
时间:2019-05-12 02:16:28下载本文作者:会员上传





Q1: 那是什么意思呢? What do you mean?

Q2: 你有很多空闲时间旅游吗?

Did you have a lot of free time for traveling?

Q3: 游客能找到哪些工作呢?

What kinds of jobs can the travelers find?


Q1: 你认为机器人有一天会取代人类吗?

Do you think that robots will replace humans one day?

Q2: 机器人可以做哪些危险的工作? What kind of dangerous jobs can robots do?

Q3: 如果我们被机器人取代了该怎么办? What can we do if robots take place of us?


Q1: 为什么家长认为这是个问题? Why do parents think it is a problem?

Q2:这仅仅发生在童年吗? Does it only happen in childhood?

Q3: 你有什么建议给家长呢? What is your advice for parents?


Q1: 那个医生是如何帮助你的? How did the doctor help you?


Do many people see their doctors in this way nowadays?


What are the problems of seeing an e-doctor?


Q1: 你什么时候开始对丝绸历史感兴趣的? When did you begin to be interested in silk history?


How was silk from China spread to other countries?

Q3:丝绸工业的现状是什么? What is the silk industry like now?


Q1: 你怎么知道的呢? How did you know that?

Q2: 为什么运动能使我们更聪明? Why can sports make us smarter?

Q3: 运动如何帮助提升我们的课堂表现?

How do sports help us improve class performance?



Q1: 在大家庭中成长是怎样的?

What was it like growing up in a big family?/ How did you like growing up in a big family?/ What was growing up in a big family like?


What was the most difficult part?/ What was the hardest part?/ What was the toughest part?/ What was the most difficult thing?/ What was the hardest thing?/ What was the toughest thing?

Q3: 年幼的孩子比年长的孩子更幸运吗?

Are younger children luckier than the elder children?/ Are younger children more fortunate than the elder children?


Q1: 你12岁时,学校是怎样的?

How was the school when you were twelve?/ What was the school like when you were twelve?

Q2: 你认为体育活动将是一样的吗?

Do you think that sports will be the same?/ Will sports be the same in your opinion?

Q3: 最大的变化会是什么?

What will the biggest change be?/ What is the biggest change going to be?/ What can the biggest change be?/ What will the greatest change be?/ What is the greatest change going to be?/ What can the greatest change be?


Q1: 那是什么意思呢?

What does that mean?/ What do you mean?

Q2: 作为老师,你怎样使用这个系统?

How did you use the system as a teacher?/ As a teacher, how did you use the system?/ How did you use the system being a teacher?/ Being a teacher, how did you use the system?/ How did you use the system working as a teacher?

Q3: 学生们喜欢这种交作业的方式吗?

Did the students like the way to submit assignments?/ Did the students like the way of submitting assignments?/ Did the students like the way to hand in homework?/ Did the students like the way of handing in homework?/ Did the students like the way to hand in assignments?/ Did the students like the way of handing in assignments?


Q1: 你做什么让观众大笑?

What do you do to let the audience laugh?/ What do you do to make the audience laugh?

Q2: 你是怎么成为一个喜剧演员的? How did you become a comedian?

Q3: 有什么成功的秘诀吗?

Do you have any secrets to success?/ What secrets to success do you have?/ Are there any secrets to success?


Q1: 你从课程中学到了什么?

What do you learn from the course?/ What do you study from the course?

Q2: 你怎么知道女性在学习语言方面做得更好?

How do you know that women can do better in learning languages?

Q3: 他们在行为上有什么差异?

What are the differences in their behaviors?/ What is the difference about their behaviors?




Have you done the research about the topic?/ Have you done the survey about the topic?/ Have you researched the topic?/ Have you studied the topic?


What do people usually do to reduce stress?/ What do people often do to reduce stress?/ What do people usually do to relax?/ What do people often do to relax?/ What do people usually do to relieve pressure?/ What do people often do to relieve stress?


