
时间:2019-05-12 07:34:09下载本文作者:会员上传













































































首先,汉语有个、十、百、千、万、十万、百万、千万、亿、十亿、百亿、千亿、万亿等等计数单位。而英语的计数单位同汉语有差别,没有万(英语是用十千ten thousand表示)、没有十万(用百千a hundrad thousand表示)、没有千万(用十百万ten million表示)、没有亿(用百百万a hundrad million表示)、没有百亿(十十亿ten billion表示)、没有千亿(用百十亿a hundrad billion表示)等等。所以,在计数单位上要熟悉英语的概念,不要硬守着汉语的计数单位。不然,脑子总转不过弯来。

第二,听英语数字时要直接理解,不要通过中译。例如,ten thousand就记住是ten thousand,不要翻译成“万”。在脑子里直接建立起ten thousand的数量级。听到ten million不要翻译为千万,直接记住ten million,并建立起ten million的数量概念。其他依此类推。


另外要学会小数点的英语表达方式。如1.5是one point five。0.2是two tenth。表达小数点还有其他说法,就不一一列举了。


英语发音很重要,那位朋友举的例子:“word world wall war verb......................world war two............”,如果发音不好,听起来会很好笑。但不要紧,只要认真辨别元音、辅音,很快就可以取得进步。另外,多练练英语的绕口令,也能帮助提高发音质量。一般在专业外语学院,教师都会在发音方面给学生很多具体指导。这也是英语专业学生的优势。对比非英语专业学生,专业的语音要明显高出一筹。






