
时间:2019-05-12 20:44:27下载本文作者:会员上传




专业班级:景观F0902 学号:200948290210








Teaching building in the atrium design This garden is located in the Henan University of Technology, building 3 west exports, belong to the residentail and sex.The whole garden is rectangle ,relatively rules,with a total area of 2400 square meters.Good courtyard is and the surrounding environment and people's interest in extreme harmonious demand, this is the Gordon of false ,and always give a person with practical intimacy.This area ,the four seasons is a monsoon climate.Motivation for leading the wind mistral, leading to the southeast summer wind, the annual temperature, the average daily maximum temperature ,rainfall ,Jiangsu general concentration in 5--7months.Most of the field to the ground is flat a single type of landscape.Henan university of technology is a contains one hundred years history and culture of the traditional school in 1956,the institute of Zhengzhou food now has been formed their own of substantial campus culture ,realistic and innovative style of study ,open move developing spirit scientific rationality and humanism romantic feeling campus quality ,to the campus into rich context spirit.Give priority to afforest ,ought to a dorm sketch ,achieve three season there are flowers ,the four seasons have sconce.Reflect environment characteristics ,forming integral style.Make human space ,mother lord functional requirements.Boast an informal meeting place ,has the good accessibility and have enough Hour Dong Main ,so one can make people stop ,and thirsty and transfer of the topic at any time around free ,easy hair of communication space.Optimal selection in the three ,in the form of landscape and garden good ,should consider convenient maintenance and management in the future ,as far as possible to save courtyard of input and future maintenance management frees.Landscape planning and design principles is in modern ecology meet for aesthetics and want to say the spiritual features an ideal life outside the park explore the residential space environment and landscape culture with artistic conception of expression way make not only meet the teachers and students to high quality life yearning, provide more wide communication platform and human emotions space.Each function can be thought a relatively independent landscape and landscape axis and form at the same time as a organic whole.collection of leisure learning, interest in a body bring infinite pleasure for teachers and students.


Owing to the fact that electricity can be transmitted from where it is generated to where it is needed by means of power lines and transformers, large power stations can be built in remote places far from industrial centers or large cities, as is cited the case with hydroelectric power stations that are inseparable from water sources.• 由于电力可以从发电的地方通过电线和变压器输送到需要用电的地方,因此大型电站可以建在远离工业中心或大城市的地方,离不开水源的水力发电站就常常是这样建立的。

Ideally suited to narrow canyon s composed of rock, the arch dam provides an economical and efficient structure to control the stream flow.The load-carrying capacity of an arch dam enables the designer to conserve material and still maintain an extremely safe structure.• 拱坝最适合于修建在岩石峡谷中,它是一种控制河道中水流经济而有效的建筑物。一座拱坝的承载能力足以使设计人员用较少的材料而仍能建成极为安全的结构。

The general theory of arch dam design is comparatively new and changing rapidly as more information is obtained.Engineers have cautiously applied mathematical theory, the law of mechanics, and theories of elasticity to reduce the thickness of arch dams and gain substantial economies.• 拱坝的一般设计理论比较新颖,同时在获得更多的资料之后,理论的变化也很迅速。工程师们曾慎重的应用数学理论、力学定律和弹性理论,以减小拱坝的厚度,并取得了很大的经济效果。

• Historically, the method of analysis of arch dams grew from the cylinder theory to independent arches, crown cantilever analysis, and then multiple cantilever analysis.The crown cantilever and arch action theory has prove d satisfactory for arch dam analysis.• 从历史发展来看,拱坝分析方法从圆筒理论开始,发展到多个独立拱圈分析、拱冠悬臂梁分析,以及多悬臂梁分析。拱冠悬臂梁和拱作用的理论已被证明能满足拱坝分析用。

• All earth dams must have sufficient extra height known as freeboard to prevent overtopping by the pool.The freeboard must be of such height that wave action, wind setup, and earthquake effects will not result in overtopping of the dam.In addition to freeboard, an allowance must be made for settlement of the embankment and the foundation which will occur upon completion of the embankment.• 所有的土坝都必须有一个足够的额外高度,称为超高,以防止水库漫顶。超高的高度必须足以在波浪作用、风浪壅高和地震影响下,不会导致坝的漫顶。除了超高外,对于坝建成时发生的坝体和地基沉陷,还必须在高度上留有余地。

• The width of the earth dam top is generally controlled by the required width of fill for ease of construction using conventional equipment.In general, the top width should not be less than 30 ft.if a danger exists of an overtopping wave caused either by massive landslides in the pool or by seismic block tipping, then extra top width of erosion resistive fill will be required.• 土坝的坝顶宽度一般用常规设备便于施工的填筑宽度来控制。通常,坝顶宽度应不小于30英尺。如果存在着大规模塌方进入水库,或者有因地震使岩块倒落而引起波浪漫顶的危险,则需要采用抗冲刷的材料填筑更宽的坝顶高度。

