
时间:2019-05-14 01:45:54下载本文作者:会员上传

























天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.com As a reminder for future generations of the inhumane suffering endured by the victims over a 400-year period, and as a tribute to the spirited resistance to the system, a permanent memorial is to be erected at UN Headquarters.I am proud that the United Nations will host a memorial symbolizing universal recognition of a tragedy that befell Africans and people of African descent and disgraced humankind as a whole.In addition to remembering the crimes of the slave trade, we also use this Day to teach about the causes and consequences of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.And we pledge to be ever vigilant about the many contemporary forms of slavery, including debt bondage, trafficking in persons, sexual exploitation, the worst forms of child labour, forced marriage and the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict.New laws, institutions and mindsets have given us better tools for the struggle against these ills.Yet we must also recognize that bias has increased in many parts of the world.We see discriminatory practices gaining political, moral and even legal recognition, including through the platforms of some political parties and organizations and the dissemination through modern communication technologies of ideas based on the notion of racial superiority.The United Nations remains firmly committed to countering such hateful acts and trends.This is a matter of principle, in keeping with our Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Political Declaration adopted at last year‘s High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.But it is also a means to an end: intolerance and discrimination are among the roots of conflicts and are major obstacles to development.The theme of this year‘s observance, ―Honouring the heroes, resisters and survivors‖, recognizes those who stood up against slavery when the trade was at its height, and those who stand up now to protect against its manifestations today.On this International Day, let us all reaffirm our commitment to combating racism and building societies based on justice, equality and solidarity.了解严重侵犯人权行为真相的权利和受害者尊严国际日致辞 2012年3月24日








值此国际日之际,让我们携手合作,帮助所有受害者获得了解真相的权利,为所有那些争取真相的人提供保护。New York, 24 March 2012Secretary-General's message on World Tuberculosis Day For too long, tuberculosis has not received sufficient attention.The result of this neglect is needless suffering: in 2010 alone, nearly 9 million people fell ill with TB and 1.4 million died, with 95 per cent of these deaths occurring in developing countries.These numbers make tuberculosis the second top infectious killer of adults worldwide.The impact reverberates far beyond the individuals directly affected.TB takes a heavy toll on families and communities.Millions of children have lost their parents.Children who are exposed to sick family members are at high risk of contracting the disease.Far too many go untreated, since TB is often difficult to diagnose and treat in children.That is why this year we should aim to expand awareness of how children are affected by the disease.It is critical to support those who lack the means to respond with the care and treatment they need to enjoy healthy and productive lives.With the right interventions, we can make a major difference.We know how to end all forms of TB, including multi-drug resistant

天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.com TB – which has emerged in most countries – before it leads to severe manifestations that are costly to treat and cause additional suffering.Where we have taken strong and proven measures, the number of people falling ill with TB has declined markedly.The World Health Organization reports that our concerted efforts have helped to cut death rates by 40 per cent since 1990.Forty-six million people have been cured and seven million lives have been saved since 1995 thanks to the efforts of the United Nations, governments, donors, civil society groups, private partners, public health experts, and tens of thousands of health workers and affected families and communities.Now is the time to be even more ambitious and ―Stop TB in our lifetime,‖ the theme of this year‘s World TB Day.I call for intensified global solidarity to ensure that all people are free from fear of tuberculosis and its devastating effects.Let us vow to end the neglect of TB and to end deaths from this disease in our lifetime.世界水日致辞 2012年3月22日







值此世界水日,我促请所有伙伴充分利用里约+20联合国可持续发展大会的机会。在里约会议上,我们需要在绿色经济范畴内将水安全与粮食和营养安全联系起来。水将为我们创建理想的未来发挥核心作用。New York, 22 March 2012Secretary-General's message on World Down Syndrome Day

Today marks the first commemoration of World Down Syndrome Day.I congratulate the global partnership of governments, activists, families, professionals and others that worked so tirelessly and passionately to bring this Day into existence.For too long, persons with Down syndrome, including children, have been left on the margins of society.In many countries, they continue to face stigma and discrimination as well as legal, attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their participation in their communities.Discrimination can be as invidious as forced sterilization or as subtle as segregation and isolation through both physical and social barriers.Persons with Down syndrome are often denied the right to equal recognition before the law, as well as the right to vote or be elected.Intellectual impairments have also been seen as legitimate grounds for depriving persons with Down syndrome of their liberty, and for holding them in specialized institutions, sometimes for their entire lives.In many countries, girls and boys with intellectual disabilities lack sufficient access to mainstream education.The prejudice that children with Down syndrome obstruct the education of others has led some parents of children with intellectual disabilities to put their children in special schools or keep them at home.Yet research shows – and more people are coming to understand – that diversity in the classroom leads to learning and understanding that benefit all children.The United Nations has worked for decades to ensure the well-being and human rights of all people.These efforts were strengthened by the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006.The Convention embodies a

