七年级上册英语教案-unit1-Lesson1 Hello(冀教版)

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第一篇:七年级上册英语教案-unit1-Lesson1 Hello(冀教版)


-----冀教版英语七年级Lesson1 Hello!教学设计





根据孩子们的年龄特点和接受能力,最后给出语言框架 Hello!Hi!My name is ….What’s your name? I’m from …

How are you? I am fine.And you? 通过师生师范,动作和歌曲让学生学会介绍自己,高效地完成课堂任务。



三、学情分析: 七年级学生的年龄在13岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏竞赛特别感兴趣,而且他们在小学已经接触过英语学习,具有初步的听说能力。七年级学生的记忆以具体形象记忆为主,并习惯于机械性记忆。初中生理解和分析语言的能力相对来说较弱。在知识积累方面,学生已经掌握了一定的词汇和句型,对语言学习的热情也逐步增加。他们更感兴趣的是如何用英语来表述与现实生活息息相关的话题并寻求合理的解决办法。


1、语言技能:能用新句型打招呼和介绍自己:hello, hi

What’s your name? My name is …

I’m from ….How are you ? I’m fine, thanks.2、情感态度:

⑴ 激发学生学英语、说英语的兴趣

⑵ 帮助学生树立自信心,让他们乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与到用英语与人交流的活动中。


掌握以下句型: What’s your name? I’m from …

How are you? I am fine.And you?







Step I Class opening 1.Greeting Ts: How are you? How are you? How are you today? Ss: I am fine, thanks.I am fine, thanks.Have a lovely day.Ts: How are you? How are you? How are you today? Ss: I am fine, thanks.I am fine, thanks.Have a lovely day.(设计思路:通过歌曲以轻松愉快的方式进入英语学习,教师要带动学生,通过身体和表情号召学生加入到以歌曲打招呼的活动

中来)Step II New concepts 1.Hello!Hi!My name is ….教师拉起一位学生,“Hi”打招呼,边和学生握手,边指自己说My name is ….What is your name? 让学生模仿并介绍自己,并以游戏方式传递进行。教会学生用英语礼貌地打招呼,介绍名字。注意表情,面带微笑。2.How are you? I’m fine, thanks.听录音,要求学生跟读。然后要求学生两两进行对话练习,直到能够熟练进行对话,并结合上一个对话,反复练习。


3.Write the sentences on the blackboard,ask the students to write down the sentences on the exercise book.Check their handwriting and praise some students。

注意书写规范, 四线三格。


Step III.Consolidation S

1.Role play

S1: Hello!My name is…

What is your name?

S2: Hello!My name is …

What is your name?


进行内容的扩充。本活动要在全班范围进行,教师鼓励孩子给自己起一个好听的英文名字,如Mary, Jack等,注意性别的区分。


2.Sing a song

Follow the tape to sing the song “What is your name?” together.(设计思路:寓教于乐,尽可能以歌曲等喜闻乐见的方式让孩子轻轻松松学英语,同时也巩固了所学的知识。)









Lesson 1


What is your name? My name is …(Jack , Li Ming)I’m from China/Canada.How are you? I’m fine.Thank you.


冀教版五年级上册英语教案 Lesson 9: Let’s Look at a Map!



1. 知识目标:学生可以读,写,说出并听懂词汇 map, country, north, south, east 和 west。

2. 能力目标:学生能正确指认英,美,中,澳,加几个国家的位置并能说出英语名称;能用英语表达生活中和地图中的方向;能演唱英文歌曲。

3. 情感目标:培养学生与人合作,互相帮助的情感态度和国际意识。教学重难点: 宏观上初步掌握五个国家的位置,名称,并用英语正确描述方向。教学准备: 学生准备:课前查资料(关于讲英语的国家有哪些,基本情况如何)教师准备:世界地图,录音机,卡片,五个国家形状的彩色贴图。


一、Rvision T:Hello, boys and girls

S:Hello, teacher T:Today, I take two gifts for you.This is the first one,look at this(出示一张班内学生的全家福)S:It’s a picture.T:Yes, who are they? S: This is „ This is her mother,This is „

T:Yes,That’s right.How do they feel? S:They are very happy.T:Do you like my gifts? S:Yes, we like it.(教师在一开始上课便设计了“送礼物”这一情景,吸引学生的注意力,通过一张相片师生展开交流、讨论,在教师的引导下鼓励学生大胆的说英语,用英语,这种师生、生生交流体现了英语的交际性原则。)T:Ok.Look at the second gift.It’s a riddle(谜语)If you can guess it ,I will show you.So listen carefully: It’s a piece of paper(纸.)

We can find many places on it.What is it ? S:是地图?

T :Well done.That’s a map.Now, today we will learn Lesson9:Let’s look at a map.(在前面复习环节中教师设计的情景“送礼物”吸引了学生的注意力,接下来的第二个“礼物”抓住小学生好奇心强的特点,更是调足了学生的口味。第二个“礼物”猜“谜语” 让学生积极的用英语思维去思考,当学生猜出答案“地图”时,教师马上可以自然导入到新内容Lesson9: “Let’s look at a map”同时也使学生在积极思考的同时体验到了学习语言的快乐)

二、Class Opening

1、countries:China, Canada, United states, Australia, United Kingdom T:Now, class, What’s this ?(出示一张大地图)

S:It’s a map.(这里通过单个读、整体读、同桌读等方式练习拼读)

T:OK class,Look at this map(教师手指着表示中国的红色部分)

S:It’s China.T:Yes, that’s our “country” , Yes?(教师反复强调our country)

S:Yes.(这里学生通过教师的体态语,大概猜出了是“国家” 的意思)

T:Ok, read after me “country”

S:country.(通过读时声音强弱、长短的变化进行趣味性“读”的操练,充分调动起学生读的兴趣,同时培养良好的语音语调。)T:What colour is China ? S:China is red.T:China is where we live.Yes?(鼓励学生在一定的情景中猜出句子意思)

S:Yes.T:Let’s look at this country, Jenny lives in this country.Can you guess? S: Oh, It’s Canada.yes? T:That’s right.what colour is it? S:The green country is Canada.T:OK look at the purple country.this is the country’s flag国旗.(教师可出示美国国旗图案)They speak English.Can you guess?

S: 美国。(通过教师的提示让学生通过自己动脑猜出国家名称,并加深记忆)

T:Then Read after me “United States、U.S”(让学生了解美国的简称U.S)

S:United States, US.T:This country is ___?(教师用手指蓝色部分)

S:This country is blue.T:What country is it?(通过课前预习可让同学自己说)S:英国。(如果有学生知道可以发挥这部分学生的主体作用,让他们当小老师教


T:United kingdoom, we can say___? S: U.K T:This is Australia加拿大.Can you say something about it ? S:„(教师可以发挥学生的主动性,让学生把自己预习了解到的知识介绍给大家如:澳大利亚风景很美,这里有人们喜爱的袋鼠等,通过这种方式激发学生的学习热情,扩大学生的知识面,了解外国文化知识,也培养了学生课前预习的能力。)

T:Well done class.What colour is it ? S:Australia is yellow.T:Ok, today we know these countries, they are ____? S:China、Canada、Australia、U.S、U.K T:Listen to the tap and repeat

2、north, south, west, east T:Ok class,I’m tired class(装作很累)let’s do this Ok?

S:OK 歌谣“跟我做”Up,up上上,down ,down下下,left,left左左, right, right右右。(速度由慢逐渐变快)


T:利用教室的方位词学习north, south, east, west(单个读、整体读)

S: „

T:Now, Let’ play a short game “指一指”比一比谁的反应最快Ok? S:Ok,Let’s

(“指一指”的游戏由教师发出指令,point to north,学生快速反应用手指向正确的方向,可以强化学生对单词的记忆,同时锻炼手脑结合的快速反应能力,增强了学习的趣味性。



Lesson 1 A new friend

一、教学内容: Hello!Nice to meet you!What‗s your name ?-? = 2 ? + ? = 13 ?? = 11 Step 10.Song Ask the students to sing a song <> Step 11.Homework 1.Read the dialogue 2.Do the exercise book Lesson 20 Letters 教学重点: 学习在四线三格中正确书写英文字母 Bb , Dd, Ff , Hh , Kk , Ll , Tt的大小写。教学难点: 大写 F, 和小写 k , t的笔顺,小写 k 的书写格式。教具准备: 1.写有大小写字母卡 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 教学过程:(一)热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.听写。教师发给学生每人一张四线三格纸,教师随意读出字母 Aa-Rr , 学生要在 纸上书写所听到的字母。听写完毕后学生要把写好字母的纸交给教师。2.教师出示字母卡让学生认读字母。

3.复习单词。注:要求听说的单词,让学生看图说单词。要求听、说、认读的单词, 让学生看单词卡读单词,并说出中文含义。

(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1.教学字母 Bb 教师出示单词卡 bag , 让学生读出来并说出中文。

教师问学生 bag 单词的第一个字母是什么:What letter is this? 学生回答:b。教师出示 字母卡,让学生辨别字母 Bb 的大小写。

教师在四线三格中教学字母大小写 Bb。2.教学字母 Dd , Ff , Hh , Kk , Ll , Tt.6.让学生在练习本上把所学字母 Bb--Tt每个写一行。教师在教室中巡视,及时给学 生进行辅导。7.让学生听录音带跟读模仿。让学生看单词卡拼读单词。

