
时间:2019-05-12 16:49:02下载本文作者:会员上传


Lesson 3 Your money Teaching Aims: 1.To predict the content of the text using the title and the picture 2.To make student realize the importance of protecting the environment and 5yuan’s use.3.To practise using the infinitives Teaching difficulties: To practise using the infinitives Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ.Warming up T: I’m sure many of you have some pocket money.You can buy something you like.How much pocket money do you get each month? S: T: What things do you like to spend money on? S: T: In fact you can spend your money more meaningful, you can save ¥ 5 to buy a trees to protect the environment and save our mother river.Show a picture of the Yellow River, then ask “the water is not clear, why?”

Show a picture of soil erosion.Draw a conclusion“ The soil is too poor to grow crops”

T: What can prevent from soil erosion? S: “Plant trees.”

T: Your 5 yuan can have so much effect? Now read the text.Ⅱ Reading T: Your 5 yuan can have so much effect? S: Yes, All this started with 5 yuan Reading again, do the exercise.True, False, No Information 1.With the money of selling trees , farmer can buy goods or services.2.Fugu County has become into a green paradise.3.Now government has taken measures to make everyone buy a young tree with 5 yuan.4.Five yuan is too little you can give more money to plant more trees.5.Planting more trees reduces soil erosion and makes soil fertile.Answers: 1.F




5.T Ⅲ Listening

main idea of each paragraph

Para1.The removal of sand is the main cause of Yellow River erosion Para2.It is a massive job to control Yellow River erosion.Para3.Everybody plays an important role in stopping Yellow River erosion.Para4 A success of a tree-planting programme in Inner Mongolia.Para5 You can use 5 yuan to buy a tree and

create a green future.Ⅳ Read aloud and answer the questions 1.Which river is being talked about in the text? 2.What’s the problem with the Yellow River?

3.In which area has soil erosion almost destroyed farming land? 4.Is it a massive job to control Yellow River erosion? 5.Who has the most important role to play in stopping Yellow River erosion? The government, international organizations or every one of us? 6.Which example is given to show that 5 yuan can help to rebuild a local economy? Answers: 1.the Yellow River 2.soil erosion 3.Fugu County in Shanxi Province 4.Yes 5.every one of us

6.Jiuchengong Valley ⅤSpeaking Voice your opinion Talk about the local environment you live in.What can you and your friends do to improve it? Ⅵ Do the exercise Vocabulary Practice Ⅶ Grammar To practise using the Infinitives Ⅷ Homework Do you have a plan for the use of your pocket money? Write about what you do with the money.

第二篇:高中英语 unit8公开课教案 北师大版必修3

Unit 8 Adventure Lesson 1 Adventure Holidays

He Xianghao Teaching aims: 1.To talk about the adventure in the Himalayas 2.To understand the text 3.To identify paragraph topics in a reading text Teaching main points: 1.To develop the students’ reading ability Teaching procedures: Step1.Warming up

Ask students how they spend their holidays? What will they do during the holiday? And then lead in the topic of adventure in Himalayas.Step2.Pre-reading

Study the difficult words before students read the text, because this text is not easy for students to understand.Step3.Listening Step4.Reading Task1.First reading  Read through the topics with the class. Ask students to read the first para.and decide the topic  Students then continue working individually, reading the text and matching the para.and topics. When checking answers, draw students’ attention to the importance of the first sentence in a paragraph, which usually introduces the main topic of that para.Task2.Second reading

 Read the text again and answer the questions. Draw students’ attention to the instruction to answer the questions in their own words. Students can work in pairs, discussing and writing the answers. Check students’ answer by having several students read out their answers to each question. Analyze the important question Step4.Language points In this step, we are going to learn the important words and sentence patterns in the text.language points

1.as well as


As well as the group guide, all expeditions have cooks and porters.所有的长途跋涉都配有厨师、搬运工和向导。The child is lively as well as healthy.这个孩子既健康又活泼 He knows German as well.他也懂德文。位于句末用as well 2.Including


The trek costs 2500 including all flights and accommodation.旅行费用为2500英镑,其中包括所有机票和食宿

Three members of the Everest Expedition were killed including a doctor.三名珠穆朗玛峰探险队员遇难,其中包括一名医生。

