1. 到教育学院听专家讲座。我们安排了两次教学方法的专家讲座,聘请了具备外国专家资格的加拿大教师Ken就如何更好地教授听力课和口语课进行了两次讲座,从英语的本土语言者的角度把教学法的具体运用和教学实践结合到一起,使同学们受益匪浅。
2. 到实践基地进行实践。本学期的实践活动安排在三个小学,分别是大连市试验小学,大连市五四路小学,大连市解放小学。活动的具体内容是由我校学生上公开课,同时由其他同学听课评课。这类活动实用性很强,对于正在当英语教师的学生而言是个交流的好机会,对于从未当过老师的同学而言,更是起到了画龙点睛的作用。
Unit 1
1、What makes a good language teacher? Some people with an excellent command of a foreign language may not be able to teach the language well while others with a general command of the language can teach it very effectively.Therefore, what makes a good language teacher? A good english teacher should have ethic devotion, certain desirable personal styles, and more importantly, he or she should have necessary professional qualities.These three qualities constitutes the professional competence of a good english teacher.A person who has a good command of english is not necessarily a good teacher because he has only one of the elements of professional competence.2、how can one be a good english teacher? The most important and most difficult part of the making of a good english teacher is the development of professional competence, which is the state or quality of being adequately qualified for the profession, and armed with a specific range of skills, ability, knowledge and strategies.Ideally, a teacher should be able to attain his or her professional competence after some period of practice and reflection.However, professional competence as an ultimate goal does not seem to have an end.With the ever-deeping of our understanding of teaching and learning, and with the ever changing needs of the society, of education, of students and of the teaching requirements, one must keep on learning, practicing and reflecting.Unit 2 The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable students to use the foreign language in work or life when necessary.Thus we should teach that part of the language that will be used in the real world.However, this is not always the case in foreign language teaching.Very often there is a big gap between the language used in real life and the language learned in classrooms.One possible solution to bridge the gap between classroom language teaching and real-life language use is the adoption of communicative language teaching.The goal of CLT is to develop student’s communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.5 components of communicative competence:
linguistic competence:it refers to the language itself.It involves spelling, pronunciation,vocabulary, word formation, grammatical structure, sentence structure and semantics.pragmatic competence:it means the appropriate use of the language discourse competence: strategic competence
fluency.In communicative classroom, a great deal of time is spent on managing learning, setting up activities, organizing resources, guiding student’s in pair or group work.To conclude, it is important to remember that a method is effective only when it is appropriate to the teaching context.Therefore, when a new method emerges, it is unwise to simply cast away the traditional and follow the new trend.The best thing to do is to develop one’s own teaching methods based on the context and integrates the merits of different methodologies.Difference between PPP and TBL: ppp is present, practice and production.TBL can provide a context for activities.PPP present language in a neat and clear way.Unit 4 lesson planning Principles for good language : aim, variety, flexibility, learnability, linkage
Components of a lesson plan
1、background information Students: Lesson duration:
2、Teaching aims 什么是五维教学目标
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to :
1、说talk about their opinions of feelings about military training to each other
Talk about their future plans are
Name different sports in english
Tell each other what sports they like
Ask and answer questions about one’s job
Role play the dialogue of going shopping 理解understand a conversation about shopping
Understand the main idea of an article about safety
写write a list of safety rules for the school 策略use interview strategies to find out information and take notes 情感态度价值观present the interview results confidently to other students
Learn to be a good listener and brave to ask questions in english
3、Language contents and skills: new vocabulary and structures
4、Teaching aids: blackboards、chalk、PPT、Type of the lesson: vocabulary, speaking...5、Stages and procedures: PPP(presentation practice production)
Reading lesson: Pre-reading, while-reading,post-reading
Listening lesson: pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening
7、Teacher’s after-lesson reflection
Unit 7 grammar Deductive inductive Grammar practice: mechanical practice Communicative practice
Unit 8 teaching vocabulary Connotative: the primary meaning of a term.name
Denotative: having the power of implying or suggesting something.Dog animal loyalty and friendship Collocations: a group of words in a sentence.Look at a picture, see a movie Synonyms: a word or expression is the same as another word or expression.Big huge Antonyms: a word that expresses an opposite meaning to another word, big small Homonym上下位关系: words which can be grouped together under the same super-ordinate concept.Fruit apple orange Receptive vocabulary: a word that one is able to comprehend in reading and listening, but can not use it in speaking and writing Productive vocabulary: a word that one is able to comprehend and use in speaking and writing
Developing vocabulary learning strategies