教师让学生看单词回答:How many letters in this word?学生回答后,让他们背着拼出单 词。教师让学生在四线三格中默写字母 b,d , f , h , k , l , t.教师教学生在四线三格中书写单词。告诉学生首先要把每个字母书写正确, 然后按照单 词的拼写把字母写在一起, 注意单词的每个字母间要有一点距离。让学生照板书抄字头, 然后每个单词写一行。(三)趣味操练(Practice)游戏:Bingo 让学生把本课所学的字母和部分单词随意写在游戏板中。教师任意说出一个字母或单 词。学生在游戏板中迅速找出教师说的字母或单词并用铅笔在字母或单词上画一个圈。每画 出完整的一行或一列字母或单词, 学生就说 Bingo!直到所有的字母和单词都圈完。让学生擦 去画的圈, 重新再做一次游戏。由于教师念字母或单词的顺序不一样, 每次圈的顺序也不一 样。在游戏结束以后,全班一起复习词汇。(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)Looking for the letter‘ s family

准备好已学过的字母卡片。把大小写字母卡片发给学生。告诉学生字母和其相应的单词组成 一个家庭,看谁能帮字母找到家庭。教师发出指令,学生开始寻找。Lesson 21 Let‗s write.教学目标:

1、能听、说、读、写单词 school..2、能熟练运用对话中的交际用语并会写句型 May I have„ ?Sure!I‗m sorry.I don‗t have.教学过程:

一、Warm up 1.Sing a song :Hello.2.Greetings: May I come in ? Yes ,come in ,please.3.Free talk.May I have „ ? Yes /Sure.使用学过的交际用语进行对话。

二、Revision.学生用自己的实物表演 Read and say中的对话。1.师引导学生对话 2.学生之间交际练习。

三、Presentation and practice.1.学习单词 a pen ,a pencil ,a marker , a notebook ,a book.(1)利用实物学习单词 : a pencil.T: What‗s this in English ? Oh ,It‗s a pencil.Do you like pencil ? S: Yes.听录音,生跟读。

(2)同法学习单词 a marker,a book ,a notebook.2.Play a game : What‗s missing ?

游戏规则:将 a book ,a marker ,a notebook ,a pencil的图片贴在黑板上,让一学生背对黑板 , 师拿掉任一张图,让学生猜出缺少的那张图片。T:What‗ missing ?

S: The pencil.(指学生将图片放回原位)(这个游戏的目的是为了让学生在听、说、读方面巩固这些单词。)3.拼写单词。

T:(出示一支钢笔):What ‘ s this in English? S:It‗s a pen.T :(出示单词卡片 a pen)Now Let‘ s read and spell the word ― pen ‖ : Pen , p-e-n, pen.让 学生练,拼读,并进行单词背诵。Ss: Pen ,P-E-N, pen.(让学生拼读,书写单词 a pen).4.同法拼写单词 a ruler ,a pen ,a book ,a pencil , a marker, a notebook.师指导单词的拼写方式,例如利用新旧单词的迁移(a book— a notebook)教会学生有效地 记忆单词。

四、Work in pairs.1.出示 C 部分 Ask and answer的图画。(以图 1为例,引导学生问答)T :May I have the pencil? S: Yes /Sure.Here you are.2.师板书句型 May I have „ ? Yes /Sure.Here you are.3.创设语言训练情景:将学生带来的物品分类,通过开设文具店的形式进行对话操 练。(此处练习时将学生分成组进行)如:a pen , a ruler.Lesson 22 My body.Language focus: Using nouns to identify parts of body e.g.eye,mouth,nose,ear,hand,arm,toe.Using pronouns to refer to particular things.e.g.This is my hand.Using imperatives to catch people‗s attention.e.g.Look!Using possessive adjectives to express possession e.g.This is my arm.Using imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g.Wave your hand.Touch your nose.Language skills: Listening: Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.Indentify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.Speaking: Prounce words properly.Use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners.Materials: Student‗s Book A Pages 44-45 Cassette A Cassette player Workbook 44 Some pictures Teathing method: 交际法,全身动作反应法,演示法.Teathing Procedure: Pre-task preparation 1.Revise the classroom instruction language students have learnt,e.g: Stand up, please.Give me...Raise your hand.Put it down, etc.Ask the students to listen and act.2.Greetings with boys ang girls,e.g.:What do you like? Do you have a...? How old are you?Then sing a song:Read,read,I can read...Ask the weather of today,get the ss to draw on the board.Teather draws an eye on the sun‗s face,invite one student to finish drawing(the other eye),teach the word — eye.3.Draw a boy and a girl(not finshed),ask: What‘ s missing? Teach the words— mouth, nose,ear in the same way.Get the ss to do the actions like these: Open /Close your mouth /eye.(朗读时声音 起伏变化,由低到高,或听掌声的次数朗读单词.)4.Have a match between boys and girls----Listen and touch the word.Put the boy and girl‗s pictures on the Bb,get the ss to listen to the commands and touch the pictures.If any of them wins, he/she can get a red star,e.g.: T: Eye!/Mouth!/Ear!/Nose!While-task procedure 1.Ss do the actions after the tescher: Touch your ear/nosr/mouth/hand!Teach the word— hand,ask: How many hands are there? One hand, two hands.Review – Raise your hand, Teach – Wave your hand,explain the meaning of the expression in English(Good-bye).2.Teach the words – arm/toe in the same way.Ask :How many arms/toes are there? Get the ss tocount them.Ss look at the Bb,listen and repeat the seven new words.3.Play the tape for the ss to listen and do the actions for twice.(注:教材中富有节奏的 chant 和欢 快地歌曲激发了学生很强的表演欲,使学生在欢乐中体验英语的趣味与巩固新知识)5.Work in pairs.Ask the ss to do the actions in pairs.One student give a command, the other student does the action, then change the roles.Finally, get some individual ss to order in the front.Play the tape for the ss to listen and repeat.Post-task activities 1.Teacher points to her nose and says---Look!This is my nose./ Look!This is my eye /toe/hand!Ask the ss read togdther when they do the actions.Pay attention to pointing their body first when they say.2.Work in pairs for some minutes.Then ask individual ss to show in the front.Consolidation: Workbook page 13: Listen and draw the part of the body.Draw the missing parts on the face, then ask them to talk about it< I draw...> Homework: Listen and repeat Lesson 22 on pages 44-45 Lesson 23 Letters 教学重点: 学习在四线三格中正确书写英文字母 Vv , Ww , Xx , Zz 的大小写。教学难点: 大写 X, 和小写 x 的书写格式。教具准备: 1.写有大小写字母卡 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 教学过程:(一)热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.听写。教师发给学生每人一张四线三格纸,教师随意读出字母 Aa-Tt , 学生要在 纸上书写所听到的字母。听写完毕后学生要把写好字母的纸交给教师。2.教师出示字母卡让学生认读字母。

3.复习单词。注:要求听说的单词,让学生看图说单词。要求听、说、认读的单词, 让学生看单词卡读单词,并说出中文含义。

(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1.教学字母 Vv 教师出示字母卡 Vv , 让学生想象它像什么。

教师带着学生一起书写 Vv.教师在四线三格中教学字母大小写 Vv。2.教学字母 Ww , Xx , Zz.6.让学生在练习本上把所学字母 Vv---Zz 每个写一行。教师在教室中巡视,及时给学 生进行辅导。7.让学生听录音带跟读模仿。让学生看卡片读字母。玩炸弹游戏

教师让学生在四线三格中默写字母 Vv , Ww , Xx , Zz.注意每个字母间要有一点距离。(三)趣味操练(Practice)游戏:Bingo 由于教师念字母的顺序不一样, 每次圈的顺序也不一样。在游戏结束以后, 全班一起复习字母。(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)Looking for the letter‘ s family

准备好已学过的字母卡片。把大小写字母卡片发给学生。告诉学生字母和其相应的单词组成 一个家庭,看谁能帮字母找到家庭。教师发出指令,学生开始寻找。Lesson 24 Again , please!教学目的: 1.通过复习,学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和字母。2.通过复习与活动,学生能综合运用本单元所学的日常用语。教学过程: Step 1 Free talk 1.本单元教师可采用比较活泼的问候方式, 例如:教师唱:― Hello!hello!How are you? Hello!Hello!How are you?‖学生用歌声回答:― I ‘ m fine, thank you.I‘ m fine, thank you.‖教师 唱― Good morning!Good morning!Good morning to you.‖学生也以歌声作答.2.师生进行接歌比赛。(此举旨在活跃气氛, 调动学生的情绪。为下面的复习活动做好准备。)Step 2 Guessing game 1.师生各自在手里拿一样东西,背在身后。用― Is this„? Is that„?‖提问,用 ― Yes , it is./No, it isn‘ t.‖ 回答.如果猜对了 , 一方可再问 ― Can I have a look?‖ , 并用 ― Sure, here you are.‖ 来回答。教师要引导学生用这样的方式互相要对方的东西看 , 并会用 ― What a nice„!‖ 来表达赞叹.2.使用课件。1)看图猜物。

出示一幅被覆盖的图, 每点击一次鼠标就会露出一小部分, 逐渐显露出被覆盖的全图。学生 在此过程中用 ― What ‘ s this? It‘ s „.‖来猜。(尽量使用后半学期的单词图片。)2)辩音猜物。

屏幕出现若干窗户,鼠标点击不同窗口发出不同声音,学生根据各种声音猜测,如果猜对, 则开窗出现所猜物品;猜错则怪叫不开窗。(此项活动适用于乐器、动物及交通工具等单词。)教师同时与学生讨论― What do you play? Do you like„? Do you play„?‖ Step 3 Role play 1.在上一个情景的基础上,引导学生邀请 Danny 去打排球,引入 ― Where is he? Is he in the „?(复习六个房间的名称), Where is he? He is in the shop.‖转入 Look and say的第一 部分,让学生根据图画遍对话并进行表演配音。

2.由― Where is Li Ming ?‖转入 Look and say的第二部分,引导学生看图并自编对话进行 表演,以此复习第 21课的教学内容。Step 4 Listen and circle 1.由教师藏起铅笔提问― Where is the pencil ?‖引导学生猜想并回答,之后学生间互 相问答铅笔,彩笔等学习用品在哪, 2.教师自制录音带,学生通过听对话完成 Listen and circle。同时复习17课的内容。3.通过歌谣复习数字,并通过数学算式复习加减法。4.通过 What ‘ s missing ?的游戏复习所学的字母。Step 5 Homework 1.经过以上几个环节, 本单元复习内容基本都以涉及到, 但并未全部按书上的原有形式出 现。2.将所学的字母作为家庭字母复习。Lesson 25: Tall and short

一、教学内容 tall shortWho is tall?


