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Preposition 1-13 By Mao Bingrou Unit 1 P13.5.1.is made of cheap material 由便宜材料制成(看出原材料)2.is made from the best grapes 由最好的葡萄酿成(看不出原材料)3.the ship make for the shore 船正驶向码头

4.nobody can make out his means 没人理解他的意思 5.he make up his mind to study 他下定决心学习

6.the story was made up by the man 故事是被那个人编造的 7.make up for the time 弥补时间

8.make out his handwriting 辨认出他的字迹

9.make friends with the young people 与年轻人交朋友 10.make use of the water power 利用水力能源 11.make fun of his pronunciation 取笑他的发音 12.make a fool of himself 使自己成为傻瓜 13.they have already made up 他们已经和好

Unit 2 P38.5.1.look on struggles 对争斗袖手旁观

2.look into our population policy 调查我们的人口政策 3.things are looking up at factory 工厂的形势正在好转 4.look forward to the day 期盼那一天

5.intellectuals are looked down upon知识分子被轻视 6.look up this word 查阅这个单词

7.they looked up to him as their leader 他们视他为领导者(or take sb as…)

Unit 3 P60.4.1.in spite of the progress 尽管进步 2.life is filled with worries 生活充满了忧虑 3.at my age(inone’s day)当我年轻的时候 4.I am at peace with the world 与世界和平相处 5.stopped complaining about things 停止抱怨一些事 6.the world belongs to the young 世界属于年轻人 7.die of old age 死于老年

30.get to the station 到达站点 31.my mother got up我妈妈站起来了 32.she would get off/on 她下/上车

Unit 4 P86.4.1.he slipped into the room 他溜进房间

2.switch on the light 打开灯 3.for one thing 首先,一方面 4.except for a desk 除了一张桌子 5.he was scared to death 他吓坏了

6.he was led(lead)into the room 他被领入房间 7.setting for the wedding 为婚礼的铺设 8.bynow 到现在 9.in the snow 在雪地里 10.against the wind 顶着风

11.feet were numb with cold 脚被冻麻了 12.freeze to death before long 不久就冻死了 13.work as a coal miner 从事矿工工作

14.instead ofgoingontocollege而不是紧接着上大学

9.my pain lingered on我还是持续疼痛

10.sing of the country’s achievements 歌颂国家的成就 11.in every field 在每个领域 12.upon my word 天哪

13.soar into the air 冲向天空(价格高涨)14.in her arms 在她的怀里 15.burst with love 充满爱意

16.our life is compared to the life of our parents 我们的生活和父母的相比

17.new buildings spring up/going up新的建筑物建立起来 18.go over/about our plan检查/着手从事我们的计划 19.the fire went out in the middle of the night 火在半夜熄灭 20.something mysterious going on on the earth 一些神秘的事情发生在地球上

21.a bomb went off 炸弹爆炸

22.it goes without saying that...不言而喻

23.go to education 投入到教育中(go for sb/sth适用于...go for...攻击 争取得到 喜欢)24.the weak goes under first 弱者先陷入困境 25.goes for nations 适用于国家 26.go along with her 与她一起

27.go with/together your shirt 与你的衬衫相配

3.run after women 追求女人 4.try to run away尝试逃跑

5.his car ran over the woman他的车碾压了这个女人 6.run out of coal用光了煤 7.time is running out没时间了 8.run into serious trouble 遭遇麻烦

9.he was grateful to my aunt他感激我的姑姑 10.He was badly in need他身处困境

11.Policeman told me to pull over 警察让我把车开到路边 12.watch out my speed 注意/提防我的车速

13.I was heading for serious trouble 我将招致严重的麻烦 14.ran contrary to my principles违反我的原则 15.You can’t rely on somebody你不能依赖别人

Unit 9 P202.5.1.turn people into courageous revolutionaries 将人变成勇敢的革命者

2.ask for trouble自找麻烦

3.his suggestions was turned down他的建议被拒绝了

4.heard from you for ages很久没收到你的来信了 5.speak up大声说 6.by that time 到那个时候 7.turn me off是我感到厌倦

8.I must be on my way我必须要走了 9.I will turn it over in my mind我会仔细思考 10.turn out cigarettes生产香烟

11.turn the power station over to our country将发电站移交给我国

12.turn up出席露面

13.started for the hotel 动身去宾馆 14.on the beat 在巡逻中

Unit 10 P221.4.1.give in to him 对他让步

2.Don’t give up trying 不要放弃尝试

3.his accent gave him away他的口音暴露了他

4.many recently built bridges gave way很多最近修建的桥都倒塌了

5.give out food to them给他们分发食物

6.give himself up to the local government 他去当地政府自首了

7.give out a terrible smell 放出一种难闻的味道

Unit 11 P247.5.1.come across/upon many difficulties 遇到很多困难 2.There is on cause for alarm没有理由产生恐慌 3.the storm will blow itself out暴风雨将停止 4.come by 设法得到 5.all over the place到处都是 6.come out books出版书籍

7.I could hardly tear myself away from it 某人无法离开某物,爱不释手

8.search for ways to fanthe crazy ideaback to life again 使疯狂的念头死灰复燃

9.He finally came to.他最终苏醒过来(回过神/到达/总计)10.All for the best一切都是最好的安排 11.fall into the enemy trap 掉进了敌人的圈套

12.His opinion came up at the meeting他的观点在会议上被提出

13.come through this article贯穿全文(明显的表现/穿过/恢复)