1、Review regularly: in the classroom, students should be given opportunities to pick up new vocabulary on a variety of tasks and they need to be encouraged to revise the newly learnt vocabulary so that they are able to take ‘owership’ of these words and start using them confidently.2、Guess meaning form text: if students do not know a new word, there are enough clues in the text for them to guess the meaning.3、Organize vocabulary efficiently: if information is organized and stored in special ways, it is more likely to retained and easier to retrieve.For example: related information is stored together and new information is related to previously stored information
4、use a dictionary: teacher can ask students to look up an unknown word in a dictionary, this strategies can act as a tool to empower the learners to become more independent in their learning.Unit 9 listening pre-listening: teacher helps students prepare to listen.Predicting, setting the scene, listening for the gist, listening for specific information, summary on pre-listening activities While-listening:let students listen to the text and help them understand it.Listen and tick.No specific responses Post-listening: students integrate what they learned from the text into their existing knowledge to finish listening questions
Unit 10 teaching speaking Speaking is a skill, one can only improve speaking by speaking more.Although the teacher’s talk can be good models and useful input, it is best to keep the teacher’s talk at a minimum level.The goal of speaking activities is to maximize students opportunity to speak.Speaking activities:
Information-gap activities: student’s have different information and they need to obtain information from each other.For example: teacher give different cards to each students, then they are asked to get other student’s card’s information through second language communication.Dialogues and role-plays: turn the dialogues into role-plays so the students can pretend they are acting as someone else.Activities using pictures: this task has a clear objective and students are able to produce a good number of sentence rapidly.Problem-solving activities: this type of activity ask students to solve problems.There are many topics that would be interesting and relevant to the student’s lives.Change the story Human scrabble
Unit 11 teaching reading
1、How to read effectively? Have a clear purpose in reading Read silently Perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate Read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word Guess the meaning of the new words form the context, or ignore them Have and use background information to help understand the text
Concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest and skip the insignificant parts Use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks
2、interactive model: an interactive process does not only involve the text but also the reader’s knowledge of the language , of the world, and of the text types.During the process of reading, all these factors interact with each other and compensate for each other.Based on this model, teaching reading divides the teaching procedures into three stages: pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading
Sight vocabulary: words that one is able to recognize both sounds and meanings immediately without special effort from your brain.Pre-reading : in this section, we will use some tasks to stimulate student’s interest and make their reading more directed and easier.it means activities that students do before they read in detail.It includes predicting, setting the scene,skimming and scanning.While-reading: in this section, we mainly focus on the process of understanding rather than the results of reading.While-reading activites includes: transition devise(chats, notes, drawings, pictures), reading comprehension questions, understanding reference, making inferences.Transitional device: the way to transfer information from one form to another.Pictures, drawings, maps, chronological sequence, tree diagrams.Making inference: it is an important reading skill.It require students to use background knowledge to infer the implied meaning of the author.Wuhan is a city which has every climate known to man
Post reading: in this area, teachers have to be most inventive and imaginative.Teachers should have to design tasks that are relevant to the text and appropriate to the students’ level.Activities includes: questions discussion, role play, gap-filling, retelling and writing.Unit 15 assessment Methods for assessment Summative assessment: it is mainly based on testing.It is done at the end of a learning period or the end of a school year.It can reveal some problems about teacher’s teaching and student’s learning , but the student’s ability and achievements in learning are not measurable in terms of one single test.formative assessment: it is based on student’s information collected in the classroom during the learning period.This type of assessment will provide more information on students’ learning and will be more useful for teachers to adjust their teaching.Teacher’s observation: very often the teacher’s observation of the learner’s performance and achievement can be quite accurate and fair.Self-assessment: students are able make quite accurate assessment of their own achievements Peer assessment: student’s are involve in assessing each others work.This will give them a sense of responsibility in learning and an opportunity to become more aware of their own learning.Portfolio: a portfolio is a collection of student’s learning records and an evidence of students skills, abilities and attitudes related to their study.