1、知识方面:能听懂、会说并口头运用下列词汇:tall ,short

2、能力方面:① 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。② 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。

三、教学重难点 Tall and short

四、教具准备课件 , 录音机

五、教学步骤 Step 1: Greeting The student know the subject of this lesson from a game that they played in Unit 3.Step2: New Concepts

1、·Tell the students to think about what do the studentsthink Danny is doing in the top panel ? What has happened in the lower panel? Disscuss as a class possibilities of what is happening in these pictures?

2、Listen.Ask the student to listen the first time,then follow the audiotape the second time.Give each student a page for printing.3、Sing a song.Before you play the audiotape ,go over the words of the song and translate them Paly the song again,and ask the students to sing along this time as they do the actions.Step 3: Game: Am I Tall or short? 1.Divide the class into groups with five or six students per group.2.Tell the students to make himself appear to be taller or shorter.Step4:Read after the tape.Stp5:Use the activity book· Page 51 Listen and write.Tall or short?students write a t for tal or an s for short beside each picture.Stop the audiotape.Tell the students that the next question will be a challenge.This question is about someone from a long time age:the class learned about this person in Grade 1!Step 6: Ending Lesson 26: Clothes for boys and girls

一、教学内容 Skirt, pants ,shirt and blouse.Learn to sing


1、知识方面:能听懂、会说并口头运用下列词汇:Skirt pants shirt and blouse.2、能力方面:① 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。② 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。

三、教学重难点 Skirt, pants ,shirt and blouse.四、教具准备图片、录音机

五、教学步骤 Step 1:Free Talk T:How do you feel? Step2: New Concepts ·1 Hode up your copy of the student book and name each of these four items of clothing as you point to them.2 Who can find the same word on the page 53? Tell them that the column of words on the left is the days of the week.What words listed beside Sunday? What word is listed beside Monday? 3 Listen to the tape 4 Have every one point to the matching picture as you say the words:skirt,pants,blouse,shirt.5 Girls can wear pants and shirts ,too,but boys never wear blouse ,skirts or dresses.Step 3:Use the activity book Page 53.Write the words.Students write the appropriate word beside each picture,using the words at the bottom of the page as a guide.Step4: Sing a song.1 Go over the words to the song.Listen and read.Step 5: Ending Lesson 27:Favourite colour

一、教 学 内 容 :white, black, pink and brown.二、教学目标

1、知识方面:能听懂、会说并口头运用下列词汇:white, black, pink and brown.2、能力方面:① 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。② 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。

三、教学重难点 What ‘ s your favourite colour?


五、教学步骤 Step 1: Greeting Step 2: Review Create a chart display of the colours that students already know(blue,green,yellow,red,orange,purple)Step3: New Concepts 1.Using the chart introduce them to the new colours 2.Hode up the book so that everyone can see page 54,and have the students point to on the two characters.3.Point to each words and have the class say its name together with you.Step 4: Text 1.Open your books.2.Listen to the tape.3、Read after the tape.Step 5:Game 1 Ask the students to form two circles around the perimeter of the classyoom,an inner circle and an outer circle.2 The sudent say a dialogue to each other ,outlind below.3 Tell the inner circle of students to shift to the left,ask the students in the outer circle to begin the dialogue this time.4 Ask the outer circle to the shift to the right.Step 6: Ending Lesson 28:Socks and shoes

一、教学内容 Socks, shoes, T-shirt and shorts


1、知识方面:能听懂、会说并口头运用下列词汇:Socks, shoes, T-shirt and shorts

2、能力方面:① 能运用所学单词进行熟练的对话。② 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。

三、教学重难点 _ is wearing _



Step 1:Free Talk Step 2: Review ·Continue to display your chart of the colours.Step3: New Concepts ·1 Have one of the volunteers hode up his foot so that everyone can see.Point to the sock and the shoe,naming each item in English,and have the class repeat these words.2 Listen 3 Students learned a similar word in the first lesson :short.What‗s the opposite of short? 4 Explain that long is also the opposite of short.The article of clothing called shorts is similar to pants but shorter in length.5 Divide the class into pairs of students.The students ar to respond in English using the vocabulary from this unit about clothing and colour.Step 4: Game.Hold up four vocabulary cards so that everyone in the class can see.Tell the class to look at the cards for one minute, then close eyes.remove cards.Ask them to open eyes and fingure out which card you have removed Show the class the missing card to verify the answer.Step 5:Use the activity book Page 56.Listen and point.PAGE 57.Find the card.Word search.Step 6: Ending Lesson 29:Old and new.一、教学内容 Old and new


1、知识方面:能听懂、会说并口头运用下列词汇:old ,new.2、能力方面:① 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。② 培养学生熟练用单词、流利说英语的能力。

三、教学重难点 New and old


五、教学步骤 Step 1: Greeting Step 2: Review Review the number from one to twenty.Step3: New Concepts Who remembers what is the opposite of old? Explain the young and old describe living things:people or animals.·When we are talking about things we still use the word old,but instead of young ,we say new.Step 4: Text 1.Open your books.2.Listen to the tape.3.Read after the tape.Step5: Sing a song.Listen to the tape.Read after it.Ask for two volunteers.One of them chooses a colour and the other chooses an item of clothing.Step 6:Use the activity book Page 58Listen and colour.Page 59.Make the new clothes old.Step 7: Ending Lesson 30: Let‗s learn the letters.一、教学内容 g ,j,p,q,y


1、知识方面:会拼,读,写下列字母:g ,j,p,q,y

2、能力方面:① 促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的语言运用能力。② 教给字母表

三、教学重难点 g ,j,p,q,y的拼,读,写


五、教学步骤 Step 1: Greeting Step 2:Review Sing the alphabet song.Step3: New Concepts 1.Tell the class that the words beside the girl describe something that she is wearing.2.Tell the class that they will find out by listening to the audiotape.3.Listen 4.Discuss: Did anyone understand what Danny said? 5.Simply translate the line.6.Listen and discuss,what ‗s the same about the letter y in yellow and the letter p in pants? 7.Tell them tio say each letter as you point to it on your chart.Step 4: Text 1.Open your books.2.Listen to the tape again.3.Read after the tape.Step 5: Use the activity book ·Page 60.Write the letters with tails.Students practice writing the new letters they learned today.Step 6 :Game Everyone should have one letter.You will have a complete set.Is this letter tall or short? This letter is a _.Who has a _? The students may do the actions along with the words they speak out.Step 7: Ending Lesson 31: Shapes and clothes



1.知识目标 : 复习本单元学过的单词,与颜色。

2.情感态度 : 对所进行的英语活动感兴趣,进一步提高学习英语的积极性。



五、教学步骤 Step 1: Review Review the letters that students learned in the previous lesson(g,j,p,q,y).Review the entire alphabet in the correct order.Step 2: New Concepts 1.Students pointing first to the picture of the appropriate item,then to the words ,and repeat the words with you.2.Who remembers Danny said? Which items of clothing has green circle?How many triangles are in the dress? How many triangles are there all together on page 62? Disscuss briefly,or simply translate ,then move on.3.Hve the class notice how these shapes are used to form articles of clothing.Each time ask the class:Who can tell me what this word says.Craft :encourage your students to make whatever they like using different kinds of shapes.Step 4: Use the activity book Page 62-63.Ask them to guess how many circle there are.Count circles.Tell the correct answer.Ask the m how many triangles there are.Repeat with the shapes.Step 5: Ending Lesson 32: Again, Please!

一、教学内容 复习字母:g,j,p,q,y 复习形容词:tall and short new and old 复习名词:blouse ,shirt,pants,shoes and clothes







五、教学步骤 Step 1: Greeting Step 2: Review Today we will rewiew some of the things that that they learned in Unit 4,and have fun.Remember that the list of the words and phrases displayed on page 64.Step 3:Test Games: Am I tall or short? Double circle.Song and charts:The clothes song;New and old;Tall or short.Use the activity book..Page 64.Listen.Write the words.Students write the listed words in the space provided.Page 65.Fill in the words.Students add letters to complete each word with the grid,using the words at the bottom of the page as a guide.Step 4: Ending


冀教版英语七年级下册Unit2 教案

Lesson7: What's your project about?