Why can stress be positive energy?/ Why can stress be positive thing?/ Why can pressure be positive energy?/ Why can stress be positive thing?



What is the most useful way to change a bad mood?/ What is the most useful way to change a bad feeling?/ What is the most useful thing to change a bad mood?/ What is the most useful thing to change a bad feeling?/ What is the most useful method to change a bad mood?/ What is the most useful method to change a bad feeling?/ What is the most effective way to change a bad mood?/ What is the most effective method to change a bad feeling?


Is music helpful to change a bad mood?/ Is music helpful to change a bad feeling?/ Does music contribute to changing a bad mood?/ Does music contribute to changing a bad feeling?/ Is listening to music helpful to change a bad mood?/ Is listening to music helpful to change a bad feeling?


How do colors affect our moods?/ How do colors influence our moods?/ How do colors affect our feelings?/ How do colors influence our feelings?/ How do colors have an influence on our moods?/ How do colors have an influence on our feelings?



What is the biggest challenge to you?/ What is the greatest challenge to you?/ What is the biggest challenge for you?/ What is the greatest challenge for you?


Do you think that everyone can be trained to be a good teacher?/ Do you think that everyone can be trained to become a good teacher?/ Do you think everyone can be trained as a good teacher?/

Can everyone be trained to be a good teacher?/ Can everyone be trained to become a good teacher?


What characteristics do good teachers have?/ What features do good teachers have?



What’s the difference between them?/ What’s the difference between the two?/ What are the differences between them?/ What are the differences between the two?


Do I need to attend every activity?/ Do I need to take part in every activity?/

Do I need to participate in every activity?/Do I need to attend each activity?/Do I need to take part in each activity?/Do I need to participate in each activity?/Is it necessary for me to attend every activity?/Is it necessary for me to take part in each activity?


How can I join this club?


Q1:你的家乡离这里远吗? Is your hometown far from here?


What impressed you most on the way to your hometown?/ What impressed you best on the way to your hometown?/ What gave you the deepest impression on the way to your hometown?/ What was the most impressive thing on your way to your hometown?


Where do you prefer to spend the Spring Festival?/ Where do you like more to spend the Spring Festival?



How do you think about wearing school uniforms?/ What do you think of wearing school uniforms?/ What’s your opinion about wearing school uniforms?


Isn’t it boring to wear the same clothes?/ Isn’t wearing the same clothes boring?/ Don’t you feel bored to wear the same clothes?


Did you wear school uniforms when you were young?/ Did you wear school uniforms when you were a kid?/ Did you wear school uniforms when you were a child?/



How are the university classes arranged?/ How are the university courses arranged?/ How are the college classes arranged?/ How are the college courses arranged?/ How are the classes arranged in university?/ How are the courses arranged in college?


Question 2: Does your university offer the students a chance to study abroad?/ Does your university give the students a chance to study abroad?/ Does your university provide the students with a chance to study abroad?/ Does your college offer a chance to study abroad to the students?/ Does your college give a chance to study abroad to the students?/ Does your university provide the students with a chance to study abroad?


Which department is the best in your university?/ Which is the best department in your university?/ Which department is the best in your college?/ Which is the best department in your college?




How do colors affect our buying decisions?/How do colors influence our buying decisions?/How do colors influence our purchasing behavior?/How do colors affect our buying behavior?/How do colors influence our buying behavior?/How do colors affect our purchasing behavior?


What color is more attractive to customers?/What color can attract customers more?/What color can appeal to more customers?/What color can attract people’s attention more?/What color can draw people’s attention more?


Question 3:Is green a popular color in advertising?/Is green a fashionable color in advertising?



How do you solve old people’s health problem?/How do you deal with old people’s health problem?


Who pays for their living expenses here?/Who pays them for the living expenses here?


How often do their children come to see them?/How often do their children come to visit them?



