
时间:2019-05-15 10:00:19下载本文作者:会员上传




假定你是李华,自制了一些中国结(Chinese knot)。给开网店的美国朋友Tom写封信,请他代卖,要点包括:

1.外观(尺寸、颜色、材料)2.象征意义 3.价格

注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;Dear Tom,How are you doing ?①I wonder if you could sell some Chinese knots for me.(I made them myself with red silk threads, cloth and other materials.)②They look really beautiful in the shape of a diamond, about 5 inches long and 4 inches wide.③In China, these knots stand for friendship, love and good luck.(People can either give them as gifts to friends or hang them in their houses).④They are only 12.99 US dollars each.(If anyone wants to know more about the knots, let them write to me.Also, do let me know if you need further information.Thank you!)2.一封投诉信.假设你是李华,你在5月2日去一家商店买衣服。当你请一个王姓服务员帮你找适合你的型号的衣服时,她以忙为借口让你自己找,你说你找不到才来让她帮忙,她说你找不到就说明没有。你对这位服务员的服务态度十分不满,并写信向该商店的销售经理投诉该服务员。注意:



3、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。(1.把事情说清楚。2.表明自己的观点)Dear Sales Manager,This letter is a complaint concerning the actions of one of your salespersons.① On Tuesday, May 5, 2012, around 2 P.m.., I went to your store to look for a T-shirt.②When I asked a salesperson, Ms.Wang for help in finding my size, she informed me that she was busy and I would have to find one1

myself.③ I explained that the reason why I came to her was that I couldn’t find one.④ She then said in a rude tone that if I couldn’t find one, it meant that the store didn’t have it, and that I needed to look somewhere else.⑤I felt that Ms Wang was rude.I hope that you will look into the matter.(I shop frequently at your store and I look forward to a more pleasurable shopping experience next time.)




(3)时间:星期六晚六点;(4)地点:阳光俱乐部(The Sun Club)302房间;



(2)词数:100左右。(3)参考词汇:欢送会 farewell party

Dear Jane,①Congratulations on your passing all the exams.I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years of studying in China.(All you have gained is the result of your hard work).②We are proud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English(We'll always remember the wonderful time we spent together.)

It's pity that you have to go back soon!⑶So a farewell party for you will be held in Room 302 in the Sun Club this Saturday evening.Could you come by 6:00 p.m.? We'll have dinner together.By the way,④you may take Bus No.332 in front of your hotel and it will take you directly to the club.I am looking forward to meeting you.I wish you success!

4.A Letter of Complaint一封投诉信


①I am writing to complain about the bad delivery service of your company.The IBM Desktop computer I ordered from your store two weeks ago finally

arrived yesterday.②There were not any signs of damage to the packing case at all, but when we opened it,③ we found, much to our surprise, that the back cover had been cracked and the screen had been scratched.In view of this, I have decided to make a formal complaint against your

delivery service.④I sincerely hope that you will replace this computer as soon as possible.⑤If this is not possible, I will have no alternative but to insist on a full refund.I would appreciate anything you can do to help us in this matter.5.一封求职信


Dear Sir or Madam,① In an advertisement I know that your company is in need of a secretary.I would like to apply for the job.②I am a student of business management in Xiamen University.My name is Li Hua.I am twenty-three years old and will graduate this summer.③I am able to operate computer skillfully.I think this is very important for office work.④ I have learned English for ten years.I am very good at English, so I have been an editor of my department's English Paper in the past two years.⑤My grades are among the best ones in my department.⑥Besides, I like office work very much and I can be qualified for it.I will be quite appreciative if I am offered the opportunity.Thank you for your consideration.I am looking forward to receiving your

answer soon.




但凡应试书信,逃不出三种段落: 开头段:四大内容




4、写信目的;写这封信想达到什么目的 中间段:具体问题+具体分析; 结尾段:客套话;

口诀: 开门见山说意图 咨询建议123 不同内容可分段 感谢客气不可少 期待回信成老套 【经典套话】



How are you doing? How is everything going? How is life treating you?


