point!Thanks for the advice!

高兴能帮上忙 Happy to help!

你们也相信吗? Do you believe her?..“傻子才勇敢,也许你该常常跑远一点” “Bravery is just dumb!Maybe you should just run away more..”


She's infuriating and stubborn and narrow-minded!

你喜欢上她了 You like her...我没有 I do not!

别担心,在我这里你的秘密不会传出去的 Don't worry;your secret is safe with me!


-Oh...and so is yours..and shoot me in the pond?那你为什么

-I don't wanna impress her!we can get Ellie.He can stand!He can run!It's a miracle!

哈利路亚 Hallelujah!

我能说什么,这些男孩子...What can I say?...They're boys...他们使我的生命充满了冒险

...they make my life a little adventure!

你们几个死定了 You guys are so dead!

她不算那么糟 She's not half bad...她很疯狂、很让人不解 crazy and confused, but..但很可爱 Sweet!

那又怎么 So?-16页-


So what's holding you back?

我的家庭 My family


You can have that again, you know...不 Sid 我不能 No, Sid.I can't!


Ok, ok.But, but, but, think about it!I mean if you let this chance go..你们整个物种就完了,那会很...很...you're just letting your whole speices go!And that's just...that's just.......自私..selfish!


I think I'm starting to get through to him!


没问题 Wait, wait!I got you!

需要帮忙吗? Need help?


No, no!Just catching my breath...-你卡住了You're stuck.什么?What? 迷人


真的吗? Really?



He stood on the shore of uncertainty...一头轧下去,哗啦

and dove right in...Splash!


Kind of brave, huh...?



the way he faced his...fear!

我怎么知道 I wouldnt know...剑齿虎从不知道害怕 Sabre's don't feel fear!

噢, 别这么说,动物都会害怕

Oh, come on!All animals feel fear..他把我们和安全分开了

It's what separates us from safe!

石头,只有石头才不懂害怕 Rocks!Rocks have no fear...所以,他们沉底了 and they sink!

你又发什么傻,Sid? What are you getting at, Sid?



It may surprise you to know that I too..也会感到..害怕

have experienced....fear!


-I didn't mean.我说错了吗!

-What?!再见了CrashBye Crash

-再见了EllieBye Ellie他不够感性

-It was a misunderstanding!快照做!Do it!

好吧...我道歉 Ok...I'm sorry!


他是对的,我有点反应过度 He's right.I overreacted

你是说,你...? You mean, you...?


Not another word or I抣l come down there


...and push you over myself!

噢 噢!Oh Oh!


我们终于一起做了一件算是正确的事情 I guess we finally did something right together!

嘿, 不用理我

Hey, don't mind me...-21页-

我只在悬崖上挂一会儿 just hanging off the cliff here!

记得那些不错的老日子吗? Remember the good old days?

什么不错的老日子? Which good old days?

噢, 你知道的比如昨天、上星期 Oh, you know.Yesterday...last week...爬上爬下逍遥自在

Back when the trees when up and down...陆地在我们脚下

and the ground stayed under our feet!


Yup!Those were the good days!


Possums were possums and...猛犸是猛犸

mammoths were mammoths...!


We should get some sleep...是啊,可能明天我们都要死了

Yeah, tomorrow is the day the vulture said we're all gonna die!

不,不,不,我不要了...No, no, no.I dont wan't any....不,不,不...No, no, no....no...等一等

Wait a minute!

需要帮忙吗? Can I help you?


Hmmm!Now, that's what I call respect!

很不错 Nice!


这里肯定有人喜欢我 Somebody here likes Sid...!


Who is the decorator...?


I mean, this is fablulous...!

-火之君王Fire king..我们睡过头了We overslept...我们该走了

We need to move


What if we're last creatures left alive?

-该我们重新在地球上繁衍We'll have to repopulate the earth!噢....Oh....食物,美妙的食物

food, wonderful food...好吃的食物

marvelous food...美妙的...食~~~物 glorious.....fooood!

食物,美妙的食物 Food, glorious food...负鼠做点心

poached possums or flamb?


Broth made from a sloth...或者留到下顿

or savored to souffl?

我们争论什么呢? 实际上...Why should we debate it? True...你们只是食物而已

you've nothing, but food!



magical food, wonderful food...美妙的食物

marvelous foood!

食物,灿烂的食物 Food, glorious food...尸身上的鲜肉

Flesh, picked off the dead ones!


We're famished for food...很快,我们就会品尝到了 soon, we'll be the fed ones!


Just thinking of putrid meat...让我们尽情的体会吧 puts us in the mood!

噢, 食物,美妙的食物 Oh, food, glorious food...好吃的食物,无与伦比的食物 marvelous food, wonderful food...美好的食物 beautiful food...神奇的食物 magical food...可口的~~ glorious......食~~物!Foood!好了 There...你现在知道他们所想的了吧

now you know what they were thinking!

-食物,美妙的食物...Food, glorious food...是的,让那些胆小的突鹰看看吧!

-We made it!闯过去?

-Straight through!我们这样闯过去的话If we go through this....会被喷死的

we get blown to bits!


-我们前进!We go forward!后退!Back!



You are so stubborn and hard headed...我想这正好证明了

Well, I guess that proves it...我是头猛犸象 I am a mammoth!来吧 Come on!很好 Fine!

我不清楚了!淹死好像会..I don't know!Drowning sounds like a...过一会儿时间..much gentler way to go...可被喷死就太..Blown to bits sounds so....突然了!sudden!

啊!他这样等于是自杀!Ah!He's gonna get himself killed!

Manny, 等等!Manny, wait!

Manny?!...Manny?!...“...孩子们, 快看啊...” “...Kids, look...”


“...the mad mammoth...”

“...就要走向灭绝了...” “...ends up going extinct...”

“...她不可能俩种都是....” “...You can't be two things....”

“...她认为你是个怪胎...” “...She thinks your a jerk...”


“...and to go away...”


“...Where's your big happy family?...”


“...What's wrong with you...?”

嘿, 快点,我们该走了,现在!

Hey, come on!We got to go..now!那边 That way!


Do not leave your children unattended...所有未被保护的小孩将被吃掉

all unattended children will be eaten...-你见到过一只猛犸吗?-没有,抱歉No, sorry.-你见到过一只猛犸吗?-没有,没有,我没有No.No, I haven't!


Possum, about 11 foot tall?

嘿, 兄弟,你见过一只猛犸吗?

Hey, buddy, have you seen a mammoth?

-的确见过,那种最大的生命I sure have...big as life!Ellie!不!Ellie!No!

Ellie, 别着急


Ellie, don't worry!We're going for help

待在这里!Stay here!

帮帮我们,帮帮我们 Help us!Somebody help!




Manny...Ellie 被困在一个洞穴里了

It's Ellie!She's trapped in a cave!




我来救你们!I'll save you...!


Great!Who's gonna save him?

你真该好好刷刷牙了 You really need to brush!

好了,好了,好了,跳下去 Okay, okay, okay!Jump in...现在!Now!


Come on...break it...Come on!

你能行的 你能行的,你能行的

You can do this, you can do this...you can do this!



Trust your instincts!Attack the water..我不是你的猎物

I am not your prey, I am not your prey..我不是你的猎物 I am not your prey!!


Hector...stalking the prey...好吧,踢一下!小孩子都能做到

Come on...kick!Even babies can do it..!


加油,抓一下,踢一下 Come on...claw...kick...抓一下,踢一下 claw...kick...嘿!我会游了!Hey!I'm stalking the prey!


兄弟,你做到了 You did it buddy...你会游泳了

You kicked waters butt!



Nothing to it!Most animals can swim as babies you know!

耶, 但是老虎不行 Yeah, but not tigers...我故意没说

I left that part out!

他在那儿 There he is...!

Ellie, 抓紧我!Ellie, hold on to me!


Manny!They're behind you!

他们在那儿,太好了 There they are!Yeah!


We thought we'd never see you again!

我们要活下去了!We're gonna live!

我们要死了...We're gonna die!




Well, I'm not leaving!

爷爷 我们下船了,洪水退了

Granpa, let go of the boat!The flood is over!

这现在是我的船了 This is my boat now!

嘿 Stu...我们成功了

我们会活下去了 Hey Stu...we made it!We're gonna live!

好吧,我一个人活下去了 Well, I am anyway..-我会抓到你的Oh, no you won't...我不知道 也许我会开一个游泳学校

I don't know, Im thinkin about startin a swim school!

“Sid的泳池”!“Sid's squids”!

万岁,火之君主!All hail, fire king!

哦...嗨? Uh...Hi?


火之君主击退的洪水 Fire king avert flood...加入我们吧,噢

伟大尊贵的火焰君主 Join us, oh great and noble flaming one!恩....Hmmm....唔!不,别这么着急好吗

Whoa!No, not so fast there, okay?


You...you make a quality offer...但是火之君主有个...but fire king has a...自己的决定...!


prior committment...!

他的哥们儿们需要他!His herd needs him!

他一直做为把粘合我们几个一起 He is the gooey, sticky, stuff that...的那个粘乎乎,有粘性的东西 holds us together!


He made this herd and...还有没有他,我们什么都不是 we'd be nothing without him!

你说真的? You mean it?!


That doesn't mean...want to touch...别问了 Don't ask!哇~!Whoaaa!