天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.com paradigm shift in which persons with disabilities are no longer regarded as objects of charity and welfare, but as persons with equal rights and dignity who can make an enormous contribution to society in their own right.On this day, let us reaffirm that persons with Down syndrome are entitled to the full and effective enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.Let us each do our part to enable children and persons with Down syndrome to participate fully in the development and life of their societies on an equal basis with others.Let us build an inclusive society for all.消除种族歧视国际日致辞 2012年3月21日







New York, 21 March 2012Secretary-General's message on the International Day of Nowruz For three thousand years of world history and for three hundred million people today, Nowruz unites regions and nationalities, religions and languages to share in the renewal of life on the first day of Spring.Nowruz is a day for family and friends, for festive meals, for dancing and singing.It is a day to celebrate the value of mutual respect and the aspiration for harmony held by all societies.It is a moment for cleansing and rebirth, an opportunity to renew wishes of peace and goodwill.Each Nowruz showcases the world‘s diversity and offers an opportunity for deepening the ties that bind us all together.This is

天之聪教育www.xiexiebang.com why Nowruz was recently added to UNESCO‘s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.The shared effort behind that step also led the United Nations General Assembly to declare 21 March as the International Day of Nowruz.At a time of global change and uncertainty, including in many regions where Nowruz is celebrated, the message of peace that lies at the core of this observance is especially important.My thoughts are with those communities observing Nowruz under difficult circumstances.This holiday is a reminder that we share a common fate and must work for a better future for all.Let us join forces to celebrate the rebirth of life and express our commitment to building a safer, more peaceful and just global community.This is the promise of Nowruz – and our task together throughout the year.国际妇女日致辞 2012年3月8日






在今天国际妇女日之际,我敦请各国政府、民间社会和私营部门承诺实现性别平等和增强妇女权能——这是一项基本人权,是惠益全体人民的动力。妇女和女孩的能量、才能和力量是人类尚未开发的最宝贵的自然资源。New York, 8 March 2012Secretary-General's message on the World Day of Social Justice Over the past year, the winds of change have swept across the globe.Citizens by the millions have voiced their discontent around similar themes: inequality, corruption, repression and the absence of decent work.At the heart of this mass mobilization lies a call for social justice.Achieving social justice for all is integrally linked to realizing the agreed development goals articulated at the Copenhagen Social Summit, the Millennium Summit and elsewhere.As we look to the upcoming Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, we have a chance to rethink development strategies and business practices so that they point us toward a more sustainable and equitable future.Sustainability depends on building markets that do a better job of spreading the benefits of development.It means meeting growing consumer demand for greener products and services.And it means laying the foundations for dignity, stability and opportunity for all.As we strive to make this transformation, we must integrate social inclusion into our policies and other efforts.Let us work together to balance the global economy and build a new social contract for the 21st century.Let us chart a development path that leads to greater social justice and the future we want 缅怀大屠杀受难者国际纪念日致辞 2012年1月27日

















New York, 27 January 2012-Secretary-General's message for the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust One and a half million Jewish children perished in the Holocaust – victims of persecution by the Nazis and their supporters.Tens of thousands of other children were also murdered.They included people with disabilities? as well as Roma and Sinti.All were victims of a hate-filled ideology that labelled them ―inferior‖.This year's International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust is dedicated to the children – girls and boys who faced sheer terror and evil.Many were orphaned by the war, or ripped away from their families.Many died of starvation, disease or at the hands of their abusers.We will never know what these children might have contributed to our world.And among the survivors, many were too shattered to tell their stories.Today, we seek to give voice to those accounts.That is why the United Nations continues to teach the universal lessons of the Holocaust.It is why we strive to promote children's rights and aspirations – every day and everywhere.And it is why we will continue to be inspired by the shining example of great humanitarians such as Raoul Wallenberg, in this, the centennial year of his birth.Today, as we remember all those lost during the Holocaust – young and old alike--I call on all nations to protect the most vulnerable, regardless of race, colour, gender or religious beliefs.Children are uniquely vulnerable to the worst of humankind.We must show them the best this world has to offer.Thank you.













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