
时间:2019-05-12 18:18:29下载本文作者:会员上传



教学内容(Teaching content):本节课所教章节 教学目标(Teaching aim):本节课教学所要达到的预期目标 教学重难点(Teaching mainpoints &difficulties):本节课重点突显和难点突破 教学流程(Teaching procedures):


师生先互致问候,然后说唱一首跟本课内容相关的英文歌曲或歌谣,或做有趣生动的TPR(全身动作反应法)活动,或师生进行一些轻松的、灵活多样的everyday English日常会话交流,让学生快速进入充满英语课堂氛围的状态。2.复习旧知(Revision)








Brief Introduction

New Concept English aims to provide a complete and well-organized system for learning English, enabling students to reach their maximum potential in the four primary skills of understanding ,speaking ,reading and writing.our courses have been modified to improve students’ communication skills with active training in listening comprehension and speaking.Every lesson is an interesting story well-elaborated with specific explanation.You will enjoy on-line English learning here at Front school.Good luck to everyone.Unit 1

Lesson 1 A private Conversation

Text Why Did The Writer Complain To The people Behind Him?

Last week I went to the theatre.I had a very good seat.The play was very interesting.I did not enjoy it.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.They were talking loudly.I got very angry.I could not hear the actors.I turned round.I looked at the man and the woman angrily.They did not pay any attention.In the end, I could not bear it.I turned round again.“I can’t hear a word!” I said angrily.“It’s none of your business,’ the young man said rudely.”This is a private conversation!”

Words and expressions

complain to/about 抱怨 complaint n.(名词)She keeps on complaining about her boss.Why do you always complain about your mother, she is not that bad anyway.My mom has a lot of complaints about my dad these days.2 go to the theatre 去看戏

go to the cinema, go swimming ,go shopping Would you like to go to the theatre this evening? 3 somebody/something is interesting 某人或某物有趣 an interesting play an interesting story, an interesting man be interested in 对某人或某物感兴趣 I was very interested in the story 4 got angry 生气 be angry , got irritated 5 enjoy something/doing something 喜欢做某事hear somebody/something 听到 listen to 听

I tried very hard to listen to you but I could hear nothing.7 pay attention to 注意 pay no attention to If you decide to go to a party, you should pay special attention to your dressing.You’d better pay attention to your study, otherwise you would probably fail this semester.in the end 最后 at last, finally 9 bear something /somebody 忍受 I could not bear it.Stand somebody/something My boss is so touchy , I can’t bear/stand him any more.I can not bear the hot whether here in Beijing in summer.10 It’ s none of your business.不关你的事 Mind your own business.管好你自己的事

Key structures


Simple statement 简单句

1.The order of the words in a statement is very important.顺序很重要 The policeman arrested the thief.The thief arrested the policeman.2.A simple statement can have six parts, but it does not always have so many.简单句可以有6部分,但并不是每个句子都有这么多部分。



课程内容:what’s this? It’s a pencil-case/ a pencil/ a pen/ an eraser/ a ruler.班级:中班 教学目标:

语言目标:能熟练运用句型what’s this? 提问,并用it’s …… 回答。情感态度目标:能主动、快乐地学习,并积极地参加游戏,使are you sleeping 和longdon bridge成为课堂热身与练习巩固的指令和通用形式。行为养成目标:在游戏中懂得团队合作的重要性。教学准备:一个魔法袋,5样文具,若干个竹圈。

教学重点:认识5个文具单词 pencil-case/ pencil/ pen/ eraser/ ruler。会用what’s this? 提问,并用it’s …… 回答。教学难点:能根据方位的改变,在游戏中理解what’s this? 的意思,并用it’s …… 回答,拓展所学知识。


Step 1 Warm-up Game1: are you sleeping? Teacher(站在门口):please, sleep.(头侧向左边,双手左侧合十,闭上眼睛).Close your eyes.Are you ready? Ok, sing a song with me.歌曲:are you sleeping? 当集体唱到 Morning bells are ringing.Ding-dong-ding时,老师敲三下桌子,学生睁开眼睛,当集体再次唱到Morning bells are ringing.Ding-dong-ding时,学生端坐好。

Step 2 Presentation Game 2: A magic bag 老师:I have a magic bag.Guess, guess, guess.What’s in it?(走到一名学生面前)Look, touch it and guess.What’s this?