1.Why does Pamela want to have plastic surgery? A.To become a movie actress.B.To become an anchorwoman.C.To become a fashion model.D.To find a white-collar job.2.What surgery has Pamela already had? A.Enlarging her breasts.B.Removing wrinkles from her neck.C.Making her face thinner.D.Making her nose tip more pointed.3.What did Pamela think about beauty and character? A.Beauty is as important as a noble character.B.Beauty is more important than a noble character.C.Beauty is less important than a noble character.D.Beauty and a noble character are less important than ability.4.How do Pamela's parents and boyfriend react to her plastic surgery? A.Her boyfriend is against it while parents are for it.B.Her boyfriend is for it while her parents' opinion is unknown.C.Both her parents and boyfriend are for it.D.Both her parents and boyfriend are against it.5.How long would her new looks last, according to Dr.Carson? A.One to two years.B.Three to five years.C.Nearly a decade.D.Unpredictable.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A.A new beauty queen at the pageant.B.Beauty queen stripped of crown for lying.C.Failure to win the beauty queen title.D.Honesty is the best policy.7.How old was Laura Anness when she last participated in the pageant? A.15.B.24.C.27.D.None of the above.8.Where does Laura Anness actually live? A.Saltah, Cornwall.B.Saltah, Devon.C.Plymouth, Devon.D.Plymouth, Cornwall.9.What did Laura Anness say to explain her lying? A.She developed the habit of lying as a child.B.She did not really lie.C.She wanted to get the 2,000 pound prize.D.She wanted to realize her dream.10.What has Laura Anness lost in the end? A.The 2,000 pound prize.B.A work contract.C.The opportunity to compete at a higher-level contest.D.All of the above.1.What is the main idea of the dialog? A.More attention to one's skin than one's figure.B.Benefits from skincare.C.Seeking expert advice on skincare.D.Seeking expert advice on beauty contests.2.What problem does the woman have? A.She has smallpox.B.She has oily skin.C.She has a lot of wrinkles.D.She has crow's feet around her eyes.3.What does the man advise the woman to do? A.Wash her face with lukewarm water.B.Pat her face dry with a clean towel.C.Pat a cream onto her face.D.All of the above.4.What is the use of the cream? A.To wipe out dirt and oil.B.To remove wrinkles.C.To tighten the skin.D.All of the above.5.What does the man suggest finally? A.To get a facelift every four to six months.B.To get a facelift every four to six years.C.To get a facial every four to six months.D.To get a facial every four to six weeks.1.Why was the door to the balcony wide open? A.The weather was hot.B.It was too moist inside.C.It was too dry inside.D.The scene outside was beautiful.2.Why was the speaker unable to close the windows? A.The window was deformed.B.The wind was too strong.C.He was scared stiff by the loud thunder.D.He was frightened by the lightning.3.How did the speaker manage to close the window? A.He asked his wife to close it together.B.He used a mop to close it.C.He waited until the wind was less strong.D.He waited until the hail was over.4.What did the speaker do after seeing the lightning? A.He closed the window.B.He turned off the TV.C.He turned off the lights.D.He pulled out the electrical plugs.5.What is the sequence of the events? A.Sun—wind—thunder and lightning—sun—hail.B.Sun—hail—thunder and lightning—wind—sun.C.Sun—wind—thunder and lightning—hail—sun.D.Sun—wind—hail—thunder and lightning—sun.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.How many people in the nation has the drought affected since April 8? A.25.95 million.B.18.44 million.C.8.07 million.D.20.88 million.7.What does the Minister of Water Resources think has caused the dry spell? A.Only lower rainfall.B.Only higher temperatures.C.Both lower rainfall and higher temperatures.D.Lower rainfall, higher temperatures and over-farming.8.What measures were the local governments urged to take to provide drinking water in drought-hit areas? A.Artificial precipitation.B.Digging of wells.C.Finding new water sources.D.All of the above.9.How much money has the Central Government allocated for rural drinking water security and small water projects? A.7.5 billion yuan.B.6.4 billion yuan.C.1.1 billion yuan.D.13.9 billion yuan.10.What is the passage mainly about? A.The victory over the drought.B.The disasters caused by the drought.C.The drought and coping measures.D.The drought and its causes.1.What happened to 200 supercarriers in the past 20 years? A.They survived severe storms.B.They lost their ways at sea.C.They were lost with a few survivors.D.They were lost with no survivors.2.What does the woman find surprising? A.Modern technology cannot save supercarriers.B.Modern technology has saved many supercarriers.C.Communications and emergency services have improved fast.D.Communications and emergency services have improved slowly.3.Which of the following is true of the helicopter? A.It was blown into the sea.B.It sank with the supercarrier.C.It saved a few people on the supercarrier.D.It saved the supercarrier.4.What happened to the oil-drilling rig off Canada's coast? A.The workers escaped.B.A lot of people died.C.The rig was overturned.D.The rig exploded.5.What is the main idea of the dialog? A.Tsunami—the most destructive disaster at sea.B.Rogue waves—the most powerful sea waves.C.Mysteries of sea disasters.D.The fate of different super-carriers.1.What may workaholics do? A.They bring work home.B.They keep working until after midnight.C.They bend over their work on weekends.D.All of the above.2.Which of the following does the speaker recommend doing? A.Concentrating on one thing a week.B.Concentrating on one thing a day.C.Concentrating on one thing at a time.D.Doing just a few things at a time.3.What should one do first according to the passage? A.What is important.B.What one understands.C.What is easy.D.What is difficult.4.What does the speaker say about working at home? A.One should not bring too much work home.B.One can work in the living room if one has a home office.C.One should not bring confidential files home.D.One should work only within the usual working hours.5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A.Bad habits of workaholics.B.Tips for workaholics.C.Good habits of a devoted worker.D.Cultivation of a devoted worker.