三年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Welcome back to school 第34课时 人教[小编推荐]

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第一篇:三年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Welcome back to school 第34课时 人教[小编推荐]

Unit 1 Welcome back to school

教学内容:Let’s talk part A 教学目标:

1、能听会说“I’m from …”;

2、能理解课文内容: Boys and girls ,we have two new friends today巩固;


教学重点:句型:We have a new friend today.I’m from the USA 词汇:welcome, America, Canada, China 教学难点:Welcome的发音。


教学内容:A Let’s spell 教学目标:






1、教师出示字母卡并问:What’s it? An“ Aa”.What’s the sound of letter “A”?引导学生说出元音字母a在单词中的发音/æ/。

2.出示含有这个字母相同发音的单词图片。cat bag hand dad /æ/

3、放Let’s spell部分的录音,学生跟读。




教师读一组单词让学生听一听找出那个单词中没有a/æ/的发音。如:bag dad hand apple cake



3、读一读,写一写 学写单词,并指导学生描红


读一读、听一听并圈一圈。1.cat bag 2.bag dad 3.Canada panda 4.hand dad 找出发音与众不同的单词。1.bag cat cake dad 2.name plate Kate hand 3.China Canada cat ant 判断下列对话正误,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。()

1、A:Where are you from? B: I’m Mike.()

2、A:Good afternoon? B: Good morning.()

3、A:What’s her name? B: My name is Jenny.板书:

Unit 1 Welcome back to school

A Let’s spell cat bag hand dad /æ/



教学内容:Part B Let’s talk Look and say 教学目标:


2、能理解人称代词he she的不同用法,并能灵活运用。

3、学习句型“Where are you from? I’m from …./ This is my friend, …(名字)”




Where is Amy from ?(Amy 来自哪里?)T:This is my friend, Amy.S: Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too.T: I’m from China.Where are you from?(语速放慢,并重复几遍)

A: I’m from America.老师再用同样的方法介绍Mike.(2)老师教读新句子,并让学生全班读,小组读多种方法练习。(3)让学生听录音,看图,跟读对话。

(二)、认真观察P7,look and say的图片,你认识几个国家的国旗,并和你的同桌说一说;I’m from China.Where are you from? 板书:

Unit 1 Welcome back to school

B Let’s talk

Where are you from? I’m from ….This is my friend,…




1、Try t understand the story

2、Try to cat the story 教学重点:Let’s act 教学难点:Let’s act 教学用具:Tape/recorder 教学过程: Step1: Revision

1、Sing a song

2、Greeting ? Step2: Let’s act

1、Look at the pictures

2、Try to understand the story

3、Listen to the tape

4、Read the dialogue after the tape

5、Try to understand the sentences

6、Read the story together

7、Act the story Step3:A match

1、Group work Act the story out

2、Retell the story Step4:Summary and homework 板书设计:

Let’s share!Good idea!Thanks!!

作业布置: 1.Listen to the tape

第 1 页

2.Read the sentences 教学后记:


第 2 页





Teaching contents:

本册书共六个单元,其中五个单元是精读课文,一个复习单元。这册书在编排时很注意学生兴趣的培养,尤其在单词字母学习这一环节,教材把手写字母相同的单词进行了归类,并且安排了大量的听、说、读、写 等多项练习,利用图片教授学习是培养学生学习英语兴趣的主要途径。除此之外还有多首英文歌曲的学习,书后有分类清晰的词汇表,更有利学教师的教和学生的学。Teaching Aims:










1、发挥老师的指导做用的同时,充分发挥学生的自我主观调动意识,且提高他们自主学习的能力,但要注意教师在教的过程中,对学生思想的指导方向,不能一味的任学生自己发展。三年级的学生在上课时有些时候上课意识并不强烈,这要求教师不能只是教授新知而 以,在很大程度上是要引导学生的行为和思维。


3、在英语的教学过程中,加入适当的对英、美等国家一些风俗习惯在日 常生活中的应用。主要采取同学之间互相帮助的方法,可以形成一帮一小组等方式。使学生可以在一起分享学习英语给大家带来的乐趣。鼓励学生多说,多练,尤其注意日常口语在生活中的应用。


1、在英语教学的过程中注意培养学生的学习兴趣是一个老生常谈的问 题,因此更应引起我们的重视。于此教师可以采取多种方式,比如:多采纳、听取学生的意见,抵制学英语给学生带来的负面压力,努力创设一个轻松的学习环境。

2、在英语教学中也应时时渗透思想道德教育的重要性。确立良好的价值 观和积极向上的人生观,形成同样积极的学习态度。

Teaching Emphasis:

1、对于一些日常用语的应用,如:①What’s this?及回答②What color?及应答。③ How many?及应答④I can的应用



Teaching Difficulty:



注:Teacher’s activities=T Student’s activities=S


Is it a pear?

Lesson one Teaching Aims:

1、Understand the dialogue what’s mean.2、The students like to learn English.3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.Teaching Emphasis:

1、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue.And answer it.2、Emphasis sentence: Is it a„„? Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t.Teaching Difficulty: The children can be use the “What’s this?” in dialogue.Answer it.Teaching step:

一、Greetings: Haven’t seen you for a long time!

二、Presentation and practice.Step 1

Model the dialog

1.Ask the students what they say when they see something exciting or amazing.Tell them,“In English, we can say Wow!” Have the Ss repeat the word a few minute.2.Hold up the card, ask students to answer what they can see.3.Choose one student.Ask,“What’s this ?”The student replies.4.Learn the new words in the same way.Step 2

Talk about the story

Have the students open their books, ask these questions about the pictures:

1.Where are Lulu and Mocky?

2.Who has a stall there ?

3.What is the litter fruit?

4.Does she like it?

T: We are going to talk about the story.1.Hold up a card.Say,“What’s this ?”Elicit the answer,“peach”.2.Repeat this for pear, orange, and nut.Step 3


1.T: We are going to meet some new friends.Play the tape once without stopping.2.Play the tape again, pausing after each picture.Have the students repeat each sentences after hearing it on the tape.3.Divide the class into two groups.One group will be Mocky, the other group will be Lulu.4.Play the tape again.Stop the tape after each sentences.Step 4

Talk about the story in group.1.Have students talk about the story after thacher.2.Encourage the children to talk about the story in group.3.Choose some students to act it out.三、Homework :


Lesson two Teaching Aims:

1、Understand the dialogue what’s mean.2、The students like to learn English.3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.Teaching Emphasis:

1、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue.And answer it.2、Emphasis sentence: Is it a„„? Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t.Teaching Difficulty:

The children can know the fruit words.Teaching step:

一、Greetings.二、Presentation.Step 1

Words to learn

1、Have the students open their books.Draw their attention to the “ Words to learn ”.2、Play the tape.Stop the tape after each new words.Ask the Ss to repeat it.Do this a second time.3、Play the tape straight through.While it is playing, hold up the book.Point to each words in turn.4、Play the guessing game outlined in the first part of the lesson.This time, use only the words for fruit in “Words to learn”.Step 2

Listen to this

1、Display copy of the page and point the bottom half.Tell the children Mocky says, What’s this? Point to the picture of a banana.Elicit the answer, “It’s a banana.”

2、Learn the new words and sentences.Have the students repeat the sentences and touch each word.Ask, Is it a peach? Answer, No, it isn’t.Read the sentences and have the students repeat it before.Ask, Is it a banana? Answer, Yes, it is.3、Read the sentences together.Tel the Ss that I am going to play a tape.Play the first question and answer.Check that the students have chosen the answer on the page.Step 3

Play the game

1、Hold up a pen.Say, Is this a pen? Elicit, Yes, it is.Now indicate an item farther away.Say, Is that a „?

2、Put the Ss into pair to practice each question and answer.3、Have the Ss open their books at “Play the game”.Still in pairs, have the Ss ask and answer questions about the numbered items.4、Group work.Play the game in group.Step4

Sing a song.Sing a song in class.Then sing the song group by group.Step 5

Play a game

Play a guessing game to practice the new words and sentences.三、Homework :


Lesson three Teaching Aims:

1、Understand the dialogue what’s mean.2、The students like to learn English.3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.Teaching Emphasis:

1、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue.And answer it.2、Emphasis sentence: Is it a„„? Yes,it is./ No,it isn’tTeaching Difficulty:

The children can know and read the words.Teaching step:

一、Greetings.二、Presentation.Step 1

Talk together.1、Direct the students’ attention to the top of the page.Say: Now we can read what we said.2、Read the words in the speech bubbles aloud, pointing to the words as you do so.Have the students repeat the words after you.Step 2

Listen and number.1、Have the Ss open the books at page 6.Draw their attention to the bottom half of the page.2、T: We are going to listen to the tape.You touch the correct characters when you hear them say “Hello.”

3、Play the tape and have the children touch the correct pictures.4、Play the tape two sentences at a time.Stop after each pair.5、Repeat the procedure for the other pictures.Step 3

Sounds and letters

1、Draw the Ss’ attention to the top of the page.2、Play the tape for baby and ball.Ask : Do these words have the sound /b/

3、Play the tape again and have the Ss say the sound.4、Repeat the procedure for others.Step 4

Listen and write.1、Display the page and have the Ss turn to the matching page in their own books.2、Have Ss point to the words.Play the tape for peach, draw the Ss attention to the word under the picture.3、Repeat the procedure for the other words.Have the Ss write the letter in the blanks.三、Homework.教学后记:

Lesson four Teaching Aims:

1、Can use the sentences and write the words correctly.2、The students like to learn English.3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.Teaching Emphasis:

1、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue.And answer it.2、Emphasis sentence: Is it a„„? Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t.Teaching Difficulty:

The children can read and write the words.Teaching steps:

一、Greetings.二、Presentation.Step 1 Trace the words

1、Hold up the card for banana.Ask “What is it?” Elicit from the students, It is a banana.2、Have the students open their books at page 8.Draw their attention to the first sentences.Say, We are going to write what I said just now.3、T: Watch me write the word.Stand with my back to the class.Write the word in the air, using large arm movements.4、Ask the students to write the word in the air after me.Repeat it.5、Have the students turn to the “ Trace the words” activity in their books.6、Have the students trace over other words by themselves.Step 2

Find and circle

1、Display my book.Point to each picture in turn and say the matching word.Ask, What is this? And have the Ss circle the word.2、Repeat the procedure for the other pictures of fruit.3、Put the Ss into pair, tell them that they must find the other fruits names in the puzzle and circle them out.Step 3

Uncle Book’s blackboard

1、Hold up the card, what and this , read it to the Ss, point to the words as I read them.2、Have the Ss repeat the words after teacher.3、Now hold up the What is this? , explain the meaning of this sentence.4、In the same way, review Is it and introduce It is.5、Now have Ss open the book, model the structures by reading.6、Divide the class into two groups.Have one group repeat the question, and for the other group repeat the answer.Have the group change places.Step 4

Guess and say.1、Have the students practice saying the sentences of this unit.2、Display my book, and explain that when I point to a fruit, I will ask a child to guess and say.三、Homework


Lesson five Teaching Aims:

1、Can use the sentences and write the words correctly.2、The students like to learn English.3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.Teaching Emphasis:

1、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue.And answer it.2、Emphasis sentence: Is it a„„? Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t.Teaching Difficulty:

The children can read and write the words.Teaching step:

一、Greetings.二、Presentation.Step 1

Read and check

1、Review the sentences:What is it?

2、Ask the students to practice reading sentences like, this is h..., then ask the students to read the sentences on page 10.3、Display the book, point to the first picture.Then, point to the question, Is it a lemon? Read the words aloud as you point each one.Elicit the answer, Yes, it is.4、Ask students to point to the answer in their books.Have them read the words whit you.5、Put the students into pair, do this exercise.Step 2

Let’s chant.1、Use the cards and have students practice reading the words.2、Read the rhyme to the students, point to each word.Then play the tape for the rhyme and have students listen and point to the words on the page.3、Play the tape again and have students join in, encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhyme.Step 3

Match the names.1、Model the word for them, and color the pictures.2、Have the students use their fingers to follow the ant trail

between the pictures and the words.四


Lesson six Teaching Aims:

1、Can understand the story.2、The students like to learn English.3、The students can be ask and answer the dialogue.Teaching Emphasis:

1、How can use “What’s this?” in the dialogue.And answer it.2、Emphasis sentence: Is it a„„? Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t.Teaching Difficulty:

The children can read and write the words.Teaching steps:

一、Greetings.二、Presentation.Step 1

Uncle Book’s storytime

Tell the students that they going to listen to a story.1.Play the tap, ask the students to listen to the story.2.Have the students open the book, and look at the pictures, ask them to look for the familiar words in the book.3.Have the students read the story silently, encourage them to try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.4.Try to tell the story in groups.Step 2

Review the sentences and words.1、Use the picture cards.2、What’s this? It’s **.Is it ** ? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.Step 3


1、Use this game to review the words and sentences in this Unit.Tell the Ss to take out their cards and get ready for the game.2、Play the game in group.Step 4


1、Have the students do this part in pairs or in groups by themselves.2、Students should assess themselves according to their own situation.3、Check the answer.四.Homework.教学后记:

Unit 8

Are these tomatoes?

Lesson 1

⑴教学目标 1.知识目标:

What are these/those? They’re/ They are „.Are these„? Plural nouns(regular)2.能力目标: Listen and talk.3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,培养学生的自信心。⑵


Asking and answering question about plural objects ⑶教学过程: 1.Review

Use this activity to review structures introduced in Unit 7, and the vocabulary introduced in Unit 2 and Unit 5.What’s this? It’s a „

Is it a „? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.2.Model the dialog

Borrow three pens, pencils, and rulers from the children.Hold up one pen and ask, “What’sthis?” Elicit the answer, “It’s a pen.” Repeat the procedure for pencil and ruler.Hold up a pen and repeat the question, “What’s this?”Now hold up two or three pens and say, “What are these?”Repeat the procedure using the pencils and rulers.Now have the children repeat each sentence as you hold up first one object, and then more than one.Explain that we use these when we are referring to more than one object.Practice the structure “What are these/those? They’re „” with some objects.3.Talk about the story

Have the children open their books at the story.Display your copy of the page and ask these questions about the pictures.:

Where are Ann, Ken, and Mocky? What is Mocky looking at? What is Mocky holding?

What other vegetables does Mocky find? Who chases Mocky? 4.Story

Play the tape, pausing at each new picture.Have the children repeat the words before you move on to the next picture.Play the tape again, this time without stopping.Divide the class into three groups.One group will be Mocky, the second group will be Ken, and the third group will be Ann.Teacher read the vendor’s line.Play one sentence at a time and point to the matching story picture.Have each group repeat its character’s sentence.Read after the teacher。

5.Set homework。


Lesson 2



What are these/those? They are „.vegetables ②能力目标:

Listen, say and sing.③情感目标:在歌曲中激发学生学习的兴趣,寓学于乐。


Asking and answering question about plural objects.⑶教学过程:


Choose two children to come to the front of the class.Have one child hold up a flashcard and ask, “What are these?” and the other child answer, “They’re „” After they have presented three cards, choose two more children and repeat the procedure.Pin up one of the six flashcards.Move away and point to the flashcard.Say, “What are those?” Elicit the correct answer.2.Plurals

Hold up the beans flashcard.Ask, “What are these?” Make sure the children say the final /s/ in They’re beans.Explain to the children that, when we talk about more than one thing, we usually add an s at the end of the word.Draw one tomato and one mushroom on the board.Point to the tomato and have the children say tomato.Then hold up the flashcard and have them say tomatoes, emphasizing the final /s/ sound.Repeat the procedure for mushroom/s/.3.Words to learn

Display your copy of the page.Play the tape once.Point to the picture of each vegetable as it is named.Play the tape again.Have the children touch the correct picture as they hear each vegetable’s name.Without the tape , read the words together.Encourage the children to touch each word as they say it.Read the names again, and this time have the children repeat the words.4.Listen to this

Talk about the pictures first.Play the tape, pausing after each pair of sentences.Have them repeat Ken’s question, then point to the correct vegetables.5.Teach the song Use the flashcards of the vocabulary being reviewed.Practice the structures “Are these „? Yes, they are./ No, it isn’t.” with the flashcards.These new structures will prepare the children for the song.Tell the children they are going to learn another song.Read the words aloud to the children , pointing to each word as you do so.Play the song.Encourage the children to sing along and to clap in time.6.Set homework。


Lesson 3 ⑴教学目标 1.知识目标:

Are these/those„? Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.2.能力目标:

Listen, talk and read.3.情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。


Have the children practice the sounds and letters.⑶教学过程:

Phonics)/t/ /d/


2.Language drill

Are these „? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.3.Talk together

4.Have the children open their books at page 18.draw their attention to the pictures at the to

of the page.Say, “Now we can read what we said.” Display the copy of the page and then read aloud the words in the speech bubbles, pointing to each word as you say it.Read the words again, and have the children repeat them after me.Encourage the children to touch the words in their books as they say them.If time allows, the children could substitute other vegetable names for onions.First time:listen to the tape.Second time:listen and repeat.Read by themselves.Then elicit some students to read it.3.Listen and number

Talk about the pictures first.Play the tape, have the children number the pictures in the correct order.Check the answer.4.Sounds and letters

Draw the children’s attention to the pictures on top of the page.Play the tape for taxi and tomatoes.Ask, “Do these words have the sound /t/?”Play the tape again and have the children say the words aloud.Repeat the procedure for the /d/ words.5.Match the sounds.Read all the words in the circle and have the children touch the words that have all the same beginning sound with taxi.Read the words again and have the children repeat.This time have the children match the words that have the same beginning sound with taxi to its picture by lines.Repeat the procedure with the /d/ sound.Tell them that there might be pictures that do not match either sounds.5.Set homework


Lesson 4

⑴教学目标 ① 知识目标: ② Are these „? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.(Phonics and writing)tomatoes, onions, potatoes and beans.②能力目标:

Listen, read and write.③情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。


the correct writing of each word ⑶教学过程:

1.Trace the words

Hold up the flashcard for tomatoes.Ask “What are these?” Elicit from the children “They are tomatoes.”

Have the children open their books at page 20.Show your copy of the page.Draw their attention to the first sentence.Say, “We are going to write what we said just now.” Have the children trace the word tomatoes.Repeat the procedure for the other sentences.2.Read and match

Draw the children’s attention to the pictures and words at the bottom of the page.Point to the first word eggplants.Say, “Eggplants.” Have the children repeat after you as they touch the word in their books.Now point to the picture of eggplants.Ask, “What are these?” Elicit from the children, “They’re / They are eggplants.”

Have the children draw a line from the word to the picture and repeat the word eggplants.Repeat the procedure for the other words and pictures.3.Uncle Booky’s Blackboard

Attach a flashcard to the wall at the other end of the room.Stand away from the card and point to it.Ask, “What are those?” Elicit, “They’re„” Repeat the procedure, using the other flashcards.Read the question aloud, pointing to each word as you do so.Have the children repeat the question.Attach the beans flashcard to the board and help children to model the different structures using the drillcards, for example, Are these beans? Yes, they are.Are these tomatoes? No, they aren’t.Model the structures on Uncle Booky’s Blackboard by reading them aloud to the children.Have the children repeat the questions and answers after you in a class drill, using all possible combinations.4.Guess and say

Ask the children to take out their small vegetable flashcards of this unit: Put the children in pairs.Then two children mix their cards with the picture facing down.Student A puts his/her hand on one card and asks student B to guess.Student B says, “Are these„?” Student A flips over the card and says Yes or No.Then he/she puts his/her hand on another card and asks, “Are these „?” Student B answers, “Yes, they are.” Or “No, they aren’t.”

Continue until all the cards are flipped over.Then the two students change their roles.5.Set homework.6.教学反思:

Lesson 5 ⑴教学目标 ①知识目标:

Be able to chant and check the correct answer.②能力目标:

Listen, read and write.③情感目标:有学习英语的愿望,乐于参与各种英语实践活动。


use the structures in communication ⑶教学过程:


This activity reviews the stucture Is this a „? Introduced in Unit 7.Hold up the flashcard for lemon.Ask, “Is this a lemon?” “Yes, it is.” Now ask, “Is this a „?” Have the children say, “No, it isn’t.”

Choose four children to come to the front of the class and repeat the questions and answers.Repeat the procedure with other children and different fruit.2.Check(√)the correct answer Talk about the pictures.Who is this? Are these „?

Have the children repeat the words the speech bubbles.Now ask the children to check the correct answer.Make sure they have done this.Repeat all the procedures for the other two pictures.3.Let’s chant

Read the rhyme to the children, pointing to each word.Play the tape for the whole rhyme.Have children listen and point to the words and the matching pictures on the page.Play the tape again and have children join in, encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhyme.Have children point to the picture in their books as they listen to the tape again.They can also add some actions and act the rhyme out.4.Game: Find the vegetables out in the classroom 5.Set homework


Lesson 6



Let’s make „.What are these? They are „.②能力目标:

Listen, read and write.③情感目标:体会英语学习中的乐趣,乐于接触英语读物。


consolidate the structures and vocabulary learned in this unit Elicit ⑶教学过程:

1.Uncle Booky’s storytime

Tell the children they are going to listen to the story.Play the tape.Have the children open their books at page 24 and look at the pictures.Ask them

to look for familiar words in the story.Have the children read the story silently, encourage themto try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.It doesn’t matter if they don’t know the words.The requirement for this part is to understand the story.2.Flashcard game

This game reviews core vocabulary.You will need the flashcards provided for earlier units.Have the children work in groups of 4 or 5.Have them spread all the flashcards face up on the table.Have the children either sit or stand around the table, close enough to be able to reach and touch the flashcards.Explain to the children that they are going to play a game where you will call out

an English word.The first child to put his/her hand on the matching flashcard wins that card.The game finishes when there are no flashcards left on the table.The winner is the child who has collected the most cards.(The children can count their cards in Chinese.)3.Self-assessment

In the first activity, point to the picture

of beans.Ask, “What are these?” Elicit “These are beans.” from the children.Put them into pairs.Have one child ask questions and the other provide the answer, pointing each picture.In the second activity, point to the first picture and read the question.Tell the children that you are going to read out two answers and only one answer is correct.Read the first answer and ask the children if it is correct.Repeat with the second answer.Tell the children to check the correct answer in its box.Tell the children to finish other pictures by themselves.4.Homework:


第四篇:三年级下册英语教案-Unit 2 _人教(PEP)

教学内容:Unit Two My family(1)教学目标和要求:

1、Let’s talk Part A

2、Let’s play Part B

教学重点:The sentences of Part A 教学难点:Who’s that …?Who’s this…? 教学用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things 教学过程: Step1: Revision

1、Say Hello/Hi

2、Revise the names.Step2:Learn the sentences

1、Look at the pictures

2、Listen to the tape

3、Read the sentences after the recording

4、Read the sentences together

5、Group work

6、Performances Step3: Let’s play

1、Try to introduce someone

1、Step4: Listen and do Step5: Summary and homework 板书设计:

Unit 2

My family

Father mother man woman 作业布置:

1、Listen to the tape

2、Read the sentences 教学后记:

第 1 页


第 2 页


Lesson 3:How Are You?


●语言知识:认知词汇book, chair, desk


How are you? I'm fine,thanks.What's this? It's a …





(1)How are you?I'm fine, thanks.(2)book, chair, desk


(1)How are you?I'm fine, thanks.(2)What's this?It's a …



Step I Class Opening(5 minutes)

1Warming up

Greeting:Greet your class by saying“Hello”or“Hi”.Ask the students to respond with“Hello”or“Hi”



T:Hello.My name is … What's your name?

S1:Hi!My name is …

T:Hi!I'm …

What's your name?

S2:Hello!I'm …


T:This is a boy/girlWhat's his/her name?

S3:His/Her name is …


Step II New Concepts(28 minutes)

1How are you?


教师板书:How are you?

I'm fine,thanks


(2)Group Work

以小组为单位,第一个人问How are you?第二个人回答I'm fine.然后再问第三个人How are you?直至全组结束为止。教师提醒学生尽量模仿刚才录音中的语音语调。

2Let's sing a song.在播放录音之前,师生先一起熟悉歌曲中的歌词,鼓励学生大胆说出歌曲中的句子,教师适当提示歌词含义,然后播放录音,让学生跟随录音唱歌并做动作。

3What's this?



Step III Consoliation(5 minutes)

1利用point to a …来指认book,boy, girl,teacher, desk,chair。

2利用show me a …来展现物品,然后问答 What's this? It's a …

Step IV Class Closing(2 minutes)

1Listen to the tape





(1)让学生回家用How are you? I'm fine,thanks.和家长相互问候。如果家长不懂,让学生教家长说。


Lesson 4 :Number1 2 3 4 5



1.使学生能听、说、认识和口头运用单词one, two, three, four, five 2.使学生能够理解并能口头运用:May I have

, please? Thanks.(二)能力目标:

1.培养学生运用英语数字的能力, 使学生对名词复数有初步的感知。





1、教学重点: 使学生能熟练掌握数字单词并能初步感知名词复数形式。

2、教学难点:使学生能够理解并能口头运用:Nice to meet you.三、教学准备:数字卡片,实物

四、教学资源: 名词复数的规则变化情况 构成方法 读音 例词 一般情况 加-s 1.清辅音后读/s/;map-maps 2.浊辅音和元音后 bag-bags 读 /z/;car-cars


(一)Step One: Class Opening and Review

(二)Step Two: New Concepts 1)Numbers one to five T:What’s this? Yes, it’s a book.It’s one book.Write “one book” on the blackboard.Have the students say together.T: Now, What’s this?(point to one chair and desk)S: It’s one chair.It’s one desk.T: What are these? Two books.Write it on the blackboard and learn to say.T: How many chairs? How many desks?(point to two chairs and desks)S: Two chairs.Two desks.T: How many books? Three books.Write it on the blackboard and learn to read.T: How many boys? How many girls?(Point to three boys and girls)S: Three boys.Three girls.T: Now how many books? Four books.Write it on the blackboard and learn to read.T: How many schools? How many teachers?(show some pictures)S: Four schools.Four teachers.T: How many books in my hands? Let’s count together.Yes, five books.Write it on the blackboard and have the students read.T: How many desks? How many chairs?(show some pictures)S: Five desks, five chairs.T: Who can find the different? 2)T: Let’s count the numbers.S: one, two, three, four, five.T: Let’s play a guessing game.Ⅱ)Nice to meet you.T: Let’s practice the dialogue.T: Who can act the dialogue? Please come to the front.(三)Step Three: Class closing

六、Blackboard Hand-writing

Lesson 4: 1 2 3 4 5

How many?

One two three four five Nice too meet you.Nice too meet you too.Lesson 5: How Many ?