(若学生回答正确,就把文具暂时奖励给他)yes, great!Here you are.(直到所有的玩具都奖励完为止)Step 3 Practice Game 3: Listen and find 老师:Now, let’s listen and find who is speaking? 请一名学生背对着大家,拿文具的五个小朋友在原地一次说:I’m a pencil-case/ a pencil/ a pen/ an eraser/ a ruler.背对着大家的学生再到教室里把五个文具和他们的主人找到。依次请学生来这样找文具。Step 4 Production Game 4: London bridge 集体复习儿歌 London bridge 之后,老师将5种文具带在身边,和一名小朋友手拉手举过头顶当小桥,再请其他小朋友排成长队从小桥下经过。

老师:Are you ready? Let’s sing.London bridge is falling down…… 音乐随时停下来,当音乐停下来时,小桥落下。

老师:Ok, answer my question.(举起一样文具)What’s this? 被拦住的小朋友回答,如果没有回答正确,则替换老师下来当小桥,继续游戏。Step 5: Extension Game5: Ring-toss 摆好文具,画好投掷的起点线。小朋友的圈圈住了文具,并正确回答老师提出的问题,就可以领走该文具作为奖品。

小朋友投中后,老师(指着远处)问:What’s that? 小朋友回答正确后,老师(指着近处)问:What’s this? 小朋友回答正确后,老师发奖品予以表扬。


先把自己的name 卡片贴在黑板上,然后走出门外,边进来边唱歌: Hello Hello ,what‟s your name ? what‟s your name ? what‟s your name ? Hello Hello ,what‟s your name ? My name‟s Joyce......T:Hello ,everyone,I‟m your new teacher.my name is Joyce,follow me ,Joyce(手指黑板上的name 卡片)S:Joyce

T: J-O-Y-C-E , Joyce!S: J-O-Y-C-E , Joyce!T:Okay , let me show you some orders.(做手势)If I say one two ,you should say one two three.(拍手),If I say “look at Joyce ”,you should say “shua shua shua ”, okay ? S:okay!T:okay.now let‟s begin.one two S:one two three(重复两三遍)T:Look at Joyce!S:Shua Shua Shua!(重复两三遍,然后两条口令穿插着来个两三遍)T:Next ,I „ll devide you into Two Groups ,look at my hand ,what‟ this like ?cut cut cut(手指成剪刀状)S:mouse? T:no no no S:scissor? T:Yes ,good-good , you are good(做手势),follow me,good-good ,you are good.you say “good-good,we are good ”good good you are good S:Good Good ,we are good!(重复两遍)T:So I will use this magic scissors devide you into Two Groups ,cut cut ,cut ,Group A and Group B.Look at the blackboard, there‟re two trees ,look the trees carefully ,without any friuts on it.so we will do a game ,if you are great ,if you are better ,I will give you an apple.In the end ,you get more ,you are winner.okay ?(说两遍,以强调)S:okay.T:Before we bigin the game ,let‟s do a wraming up.now everybody stand up.one two

S:one two three(一边站起来)T:1-2-3-go

Everything is shaking now

Let me show you how

My head is shaking,shaking shaking shaking

My shoulders are shaking,shaking shaking shaking

My arms are shaking ,shaking shaking shaking

My hips are shaking ,shaking shaking shaking



课题:Lesson1 Meet the Family

教学内容:问候语hello, hi, nice to meet you, how do you do;自我介绍用语my name is---;数字1至12的英语


1,让学生掌握运用hello,hi等问候用语,能在不同场合恰当运用这几种不同的问候方式; 2,学生能用my name is 作自我介绍;







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