
时间:2019-05-12 19:28:31下载本文作者:会员上传



楼市降温(cool the property market)

“房屋限购”(home buying restrictions/ property purchase limits)取消了房屋限购(ease or lift home buying restrictions)

房产政策(nationwide property policy)multinational bribery cases(跨国腐败案)

supporting overseas study for their children(帮助其子女到海外留学),arranging expensive foreign holidays(安排昂贵的海外度假游),depositing money in a foreign bank account(在外国账户里存钱),launder money(洗钱)

Ebola virus disease(埃博拉病毒,EVD)常见症状有:高烧、出血以及中枢神经系统损伤(central nervous system damage)

“城市通风廊道”就是urban air corridor,简称“风道”。通过留出通风廊道,可以借助风的力量驱散pollutants and hot air(污染物和热空气)。

母乳库就是breast milk bank

粉尘爆炸(dust explosion)“重大责任事故”(very serious dereliction of duty)

炫富boast online about her lavish lifestyle 干爹sugar daddy 炒作 play the publicity stunt

科研经费就是research funds

unspoken rule(潜规则)

中央政府采购部门将赛门铁克和卡巴斯基两个外国品牌的反病毒软件排除在政府采购名单之外(exclude the United States' Symantec Corp and Russia's Kaspersky Lab from the government procurement list),政府采购办公室(the government procurement office)已经批准了5个反病毒软件(anti-virus software)品牌,均为中国品牌,包括奇虎360、启明星辰、冠群金辰、北京江民和瑞星。

“高污染燃料”就是high-polluting fuels

lingering drought 持续干旱 effective precipitation 有效降水

“弃房断供”就是foreclosure,意思是业主不再按期还款,房屋作为抵押品被银行收回。由于部分城市房价下跌,房产价值已经低于抵押贷款,因此一些业主选择损失首付和部分还款,把房价下跌风险转嫁给银行。这些因residential mortgage loan defaults(按揭贷款逾期未还)被起诉的业主中,多数人都声称unable to repay their loans(无力还款)。

“卖萌”则可以用act/play cute “洗脑歌”英文表达是brainwashing pop song,所有的洗脑歌都有以下的共同点:simple and easy on rhythm(旋律简单好记),have straightforward lyrics(歌词直白),以及fast paced(节奏明快)。

个人代购就是private overseas shopping representatives 居留许可(residence permit)经济逃犯就是economic fugitive

电影分级制度(film rating system)在西方国家已经实行了很长时间。美国电影协会对影视作品的分级是这样的:G级:(GENERAL AUDIENCES All ages admitted.)大众级,适合所有年龄段的人观看; PG级:(PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED Some material may not be suitable for children.)普通级,建议在父母的陪伴下观看,一些内容可能不适合儿童观看; PG-13级:(PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.)普通级,13岁以下儿童尤其要有父母陪同观看,一些内容对儿童很不适宜; R级:(RESTRICTED Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.)限制级,17岁以下必须由父母或者监护陪伴才能观看;NC-17级:(NO ONE 17 AND UNDER ADMITTED)17岁以下观众禁止观看,该级别的影片被定为成人影片,未成年人坚决禁止观看。

个性奖学金”英语表达是individuality scholarship 选座服务(seat selection service)

“寄血验子”就是illegal transportation of blood samples to Hong Kong for gender screening,而gender screening(性别选择)

反垄断调查(anti-monopoly investigations)羊水栓塞,英文表达是amniotic fluid embolism

裁员”或者“裁减工作岗位”都可用job cuts或layoff来表示,动词形式就是to cut jobs或者to lay someone off;在英国,则多用redundancy表示,比如,Thousands of bank employees are facing redundancy as their employers cut costs.(银行削减成本,数千名银行职工面临裁员。)那么被裁的员工拿到的“裁员补偿”就是layoff compensation或者redundancy payments。

权力寻租就是rent-seeking,是指握有公权者以权力为筹码谋求获取自身经济利益的一种非生产性活动。据媒体披露,国家审计署将对2008年到2013年间发生的land requisition(土地征用)、land reserve(囤地)、land supply(供地)和land sales(土地买卖)所得资金进行严格的审查。

离婚登记的“排号”英文表达是row number nationwide property tax(全国性房产税

网络直播(paid live webcast)“非法倒卖进京户口指标”就是illegally selling resident permits for Beijing “违规减刑”就是illegal commutation of sentences Rice Bucket Challenge(米桶挑战)

第二篇:2018.5月新闻热词 汇总

马克思诞辰两百周年 Karl Marx's 200th birth anniversary

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered a speech during a conference to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday morning.4日上午,纪念马克思诞辰200周年大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在大会上发表重要讲话。

With noble ideals and no fear of difficulties and adversities, throughout his lifetime, Marx devoted himself to perseverantly striving for the liberation of humanity, scaling the peak of thoughts in his pursuit of truth, and the unremitting fight to overturn the old world and establish a new one, according to Xi.习近平说,马克思的一生,是胸怀崇高理想、为人类解放不懈奋斗的一生;马克思的一生,是不畏艰难险阻、为追求真理而勇攀思想高峰的一生;马克思的一生,是为推翻旧世界、建立新世界而不息战斗的一生。