• The alignment of an earthfill dam should be such as to minimize construction costs but such alignment should not be such as to encourage sliding or cracking of the embankment.Normally the shortest straight line across the valley will be satisfactory, but local topographic and foundation conditions may dictate otherwise.Dams located in narrow valleys often are given an alignment which is arched upstream so that deflections of the embankment under pool load will put the embankment in compression thus minimizing transverse cracking.土坝的坝轴线选定应尽量使建设费用降到最少,但是也不能因此引起坝体发生滑动或开裂。一般来说,一条横跨河谷的最短的直线,可能满足要求。但是,当地的地形和地基条件可能要求采用另外的方案。对于峡谷的坝,常采用向上游拱出的坝轴线,以便在坝体受库水压力作用而发生变形时,能使坝体压紧,从而尽量减少其横向开裂。

• Three problems are generally associated with the abutments of earth dams: ① seepage, ②instability, and ③transverse cracking of the embankment.If the abutment consists of deposits of pervious soils it may be necessary to construct an upstream impervious blanket and downstream drainage measures to minimize and control abutment seepage.• 一般有三个问题与土坝坝座有关:①渗透;②不稳定;③ 坝体的横向开裂。如果坝座是由透水的沉积土构成,就可能需要建造一道上游不透水的铺盖和下游排水设施,可尽量减少和控制坝座内的渗透。

• Where steep abutments exist, especially with sudden changes of slopes or with steep bluff, there exists a danger of transverse cracking of the embankment fills.This can be treated by excavation of the abutment to reduce the slope, especially in the impervious and transition zones.The transition zones, especially the upstream, should be constructed of fills which have little or no cohesion and a well-distributed gradation of soils which will promote self-healing should transverse cracking occur.• 在坝座岸坡很陡的地方,特别在边坡突变或有陡壁处,那里的坝体填土会产生横向裂缝的危险。这个问题可以用开挖坝座放缓边坡来处理,这样的处理在不透水区和过渡区特别需要。过渡区,尤其是在上游侧的过渡区,必须用粘着力很小或无粘着力且颗粒级配良好的土料来填筑,这种土料如发生横向裂缝时能自行愈合。

• It is often possible, and in some cases necessary, to construct the dam embankment in stages.Factors dictating such a procedure are: ①a wide valley permitting the construction of the diversion or outlet works and part of the embankment at the same time;②a weak foundation requiring that the embankment not be built too rapidly to prevent overstressing the foundation soils;③a wet borrow area which requires a slow construction to permit an increase in shear strength through consolidation of the fill.In some cases it may be necessary to provide additional drainage of the foundation or fill by means of sand drain wells or by means of horizontal pervious drainage blanket.• 土坝的分期施工往往是可能的,而且在一些情况下是必须的。要求这样施工程序的因素是:①河谷宽阔,可以允许导流或泄水工程与一部分坝体同时施工;②地基软弱,要求坝体不要过快填筑,以防止地基中产生过大的应力;③料场潮湿,要求放慢施工,以使土料能通过固结作用来增加抗剪强度。在某些情况下,可以需要增设基础排水设施或填筑排水沙井,或采用水平透水的排水铺盖。

• Most soils are suitable for use for embankment construction, however, there are physical and chemical limitations, soils which contain excessive salts or other soluble materials should not be used.Substantial organic content should not exist in the soils.Lignite sufficiently scattered through the fill to prevent the danger of spontaneous combustion, is not objectionable.Fat clays with high liquid limits may prove difficult to work and should be avoided.• 大多数土料适合于坝体填筑,然而,在物理和化学性质上也有一定的局限,含有过多盐和可溶性物质的土料,不可以使用。在土壤里不应存在大量的有机质成分。褐煤若能通过填筑而充分分散,无自燃危险,就不妨碍使用。而具有高度流限的肥粘土,多半难以施工,必须避免使用。

• The strength of the impervious and semi-impervious soils depends upon the compacted densities.These depend in turn upon the water content and weight of the compacting equipment.The design of the embankment is thus influenced by the water content of the borrow soils and by the practicable alternations to the water content either prior to placement of the fill or after placement but prior to rolling.If the natural water content is too high, then it may be reduced in borrow area by drainage, or by harrowing.If the soil is too dry it should be moistened in the borrow area either by sprinkling or by ponding and then permitted to stabilize the moisture content before use.The range of placement water content is generally between 2 percent dry to 2 or 3 percent wet of the standard Proter optimum water content.Pervious soils should be compacted to at least 80 percent of relative density.• 不透水和半透水的土料的强度取决于压实的密度。压实密度又取决于土料的含水量和压实设备的重量。因此,料场土料的含水量和在填筑前或堆筑后而未碾压前的填土实际含水量的变化,都会影响坝体的填筑。如果天然含水量太高,可以在料场用排水或将土料耙松的办法来减低。如果土料太干燥,则需在料场用洒水和泡水的办法把土料润湿,然后再让土料在使用以前保持稳定的含水量。填筑时的含水量范围一般介于比标准普氏最优含水量低2%到高2%~3%之间。透水性土料至少压实到相对密度的80%。