我俩不再是最后两只猛犸了 We're not the last ones anymore!


You're not coming?

你要和他们一起走吗? You wanna go with them?

我是一只猛犸 I am a mammoth...我也许该和另一只猛犸一起

I should probably be with a mammoth...你不觉得吗? don't you think?

对,可除非...Yeah, unless...除非什么? Unless..-28页-

除非...我...Unless..I...ah...我只是想说...I just wanna say..我想告诉你...I need to tell you..希望你能找到所追求的一切

I hope you find everything you're looking for!

希望你也是 You too..Manny...? Manny...?

从我们认识后,一起走了有很久了 You've come a long way since we met..所以我珍视这个

and I'll take full credit for that...但是你得忘记过去

But you need to let go of the past...这样才有未来

so you could have a future!

去追她吧 Go after her!

没事的 It's okay...我们会一直在你这边

We'll always be here for you..我们保持联络 I'll keep in touch...耶, 耶, 耶 你是个不错的朋友

Yeah, yeah, yeah.You're a good friend..就这样吧,就现在去吧,快点..point made.Now, go on, scat!

我们的Manny要长大了 Our Manny's growing up!Ellie!Ellie!




I don't want us to be together because we have to..我希望我们 I want us...在一起是因为我们希望如此

to be together because we want to!

而且我希望和你一起, Ellie!And I wanna be with you, Ellie!

那么,你怎么觉得 So, what do you say?

噢, Manny..Oh, Manny..我觉得你将要把...I thought you were going to let..你是我的好负鼠

You're possum enough for me!


Well, it's just you and me now...两个单身汉 Two bachelors..在荒野游荡

knocking about in the wild!


Fine, but I'm not gonna carry you...!

这是我的自尊,知道吗? I still have my pride, you know..噢, 别这样 哥们儿,看在老情分上 Oh, come on, buddy.For old times sake?

我来驮他好了 I'll carry him!



But you're herd's leaving!

现在我们已经离开了 We are now!

Manny, 谁你更喜欢?

Manny, who do you like better...?

我还是Diego? Me or Diego?

Diego.你差得很远 Diego.Not even close!

哈哈!告诉过你的!Ha-ha!Told you!


Manny!You can't choose between your kids!


He's not my kid.He's not even my dog!


If I had a dog, and my dog had a kid..宠物的小孩又有宠物

..and the dog's kid had a pet...那就可能是Sid了!that would be Sid!

-我能养只宠物吗 Manny?Can I have a dog, Manny?-No..Ellie, 我能养只宠物吗 Ellie, can I have a dog?


Of course you can, sweetie!


We have to be consistent with them!


I saved you, little buddy!

第四篇:冰河世纪3电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

冰河世纪3 冰河世纪3:恐龙现身

ICE AGE 3: “Dawn of The Dinosaurs”

快了快了!It's happening!

大家等等我啊 Wait up guys!


The baby is coming!The baby is coming!I'm having a baby.-蓝色警报 蓝色警报了Or pink if it's a girl

生宝宝了!生宝宝了!艾莉 我来了!

Coming up baby!Coming up baby!I'm coming, Ellie!

抓住了 We got it.艾莉 艾莉 你在哪 我在哪?

Ellie, Ellie, Where are you, Where am I?


我说过了 只是宝宝踢了一下而已 I told you!It was just a kick.哦 对啊!对啊 哈哈 Ohh right!Right, oh wow.你可真把你老爸吓死了!瞧老爸傻的

Ohh you really gave daddy a scare!Daddy got silly.老爸从悬崖上溜下来

Daddy fall down cliff and go,然后就嘣 嘣 嘣!傻老爸

boom, boom, boom.Silly daddy.抱歉了 各位 虚惊一场 宝宝只是踢了一下 Sorry, folks.False alarm.It was just a kick.你知道我想踢谁嘛?

Do you know who I want to kick?



That's the third false alarm this week.好了 没啥好看的 都散了吧 散了吧!Allright show's over...break it up, break it up!


Oh I see someone else who has a bun in the oven?


I'm not pregnant!

真可惜 你会是个好妈妈的

Too bad, you'd make a wonderful mother.曼尼 我知道你很高兴 我也是 Manny I know your excited, I am too,可你这样也有点太小题大做了 but your getting a little carried away.好了 好了 听你这口气 越来越像迪亚哥了 Okay, okay, Boy, your starting to sound like Diego.等等…迪亚哥哪去了?

Wait a second...Where is Diego?

我可是蹄下生风啊 宝贝儿!蹄下生风!My hooves are burning, baby!They are burning!

哦 瞧这儿啊 我踮脚跑!Oh, look at this, I got to tip-Toe!

我踮脚跑!你就吃灰去吧 哈哈!I got to tip-Toe!Eat my dust, dingo!

现在能睁眼了嘛? Huh, can I look now?

别太激动哦 小心伤着孩子 Easy, don't freak out the baby.孩子好得很 我现在倒是担心他老爸

The baby is fine.It's the freaked out daddy I'm worried about.嘿 别偷看

Ah-Uh-Uh, No peeking.-嗒嗒!游乐场在此…Ohh wow!



It's amazing.-曼尼…I made it myself, our family.为什么这上面没我? Hey why aren't I up there?

-你可以上我们家You can be on ours.好 回见Okay, See ya.我觉得 迪亚哥好像有心事

You know, I think there's something bothering, Diego.怎么会 肯定没事的啦

No, I'm sure everything's fine.你该去和他聊聊

You should talk to him.男人可不会聊 男人的事

Guys don't talk to guys, about guy problems.我们互相捶一下肩就好了

We just punch each other on the shoulders.那也太蠢了!That's stupid!

对女人来说是的 可对男人来说 To a girl, but for a guy,那可顶的上六个月的心理治疗 that's like six months of therapy.好了 好了 我去就是了 Okay, Okay I'm going.-嘿Hey.我也不晓得

-Why'd you do that?跟你说了男人就不该聊That's why guys don't talk to guys.-怎么回事Diego's leaving.喂 喂 现在可是咱们的黄金时代了

Whoa, whoa, this should be the best time of our lives.我们都快有宝宝了 We're having a baby.错了 希德 是他们要有宝宝了 No, Sid.They're havin' a baby.可我们是一起的呀 我们是一家人呀 Yeah but, we're a herd.We're a family

今日不同往昔了 曼尼有其他事情要操心 Look things have changed.Manny has other priority's now.接受现实吧 希德 我们有过快乐的过去 Face it, Sid.We had a great run,可现在…是时候分道扬镳了

but...now it's time to move on.那 就是说 只剩下我们两个了 So it's just the two of us.又错 希德 不是两个

No, Sid.It's not the two of us.喀什和艾迪也跟我们一起?

Crash and Eddie, are coming with us?


Just, Crash? Just, Eddie?

别了 希德 Goodbye, Sid.好了 冷静 冷静 交朋友是我的拿手好戏 Okay, calm down.Calm down.I'm good at making friends.我自己招一帮子人 对 就是这样!I'll make my own herd.That's what I'll do!

嘿!大家玩的怎么样啊? Hey!“Me amigo's.Que pasa?”

好吧 至少还有帅的脸

Well, at least you still got your looks.冰河世纪3 哦 这下可好 Ohh great!

有人在吗? Anybody here?

嗨~? Hello?

哦 可怜的小家伙 我知道被人抛弃的感受 Oh poor guys, I know what it's like to feel abandoned

别担心 你们不再孤独了

Don't worry, you're not alone anymore.乖乖呆好 There you go.呆在这!照顾好你弟弟

Stay here!You take care of your brother now,妈妈马上回来

momma's coming right back.宝宝 妈妈来了!

Momma's coming, baby!

接到了 I got you.我刚才怎么跟你说的

What did I just tell you kids?

哦 谢谢 谢谢!

Ohh, thank you, thank you, thank you!

坏蛋 大坏蛋 你们真快把妈妈吓出心脏病了

Bad eggs, rotten eggs.A heart attack you almost gave me.哦 对不起 小宝宝 我只是太爱你们了

Ohh I'm sorry darling, it's just that I love you so much.好了 来见见你们曼尼叔叔和艾莉婶婶


我给你们介绍 蛋蛋 蛋壳 蛋黄

I'd like to present, Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko.-4页-

希德 不管你在干什么 都不是好主意 Sid, whatever you're doing.It's a bad idea!

嘘!孩子们会听到的 Shh!My kids will hear you.他们不是你的孩子 希德 哪拿的放哪去 They're not your kids, Sid.Take them back.-你不适合当家长Why not?

首先 你偷蛋

First sign: stealing someone else's eggs.其次 有个差点成了蛋卷

Second sign: one of them almost became an omelet.希德 蛋妈妈肯定在急着找他们呢

Sid, someone must be worried sick looking for them.不可能 他们是在地下的 冰洞里 No, they were underground, in ice.要不是我发现了 他们早就成… 冰蛋蛋了 If it wasn't for me they'd be...Egg sickles.希德 我知道你有多难受

Sid, I know what your going through.总有一天 你会成家立业的

You're gonna have a family too someday.你会遇上个好女孩…

You gonna meet a nice girl, with...她要求不高 也不挑 还有股味道…

with low standards, no real options, or sense of smell...曼尼的意思是…

What Manny means to say is...别说了 我明白 我送他们回去 No, I get it.I'll take them back.你们去过两人世界 我只能孤苦伶仃

You have your family and I'm better off alone.By myself.冰河世纪3 呆在我的“孤独城堡”里(超人在南极的家也叫这…)

A fortress of solitude.呆在冰天雪地里 永不超生!In the ice, for ever!