I am LiHua, a 17-year-old boy currently studying in XXX middle school.I am LiHua, who...【李华同志的个人简历】

由于我们在考场上的身份几乎年年都是李华,因此我们在这里有必要了解一下李华同志的一些个人情况。当然,这位同志的个人情况是可以有我们自己人为设置的。为了给阅卷老师留下一个好印象,我们将李华同志的个人简历概括为:一个人见人爱的好孩子。hardworking diligent

help my parents to do housework

take part in CCTV national English speech competition

won the second prize in CCTV national English speech competition vice monitor

vice chairman of the students’ union worked as a volunteer for the Olympic Games worked as a volunteer for the 21st century have many foreign friends and often chat with them happily in starbark.3、写信背景(写信的缘由)I heard that...My teacher told me...I am informed that...I learned that...我得知...I read in your newspaper/ micro-blog /website that...You said in your last letter that...4、写信目的;

Now, I am writing to do sth.Now, I am writing this letter to do sth.Now, I am writing these few lines to do sth.【七种最常见书信的“写信目的”部分的最佳写法】


Now, I am writing to apply for the job/position.感谢信: Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt gratitude to you.邀请信:

Now, I am writing to invite you to join/enjoy/suffer/experience the....(as our guest/ judge/ instructor).建议信:

Now, I am writing to give you a hand.求助信:

Now, I am writing to ask you to give me a hand/ do me a favor.道歉信:

Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt apology to you.告知信:

Now, I am writing to tell you about the details.(二)中间段:具体问题(主题句)+具体分析(拓展句)【六种最常见书信的“中间段”最佳写法】 自荐信:写自己的优势 写法一:

There are four main reasons why I am fit for the position/job.To begin with,...Moreover,...What's more,...Finally,...写法二:

I have three main advantages.First and foremost,...Additonally,...Last but not least,...写法三:

I have the confidence that I can handle the job.Firstly,...Secondly,...Thirdly,...感谢信:写对方为你所做的事

Every time I(看照片、看录像、看那段时间的日记、回忆那段经历), I just can't help thinking of you/ what you have done for me.It was so kind of you to(对方做的第一件事).Besides, you(对方做的第二件事), which really surprised me.Actually, I shall always remember(对方做的第三件事), considering that,(第三件事情的意义).Nothing will be able to erase our wonderful memories, and I will cherish them forever.邀请信:描述具体的活动内容,如活动主题、意义、地点、时间、参加者和其它事项;

Here are some details for the activities.To begin with,(活动主题或活动目的,如:the theme of the contest is “human and the nature”, which is undoubtedly not only entertaining but also instructive.)Moreover,(活动的地点和时间,如it will be in room 501 from 2:00 to 5:00 on the afternoon of June 15th.)What's more,(活动人员,如: ten outstanding competitors will take part in the contest.)Finally,(其他信息,如:if you need any further information, please call me at 44876655.)建议信:写给对方的具体建议


There are several simple suggestions for you.To begin with,...Moreover,...What's more,...Finally,...写法二:

Immediate and effective measures must be put into practice.First and foremost,...Additonally,...Last but not least,...写法三:

The following suggestions carried out, things would probably become much better.Firstly,...Secondly,...Thirdly,...求助信:写具体需要帮助的事项

Hopefully you would be so kind as to give me some

suggestions/help on the following problems.To begin with,(困难一),which has annoyed me for quite a long time.Moreover,(困难二), for personally I lack the very basic experience on this matter.Finally,... 常用句型:(做某事有困难)

1、I have trouble in doing sth.2、I find it extremely hard for me to do sth.3、Doing sth is another terrible headache for me. 常见困难: 【生活方面】 与人相处 get along well with my classmates/ the new teacher / my parents.(和我的同学/新老师/父母相处)

把握时间 arrange and make good use of my everyday time for valuable things.(安排和利用每天的时间去做有意义的事情)

明确目标 know the purpose of my life and the destination of my future in order to passionately live a purpose-driven life everyday.(知道我生命的目的和未来的目标,以便每天充满激情地过着“目标驱动”的生活)【学习方面】

不懂语法 have trouble in mastering the advanced grammar rules and put them into use in my speaking and writing.进步太慢 find myself making progress not as fast as before, which has been annoying me for a long time.精力有限 can't be passionate and energetic all day long so as to make every moment meaningful and splendid.道歉信:描述不能或没能做到某事(如:赴约、还书、提供某种帮助)的原因 一般要以记叙文的形式写出以下三个内容: 1: 不能做某事的缘由; 2:对方能够谅解你的理由

