
时间:2019-05-12 18:42:43下载本文作者:会员上传


一般疑问句 一、一般疑问句有两种:一种是由be动词引起的疑问句, 另一种是由助动词或情态动词引起的疑问句,此处要讲前一种。


be动词引起的一般疑问句的构成是在肯定句的基础上 将be动词(am ,is,are)移至主语之前,这时be动词已在句首,第一个字母应大写,句末用问号。


肯定回答为“Yes,主语 + am/is/are.”;否定回答为“No,主语+ am/is/are + not.”。

—Are you twelve? 你十二岁吗?

—Yes, I am.是的,我是。/No, I’m not.不,我不是。

注意:不可以写成“Yes,I’m.”或“No,I amn’t.”。3.如何变一般疑问句



对一般疑问句进行回答。1.—Are you eight? —Yes,./No,.2.—Am I in Class Four? —Yes,./No,.3.—Are they students? —Yes,./No,.4.—Is that her cup? —Yes,./No,.5.—Is he Eric? —Yes,./No,.6.Are these pencils Anna’s?

(做肯定回答)7.Are those pencils Bob’s?(做否定回答)


8.This is her ruler.___________________________ 9.Those are your books.10.I am Tom.11.These are Lily’s pens.12.This is an eraser.___________________________ 13.That is a Chinese book.__________________________ 14.(济南中考)She is good at playing the piano(钢琴).good at playing the piano? 15.(临沂中考)There are some flowers(花)in the garden(花园).any flowers in the garden?




1.Is this a box?

Yes, ___ _____.No,________

________.2.Is Mike your brother? Yes,______ ________.No,_______ ________.3.Is Peter at home?

Yes,______ ________.No,_______ ________.4.Is your uncle reading books? Yes,______ _____.No, _______


they ducks? Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.6.Is this your T-shirt? Yes,______________.No,_______ ________.7.Is that a teacher `s

desk? Yes, ________is.No, ________ isn't.8.Is your brother playing football? Yes,______ _______.No, _______ ________.9.Are you a student? Yes,______ ________.No, _______ ________.10.Is there a forest in the park? Yes,______ _____.No, _____ ______.11.Are there any fish in the rivers?

Yes,_____ _____.No, _____ ____.12.Is the trash bin behind

the door? Yes,______ ___.No, ____ ________.二、将下列句子变成一般疑问句Mr Wang is thirsty.__________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.2.The elephent’s ears are long.__________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.3.We are good pupils._________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.4.Hello.You are his mother.__________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.5.I am singing.__________________? Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.6.I am listening to music._______________________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.7.Mike is a student.________________________?Yes,___ ____.No,_____ ____.8.Tom is cleaning the classroom.______________________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.9.They are in the zoo.________________________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.10.There are some flowers in the vase.___________________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.11.This is my sister._________________________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.12.We are sweeping on the floor._______________________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.13.We are making a cake._________________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.14.They are making the puppet._________________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.15.Su Hai and Su Yang are living in a new house.____________________________? Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.16.I am going to zoo._________________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.17.They are singing “In the classroom”together.___________________________?Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.18.We are playing basketball on Sundays.__________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.19.Tom is listening to music.____________________________________ ?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.20.You are a singer.______________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.21.His father is an English teacher.______________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.22.These cats are crying.______________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.23.He is crying under the tree.______________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.24.His birthday is on the twentieth of November._____________________________?Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.25.Mrs.Li and Kitty are in a big shop.______________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.26.Kitty is wearing her new uniform.______________________________?

