第一篇:英语配音大赛台词 海底总动员 片段
PEACH [yawn] Morning.[gasps] It's morning everyone, Today's the day!The sun is shining, the tank is clean and we are getting out of--[gasps]--the tank is clean.The tank is clean!
DEB But how?
GILL Boss must've installed it last night while we were sleepin'.NEMO:What're we gonna do?
GILL What's it say, Peach? PEACH [muffled] The AquaScum two-thousand GILL I can't hear you, Peach.Hetre? PEACH The Aquascum 2003 is an all-purpose,self-cleaning.maintenance-free,salt water purifier,that is guaranteed to extend the life of your aquarium fish.大球:stop it PEACH :The Aquascum is programmed to scan,your tank environment five minutes.小紫:Scan?What does that mean? 啊~ PEACH:nice 小紫:ooh~~oh!Curse you,aquascum!大胖:That is it for the escape plan.It’s ruined.NEMO:Then what are we gonna do about~~ 一起:DARLA GILL:stay down,kid 大胖:False alarm 一起:恩。(松气)
小紫:My nerves can’t take much more of this 大胖:What’ll we do when that brat gets here? GILL I'm thinkin', I'm thinkin'.NEMO:Aaah!Oh!Gill!GILL [gasps] Nemo!NEMO:Help me!Help me!GILL Hold on!I'm comin'!NEMO:Help me!GILL Swim down!Come on, kid!Swim down!Come on!BLOAT Everybody jump in!DEB Swim down!GILL That's it!DENTIST What the!? ALL Yay!GILL Good work!NEMO:Gill!GILL [gasps] Nemo!BLOAT Sharkbait!GILL:Roll,kid!Lean!lean!DENTIST:Whoops.That would’ve been a nasty fall.NEMO:Gill!Don’t let me go belly-up!GILL:Just calm down, Nemo.NEMO:Don't let me go belly up!(前两句话同时进行)GILL You won't go belly up, I promise.You're gonna be okay.ALL [gasps] Darla!================================= DORY:All right, do any of these boats look familiar to you? MARLIN:No, but the boat has to be here somewhere!Come on, Dory, we're gonna find it.DORY:I'm totally excited.[yawn] Are you excited? [yawn] MARLIN: Dory, wake up, wake up.Come on.DORY:[gasps] Duck!MARLIN:That's not a duck.It's a--pelican!Whooooaaaaah!DORY:Aaaaaaaaaaaah!MARLIN:No!I didn't come this far to be breakfast!PELICAN Hey, hey, Nigel.Heh, would you look at that? NIGEL Huh? Wha-what? PELICAN Sun's barely up and already Gerald's had more than he can handle.NIGEL Yeah.Reckon somebody oughta help the poor guy.All:yeah,right,yeah.don’tRoll, kid!NEMO:Gill!Don't let me go belly up!GILL guy.PELICANS Yeah, yeah, right.NIGEL: Well, don't everybody fly off at once.NIGEL All right, Gerald, what is it? Fish got your tongue? DORY:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!NIGEL Love a duck!MARLIN:I gotta find my son Nemo!NIGEL : Nemo? Hey, hey, hey!He's that fish!Y'know the ne we were talking about!The one that's been fighting the whole ocean!Hey, I know where your son i--huh? Hey, wait!Come back!Stop!MARLIN:Dory, keep going!
He's crazy!NIGEL I got something to tell 'ya!GULL Mine.NIGEL Okay, don't make any sudden moves.Hop inside my mouth if you want to live.MARLIN:Hop in your mouth, huh? And how does that make me live? GULL Mine.NIGEL Because I can take you to your son.MARLIN:Yeah, right.NIGEL No.I know your son.He's orange, he's got a gimpy fin on one side..MARLIN:That's Nemo!GULLS Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!DORY:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!NIGEL NIGEL Everybody hold on!MARLIN:/DORY:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!GULLS Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!Fasten your seatbelts!GULLS Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!DORY:Whoooooo!Woohooooo!GULLS Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine!DORY:Ha-haaaa!Ha ha ha ha!MARLIN:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!49================================= BUBBLES Aaaah!Too loud!Too loud for me!DARLA [singing] Twinkle, twinkle little star.PEACH Find a happy place, find a