C Primer Plus 第七章编程练习参考答案

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第一篇:C Primer Plus 第七章编程练习参考答案

/* programming exercise 7-1 */ #include int main(void){

} char ch;int sp_ct, nl_ct, other;sp_ct = nl_ct = other = 0;

while((ch = getchar())!= '#'){

} printf(“%d whitespace, %d newline, %d other.n”,return 0;sp_ct, nl_ct, other);if(ch == ' ')sp_ct++;else if(ch == 'n')nl_ct++;else other++;/* programming exercise 7-2 */ #include int main(void){

} char ch;int count = 0;

while((ch = getchar())!= '#'){

} printf(“That's all!”);

return 0;if(ch == 'n')continue;count ++;putchar(ch);printf(“/%d ”, ch);if(count % 8 == 0)printf(“n”);/* programming exercise 7-3 */ #include int main(void){

int num;int e_ct, o_ct;double e_sum, o_sum;e_ct = o_ct = 0;e_sum = o_sum = 0.0;

printf(“Enter the integer:(0 to quit).n”);while(scanf(“%d”, &num)== 1 && num!= 0){

if(num % 2 == 0){

} else { o_ct++;o_sum += num;e_ct++;e_sum += num;


} } printf(“Enter next integer:(0 to quit).n”);printf(“%d even entered.”, e_ct);if(e_ct > 0)printf(“ Average is %g.”, e_sum / e_ct);putchar('n');printf(“%d odd entered.”, o_ct);if(o_ct > 0)printf(“ Average is %g.”, o_sum / o_ct);putchar('n');printf(“Done!n”);

return 0;/* programming exercise 7-4 */ #include #define ECM '!' int main(void){ char ch;

int fs_ct = 0;int em_ct = 0;

while((ch = getchar())!= '#'){

} printf(“%d times fs to em, %d times em to double em.n”,fs_ct, em_ct);if(ch == '.'){

} else if(ch == '!'){

} else putchar(ch);putchar(ECM);putchar(ECM);em_ct++;putchar(ECM);fs_ct++;} return 0;/* programming exercise 7-5 */ #include int main(void){

int num;int e_ct = 0, o_ct = 0;double e_sum = 0.0, o_sum = 0.0;

printf(“Enter the integer:(0 to quit).n”);while(scanf(“%d”, &num)== 1 && num!= 0){

switch(num % 2){

case 0:

e_ct++;e_sum += num;break;case 1: o_ct++;



} o_sum += num;break;printf(“Enter next integer:(0 to quit).n”);printf(“%d even entered.”, e_ct);if(e_ct > 0)printf(“ Average is %g.”, e_sum / e_ct);putchar('n');printf(“%d odd entered.”, o_ct);if(o_ct > 0)printf(“ Average is %g.”, o_sum / o_ct);putchar('n');printf(“Done!n”);

return 0;/* programming exercise 7-6 */ #include int main(void){

char ch;char prev = 0;/* 记得对prev进行0填充,否则有可能定义的内存的垃圾数据恰好为e */ int count = 0;

while((ch = getchar())!= '#'){

} switch(count){

case 0: printf(“"ei” no apeared.n“);break;if(ch == 'i' && prev == 'e')count++;prev = ch;case 1: printf(”“ei” apeared 1 time.n“);break;default: printf(”“ei” apeared %d times“, count);

} }

return 0;/* programming exercise 7-7 */ #include #define BASEPAY 10 #define BASEHRS 40 #define OVERRATE 1.5 #define LEVEL1 300 #define LEVEL2 150 #define TAX1 0.15 #define TAX2 0.20 #define TAX3 0.25

int main(void){

float hours;float total, tax, net;

printf(”Please enter your work time: “);

scanf(”%f“, &hours);if(hours > BASEHRS)total = BASEPAY *(BASEHRS +(hoursLEVEL1)* TAX2;else tax = LEVEL1 * TAX1 + LEVEL2 * TAX2 +(totalLEVEL2)* TAX3;