一个人 孤单寂寞… Alone, lonely loner..-“一个人”还真不少That's a lot of aloners.不用叫他 没事的No, no, it's ok.他会自己蹦回来的 这也算是希德的一样特异功能

He'll bounce back, it's one of the advantages of being Sid.我为什么一定要把你们放回去呢 我喜欢小孩子

Why should I take you back.I love kids.我又有责任心 又有爱心 还有细心 你们说呢?

I'm responsible, loving, nurturing.What do you think?

我就知道你们也这么想 I knew you would agree.哦 别哭哇 我给你们找个干燥的地方 Oh oh, don't cry!I'll find a dry place.我帮你擦擦干

Let me just dry you off.怎么办呢 当家长 责任太大了

I don't know, being a parents, a lot of work.也许我是没准备好 Maybe I'm not ready.妈妈 妈妈 妈妈!Mamma, mama, mama!

我当妈咪了!I'm a mommy.妈咪在哪里? Where's mommy?-5页-

在这里!Here I am!

这就对了 把小脸洗的干干净净 There you go, nice clean faces.我来接 我来接!I got it!I got it!

停下 别舔了 Stop it, no.嘿 不准咬!Hey, no biting!

对不起 哦 没事了 都没事了 I'm sorry, no, it's okay, it's okay.别哭了!你怎么还哭

Don't cry!Why you still crying?

你们饿了吗?应该是饿了 我知道上哪儿找吃的

Are you hungry? Maybe your hungry.I know just the thing.牛妈妈在这里 我就是你的牛宝宝 来吃奶奶了~~~

...this is animal I am your baby and this is my milk

啊!!我以为你是母的!(OMG 抓到地方了…)

Ahhhh!!I thought you were a female!

抱歉哦 可你们不让进的 I'm sorry, but you can't go in.曼尼说 只给小孩子玩

Manny says, It's just for kids.等下…你们就是小孩子呀!Wait a minute...You are kids!


Just don't break anything!


The Sloth says the playground's open!

嘿 等等 不是全部开放!No, wait.Not for everyone!


别 别碰那个!

No, no.Don't touch that!

-他们是什么动物?Who cares? Their fun!

妈咪 他占着这个不让我玩 Mommy, his not sharing.你是不是该说说

Aren't you gonna do something.说什么 本来就是我家孩子先抢到的 Why my kid had it first.-不是!Did not!别玩了!停下!No, don't!Stop.-小罗罗!Ronald!我在坚持!I'm trying!

知道不 专家说过你应该

You know, experts say that you should


let the kids eat whatever they want.你觉得我脚脖子粗吗?

Do you think my ankles look fat?


哦 不!Oh No!

好了 快点 吐出来!

Okay come on spit him out!


If you don't spit out, Little Johnny,我就带你走了 立马带走 1…

We're leaving the playground this instantly, one...2…可别逼我数3哦

...two..Don't make me say three.这不出来了 活蹦乱跳的

There we are, a picture of health.他不是小强

That's not little Johnny.-有总比没有强嘛Madison!

-快点 吐出来Come on, barf him up!小强强!

-Hello, Manny.救命啊!Help!

-跑路啊!Don't you have anything better to do?


-He will be missed.哦 太棒了Oh great,等我们救出希德 我要杀了他

after we save Sid!I'm gonna kill him.-女士优先Age before beauty!

-没痛苦就没收获No pain no gain!希德?Sid?

哦 不妙啊不妙

Oh no, no, no!Not good.Not good.艾莉!艾莉!等下!Ellie!Ellie!Wait up!

先说好 你要是觉得不对劲 就算是错觉 Okay look, if you feel anything, even if it's nothing.也一定要告诉我 我们就立马出去 You gotta tell me.And we're outta here.咱得先想个代号

We need a code word.嗯 来表示“要生孩子了”

Yeah, something that says, “the baby's-8页-


嗯 这个怎么样 “啊!要生了!”

Hmm.How about, “Aaah!The baby's coming!” How's that?

不成 太长了 我们得想个短小

Nah, too long.We need something short

精悍的 比如…呃…“桃子”!and punchy, like, uh...“peaches”!

-桃子?Peaches?你说我长得圆?You think I'm round?

啊…圆的好啊 圆显得 肉感(性感)!Uhh...Round is good.Round is, foxy!

都跟紧了 Stay close.你们是不是在跟我做同一个梦?

Are you guys havin' the same dream I am?

原来我们的脚下 一直还有另一个世界!We've been living above an entire world.却根本不知道

And we didn't even know it.快跑 快

Run for it!Hurry.迪亚哥 你怎么在这?

Diego, what are you doing here?

观光呢 找希德 跟你一样!

Sight seeing.Looking for Sid, same as you!


Well aren't you noble.现在不是拌嘴的时候 This is not the time guys.我们需要人手!

We need all the help we can get!


我还是算了吧 never mind

到这儿来 真乖乖!快过来 Here, boy.Here, come on!

你疯了吗!我们可不会爬在那东西上!Are you nuts!We're not getting on that thing!

要嘛是这头恐龙 要嘛就是那头!It's either this dinosaur, or that one!

孕妇来也 借个路!

Pregnant lady, wants a lift.Yabba, dabba, Do!


Don't ever, yabba, dabba, do that again!

-我觉得自己好…小啊How do you think I feel?

找好掩护!Take cover!

老大 太崇拜你了!你就是我亲哥哥!

Dude, you're awesome!You're like the brother I never had!

我也这么觉得!Me too.我们能收下他吗? Can we keep him?

-巴克Buck.不找到希德 我们就不走Not without, Sid.艾莉 等等 或许这个秀逗家伙说的有理 Ellie wait, maybe the deranged hermit has a point.曼尼!我们都走了这么远了 一定能找到他的

Manny!We came this far, we're gonna find him.我发现线索了 I got tracks.走吧 Let's go.如果你们进去了 找到你们的朋友 是… If you go in there, you'll find your friend...下辈子吧!

in the AFTER-LIFE!


How do you know? Oh great and wisely, weasely one.恐龙妈妈叼着三只小恐龙

Mummy dinosaur carrying three babies,还有一个软绵绵的绿东西? and some floppy green thing?

对啊 我们的朋友就是那个软绵绵的绿东西 Yeah, we're friends with the floppy green thing.你光看脚印就知道这么多? You got all that from the tracks?



No, not really.I saw 'em come through here earlier.她往“熔岩瀑布”去了

She's headed for Lava Falls.冰河世纪3


That's where they care, for the newborns.要到那儿 你得穿过“悲惨森林”

To get there!You got to go through the jungle of misery.横渡“死亡峡谷”

Across the chasm of death.-直抵“惊呼之地”To the plates of wow.正是!Aye!Aye!

我的这个 就是拜他所赐

He's the one that gave me *this*

哇 他送你这个眼罩?

Whoa.He gave you that patch?

免费的?太酷了!For free? That's so cool.说不定 他也会送我们!

Yeah, maybe he'll give *us* one, too!

欢迎来到我的世界 Welcome to my world.-擅闯禁地者 全无希望!Abandon all hope, he who enters there!怎么了 出什么事了 是来“桃子”了吗?

-Hold on.曼尼 别去!No, Manny!

我要是你 可不会乱摘东西 I wouldn't do that, if I were you.这里可不是你熟悉的地盘

This isn't exactly your playground.说得好像我会怕小花小草似的

冰河世纪3 Like I'm going to be afraid of a pretty flower.-你刚才可没料到这个吧?Bet you didn't see that coming?消化?

-I'll have them out of there before they're digested.我不胖!I'm not fat!

-我觉得有点酥麻I feel tingly.啊 我也酥麻了

-Not that kind of tingly.快!

-Help, someone help us!被朵花吐了 帅呆了!Puked on by a plant.Awesome!

-说话呀Thank's for saving us.你能帮我们找那个“软绵绵的绿东西”吗?

Will you help us find the floppy green thing?.-不用吧Yes it is.好吧 我帮你 可我有规矩 第一:

Alright I'll help ya.But I got rules.Rule number one:

永远服从巴克 第二:

Always listen to Buck.Rule number two:

走路只走路中间 第三:

Stay in the middle of the trail.Rule number three:

爱放屁的 到队尾去

He who has gas, travels at the back of the pack.好了 都跟上

Come on then, chop, chop!


We should all have our heads examined.那是第四条 现在 去找你朋友先

That's rule number four.Now, let's go find your friend.哦 好了 好了 表担心 我们都会没事的 Oh it's okay, it's okay.Don't worry, we're gonna be fine.麻烦能不能晃得轻点…? Please swing a little more to...?

瞧 她放我们下来了…

See, she's putting us down...表!我这么年轻 不该被吃掉啊!No!I'm too young to be eaten.哇!这鼻涕长得真有型 可不是人人都有啊 Wow!Nice mucus.And I don't care for,冰河世纪3 everyone.那个 这些事情是很复杂啦

Listen these things get complicated.也许我们能商量个办法

Maybe we can work something out.周日到周二我带?