导入:The school let students make a project about the Silk Road?









1.What’s your project about? 2.My project is about some places of interest in China.3.A joke is something funny you say to make people laugh.4.Can you translate any jokes into English? 5.I’m making a joke.6.I slept for two full days.Step4:师生互动、展示提升




知识点一:What's your project about? 【固定句型】询问课题:What's your project about? 答语:My project is about„/It’s about-----

Eg:--What's your project about?

--It's about some places of interest in China./ My project is about some places of interest in China.知识点二:A joke is something funny you say to make people laugh.Something是不定代词,adj.动词不定式都放在其后做后置定语。Make sb.do sth.知识点三:4.Can you translate any jokes into English?

Translate „into„

知识点四:I'm making a joke.Make sb.do sth.知识点五:6.I slept for two full days.一般过去时态——表示过去某个时间发生的动作货存在的状态,也可以表示经常反复发生的动作。


常见时间状语标志词:①刚才just now;②…以前

…ago(两天前two days ago;一年前a year ago);③上一个 last…(去年last year;)



Lesson8: Marco Polo and the Silk Road



导入: Did you heard Marco Polo?


1.牢记本课黑体词汇:age ,Europe,Asia,journey, king, coal, discover, invent, other等;







1.At the age of 17, he went to china.2.Together, they moved goods between Europe and Asia on the Silk Road.3.He met the king and worked for him for 17 years old.4.He brought some coal and paper back to Italy with him.5.I hope to write a book like that someday.Step4:师生互动、展示提升




知识点一:At the age of 17, he went to china.(1)At the age of“在岁„„ 时”,=when „ be„ years old(2)询问对方年龄时用How old are you? What’s your age.知识点二:Together, they moved goods between Europe and Asia on the Silk Road.between„ and„



He met the king and worked for him for 17 years old.work for 意为“为„„工作”

知识点四:He brought some coal and paper back to Italy with him.bring back拿回来,取回来

知识点五:I hope to write a book like that someday.hope希望,动词,后常接动词不定式或宾语从句。但hope sb.to do sth.是错误的 Step5:巩固练习、检测验收

1.Marco Polo is a man from____________________(欧洲).2.Who____________________(发现)America? 3.Who____________________(发明)paper? 4.Their_____________________(旅程)lasted about twenty years.5.At ____________(年龄)eight, he learned to swim.教学反思:

Lesson9: Danny’s School Project



导入:Can you describe some places and things from China?


1.牢记本课词汇: describe, build, ago, army, tool, more;







1.Just try your best.2.They look like an ancient army.3.Its lives in the desert.4.Well done!5.Can you tell us a little bit more, please? Step4:师生互动、展示提升




知识点一:Just try your best.Try one’s best 尽某人最大努力try one’s best to do sth.=do one’s best

知识点二:They look like an ancient army.look like 看起来像,look是系动词,看起来。Like是介词“像„„一样”

知识点三:Its lives in the desert.Live不及物指长期居住在某地。接住所时常与介词in连用。

知识点四:Well done!


知识点五:Can you tell us a little bit more, please? a little bit稍微,少许,有些,相当于副词,常用于修饰副词,形容词,动词等,多出现在口语中,相当于a little或a bit.?Step5:巩固练习、检测验收

1.The boy _______________________(描述)himself just now.2.The workers __________________(修建)two buildings last year.3.It’s __________________(重要)to help others.4.How many ________________(工具)can we use? 5.My brother joined the ___________________(军队)last week.Rewrite these sentences in the simple tense.Are the verbs regular(R)or irregular(IR)?

1.They looked at the picture.→ 2.Amary rode a horse.→

3.They built a bridge over the river.→ 4.We lived in the desert.→ 5.The new TV came in a big box.→


Lesson11: Food in China


复习:Lesson10 短语和单词

导入:Please tell me some delicious food in China.Step2:出示目标、明确任务

1.牢记本课黑体词汇:online, especially, treasure, end, product, worth, taste, true, once等;







1.Jenny goes online to tell others about the food in China.2.I just got back from a trip to the Silk Road in China.3.Some people eat noodles for breakfast.4.Sometimes, they eat them for lunch or supper, too.Step4:师生互动、展示提升





知识点一:Jenny goes online to tell others about the food in China.句中的others为代词,泛指其他的人或物,指剩余的部分,但不是全部。Others相当于other+名词复数。

E.g.some students like action movies and others(other students)like comedies.一些学生喜欢动作片,其他一些学生喜欢喜剧片。

知识点二:I just got back from a trip to the Silk Road in China.get back from 从„„回来。

They have just got back from Australia.他们刚刚从澳大利亚回来。

知识点三:Some people eat noodles for breakfast.for breakfast作为早饭,介词for 在这里表示“对于„„来说;就„„而言”,后面常接名词或代词。

For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples.她早餐喜欢吃鸡蛋,香蕉和水果。

For you, the computer game is difficult.对你来说,这个电脑游戏很难。

知识点四:Sometimes, they eat them for lunch or supper, too.Sometimes,有时候,相当于at times,表示频率。He goes to school on foot sometimes.他有时走着去上学。


I want to go to Tibet sometime in the future.我想将来某个时候去西藏。

(2)some times几次,此处time是可数名词,意为 “次数”。I told you some times, but you still forgot it.我告诉了你几次,但你还是忘了。

(3)some time 意为“一段/一些时间”,此处time 是不可数名词,意为“时间”。It took him some time to finish the homework.完成作业花费了他一些时间。



Lesson12:A Blog about the Silk Road



导入:Do you have a blog? Do you know something about blog?


1.牢记本课黑体词汇:experience, alive, own, should, anyone, suggestion 等;







1.I saw and experienced a lot on the trip.2.The history of China is so alive in these places.3.I saw my own history and culture in a new way.4.Where should I go next? 5.Does anyone have any suggestions?

6.Li Ming had a good time on his trip to the Silk Road.Step4:师生互动、展示提升




知识点一:I saw and experienced a lot on the trip.experience v.& n.体验,经历,经验

作“经验”讲时,是不可数名词,而作为“经历”讲时是可数名词。知识点二:The history of China is so alive in these places.alive adj.活着的,有活力的,为表语形容词,常用来指人,有时也可指物,作表语时与living 互换,作定语时,为后置定语。

知识点三: I saw my own history and culture in a new way.(1)Own为代词时,意为:“自己的东西,属于自己的东西”,其后不接名词。无论是做形容词还是做代词,其前都必须有名词所有格,或形容词性物主代词。


知识点四:Where should I go next? Should,应该将要后跟动词原形,否定结构是“shouldn’t”,即“不应该”。

知识点五:Does anyone have any suggestions? Anyone 【拓展】近义词:anybody 任何人,无论谁 【辨析】anyone any one anyone 和any one 两词虽然一分一合,但含义及用法不同。


(2)Any one 的意思任何一个(人或物),用来表示只限一个,通常与of 短语来用.知识点六 Li Ming had a good time on his trip to the Silk Road.Have a good time 玩得开心过得愉快,good 也可用nice, wonderful, pleasant 代替have是实意动词,“经历”=have a lots of fun,Step5:巩固练习、检测验收



Lesson 1 At the Airport




2.使学生通过练习复习句子:What time is it? It’s ____.复习所学过的时间表达法。(二)能力目标




二、教学重点掌握what time is it ? It’s_



五、教学资源 2 : 10 two ten or two past ten.4 : 30 four thirty or half past four.9 : 00 nine o’clock or nine.5 : 45 five forty-five or a quarter to six.六、教学过程: Step 1 : Review 1)Play a game: “ The number game” to review number , play with numbers up to ten thousand.2)Review some phrases : What day is it ? What time is it ? Step 2 : Presentation and practice 1.引出新课题,教授新单词airport,教读数遍并让学生明白单词的意思。2.Ask and answer: 1).Who is this? JennyDannyLi Ming.2).Where does Jenny live? Canada.Where does Li Ming live? China.3)How long is it from September 1 to June 25? Ss count the months: October November December January February„June.Wow!That’sten months.3.Teaching “ What time is it ? ”

1)指着自己的手腕处,ask: What time is it ?(强调连读is it).Explain that we use “o’clock” only on the hour.2)Demonstrate : Draw a clock on the blackboard.More the hands on the clock as T asks and answer the question.Then get volunteers to answer the question.Eg: 2:40 two forty 5:10 five ten 6:37 six thirty seven 9:00 nine o’clock 3.Practice : 1)Practice in pairs.2)Ask the volunteers to more the hands on the clock as they ask and answer the question.4.Teaching “ the text ”

1)When the students listen to the tape , think over the question : a.Why does LiMing come to Canada ? b.When does Li Ming arrive ? When will LiMing go home? c.What time did Li Ming’s plane arrive ? d.Who meets him at the airport ? e.Did he have a good trip ? 2)Read the dialogue and discuss the questions in groups.3)Ask the students to answer the questions.4)Read by themselves , then read role-play.Step 3.Homework Make up a dialogue about meeting someone at the airport.Use“ What time is it ? It’s.”