/* programming exercise 7-8 */ #include net = totalBASEHRS)* printf(”Please enter the right number: n“);continue;OVERRATE);

else total = hours * basepay;if(total <= T_LEVEL1)tax = total * TAX1;else if(total <=(T_LEVEL1 + T_LEVEL2))tax = T_LEVEL1 * TAX1 +(totalT_LEVEL1tax;printf(”total = %g, tax = %g, net = %g.n“,}


total, tax, net);printf(”Please enter next number:n“);printf(”That's all!n“);

return 0;/* programmming exercise 7-9 */ #include int main(void){

int num;int div;int count;

printf(”Please enter the limit in integer:n“);scanf(”%d“, &num);while(num >1){


} for(div = 2, count = 0;div <= num / 2;div++){

} if(count == 0)printf(”%d “, num);if(num % div == 0)count++;num--;printf(”nThat's all!n“);return 0;/* programming exercise 7-10 */ #include #define RATE1 0.15 #define RATE2 0.28 #define LEVEL1 17850 #define LEVEL2 23900 #define LEVEL3 29750 #define LEVEL4 14875 int main(void){

double tax;double income;int type;long level;

printf(”Please choose your type as follow:(q to quit)n“);printf(”1)Single;


4)Divorcedn“);while(scanf(”%d“, &type)== 1){


case 1: level = LEVEL1;break;case 2: level = LEVEL2;break;case 3: level = LEVEL3;break;



} case 4: level = LEVEL4;break;default:

printf(”You should choose the number“ ”between 2 and 4(q to quit).n“);printf(”Please enter the right number:n“);continue;printf(”Please enter your income:n“);scanf(”%lf“, &income);if(income <= level)tax = income * RATE1;else tax = level * RATE1 +(incomeDISCOUNT);discount++;if(total_wt == 0)freight = 0;

else if(total_wt <= 5)freight = FR_LEVEL1;else if(total_wt < 20)freight = FR_LEVEL2;else freight = FR_LEVEL3 + total_wt * FR_OVER;total_cost = cost + freight;printf(”Average cost is $%g per pound, tatol weight is %g %s,n“ ,total_cost / total_wt, total_wt, total_wt > 1 ? ”pounds“ : ”pound“);

} printf(”total cost is $%g, and %d%% off, freight is $%g.n",total_cost, discount == 1 ? 5 : 0, freight);

return 0;






G54 G0 Z50

M03 S1200

#111=#(“#” 为刀尖的实际回转半径)

G0 X0 Y0


G42 G1 X19 Y0 D111 F100

M98 P11 L9(调用子程序9次)

G40 G0 X0 Y0




G91 G02 I-19 Z-1.5 F100(联动加工铣削螺纹)M99




1.二分法计算fx = x^3-2*x-5 的零点;




whilem*m*m-2*m-5~=0 && n*n*n-2*n-5~=0t=(m+n)/2

if t*t*t-2*t-5<0


else n=t



if m*m*m-2*m-5==0






t =



function y=qiuhe(k)


for y=sum(factorial(n));





y =


3.设计一个算法求pi, 精确到10位




for i=2:n

if factor(i)==i




> Y=sushu(19)

Y =









1定义一个下标上界为10整型数组,并用随机函数为其赋值(值处于[0,100]之间),计算数组中所有偶数的和。Private Sub Command1_Click()Randomize Dim a%(10)Dim i%, s% For i = 0 To 10 a(i)= 101 * Rnd()Next For i = 0 To 10 If a(i)Mod 2 = 0 Then s = s + a(i)End If Next Print “所有偶数的和为”, s 2 设 S=35,C=0.3,编写程序,计算并输出下面级数的部分和。结果取小数点后面7位。C/1!-C^3/3!+C^5/5!-„ +(-1)^(S-1)*C^(2*S-1)/(2*S-1)!+ „


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim n As Integer

Dim x As Double

x = 0.3

Dim item As Double

Dim sum As Double

Dim fac As Double

For n = 1 To 35

fac = 1

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To 2 * n1)* x ^(2 * n1

If n Mod i = 0 Then

isprime = False

Exit Function

End If


isprime = True End Function Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim i As Integer