I can have them on Sundays to Tuesdays?


Wednesdays to Fridays? Weekends!

没事 妈妈没事!

It's Okay, mommas okay!

你要是吃了我 对孩子们影响不好

If you eat me, it will send a bad message.哈哈!看看孩子们护着谁 我得一分!Ha!Score one for the sloth!

现在就算打的难解难分吧 And the scores all tied up.你觉得那个怪物会不会找到希德? Do you think the beast will find, Sid?

最主要是 会不会找到 我们? Or more importantly, us?

鲁迪?开玩笑 他可是不知疲倦的 Rudy? Are you joking? He's relentless.他洞察一切 吞噬一切

He knows all, sees all eats all.也就是说 会了 So that's a, yes.嘿 从我家草坪上滚开 走!

Hey, get off my lawn!Go on shoo!

那家伙 他还是毛毛虫的时候我就认识 I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar.你知道的啦 就是他还没变态的时候 You know, before he came out.这么说 你就这么靠智慧生存!

So your just living down here by your wits!


孤身一人 了无牵挂?

All on your own, no responsibilities?

就我一个!岂不妙哉 没有依赖

Not one!It's incredible.No dependence,自由自在 真是每个单身汉的梦想

no limits, the greatest life a single guy can have.你听到没?这就是我想呆的地方

Did you hear that? This is my kind of place.喂?不行啊 现在不方便说话…

Hello? No...No I can't really talk right now...我得去给个死树懒收尸

I'm trying to recover a dead sloth.现在他们还跟着我呢!Now, They're following Me!

我知道!他们还以为我疯了 I know!They think I'm crazy.好了…我们快到“死亡峡谷”了

O-Okay...We're going into the Chasm of Death,信号不好 快断了 我也爱你 I'm gonna lose you.I love you too.好了 拜拜 嘿 都跟上!

Alright, goodbye.Goodbye, bye.Okay, follow me!

你三星期后也会变成这样 That's you in three weeks.那个 他们干嘛管这个叫“死亡峡谷”? So, why do they call it the chasm of death?


Well we tried, 'big smelly crack',可是…别人一听就笑

But...uhh, that just made everybody giggle.接下来怎么办? Well now what?



-艾莉!你没事吧?-太好玩了 你们快来啊You have to try this.好了 一个一个上 再简单没有了

Alright now pile on everyone, couldn't be easier.别慌!Don't panic!

只是出了点 技术故障

Just some, technical difficulties.各位坚持住先

Keep holding it in boys.我憋不住了

I can't take it anymore.他吸气了!哦 我也吸气了!

He breathe it.And now I'm breathing it.-嘿 我们没挂You sound ridiculous.-13页-

我?你真该听听你自己 Me? You should hear you.准备好了 好了 1 2…

Alright, alright.And one, and two...-圣诞节~圣诞节来了~Are you crazy?

这不是毒气 It's not poison.现在麻烦大了 It's so disturbing.不准笑 统统都不准笑!Stop laughing, all of you!

“不准笑 统统都不准笑” “Stop laughing, all of you!”

第一条军规是嘛呀? What's rule number one?

他们只是笑一笑罢了 They're just laughing,有那么严重吗?

what's so bad about that?

这些家伙就是笑死的 They died laughing.-别笑了!Do you know what's funny though?

我们还想去救希德 可自己却先死翘翘了!We're trying to save Sid and now we're all gonna die!

我甚至都不怎么喜欢希德 And I don't even like Sid.有谁喜欢呢?他是白痴!Who does? He's an idiot!

多谢你啊 拖我搅这趟浑水

Thank's for getting me into this mess.这么多年了从来没有这样刺激过 It's the most fun I've had in years.冰河世纪3

谢谢你啊 玩单飞 真是牛逼!

Thank you, for deserting the herd.That was totally super.停下!还没明白吗? 我们都要翘辫子了 Stop that!Don't you see? We're all gonna die.什么都得靠我们自己 对不? We gotta do everything, huh?


Sometimes I wet my bed.没事了 有时候我会尿你的床

That's alright.Sometimes I wet your bed.我不知道你听到多少?

I'm not sure how much of that you could hear?

哦 我全听到了 Oh I heard all of it.你在我床上尿床? You wet my bed?

哎呀 中毒说的话,别当真 That was, gas talk dude!.好了 我们还是赶紧赶路吧 Well, we better get moving.我们是不是忘了点什么?

Aren't we forgetting something?

我好寂寞哦 I'm so lonely.好了 开饭饭了…吃吧 吃吧

Okay.Here you go guys...Muncher, muncher.怎么!你们不吃蔬菜?

What!Your not gonna eat your vegetables?


How you going to become big and strong, dinosaurs?

不行…我要把他们教育成素食主义 No...I raised them vegetarian.这样更健康 我就是个最好的例子


It's a healthier lifestyle I mean look at me.拜托 我跟你说话呢

Excuse me.I'm trying to have a conversation here.不行不行!我们的孩子不能吃这个 No, no, no!That's not for us kids.这个太毛太油了 而且…

Way to feathery and fleshy and...还是活的!...and alive!

不行不行 我们不能吃活的动物 没得商量 No, no, no, we do not eat live animals, period.好了 快飞吧 你自由了 Now go, fly.Be free.不会飞的小小鸟 Little, flightless bird.-是我不好Hey, where you going?

你就是这么解决矛盾的? 难怪光棍

This is how you resolve a conflict? No wonder your single.嘿 拜托 我是在自言自语吗?

Oh come on.Am I talking to myself here?

我说他们要吃素食 你说“吼”

I say they're vegetarian, you say, 'Grrrr'.我说,我们能谈谈吗? I say can we talk about this?

你说“吼” 这不叫沟通嘛

You say, Grrrr.I don't call that communication.瞧 你解决问题就这一套

See, that's your answer to everything.你还怕什么? 你是地球上最大的了

What are you afraid of? You're the biggest thing on Earth.不是吗? Aren't you?

冰河世纪3 他们肯定活不成 They'll never survive,这里白天就够危险 it's dangerous by day!


But it's even worse at night.而且向导是个疯子!

Plus the guide is a lunatic!

说谁呢 巴克?哦 他可是疯的没救了 What you mean, Buck? Oh his whack-O.-我不是疯子I am not.悲惨的是我死了 但是我又-15页-


-Were you killed?终极黄鼠狼Ultra weasel.好的 大师Yes master.哇 今晚的故事就到此为止吧

Wow, that's enough fairy-Tales for one night.来吧 艾莉 你该休息了…

Come on, Ellie.You should rest now...唉 快乐的时光总是过得太快 Pff..Life at the party.好了 你们去合合眼

Alright, you guys get some shut-Eye,-我来守夜Don't worry, Buck, we got this.黑夜就是负鼠的天下 Night time is possum time.没错 夜晚属于我们

Yeah, we own the night baby.晚安 鲁迪

Good night, Rudy.等等 我怎么办?

Wait, wait.What about me?

晚安 宝贝 Sleep well, kids.明天有得忙呢

We have a busy day tomorrow.锻炼 捕猎…

Forging, Hunting...想念朋友 估计他们不会想我


Missing my friends.Probably are not missing me.怎么…? What..?

你可真是个软心肠 知道嘛? Your a real softie.You know that?

曼尼? Manny?

喀什?艾迪? Crash? Eddie?

曼尼? Manny?


What's going on? Are you okay?

抱歉 我只是想保护你

I'm sorry.I just wanted to keep you safe, and

可如今 却害你困在这么危险的地方

Now you're in the most dangerous place in the world.这又不是你的错 This isn't your fault.那只恐龙比我们两个加起来还大 It's bigger than both of us.我们必须去救希德 We have to get, Sid.嗯 可如果当初我这个朋友 Yeah, but If I had been a better

能当得更够格 我们也不会在这儿了 friend to him...we wouldn't be here.更够格?你开什么国际玩笑?

Better friend? Are you plucking my whiskers?

你冒着你自己 你老婆

You risked your life, your mate

还有你孩子的生命危险 去救你这朋友 and your baby to save your buddy!


冰河世纪3 Not the best husband or father,可是做朋友…够意思 but...a damn good friend.大家都停下!Everybody stop!

我闻到点什么 I smell something.嗯 有点像秃鹰的尾毛

Hmm, it smells like a buzzard's butt fell off.又被一群臭鼬放屁熏了一遍

And then got sprayed on by a bunch of, skunks.就是希德没错 That's, Sid.各位 我们找到犯罪现场了!

Mammal's, we have ourselves a crime scene.吃剩下一半的骨头!还有一坨…啊!不妙!Half eaten carcass!Hunk of...oh, no!



Here's what I think happened: Dinosaur attacked Sid,希德 用菜花反抗

Sid, fights back with piece of broccoli.-最后打成了植物人Are you nuts?

希德可没那么暴力 也没这本事 Sid's not violent, or co-Ordinated.对啊 还有 恐龙呢?

Yeah and where's the dinosaur?

好了好了 算你们有理 Alright, alright.Good point.场景重现2: Theory two:



Sid's eating broccoli.恐龙吃掉希德 Dinosaur eats Sid.恐龙踩过菜花

Dinosaur steps on broccoli.菜花变成一坨

Leaving broccoli, a vegetable.巴克 你什么时候开始秀逗的?

Buck, when exactly did you lose your mind?


Umm...3 months ago.我一觉醒来 发现自己和一个菠萝结婚了 I woke up one morning married to a pineapple.还是一只巨丑无比的菠萝 An *UGLY* pineapple.-可我还是爱它But I loved her.是风 它在和我们说话

-What's that sound?它说什么?I don't know.I don't speak wind.艾莉? Ellie?

我没事 别担心我 只是在…

I'm fine, don't worry about me.I'm just taking 曼尼 菠萝


Pineapples.她是想吃水果了 She gets cravings.my...艾莉!Ellie!Whoa!

-曼尼!Manny!艾莉 你在哪?Ellie, where are you?

我没事 我在上面 It's okay, I'm up here.撑住 艾莉 我们马上就到!

Hang on, Ellie.We'll be right there.等等 我掉下来了!Wait!Sloth down!

等…暂停了 停下

Wait...Time out.Hold up.天 你们也太快了

Jeez, you guys are getting fast.这儿也还不赖嘛

It's not so bad down here.气候宜人 邻里和睦

Nice weather, friendly neighbours.嗨 邻居

Hi, neighbour.-是鲁迪…Rudy...那我们要快了

-That's, Sid.桃子…?桃子!Peaches...? Peaches!

宝宝!什…什么 现在?

The baby!What, what, what now...!

-不妙啊The babies coming.你能忍忍吗?

Can you try to hold it in!


Can somebody slap him for me?

坐好 我们就来!

Just sit tight, we're coming!


There's only one thing to do.负鼠 你们跟我来

Possums, your with me.曼尼 你照顾好艾莉 等我们回来

Manny you take care of Ellie until we get back.什么?不行 你现在不能走 What? No you can't leave now.她掉队了

She's off the trail.你说的第二军规呢

What about rule number 2?

冰河世纪3 第五军规 可忽略第二军规

Rule number 5 says, you can ignore rule number 2,如果有女性加入

if there's a female involved.或者是有小狗狗的情况下 Or possibly a cute dog.哎呀 反正我就是瞎编的

I just make up these rules as I go along.是嘛 可是 可是…她…你得…

Yeah, but, but, but...she's...you have to.曼尼 没事 我挺你

Manny, it's alright.I got your back.你总算是开口说话了 走吧 小伙子们 Now your talking.Come on, lads.-照顾好我们的妹妹,这位先生


-Take care of our sister.Mr.我们得抓紧了

-That's where all the good stuff is.是的 长官!

-Boys!Are you ready for adventure?是 长官!Yes, sir!

-拥抱死亡!Uhh, can you repeat the question? ?

就是这样 来吧!That's right, come on!


Have you ever flown one of these before?

没 我也是第一次!No, first time actually.-她在那There she is.Manny!

我得上到她那儿去 I need to get to her.听好 我去保护艾莉 Listen, I'll protect, Ellie.你去挡住恐龙

You stop those guys.曼尼 如果让它们抓到她 就来不及了 Manny, if they reach her, it'll be to late.你得相信我

You have to trust me.好吧 就这么定了 Alright, let's do it.我爪下生风啊 宝贝儿 爪下生风!My paws are burning baby.They burning,我能踮脚跑 踮脚跑~

I gotta, tip-Toe.Tip-Toe, Tip-Toe.劳驾 踮脚跑那位 这里生孩子呢

Excuse me, twinkle toes.Giving birth here.哦 对了 抱歉 你还好不 Oh right, sorry.You okay.冰河世纪3

我还好不?你知不知道 生孩子有多痛? Am I okay? Do you know anything about, child birth?

不 不太知道 不过曼尼就来了… No, not really, but Manny's coming..迪亚哥 我好怕 我能牵着你的脚掌吗? Diego, I'm scared? Can I hold your paw.嗯 当然了… Yeah, of course...忍着痛就好了 宫缩而已

Just go with the pain.It's just a contraction.-看!他在那!Look!He's right there.收到!I know, Roger!

要不我们先去救希德 How bout we get, Sid first.然后再回来 救你的“罗杰”? And then go back for, Roger.当我没说

Oh, never mind.哦 巴克 Oh, Buck.-等等啊 希德在那边!Wait!Wait, Sid's that way!迪亚哥!Diego!

记住 调整呼吸就好了

Just breathe, that's the important thing.-20页-

拿上弹药!Grab that ammo.点钟方向Bogey at 3'o clock.Hasta la vista, birdie.我们这就去… Let's get our...求救!求救!高度正在下降!拉住这个 Mayday!Mayday!We're losing altitude!Hold these.-一股鱼腥味Okay.That's just weird.-我爱你 哥们!I love you, bro!Snap out of it, come on!Pull!


-This is the end of, Sid the sloth.-救命!还有我No, Sid.It's me.我有个更好的…桃子

-Little, Ellie...要降落了!Incoming!


是希德!It's Sid!

哦 是个男孩!Oh, It's a boy!

-那是尾巴(希德把尾巴看成小鸡鸡了…)It's a girl.嗨 小可爱 我是你希德叔叔 对哦 Hi, sweetheart.It's uncle Sid...Yes it is.哦 你可真漂亮

Oh, you're so beautiful.Oh, she is...她长得像妈妈 真是谢天谢地

She looks just like her mother.Thank goodness.哦 没别的意思 曼尼

Oh, no offence, Manny, No offence.你的心灵也很美

You're beautiful on the inside.真高兴你能回来 希德

It's good to have you back, Sid.以前真没想过 我会说这话…我很想你

Never thought I would say this, but...I missed you buddy.我真希望我孩子也在这

Now I wish my kids were here.这样你们就能做好朋友了 You could have been friends.艾莉!Ellie!

-我说过不哭的I didn't.我都忘了融入一个家庭的感觉了

I forgot what it was like to be part of a family.你呢?有没有想过要个孩子?

What about you? Ever thought about having kids?

好了 各位 该送你们回家了

冰河世纪3 Alright, mammal's.Let's get you home.好了 各位 就是这儿了 这趟下来真带劲 This is it, mammal's.Right where you started.This was fun.我们可以经常这样聚聚

We could make it a regular thing.不觉得这是个好主意 I don't know about that.也对 也对 这里这么危险 不想来是自然的 Right, Right.Yes cos' of all the uh, mortal peril.Of-Course.好了 巴克我就送你们到这了!Oh, well, the Buck stops here!


We couldn't have done it without you.那是显然的了 不过 这些天真是很愉快… Well obviously.But, good times just the same...这里不止我们 对不对? We're not alone, are we?

你好啊 鲁迪 Hello, Rudy.快跑!Run!

看这边 你个大化石!在找东西吗?

Over here you colossal, fossil!Looking for something?

有本事就过来拿啊 快进山洞 快!

Why don't you come and get it? To the cave!Go!


-我们没事 你快去We'll be fine.Go!


哈!黄鼠狼在此!Pop, Goes the weasel!

嘘 嘘!快!给我飞!


Shoo, shoo!Come on!Move!


穿个洞 绕个圈 再打个结

Through the hole, over the valley.One more loop.拉吧 啊哈!

Come on lads, heev!

下次好运了 小雪花

Better luck next time, snowflake.绳子绑不了它多久 快走!

This isn't Gonna hold him long.Let's go.大家等等我!Hold up, guys!

干得漂亮 大龙妈妈!Way to go, mom-Zilla!

过来点 宝宝 我告诉你们啊

Come here, kids.Well let me tell you something.这里才是你们的家

You're where you belong now.我相信你们长大一定会是

And I'm sure you're gonna grow up

又高又大 又让人怕怕的大恐龙 to be giant, horrifying dinosaurs.就跟你们的妈妈一样 Just like your mother.妈妈… Momma...照顾好我们的孩子

...take good care of our kids.-你是个好家长 希德Thank's.-我能给你家当保姆吗?Can I baby-Sit for you.当这事没发生过Never happened.-他死了 我现在该怎么办?That's easy.-跟我们走吧You mean...up there?


I never thought of going back.在这儿呆久了 都习惯了

I've been down here so long, it feels like up to me.我不知道自己还能不能适应地上的生活 I'm not sure I can fit-In up there anymore.瞧瞧我们几个 你觉得我们像是正常的一帮子吗?

So look at us.We look like a normal herd to you?

永别了 大块头 So long, big guy.到我们了 来吧 桃子

That's our queue.Come on peaches.他还活着 He's alive.巴克…? Buck...?

-我…我想…I...I gotta...“永远服从巴克”

-Take care of 'em, tiger.巴克人呢?Where's Buck?

别担心 他在他想在的地方

Don't worry.He's where he wants to be.那他没事吧?

Is he going to be okay?

你开玩笑吧 那黄鼠狼可死不了

Are you kidding? Nothing can kill that weasel.我倒是在担心鲁迪

It's, Rudy I'm worried about.我知道 家有儿女这种事你不适应 I know this baby thing isn't for you.不过 无论你做什么决定… But whatever you decide to do...我不走了 伙计 探险人生…这里就是

I'm not leaving, buddy.Life of adventure...It's right here.我还准备了一大篇演讲呢 Well, I got a whole speech here.练了好久

I've been working on it.你这样让我怎么表现得既强壮又细腻 How can I show you that I'm strong and...既高尚 又温柔?

Sensitive? Noble, yet caring? 多谢 Thank's.啊 小家伙长得真快 对吧? 想想我的孩子 Ah, they grow so fast, huh? Look at my kids.好像是昨天才出生 今天就走了

Seems they were born one day and then gone the next.-他们就是 希德They were, Sid.-Yeah, it was a lot of work.冰河世纪3 没事的 宝贝 欢迎来到冰川世纪

It's right, sweetheart.Welcome to the Ice Age.-24页-

第五篇:浪漫的老鼠看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)


The Tale Of Despereaux 浪漫的老鼠

Once upon a time, 很久很久以前

there was a brave little mouse 有一只勇敢的小老鼠

who loved honor and justice and always told the truth.他自尊自爱 明辨是非 总是据实直言

No, that's not him.不 这个不是他

That's a rat.这是只耗子

And anyone who knows anything, 任何有常识的人都知道

knows there's a big difference between a mouse and a rat.老鼠和耗子是有很大区别的

First of all, rats hate the light.首先 耗子讨厌阳光

They spend their lives in the darkness.他们一辈子活在黑暗里

They're also terrified of people, 而且他们害怕人类

which is why they slink and cower all the time.所以他们总是偷偷摸摸 东躲西藏

And as far as telling the truth is concerned, 而关于“据实直言”

well, that's impossible because, as everyone knows, 这是不可能的 因为谁都知道

a rat can't talk.耗子不会说话

Tell me that thing again, please.再跟我说一次 求你了

Come on.-1页-


Just once, I promise.最后一次 我保证

Tell me one more time, 再对我说一次

and I won't ask you ever again.I swear.我就不会再问你了 我发誓

Fine.We are headed to Dor, 好吧 我们要去多尔国

one of the most magical places in the whole world.世界上最神奇的地方之一

No, that's not what you said before.不 你之前不是这样说的

You know, every place has something special.每个地方都有独一无二的东西

And, in Dor, it's the soup!在多尔 最特别的是汤!

Land ho!陆地!

It's down below, I tell you.就在下面 我告诉过你

Give it a heave.使劲拉

I can see it!我看见它了!

Ooh, I can smell it!I can smell it.哦 我能闻到它!我能闻到它

Oh, I can't wait to taste the soup!喔 我等不及想尝尝这儿的汤!

Just stay close.别乱跑

We leave again at 6:00.我们六点要离开

You know, we ought to think about staying here just a little longer.浪漫的老鼠中英文对白

知道么 我们该考虑在这儿多待一会儿

Don't even think about it.想都别想

Remember Shanghai? 还记得上海吗?

Yeah, but this place is different.记得 但这里不同

I mean, this is special.我是说 这儿很特别

On any given day, just one whiff from one of the soup shops 在这里的每一天 闻一下汤店里飘出的香气

was almost like having a full meal.就犹如让你饱餐一顿

But on one very special day every year, 但在每年一个特殊的日子里

the kingdom of Dor was magically transformed.多尔举国上下热闹非凡

In Dor, Christmas was nothing.在多尔 圣诞节不值一提

Well, they still celebrated it, 虽然他们仍然庆祝圣诞节

but it was nothing compared to Soup Day.但和汤节相比 那就是小巫见大巫

Watch it, watch it.小心 小心

Incoming potatoes!土豆来啦!

Hurry!Hurry!Excuse us.快啊!快啊!请让让

Every Dorian, young and old, would flock toward the castle 每个多尔人 无论老幼 都会聚集在城堡周围

because they knew that, at that very moment, 因为他们知道 此时此刻


deep within the royal kitchens, 皇室厨房的深处

a masterpiece was being created.一件杰作即将诞生

Potatoes coming up!土豆来啦!

Let's go!开工啦!

Don't forget the parsley!别忘记欧芹!

Make sure it's clean!把欧芹洗干净!

Everyone knew Chef Andre was a genius, 全国上下都知道厨师Andre是个天才

but they got reminded of it on the first Sunday of every spring.但在每年春天的第一个星期日 大家还是会被再次提醒

At exactly 12:00 noon, 中午十二点整

he would unveil that year's royal creation.他会献上当年皇室厨房的新作

More onions!加洋葱!

More onions!加洋葱!

More onions!加洋葱!


They would jam the town square, 百姓们聚集在广场上翘首以盼

and, as the aroma began to build, 随着香气越来越浓

so did their anticipation.他们的期待也越来越高



Thank you.谢谢

It's my pleasure to announce this year's royal creations 我很荣幸为大家宣布 今年皇室厨房的新作品

from the kitchens of Chef Andre.Andre厨房最新研制的汤

Oh, no, no, no, no, no!不 不 不 不 不 不!

Something is wrong.哪里不对劲

I need more time!我需要时间!

But we're late already!可我们已经晚点了!

This is not right!这汤不对劲!

Everyone out!所有人都出去!Out!出去!

Now, it's hard to be a genius all by yourself.要当一个天才 孤军奋战是很难的

In fact, sometimes, it takes a little help.事实上 有时 天才也需要帮手

You changed something.汤被你动了手脚

You're crazy.I did not touch it.你疯了 我什么都没碰

-I can smell it.我闻得出来What?什么?



-Yes.是的Not this much!不是加那么多!

You ruined my soup!你毁了我的汤!

I save your soup!我救了你的汤!

Those people wait all year, and you want to give them this dishwater.全国上下盼了一整年 你难道就给他们喝洗碗水

Dishwater? 洗碗水


Dishwater? 洗碗水?

Ow!Cut it out!嗷!住手!

And this year's soup is 今年的汤是...a spring tureen 一碗甘泉

配上各种烘烤过的蔬菜...with a m閘ange of roasted vegetables......fresh herbs...Yes, a coward!是的 胆小鬼!

-You call me coward?你说我胆小?Mmm.嗯


Oh!A rat!There's a rat in my soup!哦!耗子!我汤里有一只耗子!

Madam, I know that this is unfortunate.夫人 我知道这令人不快

And I know that while on first glance, I might...我知道 乍看之下 我可能...-A rat!In my soup!不 求你 嘘 嘘嘘

-And I ate it!我喝了!She's right!It's a rat!她没说错!是只耗子!

-Please...拜托...I'm sorry.Sorry.对不起 对不起


-Tilling?Tilling?It'll be fine, I promise.会好起来的 我保证

All right, settle down.好了 大家安静

Ready, class? 准备好了么?



Good.Excellent.很好 非常好


-We can't even...我们甚至不能...That's one of the...这也是...浪漫的老鼠中英文对白



I just want to have a quick look.我只想稍微看两眼

We got to get out of here!我们得离开这里!

Oh, gosh.哦 老天No, no, no, no!不 不 不 不


Ha!They look hungry, sir.哈!他们看起来饿坏了 先生


You're not eating.-9页-


Uh, I was.呃...我吃过了

No, you weren't.不 你没有

Well, I'm just watching, sir.我只是来看看 先生

Well, that's not very grateful of you 你好像不太懂得感恩啊

after I've taken you under my wing.在我把你纳入我羽翼下之后

Well, I'm grateful, really.I am.我很感激 真的

You miss something, don't you? 你还在怀念什么 是不是?

Uh, no, I don't.呃 不 我没有

There's nothing up there, Roscuro.那上面什么都没有 Roscuro

Nothing at all.什么都没有

Oh, no, I know that!Absolutely.哦 我明白!完全明白

Uh, nothing!

呃 呃 什么都没有

Nothing.Nothing at all.没有 什么都没有

He's a tough one.他可真顽固

You're not gonna turn him.Nah, you're not.你改变不了他 改变不了

Oh, I don't know.A rat is a rat.哦 我不知道 但是耗子就是耗子

It doesn't really matter where you come from.从那儿来并不重要


I'm sorry.我很抱歉

He is so weird.他可真怪

No kidding.可不是么

That is so beautiful.真美啊

I wonder what's out there.真想看看外面什么样

Doesn't scurry.二月一号 不逃跑

Didn't cower.二月三号 不害怕

“Didn't cower.Didn't cower.不害怕 不害怕...”Wouldn't scurry.“ 不逃跑

Oh, here's one: ”Drew pictures of cats on his notebook.“ 还有一条 他在笔记本上画了只猫

-No!Cats?不!猫?Oh!That's terrible.这太可怕了


To learn what? 学什么?

To learn how to be a mouse, sir.学怎么做一只老鼠 先生

That is correct.说的对

And you can't be a mouse if you don't learn to be afraid.但如果你不懂害怕 就做不了老鼠

Oh, Despereaux, this...哦 Despereaux...There's so many wonderful things in life to be afraid of

生活中有很多美好的事物 值得你去害怕

if you'd just learn how scary they are.只要你用心去了解它们有多可怕

Yes.Yes, sir.是的 是的 先生

How about his brother? 他哥哥情况如何?

His brother? What about him? 他哥哥? 什么情况?

Yes, is he, you know, timid? 是的 我意思是他...胆小吗?

Oh!Oh, yes!哦!哦 是的!

-Yes, very timid.是的 非常胆小Of course.当然

-You coddle that boy, that's the problem.都是你惯的No, no.不 没有

-Yes, you do.You've been doing it for years.就是你 老这么惯着他Quite modern.Yes.哦!可我还是喜欢原来的

Did a book ever speak to you? 有没有一本书 曾经跟你说过话?

Almost like it was written for you? 几乎就像是专门为你而写


Despereaux loved it all.Despereaux爱上了这一切

Every bit of it.书中的一切

The truth, the justice, the bravery, 真理 正义 勇气...the sword-fighting.剑斗

He even loved things you wouldn't suspect.他甚至爱上了你料想不到的东西

The story said she was a prisoner, 故事中她是一名囚徒

but that wasn't totally true 但那并非完全属实

because she had hope, and whenever you have hope,因为她还抱着希望 而只要心怀希望

you're never really anybody's prisoner.任何人都不可能正真囚禁你

Someday, my prince will come.有一天 我的王子会出现

But how did she know that? 但她又怎么知道呢?

Yeah, how did she know that? 是啊 她怎么知道?

Why are you crying? 你为什么哭?

Why are you crying? 你为什么哭?

Down here.我在这下面

Are you a rat? 你是只耗子? No.不


What are you? A mouse? 那你是什么? 老鼠?

I am a gentleman.我是位绅士

And how do you do? 你好啊

You're sad.你很难过


Because you have longing.因为你有渴望

You're a strange little mouse.你是只奇怪的小老鼠

Thank you.谢谢

Come on.过来

Where did you hear that? 你从哪听来的?

About the longing.关于渴望

In a story.从一个故事里

A story? About what? 故事? 讲什么的?

About a princess, like you, in a castle, like this.讲一个公主 就像你 在一座城堡里 就像这里

Oh.You're a smooth little mouse, aren't you? 哦 你真是个能说会道的小老鼠

Bet you tell that to all the princesses.我打赌你对所有的公主都这么说

I am sworn to tell the truth.我发誓只讲真话

It is a code of honor.-13页-


Ah.Not just a gentleman, an honorable gentleman.噢 你不仅是位绅士 还是位可敬的绅士

Well, then, how does this story end 那么 故事结局是什么呢?

with this princess who's locked in a castle? 那个被囚禁在城堡的公主

I don't know...我不知道...I haven't finished it yet.我还没有读完

I'd love to know.我想知道

Oh, I wish it would rain.哦 我希望能下场雨

I wish there was soup again.我希望能再喝到汤

I even wish there were rats!我甚至希望还有耗子!

Will you promise me that? 你可以答应我吗?

Will you promise to finish your story and tell me how it ends?

答应我看完故事 告诉我结局?

Yes.It will be my quest.好的 这将是我的追求

Your quest!You are a very brave mouse.你的追求!你真是只勇敢的小老鼠

Thank you, my good gentleman.谢谢你 我的好绅士

Now, there are all kinds of princesses.世界上有各种各样的公主

Some are born that way, 一些出生就是公主

some marry into it,浪漫的老鼠中英文对白


and some are destined to be princesses 而还有一些 却只有在自己的想象中

only in their own minds.才能成为公主

But at one time or another, 但总有那么些时候

every little girl longs to be a princess.每个小女孩都希望成为公主

I'm gonna live right there.我以后就要住在那儿

Right up there, near the tippy-top.就在那 就在那尖顶上

Quit your daydreaming and feed those swine!少做白日梦了 快喂猪!

Yes, I know.It's gonna be all mine.我知道 总有一天那会是我的

No, you deaf little urchin.I said feed those swine!你这丫头聋啦 我说了 快 喂 猪!

Miggery Sow had been shoveling slop 在Miggery Sow的记忆中

for as long as she could remember.她已经铲猪食好多年了

Her Uncle Ned had put a shovel in her hand from the minute she could hold one.她刚拿得动铲子 他叔叔Ned就逼她干活

But it turned out all right 但是结果还不错

because she got on quite nicely with the pigs.因为她和小猪处的很好

That's right.没错

I'm gonna have a special room just for my dresses 我会有一整间房间专门放衣服


and another whole closet just for my knickers!还有一个大衣橱 专门放我的短裤!

In fact, Miggery Sow could see her future so clearly.事实上 Miggery Sow 可以清晰的看到她的未来

She could see the tiara, the fancy dresses, the maids-in-waiting,她可以看到皇冠 漂亮裙子 还有仕女

and when things got really bad around the farm,而当农场生活难以忍受的时候

she could see the moment that she would finally be delivered from all of this.她还能看到 她从这一切中解脱的时刻

Not long now.不会太久的

I promise you that.我发誓 for the big ones, 15 for the sow, and 12 for the girl.大的20 母猪15 女孩12 for the girl, same as the sow.女孩15 和母猪一个价

I told you!I told you I'd make it to the castle!我说过的 我说过的!我要去城堡了!


So sometimes, it doesn't take much for your dreams to come true.所以有时候 梦想成真并不难

You just have to be able to see it that way.只要你能够这么认为

She was beautiful!Like an angel.她真漂亮 就像一个天使

You are crazy.你疯了

And she smelled so amazing.浪漫的老鼠中英文对白


Like a garden.像花园


You can't talk to a human.你不能和人类说话

That is the worst thing you can do.这是你最不该做的事

No, it's the best thing I ever did.不 这是我做过的最棒的事

They will throw you in the dungeon.他们会把你关进地牢

You will get eaten by rats!你会被耗子吃了

It would be worth it.就算这样也值得

They could tear at my flesh.他们可以把我撕裂

Oh, this is bad.哦 太糟了

Oh, and when she held me in her hand, it was...哦 当她把我托在手里...It was so soft, like floating in a pillow.是那么柔软 就好像漂在云端

You know what? I'm worried about you.你知道吗? 我很担心你

That's the point, Furlough.这就是重点 Furlough

There's nothing to be afraid of.根本没什么好怕的

Quiet!They will hear you.轻点!他们会听到的

Come on.Just try it.来吧 你应该试试


Just for a second, just try being brave.就这么一会儿 试着变勇敢些

-Oh!哦!That's what he said.他就是这么说的

-A real human?一个人类?This is bad.This is very bad.太糟了 真是太糟糕了

If they find out...If they find out that they didn't find out...如果他们发现 如果他们发现了 他们没有发现的...Oh, then they'll find out that it was me who...哦 他们会发现的 是我...Oh, no.哦 不

But they will send him to the dungeon!可他们会把他关进地牢的!

-Oh, he'll get eaten by rats!哦 他会被耗子吃了!My baby!我的孩子!

Quiet.Be quiet, my dear.There's nothing to be done.安静 亲爱的 这也是没办法的事


Come with me.跟我走

Stand there.站在那

Red? 红色?

Ah, so they tell me.啊 他们是这么告诉我的

So you're the brave one.你是只勇敢的老鼠

I guess.也许吧

It's good.It'll carry well down there.好了 会安全把你放下去

Wear it proudly.为你的勇敢骄傲吧

There's no shame.没什么好羞耻的

It's time.到时间了

It's all right.They're too scared to come down here.没什么的 他们都太胆小不敢下去

In there? 这里?

I'm afraid so.我恐怕是的

Courage, right? 勇气 对吗?

And truth.还有真理

-And honor.还有荣誉I'm hungry.我饿了

Shh!Quiet, lads.Patience.嘘!安静 小的们 耐心点

And what makes you a gentleman? 是什么让你成了绅士的?

A code...诚信...A code of honor.诚信准则


You're a strange little mouse, aren't you? 你真是只奇怪的小老鼠 对吧?

And where did you find this code of honor? 你从哪儿听来的”诚信准则“?

Well, in a legend.在一个传说里

A legend that I read.我读过的一个传说

Fine.Oh, tell me this legend of yours.好吧 跟说说你那个传说

I could do with a good story right now.现在听段精彩的故事也不错

Well, 嗯

it's about a princess and a knight 故事讲的是一位公主 和一个骑士

and his quest to save her honor.还有他捍卫她的荣誉的历程

Ah.It was a princess that took away my soup.啊 让我喝不了汤的就是个公主

She didn't take it.不是她干的

In fact, she misses it, too!实际上 她也想念汤!

How do you know all this, then? 你怎么知道得这么清楚?

I've seen her.我见过她

-Seen her?见过她?That's why they sent me down here.-还说过话?Mmm.嗯

Well, enjoy.来吧 尽情享受

Oh, uh...Thank you.哦 呃...谢谢

Let the games begin!游戏开始!


Come on!上啊

Hold on!抓紧了!




Can I have him? Can I have this one? Please? 能把他给我吗? 求你了

What? 什么?

It's just that that one looks tasty.就是 他看起来...很好吃的样子

Well, this is progress.有进步了嘛

Perhaps we're starting to leave the past behind us, eh?

也许我们应该尽释前嫌 呃?

Enjoy, my friend.好好享用 我的朋友

Don't leave a morsel.一口都不要剩

Oh, I won't.哦 我不会的Pull!



Come on, let's go, buster!动作快点 我们走 小鬼!

That's it.That's it.You keep moving!就这样 就这样 快给我走!

It's okay.Keep walking.没事的 继续往前走

Come on, keep moving!Let's go, come on!快点 往前走!快!

It's right up there.就在那上面

-Huh?See that?看见没?

