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4女士们、先生们,Ladies and gentlemen, / tonight/ I

今晚我想谈谈负责任的问题。am going to/ talk about/ taking

通常,responsibility./ It’s always hard/ to

承认自己犯错误是很难的事,admit/ something is your fault./ In

事实上,人们很少说: fact,/ people rarely say,/ “It’s all my

fault.”/ People always/ make excuses/

or say/ it is somebody else’s fault./ It

is hard/ to solve problems/ because

people like/ to blame others./ The

next time/ you make a mistake,/ take

responsibility!/ Four little words/ can

make a big difference./ Try saying,/“It’s all my fault.”




高三英语背诵材料 10Ladies and Gentlemen, today I’d like to 女士们,先生们,talk about how to pronounce English 今天我想谈谈怎样正确地读英语单词。words correctly.First, spell the word 首先,大声拼读出单词; aloud.Then, read the word aloud 接着,跟着磁带大声朗读,according to the tape.Carefully imitate 仔细模仿每一个发音; each sound.Then shout out the word as 然后用最大声喊出这个单词; loudly as possible.Lastly, find a good sentence to use this word.Think about what the word means in this sentence.If you follow these steps, you will soon be proud of how well you can pronounce English words.最后,找一个好句子来操练这个单词。想一想 这个词在这句中是什么意思。如果你能按这些步骤操练,很快,你将会为自己能很好地读 英语单词而感到自豪。



5Ladies and gentlemen, /I believe/ 女士们、先生们,you all want/ to speak good English./我相信你们都想说好英语。Now/ let me give you/ some advice.现在让我给你们一些建议。Don’t be afraid of/ losing face./

不要害怕丢脸,Don’t be afraid of/ making mistakes./

不要害怕犯错误,Don’t be afraid of/ practising your

不要害怕操练英语。English.Don’t be ashamed of/ speaking poor English./ Don’t be ashamed of/

being laughed at./ Don’t be ashamed

of/ being stared at./ The only real

shame/ is that/ you never/ open yourmouth.The only way/ to learn English/ is

never to be afraid/ and never to be

ashamed./ It’s never too late/ to make

a change/ in your life./ Don’t beafraid./ No pains,/ no gains./ You canmake it./ You’re great.不要羞于说破烂英语,不要羞于被人嘲笑,不要羞于被人注视,唯一应该羞耻的是你从不开口说。学英语唯一的出路是绝不要害怕、不要感到羞耻。改变你的生活,永远不嫌晚。不要害怕。没有付出,就没有收获。你可以做到。你很棒!









I threw Mikey’s note into a desk drawer along with dozens of other notes.While my classes took a test, I decided to read all the notes I’d only glanced at before.I made two piles, one for the genuine ones written by mothers, the other for forgeries.The second was the larger pile, with writing that ranged from imaginative to lunatic.P3 我把米克的条子连同许多其他学生的一道扔进桌子的抽屉里。在学生们测验时,我决定读一读所有这些原本我只瞥了一眼的请假条。我把它们分成两堆,一堆是真正由学生母亲写的,另一堆是伪造的。伪造的更多,有一大堆,有些极富想象力,有些则愚不可及。

Eventually, their help wasn’t enough.One morning, a year after Baer’s diagnosis, Henrich checked in before work and found Baer on the floor.Though she wore a panic button on a chain around her neck, she hadn’t used it.10 “I don’t know how long she had been there,” Henrich says.P28


The psychologist they sent him to “was a really cool guy,” Gates recalls.“He gave me books to read after each time, Freud4 stuff, and I really got into psychology theory.”5 After a year of counseling and tests, the counselor reached his conclusion.“You’re going to lose,” he told Mary.“You had better just adjust to it because there’s no use trying to beat him.” Mary was strong-willed and intelligent herself, her husband recalls, “but she came around to accepting that it was useless trying to compete with him.”P71


Stress is a major symptom of a complex and fast paced society.These symptoms are, but not limited to depression and anxiety.Medical science has documented the harmful effects of stress on our mental, physical and emotional health.In the information age, the ever increasing change in technology adds to our stress levels.Medical science has provided medications to help treat the symptoms of stress.These medications are important and potentially beneficial, but they are not without their side effects.A less evasive and more satisfying solution to dealing with life's stress is to find a hobby.P94




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