Dim sum As Long

For i = 1000 To 2000

If isprime(i)= True Then

sum = sum + i

End If


Text1.Text = “sum=” & sum End Sub 'sum= 419684 13.编写一个函数,求某个数的阶乘。


Public Function fact(ByVal n As Integer)As


Dim i As Integer, f As Long

f = 1

For i = 1 To n

f = f * i

Next i

fact = f End Function Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim m As Integer, i As Integer, s As Long

m = InputBox(“输入一个正整数:


s = fact(m)

MsgBox(s)End Sub ‘479001600 14.编写子过程,计算并输出3000-4000之间的素数之和C与其中最小的素数MIN。

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim sum, i, min As Integer


For i = 3000 To 4000

Dim isprime As Boolean = True

Dim j As Integer

For j = 2 To i1)* n *(n + 1)

sum = sum + item

n = n + 2

Loop While Abs(sum)<= 100

MsgBox(sum)End Sub 'sum=-68 编写一个函数,其功能为求两个数的最大公约数。

Public Function

gcd(ByVal m As Integer, ByVal n As Integer)As Integer

Dim i As Integer If m > n Then Dim t As Integer t = m: m = n: n = t End If For i = m To 1 Step-1 If m Mod i = 0 And n Mod i = 0 Then gcd = i Exit Function

End If

Next End Function


Dim year As Integer year = Val(InputBox(“"))If(year Mod 400 = 0)Or(year Mod 4 = 0 And year Mod 100<>0)

Then MsgBox(”No“)Else


End If 输入两个整数m、n,编写程序使得


Dim m, n As Integer

m = Val(InputBox(”“))n = Val(InputBox(”“))

If m < n Then Dim t As Integer t = m : m = n : n = t End If

MsgBox(”m=“ & m & ”;“ & ”n=“ & n)


过程中,当某项(注意,该项参与求和)的绝对值小于0.0001 时求和终止。结果取 5 位小数。

1-1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-1/11+ „ +(-1)^(n-1)*1/(2n-1)+ „

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim n As Integer

Dim item As Double

Dim sum As Double

i = Do While True

item =(-1)^(i1)

整数:”)sum = sum + item If Abs(item)< 0.0001 Then Exit Do Else i = i + 1 End If Loop

MsgBox(Format(sum, “0.0000”))

End Sub '

sum=0.78545 编写一个函数,其功能为判断一个3位正整数是否是“水仙花数”。(“水仙花数”是指各位数字的立方和与该数相等,如153=1^3+5^3+3^3,153就是水仙花数。)

Public Function Panduan(ByVal x As Integer)As Boolean

Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer

a = x 100

b =(x Mod 100)10

c = x Mod 10

If x = a ^ 3 + b ^ 3 + c ^ 3 Then

Panduan = True


Panduan = False

End If

End Function Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim i As Integer

i = InputBox(“输入一个3位正

MsgBox(Panduan(i))End Sub 定义一个下标上界为10整型数组,并为其赋值(值处于[0,100]之间),计算数组中所有不小于60的数据的和。

Dim a(10), i, sum As Integer

For i = 0 To 10

a(i)= Int(Rnd()* 101)


For i = 0 To 10

If a(i)〉=60 Then

sum = sum + a(i)

End If


print sum


'求和过程当某一项的绝对值小于0.0001时结束(注意,该项参与求和),计算并输出所求的s,要求结果保留6位小数。Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim m As Double, n As Long, s As Double, f As Integer

s = 0: n =-1: m = 1: f = 1 Do While 1 / m >= 0.0001 m = m * f f = f + 1 n =-n

s = s + n / m Loop

s = Format(s, ”0.000000“)Print s End Sub

26输入一个四位数,分别输出它的个位数字,是十位数字,百位数字,千位数字。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a%, j%, k%, i%, m% a = InputBox(”请输入一个四位整数“)j = a 1000 k = a 100 Mod 10 i = a 10 Mod 10 m = a Mod 10 Print ”个位数字;“;m Print ”十位数字;“;i Print ”百位数字;“;k Print ”千位数字;“;j End Sub 6.计算sum=2!+4!+6!+...+10!Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a%, i% Sum = 0 i = 1: a = 1 Do a = 2 * i If i Mod 2 = 0 Then Sum = Sum + a End If i = i + 1 Loop While i <= 10 Print Sum End Sub