Do your parents usually allow you to make decisions by yourself?/Do your parents usually permit you to make decisions by yourself?


Why do you want to live without your parents?/Why do you want to leave your parents and live alone?


Who pays for your living costs?/Who pays for your living expenses?/Who pays you for the living costs?/Who pays you for the living expenses?



When did your family begin to raise dogs for the blind?/When did your family start raising dogs for the blind?/When did your family begin raising dogs for the blind?/When did your family start to raise dogs for the blind?

Q2:你们是如何训练这些狗的? How do you train these dogs?


Did you see the dogs you trained in the street?/Did you see the dogs you trained on the road?/Have you seen the dogs you trained before in the street?/Have you seen the dogs you trained before on the road?



Question 1:Didn’t you say you wanted to be a language teacher?/Didn’t you say you wanted to become a language teacher?/Didn’t you say you wanted to work as a language teacher?


How do you feel the first day of teaching?/How was your first day of being a teacher?/How was your first day of teaching?


Why do you think you can become a language teacher?/Why do you think you can be a language teacher?



What do your parents like about China?/What do your parents love about China?/What are your parents fond of about China?


Why don’t you buy some Beijing Opera DVDs as gifts?/Why don’t you buy some Beijing Opera DVDs as presents?/Why not purchase some Beijing Opera DVDs as presents?/Why not purchase some Beijing Opera DVDs as gifts?


What gifts do you plan to buy for your brother and sister?/What presents do you plan to buy for your brother and sister?/What presents do you plan to purchase for your brother and sister?/What gifts do you plan to purchase for your brother and sister?/What gifts do you decide to buy for your brother and sister?/What presents do you decide to buy for your brother and sister?/What gifts do you decide to purchase for your brother and sister?/What presents do you decide to purchase for your brother and sister?




What is the use of the Internet in the future classroom? / What is the Internet for in the future classroom? / What role will the Internet play in the future classroom?


How will students take exams in the future?


What will students need to study/ learn in the future? / What is necessary for students to learn/ study in the future?



How can I make them work together? / How do I make them work as a team? / What can I do to make them work together?


What do you think is best to call them for a meeting? / What do you think is the best time to call everyone for meeting? / When do you think is best to call a meeting?


How should I treat my teammates as a leader? / How should I treat my team members as a monitor?



Is sport important in British middle schools and universities? / Are sports important in British high schools and universities?


What are the most popular sports in Britain/ England? / What sports are the most popular ones in Britain/ England?


Is sports a common topic in conversation? / Is sports the thing most talked about?



When do you finish work?/ What time are you off work?/When do you get off work?/ What time do you finish work?/ What time do you get off work?


What do you do in the evenings?/ What activities do you have in the evenings?/ What are your evening activities?


Do you often bring work home?/ Do you often take work home?



Shall I take other clothes?/ Do I need to take other clothes?/ Do I have to take other clothes?/ Is it necessary for me to take other clothes?


What kind of presents/ gifts do the British people like?/ What kind of presents are the British people fond of?/ What kind of presents do the British like?


What shall I take when I go to others’ to have meals?/ What shall I take when I have meals at others’ home?/ What should I take if I go to others’ house for dinner?/What should I take if I visit others for dinner?/ What should I take if I am invited to others’ for dinner?



How can I leave a good impression?/ How can I make a good impression?/ What can I do to make a good impression?/ What can I do to leave a good impression?


What is the next important thing I should know?/ What is the next important thing I should be aware of?


What should I do if I don’t remember an English word?/ What should I do if I don’t remember some English word?/ What should I do if I forget one English word?/What if I forget an English word?




How do you get along with your roommates?


Why don’t you have a talk directly with them?


What are your teacher’s suggestions? /What is your teacher’s advice?



Why can’t I drive with my friends?


Do I really need these rules? / Are these rules necessary for me?


What are these rules for? / What’s the use of these rules?


Q1:这本书有什么问题? What’s the problem of the book?


Why do you think the plot is hard to believe/ unbelievable?


How do the newspapers comment on/upon this book?/ What are the newspapers’ comments on this book?



How many books can I borrow at one time?


How long can I keep the books?


What will happen if I return the books late?



What subject do you want to study at the arts campus?

Q2:你在这一领域得过奖吗? Have you won any races in this field?

Q3:你是如何发展出对历史的兴趣的? How do you develop an interest in history?



Q1:James 像你一样热爱音乐吗? Does James like music as much as you?

Q2:James 小时候对什么感兴趣?

What was James interested in when he was young?


Who had the biggest effect/ influence on you? /Who influenced you most?



Could you please speak a little more?

Q2:你说的学习风格是什么意思? What do you mean by ―learning styles?

Q3:你是如何学习外语的?How did you learn a foreign language?


Q1:你如何看待在英国排队的事情? What do you think of queuing in England?


Can you talk about English people?


Do you have any other problems?


Q1:那我该做什么呢? What should I do?


What else should I pay attention to?


Do you think I need to take some medicine?



Does the British people like cars?


What do you mean?


The British people care little about clothes, do they?

第二篇:2014届高三英语听说 三问翻译训练

2014届高三英语听说 三问翻译训练 话题1:个人情况

1.你是哪里人? _____________________________________________ 话题5:学校生活 1.你们学校属于重点中学吗? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2.你们一天上几节课?

2.你在大学读的是什么专业? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 3.你最喜欢的科目是什么?

3.能告诉我你的手机号吗? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 4.你们学校有体育馆吗?

4.你有哪些爱好? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 5.你隔多久回家一次?

5.你喜欢网上聊天吗? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 话题6:兴趣与爱好 话题2:家庭、朋友与周围人 1.你业余时间一般做什么?

1.你的家庭很大吗? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2.你爱上网吗?

2.你父母都退休了吗? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 3.你擅长打乒乓球吗?

3.你爸爸有几个兄弟? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 4.你经常旅游吗?

4.谁是你最佩服的人? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 5.你最喜欢的运动是什么?

5.你的英语老师哪里毕业的? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 话题7:个人情感 话题3:周围的环境 1.你怎样看待追星?

1.你们家附近有网吧吗? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2.你的性格多变吗?

2.你们学校有几个食堂? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 3.你与父母相处得融洽吗?

3.你的邻居是干什么的? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 4.他们理解你的做法吗?

4.火车站离你家多远? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 5.你对这件事情感到难过吗?

5.你们厂生产什么产品?_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 话题8:人际关系 话题4:日常活动 1.你和同学相处得好吗?

1.你几点钟上班? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2.你常去拜访你的亲戚吗?

2.你怎样去上学?_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 3.你的老师们喜欢你吗?

3.你们必须经常加班吗? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 4.你的好朋友多吗?

4.你中餐一般吃什么?_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 5.你如何处理他们之间的矛盾? 5.你放学后帮助做家务吗?_____________________________________________

2014届高三英语听说 三问翻译训练()

话题9:计划与愿望 1.寒假你有什么打算? 2.你打算去哪里度假? 3.你打算做什么兼职工作? 4.你的愿望是什么?

5.你认为你的理想会实现吗? 话题10:节假日活动 1.劳动节你是怎样度过的? 2.你过圣诞节吗? 3.国庆节你去旅游吗? 4.你们放几天假?5.你最盼望哪一个节日?话题11:购物 1.你一般在哪里购物? 2.你买垃圾食品吗?3.你购物喜欢讨价还价吗? 4.你认为超市的商品怎么样? 5.你常去步行街吗?话题12:饮食 1.你中餐一般吃什么? 2.你吃肥肉吗?3.你们不吃辣椒,是吗? 4.你平时喝什么饮料?



_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 1.今天下午会下雨吗?

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 1.你常去夜总会吗?

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 1.你爱好旅游吗?

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 1.你日语学得怎么样了?

2014届高三英语听说 三问翻译训练()

_____________________________________________ 2.你睡觉前喝牛奶吗? _____________________________________________ 3.你每天早晨都锻炼吗? _____________________________________________ 4.为什么你很少开车去上班? _____________________________________________ 5.生气对身体有害吗?_____________________________________________ 话题14:天气

_____________________________________________ 2.这里冬天冷吗? _____________________________________________ 3.你们家乡气候怎么样? _____________________________________________ 4.你喜欢下雪吗? _____________________________________________ 5.你适应这里的气候吗? _____________________________________________ 话题15:文娱与体育

_____________________________________________ 2.你喜欢跳舞吗?

_____________________________________________ 3.室内和室外活动,你更喜欢哪一种? _____________________________________________ 4.你擅长踢足球吗? _____________________________________________ 5.你觉得生命在于运动吗? _____________________________________________ 话题16:旅游和交通

_____________________________________________ 2.你坐飞机晕机吗? _____________________________________________ 3.你们家乡有风景区吗? _____________________________________________ 4.我还没坐过轮船,你呢? _____________________________________________ 5.你们城市的交通状况怎么样?_____________________________________________ 话题17:语言学习

_____________________________________________ 2.你赞同闪婚吗? 2.学英语你觉得什么最难?3.英国人觉得汉语容易吗? 4.英语句子有几种句型? 5.汉语和英语的主要区别是什么? 话题18:自然 1.你常出去野炊吗?

2.保护野生动物,我们该做些什么?3.你见过火山喷发吗? 4.你家周围种了很多树木吗? 5.你有环保意识吗?话题19:世界与环境 1.北约有哪些成员国?

2.非洲人口最多的国家是哪一个? 3.澳大利亚最大的城市是什么? 4.世界上最高的山峰是什么? 5.你怎样看待全球变暖?话题20:科普知识与现代技术 1.科学包括哪两部分? 2.科技是)


话题1:个人情况 1.Where are you from?

2.What did you major in at college?

3.Could you tell me your mobile number? 4.What are your hobbies? 5.Do you like to chat on line? 话题2:家庭、朋友与周围人 1.Is your family very big?

2.Have both your parents retired?

3.How many brothers does your father have? 4.Who is the person you admire most?

5.Where did your English teacher graduate from? 话题3:周围的环境

1.Is there an Internet bar near your home?

2.How many dining rooms are there in your school? 3.What job does your neighbor do?

4.How far is it from the train station to your home? 5.What product does your factory make? 话题4:日常活动

1.What time do you go to work? 2.How do you go to school?

3.Do you often have to work overtime? 4.What do you generally have for lunch? 5.Do you help do the housework after school? 话题5:学校生活

1.Does your school belong to key schools? 2.How many classes do you have per day? 3.What is your favorite subject? 4.Is there a stadium in your school? 5.How often do you go home? 话题6:兴趣与爱好

1.What do you usually do in your spare time ? 2.Are you fond of surfing the Internet ? 3.Are you good at playing table tennis? 4.Do you travel a lot?

5.What’s your favorite sport? 话题7:个人情感

1.What do you think of star worship? 2.Is your character changeable?

3.Do you get along harmoniously with your parents? 4.Do they understand your doings? 5.Do you feel sorry about this incident? 话题8:人际关系

1.Do you get on well with your classmates? 2.Do you often visit your relatives? 3.Do your teachers like you?

4.Do you have many good friends?

5.How do you deal with the conflict between them? 话题9:计划与愿望

1.What plan do you have for the winter vacation? 2.Where do you plan to spend the holiday? 3.What part-time job are you going to take?4.What is your wish?

5.Will your ideal come true in your opinion? 话题10:节假日活动

1.How did you spend Labor Day? 2.Do you observe Christmas?