习近平说,马克思主义是科学的理论,创造性地揭示了人类社会发展规律;马克思主义是人民的理论,第一次创立了人民实现自身解放的思想体系;马克思主义是实践的理论,指引着人民改造世界的行动;马克思主义是不断发展的开放的理论,始终站在时代前沿(Marxism is a constantly developing theory and always stands at the forefront of the times)。习近平说,学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于人类社会发展规律的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on the law of the development of human society); 学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于坚守人民立场的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on upholding the people's position);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于生产力和生产关系的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on productivity and the relations of production); 学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于人民民主的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on people's democracy);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于文化建设的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on cultural development);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于社会建设的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on social construction);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于人与自然关系的思想(we should study and practice Marxist ideas on relations between humans and nature);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于世界历史的思想(we have to study and practice Marxist ideas on world history);

学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于马克思主义政党建设的思想(we have to study and practice Marxist ideas on party building)。火山爆发 volcano eruptions Consulate General of China in Los Angeles issued an alert message Saturday morning, warning Chinese citizens not to stay in dangerous zones in Hawaii's Big Island, which has been suffering strong volcano eruptions and earthquakes since Thursday.中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆5日晨发布通告,提醒中国公民避免进入自3日以来受火山喷发和地震影响的高危险区域(大岛)。

Authorities cautioned sulfuric gas pouring out of the vents posed dangers, particularly to elderly and people with respiratory problems.当地政府警告称,裂缝中释放出的含硫气体会有潜在危害,对老年人以及有呼吸道疾病的人群尤其有害。

地下云图网 underground seismic network for earthquake monitoring 伊朗核协议 Iran nuclear deal

US President Donald Trump announced Tuesday he is quitting the Iran nuclear deal, pitting him against the United States' Western allies and leaving the future of Tehran's nuclear ambitions in question.美国总统特朗普8日宣布将退出伊朗核协议,此举使美国公然与其西方盟友针锋相对,也令伊朗未来的核计划充满不确定性。【何为伊核协议?】

当地时间2015年7月14日,伊核问题六国、欧盟和伊朗在奥地利维也纳达成伊核问题全面协议。全称: 联合全面行动计划(Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action)参与国家:伊朗与国际调停“六方”(俄、美、英、中、法、德)签署时间:2015年7月14日 签署地点:维也纳

生效时间:2016年1月16日 要点:

1.Iran has agreed to dismantle most of its nuclear program, guaranteeing they would not be able to make a bomb for at least one year, over the course of 10 years.伊朗同意废除大部分核计划,确保在未来10年当中,伊朗没有能力在一年内制造出核弹。2.Iran’s 19,000 installed centrifuges will have to be cut to no more than 6,104 for the next 10 years.The 13,000 decommissioned centrifuges will be sent to monitored storage by the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA).伊朗目前已安装的1.9万台离心机将被缩减至6104台以下。1.3万台拆解的离心机将被移送至由国际原子能机构监控的存放地点。

3.Iran has also agreed to reduce its stockpile of enriched uranium(the material needed to make a bomb)by 98 percent and agreed to halt further enrichment.That material would either be diluted or sold.伊朗还同意将浓缩铀(制造核弹的材料)的储备减少98%,并中止铀浓缩项目。削减的浓缩铀将被稀释或者出售。

4.The heavy water nuclear reactor in Arak will be redesigned, preventing Iran from producing weapons grade plutonium there.Iran will ship the spent fuel from Arak and over the next 15 years Iran will not build any new heavy water reactors.位于阿拉克的重水核子反应炉将被重新设计,以防止伊朗生产武器级别的钚。伊朗将运走阿拉克基地内的燃料,在未来15年内都不会再建造任何新的重水反应堆。

5.If Iran breaks its commitments, all sanctions could be quickly snapped back into place, according to the terms of the agreement.谈判协议规定,如果伊朗不履行承诺,所有的制裁将迅速恢复。在白宫发表的电视讲话中,特朗普称伊核协议是“已经腐烂了”的协议:

“It is clear to me that we cannot prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb under the decaying and rotten structure of the current agreement.” 很显然,在如今这个架子已经腐烂了的协议下,我们根本无法阻止伊朗拥有核武器。“This was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made.It didn't bring calm, it didn't bring peace, and it never will.” 这是一个糟糕的单方面获益的协议,从一开始就不该被签订。它过去没有带来平静与和平,将来也永远不可能。

特朗普还表示,美国将重启对伊朗的制裁: “We will be instituting the highest level of economic sanction.Any nation that helps Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons could also be strongly sanctioned by the United States.”

我们将制定最严厉的经济制裁,任何帮助伊朗寻求核武器的国家也会遭到美国的严厉制裁。他在签署重新制裁伊朗政权的总统备忘录前说,这一举措是要传达一个重要信息: “The United States no longer makes empty threats.” 美国不会再只做空洞的威胁。


伊朗总统鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)说:

“I have ordered the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran to be ready for action if needed, so that if necessary we can resume our enrichment on an industrial level without any limitations.” 我已经命令伊朗原子能组织做好准备,如有必要,不设限制地重新开始我们工业级别的铀浓缩。

联合国秘书长古特雷斯(UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres)对此表示担忧,他说: “I am deeply concerned by today's announcement that the United States will be withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action(JCPOA)and will begin reinstating US sanctions(against Iran).” 对于美国今天宣布退出《联合全面行动计划》并重启对伊朗制裁的决定,我深表担忧。“I call on other JCPOA participants to abide fully by their respective commitments under the JCPOA and on all other(UN)member states to support this agreement.” 我呼吁其他伊核协议参与方严格遵守各自的承诺,也希望联合国其他成员国支持该协议。另一方面,特朗普的决定让美国的欧洲盟友们感到手足无措。

英、法、德三国领导人共同发布声明,对特朗普的决定表示“遗憾和担忧”(regret and concern),并宣布他们将继续遵守伊核协议。


Trump won strong backing from Saudi Arabia and Israel, whose leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, hailed him for a “historic move” and “courageous leadership.”