27编写程序,计算并输出下面级数前n项(n=20)中奇数项的和。1*2*3-2*3*4+3*4*5-4*5*6+....+(-1)^(n-1)*n*(n+1)*(n+2)+...Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim s!, i% For i = 1 To 20 Step 2 s = s + i *(i + 1)*(i + 2)Next MsgBox(s)End Sub

28随机输出一个小写字母。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As String Randomize

a = Chr(Int(97 + 26 * Rnd))MsgBox(a)End Sub、29编写程序,计算并输出下面级数前n项(n=50)中偶数项的和。s=1*2+2*3+3*4+4*5+....+n*(n+1)+.....Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim s!, i%

For i = 2 To 50 Step 2 s = s + i *(i + 1)Next

MsgBox(s)End Sub


Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a&, b&, c&, i%

a = 1: b = 1: c = 2: Sum = 0 For i = 1 To 28 c = a + b a = b b = c

Sum = Sum + c Next

MsgBox(Sum)End Sub

31输入三个数a、b、c,编写程序使得a<=b<=c,并输出a、b、c的值。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a%, b%, c%, t%

a = Val(InputBox(”请输入a的值!“))b = Val(InputBox(”请输入b的值!“))c = Val(InputBox(”请输入c的值!“))If a > b Then t = b b = a a = t End If

If a > c Then t = a a = c c = t End If If b > c Then t = b b = c c = t End If

Print a, b, c End Sub 32编写程序,设n=20,x=3.4,计算并输出S(n)的值,要求结果保留5位小数。S(n)=Inx/x+In2x/x^2+In3x/x^3+.....+In(n*x)/x^n+.....Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim x#, i% Dim S(20)As Double n = 20 x = 3.4 For i = 1 To 20 S(20)= S(20)+ Log(i * x)/(x ^ i)Next Print Format(S(20), ”0.00000“)End Sub

33输入任意三个数 找出其中最大的数 Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a!, b!, c!, Max!a = Text1.Text b = Text2.Text c = Text3.Text Max = a If b > Max Then Max = b If c > Max Then Max = c Text4.Text = Max End Sub

输出1到100之间的素数 Print 1;2;a = 3 While a <= 100 i = 2

While i < a

If a Mod i = 0 Then

i = a

End If

i = i + 1


If i = a Then

Print a;

End If a = a + 1 Wend、34打印斐波那契数列20项 Private sub form_click()A=0 B=1

Text1.text=text1.text&str(A)&str(B)&chr(13)& Chr(10)For i=1 to 9 A=A+B B=A+B

Text1.text=text1.text&str(A)&str(B)&chr(13)& Chr(10)Next i


A=val(inputbox(“input a”))For i=2 to a

If(a mod i=0)then Exit for End if Next i

If i


1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)………….n = Val(Text1.Text)sum = 0

For i = 1 To n sum1 = 0 For j = 1 To i sum1 = sum1 + j Next j sum = sum + sum1 Next i Text2.Text = sum


Dim c(1 to 50)as integer Dim p!,n%,i% P=0 For i=1 to 50 C(i)=inputbox(“请输入第”&i&”位学生的成绩”

P=p+c(i)Next i P=p/50 N=0 For i= 1 to 50 If c(i)>p then n=n+1 Next i Print “平均分=”;”高于平均分的人数=”;n