I’m sure if you were me, you would make the same choice.3:衷心希望对方能够谅解;

【示例1】因不能按期还书而道歉——因为被我表妹强行借走了 Dear Kate,How is everything going? I am writing to beg your pardon for my long delaying in returning to you your “Gone with the Wind”

which I read through with great interest.I had already finished reading the book and was about to return it when my cousin came to see me.Never having seen the book, She was so interested in it that I had no choice but to allow her finish the book.I hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence(疏忽)in not returning it sooner.(然而,看在你的那本书能够带来的双倍喜悦的面子上,希望你能够原谅我没有及早还书的错误)

I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.Thanking you again for the loan.Sincerely yours,Tom

【示例2】不能如期赴约而道歉——因为要参加英语比赛 Dear Tom,How is everything going? I am writing to beg your pardon for my not being able to join you for the trip to Beijing next weekend which we planned before.I have been looking forward to the trip for a long time and have done a lot of preparation.However, I am informed that the CCTV national English competition is going to be held on that day.You know that I've been waiting for the chance for months and thus by no means can I miss it.As a result, I cannot make it for the trip.I’m sure if you were me, you would make the same choice.I do hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.Please allow me to say sorry again.Sincerely yours,LiHua 注:除了道歉信中间段落需要写成记叙形式,其余五种书信都应该写成议论形式。不管是记叙还是议论,中间段落第一句都应该写一个概括性质的“主题句”——这是我们的原则!

(三)结尾段:想写好第三段,就要背过各种客套话!【六种书信“结尾段”最佳写法】 自荐信:

Hopefully the chance would be offered to me.If chosen/elected, I would dedicate all my energy and wisdom to the company/activity/club/class.Thank you for reading my letter/ listening to

my speech in such a hot summer.Looking forward do your reply at your earliest convenience./ I won't let you down.(我不会让你们失望)


I, on behalf of my whole family/class/school, would like to thank you again(for what you have done)(for me/us).May you be blessed(in everything you do).我代表我的全家再次向你所做的一切向你表达感谢。祝你万事如意!邀请信:

We are sincerely looking forward to your coming.My

schoolmates/family and I would feel much honored if you could make it.I would like to meet you at the school gate and please drop me a line or give me a call to let me know your decision soon.Thank you.我们衷心期望您能大驾光临。如果您能来,同学们和我将非常的荣幸。我会在校门口迎接您,请回信或打电话告诉我您的决定。谢谢。建议信:

Hopefully these suggestions will be of great help to you.If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know as soon as possible.I'm sure you can solve your problem before long.helpful---of great help beautiful---of great beauty difficult--of great difficulty different –-of great difference useful---of great use harmful---of great harm 求助信:

Hopefully your kind and timely help would be offered to me.Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.道歉信:

Hopefully you would accept my sincere apologize.注:六种书信最后的结尾都是:Best wishes, / Yours truly, /XXX 【范文1】09山东卷 Dear Tom,How are you doing? How time flies!It has been half a year since I came back to China.I miss you so much!Every time I catch sight of our photos taken in America, I just can't help thinking of what you have done for me.It was so kind of you to help me practice my spoken English patiently.Besides, you taught me a lot of advanced grammar, which really surprised me.Actually, I shall always remember you shared with me many outstanding English novels,considering that I am extremely interested.Nothing will be able to erase our wonderful memories, and I will cherish them forever.By the way, could you please tell me Mr.Smith’s telephone number and his email address? I would like to turn to him for some help.What’s more, I remember you are crazy about traditional Chinese culture.The spring festival is around the corner.Why not come to enjoy it? I promise you won’t regret.Looking forward to your reply.Best wishes!

Yours truly,Li Hua

【范文2】09山东卷 Dear Tom,How are you doing? How time flies!I have been back to China for half a year.I miss you so much!

Every time I catch sight of our photos taken in America, I can’t help thinking of what you have done for me.It was so kind of you to help me with my spoken English.Besides, you made me master a lot of advanced English grammar, which really surprised me.What’s more, I shall always remember you encouraged me to correct my pronunciation by enjoying American TV programs.By the way, Could you please tell me how can I get in touch with Mr.Smith? I have some learning problems to ask him.Besides, I know you are interested in the historical Chinese civilization.Why not come to China to enjoy the Spring festival? I promise you won’t regret!Looking forward to your reply!

