新目标七年级英语下册Unit6 It’s raining!Section B (1a-2c)教案

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第一篇:新目标七年级英语下册Unit6 It’s raining!Section B (1a-2c)教案

新目标七年级英语下册Unit6 It’s raining!Section B(1a-2c)教案 一﹑教学目标


1.掌握下列词汇:hot , cold, cool, warm, humid 2.描述并谈论天气,进一步学习现在进行时。

—How is the weather in picture d ? —It’s raining/hot/humid/cool/warm/cold.—What are you doing? —I’m watching TV.—How is it going? —Not bad/ Great/Terrible/Pretty good.能力目标




在合作学习中培养学生[此文转于斐斐课件园 FFKJ.Net]乐于学习的精神,积极进取。





教学难点: 结合天气用语及现在进行时进行交际训练。





What’s she /she doing? He/She is …..What are you doing? I am …..What are they doing ? They are …..2)针对当天天气询问

Is it raining today ? No, it isn’t.Is it windy ? No, it isn’t.A: How’s the weather today? B:It’s sunny.A: How is it going? B: Not bad.3)听写单词:找二名同学上黑板听写,其余学生在练习本上写。2﹒导入新课

1)运用装有冷热不同水的水杯等让学生感受表示温度的单词hot,cold, cool, warm等,然后教生词 : hot cold cool warm humid 2)教师领读,学生齐读,个别读。3)1a 看图画P34再次练习

--How’s the weather in picture a-e?--It’s hot/cold/cool/warm/humid.More key points:

--What kind of weather do you like?--I like rainy days.--Why do you like rainy days?

--Because it’s cold and I like to walk on rainy days.--How is the weather?--It’s rainy!

--What are you doing?--I’m watching TV.4)Pairwork 集体朗读文中的对话,然后 Make a conversation 如﹕

T:How’s it going?

S:Great/fine/not bad/terrible/pretty good.T: How’s the weather in picture d? S: It’s hot.T: What is he doing? S: He is walking.5)P34 2a.2b

a﹒ 通读2a中的题目要求。再放第一遍录音,完成2a表格,并放第二遍录音核对答案。Answers: pretty, great

b﹒通读2b中的题目要求。放第一遍录音,完成2a表格,并放第二遍录音核对答案Answers: Maria: I’m visiting my grandmother.Hot and humid and sunny.Sam: I’m having a party.Cold and raining.c﹒听录音,跟读。


I’m having a party.I am visiting my grandmother.How is the weather? It’s hot and humid.How is it going? It is great..6)P34 2c Role play a conversation between Maria and Sam.Ask and answer these questions: How is it going? What are you doing? How’s the weather?



1.熟记本课所学形容词:hot , cold, cool, warm, humid 2.熟练运用询问天气及事情进展状况的对话:

A: How is the weather? B: It’s cloudy/ sunny/snowy/ snowing/ rainy/ raining/windy.A: How’s it going? B: Not bad/ Pretty good/Terrible/Great..…….3.掌握听听力的正确方法,提高听的准确率。


五. 作业布置



英语(新目标)七年级下册Unit 2教案 Unit 2 Where's the post office?

Language goal This unit students leam to ask for and give directions(方向)on the street.New language Is there a bank near here? Yes, there's a bank on Center Street, Where's the supermarket? It's next to the library.Is there a pay phone in the neighbhood?Yes, it's on Bridge Street on the right.locations in the neighborhood such as post office, hotel,video arcade.Descriptive words such as new, old, dirty, clean.Descriptions of location such as across from, next to,Between

Recycled language What are you doing? Do you want to...?

Section A

Ask two rows of three students each to stand facing each other in the front of the classroom.Point to students standing in front and ask the class to repeat the questions and answers.Example 1 Teacher: Where'sYang Li?(Point to two students standing beside each other.)Yang Li is next to Li Peng.Example 2 Teacher: Where's Zheng Wen?(Point to two students in different lines facing each other.)Zheng Wen is across from Sheng Lin.Example 3 Teacher: Where's Lin Jiahui?(Point to one student standing between two other students.)Lin Jiahui is between Sheng Lin and Li Dai.la