Three members of the Everest Expedition were killed, a doctor included.3.offer


The hotel offers excellent services for families.本旅馆提供优良的家庭服务。

Josie had offered her services as a guide.乔西曾表示愿意当向导

offer sb sth.offer sth to sb 主动提出,主动给予

They decided to offer the job to Jo.他们决定把这份工作给乔 Homework 1.Grammar presentation Grammar Summary 3, on page93 2.do exercise


Teaching Plan

Name: 徐乐


Student No.:2011010265


Unit two Lesson four: Superhero

I.Teaching aims :

1)learn to use key words and sentences 2)improve reading ability and speaking ability through practice 3)Understand what's the real superhero meaning.II.Language points and difficulties: 1)the understand of past tense

2)how to describe something happened in the past.3)the use of key words: unfortunately , promote, courage, encourage, fantastic,charity etc.III.Teaching methods and aids: 1)Group discussion:“what do you think superhero like?”

“what are the characters of superheros?”

“who is your favorite superhero?” 2)Students' presentations about the three questions above 3)Communicative language teaching

4)multimedia classroom, slides, recorder, tape, etc

IV.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Pre-task/Warm-up Play some pictures about 《superhero》and introduction of Christopher Reeve.All of these are aim to give the students a very directly deep impression of Christopher Reeve's story.Step 2 Lead-in 1)Lead the students to think about questions in “before you start”i and learn the key words.2)Do some predictions about the contents.3)Leading-questions:“What do you know about Christopher Reeve? ”

“Do you think he is a superhero in his real life?”

“in the text, he is called superhero.he is honored with”superhero“.what did he do?Do you want to know the reason?” Step 3 Reading

1)Reading the text aloud, paragraph by paragraph.2)Pick up the important knowledge points and list them on the blackboard and lead students to study.Step 4 group and pair work 1)Divide the whole class into four groups, every group discussing How would you describe Christopher Reeve? Do you think he is a hero? why? 2)Every group give their opinions in front of class.Step 5 Grammar and vocabulary 1)Past tense:

Did you think that......How did you.....Have you thought of.........2)vocabulary:

Disaster on his own promote injury get involved divorced





Step 6 Homework 1)describe your own hero to your classmates.2)Writing a short composition about “superhero”,using the new words and new sentences.VI.Reflections:

This lesson aims at drilling students' ability to use the key words and structures to describe their favorite heroes in their deep heart.Students at this stage may have difficulties in learning this, so they have to do more practice to consolidate.









Unit2 Heroes

Lesson4 Superhero(说课稿)

大家好,今天我说课的内容是北师大版高中英语必修一第二单元lesson4 Superhero。下面我将从教材分析、学情分析、教法学法、教学过程以及教学反思等五方面来展开。
















四、教学过程 Step1:Lead-in 通过导入有关超人以及主人公的一些图片让学生预测文章内容,了解一些相关的背景知识并且激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。Step2:Presentation Task1:Words and expressions 通过对一些词汇及表达的学习使学生掌握一些基本语言点,且有助于接下来的阅读部分学习。Task2:Skimming 在阅读基本无障碍的基础上要求学生运用相关阅读技巧快速略读文章,主要是集中注意力,抓关键词,找出段落主旨句等方法。回答一道与段落大意有关的习题,意在提高学生的阅读能力,主要是快速找到主旨句的能力。Task3: Scanning 要求学生通过查读的方法解决几道判断题,同时提醒学生应当注意具体的有关信息,而不必通读全文。这样做是为了锻炼学生在阅读中掌握关键信息的能力。Task4:Careful reading 在精读练习中,我会让学生精读一遍课文,然后根据课文内容,完成我所给出的表格中的信息填写。精读过程中,有必要对语言点进行系统的学习。Step3:Group work Discussion:我们能从superhero的事迹中学到什么?让学生通过讨论各抒己见,用英文发表自己的看法。这样做主要是为了锻炼同学们的口语表达能力,也能培养学生应对困难,团结协作的精神。Step4:Reflection 在此过程中引导学生对今天所学知识技能进行梳理,加深印象,巩固所学。Step5:Homework 布置同学们写一封信给自己的朋友,内容就是告诉他关于Christopher Reeve的故事。既能提高学生的写作能力,也能巩固本节课的所学内容。Step6:Blackboard design 居中写上本课的标题,黑板左边板书一些重点词汇,语言点等,右边填写作业的布置。