Yours truly,Lihua 【范文3】11年全国卷2 Dear Sir or Madam,How are you doing? I am Lihua, a 17-year-old high school student who is crazy about your newspaper which I have been enjoying for 5 years.There are two main reasons why I like your newspaper best.For one thing, news not only about China but also about other countries has been reported in your newspaper.For another, so many stories of famous figures are introduced, which makes your newspaper more meaningful and splendid.By the way, here is a sincere suggestion for you.Why not publish some articles on English study? I’m sure they would be rather popular.Thank you for reading my letter in such a hot summer.Best wishes!

Yours truly,Li Hua

【范文4】08山东卷 Dear LiMing,How are you doing? Our head teacher told me you couldn’t get along well with our classmates.As the vice monitor, I am writing to give you a hand.In my opinion, there are two reasons accounting for your problem.For one thing, you seldom chat with us, consequently, we don't know you well.For another, you are so shy that you have trouble in expressing yourself.Here are several suggestions for you.First and foremost, you are supposed to talk with others more, so that you can make some close friends.Additionally, you can take part in some afterschool activities.Last but not least, if I were you, I would often answer questions in class.As your friend, I will do my utmost to help you.For example, I will introduce you to my own friends who are as friendly as I am.Hopefully would adapt to the new environment before long!If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.Best wishes!

Yours truly,Zhang Hua

 常见的建议句型: You should do sth.You are supposed to do sth.You ought to do sth.You’d better do sth.Why not do sth? Why don’t you do sth? If I were you, I would do sth.It is beneficial to do sth.Doing sth is another wise choice for you.I would encourage you to do sth.It is high time that you/we did sth.





A Letter to a Schoolmate

Suppose you are Zhang Ying.Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday.1. 表示欢迎

2. 提出度假安排的建议

3. 提醒应注意的事项


A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus



1. 缩进式

December 24, 2004

Dear Mr.Smith,------------------------------------------------



Yours Sincerely,Tina

2. 齐头式

December 24, 2007

Dear Mr.Smith,-------------------



Yours Sincerely,Tina


1. 不知道收信人的性别,年龄或姓氏

称呼为:Dear Sir/Madam,Dear Sir or Madam

落款为:Yours Faithfully

2. 收信人为一般朋友,领导或老师

称呼为:Dear Mr./Ms./Dr./Prof.X

落款为:Yours Sincerely


称呼为:Dear Mary/ Mike

落款为:Best wishes/Best regardsLove,书信基本句型:

1. 表扬信

(1)It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.(2)I am greatly indebted to you for what you have done.2. 道歉信

(1)I must apologize to you for….(2)It is thoughtless/inconsiderate of me to do….(3)I sincerely hope that you will kindly accept my apologies.3. 邀请信

(1)I am pleased to invite you to participate in … to be held from … to … in….(2)It is my pleasure / a great honor for me to invite you to….(3)I do hope you will be able to accept our invitation.4. 投诉信

(1)I am writing to you to complain about….(2)To improve the situation, it is advisable to take the following measures.For one thing,….For another….(3)I hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration to improve the situation.5. 求职信

(1)I have read your advertisement in the China Daily on June 26 for a secretary, and should be grateful if you consider me favorably as a candidate for the position.(2)I believe that I am well qualified, both psychologically and academically, for the post.….(3)I hope you would take my application into account favorably and entitle me to an interview.6. 求学信

(1)I wish to pursue my Master’s degree in your prestigious university.(2)I will certainly feel honored if I could be admitted to your university, which, renowned for its long history and a fine tradition of scholarship, enjoys a worldwide fame.(3)Would you please let me know the procedures for admission at your earliest convenience?