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.27.The boy under the tree is hungry.______________________________?Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.28.It is a lovely dog._____________________Yes,______ ______.No,_____ ______.29.We are classmates.______________________________________

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.30.I am a doctor.________________________________________

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.31.There is a bird in the tree.________________________________

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.32.There are many stars in the sky.____________________________

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.33.They are good friends.____________________________________

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.34.There are many books on the shelf.__________________________

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.35.There is an ostrich in the zoo._______________________________

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.36.It is a beautiful park.______________________________

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.37.It is a big map.______________________________

Yes,______ _______.No,_____ ______.


be(am, is, are)动词填空练习卷

Class _______ Name _______ 练习一:

1.Who ______ he in the photo? 2.I ______ a pupil.You _______ a teacher.3.How ______ you? I ____ fine.4.He ____ Tom.He ____ in Class Two.5.______ you new here? Yes, I ______.6.______Alice fat? No, she ____ thin.7.Where ____ you from? I _____ from Beijing.8.______ I your classmate? No, you _____ not.9.My mum _____ young.My dad ______ tall.They _______ dentists.10.Where _____ the parrots? They ______ in the cage.练习二:

1.Mr.Cow likes to eat grass.He ______ very strong.2.I _____ fat.I ______ tall.3.Who _______ your sister? Jenny __________.4.______ you Mr.Birdie? Yes, I ______.5.How ________ Linda’s Spotty? He’s fine.6.My pet ____ a smart monkey.7.How many people ______ there in your family? 8.______ you in the classroom? Yes, I ________.9.Who _______ this man in the photo? It _____ your father.10.Bob and Lily ______ my classmates.练习三:

1.How many dogs ______ there in the box? There ______one.2.The picture ______ beautiful.3.What _____ this? It ______ a blue pen.4._________Sandy in the classroom? Yes, he ______.5.I ______ hungry.You ____ thirty.6.He ______sad.She ______ sleepy.7.What shape _____it? It ______ a circle.8.The birds _______ on the tree.9.These presents _______ for me.I _______ so happy.10.My parents _______ teachers.They _____ busy.练习四:

1._______ it a new photo? Yes, it _____.2.This ______ an apple.That ______ an orange.3.These dolls ______ beautiful.4.The girl ______ my sister.Her name ______ Kitty.5.Your eyes ______ big.6.What colour ______ the flowers? They ______ red and white.7.My father _____ a worker.He ______ thirty-eight years old.He ______ tall.8.______ you farmers? Yes, we ________.9._______ your mother at home? Yes, she ________.10.Sandy _______ playing games with his friends.They _____ happy.改句练习卷

(一)Class _______ Name _______ 把下列句子改成否定句和一般疑问句。1.This is the reading room.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 2.She’s Miss Lynn.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 3.I am in Grade 3.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 4.Miss Zhang is our English teacher.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 5.We are teachers.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 6.These are pears.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 7.She’s got a nice pen.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 8.We’ve got some picture books.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 9.I’ve got a blue yo-yo.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 10.My sister has got some rulers.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 11.They’ve got some toys.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 12.My teacher has got a red car.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 13.We are in the classroom.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 14.Tom and Tim have got big balls.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 15.My sister’s got a big sandwich.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________




Christine be动词变一般疑问句练习

一、把下列句子变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答。1.I am a new student.__________________________________________ _____________ 2.Dale is my friend.__________________________________________ _____________ 3.My name is Frank.__________________________________________ _____________ 4.His name is Eric.__________________________________________ _____________ 5.Her name is Cindy.__________________________________________ _____________ 6.He and I are friends.__________________________________________ _____________ 7.Grace and Helen are sisters.__________________________________________ 学园乐英语


Christine _____________ 8.That boy is Mike.__________________________________________ _____________ 9.That girl is Mary.__________________________________________ _____________ 10.This is my school.__________________________________________ _____________

二、把下列句子变为一般疑问句并作否定回答。1.This is her bag.__________________________________________ _____________ 2.That is his mother.__________________________________________ _____________ 3.These are my books.__________________________________________ _____________ 学园乐英语


Christine 4.Those are his friends.__________________________________________ _____________ 5.We are new students.__________________________________________ _____________ 6.That cat is black.__________________________________________ _____________ 7.Jack is my brother.__________________________________________ _____________ 8.This is our teacher.__________________________________________ _____________ 9.That is my father.__________________________________________ _____________ 10.Jane and Mary are good students.__________________________________________ _____________


be(am, is, are)动词填空练习卷

Class _______ Name _______ Be动词用法口诀:

Be有am,is,are 我(I)用am 你(you)用are is连着他(he)她(she)它(it)