14.make the main ideas come into focus使主要观点更清晰

15.at the edge of a forest 在森林边上

16.The place is smothered with thick snow 这个地方被厚厚的白雪覆盖

17.work his way to the nearest town(艰难地)走到最近的镇子上





1.At the coming weekend在即将到来的周末2.Social function 社会功能3.Guest teacher 可做教师4.Put on 上演5.The sound of music 音乐之声6.date back to 追溯到7.arrival of 到达8.be blessed with 赐予8.natural resources自然资源9.without the help of 如果没有…的帮助10.hunt wild deer打野鹿11.fall harvest秋收12.give thanks to 感恩于…13.pumpkin pie 南瓜片/饼14.of every kind 各种各样15.put up 竖立16.sweet melody of优美的旋律17.feel nostalgic思乡18.keep busy with 被迫忙于19.santa claus圣诞老人20.talk over a cup of tea/coffee一边喝茶/咖啡一边聊天21.be similar to 类似于22.Be associate with与…相关23.chine vase 瓷瓶24.rather than 不愿意25.on schedule按时26.be overwhelmed by 打翻27.mad cow disease疯牛病 28.general hospital总医院29.foreign affairs section 外事办30.communicative approach 交际法31.appeal to 吸引32.brilliant Chinese culture 优秀的中华文化33.not only …but also 不仅…而且34.commercial exchange 商业交流 35.non-governmental ties and mutual development 民间的联系和发展36.conquer and eliminate evils and monsters降妖除怪37.treat and rescue the sick 治病救人38,suffer from遭受39.sea disaster海难40.guard boat 保护船只41.have a close connection with 和…有紧密联系42.helped the city tourism industry 推进了这个城市的旅游业43.tens of thousands of上万的44.distinguished gathering盛会45.participated in参与46.a series of一系列的47.Grand Banquet of Culture丰富的文化盛宴48.At the opening ceremony在开幕式 49.at the evening fireworks show烟火展50 poured onto涌向51 competed to watch竞相观看52.What's more此外 53 special folk custom特色民族文化54.significant performance.压轴戏55 Seek after寻觅 56.home and abroad国内外57.exchange corner交换角58.Long sought after长期苦寻得59.advice on关于~建议 60.Give a dear idea想把~说清 61put in插入62 leading character主角63.Highlight the effect 突出效果64 good for you是你做的好65Purposes for ~的目的 66.do in rome as the romans do入乡随俗67Make out 识别出 68the ticket for ~的票 69too good to be trne难以相信 70be been on特别喜欢 热衷于 71a grand show 宏伟的演出72Count on期望73 do feel a bit like a fish out of water 感觉不自在74Feel at ease 感觉舒适 75for the world无论如何 76company Canteen公司食堂 77get in the mood使自己先兴奋78 chief instructor主指导员79.In case一方80.casual dress休闲服饰81.be grateful for感激 82.jointVenture合资企业 83.have one’s hair done把某人头发做一下84.For this occasion这种场合


Poster 海报 rewarding有回报的 staff 工作人员 concert音乐会 particularly贴别 rare稀有的 lecture演讲 available可得到的 multi-purpose多功能 sponsor 主办方 anniversary周年纪念 event 事件 chef 大厨 stress强调 potluck凑分聚餐 overjoyed使高兴 folk 民族 bake 烤制的 compliment赞扬 award授予 uniquely独特的 mark 标记 flavor 风味 maintain 保持 officially官方的 dynasty朝代 civilization文明 impatient没耐心的 bestseller畅销书 era纪元leisure 休闲时光 overwhelm打翻 convey传递 老李爱出的题型 This china vase___(dates back)to the early Song dynasty.2 The company has tried to___(maintain)the high quality of their products.3 The baby is the only person that ___(has survived)the air crash.4 People have different ideas as to who should be ___(responsible)for the accident.5 Gold is ___(similar to)copper in color.6 Shall we ___(put up)the tent near the river? 7 The couple often ___(fail to)understand each other.8 It can ___(be believed)that there is no life on Mars.9 China's accession to WTO ___(marks)a new era in her development.10 Dragon Boat Festival ___(is observed)on the 5th of May.11 China ___(is blessed with)a long history of civilization.12 I still find it difficult to ___(express)myself in English.13 I regard it a great enjoyment to ___(talk)over a cup of tea with friends.He is much(fitter)(fit)and(stronger)(strong)than his brother.2 The people there are(more friendly,)(friendly)and(humorous)(humorous)than we expected.3 The boy plans his time(better)(well)and(more carefully)(carefully)than ever before.4 He earns(more)(much)money, but(less)(little)respect than he used to.5 The weather is getting(hotter)(hot)and(more humid)(humid).6 This apartment is(nicer)(nice)and(cozier)(cozy)than the other one.7 Jane sings(better)(well)but dances(less well)(not well)than Mary does.8(The earlier)(early)you start, the(the sooner)(soon)you'll finish the work.9 Lizzy is(as nice)(nice)as, if not(nicer)(nice)than, Mary.10 Pronunciation is no(The earlier)(important)than grammar to an English learner.改错原题The shopkeeper offered him the better hat in the shop with the lower price.答案 The shopkeeper offered him the best hat in the shop with the lowest price.原题This city is one of the most mild and quiet places in China.答案This city is one of the mildest and quietest places in China.原题Tim thinks far, and his father thinks farther, and his grand father thinks the most farthest of all.答案Tim thinks far, and his father thinks farther, and his grand father thinks the furthest of all.原题The Yellow River is the second long river in China.答案The Yellow River is the the second longest river in China.原题This is a very poor excuse I have ever heard.答案This is the poorest excuse I have ever heard.原题Christmas is the more important celebration than Thanksgiving Day.答案Christmas is a more important celebration than Thanksgiving Day.原题This material is the most light in weight.答案This material is the lightest in weight.原题This flower is more beautiful and smells nicely of all the flowers in the garden.答案This flower is the most beautiful and nicest of all the flowers in the garden.原题Longfellow doesn't run faster than Jim.答案Longfellow doesn't run as fast as Jim.原题The more your vocabulary is, the more easier it is for you to understand English.答案The larger your vocabulary is, the easier it is for you to understand English.原题The new playground is three time large than the old one.答案The new playground is three times larger than the old one.原题The task turns out to be more harder than we expected.答案The task turns out to be much harder than we expected.原题It is the most perfect day for a picnic.答案It is a perfect day for a picnic.原题Bob is the most bright in the three boys.答案Bob is the brightest of the three boys.原题I don't like anything better than a nice cup of tea.答案I like nothing better than a nice cup of tea.原题Lizzy is the prettiest than all her sisters.答案Lizzy is the prettier than all her sisters.原题John's wife is very rude, and John is not any more polite than her.答案John's wife is very rude, and John is no more polite than her.Passage144英译汉


Unit1.交叉着双臂:fold arms 把信折叠好:fold the letter 获得知识:acquire knowledge 产生思想:generate ideas

创造职业:create vocation/occupation 发电:generate electricity 引发兴趣:arouse/generate interests 雇佣工人: 利用时间:

养育子女:rear children 羊羊:rear sheep 养家糊口:support/raise a family 提高嗓门:raise one's voice 增加税收: 提出问题:

保持联系:keep/maintain contact 维持法律和秩序: 维持和平:

主管家庭:preside over a family 接触到:be exposed to...曝光;揭发:be exposed by...专攻历史:specialize in history 不知所措/词穷句蹇:be stuck for平均为:average out(v.)确保:see to it that从句

对...来说是这样的:be true of 试图得到某物:be out for sth.力图做某事:be out to do sth.不应该做某事:have no business doing sth 在...方面成功;顺利完成:succeed in+v-ing 说起某事:speak of sth.忙于做,花时间做:be employed in doing 本质上:in essence..是..专有的,特有的:sth.be peculiar to sp.防治虫害:pest control 追求利益:pursuit of profit 区别,区分:stay out 因此,由于:as a result of sth.结果是:as a result 在...的过程中:on one's way to doing 使某人接触到:put sb.In touch with 使某人了解某物:make sth.available to sb.Unit2.清洗餐具:do the dishes