5月9日,外交部例行记者会上有记者就此问题提问:北京时间5月9日凌晨,美总统特朗普宣布美终止参与伊朗核问题全面协议,但伊朗称只要其他各方继续履行协议,伊朗仍将遵守协议。中方对此的立场是什么? 外交部发言人耿爽回答: 中方对美方所做决定表示遗憾。伊朗核问题全面协议是由六国、欧盟和伊朗共同谈判达成的多边协议,并经过安理会第2231号决议核可,所有各方都应当认真执行,维护全面协议的完整性和严肃性。这有利于维护国际核不扩散体系,促进中东地区和平与稳定,对通过政治手段解决热点问题也具有示范意义。

China regrets the decision made by the US side.The JCPOA is a multilateral agreement reached by the P5+1, the European Union and Iran through negotiations and endorsed by the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.All relevant parties should implement the JCPOA in good faith and ensure its integrity and sanctity.This will contribute to upholding the international non-proliferation regime and peace and stability in the Middle East and will play an exemplary role for the political settlement of hot-spot issues.当前形势下,中方呼吁所有各方本着负责任态度,从长远和大局出发,坚持政治外交解决方向,妥善管控分歧,尽快回到继续执行全面协议的正确轨道上来。中方将本着客观、公正和负责任态度,同各方保持对话协商,继续致力于维护和执行全面协议。

Under the current circumstances, China calls on all relevant parties to assume a responsible attitude, bear in mind the long-term and overall picture, stay committed to the political and diplomatic solution, properly handle differences and come back as soon as possible to the right track of continuing with the implementation of the JCPOA.China will maintain dialogue and consultation with all relevant parties and stay committed to upholding and implementing the JCPOA in an objective, unbiased and responsible attitude.中日韩+X”模式 “China-Japan-South Korea+X” framework

China, Japan and South Korea are three big economies in the world, and are each other's key partner in trade and economic cooperation, said the Chinese premier, adding that they shoulder great responsibilities for boosting regional development, guiding regional economic integration and safeguarding regional peace and stability.李克强表示,中日韩作为世界三大经济体,互为重要经贸合作伙伴,对促进地区经济发展、引领区域一体化进程、维护地区和平稳定负有重要责任。

面对当前复杂多变的国际政治经济形势,中日韩加强合作不仅是三国自身发展的需要,也是地区国家和国际社会的共同期待(accord with the expectations of the region and the international community at large)。三方应抓住机遇,扩大利益融合,努力推动地区持久和平与共同繁荣。


Build up political mutual trust and create a favorable environment.第二,共同维护自由贸易,推动区域经济一体化。

Safeguard free trade and promote regional economic integration.第三,打造“中日韩+X”模式,促进地区可持续发展。

Work to explore cooperation within a “China-Japan-South Korea+X” framework to quicken regional development.应集聚三方优势,通过“中日韩+X”模式,在产能合作(production capacity cooperation)、防灾减灾(disaster prevention and mitigation)、节能环保(energy saving and environmental protection)等领域实施联合项目,带动和促进本地区国家实现更好更快发展。


Enhance people-to-people exchanges and lay a solid popular foundation.第五,鼓励技术创新,推进减贫、环保、抗灾等工作,促进全球包容增长。

Encourage technological innovation, carry forward projects in poverty reduction, environmental protection and disaster prevention, and enhance inclusive global growth.习金会 Xi, Kim meet over peninsula issue


习近平同金正恩举行会谈,并为金正恩举行欢迎晚宴,一同散步、出席午宴,在亲切友好的气氛中,两党两国最高领导人就中朝关系及共同关心的重大问题全面深入交换意见。“After the first meeting between me and Comrade Chairman, both China-DPRK relations and the Korean Peninsula situation have made positive progress.I feel happy about it,” he said.Xi said he was willing to meet Kim again to make joint efforts to push the healthy and stable development of China-DPRK relations, realize long-lasting peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and promote regional peace, stability and prosperity.习近平指出,我同委员长同志首次会晤以来,中朝关系和朝鲜半岛形势均取得积极进展,我对此感到高兴,愿同委员长同志再次举行会晤,共同为推动中朝关系健康稳定发展、实现朝鲜半岛长治久安、促进地区和平稳定繁荣作出努力。

习近平强调,今年3月,我同委员长同志在北京实现了历史性首次会晤,进行了长时间深入交流,就发展新时代中朝关系(developing China-DPRK relations in the new era)达成了四方面原则共识。

First, the China-DPRK traditional friendship has been a treasure of both countries.It is an unswerving principle and the only correct choice for both countries to develop the friendly and cooperative China-DPRK relations.第一,中朝传统友谊是双方共同的宝贵财富,发展好中朝友好合作关系是双方坚定不移的方针,也是唯一正确选择。

