夏洛特的网 十分钟配音台词

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第一篇:夏洛特的网 十分钟配音台词

韦伯儿:Charlotte, look how happy she is!Isn't that great? 夏洛特:Yes, it's wonderful.韦伯儿:Hey, what's that? 夏洛特:This, is my magnum opus.韦伯儿:What's a magnet opus? 夏洛特:Magnum opus.It means “great work.” It's a nutrient-filled, waterproof egg sac.韦伯儿:Really? There's eggs in there? 夏洛特:My babies, 514 of them.韦伯儿:Wow!With 514 baby spiders all over the place, it's going to be really radiant in the barn!夏洛特:Wilbur, I'm afraid they're not going to make it back to the barn.韦伯儿:What?What are you talking about? You're not going to leave them here alone, are you? I have no choice.I'm languishing.What does that mean? It means I'm dying.韦伯儿:What? You can't die!夏洛特:Wilbur, we're born, we live,and,when our time comes, we die.It’s just the natural cycle of life.韦伯儿:No!No, just climb down.I'll carry you the rest of the way.We'll go back to the barn, and I'll take care of you.夏洛特:No, Wilbur.I don't even have the strength to climb down.韦伯儿:You have to.You've done so much for me!And it was my great pleasure.Please come down, Charlotte.Please.There must be something l can do.夏洛特:No, Wilbur.Don't you know what you've already done? You made me your friend, and, in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn.韦伯儿:I didn't do anything, Charlotte.You did it all.夏洛特:No.My webs were no miracle, Wilbur.I was only describing what l saw.The miracle is you.韦伯儿:Templeton!Charlotte is very sick.邓普顿:Yeah, and twisted.韦伯儿:She's dying!She can't go home with us.So, l need you to help me take her egg sac with us.Did you say eggs? 韦伯儿:It's an egg sac.And it's right up there, and it has her children in it.And l can't just leave it here.What if something happened to them? Now, l can't reach it, so l need you to get it for me.And l need you to do it now.邓普顿:I don't think l like your tone.韦伯儿:Can't you just once in your life think of someone other than yourself? 邓普顿:Once? Once? A little further.Keep coming.韦伯儿:Come on.邓普顿:No, you come on!Who got his hindquarters pecked to make you “radiant,” huh? Templeton, that's who.And who interrupted the gorging of a lifetime so you could be “humble”? Why, l think it was Templeton!Templeton!Templeton!Templeton!And do l get thanked? No!Well, has it ever occurred to you that even a rat might like a little appreciation? A little, dare l say, love? 韦伯儿:Do it and you'll get dibs on my slop for the rest of my life.邓普顿:Done.韦伯儿:Hurry!Up in the corner on the ledge.Templeton!Come on!夏洛特:Thank you, Templeton, for everything.韦伯儿:It's okay, just drop it.Hurry!Here you go.Here's your medal.In you go.Time to go home, Wilbur.All right.Close her up, Lurvy.Okay, easy now.夏洛特:Goodbye, my sweet, sweet Wilbur.韦伯儿:Goodbye, Charlotte.I love you.Is that our lovely-ovely-ovely little Wilbur? And he's got a medal!

Strong work, kid.He looks so grown up.I always knew he could do it.Never had a doubt.Welcome home, Wilbur.Wilbur?

Where's Charlotte? I got a bad feeling, Bits.Me, too.旁白:Now, that isn't to say Charlotte was gone forever.She lived on in the hearts of those that knew her, and even those that didn't.Something had changed in Somerset County.It was as if people knew they lived in a special place now.And, in small ways, they started being special people, a little bit kinder, a bit more understanding.And the animals felt different, too.Closer.The warmth of their friendship carried them through the long, cold months.They showed it in little gestures of kindness, unusual patience, and promises kept.Even the hardest of hearts found themselves rising to the occasion.And, finally, the greatest promise of all, a spring pig saw his first snowfall.It was as though Charlotte herself had shaken it out of the sky.The stillness of winter continued to the first thaw, like it always does.And then, the first buds of spring.And, before you knew it, life had come full circle.韦伯儿:They're here!They're here!They're here, everybody!Hey, there.I'm Wilbur.I'm a friend of your mom's.Boy, are we glad to see you!So creepy!