Background information
Students: 40 junior high school students, Grade 1
Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to : 1.Knowledge aims: a).Learn the new words
b).Identify different family members and make introduction to classmates.2.Ability aims:
a).Communicative ability, teach students to greet suitably and to introduce one’s friends or family members.b)Be able to use what they learned to describe what they can do and give responses.c).Be able to use the language they learned to finish a dialogue and a short passage.Teaching content:
New vocabulary Structures : This is my / his / her……..These are my / his / her………
That is my / his / her……..Those are my / his / her ……….Teaching aids:Blackboard, PPT, Pictures Teaching procedures: Step1.Review
1.Have a casual chat with students, including these questions:
Do you have a family? Is your family a big family or a small one? How many people are there in your family ? Who are they? So that the teacher can lead to the subject of this unit.2.Teach the new words.Ask the students to read all of the new words before teaching.Students read words, so that the teacher can find out their mistakes in phonetics and then correct.3.As for the spelling of the new words, there are some in which students always have difficulty.Step2.Speaking 1.Ask students to read the dialogue in this part by themselves twice and correct their mistakes in phonetics.2.Direct them to play the role in order to be familiar with the structure of the dialogue.3.Guide students to use some similar words, similar sentences to replace the dialogue, making another dialogue of their own.Step3.Task, a guessing game Show some pictures and let the students tell what it is.Homework: 1.Make a dialogue: Introduce your friend to your family and introduce your family members to your friend.2.Copy the new words for five times.3.Recite the new words.Teaching Reflection:
1.歌谣导入法。音乐可以陶冶性情,提高素养,激发兴趣,营造轻松愉快的学习气氛,是最受学生喜爱的活动形式之一。如在 <
2.谈话导入法。英语作为一门工具语言,其最终目的是为了交际。课堂开始时,我常采用free talk开展师生问答或让学生间互相对话,这样既缓解了学生紧张情绪又培养了学生的说话能力。
3情景导入法。直观的画面和真实的情景能给学生身临其境的感觉,情景导入的内容应与学生生活密切相关,唤起学生相关的生活经验和知识背景,让学生感到有话想说,有话能说。如在教What can you do?时,我事先安排让一位学生在课堂上扮演机器人,作出相应动作让其他学生猜,从而学习clean,cook,sweep等新单词。除此之外,教师还可采用复习导人法,直观导入法,故事导入,关键事件导入等方法,激发学生兴趣,提高课堂教学效果。
在英语教学中,我们经常会发现学生的英语表达不地道,有很多中文式英语(Chinglish),比如“房子前有一棵树”这句话应为“There is a tree in front of the house ”,或用倒装“In front of the house stands a tree ”,而我们的学生很容易上厂说成“In front of the house has a tree ”这样的句子。这不禁让我想起了一个笑话:一位中国留学生在美国遭遇抢劫时,毫无惧色,将一个经典的“要钱没有,要命一条”说成“Money, no!Life ,one!”我还曾听到学生们之间流传的一句“励志名言”:“Good, good, study;Day, day, up!”乍一听觉得摸不着头脑,直译之后方明白乃“好好学习,天天向上”之意,不禁咋舌。如何摆脱Chinglish?我们可以要求学生看一些英语原声版的电影、哼唱一些英文歌曲、听录音模仿等,让他们在不知不觉“耳濡目染”,英语思维也就慢慢建立起来了。一首好的歌曲让人浮想联翩、回味无穷。教英文歌曲非常有利于帮助学生摆脱中式英语。需注意教英文歌曲时启发引导学生怎样用优美的旋律和和谐的节奏充分表现出其意境。在学唱之前可要求学生朗读、抄写、理解歌词,达到掌握词汇和句型的目的。在课间娱乐或外出活动时,学生们会不自觉地唱起课堂上学的英文歌曲。通过学唱英语歌曲,学生会获得一些听说技巧,如连读、弱读、失去爆破等,培养英语语感,理解和掌握语境。
2.多次评价,体验成功。学生都希望得到赞扬与鼓励,都希望获得成功,如果因为一次失败就受到批评,会使他们变得心灰意冷。因此,课堂上教师要以鼓励评价为主,开展多次评价,让每个受到挫折的学生都有再次获得成功的机会。例如,在学生回答有误时,我这样说道:Good,but….或者说:Well,think it over。等他再次举手发言时,要毫不吝啬地给他第二次机会,如此可以养成学生自省反思的好习惯。