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.Why does the speaker mention “football”? A.It is more popular than basketball.B.It is less popular than basketball.C.It is an example of the importance of teamwork.D.It is an example of the importance of physical strength.7.Which of the following is the reason that team spirit is being increasingly valued in modern society? A.Today's society is a self-sufficient one.B.Today's society is no longer a self-sufficient one.C.Individualism is increasingly valued throughout the world.D.Team sports have become increasingly popular in modern society.8.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as the product of cooperative efforts? A.A pot of flowers.B.A loaf of bread.C.An article of clothes.D.A transportation means.9.Why kind of people do companies today especially want to employ according to the dialog? A.Skilled workers.B.Computer experts.C.Good Football players.D.Good team players.10.According to the passage, why should we learn to cooperate with each other? A.To meet the needs of personal development.B.To meet the needs of the complex society.C.Both A and B.D.Neither A nor B.1.What does the man mean by saying “No one has a good enough memory to be a successful liar”? A.With a good memory you will be a successful liar.B.If the listener has a bad memory, you will succeed in lying.C.If you lie, you will forget what you said and be found out.D.If you remember your lie well, nobody can see through it.2.Why did the man call the woman into his office? A.To praise her good appearance.B.To give her money.C.To reprimand her for being late.D.To reprimand her for telling a lie.3.What is the woman? A.A secretary.B.An assistant manager.C.The office manager.D.The accountant.4.What does the man say he has noticed over the past year? A.The woman has grown lazier.B.The woman has become more interested in money.C.The woman has grown prettier.D.The woman has improved her work.5.What does the dialog say about the training courses? A.The woman has paid a lot to attend them.B.The man has paid a lot to attend them.C.They have improved the woman's work.D.They have turned out to be a failure.1.What did the Mexican fisherman say when advised to stay out longer and catch more fish? A.He was tired.B.He could not find more fish.C.He had caught enough fish for his family's immediate use.D.He had caught enough fish for his family's long-term consumption.2.Which of the following is the sequence of actions the American suggests for the Mexican? A.Selling to the factory—owning a factory—owing a fleet of boats B.Owing a fleet of boats—selling to the factory—owning a factory C.Owing a fleet of boats—owning a factory—selling to the factory D.Selling to the factory—owing a fleet of boats—owning a factory 3.What did the American suggest the Mexican could finally do to make millions of dollars? A.Expand his fleet.B.Expand his factory.C.Sell more fish to the middleman.D.Sell his company's stock to the public.4.What did the American advise the Mexican to do after the latter had made millions of dollars? A.Lead a leisurely life.B.Lead a colorful life in Mexico City.C.Lead a profitable life in Los Angeles.D.Follow an MBA program.5.What does the Mexican's final answer imply? A.Playing with one's children is more fun than drinking wine.B.Drinking wine is more fun than playing the guitar.C.It is not worthwhile to work hard to expand one's business.D.It is a good idea to work hard to make plenty of money.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.What is the speaker's attitude towards frequent job-hopping? A.Highly positive.B.Slightly positive.C.Neutral.D.Negative.7.According to some people, how may people benefit from moving from job to job every few years? A.They may have more opportunities to move upward in responsibility.B.They may keep their skills up to date.C.Both A and B.D.Neither A nor B.8.According to the speaker, what may happen to people who stick to one job at one company? A.They may have opportunities for promotion.B.They may lose opportunities for promotion.C.They will be looked down upon by colleagues.D.They may be considered professionally incompetent.9.According to the speaker, what is the second disadvantage for people who change their jobs too often? A.They may be considered dishonest.B.They may be considered professionally incompetent.C.They may be considered not clever enough.D.They may be considered too ambitious.10.What does the speaker finally say about people who change their jobs too often? A.They may have a good team spirit.B.They are unlikely to be self-centered.C.Both A.and B.D.Neither A.nor B.1.How soon can they move into the new office? A.Before July 1st.B.After July 1st.C.Before August 1st.D.After August 1st.2.When will the new company probably start operating? A.Before mid-July.B.After mid-July.C.Before mid-August.D.After mid-August.3.What experience did the woman have? A.She always bought new equipment.B.She assisted her former boss in marketing.C.She was in charge of finance only.D.She did marketing and finance on her own.4.What will the woman do first on Monday morning? A.Buy new equipment.B.Call the art people.C.Hand in her marketing plan.D.Write a marketing plan.5.What has the man done about recruiting people? A.He has employed some R & D experts.B.He has found some candidates for the company's R & D section.C.He has employed some art people.D.He has found some candidates for the company's art work.1.Those who concealed their anger or quickly became irritable were 50 percent more likely than the average person to have an early heart attack.A.True B.False 2.The study by Patricia Carson and her colleagues involved over 1,000 subjects who were followed for an average of 36 years.A.True B.False 3.The questionnaire collected information on how the subjects reacted to pressure or stress.A.True B.False 4.By age 76, nearly two thirds of those who were classified as most angry had developed cardiovascular disease at an average age of 56.A.True B.False 5.Carson concludes that the most important thing angry young men can do is to go to a quiet room to calm themselves down.A.True B.False