我们(we)你们(you)他们(they)要用are 单数名词用is 复数形式要用are




I'm=I am you're=you are he's=he is she's=she is it's=it is we're=we are you're=you are

they're=they are......一、用be动词的适当形式填空

1.I ______ a boy.______ you a boy? No, I not.2.I ______ an English teacher now.3.You _____ a student.You _____students.3.The girl______ Jack's sister.4.The man _______ a teacher.5.The dog _____ two years old this year.The dogs _______ tall and fat.6.It _____

Children’s Day.7.That ______ my red pen.8.This ______ not Wang Fang's pencil.9.These______ her books.10.Those______ her erasers.11.Helen and Nancy ________ good friends.12.Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school.13.You, he and I ______ from China.14.All the students ______ very happy.15.They _______ glad to see each other.16.Here ______ some books for you.17.Here ______ a quilt for you.18.My sister's name ______Nancy.19.______this your book? 20.______that his schoolbag? 21.______those their planes? 22.______these his maps? 23.______ your brother in the classroom?

24.Where _____ your mother? She ______ at home.25.How _______ your father? 26.How______you? 27.Who ______ I?

28.______ David and Helen from England? 29.What ______this in English? 30.What______those in English?


1.Who ______ he in the photo? 2.I ______ a student.You _______ a teacher.3.How ______ you? I ____ fine.4.He ____ Tom.He ____ in Class Two.5.______ you new here? Yes, I ______.6.______Alice fat? No, she ____ thin.7.Where ____ you from? I _____ from Beijing.8.______ I your classmate? No, you _____ not.9.My mum _____ young.My dad ______ tall.They _______ dentists.10.Where _____ the parrots? They ______ in the cage.练习二:

1.Mr.Cow likes to eat grass.He ______ very strong.2.I _____ fat.I ______ tall.3.Who _______ your sister? Jenny __________.4.______ you Mr.Birdie? Yes, I ______.5.How ________ Linda’s Spotty? He’s fine.6.My pet ____ a smart monkey.7.How many people ______ there in your family? 8.______ you in the classroom? Yes, I ________.9.Who _______ this man in the photo? It _____ your father.10.Bob and Lily ______ my classmates.练习三:

1.How many dogs ______ there in the box? There ______one.2.The picture ______ beautiful.3.What _____ this? It ______ a blue pen.4._________Sandy in the classroom? Yes, he ______.5.I ______ hungry.You ____ thirty.6.He ______sad.She ______ sleepy.7.What shape _____it? It ______ a circle.8.The birds _______ on the tree.9.These presents _______ for me.I _______ so happy.10.My parents _______ teachers.They _____ busy.练习四: 1._______ it a new photo? Yes, it _____.2.This ______ an apple.That ______ an orange.3.These dolls ______ beautiful.4.The girl ______ my sister.Her name ______ Kitty.5.Your eyes ______ big.6.What colour ______ the flowers? They ______ red and white.7.My father _____ a worker.He ______ thirty-eight years old.He ______ tall.8.______ you farmers? Yes, we ________.9._______ your mother at home? Yes, she ________.10.Sandy _______ playing games with his friends.They _____ happy.改句练习卷

把下列句子改成否定句和一般疑问句。1.This is the reading room.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 肯定回答: ____________________________ 否定回答:____________________________

2.She’s Miss Smith.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 肯定回答: ____________________________ 否定回答:____________________________

3.I am in Grade 3.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 肯定回答: ____________________________ 否定回答:____________________________

4.Miss Zhang is our English teacher.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ___________________________ 肯定回答: ____________________________ 否定回答:____________________________

5.We are teachers.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 肯定回答: ____________________________ 否定回答:____________________________

6.These are apples.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 肯定回答: ____________________________ 否定回答:____________________________

7.We are in the classroom.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 肯定回答: ____________________________ 否定回答:____________________________

8.Tom and Tim are good friends.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 肯定回答: ____________________________ 否定回答:____________________________ 9.Tom is under the tree.(变为否定句)_______________________________ 10.She is a good stuent.否定句:_______________________________ 一般疑问句: ____________________________ 肯定回答: ____________________________ 否定回答:____________________________



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