一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:

(1)听懂会说、读、写词汇:pen pencil ruler crayon pencil-box(2)听懂会说本课词汇、句型:pencil box;blackboard;How many ___________do you have? 2.能力目标:

(1)会用How many ___________do you have?句型借要东西;(2)能够听、说、读、写词汇:pen pencil marker 3.情感目标:



(1)重点:学会pen pencil ruler等并掌握。






Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greeting Hello,boys and girls!T:How are you? S:I’m fine,thanks.2.Review 用book,boy,chair,desk,girl,school,teacher单词卡片,使用句型What’s this?提问,让学生做抢答练习。Step 2 New concepts 1.接着上面的练习直接出示单词pen的卡片,让学生猜读音.T:can you say it? 2.再拿出事物“钢笔”.T:What’s this? S:It’s____.(板书并领读)再呈现出pencil,pencil case ,blackboard, marker(活跃气氛,使学生在玩中学,改被动接受为主动接受)


在掌握了新单词的基础上,教师走到单个的学生面前,通过手势姿态用May I have___ ___,please?(如one book)清楚表达出自己的意思。

然后举起一定数量物体向学生提问How many?引导学生做出正确回答。


把实物教给学生,问Do you have any ___?在帮学生弄懂并作出肯定回答后再问How many ___do you have?并多进行几次以加深记忆。





Step 3 Ending


Lesson 5: How Many? Pen pencil pencil-box



How many

______ do you have?

Lesson 6 :Number6 7 8 9 10



1.使学生能听、说、认识和口头运用单词six seven eight nine ten 2.使学生能够理解并能口头运用:How many…?


1.培养学生运用英语数字的能力, 使学生对名词复数有初步的感知。





1、教学重点: 使学生能熟练掌握数字单词并能初步感知名词复数形式。

2、教学难点:使学生能够理解并能口头运用:See you later!.三、教学准备:数字卡片,实物

四、教学资源: 名词复数的规则变化情况 构成方法 读音 例词 一般情况 加-s 1.清辅音后读/s/;map-maps 2.浊辅音和元音后 bag-bags 读 /z/;car-cars



(一)Step One: Class Opening and Review

(二)Step Two: New Concepts 1)Numbers six to ten T:What’s this? Yes, it’s a chair.It’s six.Write “six chairs” on the blackboard.Have the students say together.T: Now, What’s this?(point to one chair and desk)S: It’s one chair.It’s one desk.T: What are these? seven books.Write it on the blackboard and learn to say.T: How many chairs? How many books?(point to two chairs and books)S: six chairs.seven books.T: How many rulers? Eight rulers.Write it on the blackboard and learn to read.T: How many pens? How many pencils?(Point to eight rulers and ten pencils)S: eight rulers ten pencils T: Now how many books? nine books.Write it on the blackboard and learn to read.T: How many schools? How many teachers?(show some pictures)S: six schools.Ten teachers.T: How many books in my hands? Let’s count together.Yes, seven books.Write it on the blackboard and have the students read.T: How many desks? How many chairs?(show some pictures)S: nine desks, eight chairs.T: Who can find the different? 2)T: Let’s count the numbers.S: six seven eight nine ten T: Let’s chant.Ⅱ)see you later.T: Let’s practice the dialogue.T: Who can act the dialogue? Please come to the front.(三)Step Three: Class closing

六、Blackboard Hand-writing

Lesson 4: 6 7 8 9 10

How many?

six seven eight nine ten

See you later!Goodbye!Bye!

Again ,please!


1、学生掌握下列词汇:chair desk boy girl ruler book school pen pencil pencil-box one two three four five six sever eight nine ten crayon hello hi teacher


3、会唱歌曲:What is your name? How are you?

4、Let us chant!





1、学生掌握下列词汇:chair desk boy girl ruler book school pen pencil pencil-box one two three four five six sever eight nine ten crayon hello hi teacher





四、教学过程: Step1: Class opening Greeting : 1.Let’s sing a song.2.let’s chant!Step2:New Concepts: 1.Listen and talk.A:学生听录音,并跟读对话,然后交流对话内容,最后二人一组模仿练习。师就重点句子进行板书。

B:表演对话。C:习题训练。2.Point and say.Start:chair---two---desk---five---girl---ruler---book---nine---crayon---boy---pen---seven---pencil-box---three---pencil---one-finish Let’s play a Game:

What’s this ?

It’s a_______.3.Listen and circle.e.g:This is a teacher.This is a crayon.This is a desk.This is seven.4.How am I doing? 5.Practise.Class closing.板书:

What’s your/his her name ? My/His/Her name is ________.Hello/Hi

How are you? I’m fine, thanks.Nice to meet you!How many ____do you have? I have______.See you later.Goodbye.Lesson 7:

My friend


1、知识目标:学生掌握下列词汇A a、B b、C c、D d、book。并能认识下列词汇 apple、cat、door。

2、能力目标:学生能够理解并能口头应答下列句子,This is LiMing.He is my friend.听懂会唱英文歌曲Find a friend.。



Aa Bb Cc Dd的正确发音及说、认识、口头运用apple, book, cat, door 并且能够记忆这些单词。


四、教学资源: 26个英文字母的Flash 动画: 26个英文字母儿歌Flash


Step1: Class opening Greeting : T: Hello, boys and girls!S: Hello teacher!T: How are you ? S: I’m fine, thanks.S: How are you ? T: I’m fine, thanks.Step2: New concepts 1.T: Now, let’s listen to a song“A B C”.英语FLASH童谣

There are 26 letters in English.Today we’ll learn 4 letters “A B C D”

