
时间:2019-05-12 20:03:16下载本文作者:会员上传




Chapter 5 It’s a magic hat.(The second period)1.Vocabulary: forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a hundred 2.Sentence: How much is the guitar? It’s $85.Wow!That’s expensive!How much are those socks? They’re $1.Hey!That’s cheap!3.购物情境会话:

Welcome to our store!Can I help you? I’d like …….Here you are.Thank you.Hey!That’s cheap!I’ll get it.Wow!That’s expensive!I don’t want to buy it.二、教学目标:


3.能运用会话中的“How much……?”句型,并联系日常生活,进行扩展性的情景会话,促进学生思维的培养。







四、教学准备: 1. 自制课件(Powerpint)2. 一些物品并标上价格 3. 电教设备:电脑

4. 课堂评比使用的分别代表4个组的

五、教学过程: Step 1(2 minutes)1.Greetings Good morning,boys and girls!Glad to meet you!

2.Make a short conversation(1)T:What day is it today? Ss: It’s Monday.(2)T:How many days are there in a week? S1: There are seven days..(3)T:How many people are there in your family? S2: There are …….[设计意图]通过简单的Free talk这一环节,三个问题的提出实质是一种师生课前的互动与交流,符合六年级学生的知识水平,而且能够帮助提高学生口语能力的表达与口语素材的积累,同时涉及的是本课时的学习内容,可谓一举两得。Step 2(3 minutes)1.Count the numbers from 1 to 30(clap hands)T:In the Number World,We know some number friends,do you remember them? Can you count them? [设计意图]让学生跟着老师边数边做,利用有韵律的节拍刺激大脑神经的兴奋,一方面复习数字帮助导入新知,另一方面能够很好地激发了学生说英语的兴趣,让他们迅速投入到英语学习中去。2.Play a game(把全班学生分为两大组,并且每人有一个号码,当听到老师说出的号码时,拥有这个号码的两个同学必须站起来,比赛谁快。)[设计意图]通过课前的热身活动,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习兴趣,为本课的教学创造积极性的条件。

Step 3 Revision/Lead-in(2 minutes)1.Revision(课件呈现)

a dollar/ten dollars Hey!That’s cheap!Wow!That’s expensive![设计意图]复习旧知,为更好引出新课。

2.Lead-in: Here is a big store, and there are so many beautiful things in it.Can you guess what am I going to buy?(课件:显示屏上出现一些碎片,碎片慢慢扩大,变成一顶魔术帽)T=Teacher Ss=Students S: You’re going to buy a magic hat.T: Yes, and how much is the magic hat? It’s forty.[设计意图]有趣的新课导入方式创造了一个生动活泼的课堂教学气氛,在极短的时间内吸引住学生,尽力营造一种“课伊始,趣亦生”的感觉。

Step 4 Presentation(10 minutes)1.New words(课件呈现)(1)forty T: How much is the magic hat? It’s $40.(句型板书)

Read the sentences, and answer the question T: How much is the skirt?(课件呈现出一条裙子)Ss: It’s $40.延展:课件呈现 42、44、48,让全体学生说出来,并注意读法。(2)fifty, 课件呈现 51、54、56,让全体学生说出来.T: How much are those socks? 板书(课件呈现出一对袜子)Ss: They’re $ 56.板书 sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety 掌握“几十几”读法与价格的表达,并能结合句型回答问题。

(3)a hundred 课件呈现 200、300、500,让全体学生说出来,并注意纠正two hundred dollars的hundred后不变为复数。


2.Ask and answer.(1)T: How much is the computer? S1:It’s…….(2)T: How much are those chocolate? S2:They’re…….(3)T: How much are those candy? S3:They’re…….[设计意图]帮助学生巩固句型。

3.Listen to the tape, and read after the tape.[设计意图]增强听、说和语言模仿能力。

Step 5 Practice(5 minutes)1.Look and say 40 —100 数字快速闪出和消失,让学生举手回答。2.Plus(1)21+22=(2)32+40=(3)56+44=(4)72+18= T: What plus what is? Ss:21+22=43 [设计意图]适时的比赛,不仅巩固了新知识,而且学生之间互相评价,气氛高涨,体现自主。通过鼓励与奖励,使学生始终保持强烈的兴趣和信心,敢于参与语言实践。

3.Guess the price T:Now, let’s play a guessing game.I would let one of you come here and others guess.(1)课件:出示一盒雪糕 T: How much is it? S1:Is it……? S2:Yes/No,up or down(2)课件:出示一对鞋