• If necessary, test fills should be constructed with variations in placement water content, lift thickness, number of roller passes and type of rollers.For cases of steep abutment, the fill must be placed in thin lifts and compacted by mechanical hand

tampers.All overhangs should either be removed or filled with lean concrete prior to fill placement.•


• The type of instrumentation depends upon the size and complexity of the project.The devices in common use are: ① piezometers;②surface movement monuments;③settlement gages;④inclinometers;⑤internal movement and strain indicators;⑥pressure cells;⑦seismic acceleration meter ; ⑧movement indicators at conduit joints and other concrete structures

• 观测仪器的类型取决于工程的规模和复杂性。通用的装置是:①测压计; ②表面位移标志;③沉陷量测仪(计); ④测斜仪;⑤内部位移和应变指示仪;⑥压力盒(压力传感器或压应力计);⑦地震加速度仪;⑧在管道接头和其他混凝土结构上的位移标志。



















土木工程翻译实例----现场质量控制样件概述 On-site Quality Control Samples

The Specialist contractor shall erect the first area of each type of the Works and offer these to the Project Manager as on-site quality control samples.The standard of workmanship for the Works shall be to an agreed standard established by the construction of the On-site Quality Control Samples.The Project Manager shall review and comment on the On-site Quality Control Samples.Should the specialist contractor wish to continue with installation of any of the Works before the Project Manager has reviewed and commented on the On-site Quality Control Samples, he shall do so at his own risk.The Project Manager may require parts of the sample to be dismantled to allow inspection of concealed details.Upon acceptance, the on-site control samples shall remain as part of the installed permanent Works.The Project Manager shall reject workmanship that falls below the accepted standard and shall require the specialist contractor to remove it and re-install it to the acceptable standard.现场质量控制样件



Compliance with Standards

Unless otherwise described, all materials shall conform to the appropriate current European or British Standard Specifications.The Specialist contractor shall provide the Project

Manager, on request, with guarantees, or certificates of conformity, from the prime material manufacturers and suppliers proving that the materials to be used do in fact conform to such specifications.These guarantees or certificates shall also confirm that the materials are suitable and appropriate for their intended use within the Works and will satisfy this Contract Document.遵从规范


Sources of Materials

In accordance with the schedule of submissions, the Specialist contractor shall provide for the Project Manager’s review a list of the proposed materials and their sources.He shall also provide documents from the sources as evidence of their ability to carry out the tasks

expected of them, and written confirmation that the materials they are supplying are suitable and appropriate for their intended use and will satisfy this Contract Document.The Specialist contractor shall obtain the total quantity of each material from the same manufacturer.The Specialist contractor shall obtain materials from established and reputable

manufacturers, particularly those who are prepared to assist him with the design process, through to the fabrication and final installation on site.材料的来源 根据递交计划表,专业承包商应把含有提议使用材料的名称及其来源信息的列表递交项目经理审阅。专业承包商还应提供从材料供应商那里获得的相关文件以证明他们有能力完成其任务,以及书面确认用以证明这些材料在工程中的用途适当且合理,同时符合合同文件。





Bering Strait bridge


Technical challenges技术挑战

The route would lie just south of the Arctic Circle, subject to long, dark winters and extreme weather(average winter lows 20°C with possible lows approaching 50°C).Maintenance of any exposed roadway would be difficult and closures frequent.Even maintenance of enclosed roadways and pipelines could also be affected by winter weather.Ice breakup after each winter is violent and would destroy normal bridge piers.Specially shaped massive piers along the ocean floor would be needed to keep the bridge stable.The Confederation Bridge between Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick addresses similar concerns on a much smaller scale.桥的路线正好位于北极圈的南端,它受到了漫长黑暗的冬季和极限天气的影响(冬天的平均温度低至20°C而且最低的温度甚至可能达到50°C)。任何暴露在外的路面部分的维护工作都是很困难进行的,所以不得不频繁地将其关闭。即使是关闭的路面和管线的维护也将受到冬季气候的影响。在冬天过后冰的消融也会是危险强烈的并且会对普通的桥墩造成毁灭性的破坏。这就需要沿着海床布置具有特殊形状的大桥墩以保证桥的稳定性。位于爱德华王子岛和新布朗斯威克之间的联邦大桥就面临着类似的问题,只不过它受影响的范围要小得多。