Second, both China and the DPRK are socialist countries, and their bilateral relations are of major strategic significance.Both sides need to enhance unity, cooperation, exchanges and mutual learning.第二,中朝同为社会主义国家,双边关系具有重大战略意义,要加强团结合作、交流互鉴。Third, high-level exchanges between the two parties play an irreplaceably significant role in guiding bilateral relations, Xi said.The two sides should maintain frequent exchanges, strengthen strategic communication, deepen understanding and mutual trust, and safeguard common interests.第三,两党高层交往对于引领双边关系具有不可替代的重大作用,双方应保持经常往来,加强战略沟通,增加理解互信,维护共同利益。

Fourth, cementing the people-to-people friendship foundation is an important channel to advance the development of China-DPRK relations, Xi said.The two sides should, by multiple means, enhance people-to-people communication and exchanges to create a sound foundation of popular will for the advancement of China-DPRK relations.第四,夯实民间友好基础是推进中朝关系发展的重要途径,应通过多种形式,加强两国人民交流往来,为中朝关系发展营造良好民意基础。

在双方共同努力下,各项共识正在得到良好的贯彻落实(all of these consensuses are being well implemented)。一个多月时间内,我同委员长同志两度会晤,保持着密切沟通。我愿同委员长同志一道,继续指导双方有关部门落实好我们达成的共识,推动中朝关系不断向前发展,造福两国和两国人民,为本地区和平稳定作出积极贡献。

谈到朝鲜半岛形势时,习近平指出,我同委员长同志首次会晤时就此深入交换了意见,达成重要共识。近段时间,委员长同志在推动半岛对话缓和方面作出了积极努力(make active efforts to promote dialogue and easing of tension on the peninsula),取得积极成果。中方支持朝方坚持半岛无核化,支持朝美对话协商解决半岛问题,愿继续同有关各方一道,为全面推进半岛问题和平对话解决进程、实现地区长治久安发挥积极作用。Kim said comrade-like trust and friendship between the elder generations of leaders of the two parties and countries form the close bond and solid foundation for the traditional friendship between the DPRK and China.金正恩表示,朝中两党两国老一辈领导人同志式的相互信任和情义,是朝中传统友谊的亲密纽带和坚实根基。

我同总书记同志继承这一良好传统,举行卓有成效的历史性会晤,推动朝中关系迎来了前所未有的活跃发展(promote the unprecedentedly vigorous development of the DPRK-China relations)。

It has been the DPRK's consistent and clear stand to achieve denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, Kim said.As long as relevant parties abolish their hostile policies and remove security threats against the DPRK, there is no need for the DPRK to be a nuclear state and denuclearization can be realized, he said.他表示,实现朝鲜半岛无核化是朝方始终如一的明确立场。只要有关方面消除对朝敌视政策和安全威胁,朝方没有必要拥核,无核化是可以实现的。

希望通过朝美对话建立互信,有关各方负责任地采取分阶段、同步性的措施(take phased and synchronous measures in a responsible manner),全面推进半岛问题政治解决进程(comprehensively advance the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue),最终实现半岛无核化和持久和平。海试 sea trial

顺风车 “hitch” ride service Didi Chuxing, a car-hailing service company, said on Wednesday that it will suspend its “hitch” ride service from 10 pm to 6 am as part of its response to the killing of a female passenger.Passengers and drivers will receive safety warnings for orders near 10 pm.作为对此前女乘客遇害事件的回应,滴滴出行周三表示,将暂停接受22点-6点期间出发的顺风车订单。在临近22点时接受的订单,在出发前会对合乘双方进行安全提示。在此次整改措施中,滴滴出行表示,顺风车服务下线所有个性化标签和评论功能(remove the features of personalized tags and comments),顺风车平台合乘双方的个人信息和头像改为仅自己可见,外显头像全部为系统默认的虚拟头像(default profile photo)。同时,每次出车前司机都要进行人脸识别(facial recognition)。

顺风车(ride sharing/hitch ride)只是网约车平台提供的众多服务之一,其他还包括专车(tailored taxi service)、快车(fast ride)、出租车(taxi hailing)、单车(bike sharing)、代驾(chauffeuring)、自驾租车(car rental)等。

在保障乘客安全方面,滴滴将把紧急求助(emergency call)功能提升至页面的显著位置,除了原有功能外,乘客还可一键拨打110、120、122及平台安全客服等求助电话。最后附上一些搭乘网约车、出租车的安全小贴士。大家出行时一定要注意安全!不乘坐“黑的”

Stay away from illegal taxi 告诉朋友你的搭车信息

Share your trip details with a friend 尽量不要拼车 Avoid car-pooling 尽量不要坐副驾驶 Sit in the backseat 不要透露个人信息

Do not share your personal information 自己在手机上导航

Navigate from your phone 民营自研商用亚轨道火箭 commercial sub-orbital rocket designed and built by a private enterprise

The OS-X suborbital rocket, developed and made by OneSpace Technology.It flew 306 seconds and traveled 273 kilometers through the atmosphere before falling back to the ground, the company said.OS—X亚轨道火箭由零壹空间航天科技公司研发,飞行时间306秒,飞行距离273公里,在落入地面之前一直在大气层内飞行。法律服务网 legal service website 中继卫星 relay satellite China launched a relay satellite early Monday to set up a communication link between Earth and the planned Chang'e-4 lunar probe that will explore the mysterious far side of Moon, which can not be seen from Earth.中国于21日凌晨发射中继卫星,将为将来实施的嫦娥四号月球背面软着陆探测任务提供地月间的中继通信。

The satellite, named Queqiao(Magpie Bridge), was carried by a Long March-4C rocket that blasted off at 5:28 a.m.from southwest China's Xichang Satellite Launch Center, according to the China National Space Administration(CNSA).据中国国家航天局消息,这颗卫星名为鹊桥,由长征四号丙运载火箭于5时28分在西昌卫星发射中心发射升空。

区块链产业链条 industrial chain for the blockchain sector

According to the white paper recently released by the ministry's Information Center, a complete industrial chain for the blockchain sector has emerged in China, ranging from hardware manufacturing, platform and security services, to application services, investment, media and human resources services.As of March, the number of blockchain tech companies in China reached 456.白皮书称,截至2018年3月底,我国的区块链公司数量达到456家,涉及硬件制造、平台服务、安全服务,到产业技术应用服务,以及行业投融资、媒体、人才服务,区块链产业链条已经形成。《白皮书》显示,2017年是近几年的区块链创业高峰期(the peak year for blockchain development),由于区块链概念的快速普及,以及技术的逐步成熟,很多创业者涌入这个领域,新成立公司数量达到178家。

从公司的地域分布状况来看,地域分布相对集中,产业集聚效应(industrial agglomeration effect)明显。北京、上海、广东、浙江依然是区块链创业的集中地,区块链企业占比超80%。什么是区块链?

工信部指导发布的《中国区块链技术和应用发展白皮书2016》这样解释:广义来讲,区块链技术(blockchain technology)是利用块链式数据结构(blockchain data structure)来验证与存储数据、利用分布式节点共识算法(distributed consensus algorithm)来生成和更新数据、利用密码学(cryptography)的方式保证数据传输和访问的安全、利用由自动化脚本代码组成的智能合约来编程和操作数据的一种全新的分布式基础架构与计算范式。

简单地说,区块链就是一种去中心化的分布式账本数据库(decentralized and distributed ledger database)。去中心化,即与传统中心化的方式不同,这里是没有中心,或者说人人都是中心;分布式账本数据库,意味着记载方式不只是将账本数据存储在每个节点,而且每个节点会同步共享复制整个账本的数据(simultaneously share a copy of the ledger)。区块链技术支撑的交易模式下,买家和卖家可直接交易,无需通过任何中介平台(intermediary platform)。买卖双方交易后,系统通过广播的形式发布交易信息,所有收到信息的主机在确认信息无误后记录下这笔交易,相当于所有的主机都为这次交易做了数据备份。这种数据存储结构具有透明(transparent)、可追踪(traceble)、不可篡改(unalterable)、数据安全(data security)等特点。“特金会”纪念币 commemorative coin

Members of the White House Communications Agency, which provides a range of communications support to US presidents, created and issued a commemorative coin featuring Trump and Kim's likeness with the words “PEACE TALKS” above them.白宫通信局成员制作并发布了一款纪念币,印有特朗普和金正恩的头像,上方有“和谈”二字。白宫通信局为美国总统提供通信支持。逃犯克星 fugitive trapper

On Sunday(May 20), police captured a fugitive at a concert by Jacky Cheung, held in Jiaxing, a city in eastern Zhejiang province.It was the third time in two months that facial recognition technology led to the arrest of a wanted person at one of Cheung’s concerts.汽车进口关税 automobile import tariffs

China will slash import tariffs for automobiles and vehicle components starting July 1 as part of its efforts to further open up the world's largest car market, the Ministry of Finance said on Tuesday.财政部22日表示,自7月1日起,我国将降低汽车整车及零部件进口关税,这是我国作为世界最大汽车市场进一步开放的部分举措。

汽车进口关税(automobile import tariffs)主要由关税(tariff)、消费税(consumption tax)、增值税(value-added tax)三部分构成。其中消费税是根据进口汽车排气量(imported automobiles' exhaust)而定的,排气量越大的汽车消费税越高。相对于原本高昂的价格,降低关税可以有效减少进口车一部分的价格。据财政部网站消息称,目前税率为20-25%的汽车整车税率(automobile tariffs)将降至15%;目前税率为8%-25%的汽车零部件税率将降至6%。

中国汽车流通协会有形市场分会常务副理事长苏晖表示,此次下调关税对豪华车市场(luxury car market)的影响最大,而对中端车和经济型轿车(intermediate and economy cars)影响相对较小。由于高档车(premium car)本身价格就很高昂,如果下调10%对价格成本的影响就会很大。行业分析人士称,下调汽车及零部件进口关税将降低进口汽车售价(make imported vehicles less expensive),利好国内广大消费者(benefit the vast number of consumers in China)并鼓励行业竞争(encourage competition in the industry)。

煎饼馃子 Chinese savoury crepe

中华文明探源工程 the project aimed at tracing the origins of Chinese civilization The project aimed at tracing the origins of Chinese civilization released its archaeological research results on Monday.According to its findings, Chinese civilization can be traced back more than 5,000 years based on the large-scale archaeological research in many domestic ruins.中华文明探源工程28日发布考古研究成果,在国内多个遗址进行的大规模考古研究证实,中华文明可以追溯到5000多年以前。



网络敲诈和有偿删帖,可以用online extortion and paid post deletions 表示,一些网站或不法分子假借开展批评性报道或以“维权、监督、曝光”之名(in the name of rights defense, supervision or exposure),向涉事地方党政机关和企业索要“广告费”(advertising fees)、“赞助费”(sponsorship)。网络敲诈和有偿删帖是不法行为,损害了网络信息的有序流动(damage the orderly flow of information),扰乱了市场秩序(disrupt market order),危害监管机构和媒体的形象(harm the image of regulators and media)。

城乡一体化可以用英文rural-urban integration或the integration of urban and rural areas表示。过去几十年来,随着城市的扩张(urban expansion),中国也着重关注农村发展(rural development),期望将农村建设为新经济引擎(economic engine)。

“创客文化”英文可以说成“maker culture”,“创客”(maker)一词是美国《连线》杂志前主编克里斯•安德森创造的英文词汇,指代根据个人爱好和兴趣(hobbies and interests)将创新理念(innovative ideas)转变为创意产品(creative products)的人。“创客文化”是“自己动手文化”(do-it-yourself culture)的延伸,结合了科技、创新和实践。

GDP是词组gross domestic product的缩写,中文意为“国内生产总值”。再给大家补充一点经济常识,GDP的定义为:the gross national product excluding the value of net income earned abroad(除去在国外所赚净收益价值的国民生产总值)。这个概念区别于GNP,gross national product(国民生产总值),the total value of the goods and services produced by the residents of a nation during a specified period(一定时期内一个国家居民生产的商品和服务的价值总和)。

Comprehensive是指“综合的”,levy作动词意为征收(税收等),因此comprehensive tax levying就是“综合计征”。

突发环境事件即environmental emergencies,即因自然或人类活动事件引起的危及环境或人类健康的事件。新《预案》指出,突发换环境事件主要包括大气污染、水体污染、土壤污染(air, water and soil pollution)等突发性环境污染事件,不包括核设施及有关活动发生的核事故造成的辐射污染事件(radiation pollution caused by nuclear accident)、海上溢油事件(marine oil spills)、船舶污染事件(ship pollution)、以及天气污染(weather induced pollution)。

平行进口(parallel imports)是指本国的商标权人(trademark owner)将自己生产的商品出售给国外经销商(overseas distributor)或者将自己的商标许可(trademark license)给国外生产企业后,这些国外的经销商或者生产企业将其与商标权人在国内生产的相同的商品,重新进口到国内的做法。

“电子证据”可以用electronic evidence表示,所谓电子证据就是被作为证据研究的、能够证明案件相关事实的电子文件(electronic files)。此前电子文件与信息并未被法庭认定为证据,极大地减慢了审判过程(trial process),损害了当事人的合法权益(the legitimate rights of the parties)。

人大代表(NPC member)和政协委员(CPPCC member)的职责是参政议政(participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs),正如有委员所说,曾志伟的缺席就代表64万人失去权利(lose right)。这些没有做过任何建设性事情(don't do anything constructive)的明星委员应该被替换掉。

宣传视频可以用promotional video/promotion video表示,表示宣传的词还有publicity,如宣传片(publicity film),propaganda 也有宣传的意思,但它倾向于用夸张的想法和说法获取支持或影响民意,是贬义词。

“协商民主”用consultative democracy,是中国社会主义民主政治中独特的、独有的、独到的民主形式(a democratic pattern),社会主义协商民主(socialist consultative democracy)体现了党的群众路线政策(“mass line” policy),发展社会主义协商主义民主对深化政治制度改革(deepen reform of the political system)至关重要。

给某人“减刑”即have someone's prison sentence commuted。作为名词的“减刑”可用commutation表示。最高检指出,许多职务犯罪(duty-related crimes)、金融犯罪(economic crimes)、涉黑犯罪(crimes involving mafia-like gangs)中的“有权人”和“有钱人”,较之普通罪犯减刑间隔时间短、减刑幅度大,假释(be released on parole)和暂予监外执行(submit medical certificates requiring them to serve their sentences outside)比例高。有的罪犯采取假计分、假立功、假鉴定等手段违法获取减刑、假释、暂予监外执行。

汽车运输列车服务可以用car-carrying train service表示,简单来说就是将旅客的私家车用火车运输到目的地。北京铁路局(Beijing Railway Bureau)在国庆、北京APCE期间就为自驾游旅客开通

了自驾游汽车运输专列(car-carrying trains),市场反应良好。

巡视工作动员部署会通报称,央企主要存在以下问题:违反政治纪律、政治规矩,通过利益输送谋求个人升迁(seeking promotion via bribery),选人用人(personnel selection and appointments)问题突出,企业内部存在买官卖官(buying and selling positions)、搞团团伙伙(forming cliques);利用手中权力(abusing their power)倒卖资产资源(embezzlement from dealing in materials and resources),采购招投标(project bidding)违规谋利,家属子女靠山吃山(nepotism)、谋取私利。

红包大战可以用red-envelope war/fight, battle of the red envelopes 表示,红包(red-envelope/ money in red envelop)俗称压岁钱(lucky/gift money)。电子红包(electronic red-envelope)近年迅速兴起,各互联网巨头为增加用户粘性,各施奇招,“红包大战”日趋白热化(turn white-hot),红包渐成了一大网络迷因(Internet /online meme)。

所谓平行进口汽车是指未经品牌厂商授权(unauthorized),贸易商(dealers)从海外市场购买(imported from overseas market),并引入中国市场进行销售的汽车。此举将推动汽车市场(auto market)的竞争,并赋予消费者更多选择(giving consumers more choice)。

“贸易顺差、资本流出”格局可以用the structure of “trade surplus and capital outflow”表示,中国外汇监管机构表示,2015年中国跨境资金流动(cross-border capital flows)将仍然不稳定,货物贸易顺差有可能进一步扩大,全年可能继续呈现跨境资金有进有出、双向振荡的格局。

Stand-up comedy就是“相声”,也可以表达为cross talk。今年春晚开心麻花的short play(小品)也是反腐主题,反腐语言类节目成了今年春晚的最大特色。

“收视率”在英文中多用ratings表示,“直播节目收视率”就是telecast ratings。央视春晚(China Central Television's Spring Festival gala)虽然近几年收视连续下滑,但是作为普通民众除夕夜的传统节目,还是受到不少人的喜爱。今年春晚虽然收视率下降,但是人均收视时长(per capita viewing time)为155.5分钟,比起去年的人均66分钟大幅增长。

“行贿黑名单”即bribery blacklist,也就是全国行贿犯罪档案库(national online database of people convicted of bribery),是检察机关运用计算机对行贿犯罪信息进行分类录入、存储和管理而形成的档案库。

“社会抚养费”就是social maintenance fees,也就是我们常说的“超生罚款”。携程规定,无息贷款(interest-free loans)的额度不超过社会抚养征收缴纳金额(the government's drafted social maintenance fees),而且原则上不超过税后收入(after-tax income)的3倍。最高金额不超过人民币20万。还款时限(the repayment period)不超过120个月。

“四个全面”即Four Comprehensives,指的是:全面建成小康社会(comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society)、全面深化改革(comprehensively deepen reform)、全面依法治国(comprehensively implement the rule of law)、全面从严治党(comprehensively strengthen Party discipline)。习近平在2014年12月份首次提出了这个概念。

“养老服务业”可以用 elderly care service industry 表示,是为老年人提供生活照顾和护理服务(nursing service),满足老年人特殊的生活需求和精神需求的服务行业。面对人口老龄化(aging population)问题,如何养老也备受关注,各类养老服务应运而生,如居家养老服务(home-based care service)、社区养老服务(community nursing service)等。

小微企业就是micro and small companies。税收优惠是tax break,特指政府针对某个群体或组织减免税额。史耀斌表示,进一步降低税费负担,旨在提高小微企业抗风险能力,让其在经济下行(economic downturn)压力下能够“轻装上阵”。

“义新欧”货运班列,即Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe cargo train。“义新欧”全长13052公里,是世界最长的铁路货运线路(cargo line)。它途经新疆阿拉山口境外口岸进入哈萨克斯坦,再经俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、波兰、德国、法国,最后到达西班牙马德里



假摔(diving)Jeju Island(济州岛)man-of-the-match award最佳球员

“高考加分政策”就是preferential policy that awards bonus points in the national college entrance exams。

日本内阁决议案文本表示,集体自卫权的行使范围包括与日本有亲密关系的国家遭受了外敌的攻击(close allies under attack),事态危及日本国民的生命(a clear danger that the people's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness could be subverted)和国家的存亡(a threat to the existence of the Japanese state),日本可以行使有必要的最小限度的武力(exercise force to the minimum degree necessary)。

rule him out for the rest of the tournament即“使他无法参加世界杯剩余的比赛”,京津冀公交“一卡通”就是integration of transportation card,也就是使用统一的public transport card(公交卡),这是Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei transportation integration project(京津冀交通一体化规划方案)的一部分。

自2002年起,国际足联会在每年的一个重要足球赛事期间指定国际足联反歧视日(FIFA Anti-Discrimination Days),以在世界范围内提高反歧视的意识。反歧视日的活动主要有:新闻通气会(media briefing)、媒体发布会(media release)以及赛前宣誓仪式(pre-match protocol),比赛双方的队长会当场宣读反歧视宣言(declaration against discrimination),在这之后,双方队员和当值裁判集中在赛场中央集体展示足球界反对歧视的立场:SAY NO TO RACISM。

The Great Beijing Outer Ring Road(北京大外环),俗称the 7th Ring Road(七环),是Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei transportation integration plan(京津冀交通一体化规划方案)的一部分,目的是通过high-speed rail(高铁)和 highways(高速公路)加强北京和邻省之间的联系。比如说,现在从北京到河北白洋淀需要乘车2小时,但修了七环后,所用时间将会减半。

本轮战略对话,双方将就中美关系(Sino-US relations)、各自内外政策(domestic and foreign policy)、双边重要敏感问题(significant and sensitive bilateral issues)、两国在亚太地区的互动(interaction between two countries at the Asia-Pacific region)以及共同关心的国际地区问题(international and regional issues of common concern)和全球性挑战(global challenges)深入交换意见。

本轮经济对话,双方将围绕“推进相互尊重、合作共赢的中美经济伙伴关系”(to promote a Sino-US economic partnership of mutual respect and cooperative win-win)主题,就宏观经济和结构改革(macro-economic and structure reform)、深化贸易与投资合作(deepening cooperation in trade and investment)、金融业改革开放与跨境监管合作(reform and opening-up of the financial sector and cooperation in cross-border supervision)三大议题举行专题会议。

“墙面广告”就是wall advertisements,也可称为“刷墙广告”。京东在墙上的广告标语是Hard work makes you rich, and shopping on JD.com helps you run a thrifty home(“发家致富靠劳动,勤俭持家靠京东”),其他电商也不甘示弱,淘


自今年9月1日到2017年年底,国家将对新能源汽车(new-energy vehicles)免征车辆购置税(auto-purchase tax),这里的新能源汽车包括:纯电动汽车(Blade Electric Vehicles ,简称BEV),插电式混合动力汽车(Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,简称PHEV),以及燃料电池电动汽车(fuel-cell electric vehicles)。

“无烟缓冲区”就是smoke-free buffer zone,在无烟缓冲区也不得吸烟。根据北京将出台的新法规,儿童经常去的公园等场所也将禁止吸烟。

此次成立金砖国家新发展银行(New Development Bank,NDB)并设立应急储备基金(contingent reserve arrangement,CRA)是2013年《德班宣言》中相关协议的“落地”。“新发展银行”将为金砖国家和其他发展中国家的基建和可持续发展提供资源支持(financing infrastructure projects and sustainable development);应急储备基金则用以防范各国短期资金流动压力(forestall short-term liquidity pressures),加强全球金融稳定(strengthen global financial stability),并对现有的国际应急机制形成补充(complement existing international arrangements)。

Shoot down a passenger plane 击落民航客机

surface-to-air missile 地对空导弹

The origin of the missile remained unclear.导弹发射方尚不清楚。

deny responsibility 否认对此负责

avoid Ukrainian airspace 避开乌克兰领空

portable air defense missile 便携式防空导弹

All flights should be rerouted 所有航班均需改道

Long-range missile 远程导弹

Ukrainian military and pro-Russian rebels accuse each other of shooting down the plane 乌克兰军方和亲俄分裂分子互相指责对方击落客机

air traffic control 空中交通管制

plane wreckage 飞机残骸

Buk missile launcher布克导弹发射器

passenger nationalities 乘客国籍

passenger manifest 乘客名单

“广场舞”就是public square dancing,是不少中国中老年妇女喜爱的一项娱乐休闲活动。她们通常在晚上跳广场舞。因为跳广场舞要伴随着amplified music(放大音量的音乐),因而让一些居民很困扰

信息主权(information sovereignty)就是国家在信息领域的主权、维护自己国家信息安全的权利(the right to preserve its own information security)。

Residential mortgage-backed debt也就是residential mortgage-backed securities,简称RMBS,即“住房贷款抵押证券”,也称为“按揭抵押证券”。这种证券是将银行持有的住房抵押贷款转化为证券,在资本市场上出售给投资


“过期肉”可用out-of-date meat或expired meat表示,指的就是过了保质期的肉制品。

官员在企业兼职(holding concurrent posts)曾经是相对普遍的一个现象,不少上市公司(listed companies)都会邀请官员担任企业的独立董事(independent director)、独立监事(independent supervisor)或者外部董事(outside director)。高校“上调学费”就是tuition hike或tuition increase。去年以来,山东、福建、湖北等多个省份的高校学费都进行了上调,近日浙江也就上调高校学费举行了public hearing(听证会)

此次英国内政部宣布的对华签证体系改进措施(improvements to the visa system in China)具体包括:mobile biometric service(上门采集申请人员指纹信息)、面向北京、上海、广州申请者的24-hour super priority visa(24小时超级优先签证服务)、passport pass-back service(当天退还护照服务)以便申请者同时提交英国及申根国签证申请、将three to five-day priority service(3-5天优先服务)推广至所有12个签证中心,以及开放 “out-of-working-hours” appointments(非工作时间预约服务);同时,对于申请前往“获准旅游目的地”(ADS: Chinese Government-Endorsed Approved Destination Scheme)的中国旅行团及回访者,简化申请流程。

户籍制度改革(reform of household registration system)屡次成为近年的热议话题,此次国务院印发的《意见》就进一步推进户籍制度改革提出3方面11条具体政策措施,包括:进一步调整户口迁移政策(adjusting household registration transfer policy)、创新人口管理(innovate population management),以及切实保障农业转移人口及其他常住人口合法权益(safeguard the legal rights and benefits of rural people who have moved to cities and other permanent residents)。

“航班延误险”就是flight-delay insurance,购买了航空延误险的客人,无论遭遇何种原因造成的航班延误,只要超过规定时间,均可获得赔偿。每个航空公司对航班延误的赔偿金都不一样。航班延误险可自主选购,一般是20元一份。


1.十八届三中全会 The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee


2.“单独二胎”政策Two-child fertility policy for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a single child family


3.美国“监听”** Eavesdropping on world leaders and ordinary citizens


4.曼德拉去世 Nelson Mandela passed away


5.***案庭审 The trial of Bo Xilai


6.防空识别区 Air defense identification zone


7.上海自由贸易试验区 Shanghai pilot free trade zone


8.渐进式延迟退休年龄 Raising the retirement age in progressive steps


9.月球车“玉兔” Moon rover Yutu


10.空气末日 Airpocalypse




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