S1:How much are those shoes? S2:They’re ……? S1:Yes/No,up or down?(3)课件:出示一只狗 S3:How much is the dog? S4:Is it ……? S3:Yes/No,up or down? [设计意图]游戏可激发学生的求知欲和好奇心,既能调动课堂气氛,又使学生快速进入到思维状态,也可对学生进行思想教育。

4.Pair work(课件呈现商店的物品)(1)How much is the _______? Is it ……?.(2)How much are those ______? They’re …….[设计意图]让学生两人一组进行简单的对话,培养学生和提高学生用英语进行实际交际的能力。鼓励学生大胆创新,培养学生的自主学习能力。

Step 5 Activity(12 minutes)[情境任务型] 将购物术语写在相应图下(课件)

A:Can I help you? B:I’d like a …….A:How much is it/are those? B:It’s ……./They’re …….A:Here you are.B:Thank you.A:It’s ……./They’re …….B:Hey,that’s cheap.I’ll get it./ Wow,that’s expensive.I don’t want to buy.1.Shopping mall Divide all the students into eight groups, and everyone takes some goods in each shop.Get the students to do the shopping in groups.(每组由两名学生当售货员,其他学生充当顾客,教师到各组去指导,同时教师也当顾客,购买物品。)

2.An auction 拿一个大的洋娃娃进行拍卖,每次竞价增加值不得超过10美元。出价最高的学生能够获得。[设计意图]这两个学习任务贴近学生生活,是学生感兴趣的活动,具有真实性。学习过程就是在教师的引导下,学生用所学的语言交流的过程;在大量习得语言的基础上学习语言。教学活动以学生为主体,以主题为线索,以活动为中心,让学生通过做事、通过思考、通过合作来体验语言,体验生活,体验学习的过程与快乐,在“用”中发展思维能力、创新意识和各种语言运用能力。同时注意对学生的评价,激励学生的学习积极性。

Step 6 Summing up/Homework(3 minutes)1. 学生自己总结本节课所学内容(可自由发言及补充)

T:What did we learn in this class? What activities(活动)do you /don’t you like? Why? 2.总结各组得分情况,评出获胜小组。3.Homework: 1)Teach pupils’ parents to calculate and say their lucky numbers 2)Copy the new words and sentences [设计意图]让学生有机会自主总结,帮助学生梳理知识要点。问题的提出拓展学生的思维,并有助于他们课后的自觉运用。



一、采用“任务型”活动途径和互动式的语言教学,并进行拓展延伸,学“活”知识,激“活”知识和引“活”成就。本节课采用“任务型”活动途径和互动式的语言教学,配合使用图文并茂、声形兼备的多媒体课件,强调个人参与、二人结对和小组参与的活动方式。学生在每个环节都能明确感受到自己的学习任务,主动参与和探讨。“任务型”教学不是为 显示学生的语言技能,而是为了交换信息,特别是在个人之间进行。在学生完成一个任务时,学生在不同的角色转换中其注意力也在转移。




上完这节课后,引起我思考的问题是:“完成教学任务”的真正涵义是什么?这堂课我原定要把课文内容跟录音读一次的,但由于学生在购物情境当中努力争取表演的机会,这一教学计划没有完成到,可课后冷静地思索,却发现孩子们主动学会了表达比课文内容更多的东西。,Draw, cut and play!(WB p.70)Ss draw a picture in each box.Then Ss cut their cards apart and choose one card.T say the word and listen for another with the same sound.T demonstrates by holding the card ice cube and giving a student the card humans.T and S1 walk around the room in different directions, calling out their words.T cups his/her ear with one hand, pretending to be listening, then moves towards S1.They sit down together, showing the class their cards.Then all Ss play pretending to be listening, then moves towards S1.They sit down together ,showing the class their cards.Then all Ss play.Song activity Write day, week, month and year on the board.Sing the first two verses of the song How often do you go fishing? But as you do, mime the activities hiking and dancing, as well as showing the correct number of fingers and pointing to the correct words in order to prompt the Ss to sing the song correctly.Continue to sing the song, but invite Ss to come forward to lead the class by miming, showing their fingers, and pointing to the correct word on the board.Activity 5 Divide the class into two teams.Start to talk about yourself, just as the frog, polar bear, and girl do in Activity.Then ask questions to elicit answers, such as What’s my name? What am I? What do I do? When do I …? How often do I …? Give points for correct answers.Then divide the class into groups of four and have each student talk about themselves, then ask the others in their groups questions for points.Unit Five It’s magic hat.(10月12日)一Teaching objectives: How much is the guitar? It’s…….How much are those socks? They are…….That’s……