The United States and Canada use the British and now world standard gauge(4 feet, 8.5 inches wide)rails, while Russia uses Russian broad gauge(5 feet wide)tracks, a

break-of-gauge, and this would have to be addressed.A dual-gauge track network has been proposed, as those are used in some areas of Australia, whose rail network is split into different gauges.A cheaper solution is variable gauge axles or bogie exchange, as used at several places in the world already.美国和加拿大的铁路采用英国的也是现在的世界标准轨距(4英尺,8.5英寸宽),而俄罗斯的铁路采用俄罗斯宽轨距(5英尺宽),需要说明的是这样就形成了具有不同轨距的铁路。一个具有双轨距的铁路网方案被提了出来,这种方案正在澳大利亚某些地区使用,他们的铁路网就为存在不同的轨距。一个造价更低的解决方案就是使用变轨距车轮或转向车,这种方案已经在世界多个地方使用了。






2、垂直安全绳之设置,应依下列规定办理: a、安全绳之下端应有防止安全带锁扣自尾端脱落之设施。











1.The setup of horizontal safety rope should comply with the followingprovisions:

a.¢8.3 wire rope should be applied.Three U-shaped claspsshould be used one both

ends to tighten onto the stable places on the buildingor structure.b.Only one safety belt could be tied on the safety rope between two adjacentstrut rods.c.The number of safety belt allowed to be tied should be marked on the head ofthe

rope’s anchor.2.The setup of vertical safety rope should comply with the following provisions:

a.At lower end of the safety rope, there should be facilities to prevent the fastener of safety

belt from falling off from the caudal end.b.One safetyrope should only be used by on worker.c.When horizontal distance between the operation or climbing position of workers iswithin one meter, one safety rope should be shared by two workers.d.All the vertical safety rope should draw down to ground/completed floor.e.The followingstick in colors should be stuck onto safety belts or safety ropes after test todisplay test passing of current month.In this way, qualified safety belt aftertest would be easy to recognize.f.During operation in basket, safety belt must be tied onto the self-lock of the safetyrope;tying onto any places besides safety rope is prohibited.g.Builder should be equipped with tool box.Small accessories should be kept in the boxand fastened to rope when in use to prevent from being dropped from height andhitting people or objects.Material and supplies at the edge of construction area should not be placed at will;more than one meter’s distance from the edgeof the floor is considered safe location for placing;in this way, droppingcaused by wind or man and hitting people or objects could be avoided.h.when big objects such as glass or boxes are placed, safety protection measures must becarried out.For example, glass of big dimensions(above 2.4 square meters)should be placed onto the two sides of the glass shelf with symmetry, and boundand fastened with rope.Glass in boxes should be placed together at one placeas much as possible.Boxes of Glass should be well padded to prevent fromslant.Wood-blocks should be used to joint all boxes to prevent from collapse.i.First-aidbox should be placed at construction site.Workers should be given heat controlarticles in high temperature season.



194页:了解什么归入类别嵌入计算,它足以说明什么不是嵌入式设备的要求。嵌入的设备的寿命非常不同于通用机器的3 年的逐渐过时循环。有些设备是几乎一次性的:平均日本celluar电话在少于一年被替换。在oppsite极端,基础建设的设备例如电话交换机在30年的日程表贬值。这些寿命差异产生具体的影响,可升级性和向后兼容性。少量嵌入设备有升级要求。例如,积极汽车热衷者更改自己的车里的芯片,但是这些通常是只读光盘,不是处理器。大多数消费者项将被替换,不会升级。

Backward compatibility is seldom an embedded requirement,as software does not migrate from one device to another.An interesting exception is game consoles:to maintain compatibility,later console chips must be capable of being exactly as fast as the early versions despite changes in underlying process technology.In consoles,backward compatible is often implemented by putting a complete copy of the previous-generation console in one small corner of the next-generation die.Bacause many embedded designs need not be backward compatible with previous implementations,designers are free to switch designs with each product generation.Consequently,there is less emphasis on the distinction between architecture and implementation.If a new version of a chip is slightly incompatible but much better than its predecessors,designers may still be willing to use it.因为软件并不从一个设备迁移到另一个,向后兼容性很少是嵌入式的要求,一个有趣的例外是游戏控制台:要维护兼容性,尽管最新控制台芯片在基础工艺技术上有所改变,但是它一定是可胜任的是象早版本一样快速地确切。往往通过将上一代控制台的完整副本放在一个小角落里的下一代模向后兼容。因为许多嵌入式的设计需要,不能与以前实现向后的兼容,设计师可以自由切换的每一代产品的设计。因此,有少强调体系结构与实施之间的区别。如果稍有不兼容,但比其前任的芯片的新版本,设计师仍可能愿意使用它。



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