皱着眉头:pinch one's brows together 掐掉,摘掉:pinch sth.Out

一撮盐/胡椒:pinch of salt/pepper 投入,参与:pitch in on sth.参加比赛:on the pitch

进入某个话题:get onto the subjects 重复某人的话:repeat one's words 紧闭双唇:pressed one's lips tightly 挤压水果:squeeze fruits

紧闭上双眼:squeeze your eyes shut 把水拧干:squeeze water out 漂洗衣服:

喷洒农药:spray pesticide 用通情达理的语气说话: speak with a reasonable tone 深呼吸:take a deep breath 占上风:win the argument 表示出冷漠:

demonstrate one's indifference to sb.伤某人的感情:hurt sb's feeling 拖地板:mop the floor

呼唤某人的名字:call one's name 提出,想出,赶上:come up with sth.就某人而言:on one's part 显示出:

act out of concern/pity/sympathy for sb.把我的话当真:take my words for it 帮助某人:come to sb's aid/rescue 补偿/弥补某人:make it up to sb.分手,断绝关系:break up 正在干,做...:be at it

不妨:might as well do sth.关心,关注,关切:concern about/for sth.出于关心:out of concern

考虑全面:all things considered

感觉陷入绝境,落入陷阱:feel cornered 轻拍某人:dab at sb.把...轻敷在...上:dab sth.on/onto sth.乱翻,乱找:rummage around/about sth.快速翻动(报纸等):snap through the pages 打响指:snap your fingers 朝某人发火:snap at sb.Unit3.当真了:mean business 改善,提高:

improve the quality/living standard/soil 为...辩护/找理由:

Justify the action/move/oneself 扼杀,使...窒息:strangle a person 栽培植物:cultivate plants 重燃希望:revive hope/one's spirits 塑造性格:build one's character 合理的政策:a sound policy 意识到,明白到;察觉到的:be aware of 把...丢在一旁,对...置之不理:cast aside 向某人发起进攻:turn upon sb.有影响:come into play=have an effect 区分不同:tell difference apart from 曲折前行,蠕动;潜入,打入: Worm one's way through 同样适用于:the same goes for...耗时的:time-consuming 手工栽培:hand-cultivating 受过良好教育的人:a cultivated student 主修音乐:cultivate in musical knowledge 自欺欺人:self-delusion 保持尊严:stand on one's dignity 权力扩大:extension of power 延长假期:extension of holiday 不能/忍受:be intolerable/tolerable of sth.充满...的:loaded with sth.大量的:in massive numbers 以其他方法:by other means 与某人和解:patch sb.up 在头脑中的某些地方: in some pocket of the mind 不理会,忽视:regardless of 相对来说:relatively speaking 决心做某事:resolve to do sth.浅绿:shade of green 用...勒死:strangle with sth.突然止住的喊叫/喘息/说话声: strangled cry/gasp/voice 有进取心的推销员:a thrusting salesman 想象某事发生:have visions of sth.从...飘过来:waft up/through/over sth.没有杂草的:weed-free 不含酒精的:alcohol-free

一块种蔬菜的土地:a patch for vegetables 一项艰苦繁重的任务:a back-breaking task 处于一片混乱:in chaos

(问题)等突然冒出来:crop up Unit4.人的品行:human nature 救生圈:flotation ring 文化冲突:cultural clash 机械故障:

刺耳的话:harsh remarks

区别善恶:the distinction of good and evil 总统纪念碑:presidential monument 交通高峰时期:high traffic 不朽的奇迹:enduring wonder 解释/讲述某事:account for sth.把某时考虑进去:take sth.into account

take account of sth.答谢:acknowledge a favor 美学知识:aesthetic knowledge 美学价值:aesthetic values 一阵风:a blast

是...的受害者:be a casualty of...大量遇难者:mass casualty 伤亡惨重:heavy casualty 背水一战:desperate attempt

把A与B区分开来:distinguish A from B 区分,区别:make a distinction between 让人震惊的消息:a stunning news 打某人一巴掌:give sb, a slap

slap sb.相撞,在冲突中:in collision

泰然应对突然出现的情况,挺身而出: rise to the occasion

经久不忘,铭记在心:stick in one's mind 得出结论:come to the conclusion 对...负责:be responsible for 涉及,提及:refer to

目前,此时此刻:for the moment 起飞,离开:take off 代表:on behalf of

就灾难而言:as disasters go 不一定:not necessarily 冒着危险做某事:risk one's life to do sth.对某事保持警惕:be alter to sth.把...传递给...:pass sth.on to sb.互相攻击:go at each other 朝某人发火:go at sb.上气不接下气:gasp for breath






“天边大草原 纯美乌拉盖”是一方因河得名的沃土,地处内蒙古锡林郭勒草原的东北部,东与兴安盟毗邻,南与通辽市接壤,是锡盟、兴安盟和通辽市三盟市交界地区。总面积5013km2,总人口2.7万人,有蒙、汉、满、回等12个民族,其中蒙古族占28%。管理区现辖三个国有农牧场和一个建制镇。巴音胡硕镇是乌拉盖管理区管委会所在地,是乌拉盖政治、经济、文化中心和交通枢纽。






纯美乌拉盖,美在最舒适的享受。吃在乌拉盖,天然、无污染的美食让您吃的放心。乌拉盖饮食主要以草原天然肉食品为主,有手把肉、涮羊肉、烤全羊等肉食品及奶豆腐、黄油、奶皮、酸奶等奶食品。还可以品尝到黄花、蘑菇、野韭菜等珍贵的天然食品及独具地方特色的乌拉盖湖天然鲫鱼。住在乌拉盖,安闲、舒适,多体验住宿让您住的舒心。乌拉盖境内 3

有181家宾馆,其中四星级宾馆一家,除宾馆外还有蒙古包提供住宿,住宿设施完备,总计有6000余张床位。行在乌拉盖,多路径、多渠道交通让您行的开心。乌拉盖交通便利,省道101线贯通全境,境内公路总里程达733公里,已全部辐射各主要旅游景点。距霍林郭勒机场仅56公里,面向东北、联接周边城市的交通网络已基本形成。面向京津冀、辽吉黑、珠三角、长三角、环渤海、呼包鄂六个主要客源地市场,乌拉盖推出京津冀-赤峰-西乌珠穆沁旗-乌拉盖南部旅游线路,呼包鄂-锡林浩特-西乌珠穆沁旗-乌拉盖西部旅游线路,吉林-辽宁-通辽-霍林郭勒市-乌拉盖东部旅游线路,黑龙江-呼伦贝尔-阿尔山-乌拉盖东北部旅游线路和环乌拉盖300公里原生态草原徒步自驾自助游线路及境内1--3日深度体验游线路。玩在乌拉盖,邂逅独特美景,体验特色活动让您玩的醉心。挤牛奶、骑马、放牧、体验篝火晚会,住蒙古包,吃蒙古美食,让您畅快淋漓的“做一天牧民,感受牧民生活”。同时,围绕“圆梦天边大草原”主题,乌拉盖开展 “乌拉盖河畔的歌声”群众文化艺术节、兵团文化周、固腊卜赛汗敖包祭祀、祭火、蒙古族民族服饰比赛、芍药花摄影节及全国“走近乌拉盖河”徒步溯源之旅户外活动、马拉松环湖赛、巴—哈汽车越野赛等系列文体活动,让乌拉盖草原游更添了独特魅力。购物在乌拉盖,蒙古旅游购物一条街,让您买的可心。旅游特色产品、地方风味小吃、民族服饰装饰等独具草原特色、物美价廉的商品一应俱全。在这里,您可以购买到内蒙古自治区12个盟市的旅游特产。

纯美乌拉盖,美在最智慧化的旅游服务。以游客为中心,服务产业为根本,用先进的大数据科技为游客提供便捷的旅游服务。乌拉盖草原地广人稀,旅游业的特点之一即是景区景点等较为分散,大数据、智慧化旅游是我们的必行之路。年内,我们将通过建设一个中心、两个平台、七个系 4




2014101018 参考答案(Unit 8—16)

Unit 8 Key to Exercise Vocabulary 3 Give the word that refers to a person coming from that land or area 1.Japanese


3.Brazilian 4.Iranian


6.Indonesian 7.Cuban


9.Lebanese 10.Syrian


12.Korean 13.Egyptian


15.Indian 16.Nepalese


18.Russian 19.Mexican


21.Sudanese 22 Mongolian Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word “addict” or “consider” 1 addicts addictive, addicted

addiction 4 consider, consideration


Considerable, considered Complete the following verb+ noun collections or expressions 答案:1.Pitch

2.meal, dish, food

3.guests, friends 4.take, plan


6.faith, library books, friendship 7.hitch

8.drive, travel, cover

9.people 10.people, animals

11.test, develop, prove

12.conquer, feel 13.make, take, accept

nip touch, break

3.Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets.答案:

1.that all nations realize that global warming is everybody‘s bushiness 2.that life is always full of opportunities and challenges/risks 3.that all this has proved that our efforts have not been in vain 4.that the earth moves round the sun 5.that she had been admitted to that university 6.that wives ought to stay at home 7.that the best policy is to tell people the truth 8.that he mentioned the other day that 9.that our teacher once said that he had noticed that some students still had difficulties with their grammar.Fill in the brackets with the correct prepositions or adverbs 答案: for

into after away, over

out of out, into

7.to, in over, out for, for

to, about, on, across

6.Translate the following sentences into English 答案:

1.The fuel/gas ran out, but he managed to make a safe landing in rice fields.2.There are already quite a few students who are considering running for the chairman of the Students‘ Union.3.That student who was run over by the horse carriage is now out of danger.I consider him really lucky.4.It is said that this well has never run dry in the past hundreds of years, and this has been considered a miracle.5.We are running short of hands.You have just come in the right time.6.I‘d rather have some of our public works run by the state than by private businessmen.7.She warned me not to make friends with those who are always running after name and money.8.We warned them that what they did was against/a violation of the agreement/contract, and we would take legal action.7.Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s)in the brackets.More than one word may be correct.答案: remember/memorize remember/recall

remember/recall 4 remember, special middle


however, visits 8 special, trip

particular, tour found, found out

Grammar 2 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets, using a what-clause.答案:

1.What farmers what most 2.what they suggested 3.what my parents said to me 4.what they were trying to do 5.what life was all about 6.what they should get out of college 7.what we need 8.what you look like 9.what the village had achieved in the past 30 years 10.what the federal government should not do at the moment Translate the sentences using a what-clause or a present participle phrase 答案:

1.Do what you like without caring about what other people think.2.We should find out what the students think about the matter.3.We‘ll do what we can to help the earthquake victims.4.I hope what I have written will be of help to other college students.5.Being journalism majors, we ought to keep ourselves informed of what is happening around the world.6.―Stop thief!‖ a student called, raising his voice.7.Having nothing more interesting to do, the boy decided to take his alarm clock apart.8.Wang Lan opened the wardrobe, wondering what she should wear to the interview the next day.9.The village head went from door to door telling people to leave for a nearby hill.10.Realizing he‘d been deceived, the old man reported the painful experience to the police.4.Fill in each blank of the passage with one suitable word.答案: easy


them running However 6 change


can anyone

that Identify and correct the mistake(s)in each of the sentence.答案:

1.Shortly after the Spring Festival, he returned to Beijing to prepare for a job interview.2.I don‘t like the way some young people speak to their elders/people older than themselves.3.it was in high school that Tommy first/ for the first time realized he was different from his peers.4.Turning the corner of the street, we found a new duck restaurant there./ As we turned the corner of the street, a new duck restaurant came into view.5.What they need most at the moment is encouragement, not merely financial support.6.Making a presentation in English for the first time, I was so nervous that my knees kept shaking./ When I was making a presentation in English fore the first time, I was so nervous that my knees kept shaking.7.Being a spoiled child, Jim is rarely popular with other children.8.While training for the school sports meet, Linda ran at least five kilometers every day.9.He wrote to inform us that he was leaving for Australia next month.10.Knowing Grandma had heart trouble, Dad broke the bad news gently./ As he knew Grandma had heart trouble, Dad broke the bad news gently.Unit 9 Key to Exercise Vocabulary 6 Translate the following sentences into English 答案:

1.At first, he was very successful in his business, but then his success turned his head.His partners advised him to be more modest, but he turned a deaf ear to their advice.2.Jingke was very confident/sure that when he unfolded the map he would be able to kill the Emperor of Qin with the sharp knife/dagger hidden in it.3.We ought to welcome more and more wealthy people, but our law must make sure that they have made their fortune in honest ways.4.For years our school has produced many good students, most of whom have important positions in various departments.5.Due to cultural differences many foreigners are turned off at the sight of dog meat or cat meat.6.Whenever you have time, turn it over in your mind, will you? 7.She used to consider philosophy dull and boring, but later she found that it turned out to be very interesting.8.His father had just turned fifty, and his hair has turned gray, but otherwise, he is quite all right.9.The power of government officials must be checked and balanced.Otherwise those who are supposed to be people‘s servants will turn into people‘s masters.10.He believed that it was worth trying because he knew that whatever you do, you must have people‘s support.Grammar Translate the Chinese 答案:

1.no matter what / whatever happens 2.no matter how old/young they are, whatever their age(is)3.No matter what/ Whatever you say 4.no matter how much it costs 5.No matter where/ Wherever his business took him 6.No matter how / However we tried to reassure her 7.no matter where/ wherever you are in the world