七、Blackboard Lesson 1 At the Airport 5 o’clock ——What time is it? 6 o’clock ——It’s 5:25.教学反思:

Lesson2 Jenny’s House



1、能听、说、读、写单词:bedroom;kitchen;bathroom;living room ,toilet ,study


(二)能力目标: 学生能正确运用英语描述家中的房间,能在创设的情境中进行交流,使语言交际与表达能力进一步得到提高。





(一)教学重点: 能正确运用bedroom;kitchen;bathroom;living room,toilet, study能正确运用There be„.和Here is„..句式。

(二)教学难点:能正确运用There be句式。

三.教具、学具: Some pictures,vocabulary cards,audiotape and the tape recorder

四、教学资源:起居室和客厅的区别简单的说,区别: 客厅主要是用来接待客人的地方,起居室主要是家人一起聊天,看电视的地方。因为咱们现在的条件有限,一般人家是把客厅和起居室没有分开,一个空间,两种功能。

五、Teaching steps: Step 1.Class Opening 1.Greetings Step 2.Revision Use vocabulary cards to review the words “ house”, “classroom”, “bathroom” ,“bed”.Step 3.Key concepts: room, kitchen, bathroom, living room 1.Introduce: a.Use posters of rooms to demonstrate each word.b.Point out the word “room” in bathroom, bedroom and living room.c.Free talk

2.Student book : a.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books b.1).Teach “There be” 句式.Use a room to introduce some objects say There is a„.There are„„s.2).Ss say sentences freely, they should introduce some objects say There is a„.There are„„s.Step 4:Practice: Use a picture-prompt drill.Hold up vocabulary cards for objects found in particular room.Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about showing someone around a new house.Step 5:Consolidation Fill the blanks.Ask one volunteer to show.Step6.Tell the students to look at the pictures of the room to help them complete the 4sentences in Part2.The draw their homes and write with There is a „ There are „ Step 7:Homework: Write some sentences to describe your rooms in your house.六、板书设计: Lesson 2 Jenny’s House bedroom kitchen bathroom living room ,toilet ,study There is a toilet.Here is the bathroom.There are some four bedrooms.教学反思:

Lesson 3: Making Breakfast



1.使学生争取掌握(正确地说、读、写、用)单词:make , breakfast, table put half 2.学生能够理解并且掌握句型:What would you like for breakfast? I would like a/an/some____, please.(二)能力目标




二、教学重难点使学生学会读写单词:make , breakfast, table put half并应用。


四、Teaching Steps: Step 1 Class opening and Review 1.Greetings.2.Review:

1)Play “What time is it ? “ to review the way to say some times.2)Play “Draw and guess” to review the words of food.Step 2 Presentation 1.Teach “make and cook”(Explain “ cook ”)Ask the students to come to the front to write the answer.S1 : I want to cook ___.S2 : I want to make___.2.Teach the new words “breakfast, table put half” 1)Play “ Simon says “ to practice the new words.2)Ask the students to come to the front to read.Step3 Drill and Practice 1.Study the dialogue 2.Open your books,read the part one and answer my question.What would Jenny and Li Ming like for breakfast ? 3.Listen to the tape and fill in the blank.1)Mum is _________ eggs in the _________.2)The juice is in the _____________.3)Let’s put the _________ on the _________.4.Role-play the dialogue.Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about making a meal in a kitchen.Step4.Students fill in the blanks in Part2-1.Then make a dialogue with the words and would like„.Read the passage in part2-2to the students.Tell students to tick the correct reponses below that go with the passage.Check as a class.Step 5 Homework 1.Make a dialogue.2.write a short dialogue or passage about a meal in a kitchen.六、板书设计:

Lesson3: Making Breakfast What would you like for breakfast? I would like a, an ___ ,please.dish-----dishes refrige I would like some ___ ,please.教学反思:

Lesson 4: Making Dinner


1.知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:lunch / clean/dirty/dinner/dry.2.能力目标:理解并能够运用本课所学内容进行日常的会话练习。3.情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动的思想感情。


三、教学难点:clean 和dirty 的区别与运用。



(一)、Class opening and review

1、Greeting.2、Review: Play a variation of “Where is the world?” to review rooms and objects that go in them.3、Sing “In the Bathroom.”

(二)、Key concepts: 1.Introduce: Demonstrate the new vocabulary with a basin of water, some dish detergent, some real dishes and a towel.Wash and dry the dishes and say: These are dishes.These dishes are dirty.Let’s wash the dishes in the sink.Now, I am washing the dishes.2.Use the student book and audiotape.Pause between Number 1 and Number 2.What will Li Ming do after Jenny says “Please pass me the peas”? 3.Practice: Divide that class into small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about clean and dirty.Encourage the students to have fun.What gets dirty? How? Where? Play a game such as “Go fish” or “Memory cards”.Play “opposites” and include the new vocabulary.4.Use the activity book.Number 1 is a listening exercise on the audiotape.5.Check for understanding.6.Tell students match each sentence to correct picture above by putting the number of the picture in the square to the left of the sentence..Then complete each sentence by filling in the blanks spaces.Check as a class.六、板书设计:

Lesson4: Making Dinner lunch dinner dish(dishes)clean dry dirty 教学反思:

Lesson5: In the living room



(1)听、说、读、写单词me ,him, them, card ,Mr.Mrs.(2)能够牢固掌握现在进行时,并将之灵活运用到课文图片的谈论及实际生活中,就家人在








(1)掌握单词me ,him, them, card ,Mr.Mrs.(2)掌握动词短语。如:watch TV, read the newspaper ,play cards, write a letter ,sit in the chair ,(3)现在进行时的理解、掌握和运用。


(1)变现在分词的不同方法。如:playing , reading , watching ,writing ,sitting(2)掌握现在进行时以及能够熟练运用。

三、教具: 录音机, 图片课件


step1:warming up A.sing a song “In the living room” B.revision step 2:new teaching 出示Jenny家客厅的图片课件What can you find in the living room? What do you do in the living room ? step 3.game 教师让一个学生看动词短语,然后做动作,其他同学回答:what is heshe doing ?what are youthey doing ? what am I doing ? 教师把黑板上的短语变成现在进行时的句子。出示现在进行时自我介绍的picture, ask and answer about the picture.出示Jenny家客厅的图片 step4:cousolidation listen to the tape and answer the question “ Is everyone in the living room quiet ?” Listen ,repeat and check your answers.step 4.activities.Show a picture of your living room and talk about it with your partner.step 5 Tell the students to fill in blank in each of the sentences by writing in the correct pronoun from the yellow box on the right side of the sentence.step6: Students should listen to each of the following sentences and repeat them.Tell the students to put the inflections and stresses in the right place in each of the sentences as note by the red markings in each of the four sentences.step6:homework Talk about your living room with your friends and your family.六、板书设计

Lesson5: In the living room

me ,him, them, card ,Mr.Mrs.watch TV read the newspaper play cards write a letter sit in the chair 教学反思:

Lesson 6: Baby Becky at Home


知识目标;学生听懂病理解这个简单的故事 能力目标:能看懂故事,提高阅读能力。情感目标:渗透劳动意识,培养劳动习惯。


三、教学过程: 1.Greeting 2.Review Use the quiz in the student book as review.Observe the students closely.3.Story Use the storybook and audiotape.Prepare to Read Here are some questions I can use to prepare the students for the story.Use as much English as possible, but allow the discussion to take place in Chinese where necessary.Who remembers Baby Becky? What is Baby Becky doing in this story?......Read 可以利用录音带和故事书,让学生边听边阅读,阅读完毕能从故事中找出本单元的重点单词,并通过Find the words.等形式,训练学生熟练拼写单词。

4.Discuss Here are some questions I can use to reinforce the main idea of the story.What does Baby Becky do at home? Does Baby Becky “help” her mother? Did Baby Becky have fun? Did her mother have fun? Why not? Where does Baby Becky “help” her mother cook? How does Baby Becky get dirty? Where does her mother take Baby Becky when she is dirty? Do you like this story? Why or why not? „„


Lesson 6: Baby Becky at Home 1.Are these dishes clean or dirty? The dishes are clean.2.What is Mr.Smith doing? Mr.Smith is washing the dishes in the sink.3..Where’s the toilet? The toilet is in the bathroom.4.What does Baby Becky do at home? 5.Does Baby Becky “help” her mother? 教学反思:

Lesson 7:On the School Bus

一、教学目标: 知识目标:

1.学习并掌握always, sometimes, often, never等表示频度的词汇。

2.掌握四会词汇:dry/ wet ,umbrella 能力目标:学生能用所学词汇、句型谈论日常生活的一些话题。


二、教学重点、难点: 重点:四会单词。

难点:频度副词:always often sometimes never的理解和运用。

三、教具、学具:图片、录音机、四、课堂教学资源 : Word Supermarket always: at all time often: most often sometimes: not often never: at no time

五、教学过程: 1.问候

2.复习常用短语:(eat breakfast watch TV go to the park ,go to school by bus „可以出示卡片,进行复习)3.Key Concepts(1)Always / usually /sometimes / never的教学。教师利用Danny Jenny Steven LiMing 一周吃早餐的图表学习单词: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Danny donut donut donut donut donut donut donut Jenny sandwich sandwich sandwich sandwich sandwich Steven soup soup LiMing From Sunday to Saturday ,Danny eats a donut every day.He always eats donuts for breakfast.(教师放慢速度,并板书这句话)板书:He always eats breakfast.A-L-W-A-Y-S always(2)单词的理解和运用。(由于这四个表示频度的副词对学生来说比较抽象,所以教师可以利用上面的图示帮助学生认读并熟记单词,有必要让学生说说这四个单词的区别,从而让他们理解并能灵活运用。)(设计意图:通过这个环节的设置可以形象、直观地让学生明白这四个单词的意思)(3)巩固操练。教师给每个学生一张表格(如:下图),教师描述表格中每个人所做的事情,让学生完成表格。name do homework Watch TV Walk to school Wear dresses Jenny Steven Danny(设计意图:在这个练习的过程中,既是学生听力的训练,又是进一步熟记、巩固单词的训练。之后可以找学生根据自己填写的表格再进行一下复述,对教师来说也是个检查的过程。)(4)单词 umbrella dry wet 的教学。接着上面的表格进行描述)After breakfast ,Jenny and LiMing go to school, How do they go to shool ?出示对应的画面及短语:bus stop school bus bus driver在描述画面的过程中,可以让学生在情境中理解单词的意思,读两遍就可以了,之后在教师的操作下出现另一幅画面,让学生形象的感觉到dry ,wet 的意思,是反义词)(5)学习课文。播放录音,学生跟读。