假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Bob将于九月到你所在城市的建新华文学校学中文,来信请你在学校附近为他找一套住房。请根据图画提 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Bob将于九月到你所在城市的建新华文学校学中文,来信请你在学校附近为他找一套住房。请根据图画提供的信息,写信介绍住房的情况,并告知住房面积为25平方米,月租500元。注意:


2.参考词汇:房租€€Tent(n.).I'm very happy to receive your letter, and I'm glad to hear that you will go to China to learn Chinese here.I have already found a fiat for you.It is on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School.Bus No.11 can take you there, and it is one stop before the Chinese School.The flat is on the third floor with 3 rooms, one of which is bedroom, the other two are bathroom and kitchen.There are a bed, a sofa, a desk and some chairs in this 25 square-metres small fiat, and the rent is 500 yuan per month.Maybe this fiat is not as good as your wish, but I'll try my best to meet your needs.If it is not suitable enough, write to me and I will look for another better place.Hope you will come here soon!All the best!Yours, Li Hua 满分理由

本文格式正确,意思表述完整,行文流畅自然。作者在写作过程中注意长短句并用,还使用了以'which,'引导的非限定性定语从句,从而使文章层次分明,富于变化,不愧为考场佳作。Dear Bob, Welcome to China!You wrote to me to find a place for you.I have found an apartment on Fangcao Street near Jianxin Chinese School.It is on the third floor and there're three rooms in it: a bedroom, a

...kitchen, and a bathroom.There is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair in the bedroom.The house is 25 square metres and the rent is 500 yuan per month.Also from this house you can get to your school easily.Just take the No.11 bus at the bus-stop in front of the building.It is only one stop.At last, will you please tell me the time you arrive? Then I'U be able to meet you at the airport, see you.Best wishes!Yours, Li Hua 满分理由

本文格式正确,内容完整,表述清楚,衔接紧密流畅,时态语态使用准确,特别是结尾末段适度的发挥,既充实了内容,又符合逻辑,成为本文与众不同的亮点。Dear Bob, How are you these days? I'm so glad to know that you'll come to our city to learn Chinese.You asked me to find a place for you.Now I've found one which I think is pretty good.The place is on Fang Cao Street which is near the No.11 bus stop.It's just one stop away from Jianxin Chinese School.There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom.Though it is not very big, only 25 square metres, I think it is suitable.By the way, the rent is 500 yuan per month.I hope you'll like it.If not, I'll try to find another place for you.Yours, Li Hua 满分理由


...Dear Bob, I'm glad to hear from you.Welcome to our city in september.I've found a suitable house for you.The house is on Fang Cao Street, not far from the Jianxin Chinese School.If you take the No.11 bus, it is just one stop.It is a flat on the third floor of a building.It has three rooms, a living-room, a bathroom and a kitchen.You can cook yourself.The mirror, the basin and the bathtub are very convenient for you.In the living-room, there is a bed, a sofa and a desk with chair.The desk is next to the window.It will be good for study.The total size is 25 square metres and the rent is 500 yuan a month.Will you be satisfied with this flat, or you want another one? Just let me know.I'll try my best to help you.Yours, Li Hua 满分理由

本文内容详实,描述具体细腻,用词适当准确,如“suitable house”、"not far from''等,另外文中的选择疑问句也很有新意。































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    1.邀请信 Dear ______ , ①There will be a ______(内容)at/in ______(地点)on ______(时间). ②We would be honored to have you there with us. ③The occasion will start......


    高中英语满分书信作文模板——投诉信1 Dear ______, ①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about. ③The......


    A letter of invitation 说明:假如你是英语系助理,请写信给著名教授Smith,邀请他来你校给英语系学生做讲座。注意写清邀请目的和讲座时间。 【范文】 Dear Professor Smith, Ha......


    书信类八大模板 1:投诉信 Dear_______, I am ______ (自我介绍) .I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint (complaine)about_____. Th......


    高考书面表达书信类作文范文 1. 感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文......


    (一)书信 概述 书信是人们在日常生活和工作中进行交际的工具,也是高考书面表达中常见的考试文体。由于民族语言和习惯上的差异,英语信件在书写格式及表达方式上与汉语不大一......


    尊敬的公司领导: 您好!感谢您抽出时间阅览我的辞职报告,为此我深感歉意! 承蒙您的信任,给了我到新达公司工作的机会,非常感激公司给予了我这样的机会在这里工作和学习,让我在几个岗......


    高中英语满分书信作文模板——祝贺信 Dear ______ , ①I have learned with delight that you ______(祝贺事由). ②I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulatio......