
时间:2019-05-12 11:48:36下载本文作者:会员上传











































第四篇:Living a low carbon 过低碳生活英语演讲稿

Living a low carbon-life, enjoying a green envionment With the development of science and technology,people have been living a more and more comfortable life.But it has also brought some negative effects.The world climate is facing increasingly serious problems due to the emissions of greenhouse gas.There is more and more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,and the ozone layer of the earth is suffering from a hitherto unknown crisis, leading to the world temperatures rising at a rapid rate,which brings erious consequences: increase in pests and diseases on earth;sea level rising;climate anomalies, ocean storms increasing;drought and increasing desertification.The scientists predict: if the surface temperature of the earth increases according to the current rate , to 2050 global temperatures will rise 2 to 4degrees Celsius, polar iceberg will substantially melts, causing the sea level to rise significantly, some island countries and coastal city will be submerged in water, it includes several famous international big Cities: New York, Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney.Therefore , it is of vital importance for the whole world to advocate and pursue the low-carbon lifestyle.China is no exception.China is a responsible developing country.Following the Copenhagen Conference, China set a target of cutting the nation's carbon intensity by 45 percent by 2020 compared with the level of 2005.Energy conservation and carbon reduction has become a challenge for the government and people of

China.Chinese people are ready to deal with the challenge.As high middle school students in Binhai New Area we should take the lead.On one hand,we should act as advocates who promote ordinary people’s areness of living a low-carbon life.It is of great importance for us students to spread the knowledge of low-carbon lifestyle to our neighbours, to our families , relatives and friends.Only with the whole society participating in it can we achieve our goal of enjoying a green enviornment.If everyone pitches in just a little bit,the earth saving results would be amazing We can organise some activities in our school to make everyone in the campus to taking part.For example ,class meetings can be held to discuss how to pursuit a low-carbon life.We can make full use of our blackboard newspapers, wall newspapers and posters to spread the knowledge of low-carbon lifestyle.If all of us students know the significance of it, we can be willingly to promote and pursue it better.On the other hand, intead of just advocating it orally ,we should put it into practice.Starting from me, let’s do it now.we should remember that promoting a low-carbon lifestyle is a personal mission that will never end.We profile the small activities that could create big change in society.We should try our best to live a low-carbon lifestyle and make it become a trend among all groups of people.As senior high students, there are many ways we can become involved in low-carbon life.Firstly, We should conserve water.For water is indispensible for our human beings, we can not survive without water.Loss of water also leads to the disappearance of biological diversity.Besides ,Water is non-renewable resources.We should always learn the advertisement slogan by heart “if we do not preserve water , the last drop of water we can see is our own tears.” So it is time for both government and citizens to save water and protect water resources.We can figure out many ways to conserve it as long as we try.We can cut down on the length of the showers we take.A 10-minute shower uses almost 40 gallons of water.Cut that shower down to 5 minutes and we've saved 20 gallons of water.We should reuse water.After washing rice,the water can be used to water flowers.After washing dishes , vegetables or clothes, we can use the water to flush the toilet.We should not brush our teeth or wash our face under a running tap.Never forget to turn off the tap after washing.We mustn’t let the tap leak.Try to wash small articles by hands, and operate clothes washers only when they are fully loaded or properly set the water level for the size of load we are using.In this way , we can not only save water but also electricity.Secondly, we should save electricity.We can do a lot about it.When televisions and computers are not being used, do not leave them stay in standgby mode in which electricity can also be consumped.We should

remember to pull out the plugs, otherwise 4.8 watts of power can be consumped.When we use air conditioners, we’d better not keep them working for long hours.A few hours is OK.Then turn on electric fan, and 50% of the power can be saved.We can replace all of our inefficient incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs.When we stop using the computer, we should not only turn off the power of main engine, but also turn off the power of the monitor.For one thing, this method can save plenty of electric energy.For another, it can lengthen the life of the monitor.When we use electric appliances powered by batteries, we should use rechargeable batteries.These are more environmentally friendly, and can reduce carbon footprint of produsing new batteries.Most people still don't recycle their old batteries, and thrown-away batteries can do great harm to water and soil.Thirdly, we should recycle everything we possibly can.There's so much that's recyclable now.Much of the household waste can be recycled and should be disposed of separately.Compared to some western countries,less household waste has been collected in china.There is a great deal of waste which could be recycled that ends up in landfill sites which is harmful to the environment.Recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the environment.we must learn about the following facts:

 1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours. 1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes. 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours. 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials. Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled. The unreleased energy contained in the average dustbin each year could power a television for 5,000 hours.As middle school students, we can do a lot to help to improve the situation.We can put a large paper box in one of the corners in our classroom for recycled materials, such as waste papers and drinking bottles.When the box is full , We can sell them to the local waste department.Give the department a call, they’ll send their workers to come to pay for the waste and then take them away.We can save the money we get to help those in need or act as class fee.By doing this,we can kill two birds with one stone.When I was in jounoir high, our class collected recycled materials for three years.We sold them once a month,every year ,we could get more than 100 yuan.Before we graduated, our class donated the total money of 368 to the Red Cross.All of us felt very happy.Now ,as a monitor of Class Three, Senoir Grade One.My classmates and I have kept on recycling waste materials.After we have saved enough money, we intend to aid a dropout pupil in poor areas to return to school.I hope more people to follow our actions.Our class’ ability is limited, so I appeal that all the students in our school, and even in the school of Binhai New Area can follow our actions and make contributions to saving energy and reducing emission.It can also do good to the students in poor areas.Fourthly, to reduce our carbon footprint, we can go to school by bike or on foot.we can also take a bus instead of taking a car.As the local public traffic in Binhai New Area is perfect, it is convenient for us to anywhere y ou like.In doing this, there are three advantages.In the first place, it can reduce the emission of waste gas.Then, we can save some money.Thirdly, walking or riding a bicycle do good to our health.For those who want to take private cars, they should carpool whenever possible.It is repoerted that thousands of vehicles are registered in Binhai New Area, causing problems like air pollution, road congestion and traffic accidents.It is urgent for people living in Binhai New Area to choose public transportation which saves time, money and energy.We students appeal our government to ban private cars to enter the campus

for the sake of the safety of the students and also a greener envionment.Headmasters and teachers should set us students a good example.Fifthly, When we go shopping in a supermarket, we should choose to use a paper bag or a bag made of cloth rather than a plastic bag.As is known to us all, it has great difficulties in decomposing the plastic bags.Consequently, it is very harmful for us to use plastic bags in a large amount.In order to get rid of white pollution, we should refuse to use non-biodegradable plastic bags.By doing this,each person can make a difference.What’s more , policy makers play a vital role in living a low-carbon life.It goes without saying that economic growth should not come at the price of the environment.Policy makers should promote low-carbon economy model which is based on low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission.And development of low-carbon economy will bring us many benefits.Government should invest in developing environment-friendly energy such as solar energy, wind energy and so on in order to build a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society and realize sustainable development.Policy makers should also collect a carbon tax for the good of reducing carbon footprint.All in all, selecing the “low-carbon life ”is every citizen’s

responsibilities.Do you want to enjoy a green envrionment? If you do ,from now on, let’s get started.









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