1.At the beginning the man wants to have his hair styled.A.True B.False 2.The woman beautician tries to offer the man the complete service.A.True B.False 3.The man asks for a mirror because he suspects too much hair has been cut off.A.True B.False 4.Finally the man has short, yellow hair.A.True B.False 5.Now that the man has a fashionable hair style, he will go to the job interview with confidence.A.True B.False

1.Skiing is close to nature though crowds tend to make too much noise.A.True B.False 2.Every year forty or fifty skiers break their legs.A.True B.False 3.The woman thinks it is possible and necessary to be prepared for an avalanche.A.True B.False 4.Guides set off explosives to start avalanches, thus making the snow stable.A.True B.False 5.An avalanche beacon is an electronic device that sends a signal if a skier is buried by an avalanche.A.True B.False

1.The office manager offers to show the woman around.A.True B.False 2.The man promises to remove the stack of files from the woman's desk.A.True B.False 3.If the woman needs supplies, she can just let the man know.A.True B.False 4.Although the woman is a newcomer in the office, she is ready to call customers.A.True B.False 5.The woman has to press zero for an outside telephone line.A.True B.False

1.The man switched jobs owing mainly to layoff and company bankruptcy.A.True B.False 2.Now the man is doing a job more or less the same as he did before.A.True B.False 3.It was easy for the man to adjust to the new job amid technological advances and the Internet revolution.A.True B.False 4.According to the man, to keep up with the dramatic changes, one must constantly gather all kinds of information.A.True B.False 5.The man says that a job-seeker should concentrate on work-related classes and should not try to learn about other subjects.A.True B.False





Text1.What is it in that old box? Text2.Who will come to give us a talk? Text3.How are you going to Washington DC? Text4.When will the performance start?



Text5.W:May I help you sir? M:Yes.I’d like to try on some sports jackets.I prefer something like the one I wearing.Text6.M: Well, I’d better go home now.It’s been great see you again.W: Oh, it was nice to see you, too.Text7.M: The plane will take off at 9:30.W: So we still have half an hour.Text8.W: John, why don’t you sit down and take a rest?

M: I will be right there after washing the dishes.Text9.M: I heard you got full marks in the exam.Congratulations.W: I’m sure you also did well.Text10.M: Thanks a lot for offering to return these books to the library for me.W: Four books? And I have four of my own to take back, too.Text11.W: Do you mind if I turn the television off?

M: Well, I’m in the middle of watching a program.Text12.M: Can you tell me what the word means?

W: Don’t you have a dictionary?



M: Hello, Alice!I’m in the park now.I wonder if I could talk to you about our evening party.W: Of course, Jim!Please go ahead.M: When do you think id the best time for the party? W: How about Friday evening? I will be free then.M: Sounds good.However, I might have something else to do then.W: Is Saturday evening OK? It is a great time, too.M: Good.Shall I come to your house to talk about the party tonight? W: Sorry, I’ll be in the office the whole night.So let’s meet there, shall we? M: No problem.听下面一段对话,回答16至18题。