Name do homework watch TV take a shower Wash the dishes „

Student 1 Student 2 „„ Ask the students to introduce their charts.4.Play the song so the students can hear the beat.Tell students to look at the son

page19.The new words in this song are: falling ,sky, wet, boot.Students listen and sing the song.5.Students fill in the blanks with the mastery words in this lesson.The tick and write part3-2.Check as a class.6.Class closing


Lesson 7:On the School Bus always often sometimes never 教学反思:

Lesson 8 LiMing Meets Jenny’s Class



(1)复习句型:How are you ? How old are you ? Where do you live ? Nice to meet you!What’s your name ? 能根据具体的情况,进行问答。

新句型:What subjects do you have in your school? We have English, math, science, art„

How many classes do you have each school day? Three classes inn the morning and two in the afternoon.(2)能运用学过的重点句型,谈论自己的年龄、姓名、兴趣爱好等方面的话题。



二、教学重难点: 重点:新句型:What subjects do you have in your school? We have English, math, science, art„

How many classes do you have each school day? Three classes inn the morning and two in the afternoon.难点:能根据具体的情况,同学之间进行交流,谈论有关年龄、姓名、兴趣爱好等方面的话题。

四、教具、学具:课件、录音机、五、教学过程: 1.Greetings 2.Song: Sing an English song “The Rain Song”


4.学习课文,教师可以先介绍。LiMing wants to go to school in Canada.He wants to learn English.Now LiMing meets Jenny`s class.Can you guess what do they talk about? Practice the questions again.播放录音,让学生回答问题

5.Student book: Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.6.Students choose a city where they are from(not the one they no live in).Each student writes the name of the city they have chosen on s card.Students ask and answer., then talk and write part3-2..六、板书设计: Lesson 8 Li Ming Meets Jenny’s Class Where are you from ? I’m from „

What subjects do you have in your school? We have English, math, science, art„ How many classes do you have each school day? Three classes inn the morning and two in the afternoon.教学反思:

Lesson 9:Mr.Wood Teaches a Lesson



(1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词:class , ill , lesson, its(2)学生能理解掌握temperature 这个单词,并实际做对话:What`s the temperature ? It is。



二、教学重点:学生能掌握四会单词:class , ill , lesson, its 并且能够运用句型 What`s the temperature ? It is degree(s).做对话。




1.Class Opening and Review(1)Greeting.(2)Review words :rainy,sunny,windy,cloudy,snowy,and sing” the weather song.2.New concepts 出示课件,课件上是一副中国城市地图,分别标着每个城市的天气情况。由此引出本课的重点知识 What`s the temperature ? It is degree(s).这样引出比较自然,前后联系紧密。)3.Demonstrate : “temperature”with a real thermometer.板书What`s the temperature ?

It is degree(s).安排适当的练习,通过练习学生初步掌握。

Put the thermometer in a cup of cold water and then a cup of hot water.学生分小组进行练习这个对话。教师可以分给每个小组一个温度计,学生可以随意的去测量他们想测量的东西,这样不仅体现出了学生的自主性,同时提高了他们的动手能力,增加了学生的兴趣,更好的掌握这部分的知识。

4.Read part1 and answer the questions inpart2-1.5.Tell students to look at the 4 weather boards on page 25 in part2.For each of the weather boards , students should complete 3 sentences below on the correct line using the patterned shown in#1.六、Blackboard design:

Lesson 9:Mr.Wood Teaches a Lesson What`s the temperature ? It is degrees.教学反思:

Lesson 10 : How Many Are There ?


(1)知识技能:学生能够理解名词的复数并能灵活掌握和运用规则名词和不规则 名词的复数形式。




三、教学难点: 学生能够掌握和在句中灵活运用名词的复数。

四、教学过程: 1.Greeting 2.New concepts 出示图片 What is this ?(铅笔,椅子,数量由一个变多个)What are these ? 从而引出规则单词变复数的形式。学生观察名词单数和复数的区别,引出新单词difference和word.3.Play a game : “WHANT`S WRONG” to review nouns that form regular plurals.Here are some nouns that form regular plurals that the students already know : book, chair, girl , boy , desk , school , teacher , eraser , pencil , pen , marker , arm , ear , eye , leg , hand , finger , toe ,apple , banana , orange , stamp „„用同样的方法,引出buses, boxes.4.Write “bus , box, watch”on the blackboard.b.Tell Ss the word end in x ,s, sh , ch , they need to add “es” , and pronounce /iz/.So : dish---dishes bus---buses box---boxes watch---watches There words get bigger with an es at the end.5.Introduce the new words in part3, using your flashcards and pictures.Introduce the concept for adding “ es” or”s” to make thgese words plural.Ead the words

and have the students repeat them on4r bye one.6.Only one man ,one woman and one child ? So many good –hearted men , women ,and children donate their things for the area.(引出 men , children , women.)man---men woman---women child---children 7.Play the audiotape and the Ss read these sentences after the tape.8.Play “TIC-TAC-TOE” to practice regular and irregular plurals.9.Listening :Activity Book No.2 and No 3.五、Blackboard design:

Lesson 10 : How Many Are There ?(1)pencil---pencils chair---chairs(2)bus---buses box---boxes watch---watches dish---dishes(3)man---men woman---women child---children 教学反思:

Lesson 11 : Always Do Your Homework!











Step 1.Organizing the teaching 1.Greetings 2.Sing an English song “The Rain Song” 1.Play “True or False ” to review adverbs of frequency.教师出示句子: a.I never brush my teeth.b.I always go to school.c.I sometimes play computer.d.I usually go to school by train.2.Review shapes with a dill.Teacher shows the model of the shapes where the students can not see them and let the students guess.Step 2.Key concepts: 1.Wiret” A,S,O,N “on the blackboard.Beside each letter ,write an adverb of frequency and say the sentence : Let`s put A for always.Let`s put O for often.Let`s put S for sometimes.Let`s put N for never.2.Chart a.Teach it and let the Ss remember it.3.Learn the text a.Play the audiotape as the Ss follow in their books.b.questions: Does Li Ming always do his homework? Does Li Ming always help his mother? Does Steven always walk to school? Why does Denny never wear dresses c.Read the text in groups Step3.Practice: a.Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make charts like the students’book.b.Find students to read their question and answer.Step4.Students should listen to each of the following sentences and repeat them.Tell the students to put the inflections and stresses in the right place in each of the sentences as note by the red markings in each of the four sentences.六、板书设计:

Lesson 11 : Always Do Your Homework!Name Liming Jenny Steven Danny Do your homework Help your mother Walk to school Wear dresses always often sometimes never 教学反思:

Lesson 12.Be Safe on the Way






3、情感态度: 对所进行的英语活动感兴趣,进一步提高学习英语的积极性。







Step 1 : Class opening and Review

1、写出下列各词的复数 I _________him _________this ___________her ______ watch

_______child _______photo ________diary ______ day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________ tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____

2、Review the word of Unit 2 Step 2 : Presentation and practice

1、The students answer the questions.How do you go to school? Do you know how to be safe on the street?

2、Learn the story : “Be Safe on the Way ”

(1)Talk about the pictures.Listen to the tape to understand the story.(2)Read the students to follow along as you slowly read the story.(3)Play the audiotape for the story.Ask the students to ffollow along in their books silently.Play the audiotape again and ask the students to read along with the tape.(4)Read in groups and role play this story with the pictures.Step 3 Consolidation 1.Review what we have learnt in Unit 2.2.Do the activity book.五、板书设计:

Lesson 12 Be Safe on the Way be(always)excited, be(always)very careful , look to the left , be safe, Don’t stand too close to the street.Always remember to be safe on the way.教学反思:

Lesson 13: seasons


1.知识目标掌握并能运用表示季节的四个单词winter spring summer autumn及表示天气情况的词cold warm hot cool ice sun wind 2.能力目标能运用所学的语言知识在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此基础上能将其应用于日常生活之中。

3.情感目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。


1.重点: 四个季节单词

2.难点: 熟练地运用句型参与交际教学过程:


四、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1.Say hello to the Ss.分别出示四幅表示季节的图片,让学生根据图片回答 how’s the

weather is it? 练习表示天气的句型 Step 2 Presentation 1.Lead-in 以不同季节的不同图片引出winter spring summer and fall(设计意图:在热身中引出新单词,在呈现时教授新单词。并练习询问天气的句型及回答。)2.Learn the new words and sentence依次通过图片询问的方式来一道学生了解四季的不同天气

3.Exercise 根据图片填空(冬天的图画)This is _______.It is _____.(春天的图画)This is _______.It is _______.The _______bloom.(夏天的图画)This is _______.It is _______.What a ____ _____ day.(秋天的图画)This is _______.It is _______.The _____blows the leaves off the trees.4.Game: let’s play a game named guess who I am.(八四幅图分别分给四个同学,然后让他们用自己的语言描绘手中的图片,其他同学猜猜他们所描绘时那个季节。)5.Ask students to look at the chant in part 3.On each of the running out from the seasons, students should write spring , summer, autumn, and winter.After they complete , they should write three sentences about each season beside each season picture.五、板书设计: Lesson 13: seasons winter spring summer autumn 教学反思:

Lesson 14 Snow!It’s Winter!