二、Teaching key points.Word: forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred cheap expensive dollar 三、Teaching difficult points:

1、How much is the guitar? It’s…….How much are those socks? They are……

2、Between the sentence: “How much is the guitar? It’s…….” and “How much are those socks? They are……”

3、Word: forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred cheap expensive dollar。

四、Teaching aids: Cards, pictures, tape , recorder。

五、教法song activity command game etc.六、Teaching procedures: The first period Step 1(2 minutes)1.Greetings Good morning,boys and girls!Glad to meet you!2.Make a short conversation(1)T:What day is it today? Ss: It’s Monday.(后进生回答)(2)T:How many days are there in a week? S1: There are seven days.(优生回答)

(3)T:How many people are there in your family? S2: There are …….Step 2(3 minutes)1.Count the numbers from 1 to 30(clap hands)2.Play a game(把全班学生分为两大组,并且每人有一个号码,当听到老师说出的号码时,拥有这个号码的两个同学必须站起来,比赛谁快。)Step 3 Revision/Lead-in(2 minutes)1.Revision(课件呈现)

a dollar/ten dollars Hey!That’s cheap!Wow!That’s expensive!2.Lead-in: Here is a big store, and there are so many beautiful things in it.Can you guess what am I going to buy?(课件:一顶魔术帽)T=Teacher Ss=Students S: You’re going to buy a magic hat.T: Yes, and how much is the magic hat? It’s forty.Step 4 Presentation(10 minutes)1.New words(课件呈现)(1)forty T: How much is the magic hat? It’s $40.(句型板书)

Read the sentences, and answer the question T: How much is the skirt?(课件呈现出一条裙子)Ss: It’s $40.延展:课件呈现 42、44、48,让全体学生说出来,并注重读法。(2)fifty, 课件呈现 51、54、56,让全体学生说出来.T: How much are those socks?(课件呈现出一对袜子)Ss: They’re $ 56.(优生回答)sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety 把握“几十几”读法与价格的表达,并能结合句型回答问题。

(3)a hundred 课件呈现 200、300、500,让全体学生说出来,并注重纠正two hundred dollars的hundred后不变为复数。

2.Ask and answer.(1)T: How much is the computer? S1:It’s…….(2)T: How much are those chocolate? S2:They’re…….(3)T: How much are those candy? S3:They’re…….3.Listen to the tape, and read after the tape.Step 5 Practice(5 minutes)1.Look and say 40 ―100

数字快速闪出和消失,让学生举手回答。2.Plus(1)21 22=(2)32 40=(3)56 44=(4)72 18= T: What plus what is? Ss:21 22=43 3.Guess the price T:Now, let’s play a guessing game.I would let one of you come here and others guess.htTp://www.xiexiebang.com(1)课件:出示一盒雪糕 T: How much is it? S1:Is it……? S2:Yes/No,up or down(2)课件:出示一对鞋

S1:How much are those shoes? S2:They’re ……? S1:Yes/No,up or down?(3)课件:出示一只狗 S3:How much is the dog? S4:Is it ……? S3:Yes/No,up or down? 4.Pair work(课件呈现商店的物品)(1)How much is the _______? Is it ……?.(2)How much are those ______? They’re …….Step 5 Activity(12 minutes)[情境任务型] 将购物术语写在相应图下(课件)

A:Can I help you? B:I’d like a …….A:How much is it/are those? B:It’s ……./They’re …….A:Here you are.B:Thank you.A:It’s ……./They’re …….B:Hey,that’s cheap.I’ll get it./ Wow,that’s expensive.I don’t want to buy.板书设计:

Unit 5 It’s a magic hat。

A:How much is it/are those? B:It’s …./They’re ….forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a hundred 教学后记:




Song activity G a.Have Ss look at the pictures.b.T:(Point to the picture of Tony.)What is Tony going to do? [Ss: He’s going to go hiking.] c.Ask questions about the other pictures.Using the book: a.Ask individual Ss to read the lyrics.b.T:(Point to the blanks on the page.)There are some words missing.Let’s listen to the song and fill in the blanks.c.Play the tape and have Ss fill in the blanks.d.Pause the tape from time to time if necessary.e.T: Now, let’s sing!8 f.Play the tape again and have Ss practice singing together.g.Divide Ss into four groups and assign each group a verse.h.Have each group choose one group member to sing the answer part.The rest of the group sings the questions.i.Play the tape and have each group sing along.Step5.Activity: Show some pictures to the students.Let them the favourite one to describe.They can work in pairs.Then show their poems to the class.It’s easy to finish the task, but it is hard to do it well.Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: poem, decide, nature, express, learn/know …by heart, pleased, happiness, shut Oral words and expressions: poetry, description, continue, beyond Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the poems in foreign countries.2.Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.How to make suggestions.2.The grammar: infinitives.3.Some words and expressions: learn/know …by heart Teaching Difficult Points: The grammar: infinitives

Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK AOBUT IT”.Let the students talk about the questions in groups.1.Have you written a poem in Chinese? Is it hard? Why? 2.What kinds of poetry do you like best? After a while, let the students in each group present their ideas to the class in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions: 1.Have Brian finished his poem?

2.What’s Danny’s poem about? Step3.Reading task: 1.Read the text and underline the new words in this lesson.Present the meanings of the words with the help of the media computer.We can use our body language if necessary.2.Tell the main idea of this lesson.Step4.Read the text again and decide the statements are true or false.1.Jenny wrote a Chinese poem.2.Brian wrote a poem about nature.3.Danny learned his poem by heart.Step5.Deal with the language points.How to make a suggestion: Maybe you could write a description of your favourite place.The infinitives: Let the students sum the use of infinitives of this lesson.Then encourage them to make more sentences with the grammar.Step5.Activities 1.Divide the class into several groups.Then let them translate a Chinese poem written by Li Bai or other famous poets.Then compare the translations of the groups.Let’s see which is the best.2.Each group writes an English poem about the familiar things around us.Then let them change the poems in groups.They may give their own advice to the poems written by others.Step6.Describe the picture in English.Ask the students work in their formal groups.Then let them read their poems in class loudly.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work with a partner.Let the students talk about the question: which do you think is more difficult to understand, English poetry or Chinese poetry? All of the students have seen much Chinese poetry, but few of them have seen English poetry.So present the students several English poems.Let them discuss the mean ideas of the poems.Then let them finish the task.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Get more information about the English poetry after class.The students more little of the English, so that the teacher provides them more information about the English poetry is very necessary.We can use the Internet to help us.The teacher should stimulate the students’ interests about the English poetry.The students can have more time to search more information on the Internet after class.Predicting

This activity can motivate the students to read the material.Through prediction, they can have a purpose in reading, and make their reading more like a guessing and checking game.This will not only facilitate reading but also make reading purposeful and fluent.In this activity, an overhead projector may be used if there is one available.To backup the arrangement, different groups may proceed different, if one group is faster or too slow, the teacher can re-arrange the groups.In group report, if there are many groups, and if the prediction is similar, when one or two have finished, the teacher can just ask other groups to add.(1)Arrange the students into groups of four and assign the task Instruction “ Now turn back and form groups of four and then discuss what you can think will happen just according to the picture on the screen”.One of you is to act as the note-taker.(2)Student work in groups.While the students are discussing within their groups, the teacher should go around to see whether he can help or whether he can participate in some group.Also he should be ready to give help when it is needed.And to make sure that everyone is involved and every group can finish as required.(3)Group report Instruction “All right.May I know your idea now? What do you think will happen? Now group 1 please”.Invite each group to contribute and if possible write the key points on the black board, or just project each group’s work onto the screen.(4)Summarize the assign reading tasks.













师: 同学们真了不起,提了这么多的数学问题。现在老师家急需4把椅子,要不我们就先来解决这个问题吧?


















10×4=40 2×4=8 40+8=48



















对于计算过程,学生只要大致说清即可:先写第一个乘数12,对齐个位写第二个乘数4,在4的左面写×,然后用尺画一条横线。先用12个位上的2去乘4,等于8,个位上写8;再用12十位上的1去乘4,等于40(或是4个10),十位上写 4;结果48。










师:大家比较一下 42×2和213×2,一个是两位数乘一位数,一个是三位数乘一位数,它们有什么相同的吗?


师:怎么个一样法? 生:都是在拆数计算。





师: 小朋友可真了不起,解决了这么多的数学问题,相信你一定掌握两、三位数乘一位数的窍门了吧!下面,老师出几道题考考你,有信心吗?真棒,我们开始吧!