3.Will you go traveling on National Day? 4.How many days off do you take? 5.What festival do you expect most? 话题11:购物

1.Where do you usually go shopping? 2.Do you buy junk food?

3.Do you like bargaining when shopping?

4.How do you like the goods in the supermarket? 5.Do you often go to the walking street? 话题12:饮食

1.What do you usually have for lunch? 2.Do you eat fat meat?

3.You don’t eat pepper, do you? 4.What drink do you generally have?

5.Do you often have noodles for breakfast? 话题13:健康

1.Health is above wealth, isn’t it?

2.Do you drink milk before going to bed? 3.Do you take exercise every morning? 4.Why do you seldom go to work by car? 5.Is being angry good for health? 话题14:天气

1.Is it going to rain this afternoon? 2.Is it cold here in winter?

3.What’s the climate like in your hometown? 4.Do you like it when it snows?

5.Have you adapted yourself to the climate here? 话题15:文娱与体育

1.Do you often go to the night club? 2.Do you like dancing?

3.Which do you prefer, indoor or outdoor activities? 4.Are you good at playing football? 5.Do you think life means exercise? 话题16:旅游和交通

1.Are you fond of traveling?

2.Are you airsick when on a plane?

3.Are there any scenic spots in your hometown? 4.I have never taken a ship, how about you? 5.How is the traffic condition in your city? 话题17:语言学习

1.How are you getting along with your Japanese? 2.What do you find hardest in learning English? 3.Do the British find it easy to learn Chinese?

4.How many patterns are there in English sentences?

5.What is the main difference between Chinese and English? 话题18:自然

1.Do you often go on a picnic?

2.What should we do to protect the wildlife? 3.Have you ever seen a volcano break out?

4.Were many trees planted around your house? 5.What should we do to protect the wildlife? 话题19:世界与环境

1.What are the members of NATO?

2.Which country has the largest population in Africa? 3.What is the largest city in Australia? 4.What is the highest mount in the world? 5.What do you think about global warming? 话题20:科普知识与现代技术

1.Which two parts does science consist of?

2.Is science and technology the first productivity? 3.What’s the name of the first computer in the world? 4.Who is the first Chinese that walked in space? 5.Do you know about three networks combination? 话题21:热点话题

1.Do you know what “geili” means? 2.Do you approve of flash marriage?

3.How many people died in the great Japanese earthquake? 4.What is low-carbon lifestyle?

5.How long has the CPC been in existence? 话题22:历史与地理

1.However old is the earth?

2.What is the largest province in size in China?

3.In which year did the American Civil War break out? 4.What is the largest river in Africa? 5.What is the highest plateau in China? 话题23:社会

1.How do you understand “harmonious society”? 2.Is the society stable in your country? 3.What is the ideal society in your heart?

4.Is it more and more difficult for graduates to find jobs? 5.Would you like to live in China? 话题24:文学与艺术

1.What are Shakespeare’s four great tragedies? 2.What are Jack London’s major works?

3.Who wrote Oliver Twist?4.What was Qi Baishi best at? 5.In which year did Ba Jin die

2014届高三英语听说 三问翻译训练()








3、第二部分是念一段话然后让你对着中文字幕翻译几个问题,在回答他英文问的无字幕的问题,开始的一段话是读一遍,所以一定要听清而且一定要做笔记,非常快那种缩写笔记。我那时候因为第二部分好几题没听清,所以跟着旁边的女生喊的答案,其实我也不知道我喊的是什么,不过当你真的不知答案的时候,认真听旁边的答案,跟着念,一定要念的像,就算你不知道他喊得是啥,只要在时间范围内 迟一点答题也没关系的。很奇怪的是,我跟着旁边的女生念,她14分,我15分满分了。所以我想应该是老师听着你的读音跟正确答案比较像就给分了,而且我念的很有气-装作很肯定答案的样子。









Announcements provide passengers with updated information about the flight.2.飞机即将起飞时,提醒旅客系好安全带。