设C=0.3,编写程序,计算并输出下面级数的部分和。结果取小数点后面7位。C/1!-C^3/3!+C^5/5!-„ +(-1)^(S-1)*C^(2*S-1)/(2*S-1)!+ „ Dim n as integer Dim x as integer X=0.3 Dim item as double Dim sum as double Dim fact as double For n=1 to 35 Fact=1 Dim I as integer For I =1 to 2*n-1 Fact=fact*i Next Item =(-1)^(n-1)*x^(2*n-1)/fact Sum=sum+item Next Sum=int(sum*10000000+0,.5)/100000000



Dim x ,y as integer For x=0 to10 For y=0 to10

If x^3+y^3=1000 then Msgbox(x=;y=)

定义一个下标上界为30的单精度数组,设置好其初值(值处于[20,90]),计算数组中所有元素的均值。Dim array(30)as single For i=0

Array(i)=20+int(rnd()*71)Next i

Dim sum% For i=0 to 30

Sum=sum+array(i)Next i

Print sum 31 End sum

41求下面级数前S项中奇数项的和sum。在求和过程中,以第一个奇数项的数值大于 10000 的项为末项。1!-2!+3!-4!+ „ +(-1)^(S-1)*S!+ „

Dim n as integer Dim item double Dim I as integer Dim sum as double Dim abs as double Do while true Item =1 For I =1 to n Item = item*1 Next i

Sum=sum +item N=n+2

If abs(item)>10000 then Exit do Else N=n+2 End if Loop Msgbox(sum)

42计算sum=1/1!+1/2!+1/3!+....+1/10!Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim m As Integer, n As Long, s As Double n = 1 s = 0 For m = 1 To 10 n = n * m s = s + 1 / n Next Print s

42求从[j,s]区间内的素数及素数和(这里需要用到三个文本框和2个按钮)'Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim n%, i%, j%, s% Sum = 0 j = Val(Text1.Text())s = Val(Text2.Text())For n = j To s For i = 2 To n1 Then Sum = Sum + n: Print n Next n Text3.Text = Sum End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click()Cls Text1.Text = ”“ Text2.Text = ”“ Text3.Text = ”“ Text1.SetFocus End Sub 43某分段函数描述如下:(1)当x为偶数时,y的值为x的二分之一。(2)当x为奇数时,y的值为x的二倍。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim x!, y!x = Val(InputBox(”请输入X的值!“))

If x Mod 2 = 0 Then y = x / 2 Else y = 2 * x MsgBox(y)End If End Sub

44随机输出一个小写字母。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As String Randomize

a = Chr(Int(97 + 26 * Rnd))MsgBox(a)End Sub、45编写程序,计算并输出下面级数前n项(n=50)中偶数项的和。s=1*2+2*3+3*4+4*5+....+n*(n+1)+.....Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim s!, i%

For i = 2 To 50 Step 2 s = s + i *(i + 1)Next

MsgBox(s)End Sub

46编写程序,设n=20,x=3.4,计算并输出S(n)的值,要求结果保留5位小数。S(n)=Inx/x+In2x/x^2+In3x/x^3+.....+In(n*x)/x^n+.....Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim x#, i%

Dim S(20)As Double n = 20 x = 3.4

For i = 1 To 20

S(20)= S(20)+ Log(i * x)/(x ^ i)Next

Print Format(S(20), ”0.00000“)End Sub

47设 S=35,C=0.3,编写程序,计算并输出下面级数的部分和。结果取小数点后面7位。C/1!-C^3/3!+C^5/5!-„ +(-1)^(S-1)*C^(2*S-1)/(2*S-1)!+ „


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim n As Integer

Dim x As Double

x = 0.3

Dim item As Double

Dim sum As Double

Dim fac As Double

For n = 1 To 35

fac = 1

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To 2 * n1)* x ^(2 * n1

fac = fac * i


item =(-1)^(n1)/ fac

sum = sum + item


sum = Int(sum * 10000000 + 0.5)/ 10000000

MsgBox(sum)End Sub


sum = 0.479426


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim sum, i, min As Integer


For i = 3000 To 4000

Dim isprime As Boolean = True

Dim j As Integer

For j = 2 To ia(1))*(pa(3)))MsgBox(s)Else MsgBox(”不能构成三角形")End If End Sub

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