happy place, find a happy place!50 BARBARA Darla, you're uncle will see you now.DENTIST All right, let's see those pearly whites.DARLA RAAAH!I'm a piranha.They're in the Amazon.DENTIST And a piranha's a fish, just like your present.DARLA [giggling] I get a fishy!Fishy, fishy, fishy!DENTIST Oh no.Poor little guy.BLOAT He's dead!GILL Sharkbait!DARLA Yay!Fishy, fishy, fishy!DENTIST He he he!Must've left your present in the car, sweetie.Ha ha ha ha ha!DARLA Awwwww.DENTIST I'll go and get it.GILL [gasps] He's still alive!PEACH He's not dead!BLOAT What's happening? Why is he playing dead? GILL He's gonna get flushed down the toilet!He's gonna get out of here!DEB Yay!BLOAT He's gonna get flushed!GURGLE What a smart little guy!GILL Oh no, not the trash can!BUBBLES Nemo!No!NIGEL Hey!Hey!I found his dad!MARLIN:Where's Nemo!? Where is he!? BLOAT Dentist!Dentist!GILL He's over there!MARLIN : 51 What's a dentist!? What is that!? [gasps] Nigel, get in there!NIGEL I can't go in there.MARLIN:Oh yes, you can!Charge!DARLA Aaaaaaaaaaaah!DENTIST What the--!? Darla, sweetie!Look out!DARLA Aaaaaaaah!DENTIST
Hold still!DARLA Aaaaaaaah!DENTIST Easy!Easy!DARLA Aaaaaaaah!DENTIST Hold still!Nobody's going to hurt you!Oof!MARLIN:[gasps] Nemo.DORY:[gasps] Oh my goodness.DENTIST Gotcha!Keep down!MARLIN:Nemo!NEMO:Daddy? DENTIST Out with 'ya!And stay out!NEMO:Daddy!? DARLA Fishy? Fishy!Wake up!Wake up!DEB Oh no!GILL Quick!To the top of Mt.Wannahockaloogie!DARLA Why are you sleeping!? PEACH Hurry!GILL Bloat!Ring of Fire!DARLA Fishy--aaaaaaaaaaaah!Aaaaaaaaaah!DENTIST What!? All the animals have gone mad!Unh!================================= DARLA Aaaaaaaah!Get it out!GURGLE Smack her in the head!BLOAT Go, Gill!Go!DARLA Fish in my hair!Aaaaaaaah!NEMO:Gill.GILL Sharkbait.Tell your dad..I said..hi.Go get 'em.
A:让我们用电影来演绎生活多彩,让我们在配音中收获快乐 A:我是主持人
Welcome to our dubbing competition.It is my great honor to stand here to
be a
presider 合:让我们一起度过这个愉快的夜晚!
B:First ,I”d like to introduce the judages here, they are :English foreignteacher Brenda..japanese foreign
.Our teachers:
大家掌声欢迎.welcome to join us!A:今晚的选手们将给我们带来了许多精彩的节目,现在就让我们一起欣赏这场试听盛宴吧!
B:the 1 st
>.welcome A:感谢第一组选手的精彩表演。说到裤子你平时最喜欢穿什么裤子?
B:the 2 nd is <
>,welcome A:放下电影中一幕幕感人的镜头,细细品味其实还有很多······感谢我们第二组选手的表演,接下来是由第三组选手给我们带来的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 B:the 3 rd is <
>,welcome A:感谢第三组选手的精彩表演,欣赏了这么多出色的节目。现在就让我们来放松一下,下面是我们的游戏环节。
B:now let’s have a break,let’s play a game
B吃西瓜大赛 需要3个选手参加活动,每人半个西瓜,规则很简单,就是看谁吃的快
B:the 4 th one is <
>,welcome A;俗话说无巧不成书,看来我们今天是无巧不成赛了 B:下面有请第五组选手带来《海底总动员》the 5th one is <
B :the 6th one is <
A:既然西瓜也吃了,黄瓜也吃了,那么下面有请大家欣赏一段美国第一夫人米歇尔的精彩演讲 B:the 7th one is <
B:the 8th one is <
>,welcome A:赛事已接近尾声,大家心中是什么感受呢?是否都还在回味着每个节目的精彩之处?可谓是各有所长。
B:now,let me announce the result of this competation Third place
is ,congratulation
Second place is thire score is ,congratulation Second place is
thire score is ,congratulation A:下面让我们以热烈的掌声邀请我们的老师上台为选手们颁奖
B:让我们用心在集大浇灌属于我们自己的世界 A:让我们在祝福声中结束我们的晚会 合:祝大家晚安!
孩子:你能给我们念睡前故事吗 Will you read us a bedtime story?
孩子:求求你了 Pretty please
The physical appearance of the please makes no difference 还是不行去睡觉吧
It is still no,so go to sleep
孩子:睡不着,我们都很兴奋 But we can’t we are all hyper 不讲睡前故事,我们只会麻烦你。
And without a bedtime story,we’ll just getting up and begging you!烦你一整夜 All night long
爸爸:好吧 Fine 好吧,就念一个“小困猫” All right,all right sleepy kittens 小困猫?
sleepy kittens? 这是什么? What are these?
孩子:玩偶 Puppets 讲故事的时候用
You use them when you tell the story。
爸爸:好吧,快点讲完算了 Ok let’s get this over with 三只小猫喜欢玩,它们白天玩的很开心
Three little kittens loved to play,they had fun in the sun all day 然后猫妈妈出来说:小猫该去睡觉了
Then their mother came out and said :time for kittens to go bed 哇!什么烂故事?你们喜欢?