This activity introduces the key vocabulary.Focus attention on the picture.Ask students to name as many of the places they see in the picture as they can.Then name all the places and ask students to repeat.Point out the numbered list of words.Say each one and ask students to repeat.Then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures.Say, Write the letter of each place in the picture next to the correct word or words on the list.Point out the sample answer f.Check the answers.1b This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language.Point out the buildings and other locations in the picture.Say the name of each one to the class.Say, Now I will play recordings of three conversations.Listen carefully and circle the picture of each place you hear on the tape..Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This tine ask students to listen and circle the items they hear on the picture.Correct the answers.These items should be circle:video arcade, post office, supermarket.Tapescript(录音稿)Convernation 1 A: Is there a video arcade on Fifth Avenue? B: Yes, there is.Conversation 2

A: Is there a post office near here? B: Yes, there is.There's one on Bridge Street.Conversation 3 A: Is there a supermarket on Center Street? B: No, there isn't.1C

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point to the different locations shown in the picture.Ask different students to name each one.If necessary,say the name and ask the student to repeat.Point to the question and answer In the example conversation and ask a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.Ask other pairs of students to repeat the activity if you wish.Ask students to work in pairs.Say, First one person asks a question and then the other person takes a turn.Demonstrate(示范)the activity.Point to the picture and ask.Is there a post office near here? Then choose a student to answer.Guide the student to say, Yes,there's a post office on Bridge Street.As students work, move around the room and check progress(进展情况).Help students understand how to locate things on the map, if necessary.Ask several students to say some of their questions and answers for the class.教学后记:








This activity introduces the terms across from, next to, between, and on.Focus attention on the pictures.Ask students to talk about the pictures, naming as many places as they can.Then name all the places in the pictures and ask students to repeat.Point out the four sentences.Say each one and ask students to rcpeat.Then ask students to match each sentence with one of the pictures.Say, Eacb sentence talks about one of the pictures.Write the number of the sentence in the box on the picture that it is talking about.Point out the sample answer 1.Check ihc answers.2b This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language.Point out the buildings and street names in la.Say each one and ask students to repeat.Call attention to the four sentences in 2b.Read them to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line.Say.Now I will play recordings of three conversations.Listen carefully and write a word from the box on each blank line.Point out the sample answer.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time ask students to fill in the blanks by listening to the items on the tape.Correct the answers.Tapescript(录音稿)Conwaraation 1 A: Excuse me.Is there a library around here? B: Yes.It's between the video arcade and the supermarket.Conversation 2 A: Where's the park?

B: The park? Oh, it's across from the bank.Conversation 3 A: Excuse me.Is there a supermarket around here? B;Yes, it'son Fifth Avenue.Conversation 4 A: Where's the pay phone? B: It's next to the post office.2c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point to the list of buildings in la.Ask a student to read the list aloud.Point to the question and answer in the speech bubbles(泡沫)in 2c and ask a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.Ask other pairs of students to repeat the activity if you wish.Ask students to work in pairs.Say, First one person asks a question and then the other person takes a turn.Ask about the buildings in 1a.Demonstrate(示范)the activity.Point to the map and ask,Where's the park? Then choose a student to answer.Guide the student to say, It's across from the bank.As students work, move around the room and check progress.(进度)Ask several students to say some of their questions and answers for the class.Grammar focus Review the grammar box.Ask students to say the questions and answers.Ask students to circle these words in the grammar focus section of their books: on, across from, next to, and between.Ask, Which words talk about two different buildings?(across/row, next to, and between)Ask, Which one talks about one building all alone!'(on)

Culture note

Many visitors to the United States believe that Americans don't like to answer questions or give directions(方向)to tourists(旅行者)and other visitors.This is not necessarily true.The pace of life is fast in the United States, especially(特别)in big cities.Most people walk quickly, talk quickly, and are in a hurry to get wherever they are going.Also, most Americans speak only one language and aren't used to talking with speakers of other languages.However, when a visitor asks a question,many people are pleased to be able to share their knowledge of their city or their neighborhood.A pleasant smile and a short, direct question will almost always get you the information you need.3a This activity provides target-oriented reading practice using the language items taught in this unit.Draw attention to the conversation in the box.Ask students to read it out loud.Ask a student to point out the place that Paul wants to get to.Guide the student to point

to the book and say,Here's the hotel.Here's Bridge Street.Point to the two arrows.(箭头)Ask students to repeat left and right.Then ask them to hold up their left hands and then their right hands.Ask students to read the conversation again.Then ask them to find Paul and Nancy in the picture.Answer Paul and Nancy are the two figures outside the entrance to the park.3b