8.no matter how/ however difficult your workmates/ colleagues are 9.no matter how/ however difficult that is 10.no matter what /whatever will happen to them Complete the response to each of the remarks using the wish + that-clause pattern as shown in the examples.答案

1.I had realized this

2.I could help

3.I had a brother

4.I had his courage 5.We could do more than we did

6.I lived

7.I had better news 8.we could be

9.she had listened to

10.I had been taught 3 Translate the following sentences, using a conditional clause … 答案

1.Wherever he goes, he is recognized.2.No matter how hard I try, I can‘t persuade him to play the part of Hamlet.3.No matter what you have planned for the future, your parents will support you.4.The boy hates crime and means to stop it whenever he can.5.No matter what you decide in the end, this digital dictionary is yours to keep for a semester.6.No matter how capable and efficient you are, you cannot finish the task on your own in three days.7.A well-known philosopher once said, ‗ I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep whenever I cannot keep awake.I am in good health.‘ 8.I wish I could go and see my parents whenever I want.9.I wish I could express openly whatever I feel.10.I‘ll do whatever I can to restore law and order in the region.But I wish the riot had never happened.Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.答案:




4.idea/ practice

5.relationships 6.ways


8.among/ with


10.text Identify and correct the mistakes in each of the sentences 答案:

1.This free copy is yours no matter whether/ if you buy any of our books./ This free copy is yours whether you buy any of our books or not.2.Wherever the people want us to go, we‘d go there.3.In some ways we whish we could turn the clock back.4.On parting, the three of them decided to meet again at the same place in ten years.5.I wish my parents were as understanding as yours.6.The hotel treats its guests equally, no matter where they are from.7.His family and friends are all worried about him, for they haven‘t heard from him

for six weeks./ As his family and friends haven‘t heard from him for six weeks, they are all worried about him.8.All these years, I have kept track of the progress of the project.9.Toward 10 pm, the man in the doorway became anxious;he was not sure whether his friend would come./ Toward 10 pm, the man in the doorway became anxious, for he was not sure whether his friend would come.10.I wish the earthquake had never happened.Unit 10 Key to exercise Vocabulary 2 Complete the following verb+noun collocations or expressions 答案:

1.have / get / show / produce/ achieve

the results

2.have / take / accept / show / bear / assume

responsibility 3.discuss / debate / raise/ settle/ confuse / avoid

issues 4.pursue / have / develop

hobbies 5.have / make / lose / avoid

contact 6.save

face / lives / time / money/ trouble 7.remove

roots / chairs/ hats / gloves / shoes / bandages / make-up/ doubts 8.cultivate

land / field / roses/


enemies / rivals / opponents / suspects / errors 10.produce

oil / cars / cotton / results / a movie 11.lack

care / time / money / experience / patience / courage 12.bury

the dead / treasure / past / head 13 nourish the

plants / children / animals / relationship 14.arrange

meeting / appointments / time / place / flowers / business affairs

6.Translate the following sentences into English 答案:


If they refused to give back these small islands, the two countries would not be able to normalize their diplomatic relations completely.2.我知道放弃这个机会十分愚蠢,但我别无选择。

I know that it is stupid to give up this opportunity, but I have no other choice/ alternative.3.由于缺少公众的支持,白宫最后退让了。

For lack of public support, the White House Had to give in at last.4.要一下子消灭毒品不可能,但现在世界上每年都有几百万以上的人成功地戒


It may not be possible to eliminate drugs all at once/ immediately / at one go, but now there are millions of people throughout the world who succeed in kicking the habit of cigarette smoking every year.5.我们已经和对方代表联系。我们已经安排不久在厦门会面,讨论双方有兴趣的重要问题。

We have already made contact with the representatives of the other side and arranged to meet in Xiamen before long to discuss important issues we are both interested in.6.有一天,那座新楼突然倒塌,楼里很多人都被埋了。

One day, that new building suddenly gave way / collapsed / fell down, burying many people under it.7.爱情是要双方的培养,而真正的爱表现在给予而不是在获取上。

Love requires nourishment from both sides, and true love is in the giving, not in the taking.8.奶奶的健康一有改善,她就开始把她的财产分给她的亲戚朋友们。

As soon as Grandma‘s health improved, she began to give out her belongings to her folks and friends.9.一种长久的友好关系要求双方都十分真诚。

It requires perfect honesty on both sides to cultivate a lasting / an enduring friendly relationship.10.据称,今年的经济计划已经完成了,国内市场也非常繁荣。

It is announced that our economic plan this year has been fulfilled and our domestic / home market has also been flourishing.Grammar 3 Translate the following sentence into English, using a to-infinitive or either…or… / neither …nor… 答案:

1.He said again and again that he had come to China to broaden his horizons.2.Julia says she has neither the time nor the energy for sports after a day‘s hard work.3.Sometimes it takes courage to disagree openly with one‘s immediate boss.4.Neither the teachers nor the students here believe there is any shortcut in learning English.5.Upon graduation, most college students have two options: either to find a job or to go to graduate school.6.To see all the flood victims properly housed is the relief workers‘ number one task at present.7.During my stay in China.I would like you to arrange for me to see some of my old friends.8.In order to prevent the price of houses from going up too fast, the government promised to adopt / launch a series of policies.9.Such interviews are generally conducted either in a hotel or in a café, never in

offices.10.They opened a shelter for the city‘s homeless to stay overnight in extreme weather condition.Fill in the blank of the passage with ONE suitable word.答案:





5.longer 6.burdens




10.days Identify and correct the mistakes in each of the sentences.答案

1.When Mandela no longer had to do manual labour, he started a garden in the yard.2.Medals enjoyed working in his garden because gardening offered him a sense of satisfaction in prison.3.He wants to pursue a career in journalism after graduation from college.4.They refused to discuss the matter in public.5.Neither his parents nor his friends thought he would become a writer.6.When he learned that he had been admitted by Tsinghua University, he could hardly wait to tell his family the news.7.We can meet either on campus or at my place.8.I was so absorbed in the story that I did not realize it was getting dark.9.I haven‘t finished the book I‘d borrowed from the library yet.10.Is it possible to arrange for me to work as a volunteer for the Landon Olympics?

Unit 11 Key to the exercise Vocabulary 5 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.答案 across, for, out

2.in search of

3.across/upon, out, from 4.for, to

5.upon, with


7.up, for, into 8.through, into

9.at, with, in, to

6.Translate the following sentences into English 答案


I am quite curious how you come to decide to study English.2.一直到改革开放以后,人们才开始明白,市场并不是坏事。

It was not until the reform and opening-up started when people began to realize that the market was not a bad thing.3.那些将军、官员和学者都不知道如何称那头大象的重量,但是一个小孩突然想出一个主意。

None of those generals, officials and scholars knew how to weigh the elephant, but a

young child suddenly came up with a brilliant idea.4.那时候我们遇到的最大的困难是没有粮食,所以从未有过减肥的想法。

The biggest difficulty we came across / up against was lack of food.Therefore it never came to our mind that one day we might have to live on a diet.5.我从来没有听说过这个说法。你是在哪里碰到的?