W: Hi, Tony.It’s only 7:10.There is still fifty minutes left for the class.Why are you in a hurry? M: We must arrive at school twenty minutes earlier.That’s one of our school rules.W: Anything else? M: We must wear school uniforms.We aren’t allowed to choose our own clothes.W: Are you allowed to listen to music in the classroom.M: No.But we can listen to music outside the classroom.W: What about reading storybooks? M: We can only do that after class.听下面一段对话,回答19至21题。

M: Wow, so many nice stamps!You must enjoy collecting them, Annie.W: Oh, they aren’t mine.All of them belong to my cousin Tony.M: Tony? Do you mean the boy who used to be lazy? W: Yes, Bill.Now he is working hard at everything.M: Amazing!W: People sure change.M: That’s true.By the way, are you allowed to collect stamps at home? W: No, my parents think I should pay more attention to my studies.Even if any friend came to my house, they would be mad.M: How strict they are!W: Yeah, but they think they are doing good to me.M: I think they might need to change their ideas about teenagers.W: Yes, you’re right.We are not children now.Sometimes they should think about our ideas.听下面一段对话,回答22至25题。

Are you doing anything for Earth Day this year? I think it’s a really good idea.It shows people how they can help the environment.This year we are all going to the Jiufeng Area to do pickup.That means collecting all the trash that people drop, like Coke cans and sweet wrappers and other things like that.We’ll start at 8 am and then pick up litter until about 1 pm.Then we’ll have a huge picnic.It’ll be great.You are supposed to take food and there are places to cook hamburgers and hot dogs and other things.Then we’ll do pickup again until about 3 pm.We’ll have to be very careful to tidy up well after the picnic!



freshman大一学生sophomore大学二年级生, 有二年经验的junior student大三学生senior student大四学生,高年级学生

undergraduate student 本科生graduate student / postgraduate student 研究生

master‘s degree硕士学位bachelor’s degree学士学位

doctor student / doctor candidate 博士研究生 post doctor student博士后

alumni / alumnus(男)毕业生


professor教授teaching fellow 讲师assistant

tutor / mentor / director / supervisor 导师president校长faculty全体教职员工

dean 系主任department 系staff全体员工(商店、企业)


take/sign up the course选课drop the course 退课

register注册pick up = learncancel取消full报满lecture讲座seminar讨论班

elective course / elective course /optional course选修课

requirement / required course /compulsory必修课

credit学分introductory course初级课程advanced course高级课程

math数学computer course计算机psychology course心理学

physics物理学economics经济学computer science计算机科学



art文科engineering 工科

homework / assignment / projectbook report读书报告presentation课堂发言

reading list书单turn in / hand in hand 上交deadline最后期限



term paper学期报告proposal开题报告



mid-term exam期中考试

finalexam 期末考试


pop quiz不提前通知的考试

grade / score 分数


passing grade及格分

failing grade失败

make up exam补考




reference room参考书阅览室periodical room期刊阅览室study lounge 自习室reading room阅览室librarian图书管理员

catalogue书目index索引volume卷,宗 library card借书卡writing permission书面许可 book reservation 借书check out外借


renew续借fine罚款return还书 put on reserve被限制在馆内阅读magazine杂志journal期刊periodical期刊quarterly季刊current issue现刊back issue过刊author作者subject题目title名字key words关键字



restaurant餐馆dining hall食堂cafeteria自助餐厅

bar酒吧inn小旅馆,小客栈motel汽车旅馆 fast food快餐店snack food小吃snack bar快餐店

pizza hut必胜客sandwich三明治hamburger汉堡burger king汉堡王French restaurant法式餐厅Italian restaurant意式餐厅


buffet自助餐salad沙拉soup汤eat soup喝汤soup spoon汤匙sauce汁,酱dessert甜点main dish主菜pudding布丁dressing调味汁doughnut面包圈French bread法式面包a loaf 一条面包toast土司jam果酱apple pie苹果酱

potato chips土豆fish and chipsFrench fries炸薯条yoghourt酸奶steak牛排

soft drink软饮料soda water苏打水orange Juice橘汁mineral water矿泉水lemon juice柠檬wine酒liquor烈酒beer啤酒a cup of beer一杯啤酒



order dishes点菜 bring me the menu看菜单 recommendation推荐,招牌菜


pick up the bill买单 I will pick up the table.Let me treat you.Let me foot the bill.It's on me.I will buy the bill.AA制