(设计意图: 通过《字母歌》让学生对26个字母有一个初步的感知,为本课的字母学习打下基础)2.T: Look, this letter is A.Read after me, please.S:A T: It’s big letter “A”.This is small letter “a ”.Read after me.S: a T: Who can read it?(找几名自告奋勇的学生读)

T: let’s look, how to write it?(板书)show me your finger, let’s write it together.S: Aa(学生用手书空)T: look at me, this is A.(do action)can you ? S: Yes.T:(出示apple的卡片)What’s this? S: apple 在线学习26个英文字母儿歌Flash 大全-教育在线-热播网(教授 B C D 方法同上)T: let’s play a game.We’ll make two groups, let’s see who is quick and right.(赛一赛,看看哪个组儿歌说的快。)

T: I think you are tired.let’s have a rest.listen to a song, please. 3.T: look, who can try to say it?(出示课件:My friend.)Who can guess what’s the meaning? T: Let’s make a dialogue.First I’ll give you a model.(邀请一名学生和老师合作完成对话)T: Now, who volunteers?(几组学生展示)(设计意图:创设机会,培养学生的合作意识,树立自信心)Step3: class closing T: You do a good job.Class is over, good-bye everyone.S: Good-bye, teacher.Do the activity book: Lesson 6


lesson 7: A B C D apple




Lesson 8 :Letters


知识目标:掌握字母Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj 能力目标: 1.掌握Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh.Ii.Jj 2.学生能够运用和认识:egg fish girl hand ice cream juice.3.学唱ABCsongs 情感目标:培养团结友爱、讲文明、懂礼貌的优良品质。


1.教学重点:字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh.Ii.Jj 2.教学难点: Gg的读音




一 Class opening and Review: 1.Greeting T:How are you? 2.Play a game: “Stop!Go!”

3.Let’s sing a song: find a friend..二New Concepts: 1.Let’s learn the new letters: Ee Ff Gg Hh(出示字母卡片)

T:Look at the blackboard.Read after me:Ee……(板书,用手领着学生书写)T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? T:谁能用手指或身体来表示出Ee 出示字母Ff T:Look at the blackboard.Read after me Ff……(板书,用手领着学生书写)T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? T:谁能用手指或身体来表示出Ff 字母Gg Hh和上面的教法一样,但要注意Gg的读音以免和后面的Jj混了 T: Play a game: “Guess” Where is the letter “e”?......出示单词卡片eraser, fish, girl, hand让学生放到相应的地方。手拿eraser领读,强调字母e在单词中的读音。: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)What’s meaning? 出示鱼的画图:领读,强调字母f在单词中的读音。T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)What’s meaning? Who can remember any words that start with letter “f”? girl hand和上面的教法一样,但要注意字母g h在单词中的读音。T: Listen and draw.(在学生画的同时也在黑板上画Jenny,引出第二部分。)2.Let’s do it.将图一中的大写字母和图二中的小写字母相匹配,然后再下面的四线三格中规范地书写出来,看谁做得又快又好。3.Let’s sing!ABC song 听录音跟唱。师领唱、教唱。学生自己练唱。三Class Closing.Sing a song.Homework:学会ABC song


Lesson 8: Letters E










j egg




ice cream


Lesson 9: Open and Close 教学目标:

知识目标:字母: Kk Ll Mm Nn 能力目标:

1掌握Kk Ll Mm Nn 2学生能够运用和认识下列词汇:close, open, door, window Kite lake mouse nose 3学生能够理解并能说和按指令用下列句子做动作: Open the_____Close the______ 情感目标:培养自信交际能力


教学重点:字母Kk Ll Mm Nn


五、教学过程: 一)复习1.问候

2.ABC song.二)学习新课

1.Letters Kk Ll Mm Nn ①看字母卡片让学生认读以前学的字母:Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh Ii Jj ②介绍新字母:Kk Ll Mm Nn并板书

Kite lake mouse nose ③领读字母:然后说明每个字母在单词中的读音 ④放录音,学生跟读

2.学习door,window ①教师手指教室内的橡皮擦,门和窗,读这几个单词,然后让学生读数次,并板书


④操练:让全体学生或单个学生回答下列问题 What’s this? Point to a door/window

Show me a door/ window

Is this a door/ window

how many doors/ windows.⑤分组练习:把全班分成四组练习Is this a/an___?

It’s a/an_____学生利用词汇卡或教室内的事物来练习

3.学习Open the_____.Close the_______ ①示范:教师打开然后合上一本书,一扇们或一扇窗户,边做边读出这两个单词。并板书open和close ②教师手指黑板上的单词先朗读,然后由学生朗读数次。③让自告奋勇的学生用动作演示

教师:(自告奋勇的学生)Please open/close the book/door/window 学生:(打开一本书,一扇门或一扇窗户)全班学生:Open/Close.④同学们打开《教科书》:N3。放录音,学生看书跟读。

⑤作游戏“RACE AND DO”把学生分成几个队。每队派一名代表按照教师的指令比赛做动作。比如Please open the door/window/book.参赛者快步走到门前争取第一个打开门。获胜者为他的队赢得1分.在黑板上记下得分。


打开门(openclose the door)

关上窗(open close the pencil casewindow)打开书(open close the bookdoor)Stsp3:class closing.板书:

Lesson 9:Open and close Kk



Nn Kite



nose Open




Lesson 10:Red, Yellow, Blue, Green

一、教学目标 知识目标:

1.掌握字母 Oo Pp Qq Rr 及颜色单词red yellow blue green.2.学生能够运用、认识、: orange pencil queen ruler What colour is it? It’s ______.能力目标:

1.能听说辨认的字母和单词Oo Pp Qq Rr red yellow blue green 2.能正确理解并进行口头交际的句型What colour is it?It’s ________.情感目标:培养用英语描述周围事物的能力,培养自信心。


教学重点:字母Oo Pp Qq Rr单词red yellow blue green.教学难点:Pp的写法复数(s)




一 Class opening and review: 1.Greeting 2.Play a game:(Clap their hands)Students:(Clap their hands)3.Listen and do.Open the window.Show me your book.(pen, the letter Ee……)由此引出新知 二New concepts: 1.T: Show me the letter Mm Let’s learn the new letter: Mm(出示字母卡片)

T:Look at the blackboard.Read after me: Mm……(板书,用手领着学生书写)T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? 谁能用手指或身体来表示出o 注意Pp的写法以避免和q混淆

单词orange和上面的教法一样,注意板书 T: Play a game: “Murmur” T:(手指黑板上的铅笔)

How many pencils do you have? 由此引出新知(二、三两部分)2.T: What colour is it?(板书)T: Red.(在黑板上画铅笔并涂色、板书。)T: one red pencil T:(在黑板上画铅笔并涂色。)How many pencils? T: What colour? T: Who can say? T:(在黑板上画铅笔并涂色。)How many pencils? T: What colour? T: Who can say? T: Now I colour this marker.What colour? Blue板书、领读

(在黑板上画四个彩笔并涂色。)T: How many markers? T: What colour? T: Who can say? T:手拿钥匙

What colour?引出yellow green 和上面的教法一样

3.T: Let’s play a game Listen and draw.(听第三部分)4.教授彩虹儿歌 5.Let’s do it!三Class Closing.Sing a song.Homework: Read lesson 11.Lesson :11 Orange、Brown、White、Black 教学目标 知识目标:

1、握字母 Ss T t Uu Vv及颜色单词Orange、Brown、White、Black, 能听懂、认知四种颜色Orange、Brown、White、Black,2、会实际运用:What colour is it? It’s ______.能力目标:使学生能够熟练认知本课知识并运用在实际生活中。


1、能听懂、认知四颜色:Orange、Brown、White、Black,2、会实际运用:What colour is it? It’s ______.3、在四线三格中正确书写英文字母Ss,Tt, Uu Vv的大小写。

教具学具:几种颜色yellow,blue,green, orange, white,brown、black等的课件 教学过程:

一、开始上课和复习: 热身:师生问候。



二、学习Ss T t Uu Vv四个字母。




4、认识单词:school tea umbrella vegetable

三、What colour is it?


2、教授orange, white, black brown 四种颜色。对话练习:What colour is it? It’s ______.3、涂色游戏。

4、Let’s chant!Point to red,poine to blue, Point to green, and yellow too.Now what colour do you see? Point to and then tell me.四、习题训练

五、Let’s sing a song.六、Class closing.七、Homework.Lesson 12 :more letters 教学目标:

a.知识目标:掌握四个字母Ww Xx Yy Zz的读音及书写。

b.能力目标:认识并会用四个单词:window x-ray yellow Zoo

会唱歌曲:A E I Q U c.情感目标:通过对字母的学习,培养学生学习英语的积极性。三.教学重难点

a.教学重点:字母Ww Xx Yy Zz的读音及书写


四、教学准备:磁带,录音机、课件 教学过程

Step 1 Warming up 1.Greeting: T:Are you ready?

Do you like to sing? Let’s sing a song.2.《 A B C song 》 Step 2 New Concept 1.Introduce: T:Now look here.There are some cards.Which word starts with the letter “A” ?

Which word starts with the letter “B” ……“C”,“D” ?(找出开头字母相同的单词,并把相同的开头字母写出来,同时写出相应的大写字母。)T:Please read them.OK.Let’s play games!2.Game.What’s this ?

游戏规则:把单词卡片藏在帽子中(或把其它容器中),请一名同学拿出一张之后,在黑板上画出该图,再问全班:What’s this ? 再请某一个同学回答:How many

do you have? 由单词:window x-ray yellow zoo 引出本课要学学的四个字母: Ww Xx Yy Zz。


3、Let’sing.A、教师教唱歌曲:A E I Q U.B、学生跟录音反复练唱直到能熟练演唱。

4、Let’s play.走迷宫。找出26个字母的正确排列顺序,看谁做得又快又好。

5、Let’s do it.根据空格前后字母提示,在空白处填上正确的字母,注意大小写形式,读完之后,唱一唱或者读一读给你的同桌听。Steps3:class closing.板书:

Lesson12:more letters









Again ,please!教学目标:



1、复习巩固本单元的单词:friend window red yellow blue green orange brown white black.2、会唱本单元的2首英文歌曲





四、教学准备:磁带,录音机、课件 教学过程



2、Let’s chant.3、Let’s sing a song.三、New concepts:

1、Listen and talk.a.听录音,然后交流,你听到了什么。b.同桌合作,表演你听到的内容。


3.Introduce your friends.向全班同学介绍一位你的朋友,使用上本单元学过的口语。4.Listen and circle.a.three red crayon b.open your book c.This is “q”.d.This is “j”.5.Do the puzzle.the colour.a.根据前后提示,在方框中填入正确字母,注意写规范。b.同桌订正交流。c.教师评价。d.按要求涂色。6.习题训练。

4、Class closing.5.作业布置。


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