师:小朋友,下面我们先来一个口算小比赛,比比看谁最细心,做起题来又对又快。1、7×3+4 8×6+3 5+2×8 2×6+5 4×9+6 3+6×72、初显身手










Today people are short of time in their lives which revolves around work, children and leisure activities.Shopping would mean extra time, with the help of the internet that allows you to online shop which is comparatively better than the traditional modes of shopping.You can purchase almost anything online — starting with groceries and greeting cards to cell phones , everything can be purchased online.Online shopping became popular during the Internet boom in 1999-2000.Amazon.com, created history by becoming the first bookstore with a presence only on the Internet.Following the success of Amazon, many bookstores with a physical presence also created an online presence on the Internet.Later, portals such as Yahoo.com and MSN.com also started online shopping channels where people could buy more than just books.While in China, in recent times there are many online shopping portals that have grown to dominate the economy and public in a major way.Some of them are淘宝,京东,当当,聚美,一号店 and you among others.These portals are like a microcosm that has a range of products from clothes, shoes, home decors,electric equipment, cosmetics, accessories and the list is endless.By online shoping a lot of energy and fuel are saved, as well as you get varied options to choose from.And also you have the benefit of moving on to multiple stores at the same time.Shopping online is much more fun and exciting as you get to know about discounts and offers of various portals, which are just a click away.You can also compare prices and choose which best suits your need as well as get hold of a really good deal within a few minutes.




today is sunday, and it's mother's day.my mother takes me to the times shopping mall in the morning.the mall is very large, and there are many things there.there are food,drinks, and much more.we buy lots of things.for exampie, a box of milk, some clothes and some snacks.we spend 120 yuan on them.lt's great!we feelso happy!


Online shopping With the development of technology, online shopping has become popular in people’s life.As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet.It tends to be a common phenomenon.Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences.Different people hold the different ideas according to this phenomenon.The majority of people believe that online shopping is not only convenient but also helpful for people as a new shopping way.On the one hand, online shopping doesn’t need you to pour a lot of time and energy into buying things.If you go shopping in this way, you will spend a few minutes choosing the things that you need online instead of going out.Moreover, online shopping doesn’t need us to get the things in person.On the other hand, online stores can provide various goods to satisfy our endless need.Besides, we can save much money by online shopping.From above, we can know that online shopping has good effect on our life, but every coin has two sides.Some people hold the opposite ideas.First, for example, we maybe buy something wrong online because we don’t take much notice of the quality of the goods.Second, there are many swindlers who cheat us out of money by opening a fake online store.As far as I am concerned, shopping online is an irreversible trend.More and more people will be accustomed to it.It will be much more popular in the near future.Although shopping online is a good way in shopping, we also need to reflect on when we buy things in this way.Online shopping can’t be trusted

With the development of the internet, online shopping is becoming more and more popular.However, people can’t trust the online shopping, the reliability of products and information and which way can complain with of online shopping haven’t been promised.People don’t know whether the real goods which are different from what they have bought on net before.There are only picture on the web.people can’t expose the real before they get the goods.Thus, the quality of commodities bought online may not be ensured.My friend Brint who is a lazy student major in engineering, he wants to do everything on the internet, and he shopping online often.There was a time when his cell phone was broken.He bought a new cell phone instead of buying one from the shop by himself.When he received the phone, it wasn’t the one which he had seen on the net, it was other brand, and the phone was broken.He said he regretted it very much, and he would buy one buy himself in the real shop.People would usually get the wrong even bad goods,.And people are very difficult to make a complaint.There is no law that asking the seller to pay for the responsibility after selling.If people want to get some change when they get the bad goods, they should pay for the fee of transportation by themselves.Huang is a roommate of me.Huang is a hapless man whose computer has broken last week.He bought a new one on the net one day ago, when he received the computer, the computer couldn’t run.He wanted to make a complaint with the seller, but seller said he had no responsibility after the good away his hands.And if Huang wanted to make a consultation that change another one, he must pay the extra money of the transportation.Huang said he wouldn’t buy anything online any more though the prices of goods were cheaper.It is obvious that online shopping is a bad way for people to buy things.However, most of people think online shopping is convenient and cheaper, they haven’t found as the saying that what price what goods.In fact, there are much fake information on the net.Cheaper is the surface phenomenon, they would feel regretted when they get the commodities which aren’t they want.At that time, people will know that they are vulnerable to be cheated by the sellers.Real goods which people can see and touch are the best way for people to choose.In conclusion, online shopping just like gambling, online shopping can’t be trusted.There are too many detrimental factors on it.If people don’t know the real information and can’t make a complaint with sellers, they shouldn’t buy anything on Shopping online has no safe conduct, people should zero in on it.



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