When the take-off is imminent, passengers are reminded to fasten their seat belts.3.乘务员在指定的时间给乘客读广播词。

Cabin attendants read the announcements to the passengers at specified time.4.当飞机正飞越在名胜景点上空时,乘务员会告知乘客。

Cabin attendants will advise the passengers when the plane is flying over the scenic spots.5.由于天气不好,飞机将在备降机场降落。

The airplane is going to land at an alternate airport due to unfavorable weather conditions.6.为防发生火灾,请迅速离开飞机。

Leave the vicinity of the aircraft as soon as possible in case of fire.7.广播包括预计到达时间、当地时间和天气状况。

The announcement contains the estimated time of arrival, local time and weather conditions.8.乘务员向乘客简单介绍飞机即将到达的机场和城市。

The cabin attendants give the passengers a brief introduction to the airport and the city that the plane is approaching.9.由于等待放行许可,飞机推迟起飞。

The departure is delayed due to waiting for departure clearance.10.飞机现在有些颠簸,请您回原座位坐好,系好安全带。

We have met with some turbulence.Please return to your seat and fasten your seat belt.Unit4

1.这些乘客除了头等舱以外,还包括年纪大的、有残疾的,带婴儿的乘客和无人陪伴的儿童。The passengers include the elderly, the handicapped, those with babies or children as well as First Class passengers.2.请按照这个方向走,不要把东西放在过道里。

Please walk in this direction, don’t leave things in the aisle.3.行李应存放在每位乘客前面的座位底下或是在头顶上的行李箱中。

The baggage should be stored under the seat in front of each passenger or in the overhead compartment.4.请把安全带系低、系紧。

Please fasten your seatbelt low and tight.5.请不要抽烟。

Please refrain from smoking.6.乘务长派组员去登机桥了。

The chief purser assigned some crew members to the boarding bridge.7.乘务人员要致欢迎词和作安全演示。

The cabin crew will give the welcome announcement and perform safety demonstrations.8.航站楼外有大巴和出租车通向市里

Just outside the terminal, there are limousine and taxi connection to the downtown area.9.此时,他们才可以稍许休息一下,等着航班起飞,但他们必须保持警惕,因为起飞是飞行中最危险的时刻之一。At this point, they may rest a little, waiting for the flight to take off, but they must remain alert as the take-off is one of the most dangerous moments in the flight.10.对那些放置行李可能有困难的乘客,乘务员需要主动提供帮助。

They need to offer assistance to those passengers who might have difficulty in putting their own baggage away.Unit5

1.他们首先在机腹舱口附近安置好带式装载机。They first position belt loaders near the belly cargo hatches.2.邮件和货物根据终点城市装好。

Mail and freight are loaded according to destination city.3.由于天气原因,飞行时间将要长些。

Due to the weather condition, our flight time will be longer.4.请把系好安全带,保证颠簸时的安全。

Please fasten your seatbelt to ensure your safety during turbulence.5.乘务长给我们分配责任区域。

The purser assigns our section of responsibility.6.救生衣储存在座位底下,杂志就在椅背的袋子中。

Your life vests are stowed under your seat, and the magazines are in the seatback pockets.7.请把舱顶行李箱锁好。

Please latch the overhead bins properly.8.请坐在号码正确的位置上,保持飞机平衡。

Please sit in the seat with the correct number in order to keep the balance of the plane.9.乘务员控制面板上所有开关和控制钮都得到检查,确保它们处于飞行设定位置。All switches and controls on the cabin-attendant panel are checked for operation settings.10.对于机组成员,两位驾驶员在起飞前要进行仪表检查工作。For the flight crew, the two pilots will check the instruments before take-off.Unit6


You may find the safety instructions leaflet and magazines in the seat-pocket.2.随身携带行李不得超过规定重量。

