
时间:2019-05-13 21:28:31下载本文作者:会员上传



I am Li Hua, a student from No.1 middle school2、写作目的I am writing the letter in purpose of ordering some books.3、尾段写法


I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Please write back soon.

I am afraid I have to stop now but I will write again.Please give my regards to your family.Take good care of you and keep in touch.正式信件

I hope to hear from you soon.Your kind and early reply will be appreciated.

Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.Thank you for an early answer.I would appreciate it if you could reply soon.4、常用书信的客套语


I haven’t heard from you for ages.How are you doing?

I haven’t seen you for such a long time.How are you getting along with your studies?


I want to congratulate you with all my heart.I warmly congratulate you on what you’ve achieved.三.致谢

I am most grateful to you for your help.I want to thank you heartily for what you have done.四.询问

I wonder if you could tell me what to do.I’d be most grateful if I could have your full support.五.邀请

Is there any chance of your coming to have dinner with us at our home?

We are wondering if you could come to have dinner with us at our home.六.接受邀请

I’m delighted to accept your invitation.Thanks for your invitation.I’m certainly looking forward to joining you.七.拒绝邀请

I’m sincerely sorry that we can’t join your dinner party.I regret to say “no” to your invitation.Thank you for your invitation but unfortunately„


I do apologize for having kept you waiting.I’m awfully sorry for giving you so much trouble.九.同情

I’m more than sorry to hear of your illness.I can’t tell you how sad I felt when I heard of…


It was a great shock to hear…

I just can’t tell you how saddened I am.I’m most grieved to learn of…





A Letter to a Schoolmate

Suppose you are Zhang Ying.Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday.1. 表示欢迎

2. 提出度假安排的建议

3. 提醒应注意的事项


A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus



1. 缩进式

December 24, 2004

Dear Mr.Smith,------------------------------------------------



Yours Sincerely,Tina

2. 齐头式

December 24, 2007

Dear Mr.Smith,-------------------



Yours Sincerely,Tina


1. 不知道收信人的性别,年龄或姓氏

称呼为:Dear Sir/Madam,Dear Sir or Madam

落款为:Yours Faithfully

2. 收信人为一般朋友,领导或老师

称呼为:Dear Mr./Ms./Dr./Prof.X

落款为:Yours Sincerely


称呼为:Dear Mary/ Mike

落款为:Best wishes/Best regardsLove,书信基本句型:

1. 表扬信

(1)It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.(2)I am greatly indebted to you for what you have done.2. 道歉信

(1)I must apologize to you for….(2)It is thoughtless/inconsiderate of me to do….(3)I sincerely hope that you will kindly accept my apologies.3. 邀请信

(1)I am pleased to invite you to participate in … to be held from … to … in….(2)It is my pleasure / a great honor for me to invite you to….(3)I do hope you will be able to accept our invitation.4. 投诉信

(1)I am writing to you to complain about….(2)To improve the situation, it is advisable to take the following measures.For one thing,….For another….(3)I hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration to improve the situation.5. 求职信

(1)I have read your advertisement in the China Daily on June 26 for a secretary, and should be grateful if you consider me favorably as a candidate for the position.(2)I believe that I am well qualified, both psychologically and academically, for the post.….(3)I hope you would take my application into account favorably and entitle me to an interview.6. 求学信

(1)I wish to pursue my Master’s degree in your prestigious university.(2)I will certainly feel honored if I could be admitted to your university, which, renowned for its long history and a fine tradition of scholarship, enjoys a worldwide fame.(3)Would you please let me know the procedures for admission at your earliest convenience?


A letter of invitation



Dear Professor Smith,Haven’t seen you for long.We heard that recently you would have a lecturing tour in Chinese universities covering a lot of cities including ours.We are writing this letter to inquire the possibility of inviting you to deliver a lecture on “Contemporary Pop Culture in America” for our postgraduate students on December 18.If this topic does not suit you, we are glad to accept any similar topic.It is well acknowledged that you are a celebrated scholar in this particular field, as seen in your classical academic papers and books.Specially, our students have been using your books as textbooks for a couple of years.So we all believe that we can benefit from your knowledge and wisdom.Whether you can or can’t make it, please let us know.We are looking forward to your coming.Yours truly,Sara


本篇是应用文写作作文。写这类作文时我们要了解各类应用文的具体特点、格式和写法。这篇是一封邀请函。邀请函一般分为正式的请柬和非正式的信函两种。请柬格式固定,习惯用第三人称,必须写明事由、时间、地址、邀请人和被邀请人。邀请信函和普通书信格式相同,不如请柬正规和庄重,但措辞要委婉诚恳。首段说明与收信人的相关性与写作意图;主体段说明邀请别人来做什么,并交代具体时间和地点;结尾段表示期待回复。词汇:have a lecturing tour意为“巡回讲座”;benefit from意为“从„„受益”。



1:投诉信 Dear_______,I am ______(自我介绍).I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint(complaine)about_____.The reason for my dissatisfaction is _______(总体介绍).In the first place,_______(抱怨的第一个方面).In addition,___________(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances(case, situation), I find it ________(感觉)_______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).I appreciate it very much if you could _______(提出建议和请求), preferably(perhaps)______(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by ____(设定解决事情最后期限).Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely/truly/faithfully

Li Ming 2:询问信 require ask Dear ______,I am ____________(自我介绍).I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding/about_______.(要询问的内容)

First of all, what are ____________________?(第一个问题)Secondly, when will___________________?(第二个问题)Thirdly, is __________?(第三个问题)

I would also like to inquire ________(将最重要的问题单独成段).Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant/relative/related booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?

Thank you for your kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely

Li Ming 3:请求信

Dear___________,I am writing to formally request to/ask for___________(请求的内容).The reason for_____ is that______(给出原因).I_____, so I_____(给出细节)I would also like to(further/more)request______(提出进一步的要求).I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.Thank you for your attention to these requests.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.I look forward to(a favorable)your reply.Yours sincerely

Li Ming 4:道歉信

Dear ___________,I am truly sorry that_________________________(道歉的原因).The reason is that_(介绍原因)Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.Yours sincerely 书信类八大模板

Li Ming 5:感谢信 Dear______,I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for __your help_______(感谢的原因).If it had not been for your assistance in ___________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_________ without your help.(没有对方帮助时的后果).Everyone agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).Again, I would like to express/show my warm thanks to you!Please accept my gratitude.Yours sincerely

Li Ming 6:建议信

Dear ___________,You have asked me for my advice(with regard to)about _______, and I will try to make some practical suggestions here.In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ____(建议的内容)

I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.Good Luck with your__ work/study_____(祝愿)

Yours sincerely

Li Ming 7:求职信

Dear Sir or Madam,I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised/provided in______ of______(广告发布时间).Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality/character for a_____(工作名称).In the one hand,______(第一个原因).On the other hand, _______(另一个原因).Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful.If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time.Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely

Li Ming 8:邀请信 Dear________,There will be a ____(内容)at/in_____(地点)on___(时间).We would be honored to invite you to come here with us/have you there with us.The occasion will start at ___________(具体时间).This will be followed by a _______(进一步的安排).At around______(时间),_______________(另一个安排)I really hope you can make it before ___________(通知你的最后期限)Please let me know whether you can come or not.Yours sincerely

Li Ming











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