A meteorite streaked across the sky and exploded over central Russia on Feb 15, raining fireballs over a vast area and causing a shock wave that smashed windows, damaged buildings and injured 1,200 people.The meteorite, which weighed about 10 tonnes and may have been made of iron, entered Earth's atmosphere and broke apart 30-50 km above ground, according to Russia's Academy of Sciences.The Interior Ministry said about 1,200 people had been injured, at least 200 of them children, and most from shards of glass.2月15日,一块陨石滑过天际,在俄罗斯中部地区爆炸。大量火球坠落所产生的冲击波毁坏了窗户与房屋,共造成1,200人受伤。俄罗斯科学院表示,这块重约10吨的陨石由铁构成,进入大气层后在距地面30-50公里处解体。俄罗斯内务部称,这次事件导致约1,200人受伤,其中包括200多名儿童。大部分人被玻璃碎片划伤。
“meteorite”是陨石的意思,即自空间降落于地球表面的大流星体。相关的词组有:meteorite crater 陨石坑、meteorite shower 陨石雨、meteorite dust 陨石尘。“atmosphere”通常解释为氛围、空气,但在此处解释为大气层。
第二篇:新闻热词英语表达系列之31 “亚军”
新闻热词英语表达系列之31: “亚军”
After 160 minutes of scrappy play, sixth seeded Li lost her second singles final in the Australian Open final, 4-6, 6-4, 6-3, to world No 1 Victoria Azarenka of Belarus.However, Li's ability to fight on after receiving
treatment in two medical timeouts somewhat soothed the disappointment of losing the major title.The thunderous applause in the packed
15,000-seat Rod Laver Arena when Li was awarded the runner-up trophy was testament to that.经过160分钟的激战,六号种子李娜在澳大利亚网球公开赛的决赛中以6-
“runner-up”解释为亚军,跟名词有关的词汇有:冠军champion、季军second runner-up、殿军last-placed winner。“Australian Open”解释为澳大利亚网球公开赛,是四大满贯之一,其他的三个分别是French Open法网、Wimbledon Championships温网、US Open美网。
“七夕节”的英文表达为 Qixi festival 或 Chinese Valentine's Day。每年农历七月初七这一天是我国汉族的传统节日七夕节,又称“乞巧节”或“少女节”、“女儿节”,来自于牛郎与织女的传说。七夕节是我国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日,也是过去姑娘们最为重视的日子。在这一天晚上,妇女们穿针乞巧,祈祷福禄寿活动,礼拜七姐,仪式虔诚而隆重,陈列花果、女红,各式家具、用具都精美小巧、惹人喜爱。2006年5月20日,七夕节被国务院列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。现又被认为是“中国情人节”。
The seventh day of the seventh lunar month in China is a romantic time for the Qixi festival, which is now referred to as the Chinese Valentine’s Day.Or, according to a moving, but sad old fairy tale, it’s the time of the year when the weaving maid meets the cowherd on Magpie Bridge.In the distant past, girls would take this occasion to pray to heaven for skillful hands and a happy marriage, which is why Qixi is also called Qiqiao(day of begging)or Girls’ Day.在我国,农历七月初七是浪漫的七夕节,现在也被称为“中国情人节”。根据一个凄凉而感人的传说,这天也是一年中牛郎和织女在鹊桥相会的日子。在古代,女孩们会在七夕节祈祷上天赐给他们灵巧的双手和幸福的婚姻,因此七夕节也被成为“乞巧节”或“少女节”。
文中的 Qixi festival 即指七夕节,也说成 Chinese Valentine's Day,即中国情人节,每年2月14日为西方传统节日“情人节”,英文为Valentine's Day。七夕节源于牛郎织女的传说,文中的weaving maid 指织女,cowherd指牛郎,Magpie Bridge指鹊桥。我们一起来看看其他一些与“七夕节”相关的词汇:Lunar calendar 农历/阴历,the Milky Way 银河,Vega 织女星,Altair 牛郎星,seven celestial princesses 七仙女。
As the temperature soars during the summer, heatstroke becomes a genuine health concern that warrants serious attention, experts have warned.“Heatstroke is a medical emergency, and can be fatal if not treated promptly and with care,” said Gu Chengdong, vice-director at the Emergency Department of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital.专家警告称,在夏季,随着气温的飙升,中暑已成为真正的健康问题,需要密切关注。
中暑的英语表达就是:heatstroke。其学名是热射病。如果热射病的成因仅与阳光直接照射有关的话则又称为日射病(sunstroke)。日常生活中,我们更容易接触“轻度中暑”,其相应的英文表达为“heat exhaustion”。中暑会杀死细胞(kill cells),破坏中枢神经系统(disrupt the central nervous system)等,所以,医生提醒儿童、老人、户外工作者(outdoor workers)以及患有慢性疾病(chronic diseases)的人士要提高警惕。
“新年倒计时”的英文表达是New Year countdown。中华世纪坛将在跨年夜上演“北京之光”新年倒计时活动,迎接2013年的到来。今后将在每年的新年夜持续举办。
Beijing will hold its unique New Year countdown by lighting a gigantic ball at the China Millennium Monument, an official from the Beijing Municipal government said on Thursday.Cities around the world mark the New Year with unique celebrations, including the dropping of the crystal ball in New York City's Times Square and Big Ben's “bongs” in London.This year, Beijing is joining in with a unique lighting ceremony.北京市政府的一位官员周四称,北京将举办独特的新年倒计时庆祝活动,届时会在中华世纪坛点燃一个巨型球。
“新年倒计时”在文中的表达是New Year countdown。Countdown就是“倒计时,倒数”的意思,“新年倒计时”也可以说成countdown to the New Year。“以(某种方式)迎接新年”可以表达为mark the New Year with...。另外,“跨年夜”或“新年夜”的英文是New Year's eve。