I have never heard of this expression.Where did you come across it? 6.这座庙的油漆已经开始剥落,该重新刷一下了。The paint of the temple is coming off.It needs repainting.7.这里的水不深,只到一般人的胸口。他们很容易从这里过河来。

The water here was not deep.It only came to an ordinary man‘s chest.So they could easily come across the river here.8.大门突然开了,跳出来一条狗。它开始冲我吼叫,直到它主人出来才安静下来。

The door opened suddenly and out jumped a dog.It started barking at me and didn‘t quiet down until its master came out.9.那片美丽的草地不见了,一个大饭店取而代之。

Gone was the beautiful meadow, and in its place stood a big hotel.10.我们现在最紧迫的事情是保护那些被恐怖分子扣留的中国人的性命。

Our most urgent need is to protect the life of those Chinese who were kidnapped by the terrorists.Grammar 2 Rewrite the sentence by inverting the subject and main verb.答案

1.Along a wall of the study stood three floor-length bookcases.2.It was midnight, but now and then, from the distance, came bangs of firecrackers.3.In a corner of the park lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.4.Present at his 90th birthday party were people from all walks of life, along with over a hundred former students.5.Gone are the days when the big powers could order other countries about.Translate the following sentence using when/ before or inversion 答案:

1.It was a couple of days before the children recovered from the horror of the road accident.2.It was revising my essay on computer and was about to finish when the screen went blank due to power failure.3.The school is located at the foot of a hill.Beyond the hill lies a large stretch of rice fields.4.It won‘t be long before Jim begins to regret having lost a friend like you.5.―It‘s pleasant to touch the land,‖ whispered the farmer.6.The family had just put their winter clothes away when the area was hit by a snowstorm.7.In the center of the Tian‘anmen Square stands the Monument to the People‘s

Heroes.8.It wasn‘t long before a number of economists realized the world would soon be face with a serious global financial crisis.9.They were leaving for Thailand when they were told the trip had been cancelled.10.Gone are the days when China could not make big planes on its own.Fill each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word.答案





5.life 6.cubs



9.on such Identify and correct the mistakes in each of the sentences.答案

1.The miners demanded that the accident be looked into.2.I was reading China Daily on the Internet when the light went out.3.We hurried to the stadium only to be told(that)the football game had been cancelled.4.It might be years before you can work your way up to the head of the department.5.The passengers had just fastened their seat belt when the plane began dipping wildly.6.It was quite some time before the boy could see everything around him clearly.7.On by training hard can an athlete hope to break a world record.8.In front of the bookshelves stood a desk on which pens and pieces of paper lay about.9.Where have you been? I‘ve been looking for you the whole morning.10.In the 21st century, the computer is / computers are playing a more and more important role in our everyday life.Unit 12 Key to the exercise Vocabulary 4.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in the brackets.答案:


2.authorized, organize

3.normalization 4.industrialization, urbanized

5.modernization, classified 6.legalized, justified, civilized

7.intensify, unification 8.nationalized

9.notified, computerized

10.globalization, idealized

3.Complete the following sentences 答案:

1.a.success / luck

b.I had more time

c.I were ten years younger 2.a.everybody is here

b.are college students

c.we have become one of the world‘s largest economies

3.a.we put environmental protection before GDP

b.gave more attention to critical thinking 4.a.the grammar exercises

b.helping you with

c.help us with 5.a.what the book says is always correct

b.take it for granted

c.take it for granted 6.a.say

b.plan my time

c.kiss/ thank, criticize 7.a.like fish

b.did go

c.did smoke

4.Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the parts in bold type with words and expressions from the text.答案:


2.to be bursting with

3.the habit of… clung to him still, slipping into, check

4.can‘t take anything for granted, take it for granted that we will be able 5.Come to think of it 6.But come to think of it / But now that I think about it 7.Now that people all seem to have more money than before, I do hate, nowadays 8.manage to(dig), Come to think of it 9.but now that I am, will slip back easily in time

5.Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.答案:

1.in, in

2.of, of, instead of

3.with, to, as 4.to, as

5.Unlike, for

6.in, off, of/about/with 7.as, to, up

8.in with Translate the following sentences into English 答案:


How do you manage to keep fit? Come to think of it, I have never known you to be sick.What‘s your secret?


I always hated to do household chores when I was a boy, taking it for granted that they were only for women.Looking back, I really feel sorry for my past attitude.3.他的大房子包括两座分开的建筑,分别设计成不同的风格,中间有个暗道连接起来。

His big house contains two separate buildings designed in different styles and connected with / by a secret passage.4.年轻人总希望有更多的权利和财富,老年人则希望他们能年轻三十岁。那样,他们就会成为世界上最幸福的人。但对于我,我的幸福是不需要条件的。

Young people always wish they had more power and money, whereas old people always wish they were thirty years younger.Then they would all become the happiest people on earth.As for me, I am happy unconditionally.5.前些日子我无意中听到几个外国人在评论我们有些同胞在国外旅游时的不良举止,我很难为情。我觉得我们有些坏习惯真要改改了。

The other day I overheard some foreigners talking about how some of our people behaved while they were traveling overseas.They made me so ashamed.I think we really have to change some of our habits.6.现在我们的公交系统有了如此大的改进,私家车实在不值得买了。

Now that our public transportation system has improved so much, private cars are really not worth buying.7.现在你很少看到年轻人在街上游荡,人们都是行色匆匆。但有时候我真希望我们能放慢一点速度。

Nowadays you seldom see young people loitering in the streets.People always seem to be in a hurry.Sometimes I do hope we can slow down a little bit.7.Fill in the blanks with the correct form or the words given below.1.worth



4.worth 5.now/nowadays


7.nowadays 8.look




12.glanced 13.hay

14.wild herbs to eat


16.weeds 17.received, accepted

18.will accept

19.received 20.lovely, beloved/loving


22.loving 23.cry/ weep


25.sobbing Grammar 2.Complete the sentence using the proper conjunction from the box below.答案:

1.as if/ as though


3.as long as

4.even though

5.Even if

6.now that

7.as long as

8.as if/ though 9.Even though

10.Now that

3.Translate the following sentences into English 答案:

1.I love autumn—it‘s a season of harvest.2.I didn‘t recognize my best friend at high school until he removed his sun glasses.3.It takes courage to ask what others regard as ―stupid‖ questions.4.The children looked as if they hadn‘t had a wink of /any sleep last night.5.It must be exciting to report on / cover such sports events as the Olympic Games and the World Cup.6.My house guest behaves as if she were the owner of the house.7.Even if the country is gradually recovering from the financial crisis, it may be some time before its economy gets back on its feet.8.―As long as I‘m in charge,‖ said the president of the university, ―I will make sure

no one drops out because they can‘t pay tuition any more.‖

9.Now that they have a new Minister of Education, they hope to see some change in their education system.10.It was a brilliant /sunny summer morning in 1945.At exactly 8:15, a B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, killing tens of thousands of people.4.Fill in each blank of passage with ONE suitable word.答案:


what teach

control complaints 6 group at


shared more

5.Identify and correct mistakes in each of the sentences 答案:

1.At about three o‘clock, the boy went to the barn and did the milking all by himself.2.Up until now there are still people who cling to the idea that men are superior to women.3.I think I locked the doors and closed the windows, but I‘ll just go and make sure of them.(or: …make sure I did.)