一、教学目标: 知识与技能:

1、能够听说读写单词 again , put on, take off

2、使用句型I like to____.表达个人喜好。




本课的表示衣服名称的词和天气情况的单词重点单词again , put on, take off 及句型I like to____.。




1、Class Opening and Review(1)Play “Simon Says”学习“put on, take off“及所学衣服的词汇,例如:指名到教室前面,教师发指令,Put on your scarf.Take off your mitts.(2)学生快速描述每位学生根据个人的实际情况说出自己所穿的衣服(可以用自己喜欢的方式)I am wearing ____.I like red.My sweater is red.(3)(Ask and answer)问答练习

(a).How many seasons are there in a year?(b).What’s your favorite season?(c).What do you wear in winter/spring/summer/fall?(d).What do you like to do in spring/summer/fall/winter?

2、New concepts

3、a、skate, ski, learn, teach 教师拿出滑冰鞋,边做动作边说:“I like to skate on the ice.Can you skate? Do you want to learn? I can teach you.并用单词卡片学习“skate, learn, teach”

b.用同样的方法教学“ski, I like to ski on the snow.” 学生模仿并结合实际说句子。C、This is winter.Where are Jenny and Li Ming? 学生听录音或放光盘,回答问题 No.1 A cold, snowy day a)What day is today? b)What season is this? c)What clothes does Jenny/Li Ming wear? d)What do they see? e)What does Danny say? 将学生分组,根据所回答的问题变成一段话,并指明复述,也可分组比赛。No.2.Where is Danny? 听录音或放光盘,回答问题: a)What does Danny like to do in winter? b)Does Li Ming swim? Why? c)What do you like to do in winter? 回答后,分组讨论自己在不同的季节喜欢做的事情。

3、Class Closing What’s your favorite season? Why? What do you like to do in the season? Talk about them and write down.六、板书设计: Lesson 14 Snow!It’s Winter In winter I put on my ____.I take off___.What a cold ,snowy day!I’m putting on my scarf.I’m going to take off„„ 教学反思:

Lesson 15: Winter Fun


知识目标:1.能够听说读写单词body, nose, mouth, head, ear, arm leg ,eye 2.介绍自己眼中的winter fun;了解雪人堆积过程,并能用所学英语进行描述。情感目标:积极营造真实情境,使学生感受冬季的乐趣,并在学习过程中体验学习的喜悦。学习策略目标:培养学生的逻辑思维能力,语言交流能力和用语言“做事”的能力。


三、教学难点:能够用“First, then”等对堆雪人的过程作贯穿性、整体性的描述



Step 1: Presentation 1.Listen to an English song: The Seasons Song 2.Make a snowman, make snowballs and throw them, slide on the snow.Step 2: Practice 1.Why? Because _________.2.eat ___ hungry drink ___ thirsty laugh ___ happy cry ___ sad sleep ___ tired put on ___ cold 3.Read part1 and answer the questions.学生读问题然后看1遍课文课件,回答问题,最后核对答案。做练习

1).First, we make a big ball of _____.2.)Then we make another ______.This one is _______ than the first.3.)we put ____ snowball on ____ snowball.4.)Now we make another small snowball.we put it on _____.5.)Let’s make a ____ on the_________.This carrot is his _____.I have some little rocks for his ______ and _____.I have two sticks for his _____.The snowman is wonderful!学生读书之后独立完成填空。

Step 3: Production 小组练习,说说怎样堆雪人。边说边画

Step 4: Students should sequences the four sentences by looking at the pictures above and then numbering each of The sentences below in the correct order.Check as a class.Step5: Play the audiotape and ask the students to sing the song.Step6: Class Closing Step7: Homework: Write some sentences about winter.教学反思:

Lesson 16: A Skating Lesson


1、知识目标:使学生掌握四会词语learn, teach, think,can.2、能力目标:能运用learn, teach, think等词语进行实际交流。


二、教学重点、难点:使学生能够听、说、读、写和运用词汇learn, teach, think ,can

三、教具准备:词汇卡片 录音机 课文课件


(一)、问候 Hello,boys and girls.(二)、复习借助图片复习ski, ski on the snow;skate, skate on the ice等词及短语。出示图片并提问: What does Danny do ? Can you ski ? Can you skate ?

(三)、新授: forwards, backwards, turn around.1、做游戏:“Simon Says.” 先由教师发指令,Stand up.Turn left.Turn right.Walk slowly.Walk quickly.Run fast.Skate.Ski.Walk forwards.Walk backwards.Turn around.然后由学生发口令。让学生看书中第一部分的图,提问:What is Danny doing?让学生回答。播放录音,让学生看书跟读。

2、出示课文课件认读词 learn, teach, think,can.(四)、新授: learn, teach, think。

1、演示learn, teach, think。教师出示Danny滑冰的图画,和问题Danny is _____ing.假装不知道怎样拼skate,.引导对话: How to spell “skate”? Hmmm„I am thinking.I am thinking.I don’t know what letter comes first!Can you write “skate”? I want to learn.Can you teach me? I want to learn.Can you teach me? 出示单词learn, teach, think.teach 与teacher从词音和词义上比较教学,think与sink从读音上比较教学。

2、Listen to the radio.Then answer my questions on page45 part2-1,check the answers.然后让学生看书跟读。

(五)、编对话。给学生一些话题,两人一组编对话,小组展示。话题:fly a kite, swim, play ping-pong, play basketball, skate, ski, play cards, play checkers, make a snowman, play computer games.(六)、Tell students to make up questions for each of the six pictures,and then ask them of a partner.Check as a class.(七)、作业:分别用learn, teach, think,can各造一个句子。


Lesson 16: A Skating Lesson

learn teach think can I am late.Come on.fall down Can you on the ice? I’m going to teach you to skate.教学反思:

Lesson 17 I like All Seasons!


1、知识目标:能熟练运用“Why?” “Because„”进行交流,能在听说读写方面掌握和运用一些关于季节和衣服的单词;能够理解运用并能口头应答下列句子: What’s your favourite season ? My favourite season is _____.Why? Because __________________.2、能力目标:能够在日常生活中运用所学的各种服装的词汇并能运用句型做简短的情景对话。如:在教室中两个同学在谈论同学们四季的服装,等等。会简单描写自然界的一些现象,会唱歌本课的歌曲。

3、情感目标:用游戏、歌曲的方式激发学习兴趣,创设情景为学生提供学习英语氛围, 运用实物、图片吸引学生注意力并加强记忆,通过小组活动让学生体验。养成一些良好习惯,渗透审美意识。


重点:掌握和运用一些关于季节和衣服的单词;能够理解运用并能口头应答句子: What’s your favourite season? My favourite season is _____.Why? Because __________________.难点:学生的语言灵活运用。



Step 1: Class closing and review:

1、Greeting: Step 2: New concepts: rain sun wind Draw some windows on the blackboard.Find someone to draw picture of the weather.Teacher describes the three pictures of them.1、The weather is sunny.2、It is rainy.3、It is windy.Teacher asks others to describe the last picture.Point to the sun, rain, wind and lead the sentence: How’s the weather? Step 3: Review the main structure and practice: What’s your favourite season ? My favourite season is _____.Why? Because __________________.How’s the weather? The weather is _____.Step 3: Exercises: 1.Fill in the blanks according to the contents of the text: Season Do you like this season? Why? Spring Summer Autumn Winter 然后教师进行提问。学生可根据自己的理解填写,然后相互提问,纠正。

2.Practice the main structure: Practice in pairs.Make up the dialogue according to the phrases.3.Learn the song of part 2.The season song Step 4: Students should listen to each of the following sentences and repeat them.Tell the students to put the inflections and stresses in the right place in each of the sentences as note by the red markings in each of the four sentences.Step 5: Homework: Draw your favourite season and write some sentences.Step 6: Blackboard design: Lesson 17 I like all seasons!sun rain wind Why? Because ____________.Season Spring Summer Autumn Winter Do you like this season? Why? 教学反思:

Lesson 18 The Snowman



2、能力目标:能够在日常生活中运用所学的各种冬季运动的词汇并能运用句型 做简短的情景对话。如:在教室中两个同学在谈论同学们冬季里的活动,等等。





三、教具学具: 图片、录音机、冬季的衣服等


Step 1: 问候: Sing a song “ The season song”

Step 2: 故事: “The snowman” 利用《教科书》和录音带 阅读前准备:先提几个问题:让学生可以先讨论: 1.Who is in this story? 2.What can this snowman do?(Talk, skate, ski)3.Why do the students think the snowman is in the refrigerator at the end of the story? Step 4: 阅读:教师先读一遍故事,让学生理解。让后让学生单独朗读。


1.What can the snowman do? 2.Why is the snowman sad ? 3.What did John do for the snowman? Step 5: 复习重点句型的问答标准用语及口语: Take off ______.Put on _______.Go backwards.Go forwards.Turn around.Why? Because ______.两人一组进行一对一练习.(学生根据短语自编对话练习)


Lesson 18 The Snowman Take off ______.Put on _______.Why? Because ______.教学反思:

Lesson 19 Christmas is coming!