Unit 5 Canada-The True North


Teaching goals Get the students to be able to understand and use the words and expressions below: 1.rather than

settle down

have a gift for

in charge of

look over










Teaching aids A Projector, an exercise paper and text book.Teaching process Warming-up 1)Students to read the words and expressions on P98-99 for once.(2 mins)2)To show the students the words and expressions we are going to learn at this unit.Section 1 1.Students to read the sentences related to the five phrases and use two minuets to guess the meaning of the related phrases in the sentences.1.Rather than(2mins)I think Tom, rather than you, is to blame.She would rather die than give in.Most men prefer to spend the weekends at home rather than go shopping.rather than ____________ would rather do than do__________ prefer to do rather than do_________

2.Settle down(2 mins)They'd like to see their daughter settle down, get

married and have kids.Have you settled in the new workplace? how is everyone treating you? It was so noisy in the office that i couldn't settle down to write anything.Could you settle up the bill? settle down________ settle in_________ settle down to________ settle up_____________

3.Have a gift for(2mins)She has a gift for learning language.She has already mastered four languages including Chinese, English, French and Russian.Miss.Xu and Mr.Tan in class 19 are gifted at dancing.We enjoyed their dancing at the opening ceremony of school sports meeting.have a gift for_________ be gifted at___________

4.In charge of(2 mins)Mary is in charge of the children.The project is in the charge of an experienced worker.The police said he would take charge of the gun.Iced water is free of charge in restaurants.in charge of _______ in the charge of __________ take charge of __________ free of charge_________

5.Look over(2 mins)

We looked over the house again before we decided to buy it.I'm looking forward to working with you.You musn't look down upon the disabled.As I look through the newspaper, I found some useful information.look over________ look forward to________ look down upon________ look through_________

2.After students finished this, ask them to do the exercise below in 3mins.rather than

settle down

have a gift for

in charge of

look over

.These are your problems _______mine.2.I do not him to be __________ of our company.He is very irresponsible.3.Could you ______ the bills again? I think there is something wrong with it.4.His brother ___________ music.He can play lots of musical instruments.5.I hope you have _______ in the new country.3.Ask students to read all the sentences above together for once.Then ask them to look at the exercise paper and do the translation exercise in 5 mins.1.我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。(rather than)2.他去法国回来后,决定在家乡安顿下来。(settle down)3.我弟弟对唱歌有天赋。他的声音很好听。(have a gift for)4.我们的校长掌管我们的学校。(in charge of)5.在交卷前,你能再检查一下么?(look over)

After this is done, ask students to read the words and expressions again which we aimed at comprehending at this unit.Section 2

1.Ask students to guess the Chinese meaning of the ten nouns below.continent









2.Then, let them look at the pictures on the screen and ask them to guess the words to describe the pictures.Let them spell out the words if possible.(2 mins)

3.Ask Ss to cover up their text book and spell out the English words for Chinese meanings of the ten nouns on their paper.1.大陆










4.Ask Ss to finish the exercise below.1.Many Europeans explored the _____(大陆)of Africa in the 19th century.2.Could you give me a hand to carry my ______(行李)to the bedroom? 3.The _____(风景)of the West Lake is beautiful beyond description.4.Sailing in the _____(海港)is popular in Canada.5.A great number of _____(鹰)winged their way across the valley.6._____ leaf(枫叶)is the national symbol of Canada.7.There is a _____(公用电话间)downstairs.8.You cannot ask for someone to take your order when you eat a

(自助餐).9.The rabbit is hiding in the _____(灌木), let's find it.10.This is the most beautiful _____(黎明)I've ever seen.Section 3 Let students finish the exercise below using the five expressions and ten nouns we’ve learned in this class.When asked what I want to do in the summer vacation, I said that I like to cross the ______ to see the beautiful _________ along the journey _______staying at home watching TV or playing computer games.I_______ the map and found that Canada is an interesting country to visit.So I decided to go to Canada.With this decision, I called my friend Mary from the ________ on the street and told her that I will be there in 4-5 days.I told her I would like to go to the ________ to see the beautiful sunrise and to go to the park to enjoy the _______leaves, which is the national symbol of Canada.She was very excited about this.Then, I hung up the phone and went home.On my way home, I saw an_____ on the green_____by the road.After I got home, prepared my ________and bought a plane ticket on the internet.The next day, I flew over to Canada and met my friend.She took me to a hotel and helped me to ______.She told me there would be a welcome party for me that night and she was ________ the party.We went to the party together and enjoyed the delicious _______.Early in the next morning, Mary and I got up at _______ and started our tour in the city.Section 4 Homework: Finish the exercise on p57 on the exercise book.



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