4.It suddenly occurred to me that I had left my bike key in the classroom.5.Every one of us must arrive before 8 pm without exception.6.It‘s important for young people to learn how to survive in the wild.7.It‘s time our school upgraded its computer program.8.Robert woke up twenty times for fear that he would oversleep.9.Upon graduation, he was bursting with gratitude to the university for a first-class education he had received there.10.The teacher could hardly believe a student who grew up in a mountain village had never seen a computer before he came to college.Unit 13 Key to the Exercise: Vocabulary: 2 Translate the following phrases into English: 答案:

1.uncork the bottle;undress the children;unearth the buried treasure;unpack the books from the box;uncover the dirty plan 2.fulfill one‘s wish/aspirations, fulfill one‘s plan;fulfill /realize one‘s dream;fulfill one‘s promise;achieve the result;achieve independence;fulfill one‘s demand;fulfill one‘s expectations;achieve/ realize one‘s purpose/aim/goal 3.make progress;make inventions;make threats 4.obey orders;obey the law;obey the authorities;obey the rules;obey the command;obey the leadership

5.spread germs;spread the news;spread the map;spread the fire;spread the terror 6.demand an explanation;demand a reply;demand an apology 7.threaten life;threaten stability;threaten the economy;threaten the unity 8.dominate/control the world;dominate/control one‘s life;dominate the match;dominate the family 9.master a language;master art;master the new technology;masters kills/techniques

3.Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets according to the sentence patterns in bold.答案:

1.Once we all agree to regard our problems as differences among family members.2.Once you learn to look at the problem from the perspective of the opposite side.3.Once you get to know him better.4.what if we can‘t find suitable jobs

5.what if everybody decides to protect their home market 6.what if we were hit by serious floods, droughts or earthquakes? What if the weather conditions were terrible and our harvests failed? What if there should be another serious energy crisis? 7.If only he had kept at it.8.If only we had spent more money on the development of agriculture 9.If only he were still alive Rewrite the sentences replacing the parts in bold type with the words and expressions below.答案:

1.regard him as, turned out to be 2.as it turned out later, carry out 3.were capable of(destroying), call for 4.keep at, spur them on 5.appealed to her to think of 6.depend on, get rid of 7.were devoted to each other, but for 8.different from, adapt to 9.aims at(increasing)

5.Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs 答案:

1.from, to, out, in

2.of, under

3.for, off 4.of, in

of of, around, as 7 of, to, to

8.to, to

9.to, for

6.Translate the following sentences into English 答案:


This project sounds very exciting/inspiring.Are you still working on it? Don‘t stop / give up.Keep at it / Get on with it / Carry on!2.他把杯子往桌子上一放,慢慢从椅子上站了起来。He set the cup on the table and slowly rose from his chair.3.煤矿工人要求对那些应该为这次可怕事故负责的人予以严惩。

The coal-miners demanded those /people who should be responsible for the terrible accident be severely punished.4.要不是当地政府有力支持,那里的人们就不可能实现他们的愿望。

But for the strong support of the local government, the aspirations of the people there would not have been fulfilled.5.当局正在制定一个旨在在周围所有的山都种上树的计划。这个消息很快传开,鼓舞了不少年轻人。

The news that the authorities are drawing a plan aimed at getting all the surrounding hills covered with trees spread quickly and inspired many young people.6.天气预报说我们家乡的旱情可能还要持续下去。我不禁为今年的夏收担心。Weather forecast says that the drought in our hometown is likely to continue /linger on.I can‘t help worrying about this year‘s summer harvest.7.要实现社会和谐,我们必须倾听人民的抱怨,并实现必要的改革。

To achieve the social harmony we must listen attentively to people‘s complaints and carry out necessary reform.8.我姐姐告诉我说,就因为她常批评她老板,他就把她看成捣乱分子,一直想要把她打发掉。

My sister told me that just because she often criticized her boss, he regarded her as a trouble-maker and had always wanted to get rid of her.Grammar 2 Study the use of as in the examples and complete each of the sentences using an appropriate verb from the box.答案:


2.described / regarded / thought of

3.regard / see / think of 4.introduced


6.treated /used

7.regard / think of 8.describe

regarded / thought of

10.described Translate the following sentences into English 答案:


In China this herb is widely used as a painkiller.2.无论到哪里,人们都介绍他是个电脑天才。

Wherever he went, he was introduced as a computer wizard.3.这是个几百人为之工作了五年的项目。

This is a project on which hundreds of people have worked for five years.4.这位农民视自己的土地为世上最珍贵的宝物。

The farmer regards his land as the most precious treasure in the world.5.这个国家的总理把最近这次地震称为全民的灾难。

The Prime Minister of the country described the recent earthquake as a national disaster.6.这个城市发展的速度令来自全国各地的参观者十分惊讶。

The speed at which the city had been growing amazed visitors from all over the country.7.我是谁?我来自何处?我认为这是没有答案的问题。

Who am I? Where did I come from? I think these are the questions to which there are no answers.8.退休的将军在75岁时重访了他工作过的地方。

At the age of 75, the retired general revisited the places in which he had worked.9.青春期是一个年轻人成长为成人的时期。

Adolescence is the time during which young people develop into adults.10.在博物馆,我们看到了他当年在监狱里用来开辟菜园的锄头和铲子。

At the museum we saw the very pick/hoe and shovel with which he started a vegetable garden in the prison.Fill in each blank of the passage with One suitable word.答案: early


rest but

what words

found 8 frozen

working / operative


5.Identify and correct the mistake(s)in each of the sentences.答案:

1.Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner.2.At the daycare center, the teachers treated the children as their own children./At the daycare center, the teachers treated the children like mothers.3.The other day my father witnessed a terrible road accident in which two people were killed and three injured.4.There is always someone on campus to whom you can turn for advice./ There is always someone whom you can turn to for advice on campus.5.The movie is generally viewed as trash in spite of its box office success.6.He‘s the kind of person with whom many people feel uncomfortable.7.People tend to regard as the center of the world the place where/ in which they are born and brought up./ People tend to regard as the center of the world the place they are born and brought up in.8.Whether it is fine or it is rainy, they exercise every day.9.But for his help, I wouldn‘t have been able to finish the project in time.10.The computer is believed to be one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.Unit 15 Key to the exercise Vocabulary Translate the following expressions into English 答案: wipe sweat sting one‘s eye plough the field

sow a cover crop 5 produce good crops

fell trees

hunt squirrels bend one‘s shoulders fondle the clouds rouse the curiosity 12 cross the fence clear a piece of land fence the land 15 smell the soft mud /dirt

think the same thought

take the trouble 18 make a narrow escape

thin the corn

mat the top Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets following the example given 答案: prevent / keep/ stop government officials from abusing their power 2 prevent /keep the children from entering his garden 3 prevent /keep ordinary people from entering his garden 4 not to drink and smoke any more 5 not to build a big city here ever 6 not to be content with what has been achieved.7 Isn‘t it too risky for us 8 Isn‘t it too early for her 9 Isn‘t it too hard for you it was in this temple that Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing dynasty was supposed to secretly become a monk.11 it is not the place where the famous battle in history was fought 12 it was not because of Qin Gui, but because of the then emperor that Yue Fei, the famous patriotic general of Southern Song dynasty was executed 13 you would think that he knew everything 14 you might take her for princess of a certain Arab country 15 all these have happened in the past three decades Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs 答案: at, in

up, up with

about, down out of away from, on/over/across

away/ off

on, round, in, at 8 up

toward, with, at, without, for, from 6 Translate the following sentences into English 答案:

1.This(matter)does not concern you.Keep away from it(Don‘t get involved in it).2.She speaks much too fast.Students all find it difficult to keep up with her.3.He motioned to us to keep off the wet paint.4.We must keep our powder dry and always be ready to defend our country.5.Keep calm and still if those bees are alarmed/ disturbed.As long as you don‘t attack them, they normally won‘t sting you either.6.The important thing is to keep that guard talking so that we can have the chance to

act.7.So long as we can keep it up/ keep on with it, we are sure to succeed in discovering a solution /way out.8.The five million people of our city depend on this reservoir for their drinking water.So we must keep the water clean and keep /prevent all possible pollutants from getting into reservoir.Grammar 3 Translate the first six sentences by using relative clauses introduced by where or when and the rest by using causative verbs.答案:

1.My father is 45, an age when many people experience a midlife crisis.2.The 1960s was the time when we all lived as economically as possible.3.My parents live in a community where people seldom communicate with each other.4.Rob was anxiously waiting for the moment when his father would see his Christmas gift.5.Gone are the days when big powers could force their will on small countries.6.At the end of the writer‘s coast-to-coast journey, he concluded that he was living in a country where people were still willing to help.7.What made the boy behave so rudely today? 8.Let the children do what they like in their free time.9.I can‘t get all these papers printed in just 10 minutes.Can‘t you wait for another ten minutes? 10.Galileo‘s colleagues found an excuse and had him dismissed from the university.4.Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word.答案:





5.sorry 6.let




silent Identify and correct the mistake(s)in each of the sentence.答案:

1.The joke had us all laughing outright.2.Parents shouldn‘t force their children to do what they don‘t like.3.These children are made to work 10 hours a day.4.Xiao Li‘s gone to the barber‘s to have his hair cut /…to have a haircut.5.At the end of the story, Maheegun, the wolf, returned to(the place)where he belonged—the wild./ At the end of the story, Maheegun, the wolf, returned to the place he belonged to –the wild.6.On Christmas morning, Rob got up an hour early and did the milking all by himself.7.It‘s high time we gave our dorm room a spring-clean./ It‘s high time to give our dorm room a spring-clean.8.Rob woke up several times to look at his watch for fear(that)he would oversleep.9.Don‘t take it for granted that once you enter college you‘re sure to succeed.10.Even if none of you go, I‘ll be there rain or shine.Unit 16 Key to Exercise Vocabulary 3 Fill in the blanks with correct form of the word(s)in the brackets.答案:

1.honest, honestly, honesty 2.ignorant, ignorance, ignorant 3.discussion, exchange, argument, exchange 4.justice, democracy, inclination, injustice, democracy Translate the following phrases into English 答案:

1.wash the car;park the car 2.ride a bike;ride a horse 3.water the flowers;water the lawn 4.exchange a look;exchange a grin / smile 5.get the same deal / have the same problem 6.lighten the atmosphere 7.keep distance 9.point a finger at 10.grab / seize / grasp/ grip one‘s arm 11 make a joke 12.smash a window 13.watch / observe the effect 14.blanket / cover / envelop this place Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.答案:

1.for, of, off, into 2.up, out of, up, with, with, away 3.on, at, by, by, under, in 4.up, out 5.from, on, of, on Complete the following sentences with appropriate expressions from the box blow 答案:

1.might as well 2.scared of, nothing of the sort

3.watch out for / keep an eye on 4.above suspicion 5.talk us into 6.anything, except/but, or something 7.set foot in 8.made up 9.wise up, go by 10.keep an eye on/watch out for Translate the following sentences into English 答案:

1. 我们应该不时地停下来问问自己我们走的方向是否对。

We ought to stop every now and then to ask ourselves if we are going / heading in the right direction.2.有一点小争吵你们就开始谈离婚。你们应该明白,离婚可不是开玩笑的事。A little quarrel and you start talking about divorce.You should understand, divorce is no joke/ joking matter.3.据说,就在抢劫银行以前他被看见在银行外面转悠。

It is said that just before the bank robbery happened he was seen fooling around outside the bank.4.别把我看成那种只要哪个人有权有钱就会跟他走的人。

Don‘t take me for one of those who would follow whoever has power or money!5.你到底怎么回事?你疯了吗?你怎么能做这样的事情?

What‘s wrong with you?(What‘s the matter with you?)Are you mad / crazy / out of your mind / nuts? How you do such a thing? 6.我们最好及时注意任何禽流感的征兆。

We‘d better watch out for the first sign of birds flu in time.7.我理解你的意思,你是坚决要到国外去碰碰运气了。

I know what you mean.You are set to go to foreign countries to try your luck / seek your fortune / take your chances.8.我怎么会知道这些事情呢?这些事情发生的时候我还没有出生呢!

How would I have known all these things/ How was I supposed to know all these things? I wasn‘t born yet when these things happened.9.你是说天要下雨吗?如果那样的话,我们还不如今天下午就去呢!

Did you say that it is going to rain tomorrow? If that is the case, we might as well go this afternoon.10.假如越来越多的年轻人买不起房子,就不好说会产生什么后果了。

There is no telling what might happen if more and more young people cannot afford to buy their houses.



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