掌握四会词汇:holiday bring give song tomorrow

二、教学重难点: 教学重点:四会掌握holiday bring give song tomorrow Christmas tree, Christmas lights, Santa 等词组和单词




Step 1: Free talk.Step 2: New lesson.1.What’s Christmas? It’s a Western holiday.Christmas, say it, please.On a holiday, people don’t work.Children don’t go to school.Talk about the holidays.2.Christmas is special.Why? Because we have some special things.Look, this is a special tree.It’s a Christmas tree.Point to the Christmas tree in the front of the blackboard.On Christmas, we can see a special man, too.Look, here is he.(Show Santa.)Do you know his name? His name is Santa.Please discuss it in groups and answer.Step 3: Practise in groups.Answer some questions: What holiday is it? What do you see? Step 4: The text on Page 56.1.Show the words on the blackboard with actions: invite, bring, give, sing, carol(a special song at Christmas).The students learn to say it.2.Please look at the pictures and listen what do they do on Christmas? Then the students answer.3.What will you do on this Christmas ? Please talk about it in groups.Then you can come to the front and make a role-play.4.Read after the audiotape.Step 5: Students read the text and match the answers.Then let them have a discussion.五、板书设计

Lesson 19 Christmas is coming!Christmas tree Santa Christmas lights When is Christmas? It’s December 25th.holiday bring give song tomorrow 教学反思:

Lesson 20 Christmas Tree


(一)知识目标:掌握四会词汇:yesterday, tomorrow, today, be going to 知道怎样装饰圣诞树。






重点:四会词汇:yesterday, tomorrow, today, card, be going to 难点:区分一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时这三种时态。



1.Class Opening and Review Greeting复习在第6册学过的动词的过去式。Today I walk to school.Yesterday I walked to school.Today I eat an ice cream.Yesterday I ate an apple.What do you do today? What did you do yesterday? 板书 Yesterday I _______.Today I ______.walked walk ate eat „ „.2.Key Concepts yesterday today tomorrow card going to Introduce:介绍tomorrow.在黑板上写的两组词旁边加上tomorrow 和going to 练习将来时。What day is tomorrow? I’m going to fly a kite tomorrow.What are you going to do tomorrow? 出示各种人物的图片,给出时间 yesterday ,today , tomorrow,让学生用三种时态描述图上内容。

3.Yesterday I went to the store.Christmas is coming.So I saw Christmas trees.They had Christmas lights.They’re very beautiful.I saw Santa.I talked to Santa.At last, I bought Christmas cards.Look,I bring the Christmas cards today.解释bring的过去式brought.Yesterday I went to the store.Christmas is coming.So I saw Christmas trees.They had Christmas lights.They’re very beautiful.I saw Santa.I talked to Santa.At last, I bought Christmas cards.Look,I bring the Christmas cards today.教学card.并解释bring的过去式brought.同样学习walked.4.How to make a decoration for the tree.Put up a big , cut out Christmas tree and ask each student to make a decoration for it.They can make any object they want as long as they can name it in English and write it on their decoration.When each student has finished, he or she says “There!It’s done.It’s beautiful.” 5.Listen to the tape.Then read the text.6.Students draw and write part2.五、板书设计:

Lesson 20 Christmas Tree

Yesterday I _______.Today I__.Tomorrow I am_______.walked walk going to walk bought buy going to buy „ 教学反思:

Lesson 21 Christmas Cards!


知识目标:掌握 Christmas Cards ,get ready for , Christmas gifts 能力目标:能够用所学词汇和句子进行对话,能写圣诞卡与人交流。

情感目标: 通过课堂上的活动,激发学生对英语学习的积极性和主动性,培养他们乐于竞争,乐于交流,乐于合作的能力。


重点:掌握并运用 Christmas Cards ,get ready for , Christmas gifts 难点:用英语进行情景交流。



(一)、Class opening and Review 1.Greeting 2.Review ① When is Christmas ? ② What do you do on Christmas ?

(二)、New concept 1.I suppose there will be a Christmas party tonight.Then lead a dialogue.The students should already know “ song ”.Play “ What’s wrong ? ” with phrases such as : “ I read a song ” or “ I talk a song ” to reinforce this word.Sing a song for Christmas.Ask for a volunteer and lead a dialogue 2.Take some time to talk about Christmas cards.Use the in formation in the Teaching Tip to help you.Make sure the students understand that exchanging Christmas cards is a huge part of the Christmas tradition in the West.3.介绍如何写圣诞卡, 示范给朋友写圣诞卡。

Use the student book and audiotape.Questions: Who does Li Ming want to send a card to? What does Cousin Jing like? How does Jenny’s family get ready for the Christmas holiday? 4.Students listen to the tape and repeat the text.5.Let the students make and write a Christmas card in Part3.After they finished,they can share their cards in small groups.(三)、class closing

五、Blackboard: Lesson 21 Christmas Cards send a card get ready for put up Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Lesson 22:Christmas Gifts


1.知识目标:掌握四会单词 special,gift;并且在句型中正确运用。了解课文内容,熟读课文。






Step 1、Class opening and Review 1.Greeting Say hello to the students.Ask the wether and date.2.Review ① Play “ Never Never ” to review adverbs of frequency.(usually sometimes always never)例如:Li Ming always wears dress ,yes or no? ② Review the words : umbrella buy rainy snowy.(Use the words cards)Step 2、Presentation and practice 1.Write “shops” and “shopping”on the blackboard.Ask: What do we do when we go to a shop? We go shopping.Talk about this and explain.Play the audiotape of the dialogue and the students listen silently.Explain the main idea and read it twice.Ask two volunteers to read the dialogue.Let several pairs to present in front of the class.2、Teaching “ the text ”

Read the text and think over the question in part 2.Discuss in groups.Answer the questions.Role – play the text.Step 3.Consolidation Play “special gift ”Use the words and the sentences of this lesson.Work in groups,then show.Step 4.Homework


Lesson 22 Christmas Gifts What do you want to buy? Are you going to give gifts? What would you like for Christmas 教学反思:

Lesson23 It’s Christmas morning!



二、教学重点:掌握四会单词open,little.三、教学难点:区分三个动词 bring give open

四、教具学具:圣诞老人玩具熊装扮好的圣诞树 礼物盒录音机


Step 1.Class opening and Review Greeting Step 2.Presentation

1、Teach “ bring , give , open.”

① Role – play to demonstrate the new vocabulary.Bring a wrapped “ gift ” to class.② Says : This gift is for.I am bringing the gift.Now I am giving the gift.Open it ,!Look!It’s a...③ Ask this student to put the toy in his or her pencil – case.The pencil – case now becomes the gift.④ Stand beside another student in class and give directions to the first students such as : Please bring the gift.Please give the gift.open it!What is it ? It’s a toy.Practise: Ask some volunteers to do the same practice with the help on the Bb.The game is “gift giving “.The teacher asks a volunteer to picks up a gift under the Christmas tree and do the practice with other volunteers.We can do this practice three groups ⑤ Listen to the tape as they follow their books.Play the audiotape The teacher tells the students today ,Santa bring gifts for Jenny Li Ming Danny and so on.Let’s listen.What are the gifts ?What’s the gift from Li Ming to Smith family? ⑥ Divide the class into the small groups as last class.Give your friend your Christmas present.Step 2 Consolidation

1、Listen to the tape.2、Role – play the dialogue Step3.Students should listen to each of the following sentences and repeat them.Tell the students to put the inflections and stresses in the right place in each of

the sentences as note by the red markings in each of the four sentences.Step 4.Homework Prepare some Christmas gifts to your family members

六、Blackboard design Lesson 30 It’s Christmas Morning Dec.25 I bring a gift for you.I give you the gift.Please open it.It’s a toy.教学反思:

Lesson24: Maddy’s Christmas



能力目标:使学生能听懂会说本课的story : Maddy’s Christmas 情感目标:通过游戏、歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,进一步增强他们对西方传统节日的喜爱之情。


三、教学难点:使学生能听懂会说本课的故事:Maddy’s Christmas

四、教具学具:词汇卡片、录音、实物若干教学过程: Step 1.Class Opening and Review a.Greeting.b.Sing a Song.“Rocking Carol”

Step 2.New Concepts: Maddy’s Christmas 1.Prepare to read Look at the story book carefully.Then answer questions.Where are Maddy and Ann ? What are they doing ? Is Maddy having fun ? Why or why not ? 2.Read播放故事录音,学生静听。

3.Discuss 出示问题,检查学生理解情况:

(1)Did Anna buy Christmas gifts for her family?(2)Did Maddy buy her family a gift ? Why not ?(3)What does Maddy give her family Christmas ?(4)Does her amily like gift ?(5)Do you like this story ? Why or why not ? 4.学生分角色朗读故事。Step 3.Class Closing Homework :全面复习本单元,为小测做准备。


Lesson24: Maddy’s Christmas Did Anna buy Christmas gifts for her family?

Did Maddy buy her family a gift ? Why not ? What does Maddy give her family Christmas ? Does her family like gift ? Do you like this story ? Why or why not ? 教学反思:

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