Light.Real light.光 真正的光

It's mine, but you can share it.这是我的 不过你也可以分享

It isn't much, but there isn't much anywhere since everything turned gray.不是很多 但世界变得灰暗后 哪儿都没有很多的光了

You're not gonna eat me? 你不吃我?

No.I don't eat mice.不 我不吃老鼠

Then what do you eat? 那你吃啥?


When I can find them.如果能找到的话

So you are a gentleman.这么说 你是绅士

Tell me that story.-20页-


About the Princess.公主的故事

Tell me what she looked like.说说她什么样儿

Well, she was...呃 她...Was she angry? 她有没有生气? No.没有

No, not at all.一点都没有

Her heart was full of longing.她内心充满了...渴望

What's longing? 什么是渴望?

And that's how a friendship is born.一段友谊就这样诞生了

Over the next few weeks, he told Roscuro everything he knew about loyalty

接下来的几个星期里 他把他知道的都告诉了Roscuro

and honor and chivalry and courage.忠诚 荣誉 侠义和勇气

He told him about the Princess, and where her longing came from.他说了公主的事 说到她为什么会有渴望

That she missed the rain and the soup and even the rats.说到她想念雨水 汤汁 甚至是耗子

Even the rats? 甚至是耗子?

He told him about their code of honor, about his noble quest,他跟他说了诚信准则 说了他高尚的追求

about duty and loyalty.浪漫的老鼠中英文对白


And there, in the darkness of the cellar, 就在这个黑暗的地牢里

two knights pledged devotion to a princess who was trapped inside a castle.两位骑士许下郑重承诺 要解救困在堡垒中的公主

Trapped in a life full of pain and longing.公主的生活充满痛苦和渴望

Even if no one could tell.哪怕没有人知道

Your crown, ma'am.您的王冠 殿下


I don't want it today.我今天不想戴

But it's beautiful, ma'am.但它多漂亮啊 殿下

I know, but I don't want it.我知道 但我今天不想戴

You look so pretty in it, ma'am.你戴上很好看的 殿下

Like a princess.就象公主一样

I know.I am the princess.我知道 我就是公主

Oh, I know, ma'am, 我知道的 殿下

but such a fine princess, with a little, pretty, glittery...不过 这么漂亮的公主 戴上这个美丽闪耀的小皇冠...I don't want it!我不想戴!

All right, Mig? 行不行 Mig?-21页-

Very well, ma'am.好的 殿下

Please, take it away.请把它拿走


Who's the princess? 谁是公主?

I'm a princess.我是公主

I'm the princess.我才是公主

My comb, my hat, my gloves 我的梳子 我的王冠 我的手套

and my pretty powder 还有我美丽的粉扑

on my pretty princess face.扑在我美丽的公主脸蛋上

And what do you think you're doing? 你在做什么?


Where did you get all this? 你从哪儿拿的这些东西?

I just borrowed it, ma'am.我借来的 夫人

Borrowed it? 借来的?

I was gonna put them all back.我会还回去的

See that you do!看看你做的好事!

And you can spend the whole week 这个礼拜

taking slop to the dungeon



for your little escapade.居然做出这种事


God!She's the princess.上帝啊!她才是公主

And now I have to carry the sloppy, gloppy, stinky stew 而我只能端着又油又脏又臭的餐盘

down in the damp, dark, dingy...来这个又湿又黑又破的...A person could get lost forever down here.在这儿还真容易迷路啊



No, don't stop!I said ”slop"!不 别傻站着!我说让你上饭!

How am I supposed to eat this swill? 这种猪食让我怎么吃?

Oh, stop that!I don't have to be putting up with all this!别这样!我没必要看你脸色!

I serve the Princess.我是伺候公主的

Right.You serve the Princess.是啊 你是伺候公主的

-That's a bit of a laugh, isn't it?真搞笑 是不是?Well, I don't want to hear it!我才不要听!

Had me own little princess once.以前我也有个小公主的


And now I don't.现在没了

Oh.What, you had a princess? 哦 你有个公主?


Every dad's got a princess.每个做爸爸的都有个小公主

Till he stops being a dad, of course.当然 直到他不能再做爸爸

Sorry.So, so, sorry!

对不起 真的真的对不起!

Oh, well, I've got a real one.我可是有个真正的公主

And she's got a tiara and fancy robes, 她有王冠 漂亮的礼服

and she's got shiny bits all over every frock in her closet.她衣橱里每件衣服都亮闪闪的

And I get to see her every single day.而且我每天都能见到她

What kind of a quest? 你的追求是什么? Uh...呃...To right a terrible wrong.去弥补一个严重的错误

But who did you wrong? 你的错误害了谁?


Do you remember when they banished the rats?


-Sure.Yes.当然记得Oh, no!不要过来!

No!Please, please listen.Please.别这样!请听我说 拜托

-A rat!耗子!Shh!嘘!




Seems I am, ma'am.我现在不就这么做了么 殿下

You'll get in a terrible amount of trouble.你会惹上大麻烦的

Don't listen.You're the princess now.别听她说 现在你是公主

I'm the princess now.现在我是公主

And you belong in the palace.你应该住进宫殿

I belong in the palace.我应该住进宫殿

And she belongs in...她应该...No!You can't do this!不 你不能这么做!

Help!Help!Someone help me!救命啊!救命!谁来救救我!






I'm in here!我在这儿!


You filthy, stinking rat!你这个肮脏的死耗子!

You tricked me!你骗了我!

Here's the spot, rats!


就是这儿了 耗子们!

What's Roscuro brought us, then? Roscuro给我们带什么来了?

Hungry!Yum!Hungry now!好饿!好饿啊!

Not yet, lads.No, no, you've got to wait.现在不行 伙计们 不 再等等

It's nowhere near dinnertime.离晚饭时间还远着呢

Oh, come on, Smudge, I'm starving.哦拜托 Smudge 我要饿死了

Something special for dinner tonight.今晚有美味哦

Smells delicious!好香!

Smells human to me.A young one.像是人味儿 年轻人It's the Princess!是个公主!

Oi, you'll wait for your dinner like everyone else.喂 你得跟别人一样 等到晚饭时间

Come on, Smudge, give us a little look.拜托 Smudge 让我们看一眼嘛

No, no, no!不行 不行 不行!

Boss doesn't want her getting nervous.Spoils the meat, doesn't it? 老大不想让她紧张 要善待美食 不是吗?



Oh, my little mouse!It's you.哦 我的小老鼠!是你


I will deliver you from this evil, ma'am.我会救你出来的 殿下

Oh, no.Just go find my father.哦不 你去找我的父亲

Take this chain from around my neck.拿着我脖子上这条项链

To show him you are honest and truthful.向他证明你的诚实 可靠

Oh, I am!Honest and truthful and loyal and...我本来就是啊!诚实 可靠 忠诚...I know.我知道

But hurry.不过要快

Here.Take it.来 拿着

There isn't much time.没有多少时间了

Hey, did you get some?嘿 拿了吗?Marjoram?媒墨角兰(一种植物)?

Mmm-hmm.Love it.Perfect.恩 我喜欢 完美

-Ah!Superbe!啊!完美!No, no, no.不 不 不

-Garlic!Should I use the garlic?往下看啊!

-I mean not too much, but just a little bit.哦 不会不会 当然

-It is fantastic!简直太棒了!Mmm.骑士精神!


Should I finish you off myself 我是该亲手结果了你呢

or turn you into cat food? 还是该让你做猫食?

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.这儿 猫咪 猫咪 猫咪

What is that? 那 是 什么?

Please.Nice kitty? 拜托 好猫咪?

No, no, no, no!不 不 不 不!

Hmm? 呃?

Thank you, my good gentleman.谢谢 我的好绅士

I am sorry.我很抱歉

I'm the one who should be sorry.该道歉的是我

I'm so, so sorry.You've no idea how sorry I am.我真的 真的很抱歉 你想像不到我有多愧疚

That's all right.没关系

I'm so sorry.浪漫的老鼠中英文对白


So, you could call all of this 如果你愿意的话

a big misunderstanding if you wanted to.可以当这一切是个大大的误会

A king was hurt, so he hurt a rat.一个国王受伤了 便伤害了耗子

And a rat was hurt, so he hurt a princess.耗子受伤了 便伤害了公主

And a princess was hurt, so she hurt a servant girl, 公主受伤了 便于无意间

without even meaning to do it.伤害了一个女仆

And that servant had been hurting for so long, 而那女仆已经被伤害了太久

that almost nothing could make her feel better.几乎没有什么事能让她感觉好些

But was it a mistake or was it just good luck? 可这一切是个错误 还是好事呢?

Because the servant girl went back to her farm.因为女仆回到了她的农庄

And the jailer finally found his princess.狱卒终于找到了他的公主

And the King found something stronger than grief.国王发现了比悲伤更强烈的情感

And the mice finally got rid of their fear.老鼠们终于摆脱了恐惧

And the people of Dor lived side by side with their rats.多尔国的人们和耗子们和平相处

All except one.除了一只耗子

Who went back to sea-33页-


and felt a cool breeze each morning 他在清晨享受微风

and the sun in his face every afternoon.在下午沐浴阳光

And we'd tell you that they all lived happily ever after, but...他们从此都过上了幸福的生活 可是...Whoa!哇哦!

what fun is that? 很有趣吧?


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