This activity provides guided writing practice using the target language.Call attention to the three pictures.Explain that the three pairs in these pictures correspond to three pairs in the large picture above.Ask students to find the pairs in the big picture.Point to the questions below each picture and ask a student to read them aloud.Point to the three write-on lines in the speech bubbles.Say, Write the answers to the questions here.Ask students to complete the writing individually.(个别的)Correct the answers.1.Yes, there is.Go straight down New Street and turn right.There's a pay phone on the right.2.Go straight down New Street and turn right.Turn left at Bridge Street.The bank is across the street.3.Yes, there is.Turn right, then go straight down Bridge Street.The post office is on the left.It's across from the video arcade, next to the super-market.4

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language, Call attention to the picture in la.Ask students to name all the buildings in the picture.Point out the conversation In the picture in 4.Ask different students to read each line.Have the students work In groups.One person chooses a building in the la picture but doesn't tell anyone which building it is.The others ask questions like those in the activity 4 picture until they guess which building it is.Several students can take turns choosing the building for the others to guess.Section B


This activity introduces the key vocabulary.Focus attention on the pictures.Ask different students to name the places shown in the pictures.They will probably not include words such as old, new, busy, quiet, big, small, dirty, and clean in their statements.Point to and name all the places in the pictures again without the describing words and have students repeat.Now point to each half of each picture and ask about the difference between the halves.For example, you might say;This is a park.Is it a clean park or a dirty park? Clarify(澄清)the meaning of the words clean and dirty by pointing out details in the pictures.Point out the pairs of words or phrases.Say each one and ask students to repeat, Then ask students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures.Point out the sampl answer.Check the answers.b

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Call attention to the conversation in the picture.Ask a pair of students to read it aloud.Then ask several different students the same question.Ask them to tell the truth.Point out the list of phrases in 1a.Ask students to work in pairs They take turns asking each other questions about the things on this list.Ask them to tell each other the truth.As students work together, move around the room checking on their progress.Ask several students to present some questions and answers to the class.2a

This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language.Point out the list of places in la.Say die name of each one to the class.Say, Now I will play a recording of a conversation.Listen carefully and circle the words in 1a that tell about Michael's street.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time.This time ask students to listen and circle the places they hear.Correct the answers.2b

This activity gives students practice listening to and understanding the target language.Call attention to the street map in the box.Say, Now I will play the conversation again.Listen to if and draw the places in Michael's neighborhood on the street map.Play the recording.Students only listen.Demonstrate the activity by saying.What are the three places on the tape?(a hotel, a supermarket, Michael's house).Answer any questions students may have.Play the recording again.Students draw maps of Michael's neighborhood.Move around the room, offering assistance(提供协助)if needed.Have some students show their completed drawings to the class.2c

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Say, Now let's work in pairs.The first person makes some statements about the picture in 2b.The seconds person says “true” if the statement is true and “false if the statement is false.The second person also changes each false statement into a true one.Call attention to the conversation in the picture in 2c.Ask a pair of students to read it aloud.Demonstrate(示范)the activity with a student.Have the student close the book.Then say one true thing and one false thing about the picture.Guide the student to answer ”true“ for the true statement and to say ”false" for the false statement and change it into a true one.Ask students to practice in pairs and to take both roles.Move around the room helping students get started| and answering any questions they may havc.Ask several pairs of students to present some statements and responses(回答)to the class.Ask students to correct any mistakes they hear.3a

This activity provides reading practice using the target language.Ask a student to read the paragraph to the class or read it yourself.Answer any questions students may have.Read the Instructions(指示)aloud.Point out the sample of the circled description word(busy), and make sure students understand what they have to do.Correct the answers.3b

This activity provides guided reading and writing practice using the target language.Point out the guide and the blank spaces in it.Read it aloud saying blank each time you come to a blank line.Say, Now please write one word in each blank space in the guide.Look at the picture/or the answers.Point out the sample answer in the blank.Correct the answers.3c

This activity provides guided writing practice using the target language.Ask students to work on their own.Point out the description in 3b and say.Now write about your own neighborhood.Use sentences like these.4

This activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.Call attention to what the person In the picture is saying.Ask a student to read the statement to the class.Say,Now you can talk with your partner about your own neighborhood.Tell about the streets and buildings.Your partner will draw a picture of the neighborhood Demonstrate the activity with a student.Have him or her make some statements and draw on the board what you hear.For example, you might draw a small supermarket across from a post office.As students work, move around the room offering assistance and answering questions.Ask some students to share(参与)the completed drawings and to make some statements to accompany(陪伴)them.Self check

This activity provides a comprehensive review of all key vocabulary presented in this unit.Ask students to check all the words they know.You may wish to have them circle any words that they don't know.Ask students to find out the meanings of any words they don't know.They can do this by reviewing the unit.asking you, asking their classmates or using a learner's dictionary or bilingual dictionary.This activity helps build vocabulary by providing a specific time and place for students to record new words.Ask students to enter five new words in their Vocab-builder on page 108.After students have recorded their new words, ask them to share their lists with other students.This can be done with the whole class or informally, in pairs or small groups.This activity provides reading practice focusing on the gmmmatical structures used to ask and say where things are.Ask students to read the letter and draw the route on the map.Answer any questions students may have.Check the answers.(You may want to draw a simple copy of the map on the board, and then have one student come and draw the route on it.)






Unit11 How was your school trip ?

Period 1(Section A:1a, 1b, 1c)Step I Lead-in Revise past forms of some verbs.Enable students to use them to make a list of their last school trip activities.T: Do you still remember your last school trip? When was it? Where did you go? Ss:...T: What did you do on the trip? Now make a list of the things you did on the trip.Remember, use the simple past tense of verbs because we are talking about the past event.Is that clear? Help students to review the simple past of some verbs they have learned before.Show the following chart.Let students write down the simple past of the verbs.Ask a student to write the answers on the board.Then check the answer with the whole class.Then let them make their own lists.Ask some students to share their lists with the class and make sure they use the correct simple past tense of the verbs.The following chart shows the simple past of some irregular verbs.Students may find some useful while they are making the list.verb buy think bring ride grow drink simple past bought thought brought rode grew drank

verb teach catch write throw sing

simple past taught caught wrote threw sang

Step II Listening and Oral practice(Section A 1b)Play the recording.Students only listen and get a general idea of the conversation.Play the tape a second time.Students listen and circle the activities.Play the tape a third time, students listen and read after the tape.Correct their pronunciation and intonation mistakes.Step III Pairwork(Section A 1c)

Point to the speech bubble in the picture of activity 1b.Let students practice the conversation between Bob and Carol in pairs.Call attention to the questions: Did you...? What did you...? And their answers: Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.I milked a cow.Step IV Summary and Homework T: This class we have learnt how to talk about school trips with “Did you...” We also learned the simple past form of some verbs.After class, please review the chart about the verbs.Don’t forget to preview the next part of Section A(2a, 2b, 2c,2d, Grammar focus).Period 2(Section A:2a, 2b, 2c,2d)Step I Revision and Lead-in Greet the class as usual.Get students review what they have learned in the last period by asking some questions about their last summer vacation.T: Where did you go on your last summer vacation, Xiao Bin? S: I went to Qingdao with my parents.T: Wow, a cool place.What did you do there? S: We climbed Laoshan Mountain, swam in the sea and ate sea food.T: Did you visit an aquarium? S: Yes, we did.We took photos with dolphins and seals.T: Did you have a good time there? S: Yeah.We went to the beach and ate lots of seafood.I want to go there next vacation again.Step II Listening(Section A 2a, 2b)Ask a few questions about Carol’s school trip.T: Where did Tina go? S: She went to the farm.T: What did she do there? S: She hung out with her friends and took lots of photos.T: What else did she do there? Now let’s listen.First, open your books at page 62.Read the questions in activity 2a please.Point to the list of questions and have one student read the questions to the class.Explain some new words and stress the verb phrases.Play the tape.Students listen and check the questions they hear.T: Look at activity 2b.Read the sentences and get the meaning of each sentence.Then listen to the recording again and circle “T” or “F”.Play the recording again, students listen and circle the answers.Then play the recording again, pause where the right answers are.Check the answers with the whole class.Step III Pairwork(Section A 2c,)In this step, students will practice talking about Carol’s school trip according to the information in activity 2a,2b.This will help them to practice the use of “Did she...” question and the affirmative and negative statements.Have students complete the task in pairs.Step IV Role-play(2d)Do2d:Ask students to role-play the conversation in pairs,then explain the conversation.Step V Homework 1.Listen to the whole conversation between Tina and Kevin.Retell what Tina did on her school trip in your own words.2.Make a list of verb phrases you have learned so far in this unit and try to remember them.Period 3(Section A:Grammar focus,3a, 3b)Step I Revision and Lead-in Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Ask several students to retell what Eric did on his trip.Step II Grammar Revise the grammar box.Let students do some drill practice with the grammar items.Drill:

—Did you(A)go to the zoo(B)? Replace A with: he, she, they, Mary, Liu Li, Wang Fei, etc.Replace B with: take photos, hang out with friends, see some dolphins, go to the movies, buy a souvenir, have some ice cream —Yes, I(A)did.—No, I(A)didn’t.I(A)went to the aquarium(B).Replace A with: he, she, they and we.Replace B with: took photos, hung out with friends, etc.Step II Reading(Section A 3a)T: Read the letters and find answers to the following questions.1.Did Jim have a good time on the school trip? 2.Where did Jim go for the day? 3.What did Jim do after lunch? After they have finished, check the answers.Then ask the students to retell the letters with their own words.Now listen to the tape and repeat after it.Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.Step III Pairwork

Ask students to write down a list of places they visited(as column A), and

things they did there(as column B).Column A

Column B Tianlong Mountain

ride horse Beidaihe

go swimming Hongkong

go shopping......Ask a pair of students to read the sample conversation.Explain that: T: “That sounds interesting” is B’s opinion on the things A did.We can also say: That sounds cool/fun/boring/exiting etc.Now work in pairs and make your own conversations.Give opinions on the things your partner did.Sample conversation: A: Where were you last Sunday? B: My family went to Tianlong Mountain.A: That sounds exciting.Did you climb the mountain? B: Yes, we did.We also had a picnic.Ask some pairs to act their conversations out for the class.Step IV Groupwork(Section A 3b)Get students sit in a circle and make up a story.T: Let’s play a game.Students in Group one, three, five, seven sit in the front.Students in Group two, four, six, eight sit in the back.Sit in a circle quickly.We are going to make up a story.Choose a member in your group to start the story.Then each of you add a sentence to keep the story going.Remember, the story happened in the past, so you should use the simple past tense.Let’s see which group’s story is more interesting.Step V Homework 1.Write a short story about your school trip.2.Prepare for Section B.Period 4(Section B:1a, 1b, 1c,1d,2a, 2b, 2c)Step I Revision and Lead-in Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Ask two students to read their school trip experiences.Step II Matching and listening(Section B 1a, 1b,1c,1d)Call attention to the pictures in activity 1a.Help students understand the meanings of the 6 phrases.T: Which of these activities did you do on your last day off? Rank them 1-6.Then ask students to listen to a conversation between Jane and Tony in activity 1b and 1c.Then check the answers.Get them work in pairs and discuss their last trip in 1d.Ask some pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.Step III Reading(Section B 2a, 2b,2c)T: Well, most of us have a busy weekend.We always do a lot of things during the weekends.Do you often feel tired after hard work? What do you most want to do? S: Sleep the whole day.S: Have delicious food.S: Play computer games.S: Listen to light music.T: How were Helen’s and Jim’s school trips? Did they do the same things as you do? Look at the chart in activity 2a to complete it.Look at activity 2b.Read 2b to answer the questions.Check the answers with the whole class.Then let them pick out other expressions in the conversation that show opinions or feelings.Ask students to complete the chart in 2c,then check the answer.Step IV Pairwork