Your carry-on luggage must not exceed the regulated weight.3.你可以根据需求调整通风孔。

You may adjust the air blower(nozzle/vent)in accordance with your need.4.照明灯在头顶上,照明方向可以调整。它可以用来阅读,由于灯光集中,不影响别人。The light is over your head, with adjustable directions.It may be used for reading.Since the light is concentrated, it will not interfere with other passengers.5.为了安全起见,餐桌在降落前应折叠起来。

For the sake of safety, the small table should be folded up before landing.6.如果需要帮助,可以按钮求助。

If you need any help, press the button to ask for assistance.7.移动电话、摄像机、收音机、电子游戏机、遥控玩具以及任何无线设备在飞行过程中严格禁止使用,因为它会干扰飞机的导航和通信系统。Devices like mobile phones, TV cameras, radios, electronic games, toys with remote controls and any cordless items are strictly prohibited all through the flight journey as it can interfere with the aircraft’s navigational and communications systems.8.所有上税的物件都必须列出来。申报单上没有的物体可能使物主受到重罚

All taxable items must be listed.Those, which are not found on the declaration form, may subject the owner to heavy fines.9.根据检疫规定,乘客不能携带新鲜水果,他们在飞行结束之前必须处理掉它们或把它们交给乘务员。

According to the regulations of quarantine, passengers can’t bring in fresh fruit, they have to dispose of them or give them to cabin attendants before the end of the flight.Unit7


The Chinese tradition varies from the Western culture.2.这种饮料由伏特加和桔子汁兑成。

This kind of drink consists of Vodka and orange juice.3.穆斯林餐适合很多中东乘客。

Muslim meals apply to most passengers from the Middle East.4.给孩子喂整口整口的食物会呛着他的。

You are sure to choke the child if you feed him mouthful of food.5.机上有浓度2%的牛奶和桔子汁。

Two percent milk and juices are available onboard the aircraft.6.可能引起窒息和辛辣的食品应该避免。

Foods that may cause choking or are spicy are avoided.7.乘务员应该对他们所服务的乘客的不同需求给与回应。

Cabin attendants should respond to the varied needs of the passengers they will serve.8.两种舱都供给软饮料,不收费。

Soft drinks are offered in both classes at no charge.9.保健食品能适应各种不便的许许多多人。

Meals for medical purposes apply to a large number of people with different conditions.10.中餐、晚餐食品构成基本相同。

Lunch and dinner consist of basically the same dishes.Unit8

1.急救可做到使生命延续、保护昏迷不醒的伤者、阻止病情 的恶化以及帮助病人尽早康复。It can preserve life, protect the unconscious, prevent worsening of a condition and promote recovery.2.如果机上乘客的病情十分严重,飞机应在备降机场进行紧急着陆并且寻求地面援助。If the passenger suffers from serious diseases, the plane will make an emergency landing at an alternate airport and ask the help from the ground.3.除非万不得已不要随意移动病人或伤者。

Do not move the passenger unless absolutely necessary.4.为了帮助机上生病的乘客,飞机上都必须携带急救箱。

In order to help the sick passengers in flight, the first-aid equipment must be carried on board.5.在病人的额头上放一块冷毛巾。Place a cool cloth on the forehead of the sick.6.深度昏迷会危及病人的生命安全。

Deep shock can be a life-threatening condition.7.一个感到昏迷的患者会觉得头晕目眩、内心不安、忧虑不定、恶心和口干舌燥。A casualty experiencing shock may be faint or dizzy, restless and apprehensive, nauseous and thirsty.8.在实施急救措施时,也要采取一些预防措施防止或降低乘务员和患者被感染的可能性。When administering first aid, take precautions to protect yourself and the passenger to reduce the risk of becoming infected.9.在实施急救措施后,尽快洗净自己的双手。

Always wash your hands as soon as possible after administering first aid.10.当机上出现急救事件时,乘务员必须有详细的报告。

When a first aid incident occurs, the cabin attendants must make a complete report.



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