And cute!Just like their mother.They're so, so beautiful.Oh, I just want to scoop them up and hug them all.韦伯儿:Wow, you can fly!Look at you go!Now that, is something to follow.Go, little spiders!Be free!I wish l could.I'm kidding, honey.I think l got one inside my beak.Thanks, baby.That's my Golly-olly-olly.韦伯儿:Wow!I can't believe they're really here.So pretty.Yeah, Bits.You doing okay over there, eh? I'm okay with it.I'm okay with it, Bets.I'm okay with it.Spiders are nice.Spiders are my friend.Spiders won't hurt me.韦伯儿:Wait!What's happening? What are you doing? Bye!

--Bye!韦伯儿:Please don't go.Goodbye!Bye!韦伯儿:Wait!Wait!Goodbye!

--Bye~ 韦伯儿:Where are you going? We're setting forth.We take to the breeze.We go as we please.We take to the breeze!Bye!韦伯儿:But you can't go!I had so much l wanted to tell you!And someone l wanted to tell you about.















张大夫: 外伤愈合良好。听力障碍也基本上恢复了正常。三处骨折有两处痊愈



刘干事: 张大夫,你觉得这人诚实么?会不会有意撒谎?

张大夫: 不好说。不过今天情绪还不错。


谷子地: 都说过了,别叫我老王。

张大夫: 好好对不起

刘干事: 那你到底叫什么?

谷子地: 谷子地

张干事: 是子弟兵的子弟吗?

谷子地: 谷子地。长谷子的庄稼地。识字识堵了你。

张干事: 可是这登记册上明明写的是:八十五军二五四师七六一团二营五连下


谷子地: 那它就不是我的衣服。那里子上写的名字跟我没关系。它压根不是我的衣服。

张干事: 不是你的衣服怎么穿你身上了?

谷子地: 这事我都说了八百遍了。我来不及撤退,我躲到一个旧窑场里。我肚



伤员甲: 那些坦克是你炸的?(略带方言)

伤员已: 哪个信呢!(就是方言)

谷子地: 人家笑人家的。你们他妈跟着起什么哄啊?老天爷没让你们在战场上


张干事: 那你在汶河南岸被俘,这个事实你总该承认吧!

谷子地: 我是中野一三九团预备队的。我奉命在南岸打阻击。我跟我地弟兄…… 张干事: 你的意思是说(插进来讲),你有可能在被俘之前,先被敌人俘虏了。


谷子地: 俘虏?谁?

张干事: 你跟我说的部队番号已经取消了。我军的番号在年前已经全部更改了。




谷子地: 你什么意思啊?

张干事: 你别在这儿胡闹了。我很同情你,但一点作用都起不到。你的伤好的差不多了 趁早领路费回家 医院可以给你开路条。

谷子地: 路费和路条是发给俘虏的。

张干事: 不想回家也可以,你去找你的部队。只要你找得到。

谷子地: 老子三九年就进了队伍。老子打完了小日本打老蒋。老子…….张干事: 我跟你直说了把(插进来讲)我们野卫八院没有这个能力鉴别你的真




排长:有炮兵没有?谁以前是当炮兵的?都是当兵的,痛快点!(铿锵有力)谷子地: 有!我干过!炮兵!












负五度至正四十五度 是什么炮的射界?

谷子地:哎,你今年才多大啊? 有二十??










邓超: 让他留下吧。












Mother:What an excellent room you have,Sir.Such expensive furnishings.I do hope you intend to stay here,Mr Bingley Mr Bingley:absolutely,I find the county very diverting。Don’t you agree,Darcy? Darcy:I find it perfectly adequate,even if society is a little less varied than in town.Mother:Less varied?Not at all.we dine with 4 and 20 families of all shapes and sizes.Sir William lucas,for instance,is a very agreeable man.And a good deal less self-important than some people half his rank.Mr Bingley,is it true you will hold a ball here? Mr Bingley:A ball? Daughter 1:It would be an excellent way to meet new friends.You could invite the militia。