T: From 2b, we know Helen’trip was interesting and exciting and Tony’trip was terrible.What was your last day off like? Was it a good day off or a terrible day off? Now work in pairs and talk about your last day off.Let students present their conversations in front of the class using the target language.Ha Step V Homework Write a short passage about what your father or mother did on his/her last day off.Period 5 Period 5(Section B:3a, 3b, 3c, Self check)Step I Revision and Lead-in Greet the class as usual and check the homework.T: Do you remember Helen and Jim did on their school trip? Who can retell the story to us? Ladies, first!Show the pictures on the screen again.These will help the students to remember the main events.Step II Reading and writing(Section B 3a)Turn to page 66, activity 3a.Read the diary.Make a list of the things Bob did that day.Have students complete Bob’s diary,then get some students read it to the class.Then play the tape and let students read after it.Check their pronunciation and intonation.Step III Writing practice(Section B 3b, 3c)Read this diary and fill in the blanks.Then let students read the diary to their partners and check the answers with each other..Then deal with activity 3c.T: Now write a diary and tell us what you did on your last school trip.First make a list of ideas before you begin to write the diary.In your diary you must include Activities, Places, Description words.Make a list of at least three things under each heading.You’d better write at least six or seven sentences.After they have finished, ask some students to read their diaries to the class.Step IV Self Check Do Self Check1:Write more verbs and their past forms and remember them.Do Self Check2:Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.Ask some pairs to act them out in class.Step V Homework 1.Make a list of the verb phrases you have learned in this period and remember them.2.Finish the exercises in Self check.








《Go for it》七年级下册共12个单元,加上复习单元2 个,文化背景知识和学习策略等部分补充材料。全书采取任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主要的功能项目与语法结构,需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A、B两部分。A部分是基本的语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用。每个单元还有self check部分,供学生自我检测本单元所学的语言知识之用。它采用“语言的输入——学生的消化吸收——学生的语言输出”为主线编排的。通过确定language Goal,采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高语言习得者的学习效率,有利于习得者的语言产出,体现了以学生为主体的思想。


1.Where questions with from;Where questions with live;what questions 2.Where questions;Affirmative statements;prepositions of place 3.adjectives of quality 4.present progressive tense;Yes/No questions and short answers 5.Present tense to wear;adjectives of general description 6.Simple past of regular and irregular verbs;How was your weekend? 7.Past tense of regular and irregular verbs;was/were;



五、教学措施和方法 措施:

1.培养学习兴趣,引导学生掌握正确的学习方法和策略,提高学习效率 2.发挥学生主体和教师主导作用

3.用良好的师生关系,协调课堂气氛,培养学生开口说英语的勇气和信心 4.引导学生实现语言的迁移,加强日常生活中英语口语的运用 5.鼓励学生自主探索,合用探究,共同提高 6.加强听力训练






本学期一周6个课时,预计有18个教学周,我做了如下安排: 第1周:Uint1 第2周:Unit2 第3周:Unit3 第4周:Review Units1-3 第5周:Unit4 第6周:Unit5 第7周:Unit6 第8周:Review Units4-6 第9周:Revision and mid-exam 第10周:unit7 第11周:Unit8 第12周:Unit9 第13周:Review Units7-9 第14周:Unit10 第15周:Unit11 第16周:Unit12 第17周:Revision 第18周:Exam









《Go for it》七年级下册共12个单元,文化背景知识和学习策略等部分补充材料。全书采取任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主要的功能项目与语法结构,需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A、B两部分。A部分是基本的语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用。每个单元还有self check部分,供学生自我检测本单元所学的语言知识之用。它采用“语言的输入——学生的消化吸收——学生的语言输出”为主线编排的。通过确定language Goal,采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高语言习得者的学习效率,有利于习得者的语言产出,体现了以学生为主体的思


1.Where /what


questions.2.Affirmative statements;prepositions of place.3.Modal verb can Adjectives of quality;Would like.4.present progressive tense;Yes/No questions and short answers.5.Present tense to wear;adjectives of general description.6.Simple past of regular and irregular verbs;How was your school trip? 7.Past tense of regular and irregular verbs was/were;











第1周:Unit 1.Can you play the guitar?

第2周:Unit 2:What time do you go to school?

第3周:Unit 3.How do you get to school?

第4周:Unit4.Don’t eat in class.第5周:Unit 5.Why do you like pandas?

第6周:Unit 6.I’m watching TV.第7周:期中考试。

第8周:Unit 7.It’s raining!

第9周:Unit 8.Is there a post office near here?

第10周:Unit9.What does he look like/?

第11周:Unit10.I’d like some noodles.第12周:Unit11.How was your school trip?

第13周:Unit 12..What did you do last weekend? 第14-15周:复习迎接期末考试







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