Let's go fifty-fifty.separate checks split the bill tip小费

Let's go Dutch.各人付自己的帐 2.医院场景 医生:



候诊室waiting room急诊室emergency department小诊所clinic 医疗中心health center校医院infirmary


症状symptom感冒catch a cold病愈get over发烧 fever温度temperature咳嗽cough

流鼻涕running nose肚子痛stomachache头痛headache

过敏be allergic to心脏病heart attack骨折fracture脚踝ankle流血bleeding


体检check up / physical examination 体育锻炼physical education


阿斯匹林aspirin药品medicine剂量dosage吃药 take the pill药方 prescription打针 injection抓药fill the prescription一天三次 take the pills three times a day

3.机场与车站场景、旅游场景 机场场景

机场airport起飞take off降落land盘旋circle 行李luggage登机门boarding gate / departure gate登机牌boarding pass离港departure起飞时间departure time

机场费airport fare办理登记手续check in

行李柜台baggage counter头等舱first-class经济舱economy class 商务舱business class准点到达arrive on schedule 晚点(到达)behind schedule延误,取消cancel 预定航班make a reservation 旅游场景



预定饭店make a hotel reservation 去度假leave for a vacation 旅行社travel agency 观光go sightseeing 避暑胜地summer resort 夏威夷Hawaii

悉尼歌剧院Sydney opera house

带某人四处逛逛I will show you around 饭店接待hotel accommodation

4.银行场景、邮局场景 银行场景 银行bank

户头account开户open an account 支票帐户check account 支票check

旅游支票traveler's check 帐单bill

付账pay the bill 兑现支票cash a check 取钱draw 透支overdraw

出纳员teller活期存款 current deposit定期存款fixed deposit


邮局post office平信regular mail挂号信registered mail邮票stamp邮资postage电报telegram加急电报urgentcable超重overweight快递EMS(Express Mail Service)

联合包裹快递服务UPS(United Parcel Service)

5.租房子、住宾馆场景 宾馆场景

宾馆hotel小旅馆,小客栈inn汽车旅馆motel订房间book / make a reservation 订满booked up / occupied客房服务room service 单人间single room双人间double room 浴室bathroom前台front desk / reception 行李搬运工porter叫早服务wake up call



房客renter / tenant契约lease / agreement 水电费utilities门厅hall 家具furniture风景画poster

橱柜cabinet书架book case / shelf 淋浴管道shower pipe修理fix / repair

坏了break down裂缝leak

管道pipe修理公司roofing company

修理工作repair job修理工maintenance man / repairman管道工plumber电工electrician

6.电话场景、工作场景 电话场景


长途电话long distance call 越洋电话overseas call

对方付费电话collect call

占线The line is busy / engaged.把电话接通put sb.through

让某人重打一次give sb.credit for the call 关机power off

不在服务区not at the service

先别挂Please hold on / hold for a moment.挂电话hang up 投币电话pay phone

打入的电话incoming calls 打出的电话outgoing calls


老板boss秘书secretary 前台reception雇员employee 雇主employer面试interview 面试管interviewer面试者interviewee

部门主管head of departmentCEOChief Executive Officer 提升promotion顶头上司immediate boss

加薪give a raise经验experience经历experiences文凭credential辞职quit/resign退休retire失业lay off


申请工作apply for the job 申请application 全职full-time 兼职part-time


求职者job applicator


职位position / post

参加面试have / take a interview
















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    一、听说训练中应注意几个问题 一般英语学习者,在全面提高英语的前提下,要提高听、说能力,应首先注意以下三点: 1.注意区分和模仿正确的语音、语调 在英语里有不少读音相近,但意......


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