Daughter 2:Oh, do hold a ball!Daughter 1: Kitty!Mr Bingley: When your sister recovers,you shall name the day.Daughter 2: I think a ball is an irrational way to gain new acquaintance.It would be better if conversation , not dancing , were the order of the day.Darcy:Indeed,mjuch more rational, but rather less like a ball.Daughter 1:thank you,Mary Mother:What a fine imposing place to be sure,is it not.my dears? There is no house to equal it in the county.Daughter 1 :Mr Darcy, Darcy:miss Bennet.Mother:there she is.Daughter 1:I don’t know how to thank you.Mr Bingley:you are welcome any time you feel the least bit poorly.Daughter 1:thank you for your stimulating company。Most instructive。Mr Darcy:not at all,the pleasure is all mine。Daughter1:Mr Darcy.Darcy:Miss Elizabeth.



孩子:你能给我们念睡前故事吗 Will you read us a bedtime story?



孩子:求求你了 Pretty please


The physical appearance of the please makes no difference 还是不行去睡觉吧

It is still no,so go to sleep

孩子:睡不着,我们都很兴奋 But we can’t we are all hyper 不讲睡前故事,我们只会麻烦你。

And without a bedtime story,we’ll just getting up and begging you!烦你一整夜 All night long

爸爸:好吧 Fine 好吧,就念一个“小困猫” All right,all right sleepy kittens 小困猫?

sleepy kittens? 这是什么? What are these?

孩子:玩偶 Puppets 讲故事的时候用

You use them when you tell the story。

爸爸:好吧,快点讲完算了 Ok let’s get this over with 三只小猫喜欢玩,它们白天玩的很开心

Three little kittens loved to play,they had fun in the sun all day 然后猫妈妈出来说:小猫该去睡觉了

Then their mother came out and said :time for kittens to go bed 哇!什么烂故事?你们喜欢?

Wow!This is garbage。You actually like this?

孩子:接着念!Keep reading!come on!爸爸:好好!

All right!All right!All right!三只小猫开始大哭

Three little kittens started bawl 妈咪,我们一点也不困

Mommy we are not tired at all 猫妈妈笑着说

Their mother smiled and said with a purr 好吧,但至少你们要刷刷毛

Fine but at least you should brush your fur

孩子:现在你刷毛 Now you brush the fur

爸爸:这也算文章? This is literature?


A-2-years old could have writen this allright 三只小猫刷完了毛

Three little kittens with fur all brushed 说:我们还是睡不着一点也不困

Said we can’t sleep we feel too rushed 猫妈妈柔声回答说

Their mother replied:with a voice like silk 好吧,但至少你们要喝了牛奶

Fine but at least you should drink your milk


Now make them drink the milk


I don’t like this book.this is going on forever 三只小猫喝完牛奶,开始揉着眼睛打呵欠

Three little kittens with milk all gone.Rubbed their eyes and stared to yawn 我们还是睡不着搅,怎么也睡不着 然后猫妈妈长了一直摇篮曲

We can’t sleep.We can’t sleep.even try.then their mother sang a lullaby 晚安孩子们,闭上眼睛


Goodnight kittens,closed your eyes sleep in peace until you rise 尽管睡觉的时候我们不能在一起 Though while you sleep we are apart 妈妈还是全新爱着你们

Your mommy loves with all her heart


But we can't go to sleep without a bedtime story.嗯,那对你来说这将是一个漫长的夜晚,不是吗

Well, then it's going to be a long night for you, isn' t it?


So, good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite.因为这有成千上万的臭虫


Fantastic.I'm trapped here.Now I know how your daughter feels.Timeout? I'm a grown man!Ah…

-That is cool.-Awesomeness.***223

17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.36 up!A…Hahahaha Woo haaaa O hahaha O….24 up!

Where'd you go, grandpa?

Ahaha…Eat my dust, gray fangs!

That's how we do it!Half-pipe, baby!Eh...Hold that.Do you have a location on Quasimodo?

1.Yes, sir.They're heading through the lobby, kitchen.2.Yes, quite.We are on it.3.Quasimodo Wilson, you are coming with us.4.Oh…Why did that hurt me?

towards the

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