Wow!This is garbage。You actually like this?
孩子:接着念!Keep reading!come on!爸爸:好好!
All right!All right!All right!三只小猫开始大哭
Three little kittens started bawl 妈咪,我们一点也不困
Mommy we are not tired at all 猫妈妈笑着说
Their mother smiled and said with a purr 好吧,但至少你们要刷刷毛
Fine but at least you should brush your fur
孩子:现在你刷毛 Now you brush the fur
爸爸:这也算文章? This is literature?
A-2-years old could have writen this allright 三只小猫刷完了毛
Three little kittens with fur all brushed 说:我们还是睡不着一点也不困
Said we can’t sleep we feel too rushed 猫妈妈柔声回答说
Their mother replied:with a voice like silk 好吧,但至少你们要喝了牛奶
Fine but at least you should drink your milk
Now make them drink the milk
I don’t like this book.this is going on forever 三只小猫喝完牛奶,开始揉着眼睛打呵欠
Three little kittens with milk all gone.Rubbed their eyes and stared to yawn 我们还是睡不着搅,怎么也睡不着 然后猫妈妈长了一直摇篮曲
We can’t sleep.We can’t sleep.even try.then their mother sang a lullaby 晚安孩子们,闭上眼睛
Goodnight kittens,closed your eyes sleep in peace until you rise 尽管睡觉的时候我们不能在一起 Though while you sleep we are apart 妈妈还是全新爱着你们
Your mommy loves with all her heart
But we can't go to sleep without a bedtime story.嗯,那对你来说这将是一个漫长的夜晚,不是吗
Well, then it's going to be a long night for you, isn' t it?
So, good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite.因为这有成千上万的臭虫
同: Ladies and gentlemen.Good morning!Welcome to our party today!Thank you for being here!各位领导、老师、同学大家上午好!
男:I am Andy.我是主持人安迪
女:I am xxx 我是主持人xxx 男:To show English variety, to enrich extracurricular activities,to improve English level, and to cultivate the comprehensive abilities.展现英语风采,丰富课余生活,提高英语水平,培养综合能力。
女: You perform while I sing, our school life is colorful.你想我做,团结合作展现风采。
男: Let us deduce a life with the movie of colorful。
女:Today this stage can make your movie dream come true,and our players are ready to show themselves.今天这个舞台,展示自我,梦想飞扬。
同: The first University moive dubbing Competition in 2014, now begins.第一届英语配音大赛,现在开始!
二、介绍评委 女: Firstly,let's introuduce today's judges.They’re——
女:Let’s warmly welcome them!
男:First,welcome xxx to make a speech to start the pary.首先,我们有请xxx致辞,宣布此次活动英语配音大赛正式拉开序幕。
女: Then, let's go over the regulations of the competition.现在,请允许我介绍活动规则。
女: The English Moives Dubbing Competition Total score is 100 points,The team will award the finalists, From the following five aspects of assessment:the tone of voice, skilled lines, emotional grasp, team image, and time.本次配音大赛总分成绩为100分,将评出进入决赛的参赛队。分为语音语调、熟练台词、情感把握、队伍形象以及时间合理五个标准。
女: Now, starts the first Tianjin University of Sport English moive dubbing Competition.Let’s look forward to the contestants’ wonderful performances!
女:Now,please welcome contestant NO.1.Contestant NO.2 please get ready.下面有请一号队伍,请二号队做好准备。*(男)*(女)*(男)*(女)
女:Thank you for your excellent perform!
男:Let’s welcome the judge to make some comments on their performances。
女:We are enthusiastic;we have dreams!我们拥有激情,我们拥有梦想!
男: Let us deduce a life with the movie of colorful。
女:Congratulation to all the contestants and our thanks to all the guests and judges!Thank your for your coming!感谢大家的参与。感谢各位选手、评委和嘉宾。
同: Ladies and Gentlemen: The first Tianjin University of Sport English moive dubbing Competition is over.Let’s look forwards to the next competition.Thanks again!Bye!各位,天津体育学院第一届英语配音大赛到此结束。让我们期待下次比赛,再见!
起,故事的开端,亦或者说是矛盾的开端。小丑鱼父亲玛林送儿子尼莫上学,并叮嘱儿子不要游到海面上,因为那样的行为是很危险的。小丑鱼尼莫有点爱面子,同时,他心里貌似有点看不起他父亲的胆小,出于青少年的叛逆,他反对父亲玛林的话,毅然游向海面,并且对父亲玛林说了一句“I hate you”。然后,危险发生,小丑鱼尼莫被人类捉走了。
了一句“I love you”,一如当初他游离海底、冲向海面,所不同的,语气发生了变化,内容也发生了变化。而这,也就是我们常常会在文章当中所看到的首尾呼应!使得整个故事的篇幅更加的完整、严谨!